
電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
^ Brody. For some reason.

It's a videogame. Doesn't have to make sense.


Apr 3, 2013
I just finished and I have to agree with those saying you didn't really know Citra in the first place. Why would you join her?
Jan 12, 2013
I accidentaly voted 'yes', but I thought the endings were terrible.
If you choose to save your friends, you free them, Dennis stabs Citra, bai bai, go home... That's all. You don't know what happens to the Rakyat afterwards, or what did Dennis do, or what happened to the Island... Nothing.

If you choose to stay with Citra, you SLIT YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S FUCKING THROAT and watch her die in front of you, you get laid by Citra, and that bitch stabs you with a dagger. Boom, dead.

still worth for them ta-tas... i need to replay and choose the boring. ' Go back to surburbia with your nagging gf ' option. seriously.. i thought i dumped her ass back in that cave scene where theyre still repairing that stupid escape boat. meanwhile you as jason are just able to steal any kind of boat you want. hello PLOT HOLE


No Longer a Noob
Sep 13, 2000
Both endings were terrible, but what got me was the events leading up to them. All of a sudden your Rakyat comrades kill the doc, burn down his house and kidnap your friends. That was wildly unnecessary in the first place as it made them look not much different from Vaas' men.

Also, folks suggested that Jason stayed on the island in the good ending. That would make no sense since Citra said choosing his friends would erase the tatau and all the power he had attained, therefore he'd go back to his old life literally with his friends. There would be no point staying on the island.
Jul 16, 2012
... I don't get why you think the endings are terrible. I thought they were appropriate for the plot and pretty unpredictable.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 13, 2000
... I don't get why you think the endings are terrible. I thought they were appropriate for the plot and pretty unpredictable.

Somebody on the first page described perfectly why the endings were bad. Unpredictable = random and made no sense.

Once again, your "friends" burning down the doctor's house and killing him, plus kidnapping your real friends. Your "friend" Dennis, the guy that was with you from almost the beginning, suddenly tries to stab you with a knife. And suddenly Citra loves you, when there wasn't much evidence leading up to that before. So that whole thing was just thrown together.

Then the other ending... there isn't even any dialogue from Jason. Its almost like ending #2 was an option thrown in last minute... they didn't have to record any voice except some sex grunts. There was nothing in the plot to suggest Jason was becoming detached from the mission of saving his friends and getting off the island. Even until the end, nothing he said suggested he was thinking about staying... so to have that even as an option was just...


Jedi Knight
Sep 11, 2000
I thought the ending was hilarious.

As to having more story that needed to be told, such as why Jason would want to stay on the island for example, that is the stuff that is filled in by -your- choices. You are the one who decides to stay or leave, so it's how the game has effected you that determines how you feel about it.

I went through the game 100% by the end, and was laughing my ass off when the giant hallucinatory girlfriend threatened to erase my save files!

I was really like, screw you you vapid wench, I'm staying on the island and being king!

When Citra killed me, I was like: Well that makes sense I guess.

Playing through again for the good ending was hysterical with the way Citra dies at the hands of Dennis.


Sharingan User
Jul 31, 2012
Jurassic Park
Citra was a back stabbing bitch in the end. Totally did not see that coming. I thought I would be king with her and our Rakyat tribes men and woman. But no, she claims my child for herself and ends my life.

Playing the good ending was more satisfying, after all you are there to rescue you´re friends. Letting the path take over and numb you´re feelings along the way made it clear that Jason would have to choose sooner or later.


Oct 3, 2011
I felt the ending was a moral lesson about yourself as a person.

Whether you are the kind of person who cares about people, or just about your own desires.

Would you put yourself or others first?

We're sex and power more important to you than love and compassion?

Have you been desensitised by all the killing you did in game?

Could you go through all of that killing and still keep your humanity?

A lot comes down to whether you play in character or not. How much of yourself is included in that character, and how much you blur the gap between reality and fantasy.

For myself I play in character to a degree in games. The biggest difference is that I would choose not to kill in real life. So for me there was only one ending I could choose, save your friends.

I watched the other ending and it seemed appropriate that Brody gets killed for his greed for lust and power. It was a judgement on the lack of humanity in the player.

If the player was playing the game was younger than the games rating then their lower level of maturity would explain why they didn't get the ending. If they were older enough and felt this way, then maybe they need to consider what kind of person they are.

Although in this day and age being selfish and wanting power are promoted as great things. So maybe I should be questioning society rather than gamers themselves!
Dec 4, 2009

Hey guys, so I just recently finished Far Cry 3 (there are 2 endings by the way). And I enjoyed it, the free roam aspect (you can free roam after beating the game) and the story were all great for me. What were your opinions on the game? I was looking through YouTube videos and on FAR CRY's Facebook fanpage and people were saying they were disappointed by the ending.

I find this surprising, so what are your thoughts on the ending? And how you kill Vaas?

I was pretty addicted to this game & was looking forward to another play through & to continue to explore the island after I beat it... Until I got to the end. For some reason the ending just made me not want to play the game anymore and I haven't since. I'm not pissed or anything, it just weirdly turned me off.


Aug 1, 2013
Vaas should have been the end boss, Hoyt is just used to drag the game, in my opinion the Rakyat soldiers, jason along with jason's friends i rescued should have faced Vaas and his men , more like COD style with extensive gun fights, the last fight should have been a 1 o 1 mouse controlled fist fight beating the crap out of vaas or a more animated grenade takedown or using flamethrower on Vass,Vass dying a painful death or a thirty seconds running chance to escape as given by Vaas himself to jason ultimately Jasons performing a take down on Vaas, animated kill didn't satisfy me,Citra is more of a whore than a powerful godly figure.I chose to save Jason's brother and friends.Jason returning with the rest would have been a good ending.
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Aug 9, 2013
Ive just finished the game, just like ive finished ME 1,2, and 3. Screw the new(est) games out there. It seems that, yea, the video game producers of today like to fuck with our heads with the endings that weve paid $60 dollars to see. Don't get me wrong, ive loved ME, Assassins Creed, Halo, Bioshock, and Far Cry. And ALL of their sequels, preqels etc. All of the whiny bitches who turn their heads away from a series because there wasn't a good enough ending or they say "That's it?" or because of a producer/company switch. The only game anyone has the right to hate on is the Call Of Duty series. Yes, a MW here and a Black Ops here is fine, but dragging each "sequel" on with just re-skins and new weapons and "BETTER ZOMBIE MODE!!! OMFGROFLMAO #YOLO!!" I mean seriously. And then playing Halo 4 and listening to little girls(10 year old boys who havnt "dropped" yet) yell crap about it being too hard to kill you. But, overall, Far Cry is a game for the people who like STORY, BLOOD, AND INSANE IRONY. Plus some red painted nipples. And also and ending that will leave you sitting on your ass thinking about WTF just happened.

Enough said, it is a REALLY great game and screw all of the little kids who complain about the girl with the nice painted digital ta tas killing you or that your friend that had a crazy ass scar on his face stab the chick that was obsessed with a guy who showed up on with a blue polo shirt and suddenly was a badass after he got a tattoo(tatau). The theme of the game....INSANITY. You guys either have or HAVE NOT observed this part of the game. It isn't "cliché" or with no wiggle room with choice-dependant results. Vaas seems like the most sane guy in the game (in a way) cause he foreshadows the whole damn story to you after he explains this....

Do you know the definition of madness?...Its doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again...with each time, expecting new results.
And remember in the beginning when Jason kept whining about killing people? But you see, the island changed him into a killing machine once he was put on it, which already gives you a hint, if you think for a second, that it is the island, not the people on it. You don't see much of his "madness" until he starts wanting revenge on Vaas and Hoyt. And the fights and encounters with Vaas bring in him repeating the insanity question up again. In which, his insanity is driven by trying to kill you, Jason Brody, a white boy with god damn super powers. But you see a pattern that brings into question on how insanity is brought into Jason Brody? He is constantly killing, killing killing, killing KILLING KILLING KILLING KILLING! Each mission he shows how much killing he has to do to even get near Vaas and Hoyt, expecting each attempt to kill will have a result. THE IRONY of it all, is that you trying to escape it all at the same time, fighting with yourself until you either die, kill everyone that's "bad", or get off the island. But you see, everyone on the island is "bad" in their own way, and have their own definition of insanity. Sam's plans seem to have ruthless explosions and killing all to meet an end to sabotage Hoyt, but hasn't worked. Doc takes those red mushrooms to get high and expects a new experience and intake on life. Vaas simply kills all the rebels and attempts to kill Brody for a different result but fails in the end. Hoyts a tricky one, but what he uses people, expecting a more powerful result each time. He sells slaves, he uses his army and mercs to kill repeatedly for his own gain, and most part and the most tragic (for me) is him using Sam's blindness towards his plans to kill him and Brody. And Citra, shes a puzzle in the game. She looks like she is sane, but she is power hungry. She is the opposite yet same as Vaas. Vaas warns you about her too. Vaas's insanity hints at Citra's. And I knew she would have done something to me or my friends sooner or later. But you see, the catalyst to it all, (If you the definition of the word which is something that "activates or speeds up"), is Jason Brody. Jason is the only one who kills people on a personal level in the entire game. He murders the shit out of the pirates and mercs and only hesitates about his sanity after both leaders are dead. The reason why everyone is dead at the end of the Hoyt fight? Your pal Jason Brody killed them to and seem like he enjoyed smearing some blood on the walls. Cue the line "what have I become?" And the knife that for some reason was only important to Buck and Citra is also ironic because, well Bucks just a homosexual rapist that breached the 4th wall of the game asking "you were just playing games, weren't you?" or "Idk where you are, but just where your headed" he was just a person that made the player question his own sanity "a little tiny bit". But Citra, she seems to think your a damned god. That she has Boom Boom with and then stabs you with the very knife if you choose the ending(also what u killed ur friends with OR used to free them.) The knife simply represents the elemental choice the game gives the player between life and death.

The game seems to end with a bitter sweetness no matter what ending. Save your friends, you get an inspiring "No more killing." from Jason Brody, who was going to REPEAT the "killing and expecting different results" theme the producers gave him, but didn't. In which he ends the cycle and leaves the island, therefore leaving INSANITY behind. Yet the bitter part is you see your friend (forgot his name whuke I was typing this) try to stab you but Citra moves in your way and saves you, and this part hit me hard: When she was looking at Brody with those eyes and VERY attractively saying in a scared girl voice "Don't leave me...I love you....don't leave...." even though if you didn't leave her she would pretty much have sex with you and then castrate you with the Irony Dagger. But you and ur friends leave Insanity Island yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. On the other ending, you use the Irony Dagger to kill your friends and then continue Brody's insanity cycle of killing expecting a different result. Then the irony train comes in and rams straight up your asshole when your luvvy duvvy Citra has sex with you for your babies and then murders u with the Irony Dagger, says that shes gonna have a white baby to rule the island, and then the irony train hits you again (AGAIN?!?!? OMG #FML) with Jason Brody's cycle ENDING after he killed his friends, and he DID get a new result. Him dying. But in a way, its still going to continue with his baby, who Citra no doubt will probably get fresh with too considering it seemed alright to screw Vaas. But even IF YOU DIE, the game says you win. HAPPY MOTHERFUCKING ENDING!!! :D You asked about why is "insanity" a theme? Dude, the whole games insanity. It even teases the question "why will I keep replaying this game expecting a different result?" Yet I bet you guys STILL have played it to unlock some shit or just for fun.

This is a REALLY fun and good game. Its theme : INSANITY. And this is going in my top 3 favorite games right UNDER ME 3 for 2nd place. The ending didn't make me rethink my life (exaggeration BUT it did make me sit on my bed and think of the game for 3+ hours) like it did for ME 3. But overall, GREAT game. GREAT story. You all know how Ubisoft likes to add cliffhangers, its just that this game gives u two choices, one you feel INSANELY sorry that you got Citra killed or you get to see some (I admit it) nice ta tas in exchange for your life.
But oh well, doubt there will be a Far Cry 4.
..................or will there?...........maybe?.......Keep asking yourself that.

"The definition of doing the same thing over and over again, is expecting a different result."



May 1, 2014
Someone explain why citra kills you?!?!?! so confused!!!!
Citra's beliefs are similar to that of the Vikings! They believed for the after life to come you had to die in combat as a warrior! The warrior who had killed the great evil in citra's beliefs died in the process as a warrior, but not before he had produced offspring! So Citra was trying to give Jason the greatest death possible, a death that would echo through time, a death of legends! Jason is the next legendary heir/savior of the raknuts rakyatatata rakrak city lol or whatever there tribename is!


May 10, 2014
My take on the ending and why she killed you.. I think she was bad the whole time. I could be wrong but after you giveher that sacred knife Vaas stabs you with it shortly after. Coincidence? A replica or a different knife altogether? I dunno, but I just felt she wasn't trustworthy whatsoever. She basically wanted to use you to kill off the bad guys so she could run things again.. in my opinion..


May 10, 2014
My take on the ending and why she killed you.. I think she was bad the whole time. I could be wrong but after you giveher that sacred knife Vaas stabs you with it shortly after. Coincidence? A replica or a different knife altogether? I dunno, but I just felt she wasn't trustworthy whatsoever. She basically wanted to use you to kill off the bad guys so she could run things again.. in my opinion..


Jul 1, 2014
I didn't like the ending one bit and I feel cheated in a way, especially since the rest of the game was so good.

First of all the ending didn't "grow" naturally, meaning that it was the result of your choices. You never had any to begin with, were set on a linear path and then had to choose between A and B. The problem was that both choices kind of sucked. I only ever saw the Rakyat as a means to an end. I mean in the end the goal was to save all of your friends and get them off the island. The Rakyat were just the only friendly faction, so joining them was a no brainer. Going on a revenge binge was the outgrowth of Brody being stripped of everything he cared for.
The Rakyat never offered much apart from being king of a bug infested island and saving your friends never meant much because Brody had become too distanced from them (although, did they ever thank him?). If you join Citra you kill what you set out to save in the first place (kind of like Anakin choking Padmé although joining the dark side was the whole point of him joining Palpatine in the first place!) and if you save your friends you're still left on this hellhole of an island. Pick your poison motherf*****!

The sad thing is that for 95% of the game I was really invested. Vaas was a villain I loved to hate and Hoyt was just plain psychotic. Also I could understand why Jason's friends were becoming weary of him, seeing that he was becoming a killing machine butchering everything in his path and apparently following some weird tribal religion. But at the same time I sympathized with him and wanted to see things through. When he found out/though that Riley was dead, that was some heavy stuff.

I wasn't expecting a happy ending but at least more than, well, nothing. A, your left on the island without your friends and everyone hates you. B, you killed your girlfriend and your dead. The whole time the game was building up. It hit a bit of a slump after Vaas was killed but picked up again. And by the end it just crashed into a wall.

Far Cry 4 had better be more satisfying. And oddly enough Call of Duty Black Ops 2 had better story progression. Your choices mattered, even if you didn't realize it.


Jul 1, 2014
I didn't like the ending one bit and I feel cheated in a way, especially since the rest of the game was so good.

First of all the ending didn't "grow" naturally, meaning that it was the result of your choices. You never had any to begin with, were set on a linear path and then had to choose between A and B. The problem was that both choices kind of sucked. I only ever saw the Rakyat as a means to an end. I mean in the end the goal was to save all of your friends and get them off the island. The Rakyat were just the only friendly faction, so joining them was a no brainer. Going on a revenge binge was the outgrowth of Brody being stripped of everything he cared for.
The Rakyat never offered much apart from being king of a bug infested island and saving your friends never meant much because Brody had become too distanced from them (although, did they ever thank him?). If you join Citra you kill what you set out to save in the first place (kind of like Anakin choking Padmé although joining the dark side was the whole point of him joining Palpatine in the first place!) and if you save your friends you're still left on this hellhole of an island. Pick your poison motherf*****!

The sad thing is that for 95% of the game I was really invested. Vaas was a villain I loved to hate and Hoyt was just plain psychotic. Also I could understand why Jason's friends were becoming weary of him, seeing that he was becoming a killing machine butchering everything in his path and apparently following some weird tribal religion. But at the same time I sympathized with him and wanted to see things through. When he found out/though that Riley was dead, that was some heavy stuff.

I wasn't expecting a happy ending but at least more than, well, nothing. A, your left on the island without your friends and everyone hates you. B, you killed your girlfriend and your dead. The whole time the game was building up. It hit a bit of a slump after Vaas was killed but picked up again. And by the end it just crashed into a wall.

Far Cry 4 had better be more satisfying. And oddly enough Call of Duty Black Ops 2 had better story progression. Your choices mattered, even if you didn't realize it.