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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Star Wars: The Clone Wars -- Republic Heroes Review[/link]
by Chris Roper

Ah, Star Wars. It seems that once the new trilogy sprang to life that the flood gates were burst wide open and the amount of new, official stuff coming from the franchise is growing by leaps and bounds yearly. The 3D animated Clone Wars series is the latest thing to hit, and with it have come a handful of titles based on its look, feel and storytelling slant. The latest is Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes, a title that is clearly aimed at the younger audience out there. Now just because the target audience is younger doesn't mean that the game should get any less polish or have lower production values than stuff catered towards the hardcore crowd, but unfortunately that's the case here. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2001
I actually enjoyed the demo, it was not much fun alone, but co-op was a blast. I think this review is accurate for SP, but playing the game Co-Op i think the review would jump a few points to a 6.8 or 7.0


Aug 25, 2009
"For a Wii game it's passable, but that's not really saying much."
Ah, so he's the new Daemon Hatfield.
EDIT: WTF?! I posted this one the WII review and this showed up on the 360.
Lookit! Another lazy IGN employee who thinks "write multiple reviews" = Ctrl+V
Man, what a fucking poser.
Jul 17, 2003
Krome astounds with their ability to screw THIS up. I remember downloading the demo, thinking, "Cool - another arcadey little hack and slash this year, kinda like a LEGO Star Wars title", but it's NOWHERE near as good as those. The game really is clunky, all the complaints here are valid, true ones. But the worst part was a chunk of the demo where you play as Clone Troopers, and you're fending off some Destroyer Droids - you're supposed to throw grenades to kill 'em, but they don't die, so you just get stuck. Granted, it's a demo, and maybe that was an isolated glitch so if I were to try it again it would work, but it's awfully sloppy regardless. It's just not fun to play.

*sigh* There hasn't been a good Star Wars hack-and-slash (non LEGO) since Jedi Power Battles on Dreamcast. Good thing LucasArts' re-released the SNES trilogy recently. This game makes me sad.
Jul 17, 2003
Also, I suppose this means that last year's Jedi Alliance for DS remains the best game to bear the Clone Wars name by far. Good for LucasArts...Shanghai? Singapore? I know it starts with an 's'...whatever. That DS game is killer.
Mar 22, 2002
Vrba79 said:
"For a Wii game it's passable, but that's not really saying much."
Ah, so he's the new Daemon Hatfield.
Hey man, the truth hurts. The wii, while "innovative", is a freaking generation behind. Welcome to 2009 Nintendo, where high-definition televisions affordable to almost everyone. Think how awesome it would've been to experience mario galaxy or twilight princess or even metroid prime corruption in 720p (at least). Instead, we're stuck with sweet 480p (if you've got the component cables).


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
did anyone ever expect this to be good? lucasarts needs to stop pissing around and just make battlefront 3. they'll get loads of money and we'll get a good star wars game.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 19, 2008
Lucas Arts needs to ask Team Ninja for help... Can you imagine Team Ninja making A Star Wars game OMG !!!


Dec 15, 2008
Team Ninja can barely make a balanced NG game nevermind [face_tongue] for all the great they have with combat they severely lack in enemy AI, I'd rather NOT have a boss in a SW game spam one move over and over or get in a cheap let's face it, they suck at storytelling
Jul 17, 2003
@Eve_II; who cares? LucasArts can handle all the storytelling, and then just hand the cutscenes over to Team Ninja in this theoretical Star Wars game we're talking about:) The bosses may not be the most fair, and the game would certainly be hair-pullingly difficult by design (well, maybe not anymore not that Itagaki's gone), but a Team Ninja Star Wars action game would be mind blowingly awesome regardless. With the same aggressive-ass enemies (about time someone made the Battle Droids threatening) and robust combat system - I personally would LOVE to see LucasArts hand them a Star Wars license. Preferably, something expanded universe, but I'd take original trilogy, prequel trilogy or Clone Wars, easy. They'd make a fantastic title regardless, and one with far more appeal than Ninja Gaiden...

Platinum (Bayonetta) would also likely be an excellent choice were LucasArts to pair up with a Japanese studio for an SW action game.


Jul 6, 2009
i saw this coming from the first video i sawfrom this game.just fucking sad. why can't we starwars fans get one good game. i guess were stuck with force unleashed. no battlefront, a gay little mmo from bioware and these future piles of shit. COME ON!!!!! GIVE US ONE GOOD LONG LASTING GAME!!!! FUCK!
Oct 3, 2005
Yea, the demo was real lame and I didn't expect the final game to be much of anything. The review score doesn't surprise me.
Dec 9, 2008
I d/l'd the demo and played this piece of sh!t. The only positive that comes out of this is that our expectations have been beaten down so low that one day yet, we may enjoy a true f@cking masterpiece.


Nov 16, 2005
My first post and I must admit, the demo for this game is the worst fucking shit, I have ever seen.

Wouldn't waste $10 on this game.



Almost Not a Noob
Jul 27, 2007
To hell with Team Ninja. Ninja Gaiden is the most overrated pile of crap I can think of. Japan has a market for games that are difficult to the point of controller breaking frustration but count me out. I play games to have fun and am pretty skilled at most genres, and have enjoyed lots of games in the same genre as Gaiden, but I just don't see the appeal in mashing buttons until your fingers bleed, or getting pwned by the same cheap ass move seventy five times while fighting a boss. Even if the NG games had a decent story or interesting characters (they don't) the constant lightning fast button mashing is just repetitive and boring, and the overall design is pretty linear, unimaginative and completely outdated. I know some insecure people out there like nearly impossible games like Ninja Gaiden because it gives them something to brag about when they complete it after seventy thousand hours (as if anyone with any sense cares about such an achievement), but for those of us with jobs and families, our time is better spent on games that are challenging and engaging without having to rely on punishing difficulty and huge breasted anime girls with no real story or substance to back those features up. Enjoy the arthritis you get from playing that crap kids. You might not notice now, but give it a few years.

So no, Team Ninja has no business handling licensed properties, not until I see their work on the new Metroid game at the very least. If they can't eventually figure out that most people just aren't up to the Olympic level button-mash marathon that most of their games devolve into, then they aren't going to be doing Samus Aran or anyone else any justice least of all anybody from Star Wars.

Companies like Bioware, Ubisoft, or Bethesda Softworks would be far better suited to handle a property like Star Wars. The Force Unleashed was a step in the right direction, but someone that can create a hybrid of TFU and Fallout 3, or Mass Effect needs to get working on a Star Wars game.


Original poster
ah the days of x-wing vs. tie fighter and dark forces.....all gone.
star wars license is stuffed up a certain wookies backside


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 18, 2005
Id be better off playin' Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace on PS1 than this POS and that game sucked hard! How about a new Jedi Power Battles or a fighting game done by Namco Bandai running on the Soul Calibur IV engine.


Jan 17, 2008
it's sad to see a game on the ps3 looking like a ps2 game. the ps3 isn't a wii. it's current gen tech developers, come on!
Jun 19, 2009
Krome did a really good job with the Wii/PSP version of Force Unleashed.... so I had hopes that they'd be able to pull off something pretty good here. Shame about the review.


Jul 24, 2007
The Wii isn't a ps2 either, heck the Gamecube was not even a ps2 but these days there is a huge gap between blockbuster A games, and well i think the recession effectively killed B tittles. There is just no money left i guess. I could care less about what system a terrible product comes out for, what does make me angry are the parents and children who will be tricked into purchasing it, this game was quickly and poorly put together for every console for a reason. Companies should not be allowed to steal peoples hard earned money for a product they put no effort into.
Oct 6, 2009
If this were an unbiased review comparing other kids games out there then I think it would have been more positive. I'm actually enjoying playing the game with my son right now and he isn't as frustrated as it sounds like you were... maybe the game was too hard for you, or maybe my 11 year old is just smarter than you?
Jan 20, 2009
I would sooner french kiss Jabba the hutts slimey green butt than play this steaming pile of crap again... It is really really bad and really really frustrating! Bad bad bad... AVOID!
Nov 1, 2006
I don't know anything about this game and I never intended on getting it (even though I'm a huge starwars fan the games recently have seemed kiddish and shotty at best) but I think it's pretty lazy to do one review for both the PS3 and Wii...Hell even the comments in the ratings are the same other than the ps2 comment. Why not at least write different reviews about the two versions so people that were interested in buying it know which console to purchase it for.
Jul 4, 2008
I highly doubt that, no offense to your son, but the real reason is probably that kids don't notice flaws in games as much as say..... hardcore gamers or perhaps people that are, you know, paid to find flaws. i bet if you were to think back to when you were a kid you'd find at least a few games you played that you thought were fun but were in fact terrible. kids aren't looking for outstanding graphics or complex innovative and intuitive gameplay, they are looking for something that they recognize (movies, shows, toy brands) and something that will entertain them for a couple hours. That's why there are so many movie games with terrible production qualities out there, devs know the target audience isn't looking for a game that will revolutionize genres or melt faces, just some mindless platforming and beat em up fights with a few mini games sprinkled in.
Jun 21, 2009
I don't think this game was that bad.Maybe they want to spoil PS2 name.We should not listen to other's people opinion obviously.


Oct 14, 2005
There is no need to do separate reviews when a game sucks on all platforms. No need to waste precious kilobytes.
Jul 2, 2009
Well ign did say if a game is cross platform 1 reviewer will usually write the review. They do have a great perspectiv seeing the game on all platforms.
Sep 2, 2006
When will reviewers review games like the olden days where child-graphics don't mean lower scores. The game is dumb fun and a lot better than ultimate alliance 2 yet that got a good score from here. stupid review
Oct 6, 2009

I see that. My point is that kids games get slammed for being kids games which is total crap, and they're usually being slammed by adults who just don't get the appeal. What makes a good game should be the experience.. despite the flaws being able to play a game with my son has been a great experience which was obviously overlooked in this review.. It's a fun button masher, and it looks like a cartoon because it's based on the SAME cartoon tv series.. why can't anyone seem to understand that?
Oct 15, 2008
I've played through Act I and I didn't think it was THAT bad...

Worth a rent, not a buy. The Clone voices are hilarious. Easy trophies.
Dec 28, 2008
but lil kids arnt on this website (that much i assume) so the review is correct to be aimed at ppl llike idk 13 and up.. by then most of my frends younger bros (im 15) were playin COD or TES4.....even gta4 depending on the parent lmfao
May 1, 2009
In a Star Wars Republic Heroes preview comments board, I said that this game was destined to suck and developpers should focus on Battlefront 3. I got literally harassed by other commenters because they thought this game was ganna be the bomb. Well to anyone who did that, GO F#*$ yourselves.


Jul 5, 2008
I agree with the review. This game is pretty bad overall. And yeah! While playing the demo, I was thinking the exact same thing: When will Yoda shut the f*** up?
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