
No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2000
Shin/Windfall /Afternoon 1

Shin sighed once he notice Ethan had suddenly vanished, “and he teleported away without saying anything. I hate when he does that.”

He looked over at his remaining two companions who were doing, well doing whatever, then down at his now empty wallet. “I guess I’m sleeping under the stars tonight, unless those two have an idea... No I’m sleeping under the stars tonight.”

He slumped down against wall of the building they were hiding behind when he heard a loud tear from a banner he’d inadvertently pulled down. “Who the hell would post a flyer back here?” he asked himself allowed while reading the poster.

Perhaps in a burst of inspiration, or maybe just a resurfacing a childhood fantasy, Shin realized that poster held the answer to most of his immediate problems. There was only one hitch; maximizing success meant he’d need Mistral to come along.

“Hey Mistral, look I was planning on sticking with Ethan no matter what and the Bokoblin Princess is kind of involved whether she wants to be or not. The thing is, you have zero stake this and could run off if you got bored. I don’t think you’ll do that right now though, because I think you really want to look after our little friend here. So here’s my plan,” He handed her the posted not actually expecting her to read it, but visual aids always had some value.

“Two tournaments,” Shin continued, “one for mages, one for fighters. Meaning all of the strongest fighters in the Great Sea will be present. If one wins we’ll have everything to make our own small army of heroes. We’ll make our own real version of the Light Warriors!”

For a moment Shin was so lost in his own enthusiasm he’d forgotten who his audience was. Once he recomposed himself he realized what he’d need to say to really sell the idea, “also, it’ll be fun.”


Shin comes up with a plan.

1. Go to the tournament to find all the strongest people in Hyrule.
2. Win
3. ???
4. Light Warriors


No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
Davus - Distant Land - Months Ago

Davus was caught in an endless balancing act of his own patience. Things were happening too slowly for his liking, but a nagging voice reminded him that brashness would only lead him back into the same cycle of fear and death. That voice used to be Severas, as it had been her guidance that Davus first used when climbing his way towards higher moral ground.

And so here he was, watching Severa betray the principles Davus continued to grapple with. Elaborate trick, or true turning of evil, Severa’s actions reinforced his will all the same.

So as a favor to her and the trust he continued to place in her hands, Davus temporarily accepted reality as it seemed.

“Davus, what’s going on?” Polaris asked. He didn’t know Severa nearly as well, and was on an entirely differently plane of confusion.

“I know we started a detective agency together and swore to stop saying this, but it’s time to stop asking questions and just fight.” Davus answered.

“And when did we stop saying that?” Polaris dropped the rhetorical question to the floor and did what he never tired of doing. Cloaked from sight until the moment of unsheathing, he brandished his twin makhaira blades. The blades did not stay in his hands, as he rather casually flicked them each towards Masa and Severa. A pair of glowing red steel chains emerged from absolutely nowhere, snapping behind and attaching to the blades.

“Don’t try my patience.” Severa said, reaching out and grabbing both makhaira, gauntlets protecting her hands from danger. She ripped them off the chains and tossed the blades to the side. Polaris seemed noticeably offended to Davus, and his immediate reaction delivered on that fact.

Polaris snapped his chains forward again, and Davus quickly arced a blast of lightning into them, supercharging the ends of the chains. With only centimeters remaining, Severa stepped to the side at the last moment, leaving the chains to strike Masa alone. Davus took note.

As Masa fell to a knee and recovered, Severa stepped in to show just how serious she was about her betrayal. Her powers were still a curiosity to Davus. From what he knew they were almost entirely derived from the pair of gauntlets she wore. And yet he had seen some evidence that the gauntlets were little more than a decoration and her power was of more mysterious origin.

It wasn’t the best time to ponder, as Severa chose the close quarters option, rushing Davus and throwing a heavy punch. He caught it with one hand, and she swung her opposite arm out into his gut. Despite not having a real stomach, it still hurt from the strike. Davus winced and glanced at Polaris looking for some assistance. Polaris attempted to strike Severa with the chains, but Masa had regained her footing and intercepted with a jet of water that knocked his aim off by a few feet. The chains slammed instead into one of the dead tree husks, blowing it into several large pieces that disintegrated into a large dust cloud just as they reached the group.

A sharp clang sound could be heard, and Davus glanced back to see that the portal had exploded into nothingness, leaving no obvious way home. In that moment, Davus found some comfort. Desperate situations did always bring out his best.

“So we just fight here until we all die from boredom?” Davus asked, half rhetorically.

“This game is over. You shall-” Masa’s tone had all the trappings of a monologue neither Davus nor Polaris were interested in hearing.

“No.” Their voice coalesced into one singular force. From the lifeless sky a massive red bolt of lightning descended, piercing into Masa’s body and tearing a small but vicious looking burning wound down her entire left side. Polaris tightly wrapped the chains around Severa in the moment of shock, squeezing her unconscious in seconds and then releasing the chains. Masa lay bleeding, eyes shaking with disbelief.

“How did you…” Masa lacked the strength to continue and fell silent. Davus wasn’t sure if she was still alive or not, but wasn’t about to chance a close up inspection. People like her always found a way to reject death's embrace, as Davus knew all too well.

“We need a way out of this place.” Polaris said, his eyes now darting between Severa, Masa, Davus, and the massive spire that was looking more and more ominous.

“Where is Koro?” Davus asked in response. He glanced to Severa as well. He wasn’t sure whether to leave her here or not. Given the circumstances, it seemed best to leave any redemption up to her and her alone. “Do you see him?”

“We need to leave…” Polaris’ focus was now entirely on the spire, which had dark black tendrils wrapping around it slowly. The remaining light in the sky was fading. The spire was undoubtedly responsible for whatever was happening to the world. Perhaps more. Davus surveyed around the dimming landscape, seeing a very faint ghostly image of a black tendril reaching from the spire towards where the portal had been.

“The spire, it’s been reaching through to our world, draining the town. It’s the reason for the behavior change and at least some of the vanishings. The rest is-”

“Davus.” Polaris cut Davus’ musings short. “I think the road stops here.”

Most of the light was gone, and Davus saw only the outline of Polaris standing several feet away, staring at the spire. Maybe Polaris was right. Davus wasn't ready to give up yet all the same, he had lived through too many false endings to trust this wasn’t just another fake out.

“Where is Koro?” Davus asked again. The second time asking the same question proved the charm as a flash of light burst between them, Koro appearing within the glow. The light radiated out gently as the two observed the undead Kokiri playing a dusty old Ocarina. He finished playing and smirked. The light expanded further, enveloping the entire group - Masa and Severa included - and teleported them out. However, when the light faded Davus saw only Polaris and Koro in addition to himself. They were at least back in the catacombs but there were no signs of Severa or Masa.

Polaris looked to still be coming down from his assumption that final death was at last upon them. Davus tossed out the question that was bound to be asked at one point or another.


Koro just smiled and twirled the Ocarina around in his hand.

“I learned a couple of new songs that let me teleport across vast distances. While you were busy fighting, I slipped back through the portal and established a connection. Good thing I did too or we’d all be…” He didn’t finish his sentence, and there was no need for him to do so. Polaris at last seemed mentally back with the group, and spoke up.

“Davus, you were saying back there about the whole town being affected by the spire. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“It was sucking the life from everything, and that portal was extending its reach to this town. Everything else happening here is cascading down from that. The strange behavior, the missing people, the unusual activity in the graveyard - all of it.”

“I agree.” Polaris nodded. “So there’s not much left to do except get back to town and see if the people behave any differently now that the portal is shut down.”

“Let’s go.” Davus was still angry about Severa, and very suspicious of the entire situation. Her motives couldn’t be placed, and her actions during the fight suggested someone deliberately holding back. Added on top of that Koro’s teleportation song happened to fail at transporting Masa and Severa, which seemed very convenient for them. Davus had no reason to suspect Koro, but information was scarce enough that any conclusions would be premature.

Still working out the questions he wanted to ask Koro, Davus led the way out of the catacombs and back to the town. The first thing he noticed was that it was now daylight, which meant time in the dead world had been passing faster. There was no telling how long exactly it had been, but he had a hunch. And that led him to the second thing he noticed.

“Where is it?” Koro asked. “Where’s the town!?” Nothing of it but depressions on the ground remained. The only patch of land still mysteriously unaffected was the entrance to the catacombs. The remainder of the town was simply gone.

“It’s not all gone.” Davus pointed to the towns tiny ‘harbor’ that had consisted of just two docks and a scattering of very small, very un-seaworthy beached vessels. There was however one much larger ship in the harbor, and it did not look like it was from the area. It seemed like it could easily take a crew of fifty or sixty, but not a soul was upon it. Polaris and Koro alongside, he headed in the direction of the ship.

“Hurry up! Let’s go!” A female voice was yelling from the ship. One that Davus felt was familiar, but not enough to be placed.

“Who is that talking?” Koro asked.

“Oh shit, move! MOVE!” Polaris glanced back to see the land was rapidly falling away, revealing a deep chasm beneath. Deep enough that none could the bottom, nor did they have the time to assess. Left with no other options, the trio scrambled aboard the ship, which wasted no time in demonstrating its unnatural qualities. The ship spun hard to the left pulling away from shore, and then shot off across the water. It moved with a force and speed that would have been impossible for a fully crewed vessel, let alone one manned by a mysterious voice, a pair of immortal detectives, and a kokiri with a magic hat.

“Lia?” Davus asked, finally placing the voice.

“It’s pronounced Liah, actually.” She replied, confirming his memory.

“That’s...that’s what I said....” Davus shook his head in confusion and exhaustion. “I’m going to sit down and think about all of this for a few minutes, and then I hope you plan to tell us what the hell is going on here.” Polaris and Koro agreed in their silence.

“We just have to get to a safe zone first.” Liah replied, still not revealing where she was on the ship even though her voice sounded as if she were standing on the deck with them. Davus didn’t reply and sat down, taking a meditative stance and promptly hearing a stifled laugh from Koro. Davus glared up at him briefly but didn’t respond.

“Settle in, it’s going to be a few hours before we reach safe land.” Liah said. Nobody felt like seeking explanation for how Liah managed to be waiting at the exact right time, instead choosing some desperately needed rest.

Summary: Davus, Polaris and Koro escape the dead world, and find the town to be completely gone. Before long the ground begins to fall away, and they board a mysterious ship conveniently waiting in the harbor for them.
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No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
Ethan, Late Afternoon/Early Evening 1, Windfall Island

Ethan departed Regulus’ home after a few hours, seeking out and finding his ragtag band of friends along the beach. He arrived just in time to catch the tail end of Shin’s sentence.

“also, it’ll be fun.”

“Exactly!” Ethan agreed loudly, causing Shin to turn around slowly glaring.

“I hate it when you do that.”

Ethan clapped his friend on the back and laughed. “Whatever you say! Now I’m exhausted, where are we sleeping tonight?”

“Do you have any money?” Shin asked.

“No, why?” Ethan replied. Shin frowned, said nothing, and shut his eyes as he slumped further down the wall. “Well I’d say we should have a lookout, but none of us have any money or valuables anyway.” Ethan considered the ramifications of leaving Bingbang alone in literally any circumstance, but then also considered how tired he was. Sleep won easily, and he fell back against the grass, staring at the stars as he drifted away.

Summary: Shortly after this the world blows up. The End.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
Ethan, World of Dreams, Supposedly Night 1

The transition was imperceptible. Ethan was drifting to sleep, and then he was wide awake, thrust amidst a massive chaotic battle. His disorientation was not so imperceptible, and Ethan struggled to identify landmarks or faces. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Shin, and reached towards his friend, calling his name.

“Shin-” Ethan fell silent as Shin was cut through by a Zoran spear. He looked on in horror as his friend collapsed to the ground, very nearly dead if not already with the reaper. Ethan would have been fast enough to react to that normally. Freezing his grief in favor of frantic problem solving, Ethan deduced that he was either dreaming or his powers were being suppressed. He lacked certainty that anything was real, and thus was forced to treat all truths as equally possible.

And so his eyes drifted back to the battle. He watched as the Zora leader, Mako, stepped forward and rallied his troops.

Riding out in front of 200 of his best warriors, Mako smiled. "The usurping scum of this land has finally revealed itself for what it is! Today, we fight to regain not just the Trust, but the realm!"

Ethan was starting to suspect that this was indeed a dream. Despite Shin’s gruesome death, he now saw no sign of his friend, and not a single soldier had noticed Ethan. Added all up, that meant someone was giving him visions of the Battle of Disharmony, of the Epoch Era.

“This isn’t an accident.” Speaking aloud to himself was the final step in refocusing Ethans mind. Reinvigorated, but still without magic, he began planning his next steps.

Summary: Ethan and friends have entered a dream sequence. Ethan’s current interpretation of that is The Battle of Disharmony from Epoch. Other characters can join him or go on their own adventures.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2000
Shin/Dream Past/Some-when

Shin suddenly found himself awake in the middle of a battle torn field that was larger than any stretch of land he’d ever heard of. He was momentarily stunned by the shear marvel and chaos around him but quickly regained his wits when he saw Ethan standing over a body that surprisingly looked like himself. He tried to approach to figure out what was going on but found he couldn’t move. His legs had somehow become incased in earth and stone.

“Sorry, this will be a bit disorienting, but I cannot pass up opportunity,” a young girl called out as she approached Shin from seemingly nowhere.

“That ship already sailed. Also what’s going on, and why is there a child on a battlefield.” Shin said as he twisted to face the girl despite his stuck legs.

“You and the others are in a dream version of the past, though I have desynchronized you from them. This child just happened to be my host at the time,” the child explained. “Also, that was not the disorientation I was apologizing for.”

“What’s that suppos-” before he could finish his sentence the child raised her arm and a spine of rock burst from the earth and pierced strait through Shin’s chest.


“AAAahhhh!” Shin yelled only to realize fine a moment later when he ran his hand over his chest. “What the hell kid!?”

A Zora with elaborate draconian gauntlets yelled out drawing Shin’s attention. “They’re sending HOW many Iron Knuckles!? This nuts, are you sure this kid is worth it?”

A man with red hair and tan skin replied, “If he wasn’t, then Ganondorf wouldn’t be sending such a large force. It also means Impa’s intel was right, the Hero will arrive in a day.”

Shin finally took hold of his surroundings; he was in some kind of church. The two men were also talking with two knights and a woman.

Another man with green hair a familiar pair of swords walked in, “Ok, the kids are hidden away. I just wish Kat didn’t go with other to look after Ryuna.”

“There’s no helping that. Besides she’ll be safer raiding the border with Saber’s group,” the shorter of the two knights said.

“And of course award for understatement of the year goes to Captain Ma,” the zora said in frustration.

“Wait, Ma? That’s probably not a coincidence.” Shin asked aloud.

“It is not. That man is your grandfather,” the woman said as she turned to Shin and walked towards him. “Though I must apologize again, this is not what I meant to show you. Manipulating this vision is a bit challenging. Fortunately with this host the transition will be more delicate. The woman placed her hand on Shin’s head and in a flash he was somewhere else.


Shin looked around quickly realizing he was in the middle of battle in the middle of a city, “Great, now what?”

A bright light caught his eye and he looked up to see three figures fighting in the sky. A woman with wings made out of light, and man with black feather wings, and some-thing giving off a sinister aura.

“Close, but I am off by a year it seems. Though perhaps it is good that you saw this,” the black winged figured called out. “Regardless I will have it on this attempt.” The winged man dove down at Shin and grabbed his head once more, and for the brief moment Shin was able to get a good look at him, he couldn’t help but think he looked like his father.


Shin was now in lightly forest area behind two men walking up a fairly steep hill. One was the man he was just told was his grandfather, just a bit older. The other had the lower half of his face obscured by a heavy leather cloak but Shin had a fair guess a about who it was.

“Explain to me how you’re so damn sure Hothnight will be there just because you’d had Chamber tell him it’s where you’re headed,” The cloaked man asked.

“Because he’s that version of himself again,” Seishi respond.

The other man was clearly not amused, “that’s great dad, really clears things up.”

Shin’s ears perked up. That had confirmed it; the second person was his father. The shock of that took a back seat to hearing the name Hothnight, though. For some reason Katsumi’s grandfather had always left out the name of the legendary warriors he told them about, but his father made sure he knew the names of three people he should always avoid. One of them was Taden Hothnight.

“That Lynn girl was the last fragment, and you sealed her soul in that spear. That means he’s whole. He’s not Tempest, Kashin, or whatever that other new name he came up with was. He’s Taden Hothnight, the original.” Seishi answered.

Senshi sighed, “Great, that explains why your suddenly hell bent on fighting him again. It doesn’t explain how you know he’ll be waiting for us on Death Mountain.”

Seishi fell silent for a long moment before he finally forced himself to answer, “Something I finally figured out. Back then when we were the same.”

“Still off by a few hours but this will have to do,” Senshi said, turning back toward Shin.

“You again,” Shin said, quickly realizing person who’d been dragging him around was now speaking through his father. “Why are you doing this?”

“I want to show you the things your father foolishly kept from you. Since you are normally unable to hear my voice this may be my only chance,” he answered.

Shin was only more confused, “Hear you, what the hell does that mean? Just who are you.”

“I suppose this walk will give us enough time for me to explain. To start, my name is Death Angel and I know reside within your soul.”


Shin enters the same dream as Ethan but is dragged to different points in time by a third party who speaks through a different person in each period. He reveals himself as Death Angel when they arrive at the correct point in time and says he wants to reveal the secrets Senshi kept from him.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
A Narrator of Some Sort

Let’s be honest, who is really following this story still? Who can keep track of all the names, all the dreams? Not me, and I’m just a narrator.

I have an idea, let’s just skip ahead to the next part! You know, that big tournament thing that everyone keeps talking about. If I’m being perfectly honest, which I physically can’t be, then I would say we should have started the entire story with the tournament.

Is that a problem person who doesn’t exist and isn’t reading this? I didn’t think so. So without further ado…

The Grand Tournament

“Who is ready to get started!” Sirius shouted. Nobody had arrived yet so nobody answered. “Oh yeah, that's right." Sirius muttered to himself.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jun 6, 2010
Roy & Clara/ A Ship

"Hey Roy," Clara whispered.

"What is it, Clara?" Roy beamed a smile at his partner.

"How did we get here?" The two were inside of a boat surrounded by other cramped people. The swaying of the floor caused many of them to stumble into those next to them.

"That is an excellent question," Roy quizzically surveyed everyone around them. "You know, these are all pretty strong looking people. I've got it! We must be on a-"

"Boat going to the tournament!?" Clara gasped.

"I was going to go with 'pirate ship,' but now that you mention it, that makes more sense." The two became silent, the only noise coming from the creaking of the ship as each wave rammed into it. No one looked pleased with the closed-in situation.

"Are we there yet?" Clara asked.


They're on a boat, yo.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 29, 2006
Rakki Silverfish

“Who is ready to get started!” Sirius shouted. Nobody had arrived yet so nobody answered. “Oh yeah, that's right." Sirius muttered to himself.

Except someone had. You know what they say about assuming. Grow up and realize that maybe the world is larger than your limited perspective. Gosh.

Leaned up against the wall, arms folded in the shadows of the alley, the young Silverfish eyed the would-be champion.

"Staking out the competition, I take it?" Rakki remarked, stepping away from the wall and walking toward Sirius.

Summary: read the damn post, it's like one complete paragraph [face_tongue]
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No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
"...You're early." Sirius remarked. He frowned then suddenly smiled and continued speaking. "Fantastic! Someone to chat with while we wait a few more months for other people!"

Summary: He meant to say hours, not months...I think
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No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
OOC: @legendarylugi, we can still have Rakki’s presence be canon. How you approach this is up to you. You can retroactively have Davus interact with Rakki if you like, feel free to take some liberties in that regard.

@Xiaber same to you. By now the ship could have docked, so your characters could also already be in the ring.

To everyone else , this opening sequence is a brawl meant to thin out the herd. I’m starting it off small, but more and more fighters will get added until the proverbial whistle is blown.

Davus Fulmaren, Day of the Tournament

Davus opened his eyes, immediately embarking on his daily mental ritual. Twenty seconds to remember the monster he was. One second to recognize personal accomplishments. Nine seconds to contemplate going back to sleep.

Introspective musings had become so very potent for Davus, that he had not fully absorbed his present surroundings. He hadn't merely arrived at the Grand Tournament, he was in the arena, lying on a raised platform. Beneath him roaring flames in a ring around the platform. Scattered around the arena were wooden barriers, spikes, and all manner of things designed to kill the weak and empower the strong.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, our daring volunteer has awoken!” Cheers erupted from around the stadium, as Davus realized that somehow thousands of people had been crammed into a space that did not seem befitting of the crowd size. In the skies flew several massive groups of Rito observers, and he could see hundreds of ships surrounding the island. Several particularly massive ships had pulled up extremely close to the island, allowing those high up enough on the ships to see into the arena.

Davus couldn’t pinpoint the voice speaking to the crowd, but was certain he could guess correctly in three tries. It was of no matter who officiated, Davus had obviously been left with no choice but to participate.

“Let’s cheer him on against his challengers!” The cheers grew louder, and Davus watched as a set of heavy Iron Doors on the north side were opened. Half a dozen would-be gladiators rushed out. None of them fully covered in armor, and all bearing weapons that looked like they had been assembled last minute by a drunk.

“I can see the rust on your swords from here!” Davus shouted. He was not given a reply in words, but one of the gladiators immediately thrust a spear towards Davus with a shocking amount of force. Deftly stepping aside, Davus’ felt a familiar twinge of nostalgia, of the days when not every fight was high stakes. “And I-” Davus was sharply interrupted as the very earth surrounding his challengers erupted into the air. Sand covered the arena with the force of an avalanche. Davus was spared the need for action as the sand rose just mere inches above the platform he stood on. Shockingly, his challengers had all survived.

“Wave 2, enter.” Sirius called out. Davus glanced over his shoulder, taking what privacy he could as a full grin engulfed his face. It was clear this tournament was going to take on a much rougher start than anyone could have anticipated.

Summary: Let’s try this again. Tournament Round 1 is a free for all melee that will end whenever it ends. After that the sets of 1v1 matches will begin.

Anyone who wants to jump in, feel free. The size of the arena is “large”. Make of that what you will.