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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Supernatural: "Like a Virgin" Review[/link]
by Diana Steenbergen

Picking up where the last episode left off, Supernatural gets right to the very important question of whether Sam survived having his soul returned to him. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 29, 2008
It was an alright episode. Good to have Sam back to his normal self. But I got to be honest here, the buildup was going great to a dragon terrorizing virgins, and I was wondering how will they show the dragon on the budget they have, I had my expectations. But I have should have known, that it was going to turn out to be another human looking thing with long nails and something that glows. This show is going down as far as showing monsters goes.

I was intrigued by this purgatory storyline, but now it doesn't seem any different than raising Lucifer from hell, but I'll wait 'til the season ends to fully judge it. However, we get mother of all monsters that looks like... any other human (yet again as far as supernatural beings go)! Nice job there guys, really creative.

I just want to see some cool monsters, and providing how this show takes liberties with myths/legends and to their credit have shown some weird things, they should be able to show us some actual monsters with not-so-human-faces-and-bodies!

This show should have interesting creatures as much as an interesting storyline of brothers, but thus far only the brothers' stories are interesting. The "supernatural" aspect is lacking creativity.

The reason I'm coming down hard on them is because I am a fan, and I'd hate to see the show ruined. They better have some terrific looking monster battle towards the climax of this season with the Mother.



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
As soon as "Back in the Saddle" rang out over the speakers I could feel that Supernatural was back and this episode delivered big. Glad to have the old Sam and Dean relationship back and the chance to see some more Cas was greatly appreciated. I am really looking forward to the back half of the season. "You rocks think you're so smart don't you?"


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 28, 2001
GREAT first episode back. I particularly liked Sam's reaction to Castiel's hug, but the best moment of the episode was "You rocks think you're so smart."


Oct 6, 2005
At long last, the Hellatus is over! And boy did it deliver! The best line of the night by far was "How's Memento doing over there?", but it was great to see Bobby and Dean's reactions to Sam's soul being returned. I thought it was interesting how they made Sam forget everything since he fell, but knew it was only a matter of time before he found out, with good 'ol Cas doing the job in a great scene. It was also great to see the brothers together again, regardless of the lying.

But, going to the hunt of the week, I was slightly disappointed that the "dragons' were more dragon-people, yet it worked for the episode. I loved Dean trying to get the sword and that whole scrambling to find out the dragon's lair bit. I also really loved how they tied it all together, as after all the fighting and searching Purgatory was the key, and Bobby reading the plan as it was shown on screen was awesome, as the dragon released the Mother of all creatures much akin to Lucifer rising and who knows how powerful she can be. I can't wait to see where her presence takes the show, and how the monsters will behave now that Mother has returned. Perhaps she will actually be more powerful than even Lucifer and have an important impact on the Heaven civil war! Regardless, this was a great return, and I cannot wait to see how the story goes from here. A 9.6/10


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005

I missed you guys.

The part that didn't make sense and pissed me off though: Sam avoiding Castiel's hug. That was so uncalled for, unexpected and uncharacteristic of Sam. Perhaps his soul isn't in fact back.

First thing Sam did when he woke up was Hug both Dean and that old guy. THAT'S who Sam is. That's what he does.

So avoiding Castiel's hug for the sake of comedic relief, at the expense of this show and Sam's character, was WEAK.

Castiel has come a long ways. Poor guy. I'll hug you.

Can't wait 'til next week. It's just with Smallville ending and Supernatural lasting an extra unexpected Season (and one of 2 of the only Orginal Series left from the good ol' WB days), I'm fearing that soon we'll get an announcement that they're ending the show willingly and ending the show before they possibly get cancelled against their will.

But Jensen and Jared are so young. If they don't have anything else lined up, I can't imagine why they wouldn't be willing to keep this thing and momentum going. Not to mention having a steady job and paycheck in Hollywood.

I can't imagine them wanting to leave just yet. They've tried the movie thing in cheap horror flicks, which isn't the best choice and how they'll obtain that movie star status and be able to successfully transition into sustainable and legit Movie Stars with long careers outside of Supernatural.

They need to pick the right roles, like starring in a Romantic Comedy with a famous lead actress, with them being the lead male role, or an action adventure. Again, it would help to star alongside another famous celebrity in order to piggy back off of their fanbase. They could do it. Just got to get the right roles.

No matter what, I'll be pain stricken when this show ends, but what will help decrease the blow is knowing that they'll still be able to go off and be just as successful, if not more so, in other things.

Seems like Jensen is into directing and things behind the scenes as well. Good back up plan.


Jan 9, 2005
@ powerfulone1987 - Sam avoiding the hug struck me as odd too at first, but I'm pretty sure it was just because Sam didn't call Castiel for a reunion. He called in order to get answers. He knew Dean and Bobby were hiding something from him, so he called Cas to try and figure out what specifically was up. He was so determined to get his answers as well that he couldn't treat the arrival of the angel as a happy reunion just yet. Not until he knew that Cas wasn't going to hide something from him as well.

As for the episode itself, I loved it, but I was put off a bit by the dragons and Mother. Not the mythology itself, but their appearance as already mentioned. Since we know that these dragons have actual dragon forms, I didn't think it made a whole lot of sense for them to also have humanoid forms. I would have been fine with them just continuing to do what they had been doing with the episode... a vague dragon silhouette, the sound of wings... They did it with the Lamia back in "Weekend at Bobby's" (though it did annoy me a little in that episode because we really didn't see ANY of it, unlike what little bits we got of the dragons throughout the first half of the episode).

And then Mother herself wasn't all that menacing. I'm tired of the whole vessel/possession plot lines. I understand it for the angels, demons, and ghosts to some extent. The spiritual need physical vessels in order to more properly interact with the physical world. So why does the Mother of all monsters (things that are already physical) need another's body? Is the Mother herself not physical? All of the popular lore on the mother of all creatures portrays the mother as a physical monster herself. Did Supernatural change that part of the lore? Or are they going in the direction of, "Way back when, the Mother was killed and her soul went to Purgatory. The monsters have now resurrected her soul, but without her old body they had to stick her soul into a new one"?

I could live with the latter option, though I still prefer the notion from the earlier seasons that monsters don't have souls. They just cease to exist when they die, and Purgatory is just a bedtime story for the monsters to assure them of an afterlife that isn't really there. In that instance, the Purgatory that was opened during this episode could just be the realm where all monsters were originally born before they entered into the physical world of Earth. Unfortunately, that option (while keeping the lore true to itself from earlier seasons) would mean that the Mother is indeed a spiritual creature who had to take on a physical body in order to cross over, and that just doesn't make as much sense.

Top that off with the fact that the white-eyed black guy from the promos looks more threatening than Mother right now (and Mother doesn't have the same creepy/threatening air about her like Lilith did (even the child version)), and I'm just a little underwhelmed with her right now.

Those two things aside though, awesome episode. I would have rated it higher than the reviewer.

EDIT: Also, where's the Colt? According to Lucifer there's only 5 things that it can't kill. I doubt dragons are on that list. Why didn't they use the Colt rather than looking for a dragon-slaying sword? (And if the Colt is still lost, why haven't they tried looking for it again yet?)


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011

In regard to the Colt here's my theory. The 5 things include Mother. Maybe we'll even get a peek into those 5 things this season yet. Sure would be nice to know that information.


Original poster
As far as I can tell, the colt is lost.

During the fight with Lucifer, Dean drops it. We never see him pick it up again. After doping it (or during, can't really remember the specifics), Lucifer summons Death, and Castiel transports them to Bobby's. They could have gone back and gotten it, Lucifer could have taken it, but I don't think they have it anymore.

But Bobby could just make a third.


Feb 5, 2011

it regard to the colt theory the 5 things tht it cant kill has to the following
Michael (since lucifer cant die from the colt)
God (pretty obvious)
Death (come on, its gonna reap god)
and probs the mother
Jun 11, 2004
I loved the modern, human-take on Dragons. Pretty cool idea. I can't wait to see what this Mother character is capable of and what her story is!


Oct 11, 2006
The Colt can't kill Luciefer/Micheal/Death/God/Mother

That makes sense to me. If that guy could make a weapon that could kill these people ... well ... he was pretty ****ing badass.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 4, 2010
Love the dragons, wish they could breath fire but the heated up hands were badass. I'm very scare about Mother, she probably more powerful than Lucifer since she is like God to all the monsters in the world.


Jan 9, 2005
Suwaru said:
The Colt can't kill Luciefer/Micheal/Death/God/Mother

This is probably right, but I wonder if God and Death would even be included in the count. Lucifer said there were only 5 things in all creation that couldn't be killed by the Colt. Would God be counted since he is the Creator, not part of the creation? And then if Death was right that he has existed since before God, that would mean he wasn't created either.

So I could potentially see 2 others making that list as well.


Oct 8, 2007
great episode and I'm really glad they didn't decide to just abandon the whole purgatory and alpha storylines. Because it seemed like they might after crowley died


Mar 11, 2009
I think this show is implying that God as we know him is only the creator of our particular earth while there are other older and younger gods in different solar systems kinda like what death said how hes older than God and that there are millions of other planets that require death implying that God is only one of many.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 9, 2000
The 5 things the colt couldnt kill are Lucifer and the 4 horsemen. I don't understand why that was so hard to pick up on.
Jul 22, 2008
actually Acksattack what he said was that "neither of us can remember" which more implies that theyre very close in age and that they were created by the same being. Also the way the story moves its more likely that God merely claims to have created earth, or that he actually did create earth and then did not demand that mankind serve him until much later (thus giving other beings, calling themselves gods, that are more likely just really powerful creatures, time to come in and force worship on an unsuspecting populous) and thus giving the other gods the impression that, they did in fact come first. and that all other planets are more trial runs, as earth seems to be the only one that God himself really cares about, but Death cares about alot more than just earth.
Jul 22, 2008
actually Acksattack what he said was that "neither of us can remember" which more implies that theyre very close in age and that they were created by the same being. Also the way the story moves its more likely that God merely claims to have created earth, or that he actually did create earth and then did not demand that mankind serve him until much later (thus giving other beings, calling themselves gods, that are more likely just really powerful creatures, time to come in and force worship on an unsuspecting populous) and thus giving the other gods the impression that, they did in fact come first. and that all other planets are more trial runs, as earth seems to be the only one that God himself really cares about, but Death cares about alot more than just earth.


Feb 22, 2004
Am I the only one not liking how rushed things are? Like Sam waking up just like that then finding out the truth in the same episode. It just feels so rushed and loses all impact, they could gladly have waited letting Sam know the truth until next episode at least.

I also found the dragons cheap. What's with the "I'm gonna put my hand out to side, make it glow red and walk slowly toward you"? Where's the threat?

Good thing Jensen pulls off the comedic stuff so well! Enjoyed the part with the sword in the stone. [face_tongue]

I'd give this 5/10.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 9, 2004
I liked it. My only complaint was the C4. I'm no demolitions expert, but I think it would've blown the entire room apart. I thought he'd just use a jackhammer or something.
Jan 11, 2011
i love this show but i hope they get back into the heaven and hell battles more but none the less great show
Feb 5, 2011
Not sure if it will be Pandora? although she is responsible for the evils of mankind, it was just her curiosity that released them and I don't really see her being the next powerful evil bad guy for the show. Pandora is from Greek mythology so keeping in that theme it might possibly be Echidna as she is specifically known as the "Mother of All Monsters". Think this might be interesting if it is and would hopefully like to see her in her real form as half nymph n half huge snake. was a little disappointed with her simply being the girl vessel that was thrown in but I suppose they needed some kind of vessel since it was just her soul or equilavent in purgatory. Im guessin she'll have to keep switching bodies due to there being so many in the van. episode did feel a little rushed but was definitely the best in the season so far n im lovin that the humour is coming bck, been missin for too long.


Jan 9, 2005
Sajan87 said:

Do they have to spell everything out for you?

Spell out? Absolutely not. When it's obvious, it's obvious. However, when the writers are free to screw with the popular lore to their hearts' content, we can't equate what we'd assume about the real world (i.e., that the Four Horseman are in the same league as the bringer-about of the apocalypse, and that they're more powerful than any other worldly creature) with Supernatural's world. After all, we were just introduced to a being that is likely more powerful than the creatures that were able to be defeated by just the removal of their rings (and she may even be their mother).

You're assuming WAY too much to say that it is obvious that the horsemen are the other 4 creatures. Confirmation > blind, evidence-less assumption, and at this point there is zero evidence that the horsemen are the other 4.

EDIT: Plus Michael is more powerful than Lucifer, AND he's not evil, so it doesn't make sense to say that the Colt would kill Michael and not Lucifer.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 18, 2006
Echidna is the mother of all monsters and since Supernatural at least sticks close to the mythology, my best bet is that she is echidna


One and Only
Jan 9, 2002
@v_S usually what happens when you have a low budget is that you can't do all sorts of visual effects so maybe that is why they can't actually show the mother. We'll probably get some glimpses of it and it's powers but that's about it.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 28, 2002
I, too, Loled @ "Memento"...haha. Also @ Dean reading from the girl's diary..


Feb 5, 2011

you are so obviously wrong about the five things the colt can not kill. if it can not kill lucifer, than it can not kill any archangel because he was an archangel and he is no different from the rest of the archangels. if he was refering to the horseman he was refering to them as a whole not as four seperate entities. i can promise you that the writers were using greater logic than yours. so my speculation on the five things that the colt can not kill are:
archangels(possibly all angels)
and possibly mother,
and i have to say i would be pretty dissapointed if she turned out to be pandora, i would hope they could come up with a much better mytho for the mother character.


May 19, 2008
it must be echidna the mother of all monsters... as in greek mythology she also had several dragon servants. it would seem wise because thats the way they have been going with the alphas appearing. they are her sons.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
It was great to finally have the real Sammy back and hopefully that wall inside his mind is made out of titanium. Best line:

Sam: "Who likes virgins and gold?"

Dean: "P.Diddy?"

Funny, but if you think about it, it should have been R.Kelly.


Jan 9, 2005
2,810 said:
Does no one think it could be Eve? (aka from Adam and Eve)

Not likely, IMO. After all, they fished her soul out of purgatory. Why would a human soul be in purgatory in Supernatural's universe? It's just the place where the souls of the monsters go.

I'm hoping for Echidna as well, but there's a chance we may never get a name for Mother, which is unfortunate if that's the route they take.
Dec 20, 2007
Pretty positive this mother is Lilith (Adams first wife), who is believed in Judeo/christian belief as the mother of all monsters. However they already had a lilith... so maybe not.
Jul 12, 2008

When it comes to pagan religions...Christianity is not really the source you want to go by. lol Because they're usually dead wrong. I mean, just look at what they did to the world when they were looking for Witches...Killed numerous innocents and probably barely even managed to kill a handful of real Witches.

Not to mention their reason for doing so is flawed...Witches dont' even believe in the devil let alone worship him. They killed all those people out of fear..and to instill fear into others.

Hell, Christians attempted to make their Religion seem more like the Pagan religions in order to convert them...once converted the one time Pagans were trapped. But, as was documented, they could pray to their God's in the comfort of their own home but not outside of it.

A classic example of them trying to trick the Pagans...Christmas...That is a Pagan holiday and Christ would not have been born that month. Yet because they needed more followers and wanted to unite everyone under the banner of one God...They fudged the facts a little.

Needless to say, Christianity has a long track record of not knowing what it's talking about in regards to other religions.
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