
Almost Not a Noob
Jul 21, 2007
IGN just keeps getting worse. We should just make our own board, at this rate. We could even keep little abortions like rybond or darkcape off if we did that.
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The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006
Why the hell is there is a "LVL1" infront of my name?

Also I had a post in the front page of the original CT which was proof of my "OG" status. Too bad that thread is dead now.

So yeah that sexual harassment on Cross Assault... what a doozy.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2006
At first I thought this is horrible. Which in all honesty it is. But all is not bad, at least you can switch back to the old skin of the boards... kinda. It's not the same but it's close.

I kinda like having bigger icons and whatnot, but the abysmal "like" button bugs the hell out of me.

All in all, I expected far worse, at least the individual boards are intact and can be accessed via direct links and there's the oldschool skin available with the new features. Boards are slow and unresponsive but I'm sure they'll fix it in due time.

The board Armageddon was postponed yet again.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002

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Supreme Ruler of the Mosesian Empire
Nov 25, 2002
If I understand correctly, the old CT will come back after a while. It just takes longer to transfer the bigger threads.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2005
Wilmslow, UK
Looks like I level up the more I treat IGN like facebook. Hey SNG, how do I change my post signature and little message that says "noob", eh?

EDIT: Never mind, got it. Should probably put that in the QandA.
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Dec 6, 2005
I swear this is the same system they used for commenting on IGN articles. Because it lists me as level 2, and when this first showed up, all I could see in my post history was those comments.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2005
Wilmslow, UK
Just watched a play through of the first 15 minutes of I Am Alive. Looks like a slow, clunky, super pretentious version of Uncharted. With Mass Effect 3 out on Friday (EU Release) I only have eyes for Shepherd.

I got the digital deluxe version with all the trimmings. I wanted every last drop of the stuff. Pre-installed and ready to go.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2006
Am I the only one in the whole universe who doesn't give a single **** about Mass Effect?


The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006
Final Round was epic as hell. Japan takes another major title away from America in Marvel. Winning team was Viewtiful Joe/Frank West/Rocket Raccoon. Yes and it was godlike. America free to the Log trap.


Sep 19, 2005
Final Round was epic as hell. Japan takes another major title away from America in Marvel. Winning team was Viewtiful Joe/Frank West/Rocket Raccoon. Yes and it was godlike. America free to the Log trap.
It was great to see a team like that clean up. Kusoru's obliteration of FChamp's Phoenix was also a joy to watch. FChamp didn't even know what happened to him.

EDIT: Where the hell is my icon?!
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Just That One Guy
Nov 22, 2003
Am I the only one in the whole universe who doesn't give a single **** about Mass Effect?
I don't care about it either, but its more for the fact that I have too many games to finish and I haven't gotten around to playing the series yet.
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No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2006
I did start ME1. After 5 hours I came to the conclusion that it's one of the most oppressively boring games ever. It's not that I don't like story oriented RPG games with a crapton of dialogue, on the contrary. I enjoyed Dragon Age very much and I love the lore and characters in it.

It's just that the characters, lore and world in MA are so stale, stock and boring. I just can't get invested in any of it. There's no sense of immersion in for me, especially since you can boil down the dialogue choices to asshole, neutral and nice guy. There was so much more variety in character development be it yourself or NPCs in Dragon Age. They felt like real characters even if sometimes a tad bit stereotypical.

I wasn't a big fan of the gameplay either. The combat was clunky, boring and unimpressive at best.

I didn't even bother to try ME2, that's how unimpressive the first game was to me.

So yeah, that's my story with Mass Effect.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 2, 2005
That's one of the problems with the Dialogue Wheel. It severely limits the options given.

Personally I like the Mass Effect series. I like the characters and the setting, even if overall it is quite formulaic. I'm not fond of the Renegade/Paragon system since it really does boil down to Space Douche/Reasonable for the most part.

But of course, if you want to hear someone getting upset about Mass Effect 3... Well, you can hear that just about anywhere nowadays.


Dec 6, 2005
Hey, Mykee have you played KOTOR?

I myself haven't played Mass Effect, but everyone tells me its great. I liked KOTOR which was a Bioware game, and so did many of these friends that are recommending ME to me.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2006
I never got the chance to play KOTOR, but I heard it's quite good and generally well received. I grew out my Star Wars phase a couple of years ago and the new trilogy didn't help the case. You can say I'm a SW purist, I only truly enjoy the original, unaltered old trilogy and nothing else.

But hey, thanks to Bart, I gave Mass Effect another chance and I'm like 6 hours in it right now. I still don't love it per se, but I enjoy it more than I did on my first try. The paragon-renegade system is pretty stale and limits your character, but there are some side characters and lore part that are fairly interesting. I'm still not a big fan of the gunplay or the leveling system, but I make due with it.

It's the small things I enjoy so far in ME1 like some of the backstory on certain species or side characters, the culture and so on. My enjoyment has little to do with the actual gameplay.

I still say that Dragon Age is a far superior game because of reasons already said, but Mass Effect is good on its own merits. Not great, but good.



Dec 6, 2005
Honestly, KOTOR is a million times better than the new trilogy. It has a lot of the feel of the original movies, just set 4000 years before them. . KOTOR 2 is nowhere near as good. Sure it improved some mechanics, but the overall story left a lot to be desired. KOTOR(1) was just plain amazing. And that's not just nostalgia talking. It won Game of the Year if I recall correctly. It is worth playing even now. Plus its not that expensive. It shouldn't be TOO hard to find.

I still need to play ME. My budget is tighter than a mudcrab's buttocks right it'll have to wait.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 2, 2005
The Elevators are done away with in later games with just straight loading screens. I don't like the Paragon/Renegade system as it really does limit what your character can do and yes, the side-characters are pretty cool. I particularly like Mordin in the sequel. Unfortunately the Human squadmates tend to be fairly bland in of themselves and the ones in 2 are pretty insufferable, particularly Miranda Lawson (AKA that lady from Chuck).


Supreme Ruler of the Mosesian Empire
Nov 25, 2002
Dex, you think I Am Alive is pretentious, yet you are looking forward to ME? Isn't that ironic?

Anyway, there is some new DmC news out. Anyone who has a neoGAF account, please PM me or contact me on MSN soon.

Also, there is a new thread at the DL forum in the DmC section. I think supporters and opponents of DmC alike are going to get a lot of enjoyment out of it. I know I will.
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Dec 6, 2005
I think I saw that thread, if its the one you mean. Unfortunately I got banned from DL ages ago so I can't reply.

I love the quote from him about wanting to rest his head between a pair of.... ;)



Who the hell do you think I am!?
Mar 26, 2007
Guys, guys, guys.

The ME3 endings...

The sh**storm that ensued...

Bioware locking down their whole forum because they can't take the backlash....

Guys, this is just like X-Mas. Every day keeps on delivering MOAR LULZ.
Oct 6, 2009
Guys, guys, guys.

The ME3 endings...

The sh**storm that ensued...

Bioware locking down their whole forum because they can't take the backlash....

Guys, this is just like X-Mas. Every day keeps on delivering MOAR LULZ.

If only Capcom would do that in their forums.


The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006
Anyway, there is some new DmC news out. Anyone who has a neoGAF account, please PM me or contact me on MSN soon.

Also, there is a new thread at the DL forum in the DmC section. I think supporters and opponents of DmC alike are going to get a lot of enjoyment out of it. I know I will.
What news? Link to this information?


Supreme Ruler of the Mosesian Empire
Nov 25, 2002
It was just the Tameem Interview, Aptom. I was trying to find a way to disseminate it without violating ToSs, and NeoGAF doesn't seem to care about scans. I don't know if they have it yet, but it is at DL, CU, GameFAQs, and

It didn't have the reaction I was expected (except on GameFAQs), but it was worth it nevertheless.


The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006
GAF has a strict no scan policy now. Just recently served a month ban over it. Didn't even know about it until it was too late.

Not really that much new information in the magazine anyway.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2005
Wilmslow, UK
Dex, you think I Am Alive is pretentious, yet you are looking forward to ME? Isn't that ironic?

It's funny, despite the increasingly passionate and pedantic fanbase and grand scale, I'd have very comfortably stated I didn't see Mass Effect as a very pretentious series. On the contrary I find it's experiments with narrative branching and "karma" system to be pretty grounded and unassuming; certainty the solid third person shooting with the RPG layer aren't looking to earn the series any lofty arthouse points. However, following the clusterbang that came with the "ending", my research leads me to subscribe heavily to the "Indoctrination Theory" camp.

And, if that theory is correct (as I believe it to be) then it's possibly the most lofty pretentious metaphysical arthouse move I have ever seen in a game. It would be fascinating if Bioware admit it was deliberate or intended.


The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006
What's the "indoctrination theory"? If it involves a ME3 spoiler then please leave it out.

ME2 is more game play/action oriented than ME1. More streamlined, superior combat/mechanics/controls, no elevators. Story/exploration suffers but if you are looking for a fun RPG game with decent shooting mechanics (and a little bit of extra special abilities) and decent story/side quests then you can't go wrong with the game. A lot of dialogue in the game but it's not as necessary as the game leads on. I should be playing ME3 within the next week or so, I should still have my saved file from the last game (PC version superior master race etc).

Oh and I Am Alive and ME2 are completely different games. I Am Alive looks hella boring for one.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 2, 2005
Oh yeah, the Indoctrination Theory. Think I've heard of that.

I also heard that the head honchos up in Bioware are planning some sort of DLC for the ending. Some kinda explanation or something. I highly doubt it'd help much. I mean, this isn't just the Fallout 3 ending, where the main problem was that the player couldn't take an obvious solution to deal with a supposed life-or-death decision. The ending is a problem because it comes right out of nowhere, goes against most of the themes of the series, is pretty much a "Choose Your Ending" with very little variation between cutscenes and seemingly negates the actions taken by players throughout the series despite the build-up to the final battle with the Reapers and the game's emphasis on gathering allies/War Assets/playing the hell outta multiplayer. That's about as much as I can say without outright spoiling it.


The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006

Did anyone get to play Ninja Gaiden "3.0/10" yet?


Who the hell do you think I am!?
Mar 26, 2007
Dex, you think I Am Alive is pretentious, yet you are looking forward to ME? Isn't that ironic?

It's funny, despite the increasingly passionate and pedantic fanbase and grand scale, I'd have very comfortably stated I didn't see Mass Effect as a very pretentious series. On the contrary I find it's experiments with narrative branching and "karma" system to be pretty grounded and unassuming; certainty the solid third person shooting with the RPG layer aren't looking to earn the series any lofty arthouse points. However, following the clusterbang that came with the "ending", my research leads me to subscribe heavily to the "Indoctrination Theory" camp.

And, if that theory is correct (as I believe it to be) then it's possibly the most lofty pretentious metaphysical arthouse move I have ever seen in a game. It would be fascinating if Bioware admit it was deliberate or intended.

It's not intended. The ending is designed that way for the sole purpose of "LOTS OF SPECULATION FOR EVERYONE" (Check the ME3 Final Hours threads on GAF/Something Awful/BSN/4chan/wherever to know what I'm talking about). Casey Hudson and Mack "The Hack" Walters wrote this poo poo of an ending without even checking with the rest of the writing staff at Lolware for feedback. What's funny, there was supposed to be a "Learn more" dialogue wheel option with the Deus Ex Machina that would maybe make those "endings" less mentally challenged, but they cut that out because "fans don't need to know about everything in Mass Effect." Instead we got to choose the color of explosions in the ending cinematic. Quality Bioware writing right there.

There's supposed to be news regarding the "endings" in April which. Bioware claims that they're looking into player feedback and will adjust accordingly which is PR speak for: we'll totally steal the fanmade Indoctrination theory and put it into the game because trying to fix the disaster wrought by Casey and Mack the Hack is almost impossible without entirely remaking the last 10 minutes which is too much of a hassle for them. They'll also claim that that was all according to keikaku from the beginning and the Biodrones WILL.EAT.IT.ALL.UP.

What you must understand is that the Indoctination theory is a result of desperate grasping for straws. The ending is so nonsensical, so lovingly mentally challenged, that the Biodrones arrived at the only theory that kinda sorta fits that motherlovin' "ending".


Who the hell do you think I am!?
Mar 26, 2007

Did anyone get to play Ninja Gaiden "3.0/10" yet?

I think this will tell you all you need to know about it: ezekial45 is defending NG3 on GAF.

EDIT: I'd like to use this edit to point out how much I hate this loving new layout of IGN. SO LOVING MUCH.
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No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2005
Wilmslow, UK
Yeah I read some stuff about Mack Walters, from the interviews I can tell he clearly believed the ending he was writing was the real deal. I saw his ragged note sheet, with "FIRST MATRIX MOVIE ENDING?" and "AMBIGUOUS, BRAVE NEW WORLD?" scrawled on it. Cringe. Granted it may be largely due to retrospective deduction, but I think the weight of evidence for the theory is stunning. Oh well, up to Bioware now. Regardless, everything up to the last 20 minutes of the game was sublime, I'm not bitter.

PS- I have tried to hide part of the message that is approaching spoiler territory, but if you did see it due to using the old board style, don't worry it's still not a definitive spoiler.


The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006
I think this will tell you all you need to know about it: ezekial45 is defending NG3 on GAF.
One of my friends (who is a huge NG fan and also a DMC fan plus plays hardcore/stylish action games) said that NG3 has unresponsive controls.

Purchase de-confirmed right there. NG without tight controls is not NG to me. I don't think NG3 can be 3/10 bad (that's approaching Ninja Blade bad) but it's looking hella mediocre.


Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
The controls were 95% responsive for me, but I played on normal. I imagine that on hard, with more stuff going on, it'd be worse.

I'd call it Ninja Gaiden Lite, but that doesn't properly convey how stripped down everything is. All the items and upgrading? Gone. With no items, there's never any reason to explore an area to find more stuff. As you know, you only have one weapon. You change swords as you go through the game, but the second sword you get is identical to the Dragon Sword that you start with and the third sword, Blade of the Archfiend controls mostly the same, it just has different animations. There are way fewer enemies than before, most of them human. There are only 4 fiend type enemies. There is also a doppelganger boss who has more weapons and ninpo than you. If that's not trolling, I don't know what is. Everything that is left has been dumbed down. Ninpo charges as you fight enemies, but disappears, so there is no saving it until you truly need it. And if your doing well enough that you changed your ninpo, you probably don't. The UT works the same way, so instead of being a technique where you have to consider the leftover essence in the field, your position, and what weapon you use, it's basically been turned into an "autokill" button for 3-5 enemies whenever you get it. The steel on bone doesn't really do anything except slow down gameplay. It's basically a less cool, longer version of the OT's in NG2, except they sometimes also have you use X as well as Y. Lastly, I can't really explain what they changed exactly to make it feel like it does, but it's far more mashy. I think it's a combination of having longer reach, having a greater attack window, the game being slower, and more frequent staggering, but now your input simply doesn't matter as much. The only challenge the game presents is the enemy grabs, who can do so off screen and while you are in the middle of a combo, which is really annoying as they also have lengthier animations. Also, concerning the input lag, its' not exactly that it's lagging, but the game is so much slower that when you press things at the speed you would in NGB or 2, it doesn't register. For example, if you press XYX, the game will read XX instead.

There is a lot of other idiot stuff in the game, but in relation to combat, those are the main problems.
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Almost Not a Noob
Apr 2, 2005
Dave pretty much described what is known of the endings.

I'm pretty skeptical of the "Changes" that Bioware are considering. I wasn't really looking for a Super Happy Ending, but at least one that doesn't end with what basically amounts to a galactic version of ROCK FALLS EVERYONE DIES with a bunch of unneeded questions. At least leave it so that the galaxy still has some degree of hope since that's pretty big in the setting. It is not Warhammer 40K despite how much The Illusive Man might want to be God-Emperor of Mankind.


Supreme Ruler of the Mosesian Empire
Nov 25, 2002
Dex, I was referring mainly to the story, not the gameplay. I Am Alive is supposed to be about survival, and you making your own choices about how you will go about it, so I see it as less pretentious, n that you are not forced with some message from on high. I'm not saying ME does that, but it is comparatively less free as a result of necessity. You have to fight for organic beings because their survival is good...because.

Speaking of ME3, you should check out Negentropy, and the negative entropy section of this article. It seems reasonable to assume that the more advanced a civilization becomes, the more efficient it becomes at importing negentropy and dispersing entropy into its surroundings. In that link, I think it implies that entropy might have something to do with the origin of life, so it could be that the increase of entropy cause by advanced civilizations prevents more primitive life from being able to emerge. Dark matter and dark energy can be worked in, because they are basically antagonistic, with dark matter, which holds the universe together, steadily decreasing, with dark energy, which pushes it apart, remaining constant. I think it could definitely work with a little artistic license.