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Almost Not a Noob
Apr 16, 2007
Like many others, I thought the demo was horrible. In fact, my brother and I only played a small portion of the multiplayer before we had to delete it. And seriously, Yoda was f***ing annoying.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 5, 2007
I think there were two things that probably hurt the level of polish on this. 1: It's targeted at kids 2:It's tie-in game. Both factors tend to make developers sloppy since they seem to figure people will buy it anyway.
Feb 8, 2008
force unleashed should be the measuring stick for all star wars games from now on. after completing that game, i dont see how i could play another one


No Longer a Noob
Nov 15, 2000
And I thought the demo was just crappy. more like A semi 3d version of smash tv when played with the clones
Jan 13, 2009
Well I had fun with the demo mostly because the game had Cooperative play. Sure its not a Knights of the Old Republic that came out on the XBOX a few years ago. But that's fine, I never got to play the real game but I did enjoy the coop play enough to buy it when the price is lower than what it is. However I do agree that the graphics look pretty much PS2, can't deny that.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 14, 2007
It's a shame that ANY Star Wars game would have weak visuals & clunky controls. As an adult fan of the show, I can understand there's a market for this game. But there's no reason to release a poorly designed product(except holiday sales). After playing the demo, this review seems no surprise.


Jun 20, 2005
"This is waaaaay better than LEGO STAR WARS. But IGN loves that game. What gives???!!!!!" - If you think this, you are a big dumb baby.


Aug 25, 2009
I demand unique reviews per console version.
They assassinated Billy Mays for less, so why does this lazy reviewer get to keep his job?
Nov 1, 2006
0 least a unique paragraph for each console stating the differences in each version...this review is exactly the same with the same wording on everything.

BTW...The next game that needs to be made should be Battlefront 3. Make it like Battlefront 2 with much larger battlefields, a ton more soldiers, and the story telling and cinematics of Force Unleashed.

Either that or a game based on the Star Wars novels immediatly following Return of the Jedi...good books.
Nov 3, 2005
It lacks the appeal and polished gameplay of the Lego games. While the Lego ones may be very easy as well, there at least fun to play and there's a ridiculous amount of unlockables.

My advice, wait for the rumoured Clone Wars Lego game coming next year.


Almost Not a Noob
May 1, 2009
ummmm Battlefront 3 was in production and looked downright amazing. then pandemic suddenly stopped halfway through...


Jan 9, 2009
Well I guess if you play games for a living it's nothing impressive. For those of us who are casual gamers, this wasn't that bad. You have to review games for what they are, which you obviously failed to do. It is a game based on a kid’s show, and you put it through the trials like we were expecting Gears of War 3.


Apr 10, 2003
Chris Roper is now officially the LAZIEST reviewer in all of the video game industry. I mean, here he is with what has got to be one of the BEST jobs in the world, a video game reviewer for the great, yet he can't even be bothered to review a game properly. Once again he basically copied and pasted his sloppy half-page review for ALL the consoles. (See also his review for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.) I'm not even convinced he played the entire game on ANY console. I feel sorry for the professional game designers at Krome Studios who were just given a bad score without a fair chance. Whether the game is good or not isn't the point. The point is that every time published this kind of half-finished, imperceptive crap, it greatly diminishes their credibility.
Aug 8, 2008
1. Why in the world would you expect unique reviews for precisely the same game based on which system it is released for? If there were differences, mention them just like this review does, but recreating the review just to satisfy fanboys who want nothing to do with their rival systems is silly. Unless the game is sufficiently different, having different reviews is actually misleading.

2. IGN reviews games by GAMERS. If you want a "casual-level" review, go find a casual gaming site. The reviewer did just fine in his review -- he didn't like it, and he said why. He didn't complain that it wasn't as pretty as Crysis, nor that it was as off-the-wall as The Witcher. He addressed it on its own ground -- what it did, and what it tried to be.

He didn't say that nobody would like it, only that it is bland and repetitive, and that there are far better Star Wars games that attempt a similar type of game.

Some people complain if the reviewer is too nice, others if the reviewer is too harsh. I think this review managed to walk the line between those two nicely. But hey -- rant against him if it makes you feel better.


Oct 8, 2008
The best Star Wars games were those co-produced by Nintendo. Now Lucas doesn't care for making a good game cause he knows it'll still sell enough to make a profit because of the franchise.


Oct 8, 2008
Let's make this into a big fight. We are allowed to make reader reviews after all. Actually, I trust reader reviews more than editor's reviews. Apart from the fact that you can get an average from many, you can also trust that it's not coming from someone who can get easily bored because he has to play through many games even if he doesn't want to. I miss the 4 editorial viewpoints of EGM.
Aug 18, 2009
i played the demo for only five minutes. i noticed right away how crappy it looked and was bored pretty much as soon as i started. everything he said was true to just a demo! tisk tisk. i wish when the ps3 motion controller comes out that they make some kick ass star wars game. thats all i want. i lightsaber contoler in my hand and the power of the force and awsome graphics!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I had a feeling the game would score poorly. I played the demo, and I think it wins the world record in time uninstalled. I think i lasted 5-7 minutes.


Oct 9, 2004
LucasArts better try to bring back the old Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series or Battlefront before Star Wars action games become synonym of a crap game.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I don't know why this game got such a bad score. It actually play pretty well, the graphics are good, and the story is better than most games out now.

The only noticable flaw I see, is how the framerate drops not only durring the game itself, but also durring cutscenes.

The fact is, the game was made for a younger generation. Kids who only got into Star Wars because the saw the clone wars in the CG movie or on TV. That's why there is no set number of times you are allowed to die. That's why there is a checkpoint after every few minutes.

This game isn't the next battlefront or rogue squadron, but it doesn't try to be. It never claims to be on par with that. Reviewers need to base their reviews on who the game is made for.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011

Graphics are in no way ps2! lol solid frame and no bad edging. colours and texture look like the show but of course not perfect.

Levels are in no way repeating. no way. Controls are great and you can jump on poles and not fall of the edge so easy like say...sonic Star wars unleashed is what i call boring to long repeat of levels.

Sound is a awesome as is the acting.

this game is in no way a 4.8 i think the reviewer was on cranky crazy star wars fan drugs. And im no teen or 8 year old. serious, fans will have fun.


Mar 16, 2003
Beardrew, you must be high to even come close to giving this steaming pile of dung anything resembling praise. It's a horrid cash-cow of a "game", which I will not even classify it as - it's more of an interactive toenail-ripping session/raping of the eyes.

Voice acting is horrid, especially Yoda's little "tips". The music is so-so (it IS Star Wars, so it's automatically above my criticism). The graphics are terrible, which is something I expected from Krome, since their previous titles are all last-generation based and about this level of quality.

To even compare the graphics to the show is idiotic - the models share a resemblance, but the cartoon has far better quality in it's modeling/animations work. I previously made similar statements on the Lucasarts forums when we were exposed to the demo last month, and overall, nothing has changed.

Heck, I made a younger cousin (8 years old) sit through the demo (an experience he absolutely hated) - he couldn't even finish the thing. Now, being the horrible person I am, made him play the full version, which I rented for a short while, and once again, he could not bring himself to play more than 20 minutes of it, including cutscenes and menu time.

I'll just cut it short and include something I posted on the Lucasarts forums, since it applies to both the demo, and the full version of this thing -which would be better suited as an Arcade title on the Xbox 360 - that, or sitting under a pile of sand in the New Mexico desert:

In Short:
* Shotty Controls
* Horrid Graphics
* Terrible Cameras
* Increasingly Horrid Voice Acting
* Increasingly Annoying Yoda "Tips"
* Ahsoka Tano
* No Republic Commandoes
* No Kyle Katarn
* No Galactic Empire

Result: A Horrible Waste of LucasArts' Assets & A Disgraceful Waste of Time for the World.
Apr 9, 2004
Yes you've heard it. Lucasarts is a terrible company. George Lucas might be a great businessman but thats all he probably is. Because the quality of the majority of their products sucks big time. Who would have thought that a company like lucasarts would become such a shitty company. The problem is, its just getting worsed all the time. The good old days of jedi knight & the rogue squadron series are definitly over, This game is not even worth talking about. Everything you see or play in it has been badly tuned. Graphics, controls, fun factor everything stinks like an old fart from jabba the hut. This game doesnt even deserve to even be on the market and even on xbla it would still be a total rip off. Im sorry lucasarts but you should start thinking of hiring good programmers & devellopers or simply go with an external contractor next time because you, & youre reputation are going to be seriously hurt with that republic crap heroe game. Leave the star wars license to the good devellopers , the ones who can make great games like(ubisoft, eidos, etc) lucasarts is now synonym of 4 LETTERS ''CRAP'' OR ''SHIT'' WHATEVER it smells the same anyway.... The funny thing is that i bought the game on a warranty program at gamestop and i will bring it back for full credit so thanks to that new policy that should now prevent the selling flow of idiotic games like this one.


Jan 9, 2009
"IGN reviews games by GAMERS. If you want a "casual-level" review, go find a casual gaming site. The reviewer did just fine in his review -- he didn't like it, and he said why. He didn't complain that it wasn't as pretty as Crysis, nor that it was as off-the-wall as The Witcher. He addressed it on its own ground -- what it did, and what it tried to be. "

Ya see that's the thing. You think this game was really targeted for hardcore gamers? Bottom line is a 30 year old man bashed a 10 year old targeted game. If he addressed it on it’s “own ground” explain the 4.8. That’s a little low to be on it’s “own ground”. Even Kung Fu Panda got a 7.5, so don’t give me this shit just because you’ve got a boner for Chris Roper.

"* Ahsoka Tano
* No Republic Commandoes
* No Kyle Katarn
* No Galactic Empire "

Yeah... it is based on the show.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 24, 2002
Well I wouldn't put all the blame on lucasarts since they were the publishers.. lucasarts has actually developed some decent software in the past.. blame krome for being a shitty developer. I imagine this game will still sell a lot of units because it has the star wars label on it, but hopefully it wont, or people will return it, and the game will flop like damnation.. Hopefully the devs will all lose their jobs (that will teach them to stop trying to pawn shitty software o the consumer).



Oct 8, 2009
i guess u all are right !!! but !? i would not .............. have been so forgiving !! i'll rate this a 3.2 !! boy this game sucks.. i mean the smell of this game alone !! WoW !! refund please !!!!!
Apr 9, 2004
Sorry Mistahmuggs, i apologise, you are right about the develloppers, krome did develloped the shitty game, for a shitty company called Lucasarts who can't afford hiring a more prestigious company than krome for their pretigious franchise, and truly thats what's pissing me off. Have you guys all really bought and play this game yet ??? I did. paid $60 for this crap. And for the price Its one of the greatest disaster in a long time. And who else says otherwise got the game for free or his mom or dad paid for it, and must be on drugs when he plays because this game is a total disgrace to the star wars universe and the clone wars show as well. As an old fan of the star Wars universe with all the shitload of money we've invested in Star Wars products for more than 30 years, god i think we deserve a we'll devellopped, fun, great, awesome star wars game!
No matter if its adult oriented or not. A fun game is a fun game period. And this one is horrible, frustrating and most disgusting game i've ever seen since star wars jedi arena on the atari 2600 in 1983 ! And everytime our hopes gets high when a star wars game is announced, once the game is on the market and you spent youre hard earn money on it, all you wish to do, is buy the game, torch youre ass with it, and send it back to lucasarts so they can smell and taste what they've created !!
Also i do not agree with the IGN reviewers scores here, i seriously think it deserved a lower score something around 2.9 would have been more accurate
in 4 simple words: DONT BUY THIS GAME !


No Longer a Noob
Jan 21, 2003
PS2 version looks like a PS1 game? Is he high? Apparently he hasn't fired up the 'ol PS1 lately. I could not POSSIBLY look that bad. Not possible. NO.

I'm not defending the gameplay though, it does not look all that much fun.


Sep 19, 2008
It just makes me want to play the Free Radical Star Wars Battlefront 3 all the more...

Apr 26, 2009
Compared to the forced unleashed, yes this kinda sucks. But It'll pass for a Starwars game.. I'm enjoying playing the republican soldiers which is a bit of a change.
Jul 5, 2003
I don't know why I always hype myself when a new Star Wars game is announced. Sure sometimes the game follows through, but we do get a lot of this crap. I didn't have my hopes up on this game, but thought maybe it could be good. Unlike how I was so hyped for Force Unleashed, and was so let down, it sucked.


Sep 29, 2005
Lucas Arts better watch themselves. If they keep putting games out like this people will stop playing their games altogether. A waste of a DVD.


Jul 4, 2005
I had high hopes for this game. I was let down way to the ground. The graphics are awful for a PS3 Game. The controls stink. Playing as a clone soldier is a nightmare, you pretty much have no idea where you are shooting or trying to shot. Trying to get over debris is about impossible and very frustrating.
Trying to collect the artifacts is something else also. The problem there is you would like more time to get the things but the game takes over and jumps you to the next scene. I would have to rate this game a 3. I was very let down and I love Star Wars! What a big disappointment!! If Lucas Arts wants to stay in business, they better fix this thing and offer a free download otherwise I am done with their games for good.
Nov 28, 2009
The drawbacks listed actually work in its favor when it comes to gameplay for a 6 1/2 year old boy like my son. So parents, take note.

But yeah, I can see where real gamers or anyone over 9 years old would get bored and frustrated.
Jun 18, 2010
This Game sucked so bad it mad us cry. It was extremely frustrating and almost impossible at some points. It's a terrible game for anyone - including 6 year olds would not like this game.

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