Nov 24, 2009
I only say yes because I want to know where they go with the story from here. I don't think there was meant to be an Infamous 2. Then again maybe there was. It just feels like Infamous 2 was a struggle story wise. Game wise it is almost a perfect game. It just seems like the story was tough for them to figure out where they wanted to go with it.
Nov 21, 2010
I could have made a better story for inFAMOUS 2. But still I can think of many places to go with the storyline as long as it uses the good ending since it would be reasonable. The evil ending will make Cole evil no matter what but with the good ending Cole could still become evil. Mabye I should contact Sucker Punch... haha

I want a third even if the story is bad because I still love the gameplay its incredible.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA

Even though Cole dies in the good Karma ending, I think they could find a way to bring him back. There was the big flash of lightning that hit the boat, after all. It's possible he found a way to thwart death yet again.


Aug 4, 2010
There better be! Sucker Punch did not do a good job with the story in i2, if they do a third game I hope they really pull back the curtain as to why certain events played out the way they did in the series. There's just too many loose threads in the series that they really need to answer in a third game.


Prime Member
Dec 19, 2008
Yes, solely because [hl=black]I don't want to believe that Cole is truly dead. The lightning bolt at the end formed a '?', so...[/hl]

I'm convinced. DON'T LET ME DOWN MacGRATH.

P.S. [hl=black]Did anybody else come close to tears at the end of the good ending? Yeah, I admit it...especially when that credits song came on. Sobbing.[/hl]
Oct 26, 2010

I didnt like how everyone dies in every ending lol, bad Nix still dies, even worse than the good one, and Zeke too, and in good Cole dies and Kuo who i wanted to go with Cole, and Nix still dies, there was no good end, so i dont know if a third infamous would be good let alone work, unless they get a new person altogether? but they killed all the conduits in one version so idk


Oct 18, 2007
I'd like to see an InFamous 3, just because I don't think Cole is dead. Remember, a thunderbolt struck his coffin at the end. It may be a sign for the future of the series. At least, that is my theory.
Jun 9, 2011
Oooh. Yes I almost did. The speech Zeke gave, then the sailing away, then the song. My eyes started to get REALLY teary.
Jun 9, 2011
Oooh. Yes I almost did. The speech Zeke gave, then the sailing away, then the song. My eyes started to get REALLY teary. It sucked.

And I agree. I think that was a sign of the future. Why else would they do it?

PS: Sorry for the double post. IGN glitch. >.>


Feb 17, 2010

I've got a good idea for an Infamous 3. The major problem with a 3rd installment story wise is that the endings are so different, in one Cole dies and the world presumably begins to recover from the disasters that have happened since the story began, in the other everyone who is not a conduit is presumably destroyed by Cole's conduit army.

So, how about a game where these two different realities colide? Imagine that both good and evil endings of both games are canon but that they simply take place in different universes. Something happens (don't ask me what cause I'm not sure) to bring these two universes together, or to transfer one character from one universe to the other. Good Cole is somehow brought back to life in order to fight his evil alternate. This way you can still play the game through twice as either good or evil Cole, it allows characters such as Zeke or Kuo to return, it retains the basic premise of the first two games (i.e being able to play as a hero or a villain) AND it would give Cole a true nemesis for the final boss: someone he shares all of his abilities, but slightly tweaked according to either good or evil alignment. I'm not saying it's perfect, but not a bad starting point for an idea is it?



Oct 18, 2007
^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS. I've always been facinated by alternate universes. I would love to see the two Cole's going at it. This would be an epic game, if it were to happen. What could happen is when Good Cole used the RFI, it was so powerful, it created a rift between the two universes, and caused them to merge. And the thunder bolt that strikes Good Cole's cascket could be a seen as a sign of this. And in doing so, Good Cole was re-animated, leading to an inevitable, epic confrontation between Good and Evil.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 23, 2005
Brandonmac10 said:
I could have made a better story for inFAMOUS 2. But still I can think of many places to go with the storyline as long as it uses the good ending since it would be reasonable. The evil ending will make Cole evil no matter what but with the good ending Cole could still become evil. Mabye I should contact Sucker Punch... haha

I want a third even if the story is bad because I still love the gameplay its incredible.

what was your story idea?


No Longer a Noob
Sep 23, 2005
kieranb369 said:

I've got a good idea for an Infamous 3. The major problem with a 3rd installment story wise is that the endings are so different, in one Cole dies and the world presumably begins to recover from the disasters that have happened since the story began, in the other everyone who is not a conduit is presumably destroyed by Cole's conduit army.

So, how about a game where these two different realities colide? Imagine that both good and evil endings of both games are canon but that they simply take place in different universes. Something happens (don't ask me what cause I'm not sure) to bring these two universes together, or to transfer one character from one universe to the other. Good Cole is somehow brought back to life in order to fight his evil alternate. This way you can still play the game through twice as either good or evil Cole, it allows characters such as Zeke or Kuo to return, it retains the basic premise of the first two games (i.e being able to play as a hero or a villain) AND it would give Cole a true nemesis for the final boss: someone he shares all of his abilities, but slightly tweaked according to either good or evil alignment. I'm not saying it's perfect, but not a bad starting point for an idea is it?

Kessler's little trip could have messed with the space time continum [face_tongue]
May 9, 2011
totally believe their shoudl be a 3 installment. cause hands down. these games are fun i enjoy the powers that cole has and being able to grind from rooftop to rooftop. and also love the ability to do good and evil. to many games you like running around in and you get a mission failure for shooting inocent people. i mean wtf. i like being evil every once in a while


Almost Not a Noob
May 8, 2011
Of course there should. If there is, i would definately like to see Good and Evil Cole clash in an epic boss-battle.

Though, i'd say good luck at creating new powers. Seems like most of them has been used, although a TRUE flight power would be awesome.

Fact is, games like inFAMOUS are just too good to end so soon.


Jun 12, 2009
Guys maybe we are over thinking it, we can just accept that Cole's adventures are over. Sucker Punch may begin to work on a new inFamous game starring Kessler. Learning his powers and such: teleporting, replicates, lightning/electricity, telepathy and time control.This would be way better than seeing 2 coles fight each other or looking for other Conduits. Kessler's story wasn't very clear so Sucker Punch could get alot of story mileage on him as their new cash cow. I wonder how time powers would work. [face_tongue]


Apr 24, 2009
maybe they could make an infamous prequel, where u play as kessler? and the game would end when u fight cole at the ending of infamous 1, if they did that right it could be a good game
Jun 30, 2008
People keep saying Kessler, but how how much is there to work with in that period of time?

Kessler deserves a DLC mission pack for infamous 2, if that.


All-time 808 drum machine melee champion
Aug 18, 2005
Just FYI It's 'Should There Be AN InFamous 3' [face_tongue]

(no 'a' before a vowel, unless your a newscaster on Fox or dropped out of third grade)

Good thread tho, YES InF3 por favor, do want!
May 9, 2011
defintly needs to be a 3rd. i mean thiese games are so much fun. seriously havnt been able to put the controller down.


Oct 18, 2007
^^^Same here. It's the only game I've played since it came out. It's truly an epic game that deserves a game of the year nomination, or the award itself.
Jun 30, 2008
whoah whoah whoah take it easy there. its a great game, but theres a reason it comes out in summer. its usually a warm-up for all the great games later in the year...

by then, im pretty sure all major gaming publications will have forgotten about lil ol' infamous 2. i dont really blame them, though, there are a lot of great games coming out at the end of the year.
Dec 21, 2010

Although Cole's death suggests that there is not going to be an Infamous 3, I think there could be a creature similar to the beast (resembling evil) whom represents good and that creature could resurrect Cole.

p.s. Good and evil are balanced so there must be an alternate version of the beast.
Dec 4, 2010
Why the hell not? Go all the way to Metal-Gear-Infamous-4 for all that matter. But... I say this with the utmost grievance: Sucker Punch either gives me unlimited power but with a much higher difficulty in the next go around - OR - they go screw themselves. Let me try, try again because of a dynamically hard situation, not because I've ran out of mutant power man milk. Stupid isht!! Here it is 2011 and developers are still imposing superficial limits like this into OUR gameplay. WHO-DO-YOU-WORK-FA? - me, the gamer, or the United States Gamers Board of Annoyed Difficulty? Give me an assault rifle, throwing knife and grenades, or something gdmmit. If I paid 65 bucks for a game then I shouldn't have to be bothered with limited power usage. Stupid isht!! ...And take those gdmn locks off of my abilities, have you lost your fkn mind? STOP IMPOSING THE REPLAY VALUE MODEL TO JUSTIFY THE $65 PRICE-TAG.


Jan 7, 2010
I voted no because I felt the second game had a great ending (Mostly great, some bits I found odd, but overall great) for both karmas and a third game would be cool to play but it'd feel almost like they're milking it.

Also with the UGC it's kinda like the game will live on there


Prime Member
Mar 9, 2001
i'm not sure how they'd make a 3rd game with how the game ended (both good and bad) but i'd love to see another game.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 31, 2002

Definitely want a sequel.
I'm used to Super Heroes dying and coming back all the time (I'm looking at you Cap), and we already know powers CAN be transferred in the Infamous universe so you could have someone like Cole again.


Almost Not a Noob
May 8, 2011
If there is, i sure hope Sucker Punch will learn. I mean, seriously, i have NEVER been so bored as to when i finished InFAMOUS 2. SUCH a great game, but when side missions and collectibles are gone, you can't do nothing but fool around in a decently closed city.

First off, in the new game, i would like to have an even MORE varied city. I want heights! Seriously, i loved the idea of the 'Tether, but New Marais just wasn't BIG enough to reach it's full potential. I would definately love to swing from skyscraper to scyscraper.

Second, i want the good stuff fast. I was quite displeased to get the Tether and Ionic Storm so close to the end.

Third, i want the above things to be done!
Apr 5, 2010
Yes for one reason and one reason only, powers. I mean who really bought iF2 for the story? No one, people cared most about the powers and all the crazy s**t you could do. I thought it was a great idea adding in more elements to Cole's arsenal, now they should just expand on that idea and bring in more powers besides fire, ice, and lightning and give Cole some more weather controlling powers. And if they do make a third one, Cole should have ALL of his powers from iF2, fire AND ice to go with his lightning like Cole when you finish both sides of the story in iF2.


Jun 28, 2011
Fellow Gamers I believe it depends on the ending. As you all know *SPOILER* Cole dies if you choose the good ending so it would depend on the ending. IF there is an inFamous3 it would either have to have a new protagonist or you would have to be evil. OR it could be from a different time period as the first two.
Feb 12, 2008
Yes. Sadly, however, I would prefer if it wasn’t released until the next generation. I say this for three reasons…


To begin with, on the good side, the possible resurrection of Cole is something to be pushed forward only after a considerable hiatus. Players and fans alike should be starving for more Infamous and yet not so familiar with the taste. This would make his return all the sweeter and not so immediately or obviously expected.

Secondly, on the bad side, the widely branching storyline means two wildly different realities for each karmic outcome. Too many games right themselves into a corner with little choice but to make your decisions simply not matter when all is said and done. Infamous 2 did not do this which could mean a very bipolar sequel needing not only lots of consideration but maybe even more facilitating hardware.

Finally, because we’re expecting big things from Sucker Punch, taking their time would not only allow them to refine their methods but they could also build their engine to run on the next gen platform. If Sony could release the PS4 with an exclusive name like Infamous 3… they could do rather well for themselves.


Sep 26, 2001
mac7d said:
i'm not sure how they'd make a 3rd game with how the game ended (both good and bad) but i'd love to see another game.

Jul 2, 2011
Well this is my version of how Infamous 3 will go.


Cole dies at the end of the good ending in Infamous 2. But if you play as Evil Cole, Nix asks Cole whether he has any family. Cole replied saying that he has a younger brother. Somewhere else. This younger brother should also have the conduit gene. Therefore being able to absorb the ray sphere's powers.

To continue the good ending to Infamous 3, Cole's younger brother will be given powers either by accident or some secret person's plan and take over Cole's role. Zeke will be the one giving him the information that he needs and how to control his powers as he has already dealt with Cole and pretty much knows how it's gonna go.

To continue the evil ending, Cole's younger brother will also have his powers given by the secret person but instead of Zeke giving him the information, the secret person will be the one teaching him how to use his powers because Zeke died at the end of the evil ending in Infamous 2. The secret person's plan is to power up Cole's younger brother so that he will be the one who will stop the new Beast/Cole and his companion of superpowered subordinates. As the story goes on, Cole's younger brother slowly realizes that the Beast is his brother and there will be some really interesting choices that he will be needing to make for this new game.

So...what do you guys think? I hope my imaginations not that far fetched but i think it'll work out pretty good.

Ray aka teejaholer



You're Goddamn Right
Nov 3, 2007
Oh man, Zeke's speech, then the credits song [face_cry]

I just finished the game as a Hero. I have no ideas for a story right now but unless there's a good story of how they bring back Cole, I don't think there should be a 3rd installment. That lightning bolt at the end is a ? though, so there some light there.

And yes, I think there should be an inFamous 3.


Weekend Gamer
Mar 22, 2008
Yes, there should be an Infamous 3.


I'm gonna miss Zeke. Yeah, I know he's not popular with the general Infamous populace here, but face facts... he saved Cole's a$$ a time or two in BOTH games. I'm gonna miss that fat, dopey bastard. [face_tongue]


All-time 808 drum machine melee champion
Aug 18, 2005
Do you mean should there be aN InFamous 3?

The answer is an resoundings yes's. A absoulute positivities. iNfamoose Too
was an triumph.
Jul 9, 2011
I hate to say it, but i think InFamous is done. They have basically wrapped up everything, and there is no more loose ends to be tied. It is sad but i do not think there will be an InFamous 3. :(


No Longer a Noob
Nov 8, 2010
I would like, no, I would LOVE an Infamous 3, but I really don't see how Sucker Punch could pull it off unless it made 1 ending the canon one.
Sep 3, 2010
I don't think there should be an inFamous 3 that has to do with Cole. The good ending seemed like a real sendoff to Cole. Having him cheat death would just seem a little...I don't know...
Feb 12, 2008
It would cheapen the sacrifice.

Although… Cole getting to live after all those other people had to die… it would play to the title of the series.

Cole will hardly go down in infamy this way…