Aug 9, 2008
Yea...I'm really confused...every other publication stated this for what it is...terrible sales. But IGN is spinning it positive for Activision now? It's objectively an awful sales number...and yes...ign is the only place on the web saying otherwise. I normally never accuse places of getting paid off, being bias doesn't usually strike me that way...but this story reeks man. What the hell are you guys talking about? Not only that...but everyone hates it. This is weird.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 1, 2002
Umm... Anyone else just want Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 w/ online, classic/gcn controller support and some crazy characters like Spiderman from THPS 2? ANYBODY!?


Fuzzy Pickles!!
May 11, 2009
It did alright, considering the terrible reviews. I could see them making a sequel seeing as how a good 100,000 people already have the board.
Nov 11, 2009
It sold good because clueless parents know guitar hero is a hit and assume any game that comes with its own skateboard is a winner. 114,000 kids will open it on Christmas and be disappointed after:

a) opening it and realizing it is the Tony Hawk game that everyone said sucks

b) not knowing what it is and finding out it sucks through experience
Mar 27, 2008

From the sound of your comment it would appear that you had it out for this game from the get go... which would mean that you have not played the game and are basing your "opinion" on other ppls "opinions" and we all know that opinions are like a**holes, everbody has one nobosy wants to see yours! Don't knock it before you rock it! And I understand that the last thing any living room needs is another hunk of plastic peripheral laying about, but, the game is genuinely fun.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 13, 2003
Don't look at it as beating the odds for an established/respectable franchise. Look at it as beating the odds for a poorly reviewed and overpriced peripheral. I for one am surprised it sold that many, considering all the 'meh' reactions by those that have tried it. $120 for poo, or $60 for a new Class A title? Let me think.....
Oct 26, 2005
I think alot of the issues reviewers had with this game arose simply due to the fact that said reviewers are, like myself, out of shape guys in our 30's. I couldn't do anything with the board and failed miserably over and over, then I watched my 12 year old nephew and every single one of his friends expertly maneuver throught out the game nver making mistakes.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
umm with $119.99 I would rather buy a real skateboard or a longboard. At lest I know I would get my money's worth with the real thing. And Tony, stop buying copies of your own game to make your sales look good because the review sucked. No one really wanted to buy your crap even before the review was out. LOL


Original poster

- Interesting point, I remember seeing some of the journalists trying to use the Wiimote before - they had about as much co-ordination and flexibility as an old man. Still think that this game looks like poop however. Why so out of shape in your 30's anyway? I'm nearly 33 and I am in better shape than ever (gloat, gloat). Try cycling or swimming, very low impact, and very, very good for you. Forget about lifting weights though - I'm not sure what the obsession is about that in this country. You just build a lot of bulk and then have to keep it up regularly or else turn in to a donut belly.


Dec 11, 2009
I knew this game would fail critically, and, frankly, I wanted it to. Maybe Activision will get a clue and take it out behind the shed and do what needs to be done. Tony Hawk games were good when they were still fresh, but the formula outstayed its welcome. It was doing the Dynasty Warriors shuffle before Dynasty Warriors even existed, and that's no way for a series to live.


Oct 3, 2005
They've been planning a sequel since the sales numbers were even made public. It's like having a dog with all of it's legs broken...why make the poor thing suffer? Just put it to sleep. That's what Activision needs to do...put it to sleep. They tried giving it to a new developer, and the software design was worse than ever. REALLY bad physics, collision detection, cameras...anything that could possibly be name it, and Ride probably has it. It's time Tony Hawk either moved on to a new publisher that can give a REAL breath of fresh air into the series, or just let it die.
Nov 11, 2009
Augmentin12 said:

From the sound of your comment it would appear that you had it out for this game from the get go... which would mean that you have not played the game and are basing your "opinion" on other ppls "opinions" and we all know that opinions are like a**holes, everbody has one nobosy wants to see yours! Don't knock it before you rock it! And I understand that the last thing any living room needs is another hunk of plastic peripheral laying about, but, the game is genuinely fun.

Ok ok you have a point ive never played it. But i made my decision the second i saw it in action. Im not a fan of games like guitar hero or rock band (especially not DJ hero haha). The game may be fun but it looks terrible. The only games that i can get over the graphics are Saints row 2 and Left 4 Dead. Those games look pretty bad compared to todays standards, but theyre fun games. When you can have skate, i really dont see a reason to buy this. Add to the fact that it costs over $100. F that my friend.
Dec 11, 2009
ok TH's games were always my favourite even when Skate first came out to the market I tried playing the demo .. but I didn't like how you struggle with tricks like tailslide noseslide and ramps bla bla bla .. so I still sticked to Tony Hawk yet when he released "Proving ground" it wasn't as good as "Project8" so when Skate 2 was released it impressed me how they devloped it .. adding the feature of "getting off the board" so that's where I decided to buy Skate 2 ... two months back when I heard of "TH:Ride" I was really excited to buy it .. but when I knew it was for 119.99$ I was like "ok I'll take my time " since it could be just like "proving ground" ((PALE)) .. and when the review came out I found out that it's not only pale but a ((FAIL)) ..thank God I didn't buy it... I'm waiting for skate 3 ... come its gonna be great as "skate 2".
Aug 16, 2002
That's not really impressive. 114k across three systems for a brand like Tony Hawk is pure fail. DJ Hero did better than that, and that's a new IP.


Local Mastermind
Jan 31, 2009
The flame wars erupt. il stick around and watch everyone gangup on dozer for no reason


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I've played the game.

It sucks. Hard. If I were reviewing this (which I'm not, thank God), I'd have given it a 3.0. It's THAT bad. When you do a trick, it doesn't do it properly. Motion doesn't scale like you want it to. Skate-slayer this isn't.

Don't buy it.
Nov 11, 2009
No i dont judge games off graphics alone, but if your game is going to look lousy, then it better make up for it with outstanding gameplay. Awesome, great, fun, enjoyable, and epic are all words that have not appeared for any reason on reviews for this game. That does not sound like a game worth anywhere near $100+


May 30, 2001
has anyone seen They track sales for games, and it looks like ride sold a lot more than 114k. Those sales were just for november right?


Prime Member
Nov 11, 2002
That's not bad. 114K at $120 each means Activision made a little over 13 million bucks. Yeah, I'd say that's enough to warrant a sequel. Though, they need to be careful next time. Releasing TH:Ride during a busy week in November and for $120 almost cost them. So, release a cheaper game-only edition during a better time and they may just sell more copies of the next game. This time, I think that they were fortunate that enough consumers were paying attention that they bought enough copies. 114K units isn't great, but like I said it's enough money so that a sequel can be made. Much to the Skate fans dismay, The Hawk series lives.

As for the scores, they were much too low. Mainly because most of the reviewers didn't have enough time to get used to the board. And getting used to the board on casual difficulty was the key to enjoying the game. It's a good game IMO, but the fact that the game is a tech demo for the board means it gets no better than a 7.0 even from me.
