
Only The Tyler has the brains to rule Lylat
Dec 30, 2006
So, Pokeymanz Son and Mewn, pretty kewl, amirite?

EDIT: In all seriousness, IGN told me I've been a member for ten years now. Jesus...
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No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Anyone here gotten to play Star Fox 2 yet? I'm going to pick up my reserved SNES Classic from GameStop in a couple hours, but probably won't have time to get to it tonight.


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows


I love lamp.
Jul 27, 2008
Life has been kicking in since graduating from college

Life for me has been amazing since having a kid and a career.
Well shit we're behind on the news

- How old is the kid?
- What starter Pokemon did the kid choose?
- Did this kid knows how to attempt an RKO OUTTA NOWHERE?

-She's a year and 8 months.

-Crazy thing is that she has done this already lol. We were with her in the mall about 2 months ago and they had the plushes of the original starters. I put them on the floor and she walked over, picked up squirtle and bulbasuar. She looked at them for a minute and then threw Bulbasaur to the ground lol. She made the same choice as I did back when I played Red Version as a kid!

-She can't quite do the RKO yet, but she has a very mean frog splash from the top rope(couch).


Only The Tyler has the brains to rule Lylat
Dec 30, 2006
So I bought a Switch a few weeks ago, and I must say, it's the best system on the market. The fact that I can take it into any place and play it seamlessly is pretty stinkin' impressive. Splatoon 2 (got the Splatoon 2 bundle, with the neon pink and neon green joycons) is a blast to play. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the best Mario Kart they've ever made, Ultra Street Fighter II is a lot of fun, as is Pokken Tournament. Breath of the Wild is okay, not my kind of game, but okay. Have Fire Emblem Warriors and Mario Odyssey pre-ordered.

I do have a couple complaints with the system. First off, the AC adapter isn't neat long enough. On top of that, the system gets super hot when in TV mode. Other than those two things though, this system is a blast. Would definitely recommend. :3


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows

Life for me has been amazing since having a kid and a career.
Well shit we're behind on the news

- How old is the kid?
- What starter Pokemon did the kid choose?
- Did this kid knows how to attempt an RKO OUTTA NOWHERE?

-She's a year and 8 months.

-Crazy thing is that she has done this already lol. We were with her in the mall about 2 months ago and they had the plushes of the original starters. I put them on the floor and she walked over, picked up squirtle and bulbasuar. She looked at them for a minute and then threw Bulbasaur to the ground lol. She made the same choice as I did back when I played Red Version as a kid!

-She can't quite do the RKO yet, but she has a very mean frog splash from the top rope(couch).
Lemme say this much:

Frog Splashes at an early age gives them the aerial advantage when it comes to wrestling and fighting later in life


Are you gonna finish that?
Sep 5, 2008
Maryland, United States
I remember this place exists in fever dreams. And then I remember it's real, and I'm surprised to see that it's still somehow here after all this time.

Hope anyone who finds this is doing well. Times have been wild this year especially with the rona and all the other events going on. I've been out of work for 4 months now but thanks to the extra 600 a week I've actually made more money now than I ever have in my years being employed, but I guess that's where being a minimum wage worker gets you. I've been spending most of my free time playing games and Dungeons and Dragons. I've got an amazing boyfriend who I've had a hard time seeing lately because of everything going on but I couldn't ask for more than what I have right now. It's weird to think about how I made an account here when I was 13 and now I'm 25 and trying to get my life together, but hey, that's how it be sometimes.