
Feb 15, 2005

Hey everyone,

This week’s featured board is the Batman board and today I’ll like for everyone to discuss the recent release of Batman: Arkham Knight. What are your first impressions of the game? Also, which game is your favorite Arkham game?

Personally, I plan to make this game one of my first current-gen purchases and I’d love to hear others thoughts on it. The first Arkham game that I played was Batman: Arkham City, and it restored my interest in superhero based video games. Its combat, story, and the scope of the city itself impressed me.

So, if you’re a fan of Batman and the Arkham series of video games gather around in this thread and the Batman board.
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Apr 9, 2013
My overall impressions for it are its a great game. What I would expect from a next gen arkham game, and mainly a next gen game. Batmobile is love and needs a figure of some form.


Aug 6, 2011
I love this game. I've already played through the Harley Quinn DLC and I can't help but think that Harley is really hot...on mute.


Mar 5, 2014
I love batman.. i play these game for that.. but.. the game is pure shit.. really... bugs everywhere.. And 4900 Negatives reviews in steam..


Oct 26, 2014
Game is amazing the story is epic as always and batman as well as the joker even in death still has the conviction to do his part as an arch-nemesis and give more substance to batman not just as a detective but as something way deeper, haven't beaten it yet but game is gonna win some awards and the batmobile is amazing but way to even the playing field giving them tanks the game would be too easy if there were no enemy tanks
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Max isn't creative lol
Dec 25, 2011
Game is amazing the story is epic as always and batman as well as the joker even in death still has the conviction to do his part as an arch-nemesis and give more substance to batman not just as a detective but as something way deeper, haven't beaten it yet but game is gonna win some awards and the batmobile is amazing but way even the playing field giving them tanks the game would be too easy if there were no enemy tanks
nice spoilers. Reported [face_plain]


Oct 26, 2014
not that bad of a shadow of mordor clone
How is it a shadow of mordor clone when this games concept style was thought of and introduced in 2009 w/ arkham asylum WAY before shadow of mordor was made, and shadow of mordor is a "clone" of assassins creed with a dull story line I beat it in 4hrs
haha what a first post you got there plebe, obviously shadow or mordor was the first one of its kind and way superior than any of the other shadow of mordor clones (Batman, Assassins Creed, Forza), get over yourself
We aren't in ancient Rome
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Worst Username On IGN
Jan 11, 2011
New World
Tank combat is meh but then again most of the gadget stuff was never great. It's just another distraction, though it does feel forced.

I'm a big fan of the way they're telling the story though. I'm not even a big Batman fan or anything so the fanservice shouldn't get me but does.


Feb 15, 2005
Guys, please. That’s enough of that. I’d rather not have to mod anything in this thread.


Prime Member
Apr 5, 2001
Batmobile ruins the game because they force you to use it so much to the point it gets annoying.
It should an optional thing .

Its a good game but would be better with less bat mobile. Batman hardly ever uses the bat mobile but in this game you are constantly having to use it.
Then of course the few times you want to call it in, you cant LOL
Oct 18, 2012
This game is incredible. The game play is more fined and fluid, the batmobile and the gadgets are all great and so useful. The story is amazing as well so far.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 21, 2006
unplayable on my computer at the moment. Im sure I would love the game, but until its fixed, I just have to wait it out and avoid spoilers like the plague.


Feb 15, 2005
It's a really a shame that the PC version is experiencing so many issues. Hopefully they'll be ironed out soon though.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2006
My first impression is very positive overall. The combat has never been better. It has slightly improved the mechanics over past games and also added some cool new features with the fear takedowns and Batmobile assisted takedowns.

I do agree with others in that the Batmobile sections aren't great and they all feel very forced. Especially early game when every other objective is "Hey, check out this new feature and use the Batmobile to tear down that wall!"

Unfortunately, I have the game on PC, so I'm experiencing some of the issues there. I don't have a sensitive enough eye to see all the missing AO and rain textures and whatnot that many people are complaining about, but the game should certainly run smoother on my machine. However, with the driver update and some tips and tricks from around the internet, I'm able to run the game at 45-60 frames. Not great, but far from unplayable, as is the case for some.


Apr 1, 2015
I'm loving it so far. the twist and constant presence of a certain character form past games is awesome. Also the callbacks to Arkham origins are done really well. The story is keeping me more engaed than the gameplay! and thats saying something. had trouble with the batmobile at first but i am coming along .


Sep 9, 2013
Im stuck on one of the first scarecrow missions where youre using the tow shot on the batmobile and you have to "use the cars weight" to break a wall or door, (not sure what it is) while on a roof. I was trying to figure it out for about 10 minutes before i said screw it and started looking for answers online. Nothing

if anyone can remember this first mission PLEASE HELP lol
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Mar 17, 2015
lol i preordered and predownloaded to be ready........i bought the PC version.........need i say more?
Mar 23, 2011
Not a bad game; controls take a little getting use to; especially since you can't do custom control schemes. :/
May 29, 2013
not that bad of a shadow of mordor clone
How is it a shadow of mordor clone when this games concept style was thought of and introduced in 2009 w/ arkham asylum WAY before shadow of mordor was made, and shadow of mordor is a "clone" of assassins creed with a dull story line I beat it in 4hrs
haha what a first post you got there plebe, obviously shadow or mordor was the first one of its kind and way superior than any of the other shadow of mordor clones (Batman, Assassins Creed, Forza), get over yourself

What are you talking about...Shadow of Mordor was definitely a clone of Batman. I'm pretty sure it came out after all 3 Batman games.


Feb 9, 2011
Several notes. First off, I LOVE how they bring the joker back into the mix. Second, Maybe I'm not far enough in the game, but I haven't found any Riddler trophies or puzzle/Easter eggs. I hope its not just the bat moblie track stuff. Lastly, I still haven't gotten used to the bat mobile controls. Either Im not used to them by now, or their just bad/wonky. After playing racing games all my life, its just weird not to have break/power slide/reverse be the left trigger. I keep trying to drift or reverse, and I end up going into tank mode. Besides those two gripes, its more batman, whats not to love?


Apr 1, 2015
Several notes. First off, I LOVE how they bring the joker back into the mix. Second, Maybe I'm not far enough in the game, but I haven't found any Riddler trophies or puzzle/Easter eggs. I hope its not just the bat moblie track stuff. Lastly, I still haven't gotten used to the bat mobile controls. Either Im not used to them by now, or their just bad/wonky. After playing racing games all my life, its just weird not to have break/power slide/reverse be the left trigger. I keep trying to drift or reverse, and I end up going into tank mode. Besides those two gripes, its more batman, whats not to love?
You can change the batmobile controls in the start menu. idid and i am having no issues. Hope this helps
Mar 14, 2014
Overall Arkham Knight is a great game with a sub-par story made even more so because of the choice of Rocksteady in the way they marketed the game new antagonist. When you say completely originial character and basically lie because your too far in development to change is disappointing.

The game needed Paul Dini back to better.
Nov 27, 2013
not that bad of a shadow of mordor clone
How is it a shadow of mordor clone when this games concept style was thought of and introduced in 2009 w/ arkham asylum WAY before shadow of mordor was made, and shadow of mordor is a "clone" of assassins creed with a dull story line I beat it in 4hrs
Shadow of Mordor is a great game the copied the play style of arkham city. Shadow of Mordor in 4 hours means you didn't do shit in the game except for the main story. The game is easily 40 hours if played properly.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 30, 2005
Seemingly good game that i was forced to return in less than an hour due to massive performance issues.
It's a shame that Rocksteady's last Batman game has started off with such a poor showing.


Prime Member
Jun 28, 2006
I haven't played much but the beginning didn't pull me in as much as Arkham City did. I'm sure I'll get invested as I continue playing but it seemed a bit more abrupt intro this time around. Perhaps because the intro was less personal than in AC.
May 12, 2015
Other than the PC performance issues (which im messing around with the INI files) I'm enjoying the game more than expected.
Scarecrow is actually an amazing threat
Arkham Knight is an awesome opposite of Batman
Voice acting is solid


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
not that bad of a shadow of mordor clone
How is it a shadow of mordor clone when this games concept style was thought of and introduced in 2009 w/ arkham asylum WAY before shadow of mordor was made, and shadow of mordor is a "clone" of assassins creed with a dull story line I beat it in 4hrs
haha what a first post you got there plebe, obviously shadow or mordor was the first one of its kind and way superior than any of the other shadow of mordor clones (Batman, Assassins Creed, Forza), get over yourself


Nov 4, 2012
I still haven't been able to have a good sit to play the game. Had an hour with it yesterday and it looks really good.

The combat feels really more fluid than the past games, really similar to the improvements Warner put on Shadow of Mordor. (Not trying to start that war again but I do feel the combat feels more like SoM and less like previous Batman games)

It does feel like the Batmobile will be over used as I only had a couple missions and 90% of my playtime was on it. I hope it's not that bad but from all the reviews it seems it gets worst.

As for the story, my favorite one in this saga was Arkham City so I hope it's as good and full of twists like that one.

Quick question, maybe I skipped it by accident or in hard mode it doesn't appear but did anyone feel that the tutorial for the batmobile was incomplete?
For example, the first batmobile challenge where you have to destroy tanks until you get the lv 2 missile attack. It took me longer than it should because I wasn't aware that you could strife the car while you held L2 to aim. Everytime someone took an aim at me I had to accelerate and dodge it by sliding out of the way. Again, maybe I missed the hint that taught that but I think they don't tell you.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
not that bad of a shadow of mordor clone
How is it a shadow of mordor clone when this games concept style was thought of and introduced in 2009 w/ arkham asylum WAY before shadow of mordor was made, and shadow of mordor is a "clone" of assassins creed with a dull story line I beat it in 4hrs
Shadow of Mordor is a great game the copied the play style of arkham city. Shadow of Mordor in 4 hours means you didn't do shit in the game except for the main story. The game is easily 40 hours if played properly.
He didn't do it in 4 hrs if he even played it at all.
Jun 6, 2011
Im stuck on one of the first scarecrow missions where youre using the tow shot on the batmobile and you have to "use the cars weight" to break a wall or door, (not sure what it is) while on a roof. I was trying to figure it out for about 10 minutes before i said screw it and started looking for answers online. Nothing

if anyone can remember this first mission PLEASE HELP lol
You shoot the claw or whatever and drive off the roof in battle mode and up the wall.