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Almost Not a Noob
Dec 16, 2005
It is an entertaining television show. Please leave your religious sentiments at the door. People are so easily riled up it's amusing... but people are so quick to defend themselves and what they think it's sad. Again, it's a television show with a premise that has been established long ago. I enjoyed the episode.

The person below mes all capslock rant made me want to edit my post and add to it...

I agree with him. These are 'SUPERNATURAL' beings with powers that made people want to worship them (IN THE PREMISE OF THE SHOW)... they looked at them as gods because of the abilities and strengths they possessed, the show and myself are not trying to demean or belittle your religious beliefs but fit them into the context of the shows storyline.


May 2, 2007
I get how the gods are not actual gods but instead monsters. Turning this into a christian oriented show where all other "gods" are relegated to monster status not only isolates a massive audience but also fails to take a huge opportunity to expand the show's universe.

Odin would've been much more interesting, as well, if his eye was genuinely missing. I think it would be quite fitting for "supernatural" but sadly, it appears someone didn't think so. I fail to see why.

It seems to me like the first season and this most recent season picked up on two completely different but brilliant ideas that unfortunately weren't rectified in a way that makes the most of it. I think it's obvious most people see that opportunities could've been had the gods possessed a greater influence. It's cool that lucifer managed to slaughter everyone and budgetary concerns no doubt limited the action sequences nearing the end but maybe this episode really did need more impact than it did. Baulder's death was a sad disappointment in the action category.

Edit: When I saw all the gods sitting at the same table I thought to myself "mafia". It was as though the big player on the field had become the judeo-christian god and the forces that could stand against the archangels had gathered to finally put their foot in the door. I was expecting a godfather moment but sadly it was little more than a bunch of kids on a play date, slapping together a sloppy plan that ultimately clashed with Gabriel's appearance. It was a great opportunity lost because gods like kali, the creator and destroyer of worlds, turned out to be little more than X-men rejects.
Aug 15, 2006
I agree and disagree with you. Everyone arguing that the gods were not that powerful are wrong. They are not that powerful relative to Lucifer and Micheal. Gabriel was also an archangel yet he could do nothing against Lucifer. These other gods are still very very powerful and might could even possibly take on an archangel (Not Micheal or Lucifer) and this is how Supernatural continues. Did anyone notice how the greek/roman pantheon was all missing other than mercury? Or that there was no Thor? These are not coincidences. What possible story could they do that would be on par or near to it to keep supernatural going? Well this is it? This allows them to keep Castiel around for another big bad. Demons just wouldn't cut it even against a normal Angel, but a demigod now that is a season 6.
Aug 15, 2006
I agree and disagree with you. Everyone arguing that the gods were not that powerful are wrong. They are not that powerful relative to Lucifer and Micheal. Gabriel was also an archangel yet he could do nothing against Lucifer. These other gods are still very very powerful and might could even possibly take on an archangel (Not Micheal or Lucifer) and this is how Supernatural continues. Did anyone notice how the greek/roman pantheon was all missing other than mercury? Or that there was no Thor? These are not coincidences. What possible story could they do that would be on par or near to it to keep supernatural going? Well this is it? This allows them to keep Castiel around for another big bad. Demons just wouldn't cut it even against a normal Angel, but a demigod now that is a season 6.
Aug 15, 2006
I agree and disagree with you. Everyone arguing that the gods were not that powerful are wrong. They are not that powerful relative to Lucifer and Micheal. Gabriel was also an archangel yet he could do nothing against Lucifer. These other gods are still very very powerful and might could even possibly take on an archangel (Not Micheal or Lucifer) and this is how Supernatural continues. Did anyone notice how the greek/roman pantheon was all missing other than mercury? Or that there was no Thor? These are not coincidences. What possible story could they do that would be on par or near to it to keep supernatural going? Well this is it? This allows them to keep Castiel around for another big bad. Demons just wouldn't cut it even against a normal Angel, but a demigod now that is a season 6.
Feb 8, 2004
I thought the episode was great. I'm actually kind of stunned that people took offense at the depiction of the pagan god's. People are getting into religious debates over this show? If you were that fundamentally tied to your religious beliefs, how have you watched the show up to this point?

Oh, and I love the people who comment on the aggression of Christianity being encouraged or welcomed by Lucifer. That would be considered offensive to Christians, but we tend to let things slide of our backs unlike every other religion in the world.
And if you "scholars" think that Christianity was aggressive in it's spread across the world, you might want to take another look at Islam's past and even it's present.


Sep 13, 2007
im really looking forward to season 6 but i really dont know what the main story in season 6 would be about besides keep trying to stop the apocalypse... i mean its the friggin apocalypse! what else can top that xD
May 4, 2009
Pretty good also i agree with some that the gods werent powerful i wished they didnt kill off gabriel though but i did like the porn film plus the way they have to trap the devil minus the rings is how they trapped the devil in reaper
also Pestilence came from a town called Eureka


Mar 5, 2008
Not much to say other than unlike some others im a bit disappointed they went with the very tired "put evil back in its cage" trick. Sure the show is still very enjoyable just a shame they telegraphed they actually cant come up with a creative means of actually doing something different and actually eliminating something as powerful as that we spent 19 eps or more on this just to arrive at the old "send the devil back to hell" angle we've seen a million times before elsewhere.


Jan 9, 2005
grandslam2288Mercury said:
Demons just wouldn't cut it even against a normal Angel, but a demigod now that is a season 6.
Actually, that's not a bad idea. What could be bigger than the end of the world? A different end of the world. I could see this show going from the Apocalypse to the Ragnarok or something like that. That would be pretty interesting, IMO. The Judeo-Christian end-times war has been fought and won, so now one of these other deities wants to end the world on their own terms. I'd be especially interested in a Norse end of the world, because from what I remember of that mythology, the Ragnarok doesn't have quite as happy an ending as the Apocalypse does...


No Longer a Noob
Jun 22, 2005
Volvagia_slayer said:
grandslam2288Mercury said:
Demons just wouldn't cut it even against a normal Angel, but a demigod now that is a season 6.
Actually, that's not a bad idea. What could be bigger than the end of the world? A different end of the world. I could see this show going from the Apocalypse to the Ragnarok or something like that. That would be pretty interesting, IMO. The Judeo-Christian end-times war has been fought and won, so now one of these other deities wants to end the world on their own terms. I'd be especially interested in a Norse end of the world, because from what I remember of that mythology, the Ragnarok doesn't have quite as happy an ending as the Apocalypse does...
Actually, between what has been on the show and what the mythology states, Ragnarok has already begun. It starts when Loki is freed from his chains (not so much chains, but the entrails of his own son that Thor himself forged into a form of chain) that bind him to the rock under the mouth of the serpent as the venom drips onto him.

Since Gabriel was called Loki by Baldur (Balder, Baldr), then he's free. Strangely enough, Baldur shouldn't have even been there. It's his death at the hand of Hod (with Loki guiding it, of course) that caused Loki to be tied up in the cave.

Yeah, they really messed up this story, too. I don't see how they can possibly make it work. On the other hand, this is Supernatural. They make up their own mythos as they go along, and it's so very entertaining.


Jan 9, 2005
^My Norse mythology knowledge is a bit limited, but I was under the impression that Gabriel was just pretending to be Loki. I don't think the two are meant to be one and the same in the Supernatural universe. It's understandable if the two are supposed to be the same since Loki is a "trickster", but I don't see how a Judeo-Christian archangel could be himself and Loki in both mythologies. I just figured whatever power Gabriel has allowed him to take on the same shape that Loki normally takes OR his power allowed him to fool many of the gods into believing his fake identity (but Kali managed to see through it).

I was unaware of Baldur's death, so ignoring that piece of mythology really could let them go anywhere with Ragnarok at this point.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 22, 2005
Volvagia_slayer said:
^My Norse mythology knowledge is a bit limited, but I was under the impression that Gabriel was just pretending to be Loki. I don't think the two are meant to be one and the same in the Supernatural universe. It's understandable if the two are supposed to be the same since Loki is a "trickster", but I don't see how a Judeo-Christian archangel could be himself and Loki in both mythologies. I just figured whatever power Gabriel has allowed him to take on the same shape that Loki normally takes OR his power allowed him to fool many of the gods into believing his fake identity (but Kali managed to see through it).
All the gods that were in that episode came into being after the creation of the world and mankind according to their own mythos. It is only in the Judeo-Christian belief that the current (and always in that belief) deity (as well as the angels) existed before the world and mankind.

It isn't said anywhere in the show at what time Gabriel decided to start, as Lucifer said, "slumming it." If he left early enough, he could very well have been Loki. He could have simply given himself a new name and parentage for the time that he decided to hang out with the Norse pantheon in Asgard.

Volvagia_slayer said:
I was unaware of Baldur's death, so ignoring that piece of mythology really could let them go anywhere with Ragnarok at this point.
Here's a very abridged version of the story of Baldur's death:
Baldur (god of light, and all goody-goody things) was one of the sons of Odin and Frigg. When he was born, Frigg went about asking all elements to promise to never harm him, trees (wood), metals, water, rocks, animals, etc. They all agreed. One day, when Baldur was grown, the guys were having a little party and their favorite party game was throwing things at Baldur to watch them bounce away and never hurt him. Loki talked to Frigg about this, and she explained that there was no danger of harm to Baldur because of her requests. He saw some mistletoe and asked her if she had asked that to not harm Baldur. She said no, it was to small to do any harm. So, Loki took a sliver of mistletoe, handed it to Hod (another son of Odin), and guided his arm for Hod to throw the sliver of mistletoe at Baldur (Hod, the god of darkness is blind). The sliver went into Baldur's heart and killed him.

Needless to say, the gods were pretty miffed. There was a bit of chasing, a lot of threats, and even more cursing. Once Loki was caught, he was punished by Thor. Among his punishments, Narfi was turned into a wolf, killed Nari, and Nari's entrails were forged into unbreakable chains by Thor. He's chained to a rock in a cave with a serpent hanging out over his head dripping venom onto him.


Apr 27, 2010
I’ve been a huge fan and supporter of Supernatural, but was utterly disappointed with the Hammer of the Gods episode.

To the one God redneck retards, television is the only source of information and connection to the outside world and everything ‘real’.

The portrayal of the so-called pagan God(s) is baffling in this modern day and age, even if for use purely in the name of ‘entertainment’. I’m sure it was hilarious how many times they were referred to as di*ks and such. That was funny.

I don’t recall the Christian ‘God’ or Jesus being referred to as di*ks in any of the episodes. Aw c’mon guys, it is only entertainment, right? I’m sure no one would have been offended?

I wonder why the creators and writers haven’t had any references to Islam/Muslim, in the name of entertainment of course. Hmmm ... could it be because they fear getting their balls chopped off by a fanatic mob? Aw c’mon guys, you’re not scared are you? It’s all entertainment right? I’m sure the Muslims are open-minded enough not to get offended by such things right? How about having an episode where the Prophet shows himself, and sits with the Winchesters, and gets called a di*k? Now that would have been awesome!

So heck, let’s just pick on one of the oldest peaceful religions in the world, and refer to it as ‘pagan’, regardless of it still being practiced by over a billion people. Never mind if the religion has never killed or conquered people or lands, or butchered and forced convert people of other religions.

But the one God redneck retards are superior. Never mind if the one God retards have killed and butchered millions in the name of their so-called own versions of the one God. I wonder who answers for the millions of innocent women and children whose blood soaked the earth simply because they didn’t bow to the so-called ONE god idea.

Bah... but that’s not important at all. It’s all entertainment. The Hindus are soft targets. After all, if these Hindu cowards can’t even defend their own land, how can they even defend their own religion? Bloody losers. Serves them right for getting picked on by others younger religions.

But I would have expected the Supernatural redneck crew to have at least tried a little to get some facts right. What’s with the flawed Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom man/meat eating thing guys? C’mon. I’m sure those that watch the show should at least be given some truths in the background? Otherwise these one God redneck retards will really think all these Gods were really human hungry. Tsk Tsk ... shame on you.

As they say, with great power comes great responsibility. Even if in the name of entertainment, you missed on a brilliant chance to reach out to a wider audience. The respect and understanding of other much older Gods could have created a fantastic episode with them joining forces and battling Lucifer. But instead, you guys blew it. It would have been a fantastic and entertaining build up to the end of the season.

I supposed this episode goes out to the people who love to go to huge malls and warehouses because they have so many different choices with regards to brands and models. But yet when it comes to God, there suddenly only is ONE male choice.

Ah but well, they've achieved what they set out to achieve. Create interest by the cheapest show advertising - controversy

Interesting ...


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I think Supernatural depiction of the old gods has been pretty much set up before, showing them as just being monsters who kill and eat humans, so there not as much gody as just really powerful monsters.

So there not the same as god, god


No Longer a Noob
Jun 22, 2005
To the one God redneck retards, television is the only source of information and connection to the outside world and everything ‘real’.
Someone needs a valium and a hooker.

The portrayal of the so-called pagan God(s) is baffling in this modern day and age, even if for use purely in the name of ‘entertainment’. I’m sure it was hilarious how many times they were referred to as di*ks and such. That was funny.
The angels have been called worse, but Jensen Ackles' delivery of the line was funny.

I don’t recall the Christian ‘God’ or Jesus being referred to as di*ks in any of the episodes. Aw c’mon guys, it is only entertainment, right? I’m sure no one would have been offended?
No, the Judeo-Christian deity is more often referred to as a "dead-beat dad." This is in direct contradiction of the teachings of the religion. Strangely, the show has not, at least to my recollection, even mentioned Jesus.

I wonder why the creators and writers haven’t had any references to Islam/Muslim, in the name of entertainment of course. Hmmm ... could it be because they fear getting their balls chopped off by a fanatic mob? Aw c’mon guys, you’re not scared are you? It’s all entertainment right? I’m sure the Muslims are open-minded enough not to get offended by such things right? How about having an episode where the Prophet shows himself, and sits with the Winchesters, and gets called a di*k? Now that would have been awesome!
Why? So they can have a fatwa placed on them like the creators of South Park? Entertainment is not worth dying over.

So heck, let’s just pick on one of the oldest peaceful religions in the world, and refer to it as ‘pagan’, regardless of it still being practiced by over a billion people. Never mind if the religion has never killed or conquered people or lands, or butchered and forced convert people of other religions.
First, peaceful? Really? You're obviously not familiar with the thuggee, a cult of Kali. They garrote their victims because if they spill blood, Kali will go bonkers and start chowing down on them.

Oh, and for your information, since you are obviously so very poorly informed, all belief systems that are not part of the big 3 are referred to as pagan. It's not just Hinduism. I've yet to hear anyone from any pagan community say that there is any sense of shame or insult by being referred to as pagan.

But the one God redneck retards are superior. Never mind if the one God retards have killed and butchered millions in the name of their so-called own versions of the one God. I wonder who answers for the millions of innocent women and children whose blood soaked the earth simply because they didn’t bow to the so-called ONE god idea.
Aside from certain Muslim factions and the remaining thuggee, I'm not familiar with any religious group killing people in the name of their religion currently. It would help if you'd specify what religion you think is the "one God redneck retard" religion. Quite frankly, there are no true monotheistic religions currently known. There are henotheisms, but not true monotheisms. What has happened in the past should remain in the past. Many religions have killed in the names of their deities.

Bah... but that’s not important at all. It’s all entertainment. The Hindus are soft targets. After all, if these Hindu cowards can’t even defend their own land, how can they even defend their own religion? Bloody losers. Serves them right for getting picked on by others younger religions.
I smell stupidity.

But I would have expected the Supernatural redneck crew to have at least tried a little to get some facts right. What’s with the flawed Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom man/meat eating thing guys? C’mon. I’m sure those that watch the show should at least be given some truths in the background? Otherwise these one God redneck retards will really think all these Gods were really human hungry. Tsk Tsk ... shame on you.
Kali and Baron Samedi both have a taste for people. It wasn't entirely incorrect. So far as the others, well, have you not yet noticed that Supernatural is fiction? [face_rolling_eyes] Have you also not noticed that they don't seem to get much of anything right about any religion? Heck, even some of the monster of the week episodes had some serious flaws in them. The writers of the show have made it very clear that they're working out their own mythos. Granted, it may have allusions to real belief systems, even give proper names of deities, demons, demi-deities, etc., but it's really their own creation.

As they say, with great power comes great responsibility. Even if in the name of entertainment, you missed on a brilliant chance to reach out to a wider audience. The respect and understanding of other much older Gods could have created a fantastic episode with them joining forces and battling Lucifer. But instead, you guys blew it. It would have been a fantastic and entertaining build up to the end of the season.
Wait, who are you saying has great power? (By the way, that was Uncle Ben, Peter Parker's uncle in Spiderman, not some strange, disembodied, anonymous "they.")

Respect, yes, the old gods, as you call them, particularly the Hindi are so about respect. Kind of like how Vishnu, in his Rama incarnation, really respected Sita after she was kidnapped. You know, he called her a whore. She went through the trial of fire. She passed because of her purity. He got her home. He heard a laundry worker make a snide comment to his wife while eavesdropping on their conversation. He had his brother take poor Sita and dump her off, while pregnant, in the middle of the forest miles away because her presence would undermine his authority since obviously, some people thought she was a whore, even though he knew better. Later, after the twins were born, he came across them, apologized, sort of, to Sita, and demanded that she go through another trial of fire because he was still calling her a whore. Sure, that's all kinds of respectful.

I supposed this episode goes out to the people who love to go to huge malls and warehouses because they have so many different choices with regards to brands and models. But yet when it comes to God, there suddenly only is ONE male choice.
Why are you so angry (and misinformed) about what others choose for their own belief system?

Ah but well, they've achieved what they set out to achieve. Create interest by the cheapest show advertising - controversy
:^O Wow, that is just the highlight of stupidity! Who takes Supernatural seriously enough to care? Who is that stupid?

Oh, right....


Apr 27, 2010
moogle_mom said:
To the one God redneck retards, television is the only source of information and connection to the outside world and everything ‘real’.
"Someone needs a valium and a hooker."

I'll pass on that. Thanks for the offer though ...

The portrayal of the so-called pagan God(s) is baffling in this modern day and age, even if for use purely in the name of ‘entertainment’. I’m sure it was hilarious how many times they were referred to as di*ks and such. That was funny.
"The angels have been called worse, but Jensen Ackles' delivery of the line was funny."

Aiyah ... then I see no harm in calling the Christian god a di*k. Level the playing field mate. I promise to laugh.

I don’t recall the Christian ‘God’ or Jesus being referred to as di*ks in any of the episodes. Aw c’mon guys, it is only entertainment, right? I’m sure no one would have been offended?
"No, the Judeo-Christian deity is more often referred to as a "dead-beat dad." This is in direct contradiction of the teachings of the religion. Strangely, the show has not, at least to my recollection, even mentioned Jesus."

Di*k would suffice. And yeah, strange that they don't mention the important dude. I think the term di*k Head would suffice.

I wonder why the creators and writers haven��t had any references to Islam/Muslim, in the name of entertainment of course. Hmmm ... could it be because they fear getting their balls chopped off by a fanatic mob? Aw c’mon guys, you’re not scared are you? It’s all entertainment right? I’m sure the Muslims are open-minded enough not to get offended by such things right? How about having an episode where the Prophet shows himself, and sits with the Winchesters, and gets called a di*k? Now that would have been awesome!
"Why? So they can have a fatwa placed on them like the creators of South Park? Entertainment is not worth dying over."

Really? So avoid the religion if it get's offended so easily? C'mon dude. And here I thought you'd come up with a better line. So, Islam/Muslim is out of the entertainment circle because you're scared of 'offending' them? Sounds mighty hypocritical and cowardly. So if tomorrow the Hindus started butchering and issuing religious decrees, they'd be out of the entertainment circle as well? Man, I think with your logic, it doesn't pay to be a peaceful religion. Be nice and get creamed.

So heck, let’s just pick on one of the oldest peaceful religions in the world, and refer to it as ‘pagan’, regardless of it still being practiced by over a billion people. Never mind if the religion has never killed or conquered people or lands, or butchered and forced convert people of other religions.
"First, peaceful? Really? You're obviously not familiar with the thuggee, a cult of Kali. They garrote their victims because if they spill blood, Kali will go bonkers and start chowing down on them."

Hmmm... in your tiny universe, the Hindu religion is all about "cult of Kali"? Seems like that's all you're familiar with from what little you could pull out from Wikipedia? Please cite me examples of when the Hindu religion and people have gone on a conversion and butchery rampage in history. Time to hit the Google and Wikis. Pick something small, that would suffice. Don't need to equal the Christian butchery of the Inquisition. Google dude.... google.

"Oh, and for your information, since you are obviously so very poorly informed, all belief systems that are not part of the big 3 are referred to as pagan. It's not just Hinduism. I've yet to hear anyone from any pagan community say that there is any sense of shame or insult by being referred to as pagan."

Really? So you've done your research and figured that being called a 'pagan' is not offensive? How many 'pagan' friends do you have?

But the one God redneck retards are superior. Never mind if the one God retards have killed and butchered millions in the name of their so-called own versions of the one God. I wonder who answers for the millions of innocent women and children whose blood soaked the earth simply because they didn’t bow to the so-called ONE god idea.
"Aside from certain Muslim factions and the remaining thuggee, I'm not familiar with any religious group killing people in the name of their religion currently. It would help if you'd specify what religion you think is the "one God redneck retard" religion. Quite frankly, there are no true monotheistic religions currently known. There are henotheisms, but not true monotheisms. What has happened in the past should remain in the past. Many religions have killed in the names of their deities."

Yep, most certainly looking forward to you presenting me with historical records of just how many have the Hindus killed in the name of their religion - forced conversion with the sword, land grabbing and destroying civilizations. Google away ...

I also see your use of the word "current". You have proven accounts of thuggees currently killing in this modern day and age? And what a stupid misinformed individual mate - How many millions has Christianity killed in the name of their one god? How many cultures and civilizations has the one Christian god killed? Oh yeah ... I forgot, you're talking about "current". So I guess the past murders of innocents doesn't count.

Bah... but that’s not important at all. It’s all entertainment. The Hindus are soft targets. After all, if these Hindu cowards can’t even defend their own land, how can they even defend their own religion? Bloody losers. Serves them right for getting picked on by others younger religions.
"I smell stupidity."

I smell reality.

But I would have expected the Supernatural redneck crew to have at least tried a little to get some facts right. What’s with the flawed Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom man/meat eating thing guys? C’mon. I’m sure those that watch the show should at least be given some truths in the background? Otherwise these one God redneck retards will really think all these Gods were really human hungry. Tsk Tsk ... shame on you.
"Kali and Baron Samedi both have a taste for people. It wasn't entirely incorrect. So far as the others, well, have you not yet noticed that Supernatural is fiction? [face_rolling_eyes] Have you also not noticed that they don't seem to get much of anything right about any religion? Heck, even some of the monster of the week episodes had some serious flaws in them. The writers of the show have made it very clear that they're working out their own mythos. Granted, it may have allusions to real belief systems, even give proper names of deities, demons, demi-deities, etc., but it's really their own creation."

Yes, rolling the eyes too. Googled that up did you? C'mon. It's all entertainment. Level the playing field please, c'mon - more name calling for the Christian god and Muslim/Islam. It is fiction after all. No hard feelings. I'm sure we're all matured enough to handle fiction.

As they say, with great power comes great responsibility. Even if in the name of entertainment, you missed on a brilliant chance to reach out to a wider audience. The respect and understanding of other much older Gods could have created a fantastic episode with them joining forces and battling Lucifer. But instead, you guys blew it. It would have been a fantastic and entertaining build up to the end of the season.
"Wait, who are you saying has great power? (By the way, that was Uncle Ben, Peter Parker's uncle in Spiderman, not some strange, disembodied, anonymous "they.")

Dude, you're really dumb ain't you if you couldn't see the meaning of that. Woohahah - And only Uncle Ben hold's a trademark to that statement in your tiny universe? Step out beyond the borders sometime dude. Do you know what's the great power I'm talking about? Perhaps you need to hit the libraries and check on what that refers to. Sheeesshh. (eyes rolling)

"Respect, yes, the old gods, as you call them, particularly the Hindi are so about respect. Kind of like how Vishnu, in his Rama incarnation, really respected Sita after she was kidnapped. You know, he called her a whore. She went through the trial of fire. She passed because of her purity. He got her home. He heard a laundry worker make a snide comment to his wife while eavesdropping on their conversation. He had his brother take poor Sita and dump her off, while pregnant, in the middle of the forest miles away because her presence would undermine his authority since obviously, some people thought she was a whore, even though he knew better. Later, after the twins were born, he came across them, apologized, sort of, to Sita, and demanded that she go through another trial of fire because he was still calling her a whore. Sure, that's all kinds of respectful."

Firstly, Hindi is the language, and not the religion mate. Read up a little will ya? As for the rest, wow you got all that from Wiki? Mate, you know nothing about the religion. First, dig up the murderous history of the one God religion(s). Then perhaps you can graduate to the more peaceful and older religions of Hinduism, etc.

I supposed this episode goes out to the people who love to go to huge malls and warehouses because they have so many different choices with regards to brands and models. But yet when it comes to God, there suddenly only is ONE male choice.
"Why are you so angry (and misinformed) about what others choose for their own belief system?"

Me angry? Misinformed? I think you're the one who's misinformed mate. You want choice with everything else, but are so quick to believe that when it comes to God, there's no choice but one? "My way of the highway"? Get the head out the mud dude... It's the so called one God religions that have the most blood on their hands. If you ask me, smells like someone put in those words just so that they could get more members into their one God fan club ...

Ah but well, they've achieved what they set out to achieve. Create interest by the cheapest show advertising - controversy
":^O Wow, that is just the highlight of stupidity! Who takes Supernatural seriously enough to care? Who is that stupid?"

Errr ... the one god redneck retards are known to be mighty dumb. Dude, Off course Supernatural is a show. And off course like the Kali thuggee cult you probably never ever knew existed other than from Temple of Doom (yes, what you saw on DVD), it's all marketing. So many redneck one god retards who've never left their farm and stepped outside their country, believe what they see on the tele - like yourself :)

Travel more dude.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 22, 2005
Aiyah ... then I see no harm in calling the Christian god a di*k. Level the playing field mate. I promise to laugh.
As I already pointed out, the Judeo-Christian deity has already been called things that are considered worse to those who follow that belief system. You probably just don't understand because you have no understanding of any religion, let alone that particular one.

Di*k would suffice. And yeah, strange that they don't mention the important dude. I think the term di*k Head would suffice.
I'm not a writer for that show, so I have no idea why they have not even mentioned Jesus. It does seem odd, but since it should be pretty clear to anyone with at least three brain cells that they're making up their own mythos for the purpose of the show, it isn't that surprising.

Really? So avoid the religion if it get's offended so easily? C'mon dude. And here I thought you'd come up with a better line. So, Islam/Muslim is out of the entertainment circle because you're scared of 'offending' them? Sounds mighty hypocritical and cowardly. So if tomorrow the Hindus started butchering and issuing religious decrees, they'd be out of the entertainment circle as well? Man, I think with your logic, it doesn't pay to be a peaceful religion. Be nice and get creamed.
The fear isn't offending them. The fear is their insanity. No television show is worth dying over. Furthermore, it is not my personal logic, that's just the way this messed up little world is now.

Hmmm... in your tiny universe, the Hindu religion is all about "cult of Kali"? Seems like that's all you're familiar with from what little you could pull out from Wikipedia? Please cite me examples of when the Hindu religion and people have gone on a conversion and butchery rampage in history. Time to hit the Google and Wikis. Pick something small, that would suffice. Don't need to equal the Christian butchery of the Inquisition. Google dude.... google.
First, I never once said that the Hindu religion was all about the one cult of Kali. I made it very clear that is one cult and an example. Secondly, I have these wonderful things called books. They're full of information. Some are texts from courses I've taken over the years on history, anthropology, and religion. Some are just collections of the written mythological tales of specific regions. Some are more generic groupings of mythology. Third, you should probably try Google yourself. The Inquisition era of the Catholic church victimized almost exclusively other Christians. Yes, it's a sad part of history, but it isn't current nor is it relevant to your point of conversion. Try keeping yourself on topic.

Besides, any idiot can google "atrocities of Catholicism" and find that.

Really? So you've done your research and figured that being called a 'pagan' is not offensive? How many 'pagan' friends do you have?
Aside from my own Grove (which numbers in the thousands), do you mean? Of the hundreds of pagan and neo-pagan groups which have asked me to speak and teach, not a single one has ever had a problem with being called pagan (nor neo-pagan for that matter).

Yep, most certainly looking forward to you presenting me with historical records of just how many have the Hindus killed in the name of their religion - forced conversion with the sword, land grabbing and destroying civilizations. Google away ...
Books. Seriously, you need to learn about books. I've already given you one example. I've also given you another example of the mythos. Your retention level is really low.

I also see your use of the word "current". You have proven accounts of thuggees currently killing in this modern day and age? And what a stupid misinformed individual mate - How many millions has Christianity killed in the name of their one god? How many cultures and civilizations has the one Christian god killed? Oh yeah ... I forgot, you're talking about "current". So I guess the past murders of innocents doesn't count.
Yes, the thuggee are still active. So is the cult of Sabaka (a cult of arsonists who follow a fire demon). Yes, we are talking current since the fictional entertainment of Supernatural is current.

Yes, rolling the eyes too. Googled that up did you? C'mon. It's all entertainment. Level the playing field please, c'mon - more name calling for the Christian god and Muslim/Islam. It is fiction after all. No hard feelings. I'm sure we're all matured enough to handle fiction.
No, I didn't have to google rolling of the eyes. Sounds like something you'd have to do. More name-calling for the Judeo-Christian deity would level the playing field in your mind? Well, let's see, they've already been doing that for five seasons. They upset your little feelings in one episode. The playing field is not nearly level enough. You're right. Far more insults to other religions are necessary to level the playing field.

Dude, you're really dumb ain't you if you couldn't see the meaning of that. Woohahah - And only Uncle Ben hold's a trademark to that statement in your tiny universe? Step out beyond the borders sometime dude. Do you know what's the great power I'm talking about? Perhaps you need to hit the libraries and check on what that refers to. Sheeesshh. (eyes rolling)
You don't know how to express yourself in English, yet you insist on calling me dumb? Well, it's understandable. Many like you feel it necessary to insult their superiors in order to feel better about themselves.

Still, what "great power" do you think that a fictional television show holds?

Firstly, Hindi is the language, and not the religion mate. Read up a little will ya? As for the rest, wow you got all that from Wiki? Mate, you know nothing about the religion. First, dig up the murderous history of the one God religion(s). Then perhaps you can graduate to the more peaceful and older religions of Hinduism, etc.
Oh, dear, I actually made a typographical error that I didn't catch. That's rare. Of course, anyone with sense would have realized that I repeatedly said "Hindu" in reference to the religion and figured it was a typo. Sanskrit is the language.

I've already proven that I know more about the religion than you do. I'm far more familiar with the mythos and practice. Try to keep up. Giving a relevant example or two would be nice.

Me angry? Misinformed? I think you're the one who's misinformed mate. You want choice with everything else, but are so quick to believe that when it comes to God, there's no choice but one? "My way of the highway"? Get the head out the mud dude... It's the so called one God religions that have the most blood on their hands. If you ask me, smells like someone put in those words just so that they could get more members into their one God fan club ...
What do you know of my personal beliefs? You're making assumptions and statements about those assumptions. I never once stated my personal belief. Furthermore, if you had seen any of the times that I have explained religions and mythologies to others (just a bit higher on the page is the story of the death of Baldur that I explained), you might not be so quick to make such assumptions. Or do you think that the followers of the Norse pantheon are another example of "one-God redneck retards?"

Errr ... the one god redneck retards are known to be mighty dumb. Dude, Off course Supernatural is a show. And off course like the Kali thuggee cult you probably never ever knew existed other than from Temple of Doom (yes, what you saw on DVD), it's all marketing. So many redneck one god retards who've never left their farm and stepped outside their country, believe what they see on the tele - like yourself :)
Off course? Yes, you are very off the course of polite conversation, but it's fun shredding you.

Once again, you're making assumptions you have no place to make. I have not seen Temple of Doom. It came out around the same time as Return of the Jedi, and I was more interested in Star Wars at the time. Besides, I didn't have much time for movies and such during that time period. I had other things occupying my time. I first became familiar with the thuggee cult when I was in college through an anthropology course.

Furthermore, especially considering that I've explained that Supernatural is a fictional show which gets more wrong than it does right about religions, how do you possibly get the idea that I believe what I've seen on the television? Is your reading comprehension that bad? Can you not understand that when I say they get more wrong than right that I'm implying that the show is not a source to be believed about religious teachings? Why are you lying? Is it because you don't actually have a point and now you're just trying to insult me for some sort of revenge?

Are you really so ignorant that you believe that those who believe in monotheism (even though I explained that there aren't any true monotheisms) all live on farms? Do you really think that they don't travel?

I already asked you to define who you mean when you mention "one-God redneck retards." You refuse. One might guess that you mean the Jews, Christians, and Muslims since they all branch from the same Abrahamic root. Are you talking about the followers of all, or just one? They all have histories of killing others, though the Muslims refuse to try to convert anyone. It is in the Quran that anyone who doesn't already believe should be killed on sight. Quran 4.56: (As for) those who disbelieve in Our communications, We shall make them enter fire;
so oft as their skins are thoroughly burned, We will change them for other skins, that they may taste the chastisement; surely Allah is Mighty, Wise.
Quran 9.123: O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil).

Maybe if you had any idea about any belief system at all you could answer that question.

Travel more dude.

You're paying for it? Good. I've always wanted to go to Japan and study Shinto more closely. There are a few things about it that I don't quite understand well enough for my tastes. I also want to go to India to meet H.H. the Dalai Lama. Just let me renew my passport and I'll let you know when a good time for me to travel will be. I want to go to South America, too. There are still some tribes in Colombia and Brazil that follow a more arcane lifestyle. We really know nothing of their beliefs. It would be interesting to get a translator and learn their mythos first-hand.


Apr 27, 2010
This sounds really fun from the One God clans. But I'm sure it's all being blamed on the non-existent bogeyman di*k called Lucifer/Satan/blah blah blah ...

"Taking the heads of slain enemies and impaling them upon pikes appears to have been a favorite pastime among crusaders. I myself fail to find the fun in that, but I have been cautioned not to judge people living in another time by my own modern standards. Chronicles record a story of a crusader-bishop who referred to the impaled heads of slain Muslims as a joyful spectacle for the people of God."

More fun:

In his reports about the conquest of Jerusalem, Chronicler Raymond of Aguilers wrote that "It was a just and marvelous judgment of God, that this place [the temple of Solomon] should be filled with the blood of the unbelievers." St. Bernard announced before the Second Crusade that "The Christian glories in the death of a pagan, because thereby Christ himself is glorified."

Sounds like these guys should have been the ones locked up in the Kitchen cold storage lockers. LOL. Ahh such entertainment.

Let's teach the Hindu pagan barbarians:

"When I think of all the harm the Bible has done, I despair of ever writing anything to equal it"
- Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish author:

In order to accelerate the process of Christianising of the Hindus and the demolition of Hindu temples, one of the associates of St. Francis Xavier, Minguel Vaz, the then Vicar General of India appointed by the Pope in Rome, requested the King of Portugal as part of his 41 Point Programme to destroy all Hindu Temples in October 1546 as follows: "Since idolatry is so great and offence against God, as is manifest to all, it is just that Your Majesty should not permit it within your territories, and an order should be promulgated in Goa to the effect that in the whole island there should not be any temple public or secret. Contravention thereof should entail grave penalties that no Hindu should make idols in any form, neither of stone, nor of wood, nor of copper, nor of any other metal.... and that persons who are in charge of St. Paul"s should have the power to search the houses of the Brahmins and other Hindus, in case there exists a presumption or suspicion of the idols there".

(a).The Brahmins and the Goldsmiths were the most tortured lot. On April 2, 1560, the Viceroy ordered that the Brahmins should be thrown out of the island of Goa and the lands and fortresses of the King of Portugal. (b) .On November 27, 1563, a Law was passed to the effect that all Hindu physicians, carpenters, blacksmiths, shop keepers were asked to sell the property and leave the Portuguese territory. (c). The III Concillo Provincial held in 1585 passed the resolution to the effect that the Archbishop should obtain information annually regarding Brahmins and other infidels who might be prejudicial to the conversion to Christianity so that they may be punished.

Such brotherly love :)

I also think these cowardly Hindus should have been put in the meat locker as well, considering throughout the murderous invasion of their homeland in India, they simply refused to fight because they were against violence. Where the hell were the Thuggees when you needed them most ... sigh:

"Here he (Malik Kafur) heard that in Brahmastpuri there was a golden idol ... he then determined on razing the temple to the ground was the holy place of the Hindus which Malik dug up from its foundations with the greatest care. And the heads of Brahmans and idolaters danced from their necks and fell to the ground at their feet, and blood flowed in torrents."

What's all this got to do with The Hammer of the Gods? Ahh. well. Maybe, even in the name of entertainment and fiction, perhaps these dumb non-violent cowardly Hindus and their Gods be portrayed a little more .... errr... better?


No Longer a Noob
Jun 22, 2005
This sounds really fun from the One God clans. But I'm sure it's all being blamed on the non-existent bogeyman di*k called Lucifer/Satan/blah blah blah ...
Lucifer/Satan exists to those who believe he exists. Who do you think you are to say that they are wrong?

Better yet, why have you not answered a single question that I have asked of you? Let me list some for you:
What group are you calling the one-God redneck retards? Are you referring to the Jews, Christians, Muslims, certain groups of Druids (although they have a large pantheon, some believe that all gods are one god, all goddesses are one goddess, both the All Father and Great Mother are different sides of the same nature), Zoroastrians, followers of the old Egyptian pantheon who turned henotheistic, only worshipping Aten? The followers of the Norse pantheon? Who?

Why should the writers of Supernatural risk their lives by even including the Muslim belief and getting some crazy radicals in a frenzy? (Aside from the episode with the djinn, that is. The Djinn pre-date the Muslim religion, though.)

Are you still claiming that all who follow the Hindu belief system are completely peaceful? Or do you admit that was a lie and that there are non-peaceful cults as well?

Do you realize that Supernatural is fiction?

Who are you claiming has such "great power?"

Why are you so angry (and misinformed) about what others choose for their own belief system?

Who takes Supernatural seriously enough to care? Who is that stupid?
Wait, you answered that one. Repeatedly, even, through your on-going temper tantrum.

How do you propose to "level the playing field" on Supernatural since the Judeo-Christian belief has been so horribly misrepresented and insulted for 5 seasons, yet your choice of hissy-fit topic was insulted (in your mind only) in only one episode?

What do you know of my personal beliefs?

How do you possibly get the idea that I believe what I've seen on the television?

Are you really so ignorant that you believe that those who believe in monotheism (even though I explained that there aren't any true monotheisms) all live on farms? Do you really think that they don't travel?

Are you going to pay for me to travel?

Once again, bringing up hundreds of years old examples is not discussing the current situation. If you want to discuss horrible arcane practices, why not discuss how many Hindu women were murdered via the practice of sati just because their husbands died?

What's all this got to do with The Hammer of the Gods? Ahh. well. Maybe, even in the name of entertainment and fiction, perhaps these dumb non-violent cowardly Hindus and their Gods be portrayed a little more .... errr... better?
So, in a fictional show that makes up mythos as it goes along, you think that only one religion should be shown accurately? None of the others should be shown accurately? How hypocritical and small-minded of you!


Apr 27, 2010
moogle_mom said:
Aiyah ... then I see no harm in calling the Christian god a di*k. Level the playing field mate. I promise to laugh.
"As I already pointed out, the Judeo-Christian deity has already been called things that are considered worse to those who follow that belief system. You probably just don't understand because you have no understanding of any religion, let alone that particular one."

Point out all you want dude. That level of insult has not been leveled on the Christian god. And yes, I do know that religion very well, because strangely enough, I was in the thick of it before I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Clearer now? Don't assume you know about my belief system mom ...

Di*k would suffice. And yeah, strange that they don't mention the important dude. I think the term di*k Head would suffice.
"I'm not a writer for that show, so I have no idea why they have not even mentioned Jesus. It does seem odd, but since it should be pretty clear to anyone with at least three brain cells that they're making up their own mythos for the purpose of the show, it isn't that surprising."

Mythos or otherwise. I think that's off-limits for them. Dunno why though. Would have been fair game.

Really? So avoid the religion if it get's offended so easily? C'mon dude. And here I thought you'd come up with a better line. So, Islam/Muslim is out of the entertainment circle because you're scared of 'offending' them? Sounds mighty hypocritical and cowardly. So if tomorrow the Hindus started butchering and issuing religious decrees, they'd be out of the entertainment circle as well? Man, I think with your logic, it doesn't pay to be a peaceful religion. Be nice and get creamed.
"The fear isn't offending them. The fear is their insanity. No television show is worth dying over. Furthermore, it is not my personal logic, that's just the way this messed up little world is now."

Really? You fear the insanity of the Muslims and so better not have anything portrayed of them? Still haven't answered the question though. Hindus are ok to slam becoz you don't fear them? Ok. Makes sense. They are after all a lame and harmless bunch.

Hmmm... in your tiny universe, the Hindu religion is all about "cult of Kali"? Seems like that's all you're familiar with from what little you could pull out from Wikipedia? Please cite me examples of when the Hindu religion and people have gone on a conversion and butchery rampage in history. Time to hit the Google and Wikis. Pick something small, that would suffice. Don't need to equal the Christian butchery of the Inquisition. Google dude.... google.
"First, I never once said that the Hindu religion was all about the one cult of Kali."

Sorry, that the first (and only) thing that came to your mind. And that too from TODoom. Lame.

"I made it very clear that is one cult and an example. Secondly, I have these wonderful things called books. They're full of information. Some are texts from courses I've taken over the years on history, anthropology, and religion. Some are just collections of the written mythological tales of specific regions. Some are more generic groupings of mythology."

Yes yes, we all read comic 'books'. What are these 'books' that you have that speak of the savagery and orchestrated murders perpetrated by the Hindus on other religions? After all, you seems to be grouping them with the same bunch of ONE god murderers.

"Third, you should probably try Google yourself. The Inquisition era of the Catholic church victimized almost exclusively other Christians. Yes, it's a sad part of history, but it isn't current nor is it relevant to your point of conversion. Try keeping yourself on topic."

Hmmm... So a crime has a expiry date? Just because the One god club did their butchering and conversions a while back, that's cool? Blood under the bridge? Stay away from the comic 'books' you're reading dude. So, I guess the Hindus were really dumb not to have gone a religious murderous conversion rampage a few hundred years back. Damn it!

"Besides, any idiot can google "atrocities of Catholicism" and find that."

Didn't think of that one. So I guess I ain't no idiot.

Really? So you've done your research and figured that being called a 'pagan' is not offensive? How many 'pagan' friends do you have?
"Aside from my own Grove (which numbers in the thousands), do you mean? Of the hundreds of pagan and neo-pagan groups which have asked me to speak and teach, not a single one has ever had a problem with being called pagan (nor neo-pagan for that matter)."

Sure, whatever you say. Perhaps you should link me to your Grove?

Yep, most certainly looking forward to you presenting me with historical records of just how many have the Hindus killed in the name of their religion - forced conversion with the sword, land grabbing and destroying civilizations. Google away ...
"Books. Seriously, you need to learn about books. I've already given you one example. I've also given you another example of the mythos. Your retention level is really low."

Yep, my retention level is really low. Considering these supposed "books' you've been reading don't seem to have any titles, mythos or otherwise. Please provide me the names of these books (quick - Google to the rescue), that show and prove how many the Hindus have killed in the name of their religion and God(s) - forced conversion with the sword, land grabbing and destroying civilizations, systematic killing, etc.

I also see your use of the word "current". You have proven accounts of thuggees currently killing in this modern day and age? And what a stupid misinformed individual mate - How many millions has Christianity killed in the name of their one god? How many cultures and civilizations has the one Christian god killed? Oh yeah ... I forgot, you're talking about "current". So I guess the past murders of innocents doesn't count.
"Yes, the thuggee are still active. So is the cult of Sabaka (a cult of arsonists who follow a fire demon). Yes, we are talking current since the fictional entertainment of Supernatural is current."

Link, facts and figures please? On the question of 'current' thuggees killing? Google away ... :)

Yes, rolling the eyes too. Googled that up did you? C'mon. It's all entertainment. Level the playing field please, c'mon - more name calling for the Christian god and Muslim/Islam. It is fiction after all. No hard feelings. I'm sure we're all matured enough to handle fiction.
"No, I didn't have to google rolling of the eyes. Sounds like something you'd have to do. More name-calling for the Judeo-Christian deity would level the playing field in your mind? Well, let's see, they've already been doing that for five seasons. They upset your little feelings in one episode. The playing field is not nearly level enough. You're right. Far more insults to other religions are necessary to level the playing field."

Right on!

Dude, you're really dumb ain't you if you couldn't see the meaning of that. Woohahah - And only Uncle Ben hold's a trademark to that statement in your tiny universe? Step out beyond the borders sometime dude. Do you know what's the great power I'm talking about? Perhaps you need to hit the libraries and check on what that refers to. Sheeesshh. (eyes rolling)
"You don't know how to express yourself in English, yet you insist on calling me dumb? Well, it's understandable. Many like you feel it necessary to insult their superiors in order to feel better about themselves."

Yep, I don't know how to express myself in English, sorry. I'm just another dumb American. So forgive me for insulting my 'superior'. That was a good one - the superior part . LOL

"Still, what "great power" do you think that a fictional television show holds?"

Why don't you go figure that all out by yourself?

Firstly, Hindi is the language, and not the religion mate. Read up a little will ya? As for the rest, wow you got all that from Wiki? Mate, you know nothing about the religion. First, dig up the murderous history of the one God religion(s). Then perhaps you can graduate to the more peaceful and older religions of Hinduism, etc.
"Oh, dear, I actually made a typographical error that I didn't catch. That's rare. Of course, anyone with sense would have realized that I repeatedly said "Hindu" in reference to the religion and figured it was a typo. Sanskrit is the language."

Hindi is the language. And so is Sanskrit. Please do a little more reading. They are both languages. Sanskrit is not THE language.

"I've already proven that I know more about the religion than you do. I'm far more familiar with the mythos and practice. Try to keep up. Giving a relevant example or two would be nice."

Well, actually, so far I've seen jack dude. So get over it. From what little I've gathered, you don't know anything about blood and religion. Talk about self patting.

Me angry? Misinformed? I think you're the one who's misinformed mate. You want choice with everything else, but are so quick to believe that when it comes to God, there's no choice but one? "My way of the highway"? Get the head out the mud dude... It's the so called one God religions that have the most blood on their hands. If you ask me, smells like someone put in those words just so that they could get more members into their one God fan club ...
"What do you know of my personal beliefs? You're making assumptions and statements about those assumptions. I never once stated my personal belief. Furthermore, if you had seen any of the times that I have explained religions and mythologies to others (just a bit higher on the page is the story of the death of Baldur that I explained), you might not be so quick to make such assumptions. Or do you think that the followers of the Norse pantheon are another example of "one-God redneck retards?""

Calm down dude. Re-read. Made no 'assumptions' on your personal beliefs. And dude, you knew **** about Baldur before this episode. So don't even try going there.

Errr ... the one god redneck retards are known to be mighty dumb. Dude, Off course Supernatural is a show. And off course like the Kali thuggee cult you probably never ever knew existed other than from Temple of Doom (yes, what you saw on DVD), it's all marketing. So many redneck one god retards who've never left their farm and stepped outside their country, believe what they see on the tele - like yourself :)
"Off course? Yes, you are very off the course of polite conversation, but it's fun shredding you."

Polite conversation? Hmmm.... let's see. Oh right. I'm sorry, I was the one who started with the "stupid" and "stupidity" remarks. My bad.

"Once again, you're making assumptions you have no place to make. I have not seen Temple of Doom."
Yes you have.

"It came out around the same time as Return of the Jedi, and I was more interested in Star Wars at the time. Besides, I didn't have much time for movies and such during that time period. I had other things occupying my time. I first became familiar with the thuggee cult when I was in college through an anthropology course."

Sure if you say so on your anthropology course. I liked Star Wars too. So some common ground. Did you learn during the course of the murderous Hindu religion?

"Furthermore, especially considering that I've explained that Supernatural is a fictional show which gets more wrong than it does right about religions, how do you possibly get the idea that I believe what I've seen on the television? Is your reading comprehension that bad?"

Yep, my comprehension is pretty bad. I apologize. Blame it on the education system I grew up on, and myself of course.

"Can you not understand that when I say they get more wrong than right that I'm implying that the show is not a source to be believed about religious teachings? Why are you lying? Is it because you don't actually have a point and now you're just trying to insult me for some sort of revenge?"

Revenge on you? Please, get over yourself. How many dumb 'rednecks' go about taking the word of God by what they see on the Television? Are you saying there is no link between television violence, or perception of reality and the real world? I'm sorry, you're even weaker minded than I thought.

"Are you really so ignorant that you believe that those who believe in monotheism (even though I explained that there aren't any true monotheisms) all live on farms? Do you really think that they don't travel?"

How many redneck retards will gladly welcome the building of a Hindu or Buddhist temple in their heartlands? That's a majority here in America. And yes, these bunch obviously only travel via the television.

"I already asked you to define who you mean when you mention "one-God redneck retards." You refuse."

C'mon, isn't the word redneck clear enough for you, or do I need to spell it in English?

"One might guess that you mean the Jews, Christians, and Muslims since they all branch from the same Abrahamic root. Are you talking about the followers of all, or just one? They all have histories of killing others, though the Muslims refuse to try to convert anyone. It is in the Quran that anyone who doesn't already believe should be killed on sight. Quran 4.56: (As for) those who disbelieve in Our communications, We shall make them enter fire;
so oft as their skins are thoroughly burned, We will change them for other skins, that they may taste the chastisement; surely Allah is Mighty, Wise.
Quran 9.123: O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil)."

The Muslims "refuse to try to convert anyone". Just how dumb are you dude? Must be still on some outdated comic 'book' This statement is so hilarious, I think I'm not even going to waste any more time. You must have failed in your history. Muslims have converted people by the millions throughout history. Read up you 'books'. That was really embarrassing ...

Maybe if you had any idea about any belief system at all you could answer that question.

Travel more dude.

"You're paying for it? Good. I've always wanted to go to Japan and study Shinto more closely. There are a few things about it that I don't quite understand well enough for my tastes. I also want to go to India to meet H.H. the Dalai Lama. Just let me renew my passport and I'll let you know when a good time for me to travel will be. I want to go to South America, too. There are still some tribes in Colombia and Brazil that follow a more arcane lifestyle. We really know nothing of their beliefs. It would be interesting to get a translator and learn their mythos first-hand.

You should really travel to Varanasi first. You need to learn the origins of Buddhism, considering 85% of it is taken from Hinduism. I'm sure my friends will provide an anthropologist with cheap lodging. Perhaps learn a little more personally from the Hindus there, and do some reading up on why it and Buddhism are the most peaceful religions in the world. Buddhism is a Hollywood darling at the moment, so I guess it naturally wasn't fun having Buddha sitting on the table and getting blown to bits. But the dumb Hindus? They're fair game, because they won't do jack****. So Gandhi bull****.

Fully censor profanity.


Apr 27, 2010
moogle_mom said:
This sounds really fun from the One God clans. But I'm sure it's all being blamed on the non-existent bogeyman di*k called Lucifer/Satan/blah blah blah ...
"Lucifer/Satan exists to those who believe he exists. Who do you think you are to say that they are wrong?"

Who are you to say they are right? Be careful, your Christianity is beginning to show ... LOL

"Better yet, why have you not answered a single question that I have asked of you? Let me list some for you:
What group are you calling the one-God redneck retards? Are you referring to the Jews, Christians, Muslims, certain groups of Druids (although they have a large pantheon, some believe that all gods are one god, all goddesses are one goddess, both the All Father and Great Mother are different sides of the same nature), Zoroastrians, followers of the old Egyptian pantheon who turned henotheistic, only worshipping Aten? The followers of the Norse pantheon? Who?"


"Why should the writers of Supernatural risk their lives by even including the Muslim belief and getting some crazy radicals in a frenzy? (Aside from the episode with the djinn, that is. The Djinn pre-date the Muslim religion, though.)"


"Are you still claiming that all who follow the Hindu belief system are completely peaceful? Or do you admit that was a lie and that there are non-peaceful cults as well?"

Yes, the Hindu belief system is completely peaceful. Are you so out of examples that you're equating the entire 5,000-7,000 year religious practice to a Christian hyped up group of the Kali cult? That's even weaker then lame. I suppose we should equate Christianity to them murdering (still) Muslim men, women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan - it is a military Christian Bush-cult. And with your logic, we should also equate it to People’s Temple Christian Church? I'm sorry, but your logic is beyond stupid. But then again, Christianity has murdered more than any other religion in the name of their blood-thirsty God.

And where's my answer mom? Where's the mass destruction of religion and butchery done by the Hindus? Please, awaiting. And please, I love the big numbers please. Major slaughterings, etc. On the scale of the one godders please. :)

"Do you realize that Supernatural is fiction? " Yep.

"Who are you claiming has such "great power?" - Find the answer around you.

"Why are you so angry (and misinformed) about what others choose for their own belief system?" Am not.

Who takes Supernatural seriously enough to care? Who is that stupid? - Duh ... the redneck retards?
Wait, you answered that one. Repeatedly, even, through your on-going temper tantrum. - Tantrum? LOL

"How do you propose to "level the playing field" on Supernatural since the Judeo-Christian belief has been so horribly misrepresented and insulted for 5 seasons, yet your choice of hissy-fit topic was insulted (in your mind only) in only one episode?"
- Why don't you sit down with a Hindu and see if they're insulted or not - in the name of entertainment. Are you so naive to not realize how many redneck retards in our country believe everything they see on television? Do you know a redneck retards were going after the Sikh community after 911 because to them, every one who had his head wrapped in cloth was a Muslim terrorist? Gee... I wonder where they got that information from. Hmm .. maybe because the television didn't differentiate that there are Muslims, and then there's the Sikh faith?

What do you know of my personal beliefs? - Never said I did. But think you're a one godder.

How do you possibly get the idea that I believe what I've seen on the television? - Of course you do. IT's obvious.

"Are you really so ignorant that you believe that those who believe in monotheism (even though I explained that there aren't any true monotheisms) all live on farms? Do you really think that they don't travel?"


Are you going to pay for me to travel? - Nope.

"Once again, bringing up hundreds of years old examples is not discussing the current situation. If you want to discuss horrible arcane practices, why not discuss how many Hindu women were murdered via the practice of sati just because their husbands died?"

Ah mom, that wasn't a religious practice. Do some more reading up on the topic and get to the bottom of it. Don't be shy to share the findings here on the origins of Sati.

What's all this got to do with The Hammer of the Gods? Ahh. well. Maybe, even in the name of entertainment and fiction, perhaps these dumb non-violent cowardly Hindus and their Gods be portrayed a little more .... errr... better?
So, in a fictional show that makes up mythos as it goes along, you think that only one religion should be shown accurately? None of the others should be shown accurately? How hypocritical and small-minded of you!

Tsk Tsk ... name calling again?


Apr 27, 2010
A Jesuit named L’Amy taught that ���A monk or priest is allowed to kill those who are ready to slander him or his community”; and, “If a Father [priest], yielding to temptation, abuses a woman and she publicises what has happened, and, because of it, dishonours him, this same Father can kill her to avoid disgrace!” Is it any wonder that the Jesuits have often resorted to murder? Jesuit theologians have repeatedly, in their writings, justified the telling of lies if to do so is advantageous to the Society. Scripture declares that “all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone” (Rev. 21:8); but by advocating “equivocation” and “mental reservation”, the disciples of Loyola have convinced themselves that certain lies are not lies, when the end justifies the means.

New Living Translation (©2007)
My anger will blaze against you, and I will kill you with the sword. Then your wives will be widows and your children fatherless.

Uh-oh .... by the way, the biggest mass murderer in modern day history was a Christian ... (thank the Gods it wasn't a Hindu)

But what has this all to do with The Hammer Of Gods? Absolutely everything. But what say you mom/dude, we take this discussion elsewhere? Suggestions?


No Longer a Noob
Jun 22, 2005
You're still not going to answer a single question, are you? Either way, you're worse than the so-called "one-God redneck retards" that you are whining about. You use wars that took place nearly a thousand years ago as an example of how horrible current believers of Christianity are, but won't say anything of the millions of women murdered by being burned alive by the Hindus. You insult anyone who isn't Hindu as a "one-God redneck retard." You cannot even communicate effectively nor intelligently.

By the way, since you think you know what all movies I have watched, what else do you say have I watched that I never watched?


Apr 27, 2010
moogle_mom said:
You're still not going to answer a single question, are you? Either way, you're worse than the so-called "one-God redneck retards" that you are whining about. You use wars that took place nearly a thousand years ago as an example of how horrible current believers of Christianity are, but won't say anything of the millions of women murdered by being burned alive by the Hindus. You insult anyone who isn't Hindu as a "one-God redneck retard." You cannot even communicate effectively nor intelligently.

By the way, since you think you know what all movies I have watched, what else do you say have I watched that I never watched?

Answer the question mom dude. I've not seen any fact and figures from you Oh Intelligent One, AT ALL, to any of your claims of organized Hindu violence and butchery in the name of their God(s). Proof and figures please. Answer the question.

Please provide the link and figures to substantiate your claims on the "millions burned alive by the Hindus". Talk is cheap mom dude. You've posted nothing. No facts, no figures, no numbers, no nothing. Still relying on your comic 'books'?

Loser. Until you can provide facts and figures, bow out gracefully now.


Aug 13, 2006
I'm really loving the intensity of this discussion. I just finished reading all the comments from this episode, and moogle mom and that zzod are really having a heated argument :]

Tbh, Though this has been stated before many times to zzod; Chillax. Supernatural doesn't hate you or your religion, they're just crafting an interesting storyline that i find very intriguing. It led to me learning quite a bit from even the comments on this meh-so-so review.

Anyway, @zzod, I don't think they're specifically putting in Islam/Judaism into the storyline truly because they're (at the heart) based upon the same original beliefs.

That you're becoming so offended at the show's portrayal of your religion maybe means you shouldn't take it so seriously =/

Of course there will ALWAYS be 'redneck retards' out there who believe anything. But i seriously doubt that venting on a review at IGN will do anything to solve their ignorance..

Now, I'm not claiming to be an expert on any religion here or anything. I'm truthfully still finding my own as I am.. But another thing i'd like to say is that i don't believe the writers of Supernatural are 'picking on' Hinduism because their peaceful. Rather, they may have found that due to the general peaceful nature of the majority of Hindu people perhaps means that they would not take the show quite so seriously. I've had Hindu friends before, and i'm quite sure he'd just chalk the show up to just a show. Which is exactly what it is.

I do not believe that being called pagan, or calling someone pagan is an insult. My best friend's a Buudhist and i call her pagan all the time as a sort of joke.

Though, i do admit Pagan does certainly have a negative connotation to it...I don't think it actually is insult or something of the like by definition.

Anyway, I enjoyed reading all the comments on this review. They were rather interesting indeed, and after having read them all i decided to finally use my IGN account from what seems to be years ago...Why waste my time reading so much if I wasn't going to put in my own word, right?

@Moogle_mom : I like reading many of your posts in this discussion- They're interesting, so please keep up the input you put.

Now, What I thought about the episode:
I really liked it to be honest. And I (obviously correctly) foresaw much heated talks on its content.

[As I stated before] I'm no religion expert, but I do feel that Odin especially should've been given a more dramatic death...and for that matter, all of them probably deserved more drawn out demises.

Guess we'll just have to accept that The Writers fear Lucifer over all the others.

And haha, to be honest, I liked the badassness he was portrayed with.

Though I'm sure that may be due to my own bias, But eh, i could still see how others, Pagans, would be offended by their gods' deaths at the hand of...I'm not even sure what to call it
...A term to describe the religion that encompasses such a broad thing..Hmm..


No Longer a Noob
Jun 22, 2005
"Lucifer/Satan exists to those who believe he exists. Who do you think you are to say that they are wrong?"
Who are you to say they are right? Be careful, your Christianity is beginning to show ... LOL
According to your, and I use the term loosely, logic, then your gods don't exist. There are those who don't believe in them, so they don't exist at all for anyone. They're - how did you put it? - non-existent bogeyman di*ks.

What group are you calling the one-God redneck retards? Are you referring to the Jews, Christians, Muslims, certain groups of Druids (although they have a large pantheon, some believe that all gods are one god, all goddesses are one goddess, both the All Father and Great Mother are different sides of the same nature), Zoroastrians, followers of the old Egyptian pantheon who turned henotheistic, only worshipping Aten? The followers of the Norse pantheon? Who?"
No, you never answered it. Either that or you are so poorly informed and terribly uneducated that you think that people of monotheistic faiths only live in the southern regions of the United States.

"Why should the writers of Supernatural risk their lives by even including the Muslim belief and getting some crazy radicals in a frenzy? (Aside from the episode with the djinn, that is. The Djinn pre-date the Muslim religion, though.)"
No, you never gave a single logical reason for those people to risk their lives. As a matter of fact, you continuously try to say that the reason is that I personally have fears of Muslims. Since I'm not a writer for the show, not only is that not an answer, but is ridiculously stupid.

"Are you still claiming that all who follow the Hindu belief system are completely peaceful? Or do you admit that was a lie and that there are non-peaceful cults as well?"
Yes, the Hindu belief system is completely peaceful. Are you so out of examples that you're equating the entire 5,000-7,000 year religious practice to a Christian hyped up group of the Kali cult? That's even weaker then lame. I suppose we should equate Christianity to them murdering (still) Muslim men, women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan - it is a military Christian Bush-cult. And with your logic, we should also equate it to People’s Temple Christian Church? I'm sorry, but your logic is beyond stupid. But then again, Christianity has murdered more than any other religion in the name of their blood-thirsty God.
My point was never about numbers, but about the fact that there are murderous cults and practices within Hinduism. Do you admit that the thuggee exist or even have existed? If not, then as I already suspected, there is no reasoning with you since you will never view the truth. You will believe exactly what you want to believe and nothing else, no matter how much evidence exists.

And where's my answer mom? Where's the mass destruction of religion and butchery done by the Hindus? Please, awaiting. And please, I love the big numbers please. Major slaughterings, etc. On the scale of the one godders please.
Since women do not matter in Hindu culture and are traditionally so poorly treated, there will never be an accurate count of how many women were murdered by the ritual of sati. Or do you know so little about Hinduism that you're not familiar with the practice and its origins?

"Do you realize that Supernatural is fiction? " Yep.
If you realize that Supernatural is fiction, then why are you throwing such a little tizzy fit about the handling of only one, not even all, religion in the show? It's not real. There is no real harm done.

"Who are you claiming has such "great power?" - Find the answer around you.
There is no answer. It was just some nonsense you pulled from your ass.

"Why are you so angry (and misinformed) about what others choose for their own belief system?" Am not.
Then what is your purpose in incessantly insulting people of monotheistic (though the correct description would be henotheistic, though I doubt you have any idea what that means) belief systems? Why carry on about people demanding choices in shopping, but choosing only one deity?

Who takes Supernatural seriously enough to care? Who is that stupid? - Duh ... the redneck retards?
Again you have failed to define exactly who you are calling redneck retards.

"How do you propose to "level the playing field" on Supernatural since the Judeo-Christian belief has been so horribly misrepresented and insulted for 5 seasons, yet your choice of hissy-fit topic was insulted (in your mind only) in only one episode?"
- Why don't you sit down with a Hindu and see if they're insulted or not - in the name of entertainment. Are you so naive to not realize how many redneck retards in our country believe everything they see on television? Do you know a redneck retards were going after the Sikh community after 911 because to them, every one who had his head wrapped in cloth was a Muslim terrorist? Gee... I wonder where they got that information from. Hmm .. maybe because the television didn't differentiate that there are Muslims, and then there's the Sikh faith?
So, your answer, if one can call it that, is that because of one isolated incident, then everyone in the United States is stupid and acts so badly? Then you're one, too, so you have no room to talk. You really need to just shut up already.

What do you know of my personal beliefs? - Never said I did. But think you're a one godder.
I doubt you thought anything, you would have hurt yourself. Not only that, but you did claim to know what I believe. Your exact words were, "You want choice with everything else, but are so quick to believe that when it comes to God, there's no choice but one." You informed me of what I want and believe. You are again lying.

How do you possibly get the idea that I believe what I've seen on the television? - Of course you do. IT's obvious.
Yes, it's obvious that you have made that accusation, but how did you get that foolish idea? It's obvious, how? The fact that I haven't watched a television in years (I watch the few shows that I watch on the computer) disproves that, but you know nothing, let alone that bit of information. Though you have been informed now.

"Are you really so ignorant that you believe that those who believe in monotheism (even though I explained that there aren't any true monotheisms) all live on farms? Do you really think that they don't travel?"
No, it hasn't been answered.

"Once again, bringing up hundreds of years old examples is not discussing the current situation. If you want to discuss horrible arcane practices, why not discuss how many Hindu women were murdered via the practice of sati just because their husbands died?"
Ah mom, that wasn't a religious practice. Do some more reading up on the topic and get to the bottom of it. Don't be shy to share the findings here on the origins of Sati.
First, though a minor point, unless I birthed you (and I'd rather have had an abortion), then you have no business calling me "mom." Second, I'm familiar with the origins of Sati, named after an incarnation of Parvati who burned herself because daddy was being mean to hubby. I'm familiar with the practice of burning women when their husbands die. It's called murder in other cultures.

Just a point to make, you bring up Catholicism as if it is the sole version of a monotheistic religion. Are you even slightly aware that there are more religions, versions, sects, and even cults?

Calm down dude. Re-read. Made no 'assumptions' on your personal beliefs. And dude, you knew [removed for inappropriateness] about Baldur before this episode. So don't even try going there.
You just love trying to tell me what I do and don't know, don't you? You'll believe what makes you feel better about yourself. Still, I want to inform you that you are once again wrong. I've known of the story of the Death of Baldur since I was very little. I can't even remember the first time that I was told this one I heard it so often. Don't try to tell me what I do and do not know. You're always going to be wrong.

Answer the question mom dude. I've not seen any fact and figures from you Oh Intelligent One, AT ALL, to any of your claims of organized Hindu violence and butchery in the name of their God(s). Proof and figures please. Answer the question.
Anyone with internet and/or access to a library can get numbers for the deaths known to be caused by the thuggee, though the suspected number is considerably higher. Look it up yourself. As I've already explained, since women mean nothing to the Hindus (read the Ramavayana), there will never be an accurate accounting of the numbers of women murdered by being burned alive. That's so sad. Although, since you're not familiar with the practice, you should be able to look up the information.

Polite conversation? Hmmm.... let's see. Oh right. I'm sorry, I was the one who started with the "stupid" and "stupidity" remarks. My bad.
You are the one who started with the "redneck retard" remarks, yes. You were rude and offensive from the beginning.

"Once again, you're making assumptions you have no place to make. I have not seen Temple of Doom."
Yes you have.
Again, you know absolutely nothing. Where were you in 1984? Were you following me all day and night to know if I went to the theater to see that movie? I highly doubt it. I know that you don't want to believe it, but what I know of the thuggee cult does not come from a movie that I never saw. (I had to google "Temple of Doom" to see what you were even talking about.) Again, you're lying. You're stating something as a fact that is not true.

Ardeku said:
@Moogle_mom : I like reading many of your posts in this discussion- They're interesting, so please keep up the input you put.
Thank you. Not everyone has studied religions, not everyone cares. I find it fascinating, though. I've always believed that if you can understand a person's beliefs, you can understand their values, and from that their culture.



Apr 27, 2010
C'mon Moogie Mom,

Where are the facts and figures baby? I'm sure you can work out something better having studied Anthropology and all. Nothing? Tsk. That's pathetic.

Can't even provide ONE historical episode of Hindu invasion and mass butchering in the name of their God(s) on the scale of the Crusades or the Inquisition?

Can't even provide ONE historical account of Hindu invasion and wiping out of another religious belief system?

Can't even provide any numbers of the "current' Kali Thuggee CULT murdering people (Hindus or Non-Hindus)?

Can't provide a single shred of evidence on the so called 'millions' of women the Hindus have killed? Millions LOL

Can you even find a SINGLE reference to violence to be perpetrated on a non-Hindu in their holy scripture of the Vedas or the Puranas?

Do you even realize that the Hindu religion is one of the rare religions practiced today to actually put the FEMALE in a God position? Laxshmi, Durga, Kali, Shakti, etc. No respect for women? Is there a Christian female god? Don't think so. At least the Pagans had Goddesses ....

Do you want historical facts and documentation, some by the Muslim/Christian invaders themselves on the forced religious conversions, murder, pillaging, taking away of land and property, destruction of temples and the slaughter of Hindu 'pagans' in India in the name of their one god, and sanctioned by the Church?

Do you want to see historical facts and documentation of how the silly Hindus, in the spirit of non-violence, let themselves be butchered, because the fundamentals of the religion preaches Ahimsa (google it) ?

C'mon anthropologist, fact and figures. Facts and figures and documentation. You have that something you mentioned earlier - books right? You're not worth the challenge.

I do not believe that being called pagan, or calling someone pagan is an insult. My best friend's a Buudhist and i call her pagan all the time as a sort of joke

Yeah I know. So is using the n word sometimes used as a joke. But I guess it wasn't quite funny to the women and children who were being slaughtered in the name of Christianity because they were 'pagans'. But yeah, it doesn't affect me either coz I wasn't the one getting slashed or drowned or burnt at the stake. I'm chilled dude. Perhaps I should put the smiley tag more often. But I certainly don't have patience for blinkered so-called Christian "anthropologist' fundie who can't even come up with decent comparisons of the same scale of murder and mayhem, and then attacks a religion because of the activities of a CULT? Can you even imagine the can of worms being opened when comparing a CULT to an actual time-tested religion? i wouldn't even know where to scratch my head if we moved to Christian CULTS ...

Sorry, Mooga chucka mom's on a very low IQ playing field not worth the sparring.


Apr 27, 2010
moogle_mom said:
"Lucifer/Satan exists to those who believe he exists. Who do you think you are to say that they are wrong?"
Who are you to say they are right? Be careful, your Christianity is beginning to show ... LOL
"According to your, and I use the term loosely, logic, then your gods don't exist. There are those who don't believe in them, so they don't exist at all for anyone. They're - how did you put it? - non-existent bogeyman di*ks."

What makes you think I believe in "Gods"? Don't be so presumptuous.

What group are you calling the one-God redneck retards? Are you referring to the Jews, Christians, Muslims, certain groups of Druids (although they have a large pantheon, some believe that all gods are one god, all goddesses are one goddess, both the All Father and Great Mother are different sides of the same nature), Zoroastrians, followers of the old Egyptian pantheon who turned henotheistic, only worshipping Aten? The followers of the Norse pantheon? Who?"
"No, you never answered it. Either that or you are so poorly informed and terribly uneducated that you think that people of monotheistic faiths only live in the southern regions of the United States."

Hmmm... I don't recall mentioning anything or limiting to the "southern regions of the United States".

"Why should the writers of Supernatural risk their lives by even including the Muslim belief and getting some crazy radicals in a frenzy? (Aside from the episode with the djinn, that is. The Djinn pre-date the Muslim religion, though.)"
"No, you never gave a single logical reason for those people to risk their lives. As a matter of fact, you continuously try to say that the reason is that I personally have fears of Muslims. Since I'm not a writer for the show, not only is that not an answer, but is ridiculously stupid."

Name calling again? Tsk. Control darling. I'm curious as to why you say these people will 'risk their lives" if they included Islam/Muslim beliefs in the name of fun and make believe entertainment? I thought the Hindus were the ones with the bloodthirsty belief and Gods who liked fresh human meat? Anyways, someone else must have written "The fear is their insanity" on your behalf when talking about why Islam should be kept out of the entertainment circle or storyline. So I guess by that you meant that the Muslims were not to be feared, but that they are just insane. Ok. So just pick on the weakest. Point noted.

"Are you still claiming that all who follow the Hindu belief system are completely peaceful? Or do you admit that was a lie and that there are non-peaceful cults as well?"
Yes, the Hindu belief system is completely peaceful. Are you so out of examples that you're equating the entire 5,000-7,000 year religious practice to a Christian hyped up group of the Kali cult? That's even weaker then lame. I suppose we should equate Christianity to them murdering (still) Muslim men, women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan - it is a military Christian Bush-cult. And with your logic, we should also equate it to People’s Temple Christian Church? I'm sorry, but your logic is beyond stupid. But then again, Christianity has murdered more than any other religion in the name of their blood-thirsty God.
"My point was never about numbers, but about the fact that there are murderous cults and practices within Hinduism. Do you admit that the thuggee exist or even have existed? If not, then as I already suspected, there is no reasoning with you since you will never view the truth. You will believe exactly what you want to believe and nothing else, no matter how much evidence exists."

"murderous cults and practices within Hinduism". Murderous Cults? Plural. This is news to me :) Please, enlighten me on these murderous cultS and practiceS. And maybe provide some extra juice on who they were sanctioned by - the head Hindu temple leaders, religious bodies, etc. Waiting anxiously :)

And where's my answer mom? Where's the mass destruction of religion and butchery done by the Hindus? Please, awaiting. And please, I love the big numbers please. Major slaughterings, etc. On the scale of the one godders please.
"Since women do not matter in Hindu culture and are traditionally so poorly treated, there will never be an accurate count of how many women were murdered by the ritual of sati. Or do you know so little about Hinduism that you're not familiar with the practice and its origins?'

Ahahaha. Good one. i forgot that Kali was a man, as the Hindu religion and culture has no respect for the female form. I think I forgot the name of the Christian female God ... by the way, I thought I was waiting for you to provide the origins of Sati in our last fruitful discussion. Let your fingers do at least some of the walking. By the way, are you familiar with the fun Christian practice of the burning of witches in the past (women? Children?) How about the present excitement about the church and witches? Hot CURRENT news to the redneck retards. Read and weep in shame:

Read and weep baby. Give your Christian back a pat.

"Do you realize that Supernatural is fiction? " Yep.
"If you realize that Supernatural is fiction, then why are you throwing such a little tizzy fit about the handling of only one, not even all, religion in the show? It's not real. There is no real harm done."

Of course there's no harm done. Unless you're a Hindu, or a follower of the Kitchen God :)

"Who are you claiming has such "great power?" - Find the answer around you.
"There is no answer. It was just some nonsense you pulled from your ass."

Such flowery language. Chill out mom. Gives a bad name to your nick. If you still can't find the "great power" I'm referring to, just stick to your Spider Man.

"Why are you so angry (and misinformed) about what others choose for their own belief system?" Am not.
"Then what is your purpose in incessantly insulting people of monotheistic (though the correct description would be henotheistic, though I doubt you have any idea what that means) belief systems? Why carry on about people demanding choices in shopping, but choosing only one deity?"

Don't know. Perhaps because it's a little stupid, maybe? And perhaps because that stupidity has resulted in the slaughter of millions of 'unbelievers'?

Who takes Supernatural seriously enough to care? Who is that stupid? - Duh ... the redneck retards?
"Again you have failed to define exactly who you are calling redneck retards."

Well, I think you've qualified well into that category now :)

"How do you propose to "level the playing field" on Supernatural since the Judeo-Christian belief has been so horribly misrepresented and insulted for 5 seasons, yet your choice of hissy-fit topic was insulted (in your mind only) in only one episode?"
- Why don't you sit down with a Hindu and see if they're insulted or not - in the name of entertainment. Are you so naive to not realize how many redneck retards in our country believe everything they see on television? Do you know a redneck retards were going after the Sikh community after 911 because to them, every one who had his head wrapped in cloth was a Muslim terrorist? Gee... I wonder where they got that information from. Hmm .. maybe because the television didn't differentiate that there are Muslims, and then there's the Sikh faith?
"So, your answer, if one can call it that, is that because of one isolated incident, then everyone in the United States is stupid and acts so badly? Then you're one, too, so you have no room to talk. You really need to just shut up already."

Awww mom. Chill out. Isolated incident? C'mon. I was just getting emboldened by your comparison of a CULT to the whole majestic Hindu religion. So, I think it's fair game now to consider everyone here in the US or A as murderers, regardless of a few 'isolated' incidents ... By the way, the Christians are killing the citizens in Iraq and Afghanistan, currently now aren't they? Murdering Christian bastards LOL:

What do you know of my personal beliefs? - Never said I did. But think you're a one godder.
I doubt you thought anything, you would have hurt yourself. Not only that, but you did claim to know what I believe. Your exact "words were, "You want choice with everything else, but are so quick to believe that when it comes to God, there's no choice but one." "You informed me of what I want and believe. You are again lying."

Wooah. a big word here - lying? Don't get tied up in a knot just because the one God people have been butchering the many God believing people. For all I know, you could be anyone. By the way, what was the Pagan lectures you were giving and being invited to?

How do you possibly get the idea that I believe what I've seen on the television? - Of course you do. IT's obvious.
"Yes, it's obvious that you have made that accusation, but how did you get that foolish idea? It's obvious, how? The fact that I haven't watched a television in years (I watch the few shows that I watch on the computer) disproves that, but you know nothing, let alone that bit of information. Though you have been informed now."

Sure. At this stage you could call yourself the virgin Princess of Timbuk3 and I'd have to take your word for it.... Especially for someone who's sent over 14,000 posts! Sure, you don't watch TV.

"Are you really so ignorant that you believe that those who believe in monotheism (even though I explained that there aren't any true monotheisms) all live on farms? Do you really think that they don't travel?"
"No, it hasn't been answered."

Really? My apologies. I guess it goes along the lines of "all lawyers are liars, but not all liars are lawyers". Get my drift?

"Once again, bringing up hundreds of years old examples is not discussing the current situation. If you want to discuss horrible arcane practices, why not discuss how many Hindu women were murdered via the practice of sati just because their husbands died?"
Ah mom, that wasn't a religious practice. Do some more reading up on the topic and get to the bottom of it. Don't be shy to share the findings here on the origins of Sati.
"First, though a minor point, unless I birthed you (and I'd rather have had an abortion), then you have no business calling me "mom." Second, I'm familiar with the origins of Sati, named after an incarnation of Parvati who burned herself because daddy was being mean to hubby. I'm familiar with the practice of burning women when their husbands die. It's called murder in other cultures."

It's called wikipedia honey mom. Do a little more digging up. And not the sources put up by the one God crew. Sheesh. Anthropology? You'd never be in my Raiders of the Lost Ark team... I believe murder is what they call when the Church burns people alive. Heard that one before? No? Read up more and perhaps the origins of Sati will emerge for you.

"Just a point to make, you bring up Catholicism as if it is the sole version of a monotheistic religion. Are you even slightly aware that there are more religions, versions, sects, and even cults?"

Perhaps mom, you should go through all my posts and point me to where I have brought up "Catholicism"? Stay off the booze. You're seeing things.

Calm down dude. Re-read. Made no 'assumptions' on your personal beliefs. And dude, you knew [removed for inappropriateness] about Baldur before this episode. So don't even try going there.
"You just love trying to tell me what I do and don't know, don't you? You'll believe what makes you feel better about yourself. Still, I want to inform you that you are once again wrong. I've known of the story of the Death of Baldur since I was very little. I can't even remember the first time that I was told this one I heard it so often. Don't try to tell me what I do and do not know. You're always going to be wrong."

Yawn. Sure.

Answer the question mom dude. I've not seen any fact and figures from you Oh Intelligent One, AT ALL, to any of your claims of organized Hindu violence and butchery in the name of their God(s). Proof and figures please. Answer the question.
"Anyone with internet and/or access to a library can get numbers for the deaths known to be caused by the thuggee, though the suspected number is considerably higher. Look it up yourself. As I've already explained, since women mean nothing to the Hindus (read the Ramavayana), there will never be an accurate accounting of the numbers of women murdered by being burned alive. That's so sad. Although, since you're not familiar with the practice, you should be able to look up the information."

"Ramavayana" what? Am I sparring with a kid here? I'm so sorry dear. I'm sure it's a typo. It's the Ramayana to the South Indians, and Ramayan to those of the north. You must be really out of ideas to hide under the 'they'll never be an accurate accounting" for this. Which planet are you from mom? The Indian press is the freest press on the planet. One that's run by self-stabbing Hindus who are the first to cry foul if a Hindu commits a crime. Poor thing. Couldn't come up with any stats and figures and links? i can imagine how many people would hand up their thesis based on your excuse of "there will never be an accurate accounting". Sigh ... What a Shame. And perhaps you could enlighten me with this story from this other book you mentioned "Ramavayana". What did they do to the girl there?

Polite conversation? Hmmm.... let's see. Oh right. I'm sorry, I was the one who started with the "stupid" and "stupidity" remarks. My bad.
"You are the one who started with the "redneck retard" remarks, yes. You were rude and offensive from the beginning."

Cool. Had a nice ring-a-ding to it :)

"Once again, you're making assumptions you have no place to make. I have not seen Temple of Doom."
Yes you have.
"Again, you know absolutely nothing. Where were you in 1984? Were you following me all day and night to know if I went to the theater to see that movie? I highly doubt it. I know that you don't want to believe it, but what I know of the thuggee cult does not come from a movie that I never saw. (I had to google "Temple of Doom" to see what you were even talking about.) Again, you're lying. You're stating something as a fact that is not true."

Been checking IMDB have you? That's ok. The movie was pretty crap anyways. I'm sure you found the killers and butcher offsprings of the Hindu religion there frightening. Just like Gunga Din (google that)

Ardeku said:
@Moogle_mom : I like reading many of your posts in this discussion- They're interesting, so please keep up the input you put.
Thank you. Not everyone has studied religions, not everyone cares. I find it fascinating, though. I've always believed that if you can understand a person's beliefs, you can understand their values, and from that their culture.
:^O :^O :^O TV

Yeah, you should check out Jesus Camp. Awesome. And while you're at it, also check this out mom. It's really hilarious:


No Longer a Noob
Jun 22, 2005
Where are the facts and figures baby? I'm sure you can work out something better having studied Anthropology and all. Nothing? Tsk. That's pathetic.
Again, how do you expect to find accurate figures when women have no value in said culture?

Can't even provide ONE historical episode of Hindu invasion and mass butchering in the name of their God(s) on the scale of the Crusades or the Inquisition?
First of all, I never said anything about invasion. I only said that not all Hindus are peaceful and non-violent and gave an example of that. Second, you're still not keeping with modern times.

Can't even provide ONE historical account of Hindu invasion and wiping out of another religious belief system?
Again, you need to learn to read what is posed, not to make up things that were never typed. Can you find one time that I stated that the Hindus have wiped out another belief system? I only said that not all Hindus are peaceful and non-violent and gave an example.

Can't even provide any numbers of the "current' Kali Thuggee CULT murdering people (Hindus or Non-Hindus)?
Considering that it has always been a very closed group, I doubt that finding exact numbers will be possible. Still, that doesn't preclude its existence.

Can't provide a single shred of evidence on the so called 'millions' of women the Hindus have killed? Millions LOL
[link=]Yes, millions of women have been barbarically murdered by being burned alive after their husbands died.[/link] Although, as I stated before, anyone can look up the practice of sati online. More links:
Although, if you had enough sense to look for the truth, I wouldn't have to provide the links.

Now the question is, why do you deny the practice? Is it because it's horrible, violent, forced upon women, and in direct contradiction to what you're claiming Hinduism is all about?

Can you even find a SINGLE reference to violence to be perpetrated on a non-Hindu in their holy scripture of the Vedas or the Puranas?
When did I ever claim such a thing? You're not sticking to the point. Again.

Do you even realize that the Hindu religion is one of the rare religions practiced today to actually put the FEMALE in a God position? Laxshmi, Durga, Kali, Shakti, etc. No respect for women? Is there a Christian female god? Don't think so. At least the Pagans had Goddesses ....
Find one bit of evidence that females are considered to be in a god position in Hinduism. There may be goddesses, but women are not put in a god position. Quite the opposite, women are taught to consider their husbands gods.
Sushil Kumari, a fifty-four-year-old Rajput woman shared with Elisabeth Bumiller, “it is a tradition that has been instilled in us since childhood.” “It is very, very ingrained in the Rajput psyche.” In addition, “it is glamorized, eulogized, it is drilled into us, whether we are educated or not, that the husband is a god figure”

Or are you trying to say that Hinduism is rare because there are goddesses? The belief in goddesses is not rare in religion. It would help if you could make a coherent point.

Do you want historical facts and documentation, some by the Muslim/Christian invaders themselves on the forced religious conversions, murder, pillaging, taking away of land and property, destruction of temples and the slaughter of Hindu 'pagans' in India in the name of their one god, and sanctioned by the Church?
Do you realize that Muslim and Christianity are very different religions? I'm familiar with the atrocities perpetrated by the Catholic church a millennium ago as well as past and present atrocities carried out in the name of the Muslim religion. It's still not my point. My point remains that you cannot say that all Hindus are peaceful and non-violent without being a liar. Trying to change the subject and point fingers elsewhere does not change that fact.

Do you want to see historical facts and documentation of how the silly Hindus, in the spirit of non-violence, let themselves be butchered, because the fundamentals of the religion preaches Ahimsa (google it) ?
Are you aware that Wiccans have now claimed that teaching? It has nothing to do with the point. As a matter of fact, all this nonsense of yours has nothing to do with the fact that I have pointed out that there are violent and murderous Hindus. Trying to change the subject and point fingers elsewhere is meaningless.

C'mon anthropologist, fact and figures. Facts and figures and documentation. You have that something you mentioned earlier - books right? You're not worth the challenge.
I have been wondering, but it's not on point, why you keep referring to me as an anthropologist. I never said I was an anthropologist. I said that I took some anthropology courses in college. I also took chemistry courses. I suppose that makes me a chemist in your mind as well. Oh, and I took some math courses, so I must be a mathematician, too. Then there were all the biology, microbiology, anatomy and physiology, and even psychology courses, too. I suppose in your mind, I'm also a biologist, microbiologist, physician, and psychologist.

By the way, how do you expect me to transport my books via internet to you?

Name calling again? Tsk. Control darling. I'm curious as to why you say these people will 'risk their lives" if they included Islam/Muslim beliefs in the name of fun and make believe entertainment? I thought the Hindus were the ones with the bloodthirsty belief and Gods who liked fresh human meat? Anyways, someone else must have written "The fear is their insanity" on your behalf when talking about why Islam should be kept out of the entertainment circle or storyline. So I guess by that you meant that the Muslims were not to be feared, but that they are just insane. Ok. So just pick on the weakest. Point noted.
I didn't call any names. I said that claiming that the writers of the show do not include Muslims because of what you continue to say is my personal fear is stupid. The claim is stupid, to put it more simply. Although, you may have a point, just not the one you're trying to make.

Also, you do a lot of incorrect thinking - and I use the term loosely. Of the deities that were presented in the fictional show, I said that Kali and Baron Samedi have a taste for humans. Baron Samedi is not Hindu. Or do you not know that, either?

I never referred to all Muslims as insane either, only certain extremists. There's good and bad in every group. Do you not have the ability to realize this?

Hmmm... I don't recall mentioning anything or limiting to the "southern regions of the United States".
You're repeatedly used the term redneck as an insult. Redneck is a term predominantly used to describe people of the southern regions of the United States.

By the way, what was the Pagan lectures you were giving and being invited to?
Do you ask because you're wanting to learn something about religion, finally? My specialty fields are Discordianism and Ovatic healing practices.

Perhaps mom, you should go through all my posts and point me to where I have brought up "Catholicism"? Stay off the booze. You're seeing things.
The Crusades certainly weren't carried out by protestants.

Still, this is an awfully big tizzy fit you're throwing about a fictional show. You have lied, insulted many people that you refuse to clearly define, tried to inform me of my life (about which you know nothing), and tried to turn this into a bash monotheisms thread. The truth remains that the show is fiction, therefore should not be considered a true source of religious material, there are murderous Hindus who do it in the name of a deity, and your repeated attempts at changing the subject do not make the atrocities committed by Hindus any less.

Have other groups committed atrocities? Of course they have. No one has denied that. Bringing up the sins of other cultures and religions does not make the crimes that are still committed to this day go away.



Apr 27, 2010
"Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world". - Voltaire (French Philosopher, 1694-1778)

Awww... went running to Big Brother to get me banned from the forum? Poor thing. Membership must have its privileges. But Shady’s back, and so too is Johnny for this one last post. ?

Anyone who’s sent out 14,125 posts since June 2005, (244 posts a month, 8 per day!), is either a really stupid and an argumentative moron, or one who has absolutely no life. I will give you an A+ on cunningness, and of conveniently excluding previous statements where you stuck your foot in your own mouth. But let’s not get personal. Lets give you lots of white space just in case you missed some of them out ?


"Oh, and for your information, since you are obviously so very poorly informed, all belief systems that are not part of the big 3 are referred to as pagan. It's not just Hinduism."

Hinduism is the 3rd largest 'religion' in the world. Does that count? Or by ‘big 3’, you were referring to the One Godders? YES/NO?'s_third_largest


"Of the hundreds of pagan and neo-pagan groups which have asked me to speak and teach, not a single one has ever had a problem with being called pagan (nor neo-pagan for that matter)""

To the so-called “hundreds of pagan” groups you’ve taught in your dreams. Pagan:

"DEROGATORY (a non-Christian)"


“OFFENSIVE - One who has no religion.”

People against offensive pagan defintions


Aside from certain Muslim factions and the remaining thuggee, I'm not familiar with any religious group killing people in the name of their religion currently

What an ill-informed moron. Let me familiarize you. Is this “current” enough for you? :

Thousands of Youngsters Denounced by Renegade Churches as Practicing Witchcraft Have Suffered, Died From Exorcisms

Nigeria 'child witch killer' held

'Child-witches' of Nigeria seek refuge

Children are targets of Nigerian witch hunt

Srebrenica massacre. 8,000 Muslims butchered by Christians (1995):

Christian clerics allowed Tutsis to seek refuge in churches, then surrendered them to Hutu death squads

Tribal Christians kill Hindu (2004)

NGO-Naxal-Christian nexus behind Murder of Swami Lakshmananda (2008)

Kerala bishop admits to ‘bloody blessing’

63 Christian priests face criminal charges (murder, rape)

Arizona – Grandfather dies after performing exorcism of 3 year old girl

"Jesus Heaven, Buddhism Hell!"

The list goes on... Found anything current on the secret agent invisible Thuggee CULT yet?


Oh, and by the way, are you really that dense or dumb, not to realize that there is actually a difference between what is an established RELIGION versus what’s a CULT? You don’t connect the practices and distortions of a CULT to blame the RELIGION. If you’re retarded enough not to know the difference, and equate the peaceful Hindu religion to that of the exaggerations of the murdering and pillaging Christian colonists in India, then I guess your Christian murdering group just got larger:

Rev. Jim Jones - Guyana, Crime of the Century (1978)

Christian cult leaders face lengthy jail sentences for starving toddler to death

Christian Terrorists

White Christian KKK:

Haiti – Blood sacrifices

Why won't the American press tell you that Christians blew up the Federal building in Oklahoma City?

Christian militia (CULT?) accused of plotting to kill cops

"I'd never realized how much of a death cult Christianity is. When we weren't fixating on how awesome Christ's murder was, we were singing about how terrific it was going to be when we bite it. Chipper up, Christians! There's a lot to live for. They're making more of those 'Narnia' movies."

Evil Harvest: The True Story of Cult Murder in the American Heartland (1985)

Need more?


" What has happened in the past should remain in the past. Many religions have killed in the names of their deities."

Who the hell are you to determine what is “past”? Should we let criminals go free because they murdered a family a week ago? Maybe one month ago? One year? Ten years? What’s the timestamp on “past”? What if you generation was wiped out as a result of Christian butchers? Forgive and forget because there’s an expiry date?

Where is the list on the murdering Hindu religion? I’ll save you the blood of the hundred of thousands Christianity has butchered, with the full blessings of the church. That gold medal will never be beaten (past or present).

Does within 500 years count? Or is that ‘past’?

Biggest mass murderer of the 20th century was a Christian supported by the Church

Inquisition of Goa: Atrocities on Hindus by missionaries in Goa
“On December 15, 1572, Any Hindu who violated this provision was punished ruthlessly. In short Hindus were converted into slaves.”
“All Sanskrit and Marathi books, whatever may be their subject matter, were seized and burnt on the suspicion that they might deal with idolatry.”
“In 1585, III Concillo Provincial recommended to the King that those Hindus who wore sacred threads should be forbidden to do so. They should also be forbidden to initiate their sons in wearing sacred threads. The same ban orders were re-issued by the Jesuits in Goa in 1640 and 1680”
“In order to accelerate the process of Christianising of the Hindus and the demolition of Hindu temples, one of the associates of St. Francis Xavier, Minguel Vaz, the then Vicar General of India appointed by the Pope in Rome, requested the King of Portugal as part of his 41 Point Programme to destroy all Hindu Temples in October 1546 as follows: "Since idolatry is so great and offence against God, as is manifest to all, it is just that Your Majesty should not permit it within your territories, and an order should be promulgated in Goa to the effect that in the whole island there should not be any temple public or secret. Contravention thereof should entail grave penalties that no Hindu should make idols in any form, neither of stone, nor of wood, nor of copper, nor of any other metal.... and that persons who are in charge of St. Paul"s should have the power to search the houses of the Brahmins and other Hindus, in case there exists a presumption or suspicion of the idols there".

"Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned: yet we have not advanced one inch towards humanity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support error and roguery all over the earth" - Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

"When I think of all the harm the Bible has done, I despair of ever writing anything to equal it"
- Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish author”

1995, Srebrenica massacre of thousands of Muslim by Christian Serbs:

Should I go on?


Christian love:

A Jesuit named L’Amy taught that “A monk or priest is allowed to kill those who are ready to slander him or his community”; and, “If a Father [priest], yielding to temptation, abuses a woman and she publicises what has happened, and, because of it, dishonours him, this same Father can kill her to avoid disgrace!” Is it any wonder that the Jesuits have often resorted to murder? Jesuit theologians have repeatedly, in their writings, justified the telling of lies if to do so is advantageous to the Society. Scripture declares that “all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone” (Rev. 21:8); but by advocating “equivocation” and “mental reservation”, the disciples of Loyola have convinced themselves that certain lies are not lies, when the end justifies the means.


New Living Translation (©2007)
My anger will blaze against you, and I will kill you with the sword. Then your wives will be widows and your children fatherless.

The Christian holy texts have countless references to sword and killing.

On the other hand, there is not a SINGLE reference to violence or violence of ANY nature or form to a believer OR unbeliever in the holy Hindu Vedas. Not one.


Really? So avoid the religion if it get's offended so easily? C'mon dude. And here I thought you'd come up with a better line. So, Islam/Muslim is out of the entertainment circle because you're scared of 'offending' them? Sounds mighty hypocritical and cowardly. So if tomorrow the Hindus started butchering and issuing religious decrees, they'd be out of the entertainment circle as well? Man, I think with your logic, it doesn't pay to be a peaceful religion. Be nice and get creamed.

"The fear isn't offending them. The fear is their insanity. No television show is worth dying over. Furthermore, it is not my personal logic, that's just the way this messed up little world is now. "

Really? You fear the insanity of the Muslims and so better not have anything portrayed of them? Still haven't answered the question though. Hindus are ok to slam becoz you don't fear them? Ok. Makes sense. They are after all a lame and harmless bunch.

(The you do tie yourself in a knot over your generalization of the fear of their insanity)

"I said that claiming that the writers of the show do not include Muslims because of what you continue to say is my personal fear is stupid. The claim is stupid, to put it more simply. Although, you may have a point, just not the one you're trying to make. "

"I never referred to all Muslims as insane either, only certain extremists. "

"Why should the writers of Supernatural risk their lives by even including the Muslim belief and getting some crazy radicals in a frenzy? "


Yep, most certainly looking forward to you presenting me with historical records of just how many have the Hindus killed in the name of their religion - forced conversion with the sword, land grabbing and destroying civilizations. Google away ...

"Books. Seriously, you need to learn about books. I've already given you one example. I've also given you another example of the mythos. Your retention level is really low. "

Yep, my retention level is really low. Considering these supposed "books' you've been reading don't seem to have any titles, mythos or otherwise. Please provide me the names of these books (quick - Google to the rescue), that show and prove how many the Hindus have killed in the name of their religion and God(s) - forced conversion with the sword, land grabbing and destroying civilizations, systematic killing, etc.

(No reply and conveniently not addressed, and then a U-Turn):

Can't even provide ONE historical episode of Hindu invasion and mass butchering in the name of their God(s) on the scale of the Crusades or the Inquisition?

"First of all, I never said anything about invasion"

Can you even find a SINGLE reference to violence to be perpetrated on a non-Hindu in their holy scripture of the Vedas or the Puranas?

"When did I ever claim such a thing"

(But I thought you said you had books?)



“My point was never about numbers, but about the fact that there are murderous cults and practices within Hinduism. Do you admit that the thuggee exist or even have existed? If not, then as I already suspected, there is no reasoning with you since you will never view the truth. You will believe exactly what you want to believe and nothing else, no matter how much evidence exists. "

Murderous Cults? Plural. This is news to me. Please, enlighten me on these murderous cultS and practiceS. And maybe provide some extra juice on who they were sanctioned by - the head Hindu temple leaders, religious bodies, etc. Waiting anxiously

(No reply and conveniently not addressed)


Can't even provide any numbers of the "current' Kali Thuggee CULT murdering people (Hindus or Non-Hindus)?

“Considering that it has always been a very closed group, I doubt that finding exact numbers will be possible. Still, that doesn't preclude its existence. "

“Anyone with internet and/or access to a library can get numbers for the deaths known to be caused by the thuggee, though the suspected number is considerably higher. "

(What a loser. Still no facts and figures?)


Firstly, Hindi is the language, and not the religion mate. Read up a little will ya? As for the rest, wow you got all that from Wiki? Mate, you know nothing about the religion. First, dig up the murderous history of the one God religion(s). Then perhaps you can graduate to the more peaceful and older religions of Hinduism, etc.

“Oh, dear, I actually made a typographical error that I didn't catch. That's rare. Of course, anyone with sense would have realized that I repeatedly said "Hindu" in reference to the religion and figured it was a typo. Sanskrit is the language. I've already proven that I know more about the religion than you do. I'm far more familiar with the mythos and practice. Try to keep up. Giving a relevant example or two would be nice. "

Hindi is the language. And so is Sanskrit. Please do a little more reading. They are both languages. Sanskrit is not THE language.

(No reply and conveniently not addressed or acknowledged)


"They all have histories of killing others, though the Muslims refuse to try to convert anyone. It is in the Quran that anyone who doesn't already believe should be killed on sight. Quran 4.56: (As for) those who disbelieve in Our communications, We shall make them enter fire; so oft as their skins are thoroughly burned, We will change them for other skins, that they may taste the chastisement; surely Allah is Mighty, Wise. Quran 9.123: O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil). "

The Muslims "refuse to try to convert anyone". Just how dumb are you? Must be still on some outdated comic 'book'. This statement is so hilarious, I think I'm not even going to waste any more time. You must have failed in your history. Muslims have converted people by the millions throughout history. Read up you 'books'. That was really embarrassing...

(No reply and conveniently not addressed. Some help for you below)

How to convert to Islam and become a Muslim:


"You use wars that took place nearly a thousand years ago as an example of how horrible current believers of Christianity are, but won't say anything of the MILLIONS of women murdered by being burned alive by the Hindus"

Please provide the link and figures to substantiate your claims on the "millions burned alive by the Hindus". Talk is cheap mom dude. You've posted nothing. No facts, no figures, no numbers, no nothing. Still relying on your comic 'books'?

(Then here comes the lame excuse again)

"Since women do not matter in Hindu culture and are traditionally so poorly treated, there will never be an accurate count of how many women were murdered by the ritual of sati. Or do you know so little about Hinduism that you're not familiar with the practice and its origins? "

(Still nothing? No facts on the MILLIONS killed in Sati? Found any references in the Hindu holy book of the Vedas and Bhagavad Gita on sati? Anything in the Hindu books teaching sati? Contrary to what you think you may know, you know nothing about the origins of that practice.)


"How do you propose to "level the playing field" on Supernatural since the Judeo-Christian belief has been so horribly misrepresented and insulted for 5 seasons, yet your choice of hissy-fit topic was insulted (in your mind only) in only one episode? "

Why don't you sit down with a Hindu and see if they're insulted or not - in the name of entertainment. Are you so naive to not realize how many redneck retards in our country believe everything they see on television? Do you know a redneck retards were going after the Sikh community after 911 because to them, every one who had his head wrapped in cloth was a Muslim terrorist? Gee... I wonder where they got that information from. Hmm .. maybe because the television didn't differentiate that there are Muslims, and then there's the Sikh faith?

"So, your answer, if one can call it that, is that because of one isolated incident, then everyone in the United States is stupid and acts so badly? Then you're one, too, so you have no room to talk. You really need to just shut up already. "

(Isolated incident? “Kill the ragheads responsible for September 11” – Sikh and Hindu Murdered )

Awww mom. Chill out. Isolated incident? C'mon. I was just getting emboldened by your comparison of a CULT to the whole majestic Hindu religion. So, I think it's fair game now to consider everyone here in the US or A as murderers, regardless of a few 'isolated' incidents ... By the way, the Christians are killing the citizens in Iraq and Afghanistan, currently now aren't they? Murdering Christian basta*ds:



"As I've already explained, since women mean nothing to the Hindus (read the Ramavayana), there will never be an accurate accounting of the numbers of women murdered by being burned alive. That's so sad. Although, since you're not familiar with the practice, you should be able to look up the information. "

"Ramavayana" what? Am I sparring with a kid here? I'm so sorry dear. I'm sure it's a typo. It's the Ramayana to the South Indians, and Ramayan to those of the north. You must be really out of ideas to hide under the 'they'll never be an accurate accounting" for this. Which planet are you from mom? The Indian press is the freest press on the planet. One that's run by self-stabbing Hindus who are the first to cry foul if a Hindu commits a crime. Poor thing. Couldn't come up with any stats and figures and links? i can imagine how many people would hand up their thesis based on your excuse of "there will never be an accurate accounting". Sigh ... What a Shame. And perhaps you could enlighten me with this story from this other book you mentioned "Ramavayana". What did they do to the girl there?

(No reply. Maybe did you read another book called Ramavayana.)


And since you’re kind of low on the IQ, here’s a helping hand on the wonderful world of Redneck Retards:

May God open the eyes of our President and the American people to understand the cost of diminishing the God of our Fathers and our nation's Christian heritage, while honoring foreign gods and promoting other religions and rituals. May God protect us from confusion to come if our leaders begin to promote a pantheon of gods (Ex 20:3; 23:32-33; 34:12-16; Dt 7:1 ff; Josh 23:6-8; 1 Kg 11:2-11)ncy) - Family Research Council on President Obama celebrating the Hindu festival of Diwali in 2009.

Christian extremists disrupt Hindu Senate invocation

"Basically, my view of people is: if they are Christian they are good, and if they are not Christian, they are bad. That's why I support the Christian Serbs. They do commit genocide (ethnic cleansing) against their (non-Christian) neighbors, but who cares about them? After all, the Bosnians and Kosovars are Muslim and the Croats are Catholic (not real Christians). They aren't Christian American's like us, so let my Serbian friends "take care" of them, if you know what I mean ..."

Converting a Hindu Indian to Christianity (Don't let the devil win)


Since I neither have the time nor patience to be posting 200+ messages a month on forums, or getting banned, this is my last post.

In parting, I will say this. If a fictional show decides to ridicule a God or Goddess from a particular religious belief system, let it not be a hypocritical showing. To many people who do not research or travel, television, the media is their God.

Frankly, I wouldn’t have minded them being portrayed as silly, bungling, etc. But being portrayed as blood thirsty and seemingly evil, well ... hmmm. Dunno. Of course it’s fiction.

The Supernatural team missed a glorious opportunity to help in whatever small naïve way possible to send a message of respect or religious diversity. Instead, they offend and belittle a religion that has got not a word of violence in its holy scripture.

Even in fiction, I believe a religion, and we’re not talking distorted cults here, but the actual religion itself, which has never killed, conquered, butchered, plundered non-believers, could perhaps have been portrayed a little more better? Human meat and cannibalism, and then you throw in Ganesh into the mix? It’s unfortunate, sad and silly,

As it is, Hindu/India has been on the receiving end for thousands of years. Invasions after invasions. You only need to be a fan of history to get an idea of how much butchering they have gone through.

And because the religion is weak, it’s an easy target. Laxshmi and Ganesh toilet seats, footwear, etc. Other Hindu Gods on burger beef wrappers, etc. All to illicit a cheap marketing response.,9171,689493,00.html

Perhaps it would have been better for the docile religion to have been as militant and barbaric as some of their other counterparts? Enough so that people would think twice about offending them? Probably not.

Yoga, Zero, Om, Shakti, Buddhism, Karma, Ahimsa, Rebirth, Maya = India ad Hinduism

Over and out and have a nice life.
Aug 12, 2010
the more believers/worships the more powerful. i like that concept very much cause i was like wtf... during lucifer's killing spree.

i agree w/ @Zzod. television is, well not the only, but a major source of information and contact to the world (viewers). therefore if supernatural is going to refer to other gods. they might as well do a decent job representing them. yes they could be monsters who think and evolved into the gods, but i highly doubt it. if they were, dean n sam wouldve brought it up. n just cause supernatural is "fictional" doesn't give them the right (nerve) to play with religion/beliefs. these are REAL beliefs/myths/religions they are getting their idea from. an atleast somewhat accurate depiction should be done. yes ppl watch the show for entertainment and it is tv, but as i repeat, tv is a source of information to the viewers. an idea comes from SOMEONE or SOMEWHERE. the ppl who made supernatural bring these beliefs and play with them. ppl watching the show who do not know about the gods will think less and believe that since the show is built on christianity and such and other actual names (ie. odin, kali, etc) are probably real or from somewhere. and these depictions of they gods eating humans might be something they will pick up to have learned/believe.
again yes supernatural is fiction. but how can you take non-fictional ideas and make them fiction? THAT"S BS. there are boundaries. and castiel is a made of angel by supernatural. he was once discussed upon the writers to be a demon. that's fine, w/e cause there was no previous castiel to play on.

i mean i read all, yes all, the comments, except for the later ones by @moogle_mom and @zZod which is an interesting argument. they both know their stuff but i feel they are arguing beyond the episode... i mean so ganesh/ganesha does not eat humans. but in supernatural he is depicted as doing so (eats humans). people who do not know (children, uneducated, uncaring people, not of that religion) will assume/think that the real god does. why? because they google and find that the name is real. are they going to research in something that doesn't relate to them? probably not. this is entertainment. yes. but atleast the gods couldve been depicted better. odin is the CHIEF god in Norse mythology and we don't even SEE the fight. he is already down when the camera shows another god fighting lucifer. atleast give him a run in the fight like kali. and yes balder death was a wow wtf... but as @henik_lundberg88 said that makes sense. i never heard of balder so it makes sense but as atleast throw some light, blind lucifer or something before running up to him... he is of light, beauty, etc... atleast call lucifer a piteful rotting piece of corspe before he died... n fyi the title of this episode is "hammer of the gods" not "monsters who think they are gods" n yes. they were tiny hammers.
Aug 12, 2010
so that out of the way. i love the show. i've watched the show when i can on tv. i've most most, catching up atm. i think the reviewer's reviewer is spot on. yes uneven pretty much explains the idea of this episode of mix gods and beliefs AND the fight scenes. it was a good show but IT COULD OF BEEN BETTER. and someone who said the ending was just a add on for the episode (pesillence into). i agree. if they had some film left, focus on a better fight scene. yes lucifer is depicted as all powerful n as one commenter beieves him to be second strongest to god... we get lucifer is the main bad boy, but to beat like 6 gods (6vs1) come on... and we don't know if god is all powerful. technically no ones seen his face, idk bout the angels. n micheal defeated lucifer, so give him some credit as well... n yes the fight between brothers was a bit lame. n he's dead->the black wings froma fallen angel.

possible ideas: 1. clase witht the greek gods-would be epic. idk lucifer killed mercury. zeus is in rage. "you who defile your master, now defile our greek traditions. you who killed mercury, god of trade, son of ... i shall smite thee and show you the wrath of greek mythology and how worshipped we once were and are." show how christainity is not just studied but how other myths/beliefs/religion is being studied. lightning vs fire sort of deal. they shouldn't just ignore the higher/stronger gods. i mean end the fight in a way so neither die. cause if lucifer killing every other belief is a little too much and i think the writers know, but if they introduced some gods (ie. mercury), they should bring on the big boys (ie.zeus).
2. gabriel pretended to be loki. so loki may still be alive. or vice-versa. gabriel is a human n passed his angel status onto loki. that would be interesting. and a real fight can be done-hopefully. wait, damn maybe gabriel angel possessed loki damn it...
3. i've read a few jesus comments. who might be the son of god? where is god? i'm not so worried about the whole hope we trap lucifer back in the cage. cause supernatural left these questions wide in the open. 7th season might be asking for too much. but to put all this in one season?...

im a thinker plz dont hate me too much. friendly arguments plz. one more thing. why are all the angels like american? i mean yea probably american writer w/e. but the pope is in italy. get an italian-american to recite a passage from the bible as an arch, holy angel-idk one who protects the pope. the person who holds the bridges between heaven and earth. idk ask the pop where god is? maybe god got tired in heaven so came to earth. maybe he should make all the angels including lucifer powerless, into humans so they can duke it out in a fist fight. one problem solved (at least the world wouldnt be destroyed). n get an asian plzzz (im korean-so?) koreans are super christians. i think stats say that korea has one of the highest christain believers


No Longer a Noob
Jul 22, 2008
I think the reviewer has misconceptions about the episode, the claim from the Pagans that they are gods and Lucifers easy dipatch of them. It's obvious the Pagans were mortal and delusional about their mortality through their abilities.
Here is my theory of the Supernatural universe.
God is a ancient alien astronaut, a architect who created the Angels to scout the universe to find worlds he could sculpt, they found the Earth occupied by Pagans who are the missing link between human and ape and god altered some of them into man.
It might explain a few things shown in the series, first there's the Pagans, Kali says they number in the billions either their a subterranean race and many are vegan, or they consider humans as their own kind. There's also humans who may devolve like Jack and his lineage in season four's Matamorphosis, there is the Wendigo from season one.
It sort of ties into a belief that men had more powers.
Jan 22, 2010
Sorry, loved the episode but I just wanted to tell 'paradox_nod' that Castiel was never 'discussed to be a demon'. The casting call was for a demon, but that was only to mask the fact that they were introducing angels into the mythology.


Nov 7, 2010
This was a great episode and both Pellegrino and Speight owned this one! I was a bit shocked that Loki got dispatched by Kali so easily because I wanted Lucy to end up wasting him, but I ended up getting my wish, much to my regret. But that was such a good death scene.
I was also a little surprised at a conversation dean and sam had early on, where it seemed that SAM had given up, yet last ep it was he that was gung-ho to getdean back in the game. seemed rather odd, since i'd watched them back to back. guess he was tired.
I really can't believe people getting their panties in a bunch over the whole pagan thing. Get over it, it's a tv show. It ain't here to teach but entertain. In this universe that's how it works but maybe in real life, it works differently. If anything, they're probably like the super best friends.
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