
Nov 20, 2012

Hey guys, so I just recently finished Far Cry 3 (there are 2 endings by the way). And I enjoyed it, the free roam aspect (you can free roam after beating the game) and the story were all great for me. What were your opinions on the game? I was looking through YouTube videos and on FAR CRY's Facebook fanpage and people were saying they were disappointed by the ending.

I find this surprising, so what are your thoughts on the ending? And how you kill Vaas?


Feb 8, 2011
I accidentaly voted 'yes', but I thought the endings were terrible.

If you choose to save your friends, you free them, Dennis stabs Citra, bai bai, go home... That's all. You don't know what happens to the Rakyat afterwards, or what did Dennis do, or what happened to the Island... Nothing.

If you choose to stay with Citra, you SLIT YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S FUCKING THROAT and watch her die in front of you, you get laid by Citra, and that bitch stabs you with a dagger. Boom, dead.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
The civilized ending (leave the island) makes more sense.

Frankly, if Citra was willing to bang her brother Vaas, you don't want any part of that (even though Jason fucked her mid-game, post-demon fight).

The biggest disappointment is in the killings of Vaas and Hoyt. For all the hassle they gave you, having Jason cutting them up without your control was unsatisfactory.


Feb 8, 2011
The civilized ending (leave the island) makes more sense.

Frankly, if Citra was willing to bang her brother Vaas, you don't want any part of that (even though Jason fucked her mid-game, post-demon fight).

The biggest disappointment is in the killings of Vaas and Hoyt. For all the hassle they gave you, having Jason cutting them up without your control was unsatisfactory.
Yeah, and not only that, you are also left clueless on what really happened. So you get drugged or some shit, and how did you kill Vaas? How did you find ourself in Citra's temple? Or even better: During Hoyt's fight, WHY were you magically both teleported to some other world? WHAT happened to the guards after the fight?


That user with a batman icon
Jun 17, 2011
In your pants
The civilized ending (leave the island) makes more sense.

Frankly, if Citra was willing to bang her brother Vaas, you don't want any part of that (even though Jason fucked her mid-game, post-demon fight).

The biggest disappointment is in the killings of Vaas and Hoyt. For all the hassle they gave you, having Jason cutting them up without your control was unsatisfactory.
Vaas should've been the final villan, and I hated how cinematic their executions were....I wasn't even sure I killed Vaas for a little while afterwards, maybe it was jason tripping balls....

Vaas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hoyt, but Hoyt was alright...especially that poker game.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
The civilized ending (leave the island) makes more sense.

Frankly, if Citra was willing to bang her brother Vaas, you don't want any part of that (even though Jason fucked her mid-game, post-demon fight).

The biggest disappointment is in the killings of Vaas and Hoyt. For all the hassle they gave you, having Jason cutting them up without your control was unsatisfactory.
Yeah, and not only that, you are also left clueless on what really happened. So you get drugged or some shit, and how did you kill Vaas? How did you find ourself in Citra's temple? Or even better: During Hoyt's fight, WHY were you magically both teleported to some other world? WHAT happened to the guards after the fight?
Talking to Mitch Dyer, we assumed they got Reznov'ed (see: Call of Duty Black Ops' campaign).


Jun 27, 2005
I was disappointed with the story. I felt cheated with how you dealt with Vaas and Hoyt. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why Ubisoft have to add Trigens, unnecessarily complicated narratives, mystical compasses and/or magical tattoos. The initial plot was fine and so were Jason's motives: Friends are kidnapped, rescue them. During this your decisions/perception/sanity are questioned or change.

The premise of the story wouldn't allow you - the player - to have any connection to Jason's friends, they are already kidnapped by the time you start, so you have no compassion. So the interesting aspect of the Far Cry 3's story was always going to be the change in mentality of Jason juxtaposed with Vaas. This was criminally underused and should have been explored more. Not the mythical nonsense with Citra and the Tatau.

The environment is wonderful, the rpg elements were fine and the AI is ok (if you can forgive the 10m line of sight) which leads to unpredictable gameplay. It is still a HUGE improvement on Far Cry 2, but like Far Cry 2, I just feel underwhelmed. Because the tech improves, but the story doesn't.

Ubisoft should have no excuses now for Far Cry 4, as little time would needs to be spent on the environment engine.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
^ You know the best part?

I was on a cliff (same spot where Jason grabs a weapon for one of the Path of the Hunter legendary animal hunts) and sniped some enemies in an outpost. Because I missed, they were suspicious and decided to travel 500 meters my way to see where a suppressed sniper rifle shot (likely with no or little muzzle flash) came from.

They traversed two roads and navigated a tough slope to get to my overwatch position.



Nov 20, 2012
Hey guys thanks for all the comments and yeah definetly I felt the same way, we didn't get to know the story as much as we should have. For example, why did the player and Buck also end up in this random magical world (despite being drugged) and same with Vaas and Hoyt. It all just didnt come together and Vaas didn't play as big as a role as I had anticipated or as all the adverts and posters showed. I mean damn, Vaas is on the cover of the game and still we don't know as much about as I had hoped for. Still a great game and the voice acting was brilliant just felt that the story could have totally raised the roof!


Nov 20, 2012
Who is Buck?

The dude you meet at the bar, check the Far Cry 3 - Vaas & Buck Savages Trailer, you should remember him from there. I understand if you don't he barely pops up and your character is rarely informed about him.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
^ Ah yeah. The Australian merc.

His death was lame IMO, after all that Indy crap.


Nov 20, 2012
I just wish the deaths of your enemies were more satisfying and not scripted I wanted to kill Vaas, Buck and Hoyt and not watch a set piece. I chose Citra's ending and the death of Jason was like WTF?! I didn't understand why Citra killed him enlighten me any of you guys?

Man, the multiplayer is just a standard one. But the map editor totally makes up for it.
Jul 26, 2011
So, just to be sure, you can keep playing after you beat the game? Any ending? Right?
I have been searching everywhere for an answer to this! Reply!!! [face_skull]
Ps: Vaas is a great character. This song is one of my favorites now.
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Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
While I can't confirm if you can keep playing after Citra kills you, because I didn't pick that ending, I can confirm you can keep playing after the other ending. I'm assuming you can still play after both, but I don't know for sure.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 1, 2006
Yeah, the story, not so great. You could see the double-cross coming a mile away (more specifically, when Dennis got drunk and started acting weird). The "save your friends" ending, while not great, was much more satisfying than the other one. It also leaves the door open for a sequel involving Hoyt's people (he did mention something about sending people after Brody).

That being said, I absolutely loved this game. I agree 100% with the reviews that said the real game resided in the Dead Quests, hunting missions, and most of all, taking over the outposts.

Food for thought, though. Does anyone else feel like this game was shooting for the same thing Spec Ops: The Line was going for? I mean questioning why we play these games. Spec Ops made you feel horrible for what you did regardless of the ending, with the developers later saying that the ending they would have preferred be that we stopped playing. Then the "heroic" ending of FC3 has these lines: "I've killed so many people, I've lost count...but I am, somewhere still inside me, more than that. Better than that." Yeah, it goes with the theme of how Jason became an emotionless warrior, but it also made me realize this game might be calling us out, too.

(Edit) Oh, and I just remembered, the last Alice in Wonderland quote was something along the lines of "There's a moral in everything, you just have to find it."
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電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
The "save your friends" ending, while not great, was much more satisfying than the other one. It also leaves the door open for a sequel involving Hoyt's people (he did mention something about sending people after Brody).
IDK about that. Unless Hoyt left a dead drop (he does seem the type, but all the business with Jason Brody happens over the course of only a few days (maybe a week or two) time.

Food for thought, though. Does anyone else feel like this game was shooting for the same thing Spec Ops: The Line was going for? I mean questioning why we play these games. Spec Ops made you feel horrible for what you did regardless of the ending, with the developers later saying that the ending they would have preferred be that we stopped playing. Then the "heroic" ending of FC3 has these lines: "I've killed so many people, I've lost count...but I am, somewhere still inside me, more than that. Better than that." Yeah, it goes with the theme of how Jason became an emotionless warrior, but it also made me realize this game might be calling us out, too.

(Edit) Oh, and I just remembered, the last Alice in Wonderland quote was something along the lines of "There's a moral in everything, you just have to find it."
Spec Ops had a good story, but the mechanics were meh.


Dec 19, 2012
I agree with u all .. But what I hated the most was that my friends never helped me .. i saved their lives !!!
I felt a little alone at the end it could've been alot better ... For example: after saving your friends lives again instead of following citra .. They could've had a party all toghether . And If you followed citra then citra would change her mind or the other guy (that Jason was close with) would come in right at the moment and tell Jason to stop ... Basically i wanted a happy ending :)


Sep 13, 2012
Far Cry 3 is overall a great game. I didn't like the endings and the way you killed Vaas and Hoyt. I think Ubisoft could have done a better job in that part.
Oct 31, 2012
The ending where you die is the one that's a good ending. But it's not a reasonable choice.
The other ending (which I chose to do during my first gameplay), in my opinion, fits more with the character of Jason. However, Ubisoft failed to put lots of things to closure in that ending.


Dec 20, 2012

Hey guys, so I just recently finished Far Cry 3 (there are 2 endings by the way). And I enjoyed it, the free roam aspect (you can free roam after beating the game) and the story were all great for me. What were your opinions on the game? I was looking through YouTube videos and on FAR CRY's Facebook fanpage and people were saying they were disappointed by the ending.

I find this surprising, so what are your thoughts on the ending? And how you kill Vaas?

farcry is probably one of the best games i ever played but i just wished the story-line was more better more dramatic and more crazy...i thought vaas was the main boss after all his insane acts in the game trailers really brought out the tension of Farcry, that's one of the reason why i bought it in the first place. i didn't know anything about hoyt till later in the game...
the three downers in frycry, first one, which boss you kill first hoping Hoyt then Vaas, second, the story-line, and last, the ending, Jason only has two opinions live a boring life afterwards or get stabbed by a crazy bitch... yeah WTF! but over all everything else about farcry gets a TEN in my book.


Oct 20, 2005
Food for thought, though. Does anyone else feel like this game was shooting for the same thing Spec Ops: The Line was going for? I mean questioning why we play these games. Spec Ops made you feel horrible for what you did regardless of the ending, with the developers later saying that the ending they would have preferred be that we stopped playing. Then the "heroic" ending of FC3 has these lines: "I've killed so many people, I've lost count...but I am, somewhere still inside me, more than that. Better than that." Yeah, it goes with the theme of how Jason became an emotionless warrior, but it also made me realize this game might be calling us out, too.
I think both of these games tried to give us a little more than a "story".

Far Cry 3 is about growing up and becoming a man, I believe. Jason is surrounded by those "viril" villains, like Vaas (who even points out he has "the dick") and Buck and he has to make his own way. He starts as a fragile confused boy and ends as a savage killing machine. By the end, he has to choose between his new life or his old one. I felt like it was a rite of passage of some sort.

I think Spec Ops made it's point a little better, by the end of it I couldn't really believe how clever the story was. Far Cry 3 failed in killing Vaas to early and failing to make me care about the people around me.


Dec 15, 2012
What the actual fuck is wrong with video game writers these days!? Do all endings have to suck this badly..... another Mass Effect 3 ending experience, damn you Ubisoft.
Very dissapointed, a grand game boils down to an unsatisfying and unforfilling ending.....both endings!


Dec 22, 2012
I think that Vaas' death was very well done although the way all of the trailers portrayed him I thought he would be the main boss not just the first one. as for the ending I would have liked to see what happened after they all got back to California, like a tearful reunion with there parents or something


Dec 22, 2012
I think you didn't understand the `Save your friend` ending. They leave in the island. They don't take you. You talk to yourself about your killing problems. How many people you kill... bla bla. You watch them their leaving.


Feb 8, 2011
I think you didn't understand the `Save your friend` ending. They leave in the island. They don't take you. You talk to yourself about your killing problems. How many people you kill... bla bla. You watch them their leaving.
"But I am still, somewhere inside me, more than that. Better than that."
We don't really know if he left the island or stayed on it.


Dec 24, 2012
Maybe a DLC, following Vaas and why he betrayed the Rakyat would be an interesting scope on things. An ending I would have personally liked to have seen would have been the death of Hoyt earlier on, making Vaas vulnerable as his boss has been wiped out, that would have been interesting


Dec 24, 2012
I just finished Far Cry 3's story yesterday and I must say that the plot on which the story is based on is very good and original, but it wasn't used as it should have been.
It was spectacular and I will remember it for quite a long time, but, in the end, I always thought that Vaas should have had a more important role
Dec 25, 2012
I thought the game overall was very fun. I Did not like the ending simply because the story, all throughout the game is so bold and strong, Captivates you.. and you CANT STOP until you know what happens next... I just played for about 16 hours today and 6 hours yesterday to plow through the story line. just to have it end so abruptly and with no end story after you leave. During the game i was so into it, emotionally and everything. and then Bam. its just over. I was expecting a very emotional end to him saving his friends. At least some Post-Credits chatter of the group!

100% Bullshit Ubisoft. I loved playing but you pissed me off right there at the end. Good thing I didn't pay for it. its like being on the 2nd to last page on a goddamn book and realizing that someone ripped the last page out, and it's the last copy on earth.

So raged about this. Even the 'bad' ending was terrible. At least show him as a king, ruling the island. She doesnt even know if shed get pregnant that day. Made no sense.


May 11, 2012
So raged about this. Even the 'bad' ending was terrible. At least show him as a king, ruling the island. She doesnt even know if shed get pregnant that day. Made no sense.

Yea no shit. What if Jason were sterile? Seriously though, the "bad" ending, was a bit too much. I mean you don't spend all that time trying to save your friends and seeking revenge on Vaas and Hoyt for killing your brothers only to slit your girlfriend's throat at the end. Just doesn't seem plausible. This could have been done better. Why couldn't his friends just leave without him? Why did he have to kill them? Also... you only see Citra a few times during this whole time. I think you spend more time with Vaas. So I don't feel like the game does enough to build up a relationship between you and Citra that would make the idea of killing your friends to be with her as a feasible option.

On another note, I think a great DLC would be to do Vaas' story or maybe it could be FC4. Seeing his fall as the Rakyat leader to Hoyt's right hand man. I honestly didn't want Vaas to die. His character was so well done that I just wanted to keep running into him. Seeing him lose his shit when things went wrong was so satisfying. Perhaps the story would have been better if you'd kill Hoyt first and thereby having Vaas take over control of the whole operation.
Dec 25, 2012
So raged about this. Even the 'bad' ending was terrible. At least show him as a king, ruling the island. She doesnt even know if shed get pregnant that day. Made no sense.

I mean you don't spend all that time trying to save your friends and seeking revenge on Vaas and Hoyt for killing your brothers only to slit your girlfriend's throat at the end. Just doesn't seem plausible. This could have been done better. Why couldn't his friends just leave without him? Why did he have to kill them? Also... you only see Citra a few times during this whole time. I think you spend more time with Vaas. So I don't feel like the game does enough to build up a relationship between you and Citra that would make the idea of killing your friends to be with her as a feasible option.

Well, It shows how being a 'warrior' or killing tons of people could screw with your mind and judgement. But yes it could have been done WAY better.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
I think you didn't understand the `Save your friend` ending. They leave in the island. They don't take you. You talk to yourself about your killing problems. How many people you kill... bla bla. You watch them their leaving.
"But I am still, somewhere inside me, more than that. Better than that."
We don't really know if he left the island or stayed on it.
Actually, I thought Brody left with the others for the "F.R.I.E.N.D.S." option.

Part of him stayed on the Rook Islands (like a psychic memory ... which could explain post-game exploration).


Dec 28, 2012
I thought the game overall was very fun.

*some words here*

100% Bullshit Ubisoft. I loved playing but you pissed me off right there at the end. Good thing I didn't pay for it. its like being on the 2nd to last page on a goddamn book and realizing that someone ripped the last page out, and it's the last copy on earth.

So raged about this. Even the 'bad' ending was terrible. At least show him as a king, ruling the island. She doesnt even know if shed get pregnant that day. Made no sense.
You begin by saying that you enjoyed the game a lot ("the game overall was very fun") but you proceed to say that the developers don't deserve your money ("I'm glad I didn't pay for it"). Sure, you didn't like the ending, but don't be a child about it.

I hope you didn't pirate it.

(I thought the story sucked too.)


Dec 31, 2012
The game was really good, no doubt about that. The ENDING was terrible.... I really disliked a lot, The last mission could have ended in 2 ways: They could of had your friends not captured, and then set 2 waypoints telling you to either leave with your friends on the boat, OR go to the temple and join citra, and not get stabbed by her.

OR they could have ended the game, when you choose to save your friends and citra says " your friends they will move on, they will get on with their lives"
she would have let your friends leave and you could have stayed on the island/ join citra or left with your friends.

I really wish the game would have ended like one of these. :(


The Hitman JJT
Oct 3, 2005
I wish you could have taken the knife from citra and then killed her, stab her right in the gut as you look into her eyes. After all the shit he just went through and dealt with, it would have been nice to walk on as a badass and then start the free roaming.


Jan 1, 2013
I think the Game was really fun, but i wish that if you left the island with your friends that an older Jason would come back to the island. Then you could explore what happened to the rakyat, pirtates and the mercs. The ending could of been so much more.