
Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
I feel conned right now, I remember them promising massive armies, exciting naval battles, for this to be like the next gen version of their original game...but it's not. Graphically I'm not really impressed. Oh sure it's got more going on in the city at least building wise but there are no people running around scared or anything.

It's too early to call it quits on it, but honestly I think they are just waiting for modders to make their game more appealing. There is no blood effects, you dont see them really clash, you see lots of armies walking through buildings or the boats. Thats another thing. I hate the naval battles in this game, it's so boring, I LOVE the naval battles in shogun fos it was more appealing to the eye and a lot easier to manage.

This game though isn't super complicated they really could have simplified it more, instead of putting artsy buttons make them easier to read and understand. Too many buttons will just confuse people.

So far the game gets an ok from me but I still like playing shogun 2 fall of the samurai much better, the mods in that game really made it a treat to play, it's a lot simpler and more satisfying. I was really hoping this game would wow me, but it doesn't, it's just a more advanced version of the original game. Pretty much just a graphics overhaul.

I'm sure once mods start hitting the game in force will become more enjoyable to play, but so far I'm not impressed and I am just gonna go back to playing shogun fall of the samurai.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Another thing that bothers me is the rather bad ai, and how quick the battles last. The whole game feels like they rushed it out, and now they are just gonna patch it for the rest of it's lifetime...no thanks, it's not the worst game, in fact it's better than starcraft 2 in my opinion, but like I've said shogun 2 fos just feels more satisfying, I like that era of units better and the blood dlc and mods for that game, are truly epic...I could only imaine if there was a way to make a star wars mod out of it, but with out space it would be lame I guess.
Jun 19, 2013
No you are right. I haven't really jumped into the campaign or anything other than a battle. So far it's almost sad that SEGA and CA would release a game in this condition. Shogun 2 and its expansion both look and play so much better than this. I mean just from the opening cinematic on Shogun 2 you can tell how visually impressive the game is going to be, and then . . . . you double click Rome 2 to play it and see the opening cinematic, and honestly it was kind of depressing. When I first saw it I thought alright, maybe my computer isn't loading it properly, but then I jumped into the prologue and you have building textures that won't load, soldiers faces look like something out of a cartoon, not the tough gritty realistic looking they were going for, and the actual fights are way to quick and not all that complicated. My biggest complaint is the graphical let down/ visually unimpressive this game is when it is supposed to be the "Next Step" in the series. I hope they will fix this soon, because this is one sorely disappointed fan.

I run an:

AMD FX - 6120 Six Core Processor
3.5 GHz
AMD Radeon HD 7700 w/ 1GB DDR5

So what's up CA/SEGA get this fixed!!!


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Glad I'm not crazy then, I think the game looks like shit, I was under the expectation from these devs that this was gonna be the total war game we have been waiting for a decade now. Not even close. I will say the fire effect isn't so bad but it's so brief. This just feels tacked on. Sure the game is huge...that is a problem, I dont have the free time to win over the entire map, I would prefer shogun size so that you can put better graphics, effects, more gameplay options.


Sep 5, 2013
Piece of junk!!! Looks nothing like the quality of the game we see in the trailers or demos. The game is clearly unfinished. The textures look absolutely awful even on extreme settings, the AI is even worse! Metacritic user score (over 950 ratings) is below 4.3...


Jan 25, 2013
My complaint with the game was actually its lack of sophistication and lack of depth. I actually kind of disliked Shogun 2 for this same reason. I know I'll get a lot of grief for that portion of this comment, but it seemed to stream lined for me. I loved seeing all of the numbers behind everything, and watching the massive family trees develop over the course of a campaign (No family tree in Rome 2). Not to mention in Rome 1 when the senate actually felt like they had a presence...in this game it's non existent as the Romans. It's just choose what you want to build, what to research and who to attack next...I was really hoping for more depth then that in this game. I'll give it some more time, as I'm only about 50-70 turns in on a couple of play through in the campaign, but it's pretty dry so far. I hope some modders come in and build this game to its full potential.

Side note, the naval battles are pretty boring...ram my ship into your ship over and over again gets pretty old. I really enjoyed the Total War Empire naval battles, and this seems like a step down as well.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
This whole game is a step down from shogun 2. The naval battles were more fun, the land battles with the combination of rifles, and sword/spear/pike whatever melle unit used with the blood dlc seeing heads roll was freaking awesome to watch!

Plus the Darth Mods are amazing in it, but...this game wont get it so I am not all that hopefull of this game keeping my interest for much longer.


Sep 10, 2013
It is kind of hard to compare two completely different time eras with each other and say one is more exciting than the other. I am a Roman history student so for me the naval battles are exciting because that is what they did for the most part. I can imagine a sea battle with cannons and guns would be more exciting for someone but if you are wanting to play a Roman themed game then you shouldn't expect that. I do agree that the devs could have done so much more with the game though like blood animation, smarted AI, and better graphics in general. I also agree that they made it way more complicated than necessary in campaign mode. All in all, I do enjoy the game but then again I am a student of Roman history so my opinion is pretty biased.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
I can respect that. I guess I was just hoping for large scale bloody sword fights and left with a very boring alternative, as for naval battles...meh it's still boring and mostly the enemy just stays put until you move in. Same with shogun though I guess, neither ai in the game...in all of them are very good. I haven't layed it in days though, and frankly just dont see the point if It's so boring for me.


Jul 23, 2008
This game has only been out for a couple of weeks and it seems like a weak argument to negatively compare it to a game that has been out for several years, has multiple DLCs, 2 full expansions, and tons of community mods. The original release of Shogun 2 did not have some of the same things that Rome 2 is being criticized on. If you want to give a true comparison between Rome 2 and Shogun 2 then look at Shogun 2 a couple of weeks after its release without the added stuff. I think that Rome 2 would come out looking much better than you think. As far as graphics go, I think that without all the updates and DLC and mods, Shogun 2 would not look that good when compared to Rome 2. To criticize Rome 2 for not having blood when Shogun 2 only got it with the blood pack(correct me if I'm wrong) is not a fair criticism.
To king4288: while there is no "Senate" per se, there is an objective tab that lists main missions with secondary missions as well as random missions and victory conditions(including the new economic and cultural ones). I feel that this is a great replacement for the senate missions which were more often than not an annoyance because they didn't fit within my strategy. The senate approval rating has been replaced with the senate control system where the actions/traits of your family members effects how many senators are loyal to each person. The senators can be used as currency to promote family members or undertake certain actions against the other families. I don't think that there is really anything in the first Rome's senate system that is not improved upon in this game. Can you think of any?
That being said, I agree that there are some things about Rome 2 that are disappointing. For one, I don't like how "user friendly" they made it to the point that some of the important information that would be out in plain sight in previous TW games is now nowhere to be seen. I also agree that naval battles can be boring but that was the style of naval warfare at the time. I don't know how they could change them to be more exciting while also keeping them historically accurate. Any ideas?
I have enjoyed playing Rome 2 despite some disappointing aspects of the game and am looking forward to similar amounts of DLC and updates that Shogun 2 received. Shogun 2 was disappointing to me because to me every faction played almost exactly the same only in different geographical locations(I did not get either expansion where that might not be the case).


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Dude fuck off, just because I have not made any games that are better, or even know exactly they could make it be better doesn't make my point invalid, I'm not the one being paid to come up with ideas otherwise I'm sure something would come to mind but I'm not part of that company and honestly wouldn't want to be. They could have made the ai a lot smarter in naval battles, they could have used their brains to make it more interesting and fun to do, shit what you expect from me Danny? I'm not the one that made the game, I'm not the one that lied about shit in the game that are not in it. They are frauds at this point, and I wont be playing it again, only way I will is if they drastically improve the game play, give us the blood dlc that was in shogun 2, as I would probably have not played it as much as I have if it was not in it.

Also the main modder that pretty much sold the games for them has left modding to make his own game, so really dont see any amazing mods coming for this, not enough people are interested anymore I mean the population has seriously gotten cut in half. We get it you are a fanboy, but sorry to burst your bubble but they failed to make rome 2 the amazing revolutionary game they promised, I was psyched for this game when it was near release I turn it on, and it's like having a pie made out of shit smack you in the face, the game looks ugly when they said it would be a lot better...yeah not seeing anything that beats shogun 2 out of their games at this point, the ai is even worse, and just a shit load more problems that I know you probably know more about than even I do.

Just check out Angry Joe's review on his site, he is a huge fan of the series and like me loved Shogun 2 a lot, and like him I feel betrayed and frankly that is my last straw, I no longer trust this team, so will go with another one.

Thank you


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Yup this game died even with patches that some say made it better, I dont see any reason to invest my time in this rome series. Honestly I never cared for the rome era too barbaric, and simple in tech, I love shogun 2 fall of the samurai I love having rifle units combined with sword units, I love the naval battles even if not very in depth at least it's not waiting an hour for your arrows to finally kill theirs but instead cannons.

I dont trust sega anymore, after this I realized just how cheap and corrupt they are as a company now. Anyone remember chromehounds? That game started out amazing at least when it came down to mp yes was pretty basic conquest mode they never did upgrade anything but then they had no intention likely as far as I know, it was a fun mech game with impressive graphics and ability to customize your mech for any kind of situation was so much fun blowing up other mechs, that game makes mechwarrior online look simple and shitty in comparison, but they shut down chrome hounds after taking our money...this is a THING I'm seeing with a lot of companies these years. They market the hell out of something then after a while once it stops making them as much money they shut it down even if people invested into it.