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Jan 9, 2005
riseofthemike said:
Not to mention their reason for doing so is flawed...Witches dont' even believe in the devil let alone worship him. They killed all those people out of fear..and to instill fear into others.

1. Are you saying that witches today believe in the same thing that witches believed in 500 years ago?

2. It isn't the devil aspect of witches that Christianity is at odds with. It's the practice of sorcery in general. So if the Christians were killing witches because of their practice in sorcery, then what they were doing made sense with their beliefs and the witches' practices. (And of course I'm just saying this from a historical standpoint, not a moral one.)

riseofthemike said:
A classic example of them trying to trick the Pagans...Christmas...That is a Pagan holiday and Christ would not have been born that month. Yet because they needed more followers and wanted to unite everyone under the banner of one God...They fudged the facts a little.

Really? You think that they did that to try to trick the pagans? No, the Christians didn't like the pagan holidays, so they decided to celebrate their own holiday in order to take the holiday away from the pagans. It had nothing to do with tricking the pagans or lying to people. The Catholic church still believes that Jesus was born in March, if I remember correctly. No non-ignorant clergyman has ever proclaimed that December 25 is the day that Jesus was born. It's just the day that Jesus's birth is celebrated. That's why even Christians still use Christmas trees during the holiday. There were no evergreen trees in the Nativity story. Those are just decorations claimed from the pagans in order to Christianize the holiday.
Jul 12, 2008

Anyone who practices true witchcraft will believe the same things that the witches of the past did. It's a religion. There are those that would tarnish their beliefs but those people aren't true Witches.

The differences between Witches today and Witches of yesteryear will most likely be like the difference between Christians and the Christians of the past.

Furthermore, every time you read anything about the time period or what Christians had to say about Witches, it was devil worshiping this, devil worshiping that. They dance and lay with the devil for powers they know naught.

It was very much the "devil" worship that Christians had issue with. They believed that Witches received power from the devil. When in all accuracy, that is very far from the truth. It made sense to their beliefs, I do not begrudge you that. However, that doesn't make their beliefs any less flawed.

As for Christmas, you're right. But they also did it to make their holiday come in line with the Pagan holiday in order to bring in new followers that were pagan. The thing about Paganism is that it was very open to other religions...(not all of them, but look at Rome and it's many, many religions that lived in somewhat peace.) In doing so, they tricked the Pagans. And once they had joined they learned about the rest of Christianity and how different it really was. This is all documented by the way. I learned about it in College from a professor that is very much a hard lined Catholic.

They tricked the Pagans..and then allowed them to worship, within their own homes, any God/s or Goddess/s they pleased, but if they were caught outside of their homes practicing their Religion they were killed.

Religions change, but their core beliefs stay the same...their God's and Goddesses, or just one God...stay the same.

Like Christians there are many different types of Witches...and not all of them worship the same person. Not all of them believe the same things. But I can tell you that the Christian God and the Christian Devil are not among the beliefs of Witches.

I've studied many different Religions. I find them to be interesting...If you want further debate, feel free to rebut me.

Nov 6, 2010
seriously no mention of the intro song what so ever? i was thinking for about a month of making a fan made video of sam and dean (the real sam) kicking ass again with this song in the background. To my huge suprise supernatural used the same song i was going to use. Its songs like these that supernatural uses that remind me why old music kicks new age musics ass!!!!!!
a verry good episode :)


Apr 24, 2010
This episode was well worth the wait. "The Mother" has introduced a new player to the game, and will no doubt take the show well into season seven and beyond.

I had serious goose bumps when the show ended.


Sep 26, 2001
Volvagia_slayer said:
Suwaru said:
The Colt can't kill Luciefer/Micheal/Death/God/Mother

This is probably right, but I wonder if God and Death would even be included in the count. Lucifer said there were only 5 things in all creation that couldn't be killed by the Colt. Would God be counted since he is the Creator, not part of the creation? And then if Death was right that he has existed since before God, that would mean he wasn't created either.

So I could potentially see 2 others making that list as well.

Some could argue that without creation there would be know death. So death could still be one.


Feb 5, 2011
Sajan87 said:
I give up with you people.


yes, give up because you are wrong. your logic for the colt unkillables makes no sense, lucifer and the four horseman, that is wrong on so many levels. because the most illogical part of your assumption means that colt can not kill lucifer an archangel but apparently it can kill all the other archangels, according to your logic, i mean seriously i do not think i need to go on, because that is one seriously large gaping hole in your logic, please explain to me why only lucifer and the horseman are impervious to the colt. but i will repost my list because i think lucifer meant in general things the colt canot kill not specific beings. so please tell me why my list makes no sense
the colt can not kill:
the horsemen
and possibly now mother,
so knowing now that if it can't kill lucifer that means it can not kill angels in general tell me why i am wrong.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 9, 2000
You told me to give up because I'm wrong and then you told me to not give up.... Alright you twisted my arm with your craziness.

First of all I know the show has led everyone to believe that the colt can kill "anything" except for 5 things in all of creation but let's also remember that the damn thing was made to fight evil. That's probably why it has an inscription on it in Latin that reads "I will fear no evil" Did you see that? It said "evil". I doubt Samuel colt had it in mind to build something that could kill an archangel or even God himself. So to even bother naming beings like God and archangels as things it cannot kill is ridiculous and redundant. Furthermore it said in all of creation. God isn't part of creation. Hes the creator so he doesn't count. Also, God isn't evil and neither are archangels (except for our good ole' buddy, Lucie!) So its a given that it cannot kill more than just 5 things. Now Lucifer named himself as one of the 5 things, therefore there are 4 other things that it cannot kill.

With that in mind, let's try to remember what season 5 was all about. Does anyone know? 5 extra credit points to the one who does know! Oh! I know! It was about stopping the devil and the 4 horsemen from bringing about the apocalypse! So logically speaking it would only make sense for Lucifer to be talking about the horsemen. Further more, if the horsemen weren't the 4 other beings, then why the hell didn't Dean or Sam ever try to use the colt on the horsemen? Would've made things a lot easier, rather than using Ruby's knife to cut off their fingers (which I believe deserves more discussion than the stupid colt since nothing has ever been explained about the knife besides it belonging to Ruby) They knew damn well that Lucifer was referring to the horsemen. I'm sorry if my logic is too simple or narrow minded for you but thats how I see and interpreted what Lucifer and the writers were talking about. So....

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