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Nov 10, 2011
nickzambuto said:
I would like, no, I would LOVE an Infamous 3, but I really don't see how Sucker Punch could pull it off unless it made 1 ending the canon one.
Isn't that what they did to inFamous 2? They said the good ending was the canon one, I don't see why they couldn't do the same for the next game.

And yeah, it's not like inFamous 3 HAS to revolve around Cole. Pretty sure No More Heroes 3 won't revolve around Travis Touchdown either.


Jul 28, 2011
I say yes but only because of the bad ending. I'm fine with the good ending but the bad ending just rubs me the wrong way. It leaves you wanting to see evil Cole get taught a lesson, you know?


Dec 3, 2011
[face_cool] I heard somewhere ( sorry I forgot where :() That the voice actor for Cole is WORKING ON INFAMOUS 3 , HOPE IT'S TRUE [face_praying]
Jan 19, 2012
Now i am new and have a lot of theorys about inFAMOUS 3. Some sound stupid and some very close to the possibilities. My first theory:
Ok so the first theory is about the good ending. Ok so in the end Cole was carried out by Zeke in shame like he should of taken care of all this and not let him die on his own.(most of you think that its because he died, perfectly OK.) Zeke shown a lot of sadness in this ending. well on the boat they are fading into the distance a lightening(spell fail poss.) strikes the boat possibly and or most likely hitting his casket. this could mean three (two of which are my theories) things first that the people that made inFAMOUS 2 are thinking that there should be a third. or that it will go off the good ending.(inFAMOUS 3).
second is that the lighteningstrike hit his casket bringing him back to life. this is the most reasonable one to me because in inFAMOUS 2 you first fight the beast then u leave losing your powers. in the ending of inFAMOUS 2 as your good, you lose your weapon and your dead you might not remember your powersr you might. so it would be like starting over to gain your powers again. as for blast shards they think that they are only in new marais. well what if they end up all over the world(this one makes the most sence to me).
and the third, well the RFI maybe could of just put you in a deep sleep and shut down ur heart so you had an undetectable heartrate and the lightening brought you back to life, all with the same possibilities of the last theory.

And finally the evil ending.so far i only have one theory.
all with the same possibilities of thetop two^. only they never said zeke died. now this sounds stupid but zeke is now a conduit. the blast of john white giving cole his powers and zeke could think of this as payback to cole for trying to get his own powers in inFAMOUS 2. with the blast john didwhen transferring his powers to cole could of stopped the plague. they never said in the ending the plague kept spreading,and maybe they move northwest to like washington or california. now there could be a lot of threats. first people could of started making conduits for found conduits. and the conduits start gaining powers and friendsor your "enemies". just like bertrand. oh and if you dont agree with this and said no Zeke is dead... well there is the fact that you dont need zeke so yeah.
sincerly, xXZaChXxDyNoMiTeXx
p.s if you know anyone from suckerpunch please tell them about it i know it sounds dumb and just all out stupid at some points but im really desperate about a third inFAMOUS.


Oct 18, 2011
roosterjcogburn said:

Even though Cole dies in the good Karma ending, I think they could find a way to bring him back. There was the big flash of lightning that hit the boat, after all. It's possible he found a way to thwart death yet again.

There is not any proof he dies. If you finish with good karma, lightning strikes the boat that Zeke takes Cole's supposibly dead body away on. That could have theroitically brought him back.


Oct 18, 2011
LicensedLegend said:
I only say yes because I want to know where they go with the story from here. I don't think there was meant to be an Infamous 2. Then again maybe there was. It just feels like Infamous 2 was a struggle story wise. Game wise it is almost a perfect game. It just seems like the story was tough for them to figure out where they wanted to go with it.
If they did not mean to make InFAMOUS 2, then why not finish InFAMOUS 1 by fighting the Beast? The fact that the last fight was Kessler and not the Beast shows that they at least were thinking of making Infamous 2 when making the first one.
Feb 22, 2012
If they do make inFAMOUS 3 the easiest way would be to add the last mission in inFAMOUS 2 into the next game as the first mission. This way allows you to decide which way to start out and then maybe he hasnt killed the actual beast yet and has to kill the real one.
May 24, 2008
No, just no. You guys are pleading for a milking franchise (or however you call it). When companies start milking the hell out of franchises, it's all your guys' fault.
May 24, 2008
No, just no. You guys are pleading for a milking franchise (or however you call it). When companies start milking the hell out of franchises, it's all your guys' fault.
I kinda agree with you. I want this to be a trilogy nothing more.

I have no problem with them making spin-off Infamous games like Festival of Blood, y'know, like silly or just completely random stories in the Infamous universe, but to continue the story, I'm hoping for a NO


Jun 17, 2015

Although Cole's death suggests that there is not going to be an Infamous 3, I think there could be a creature similar to the beast (resembling evil) whom represents good and that creature could resurrect Cole.

p.s. Good and evil are balanced so there must be an alternate version of the beast.
there can be a infamous origins sequel just like batman origins


Jun 17, 2015
Yes for one reason and one reason only, powers. I mean who really bought iF2 for the story? No one, people cared most about the powers and all the crazy s**t you could do. I thought it was a great idea adding in more elements to Cole's arsenal, now they should just expand on that idea and bring in more powers besides fire, ice, and lightning and give Cole some more weather controlling powers. And if they do make a third one, Cole should have ALL of his powers from iF2, fire AND ice to go with his lightning like Cole when you finish both sides of the story in iF2.
but then we will be so powerfull no one could defeat us