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Original poster
Man, Burnout Revenge is awesome for 360. I played the demo awhile back and it was fun, and Burnout 3 was like hot steamy cake, but man is this game fun. For an EA game, the achievements are quite hard to get. Besides the bull ones I've already gotten (upload a video replay, recommend a replay) but you have to get perfect scores on everything in each "area" to get just one achievement. Even going up in rank doesn't net you one :(


The Jest
Feb 19, 2006
Guitar Hero 2 gets hard. My wrist

Fhwhghads, if you even see this, give me you Wii code when you get hooked
I would say get the ethernet because it's more reliable, although it does cost I'm not sure if the adapter is out yet though.

Wii post ftw.

Gonna go watch "Strange Brew", eh.


Aug 12, 2006
Hey is there a way you can buy the same batteries that came
with the wii remote in the box or do you have to just buy
duracell or energizer or whatever


Click here to ban.
Dec 27, 2004
Southern California
missypissy said:
Man, Burnout Revenge is awesome for 360. I played the demo awhile back and it was fun, and Burnout 3 was like hot steamy cake, but man is this game fun. For an EA game, the achievements are quite hard to get. Besides the bull ones I've already gotten (upload a video replay, recommend a replay) but you have to get perfect scores on everything in each "area" to get just one achievement. Even going up in rank doesn't net you one :(

I'm glad you're enjoying the game, I have it as well.

Oh yeah, I've finally been unbanned from my one week ban because of rioting. I missed christmas at the boards....I got a box of chocolates and money for my Wii, which I haven't bought yet.

No Longer a Noob
Oct 31, 2005
Ah, the sweet smell of the good old Zelda Board, how I've missed you. I've beaten the main quest of TP and am therefore indifferent to any other sidequest spoilers I might find.

It's good to be back, boys.~o)


No Longer a Noob
Jun 29, 2006
Someone please tell me how to make an alt! I go to register a new account, but I already have one it says (because I want to use the same e-mail. I really don't want to have to make another e-mail address just to get an alt). Can someone help with my problem? Is there any way to make an alt without having to give a different e-mail adress? And is it against the rules? I really don't know these things, because in the entire time I've been here I haven't asked (or at least noone has answered)


Ink Addicted
Jul 8, 2003
Dragon_Tamer93 said:
Wii-Mote Question-You have to buy new battaries. (Sp?)
E-Mil Alt-No. You HAVE to make another e-mail to make an alt.

Yeah, you pretty much have to have an alternate email to set up an alt account, I suppose if you wanna get technical there are ways around it, but you'd have to have access to someone elses email.


Click here to ban.
Dec 27, 2004
Southern California
I've made lots of alt accounts, and yeah you have to make another email. Do what I did, I made another account with the same name and password in hotmail...or yahoo, depends on your situation.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 31, 2005
So my mom won't let me play TP today. :(
Because I have a ****load of homework to do by Wednesday.
Because I've neglected to do anything for the past two weeks.

it's my own damn fault, I know.
Which makes it worse.
Because now my teacher hates me.
I wish I didn't have another class with her before; I can't even pretend that I'm a bad student because she knows I'm not.
Which means I can't really get away with not doing anything.
But I really hate her.
Always have.
And another 3 months with her is too much to bear.

Not to mention I hate about all of the people in my class.
Because they are elitist pricks.
And not in a good way.
There's only 5 people I actually talk to in it.
But we don't get to choose our own groups for presentations, and I get separated from them, and end up with people I hate.

I needed to get that out. I feel better now. :)

I have enough email accounts for about... 10 alts.
I'm just too lazy, and don't see the need.
I really only use two of them though.


May 11, 2006
This is a bit On-Topic to Zelda, can I do that? Just wanted to say, I was reading Wikipedia's idea of twilight princess's ending and I was wondering if it was really true, so I turned twilight on and went to the exact spot where Link was at the ending when he was riding his horse.


Wikipedia writes that Link is returning to his village and I was wondering if he really was, so I beat the final boss again and watched the ending carefully. I see the goat herder guy calling Link, but why would he do that? and then Ilia's standing at the entrance, I was first thinking she was waiting for Link. I then went to the spot where Link was leaving at myself to find out, I looked carefully at the surroundings and found out he was actually leaving the village, not returning. It makes sense that way to why he would call Link, he was probably already there and then left while Ilia watched him go. To me this screams Twilight Princess sequel.

I just found this out a few minutes ago, does everyone know this already? If so, darn I'm slow..

Edit: Thought block quote meant black out the writing, guess it's only insiders..


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 31, 2005
block quote makes this:

[blockquote]block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote block quote [/blockquote]

to black out spoilers use [hl=black ] [/hl ] (except without spaces. to get this: [hl=black]spoiler[/hl]
And yes, it is insider only. [face_tongue]

No Longer a Noob
Oct 31, 2005
DarthTofu said:
So my mom won't let me play TP today. :(
Because I have a ****load of homework to do by Wednesday.
Because I've neglected to do anything for the past two weeks.

it's my own damn fault, I know.
Which makes it worse.
Because now my teacher hates me.
I wish I didn't have another class with her before; I can't even pretend that I'm a bad student because she knows I'm not.
Which means I can't really get away with not doing anything.
But I really hate her.
Always have.
And another 3 months with her is too much to bear.

Not to mention I hate about all of the people in my class.
Because they are elitist pricks.
And not in a good way.
There's only 5 people I actually talk to in it.
But we don't get to choose our own groups for presentations, and I get separated from them, and end up with people I hate.

I needed to get that out. I feel better now. :)

I have enough email accounts for about... 10 alts.
I'm just too lazy, and don't see the need.
I really only use two of them though.
Interesting format. Looks like poetry.~o)


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 31, 2005
It's easier to get thoughts out when there's no paragraphs.
Which is why I'm failing English.
Because all we do is write essays.
And nothing else.
And I don't think that way.
Too structured.
Too much planning.
I don't like thinking harder than I have to.


Jan 9, 2005
I'm hating English too. Lots of essays. Basically one of the earlier essays assigned to us I BS'd and the teacher loved it (I even stuck in at least one line from a song off of a CD I was listening to at the time).

Since then she hasn't liked any of my essays as much.

Essays = bleh

Short stories I can do though (but sometimes the short stories seem close to turning into novellas).


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 31, 2005
Essays aren't bad in themselves, but when I have absolutely no interest in what I'm supposed to write about, it's a chore. Especially when I end up writing about something I'm not supposed to simply because said topic is more interesting, and attempt to get back on subject, making a horribly disorganized essay, and end up with a 65.


Click here to ban.
Dec 27, 2004
Southern California
Yeah I pretty much hate my english class as well. The teacher is nerdy and no one pays attention. People in the classroom are loud and stupid.

First class I have hated in my life. But other then that one the rest of my classes are cool.

Are you in honor English or something like that Tofu?
Dec 27, 2006
DarthTofu said:
Essays aren't bad in themselves, but when I have absolutely no interest in what I'm supposed to write about, it's a chore. Especially when I end up writing about something I'm not supposed to simply because said topic is more interesting, and attempt to get back on subject, making a horribly disorganized essay, and end up with a 65.

I got lucky and had a proffessor that gave us the freedom to write about whatever we wanted to. We had to start at least 5 two page papers in the semester, and then one 5 page story that we turn in for our final grade completely finished and rewritten. I enjoyed it because I wasn't stuck writing about things that bore the everliving crap out of me. I got to write about things that intrested me. One of my papers for example was over the events that unfolded on my 2yr anniversary date with my girlfriend.

The class I hate right now is my U.S. Government class. I don't care about it the least bit and it is one of those classes where the proffessor just stands up at front and with his monotone voice speaks at one note the whole class. Here we sit in front of him with notes being shot off of a projector onto a white screen. We don't have much time to write down the notes and I sure as hell can't listen to him and write at the same time. I even have trouble listenning to music and typing, because I start typing lyrics. We go through about 4-5 pages of notes per class period and everyone leaves the class each day complaining that we don't have enough time. Also looking around the class you notice people nodding thier heads in boredom, me included. When you do look at this guy, he has hair on one side and does a combover look and messes with his hair the whole time which is also a distraction. Anyone else have any classes like that? I got out of that class last year by just a C...I hated that class so much


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
English can suck it.

If it makes you feel better, highschool is a waste of time, and no one cares about the grades you get in it. I can go to college here and get all the university courses (first year) for half the price, and those marks are the ones they care about.

As long as I have my diploma I'm good.

Not to mention the fact that I don't even have to go to college, there's so many other things I can do and earn a decent living. I hate how schools put pressure on the students to go to university, it's gonna create a nation of a billion doctors and three skilled workers. Stupid, stupid.

This happened, in like, Sweeden already.

Risk is a fun game.

-yup~o)Sir Rastus Bear, who'd ever belive, you'd be by a song, Redeeemed.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 31, 2005
haha, that's true, Choke.
I mean, my sister studied psychology in college, and now she's a graphic artist doing what she's never studied for in her life, and making a decent living. (still lives at home though)

anyway, I've been staring at Othello for the past week. I should probably at least attempt to read it now.
Dec 27, 2006
I keep seeing people in their signatures saying, "thanks to ______ for the wonderful adoption". What is it and why does it give me an option to adopt someone?


Click here to ban.
Dec 27, 2004
Southern California
TheDaringPastry said:
I got lucky and had a proffessor that gave us the freedom to write about whatever we wanted to. We had to start at least 5 two page papers in the semester, and then one 5 page story that we turn in for our final grade completely finished and rewritten. I enjoyed it because I wasn't stuck writing about things that bore the everliving crap out of me. I got to write about things that intrested me. One of my papers for example was over the events that unfolded on my 2yr anniversary date with my girlfriend.

The class I hate right now is my U.S. Government class. I don't care about it the least bit and it is one of those classes where the proffessor just stands up at front and with his monotone voice speaks at one note the whole class. Here we sit in front of him with notes being shot off of a projector onto a white screen. We don't have much time to write down the notes and I sure as hell can't listen to him and write at the same time. I even have trouble listenning to music and typing, because I start typing lyrics. We go through about 4-5 pages of notes per class period and everyone leaves the class each day complaining that we don't have enough time. Also looking around the class you notice people nodding thier heads in boredom, me included. When you do look at this guy, he has hair on one side and does a combover look and messes with his hair the whole time which is also a distraction. Anyone else have any classes like that? I got out of that class last year by just a C...I hated that class so much

I see you're new! WUL?

Anyways, I'm guessing that you were in college when you had that those classes. In high school there is not much freedom when it comes to write something. They even give us prompts on how to write an essay, like if I didn't know.

My AP US History class teacher makes us take lots of notes, thats the only part that I hate. Luckily he knows how to teach, makes things interesting, can be funny at times, and his tests are easy.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 31, 2005
I love my history teacher. A lot of people hate him because it feels like we're not learning anything at all, but that's not true. We learn a lot, but it's so random and different from what other classes are learning. Plus, we get to watch movies, and he also makes a lot of really corny jokes. He's very genuine too, which I like.

I read act 1 of othello.
I need to read it again later...


Fierce Deity VIP
Feb 15, 2003
Tesoro Azul
Work drama is teh bestest.

So I work at a clothing store, in which me and about 60 employees have been working since the store was built. Me and these sixty employees slaved for 3 weeks to build the store up from nothing and get it ready opening day. We did, and the store has been open for a couple months now.

About a month ago our managers started hiring more employees, which was fine. But then they started cutting people's hours. For example I was working 40 hours a week, and now I'm lucky to get ten. Some people are getting 5, some are getting three, etc. These new people have no idea what they're doing, and they expect us to train them and help them out.

Now, Holidays are over, and they've decided they need to start cutting employees. They needed 60-80 to open and run the store through the holidays, after the holidays they only need 40. So today people started getting cut. Everyone's pissed, everyone's on edge, and I feel like I'm the only one keeping a level head about it.

For now I still have my job, and considering I work my ass off I'm pretty sure I can keep it. But they're cutting people who have been with the store since the begining, so its not like their anger is misplaced, its perfectly warranted. They hire new people, and dump off people who have been with the store, like myself, just as long as the managers and the store itself.

So far I'm keeping my job. A manager told me to bear with it today, and that the hours would get better. So I think that's a good sign that I may be keeping my job. But boy is it fun to go to work these days, where everyone is on edge and pissy. I'm bringing in some Midol tomorrow and passing it around.


Region Lock Hater
May 30, 2004
Normally, the only people who get cut are either lazy, have a bad work attitude or are completely useless, so I seriously doubt you'll get cut too, Kyle. [face_tongue]

But yes, that panic going around work is awesome. Sometimes I just like to tease the other guys at work saying that the boss is thinking of cutting them even though I've already been told who's been getting cut. :^O

No Longer a Noob
Oct 31, 2005
Does anyone here know if there's a way to check how much time is left on your Insider? I think my time might be running out.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 31, 2005
Well, if you go find the email that was sent you when you got Insider, and then just add the months you're supposed to have, which is said in the email, then that should work. I think.


Fierce Deity VIP
Feb 15, 2003
Tesoro Azul
supernintendocharmrs said:
Normally, the only people who get cut are either lazy, have a bad work attitude or are completely useless, so I seriously doubt you'll get cut too, Kyle. [face_tongue]

Well, see the thing is, they hired 60 originally, ended up with 80, because they needed that much to open the store and get through the holidays. But now that the holidays are over they only need 40. There's no way there's 40 employees that are blantantly lazy, and its hard to tell whos being lazy to begin with when you have that many employees. So it's bound to be hard to fire who needs to be fired, and there are obviously going to be good employees let go in the cross fire.

Meh, they warned us when they hired us that they would be letting some go after christmas, so its not like they didnt see it coming.
Jul 30, 2006
Wait I have a question from what happened in Twilight Princess.
When it shows the clip of what happens when the dark power takes control of you... I didn't understand anything throughout the whole damn clip... My icon is one of the magicians that did something with the power... (I don't even know if they're magicians [face_tongue])


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 31, 2005
Ah, it's just Dark Link. [face_tongue]
He's been around since Zelda 2.

The cutscene is symbolic. It's best to read Volvagia_slayer's explanation in [link=]this thread[/link]. First time I saw it I kinda understood it, but was more entertained. I really like that cutscene. [face_tongue]


The Jest
Feb 19, 2006
What's this!? I come back to spoilers that don't sound true (beaten TP)!?

I'm back home now. I'm still getting presents.

I'm hooked.

My step-brother got WoW for Christmas. I didn't play because I knew I would become hooked. Then today, I saw my brother make a character, and I wanted in. I made one and played.

I'm a Level 4 Dwarf Hunter named Zipzogzor. My god. Too bad it's a 30 minute drive up to the location of my character. Now the thought of purchasing it is in my head.

Still unpacking. Finding space for new things.


The Jest
Feb 19, 2006
No you don't. Maybe you should check back.

I got rechargeable batteries. I'll need them for my Wii. They came with AAA too which is nice for other things. There's 4 of both, so 2 can charge while the others are used. Or they can be in the other Wiimote I have. Uh-oh. A dilemma.

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