
Nov 10, 2013
That's all good to hear. Some of those final bosses are pretty tough for faith builds because they deal and are immune to holy damage.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
God, I'm just so sick of this fucking game, and the Radagon/Elden Beast combo to finish it off is... I don't even know what to say. I've already talked about how much I hate multi form and multi health bar bosses, so to put these two back to back is just a massive turn off, especially when the Beast keeps peacing out across the battle field.

It's going to take a lot of time and frustration to learn the Beast's moves because I get killed by Radagon so often. And that sucks. I wouldn't mind either of them on their own.

The back 10-20% of this game is a pretty big disappointment. The only part I've really enjoyed for the last couple of weeks is Malenia, and that's just because she was such a legend in the community.


Nov 10, 2013
That's an example of the different challenges depending on build, because frankly I had zero issues with Radagon.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
It's done. With a little skill and a lot of luck, I downed the Elden Beast. It was tense at the end. I ran out of both types of flasks and got down to my last bit of health before taking him down. I played that last minute+ with no flasks and had to resort to melee.

I chose the normal ending, which was pretty lame.

I'll need some time to reflect on where this one lands for me. The first 50-60% was absolutely brilliant, easily a top 5 game for me. But the last 10-20% stung a bit.


Nov 10, 2013
I think the game is so big, that becomes a factor--it goes on too long. Even I felt it and I am a huge souls guy. If you do Malenia and all the side stuff--and some of it is brilliant--by the time you turn back to the main quest it feels like you are mentally worn out.


Nov 10, 2013
Your video is kind of funny, when you see the animation that you are out of mana. I can imagine what was going through your head--oh shit. But you were able to melee him fairly easily from there.

That second half of the fight was a lot harder for me than Radagon, because the Elden Lord's immunity to holy damage meant I couldn't hit him very hard with melee or spells. It was a long, drawn-out fight and I hate those.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I ended up bored. I was done about a dozen hours before I actually finished but couldn’t admit it. It’s probably the coolest looking, most beautiful game I’ve ever played.

I don’t think I’d ever get another Souls game and would probably avoid something too souls like. At this point I’d skip BB 2 as well.

I think it goes back to my NG+ of Dark Souls. I got half way through it again and was like “why?” And turned it off. That was probably when souls burned me out.

It’s not just DS and all I see are ones and zeroes. I’m genuinely worried that modern games probably aren’t for me and have left me behind. Im enjoying retro style gaming and JRPG. Maybe it’s a phase but… I’ll see.

That’s extremely cynical of me but I was even playing Huntdown and was thinking “this is effectively the same as Halo”. Like, you’ve played one action game you’ve played them all.
Last edited:


Nov 10, 2013
I am back in the Eternal City in my second play through, and just lost 33,000 souls, which is almost a level for me, on a mistimed jump. Kind of annoyed. But since I have been playing off and on, and trying magic, I am enjoying it thus far. I just beat the mimic boss.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Your video is kind of funny, when you see the animation that you are out of mana. I can imagine what was going through your head--oh shit. But you were able to melee him fairly easily from there.

That second half of the fight was a lot harder for me than Radagon, because the Elden Lord's immunity to holy damage meant I couldn't hit him very hard with melee or spells. It was a long, drawn-out fight and I hate those.
I was extremely lucky, since he could have done a bunch of different moves that probably would have killed me, but instead he hung around in melee range. Which is fine, I had plenty of unlucky attempts.

I am amused at how sloppy that run was though, in contrast to my win over the optional dragon boss in Azula. I never really got it with the Elden Beast, I just slogged through.

I can't imagine doing that while fight with melee. And it sounds like it was worse before 1.04, with the Beast running away more often.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
You sound like you need a break from gaming.
Potentially. Probably.

But seriously, it effectively is. I’ll say in a 2D game you don’t need the same situational awareness. But with a few modern touches it’s effectively the same activity.


Nov 10, 2013
You can get philosophical about it, it basically comes down to whether something is fun for you. If games are no longer fun for you, and feel like a chore, or an addiction with diminishing returns, I think it's probably time to take a break. If you miss it, you can come back.

I sometimes feel the burnout and step back, read more, ride my bike, etc. Before Elden Ring I was finally feeling burned out on all the souls games, and felt like I could not keep playing them anymore because the enjoyment was diminishing. I was playing other things, and while some of them were fun, it felt less fun.

But for me, generally speaking, games are still fun. Of course if you think about it, you are pressing buttons and staring at a screen, just like in the 1980s. The only difference is the depth of the game.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
You can get philosophical about it, it basically comes down to whether something is fun for you. If games are no longer fun for you, and feel like a chore, or an addiction with diminishing returns, I think it's probably time to take a break. If you miss it, you can come back.

I sometimes feel the burnout and step back, read more, ride my bike, etc. Before Elden Ring I was finally feeling burned out on all the souls games, and felt like I could not keep playing them anymore because the enjoyment was diminishing. I was playing other things, and while some of them were fun, it felt less fun.

But for me, generally speaking, games are still fun. Of course if you think about it, you are pressing buttons and staring at a screen, just like in the 1980s. The only difference is the depth of the game.
They’re still fun. I’m just genuinely having a hard time accepting what I’m finding fun, vs what my idea of fun is and how I used to game.

It’s just counter to my own image of myself. I guess I’m not taking time off from gaming (I did that and didn’t game for the first 4 months starting last December) but I’m still taking time off from the usual suspects.


Prime Member
Nov 11, 2011
I'm just about done, have the last boss, Malenia and two dragons left of the major bosses. There is a couple of catacombs I know that I haven't done and probably some that I don't know of.


Nov 10, 2013
I mean, I know he is really high half the time, but wow. I guess he likes fat rolling? Just puzzling.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 14, 2004
So, I finally started Elden Ring and so far I'm just running around killing random dudes as a samurai. My goal is to build a bleed build. In every other soul game (except bloodborne and Sekiro) I was always leaning towards a warrior str build with straight sword and a shield. So I hope this build turns out fine down the line. Game so far looks awesome but it feels massive in scope.


Nov 10, 2013
I will be interested to hear how you liked the samurai. I tend to never do bleed builds in these games, even though they can be quite effective. There are lots of good weapons later for such a build.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 14, 2004
I will be interested to hear how you liked the samurai. I tend to never do bleed builds in these games, even though they can be quite effective. There are lots of good weapons later for such a build.

I'm worried that the ashes of blood to get the bleed effect is quite far off and until then I just have to do with my awesome samurai skills that I inherited from Ghost of Tsushima.


Nov 10, 2013
There are a lot of items with built in bleed effects, I am pretty sure. The ashes just allow you to turn regular items into bleed items.

I would google dex type swords and see what you can find in the early game, if you really want to know, but I am almost certain that there are a lot of options. I think I got some early during my play throughs but didn't use them because it didn't really fit my build.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I'm worried that the ashes of blood to get the bleed effect is quite far off and until then I just have to do with my awesome samurai skills that I inherited from Ghost of Tsushima.
Are you playing online? Do you see lots of players around still? Ghosts and summons and so on.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
It's been one of the best selling games since it launched, I'd be shocked if there weren't a ton of players at any given time.

This game is selling like a CoD or a mainline first party Nintendo game.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 14, 2004
113 Level and I'm going back and forth between Lyndell and Volcano Manor (coolest area in the game imho). Rocking with Nakagiba +19 and Briars set. Lord of Blood is giving me trouble in the Palace though. So far, this game is one of my fav games of all time. I love everything about this game.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
So, Shadow anyone?

It's $40, which seems high for DLC, but From says it's their biggest ever.

I haven't yet figured out where it fits in the game. Is it appropriate for a fresh NG+ character? Or one at the end of the game?


Nov 10, 2013
I will of course buy it. I think I may already own it technically, since I think I bought a season pass edition of the game.

I played Elden for a while two weeks ago but stopped my run as usual. I have only finished it once. There is something very cool about the game's open world, but also something very oppressive about it that makes it feel kind of overwhelming and pointless to play at times, in a way that Dark Souls never did. I lose interest. It may just be that I am burned out on gaming and on this genre in particular after so many hours.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I will of course buy it. I think I may already own it technically, since I think I bought a season pass edition of the game.

I played Elden for a while two weeks ago but stopped my run as usual. I have only finished it once. There is something very cool about the game's open world, but also something very oppressive about it that makes it feel kind of overwhelming and pointless to play at times, in a way that Dark Souls never did. I lose interest. It may just be that I am burned out on gaming and on this genre in particular after so many hours.
I bet Dragons Dogma is good and you’ll like that. Hopefully it’s not a massive open world and stays closer to the first game.

It’s not just ER that’s too big for its own good and I think that’s what it is.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 3, 2019
So, Shadow anyone?

It's $40, which seems high for DLC, but From says it's their biggest ever.
I was considering preordering it until I saw the price; definitely will wait for the reviews on this. That being said, I think From's DLC has generally been worth it so I'm not too worried and it'll be a good excuse to jump back into the game in earnest. But it's certain a bit of a steep asking price at a glance. I hope it's worth it, I assume it's had its fair share of work put into it considering the gap between releases here. No one has an almost 2 year on their roadmap between release and first substantial DLC release, after all


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 3, 2019
I love that portrait so much. Like, divorced from any context it's actually great (IMO) and really sets a mood.

In context it makes King Charles look quite daft, to be all Commonwealth for a second. This is a stately portrait that makes him look like the head of an evil power, a tone that would have been more appropriate in the days of British imperialism but would have been gauche (well, and probably a bit shocking to that era's sensibilities) to so strongly project that image.

It sort of makes me think of how some recent presidential portraits are quite creative and stray from a more typical portrait style. And I think it works there because, well, a president is a very different figure. They're elected, for one, and as much as they run on policies they also run on personality so a portrait that matches a leader's sensibilities makes a lot of sense. It seems a bit sillier when you're this mostly symbolic vestige of a previous era; it's this stark move away from tradition and ceremony when that's your role.

I don't know much about my ceremonial heads of state, but everything I've heard about Charles is that he's an out of touch racist and this fits that perfectly.

While the Queen was still with us the Jets would trot out the old portrait of her that used to grace the old rink the previous Jets played out of (it's an absolutely huge recreation of her official portrait that's so big that the current arena doesn't actually wall space to actually display it) during playoffs and make it part of the outdoor White Out festivities. And love or hate the Queen/the monarchy, you could see why people might want to display a big piece like that. It's hard to imagine monarchists wanting to proudly display this.

But I would join his covenant and invade some worlds