
Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
nickzambuto said:
roosterjcogburn said:
jakob997 said:
roosterjcogburn said:
[face_shock] THAT'S RACIST

And true. Any white person I hear rap busts that word out. Famous people like Fat Joe even do it.
Well it kind of goes with the territory if you're a rapper, but most white people I know (even the foul-mouthed ones) consider that one to be crossing a line. Unless, of course, you're my uncle... [face_plain]
I'd like to meet your uncle, we seem to have a lot in common.
Are you a drunken, racist, redneck asshole? Because if so, I can arrange a meeting. I'd gladly ship his sorry ass off to you in Jersey for a few weeks. Matter of fact... You can keep him.


Apr 10, 2010
roosterjcogburn said:
Are you a drunken, racist, redneck asshole? Because if so, I can arrange a meeting. I'd gladly ship his sorry ass off to you in Jersey for a few weeks. Matter of fact... You can keep him.

When I first read this post, I thought you were replying to my post about my slave ancestors. Thank God. #-o

And yeah, that's probably the worst thing Nick has said since admitting he wants to do drugs.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
jakob997 said:
roosterjcogburn said:
Are you a drunken, racist, redneck asshole? Because if so, I can arrange a meeting. I'd gladly ship his sorry ass off to you in Jersey for a few weeks. Matter of fact... You can keep him.

When I first read this post, I thought you were replying to my post about my slave ancestors.
Re-reading it in that context... lol


Apr 10, 2010
roosterjcogburn said:
jakob997 said:
roosterjcogburn said:
Are you a drunken, racist, redneck asshole? Because if so, I can arrange a meeting. I'd gladly ship his sorry ass off to you in Jersey for a few weeks. Matter of fact... You can keep him.

When I first read this post, I thought you were replying to my post about my slave ancestors.
Re-reading it in that context... lol

Lol, I had no idea that my great great great grandfather was still alive and working for you. :^O
Jan 29, 2010
jakob997 said:
Anybody here getting Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3?
I'm not getting any new games before Christmas. Except maybe for Saint's Row 3, but that's a big maybe. Speaking of Christmas, how do much do you guys like it? I love it, favorite holiday by far


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
mushiSamurai said:
Speaking of Christmas, how do much do you guys like it? I love it, favorite holiday by far.
I like it when I get to celebrate it my own way. Last year I went to Liz's parents' house to have a small, quiet celebration with them and her little sister, and it was nice. As a kid, though, I never really liked Christmas much. I was never big on presents (which is weird for a kid, I know) and none of my family members saw the holidays the same way I did. My dad's side of the family was always really tacky and commercialized with their Christmas parties, and my mom and her side are all ridiculously devout Catholics. Never was big on the whole Catholic thing, myself. The Pope always gave me the creeps. Which, speaking of Assassin's Creed from my other post, the shit hit the fan two years ago when my mother found out I played a game where you kill the Pope...

Oh well.


Apr 10, 2010
I love it. Bringing joy to my friends and family by giving them presents and spending time with them is a feeling like none other.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
jakob997 said:
When I was in high school, I sneezed all over my 300 page report. [face_plain]
I'm hoping that's a typo, because there's no way in HELL you wrote a 300-page report in high school. That's easily 100 times longer than an average high school paper. Even my A+ college essays aren't even close to that long.


Apr 10, 2010
Nope, it's true. In the eleventh grade, our school started a new subject called "Applied Technology" that you had to take. The teacher was a college professor and decided that giving kids a "jumpstart on college work" would "benefit us." So we had to write a THREE HUNDRED page research paper about a controversial topic of our choice throughout the course (I forget how long it was but I think it was a semester). We'd have to write it out of school because the entire class was devoted to teaching us how to do it. I ended up writing about why rap music should be a more widely accepted genre (granted, this was back in, like, 2000). The only rule was that the last thirty five pages HAD to be filled COMPLETELY with nothing but references and credits to books, websites, articles, and quotes we got our info from.

So anyway, I did the entire report, and two nights before it was due, I sneezed all over the front page and the entire side of the stack. I tried wiping it off but there were little black stains on it that looked and smelled gross. So I had to do everything all over again within the span of two night, of which I got no sleep. You can imagine how angry I was.

I know it's hard to believe, but that's the truth. What blows my mind was that people write research papers that long for their Doctorial degrees in college, and yet I was still a year and a half from graduating high school. So Rooster, you better not be hoping for that degree.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
Masters' theses, and even doctoral dissertations don't have to be that long. You sure you're remembering these numbers right? Because a 300-page paper of nothing but research analysis isn't even in the ballpark of what a college professor would expect of even the highest-level students. And you did it twice? 600 printed pages filled with standard 12-point font would be roughly equivalent to writing the entire length of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina in a semester. And then there's the issue of the teacher grading an entire high school graduating class worth of 300-page essays at the end of the semester... Dude, you've got to be confused about the length. That's not physically possible.
Jan 29, 2010
roosterjcogburn said:
Masters' theses, and even doctoral dissertations don't have to be that long. You sure you're remembering these numbers right? Because a 300-page paper of nothing but research analysis isn't even in the ballpark of what a college professor would expect of even the highest-level students. And you did it twice? 600 printed pages filled with standard 12-point font would be roughly equivalent to writing the entire length of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina in a semester. And then there's the issue of the teacher grading an entire high school graduating class worth of 300-page essays at the end of the semester... Dude, you've got to be confused about the length. That's not physically possible.
I'm not trying to call you a liar Jakob, but 300 pages? Damn. I think it's annoying when my teachers tell us to write like 5 pages


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
mushiSamurai said:
roosterjcogburn said:
Masters' theses, and even doctoral dissertations don't have to be that long. You sure you're remembering these numbers right? Because a 300-page paper of nothing but research analysis isn't even in the ballpark of what a college professor would expect of even the highest-level students. And you did it twice? 600 printed pages filled with standard 12-point font would be roughly equivalent to writing the entire length of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina in a semester. And then there's the issue of the teacher grading an entire high school graduating class worth of 300-page essays at the end of the semester... Dude, you've got to be confused about the length. That's not physically possible.
I'm not trying to call you a liar Jakob, but 300 pages? Damn. I think it's annoying when my teachers tell us to write like 5 pages
No, I'm not calling him a liar at all, I'm just saying he's got to have that number wrong. Imagine just trying to transport that many papers... the professor would have to rent a trailer just to get everybody's assignment home to grade.


Apr 10, 2010
roosterjcogburn said:
Masters' theses, and even doctoral dissertations don't have to be that long. You sure you're remembering these numbers right? Because a 300-page paper of nothing but research analysis isn't even in the ballpark of what a college professor would expect of even the highest-level students. And you did it twice? 600 printed pages filled with standard 12-point font would be roughly equivalent to writing the entire length of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina in a semester. And then there's the issue of the teacher grading an entire high school graduating class worth of 300-page essays at the end of the semester... Dude, you've got to be confused about the length. That's not physically possible.

We didn't get the papers back until the end of the year. He said he had assistants, so that might be how he graded it all. How he got it to and from his house or whatever is anyone's guess, I mean he drove a pick-up truck but like you said. He probably didn't even take it all home in one day, he probably took like five papers a day. At the end of the year he gave it to us, and I ended up getting a B on it. I actually still have it somewhere in my house, unless I threw it out when I moved to live with my wife. Because even though that was one of the worst moments of my life, it's always nice to brag about it. But yeah, I'll try to dig it up tonight and see if I can read some of it to you guys.
Jan 29, 2010
I actually did something for Thanksgiving. I was over at a friend, we ate pizza listened to music. Anyway, I went home at about 11 pm, when I see another friend had texted me about 3 hours ago. I answered, and he asked what I was doing. My parents were out, so I had my house to myself. I said this, and they asked if they could crash at my place. I agreed and they got home to me at about midnight. They were kinda drunk, and this was the first time they had gotten drunk as well. It was pretty fun to hang out with them, hearing them say they weren't affected by the alcohol. Then one of them called up the girl he's trying to get with, waking her up. Then, about ten minutes later, he called her again, apologizing for waking her. Then, another ten minutes later, he texted her, apologizing again. It was a fun night


No Longer a Noob
Nov 8, 2010
roosterjcogburn said:
I'd feel bad that a 24-year-old man has never been laid and makes a big deal of smacking a girl's ass.
How do you know all that wasn't just part of the act?


Apr 10, 2010
24 year olds don't act like guidos to the high-school girls in their school, don't jack off to anime, and don't get in trouble on the bus. And if it was all "part of the act," then you're early bacteria ancestors would be ashamed.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 8, 2010
jakob997 said:
24 year olds don't act like guidos to the high-school girls in their school, don't jack off to anime, and don't get in trouble on the bus. And if it was all "part of the act," then you're early bacteria ancestors would be ashamed.
Bah, I don't do that. <_<
Jan 29, 2010
roosterjcogburn said:
I think I'm just about done with the PS3 lobby. About 10% of the people I talk to over there are cool, and the rest are assholes.
You should try the Vesti. The ratio there is more like 0.1% to 99.9%


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
mushiSamurai said:
roosterjcogburn said:
I think I'm just about done with the PS3 lobby. About 10% of the people I talk to over there are cool, and the rest are assholes.
You should try the Vesti. The ratio there is more like 0.1% to 99.9%
Yeah, I went over there once. Funny how they all act like they're badasses who bang three supermodels a day, yet they all have upwards of 50,000 posts on an internet game site.

On another note... I got teh snowman on mah icon!
Jan 29, 2010
roosterjcogburn said:
mushiSamurai said:
roosterjcogburn said:
I think I'm just about done with the PS3 lobby. About 10% of the people I talk to over there are cool, and the rest are assholes.
You should try the Vesti. The ratio there is more like 0.1% to 99.9%
Yeah, I went over there once. Funny how they all act like they're badasses who bang three supermodels a day, yet they all have upwards of 50,000 posts on an internet game site.

On another note... I got teh snowman on mah icon!
I only have 4 lousy snowballs [face_plain]
Mar 31, 2011
mushiSamurai said:
roosterjcogburn said:
mushiSamurai said:
roosterjcogburn said:
I think I'm just about done with the PS3 lobby. About 10% of the people I talk to over there are cool, and the rest are assholes.
You should try the Vesti. The ratio there is more like 0.1% to 99.9%
Yeah, I went over there once. Funny how they all act like they're badasses who bang three supermodels a day, yet they all have upwards of 50,000 posts on an internet game site.

On another note... I got teh snowman on mah icon!
I only have 4 lousy snowballs [face_plain]
I only have 3. Don't complain.


Apr 10, 2010
Yeah I'm pretty much done with the PS3 lobby, too. I didn't find them to be a-holes, but they're just kind of like a big group of old friends and anyone else is kind of an outsider. Is hard to become popular on there. Which users were bothering you, Rooster?