Apr 21, 2006
There is a serious need for this thread on this board, so I'm posting it up. I don't have the game yet because I'm broke, and sadly food wins over video games when I'm leeching money off my mom. [face_cry] [face_not_talking]

Anyways back on topic. Just post any questions you have about how to do something in the game and someone should answer. I know Doru has the game and he usually replies to questions in these kind of threads, and a lot of lurkers post in these threads too so don't feel as your questions will go unread if you post here.

Have fun. ;)
Sep 28, 2007
Well, it's a long game, I beat it in 22 hours, but after you beat it, there are a few extra quests. There are loads of different digimon, including some new ones, so if your a digimon fan, then yeah, get it, if you liked Final Fantasy XII then get it, unless you hate Digimon, but if you don't like Final Fantasy XII or Digimon, then it's probably better not to get it.

And, does anyone know about the quest called "The Combat Game" requested by MegaDramon, The Vikemon tournament. On Digimon Dusk. If so please help.. I'm past beating all of the Zudomon, but I can't find Vikemon.
Jun 21, 2007
at the end where the last portal to go to city was, there would be vikemon. i had trouble to but i recommend to start in macro sea and move out to where you fought
mercurimon or skullBakuchimon because i forgot which one it was
Sep 28, 2007
Thanks, if you need any help, with this game or with a Megaman game give me a holla. You can reach me at blaze_ppls@yahoo.com I check it every other day. But by next week, I will have forgot my pass and log in, for IGN again... Well, thank ya.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
DoruGreymon05 said:
Does anyone know if I can trade my Digimon from Digimon World DS(the original) into Dawn or Dusk?

Ummm... I don't believe you can. Good question though.
May 31, 2005
I dont think so either, I know that there are new Digimon in Dawn and Dusk that weren't in the original game so maybe that could be a reason why you can't trade. I have 2 DSs and both games so iI was tempted to try it


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I know what you mean. Also, some evolution lines where fixed/changed, so that could be another reason.


Jul 30, 2004
Yeah a lot of lines have been changed, for example DinoBeemon -> GranKuwagamon is gone, so is Lopmon -> Wizardmon, Garudamon -> Phoenixmon (just stupid Bandai, shame on you >_>), Lillymon -> Rosemon, etc. Although they have made improvements such as having Kabuterimon digivolve into both MegaKabuterimons, Lopmon -> Wendigomon, etc.


Jul 22, 2007
little help here...i am in ancient glacier looking for chief glare...i've found two gates, zero bosses, and a lot of frippin' fridgemon...can someone please tell me what i am suppose to be looking for, or if i have to go to the undersea tunnel or something...and if that is the case then i am going to be really annoyed because that would be ludicrous...


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
ange1wind said:
little help here...i am in ancient glacier looking for chief glare...i've found two gates, zero bosses, and a lot of frippin' fridgemon...can someone please tell me what i am suppose to be looking for, or if i have to go to the undersea tunnel or something...and if that is the case then i am going to be really annoyed because that would be ludicrous...

I JUST started that quest, so I'm of no help... yet.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
ange1wind said:
little help here...i am in ancient glacier looking for chief glare...i've found two gates, zero bosses, and a lot of frippin' fridgemon...can someone please tell me what i am suppose to be looking for, or if i have to go to the undersea tunnel or something...and if that is the case then i am going to be really annoyed because that would be ludicrous...

You do have to go into the tunnel. Luckly for me though, I took the correct route the first time. LOL


Jul 22, 2007
that's ridiculous...if you just had to go to the undersea tunnel, then why all the trouble of getting the code for the ancient glacier[face_angry] bandai is so confusing...
Mar 2, 2006
Does anyone know how to dna digivolve Paildramon? I have exveemon and stingmon, but when i go to dna digivolve and choose Exveemon, Stingmon isn't even on the list. Can anyone help?
May 31, 2005
I have no idea, I havnt tried DNA digivolving yet.

Could someone tell me how my team is right now? I'm at resistor Jungle and I have Firamon, GeoGreymon, and Aquilamon along with Dinohumon, Reppamon, and Saberdramon for reserves. All I have in my bank right now is DotAgumon. Anyone know if I should add someone else. I also saw the code for DotShineGreymon but I dont know if I can get him yet since I'm only a bronze tamer. Thanks to whoever can help!


Jul 30, 2004
Megadarkboy - If I were you I'd get Dinobeemon instead, but anyway, Stingmon won't appear because him and ExVeemon are more than 10 levels apart, but I believe for special DNA digivolutions like Paildramon (or Dinobeemon) one of the digimon needs to reach certain requirements in this case the 10 level difference is ignored (I believe, I do not know this for a fact).

Requirements for Paildramon:
Lv36+, Attack 230+, Friendship 80%+, ExVeemon must initiate the Jogress

DORUgremon - Seems okay, you might want to try to digivolve Firamon to Ultimate.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
you need to find him in ancient glacier not marco sea but you need to go under and go up afain to find chief glare,trust me


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011

Why can't I turn Ruin SHinegreymon back to regular shinegreymon? SHouldn't I just be able to fuse him with my RiseGreymon or something and he'll change back? I'll be very unhappy if I have to work up a new one now.


Jul 30, 2004
I believe you must DNA digivolve it with a RiseGreymon, I believe they must be less than 10 levels apart, I assume you have Digimon World Dawn and want to devolve Ruin Mode so you can get Burst Mode [face_raised_brow]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
nah, mah bestest buddy has Dawn. But ya...... Rizegrey didn't work last time, ill try again.

EDIT: Ya, I'm drawing blanks. RizeGreymon is giving me nothing, he's staying as Ruin Mode. I might as well just raise up this other Rizegreymon, he's coming along nicely.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
DoruGreymon05 said:
I also saw the code for DotShineGreymon but I dont know if I can get him yet since I'm only a bronze tamer. Thanks to whoever can help!

I put the code in, and got DotShineGreymon when I was a Normal Tamer. It'll work for you.


Jul 22, 2007
anybody have any idea how to get chiccimon...i have been up and down the gamefaqs and the only guide on there says to get chiccimon you have to get an egg from chronomon hm and another bird digimon (with lots of exp. and etc. etc.), BUT according to the faq you can't get chronomon hm unless you have already befriended chiccimon...it's a catch 22...or am i missing something...
Sep 25, 2005
I'm trying to get Matadormon, but when I try to DNA Digivolve Hookmon and Vilemon it won't come up with Matadormon. I know that they have to be Lv 30+, DRK 3100+, SPD 195+.

My Hookmon is Lv 38, DRK 5009, SPD 203
My Vilemon is Lv 34, DRK is above 3100, SPD 206

What am I doing wrong?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Deadgrlwalkin said:
I'm trying to get Matadormon, but when I try to DNA Digivolve Hookmon and Vilemon it won't come up with Matadormon. I know that they have to be Lv 30+, DRK 3100+, SPD 195+.

My Hookmon is Lv 38, DRK 5009, SPD 203
My Vilemon is Lv 34, DRK is above 3100, SPD 206

What am I doing wrong?
I dunno, as far as I can tell, you SHOULD be able to fuse em together. Wierd.


Jul 22, 2007

okay genius...if it was that easy i wouldn't be posting on here[face_tongue] ...i can't degenerate muchomon or penguinmon if i don't have chiccimon...


Jul 30, 2004
Your right, I just tried it. Guess you'll have to beat Chronomon Holy Mode in the Legend Tamer Quest =/


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Well, happy to say I got regular Shinegreymon back. Seems I needed my rizegreymon to have the fufilled requirements to become a shinegreymon (Attack 270, Holy 13000) without him actually BEING a shinegreymon.
Aug 28, 2005
To get Matadormon, you have to digivolve it from Sangloupmon. There could be another way, but I don't know it.

How's my team so far? I have DW:Dusk and I'm on the "Find source of illegal program in Loop Swamp" Quest.

Lekismon Lv25
Gaogamon Lv22
Devimon Lv18

PawnChessmonB Lv20
Devidramon Lv1 (just digivolved)
Sangloupmon LV6 (also, just digivolved)

Going to have to degenerate both these guys to digivolve them again though :( I wish there was just one exp point counter instead of them being split into the different species type exp.
May 31, 2005
That looks pretty good for right now. I would try and get Devimon's level up if you can though. You sure have a lot of Dark digimon lol

Getting the EXP split isnt that bad, it can make things difficult if you need a lot of one type but all of it raises your level anyway so it doesnt really matter
Aug 28, 2005
Yeah I guess that's true. All the Dark types seem fitting for the game, lol.

I'm thinking of replacing my Chessmon, but I don't know who for [face_thinking]

And I keep typing "Evolve" and then I remember it isn't Pokemon [face_tongue]
Sep 25, 2005
I read in a guide you get Matadormon by DNA Digivolving Hookmon and Vilemon. That was for Digimon World Moonlight, maybe in changed in Dusk.

How'd you get Sangloupmon?
Aug 28, 2005
Moonlight is the Japanese name for Dusk, I think.

I got Sangloupmon by digivolving Dracmon (one of the digimon on the cover).
May 31, 2005
xdarkestshadowx said:
Yeah I guess that's true. All the Dark types seem fitting for the game, lol.

I'm thinking of replacing my Chessmon, but I don't know who for [face_thinking]

And I keep typing "Evolve" and then I remember it isn't Pokemon [face_tongue]

Yea, I can see why. If you can try and mix your party up a little later in the game though

Hmm I would keep him for now, unless you wanna get like a Kamemon of something

People with Dawn/anyone, right now my party is Flaremon, Reppamon, Cyberdramon, Karatenmon, DotShineGreymon, ad RizeGreymon. I'm going to have to replace Karatenmon real soon because he doesnt evolve again and he maxes out at level 50. I'm gonna have to replace Cyberdramon too because he maxes out 2 levels before he can digivolve to Justimon:(. So does anyone have any ideas on who I should replace them with(I'm at Thriller Ruins)
Sep 25, 2005
I know Sangloupmon Digivolves from Dracmon. I was just wondering how you got that Digivolution line in the first place. I haven't run into any Keramon or Dracmon yet. I've only just went through the Resistor Jungle though.

Doru, if you really want Justimon, degenerate Cyberdramon. Once you get Cyberdramon back you should be able to get Justimon. Some circumstances force you to Degenerate, so Digimon can get to certain levels.
Sep 17, 2007
Hey everyone! =D

So I'm playing my Digimon World Dusk and I'm doing this quest for Yanamon to get tasty water! simple enough right? well I go to loop swamp to ask shogungekomon for the water BUT he needs a digibranch to make the tasty water! SO! here is the problem, I CAN'T FIND THE STUPID DIGIBRANCH!! I've looked and looked but can't find it! hope someone has done this quest and can help me find the item! cause its getting pretty annoying with the same digimon over and over again DX

it might be a stupid question but I'm really desperate for help lol ^^;

Aug 28, 2005
Ummm you find Dracmon in a cemetary like place which you can get to by take a purple warp in Login Mountain or Thiller Ruins because I don't really remember which. The cemetary like place is mostly purple with bones lying aroung.
May 31, 2005
Yea, I saw Dracmon but he looks kind of hard to evolve. I'm thinking either Whamon or Kamemon since Kamemon looks sort of easy to digivolve. Also does anyone know a place where I can get a lot of holy exp.(like between 200-300 exp per battle) because now I need it for Flaremon, Reppamon, RizeGreymon, and maybe Whamon[face_silly]

Sorry Cenntricgal, im not that far yet so I cant help you:(


Oct 7, 2007
Yea, I saw Dracmon but he looks kind of hard to evolve. I'm thinking either Whamon or Kamemon since Kamemon looks sort of easy to digivolve. Also does anyone know a place where I can get a lot of holy exp.(like between 200-300 exp per battle) because now I need it for Flaremon, Reppamon, RizeGreymon, and maybe Whamon silly

Sorry Cenntricgal, im not that far yet so I cant help you:(

you know you'll never be good in the game if your going to be that lazy

Attention spoilers maybe for people who haven't beaten game.

anyways i have a question if i could defeat grimmon in all his forms shouldn't i be able to do platinum test or is it harder.

Aug 28, 2005
How in the world do I get Airdramon in Dusk? Cause I'm training a Veemon (eventually into Goldramon) and I need an Airdramon to do it. :(

Actually I need Airdramon to evolve a lot of digimon.

Also, LucemonFM or Myotismon?

EDIT: And can someone explain matching to me? I have no idea about what it is. Besides the manual.


Oct 7, 2007

Actually I need Airdramon to evolve a lot of digimon.

Also, LucemonFM or Myotismon?

EDIT: And can someone explain matching to me? I have no idea about what it is. Besides the manual.

Well venom myotismon is good lucemonfm idk.venom helped defeat platinum haha lv 1 vnemon myotis lv 4 wargrowl and justimon which were my reliefs other ones died on first turn lol.
May 31, 2005
Ah I see, I know he is one of the Digimon on the speed team in Dawn. The only other way I can think of getting him is to generate a Megadramon but I dont know where to get him either...

I'm pretty sure you can get Myotismon at Thriller Ruins
Aug 28, 2005
I have a Devimon which digivolves into Myotismon, but I'm deciding whether to digivolve it or do DNA with Angemon to get Lucemon.

So I'm guessing I have to match for it? Can you explain matching if you know anything about it?