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No Longer a Noob
Oct 27, 2007
Sorry, I'm the first to defend Smallville and some of its faults, but this season was nothing to write home about. One minute Clark wants to fulfil his destiny, the next he is completely content with staying on the farm with Lana. I believe a scene in the last episode summed up the season pretty well. Out of nowhere, Lois walks into the Kent House and tells Clark to join up as a writer for the Daily Planet.... Up until that point he had expressed little to no interest in journalism. This is just another way the writers made a poor attempt to include a plotline from the mythos.
Also: FFS people, they had an entire episode revolving around a big ol' advertisement for Stride gum, and not even Pete returning could help that. For me, it was a dismal season indeed, and not even the great acting of Allison Mack and Michael Rosenbaum could save it from its mediocre writing.


Feb 25, 2006
lol sorry but the whole stride gum show wasn't that big of a deal, and if you concentrated on that then there's really no point in watching the show....Smallville is one of the few shows to really "advertise" as oppose to so many others out to hate it cause of that is just dumb IMO.

The show itself was a good show, Pete getting caught up in having "power" and liking being the hero among making his return and Lex blackmailing him, now that's the show...not the silly Stride nonsense.

The show's writing is still very solid, because if it wasn't it wouldn't have lasted 8 seasons...fact. Later


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 8, 2002
It pains me to say this, but Season 7 was absolute garbage. After 7 seasons (7 years in this bizarre take on the DC universe) you would think Clark would put his selfishness aside and become what he was destined to be. He hasn't even accepted that his biological father was a great man with good intentions. If anything out of these past seven years that has upset me more than the slow progression of Clark's persona, it's the perception that Jor-El is some kind of shady character in Clark's eyes who he can't trust. Also, the writers dragged out the Lana/Clark relationship for too long. Sadly, the writers didn't realize that the majority of the fans became desensitized by the 7th season. We could've cared less about the inevitable doomed relationship and were it was going. Other problems such as continuity issues, being highly predictable or maintaining story arcs for more than one episode have also made the show grow a little stale. After season 4 the writers seemed to lack the inspiration and the fresh storytelling that was in the previous seasons.

My guess is Millar and Gough arrived at a point where they looked at each other and said, "Wow...we really screwed this up! Let's leave this mess for someone else to clean up." So, if there is any consolation to such a travesty that was season 7, it is the fact that the original writers are leaving the show. Their failure to do justice to a piece of Americana can be seen in countless episodes during seasons 5-7. They have hid behind the "This is our interpretation" excuse for too long and it is time for a positive change. I can only hope that the new writers will salvage what little is left in the show and breathe some life back into it.



Mar 12, 2008
The beginning of every season starts out slow so they can build upon the plot. But once the writers strike hit they needed to change directions and thats why this season wasn't great! They only had half of a full season to work with here, what do you expect? For the writers strike going on and only half of the originally planned season I think they pulled through with "flying colors".



Feb 25, 2006
Totally agree with gniknus, most people don't realize and foolishly post nonsense like season 7 was bad blah, blah yet ummm hell, the writers strike kind of slightly tarnished most shows if not flat out end them on the spot. At least Smallville had 20 show or so, so you should be thankful instead of acting like ignorant bashers....

Season 7 was good, considering the BS strike and all plus Clark has been punished by his biological father Jor-El, biological father or not John Kent is is REAL father, he raised him not Jor-El and Jor-El has a weird way of making his points....yeah, let me freeze my kid in a block of ice, he's only here to "save the world" if anything I'd say Jor-El is dumb, not Clark. I don't blame Clark for being cautious of everyone....

Plus, Clark and Lana had to break up. It's the future story anyway and hook up with hot Lois, Lana was too whiney over the years anyway, very selfish and needy.

Smallville is a great show, always was and is still the best Superman show ever made thus far easily on TV. Lois and Clark lasted 3 seasons...pfftt please


Prime Member
Jun 11, 2008
I have to say that this season was somehow entertaining. At least for me. I liked the 2 primary storylines. I liked the appearance of many DC characters. I liked the return of Brainiac, etc.

But by itself it was not the best year, maybe because of some rushed storylines and that many ideas were jumping all over the place. It also had an un-epic season finale. But can't say there was no enjoyment from most of the episodes. Indeed, it has some of the best I've seen. But again, there were not so fun episodes.

The season may not be the best. Many already said it was the worst. Not for me. I liked it. The last seasons were better, but I liked it.

It's sad that Michael Rosenbaum is leaving. He was perhaps what made the season whorthwhile, especially since it was this season when the real Lex Luthor is set loose. I will miss him and I hope he gets at least 1 guest star appearance on the 8th season.

Alfred Cough & Miles Millar left, too. I'm thankful they made this show but it was time for them to leave. The show needs some fresh air and with the new showrunners coming I hope that we see something new for the (I hope) final season. I just have good wishes for them and that they continue working good stuff.

If there is something that I want the next year to have is Clark Kent not being that stagnant like he was this season. Even though he acted a bit more Supermanly than in season 6, he still needs more. Stop being a wimp, always yearing about Lana, needs to start flying and to protect the world outside of Smallville. There is hope that the "No tights, No flights" policy will be gone next season, so that may happen. Specially with the new screenwriters.

Not a perfect season. Not a bad one. An enjoyable one. I give it a 7.7 for me. This one is for the TRUE fans of the series and I have people that agre, so the ones who say it was hprrible are people who say they are fans and are not TRUE fans. I hope next is better. Can't wait for the DVD.
Feb 11, 2004
Best season of Smallville for my money's worth. The problem with the world is that most people are stupid and like stupid entertainment. In the beginning of Smallville the average episode dealt with some high school meteor freak and how Clark resolved the issue. This entertains the general public. Now we deal we the most intellectually stimulating season of Smallville ever and it gets written off? Let's recap some of the highlites. A lot of questions get answered in this series like 1) What made Lex Luthor so evil? (The murder of his father for the "key", his obsession about finding out the truth ect. answers this question.) 2)Why did Lana and Clark break up? (To a certain degree this gets answered after her traumatic experience with Brainiac.) 3) Lionel always knew Clark was an alien. 4) Lex finds out Clark is an alien. Also the puzzle that Lex solved to get to the Fortress of Solitude and the object he gained to control Clark is sure to satisfy any video game freak. It is very reminiscent of the puzzles you would find in say Resident Evil. In many ways the series concluded with season 7 with the only thing hanging in the balance being the ability of Lex to control Clark. So from here there is not much than can be done so Season 8 will probably be it. Most TV series ends after 7 seasons like Star Trek The Next Generation, Macgyver ect. This season was a very dark an uncheerfull one and was more reminiscent of a Batman series than a Superman series. Perhaps the lack of cheerfullness is what the fans miss, but I like it.


Oct 17, 2000
I absolutely love Smallville, but I can't argue that the show isn't stagnating. What they need to do is end the show altogether, or preferably, relaunch it with an eye toward actually evolving Clark into Superman. Maybe call the show Metropolis or just Superman. It could start with the time in which Clark travels the world, doing good and honing his powers, and end up with him (in Season 2 let's say) in Metropolis, beginning work at the Daily Planet. It would be a great reveal in that season to finally see Tom Welling done Superman's outfit for Clark to step finally into his destiny.


Almost Not a Noob
May 26, 2004
I only watched a few episodes of this season before I gave up on it. For much amnesia can a small group of people get within a few years time? For another why is Bizarro smart? And finally.....Kara Kent? What the hell is this about? Am I wrong, or is she about 16 years old when Clark is in his mid 30's? And now she is on the show and just as powerful as he is and she can fly and he still can't. Also, why isn't Lana dead yet? I admit I didn't watch the whole season, so all these terrible things may have turned out to be nightmares had by one of the characters, but it seemed pretty crappy from the beginning to me.
Jul 26, 2009
I'm sorry, but how did this season get such a low rating compared to season 8? IGN, your reviews really baffle me sometimes.

And Supergirl was easily one of the best additions to this season. The fact that they didn't keep her around and introduced Doomsday with a terrible story arc and actor only proves that Supergirl would have given season 8 some life.
Feb 23, 2011
Season 8 gave this show a much needed revamp. 7 was nothing but a half-assed Krypton storyline and then the second half completely recycled plotlines from previous seasons. They actually managed to make Supergirl and Brainiac boring.
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