Don't F*** with the Original!
Nov 1, 2002
No worries the lights won't stay off forever. There's a fuse box, and even rooms with light switches that can be turned on. I have a feeling there will be a moment when all power is restored.

That's not so bad,I don't wanna have to use a damn flashlight the whole game. I hate cheap shots/kills due to darkness.
Also, I hope that's not the case in every section, darkness until power is restored, That'll be annoying.Early in the game,that's fine.
So much changed though,it seems like a different game in the same area. I'll still be playing it(eventually),just keeping the expectations realistic instead of [face_shock] OMG great graphics=great game! Least there hasn't been any mention of stupid crimsons,so that's a plus.
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No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2005
No worries the lights won't stay off forever. There's a fuse box, and even rooms with light switches that can be turned on. I have a feeling there will be a moment when all power is restored.

That's not so bad,I don't wanna have to use a damn flashlight the whole game. I hate cheap shots/kills due to darkness.
Also, I hope that's not the case in every section, darkness until power is restored, That'll be annoying.Early in the game,that's fine.
So much changed though,it seems like a different game in the same area. I'll still be playing it(eventually),just keeping the expectations realistic instead of [face_shock] OMG great graphics=great game! Least there hasn't been any mention of stupid crimsons,so that's a plus.
Yeah I get that, I'm not a fan of the whole " Make areas dark so it's scary" technique either. Having said that I think they do it well from what we've seen in the demo. Luckily the demo shows of plenty of well lit areas too. The library for instance is just as bright and beautiful as the original game. Regardless I don't blame you for keeping expectations in check.

Also I know graphics don't matter but ...still.... GODDAMN

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A guy.
May 23, 2003
[URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/castledan.1386009/']@Castledan[/URL] yeah if the entire game is dark that would be overkill. I do like the realism of the flashlight and knowing that some areas will just be super dark so it’s a necessity. Much like the torches in Bloodborne and Souls — use darkness for certain areas but not everything.

And yeah the graphics and animations are ridiculous. Overall everything is looking feeling great. Had RE7 not been what it was and this was coming on the heels of RE6 I’d probably be singing a different tune. [face_whistling]

Also Mr. X [snowman]!!!


No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2005
And looks like the OTS aiming is going to be great for limbs and heads alike!
I heard the enemies are modeled to have skin/muscles/organs/skeleton so yeah that's why you're getting the detail you see when shooting them.


Here's the library which thankfully shows not all areas will get the dark treatment
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mr. manager
Aug 24, 2001
Nov 21, 2017
It's not the remake I wanted. I'm seriously tired of over-the-shoulder camera views. The re-imagining as it's more like, will be a major dissapointment, and it makes me sad that people actually like the route Capcom took. I was hoping it'd be like this but with Darkside Chronicles assets and new rooms.

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No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2005
It's not the remake I wanted. I'm seriously tired of over-the-shoulder camera views. The re-imagining as it's more like, will be a major dissapointment, and it makes me sad that people actually like the route Capcom took. I was hoping it'd be like this but with Darkside Chronicles assets and new rooms.

Darkside Chronicles assets would be a MAJOR step down visually.



As far as OTS goes it's just where the modern market is at. It's clear they invested a LOT of money into this game so they want the biggest return possible. It makes sense. They think RE2 is a very important title so they wanted to treat it as such by giving it a mainline treatment.

I'm still hoping for fixed to be an unlockable they're being secretive about but it's still looking like a well done game.


No Longer a Noob
May 27, 2008
I have a few gripes about it, but overall it looks pretty faithful to me. A lot of rooms and layout remain, but are slightly changed up, which is something that I've always wanted out of the remake. I didn't want a 1:1 remake, and this seems to be going pretty far from what RE2 was, while also retaining some of that RE2 identity with certain rooms and elements (suit keys return!). I just hope that we get some expansion on Chief Irons. With the change in scenario and updated graphics, they can make him truly creepy.

I'm glad we haven't seen anything of Birkin yet. I think I'm going blackout on this until release.

As for gripes:
- I don't like the button prompts for items. Just let me see that the item stands out enough that I know I can pick it up, and give me a couple bonuses of hidden items.
- I don't like the objectives. That ruins gameplay for me, and I hope I can turn it off completely. I want to rely on my own wits to remember what I need to do and where I need to go. If you hold my hand, especially in a game like the classic Resident Evils, then I'm not truly playing the game. I'm just along for the ride.
- very minor gripe, but I saw a hallway blocked off with some stuff tied up with barbed wire. I'd much prefer just a regular chain holding it up. Barbed wire seems like it's going for a "ooh barbed wire is in Silent Hill and The Evil Within so its scary" vibe. I know they don't have a monopoly on barbed wire, but that's just how I'm seeing it. I could see barbed wire outside the RPD being used as a barricade, but inside the police station as something tied up just looks goofy to me.

We still have six months before the game releases, so there's still a decent amount of stuff that can change, specifically in terms of character models and the necessary amount of suspension of disbelief necessary.

Color me cautiously optimistic.
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No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2005
I have a few gripes about it, but overall it looks pretty faithful to me. A lot of rooms and layout remain, but are slightly changed up, which is something that I've always wanted out of the remake. I didn't want a 1:1 remake, and this seems to be going pretty far from what RE2 was, while also retaining some of that RE2 identity with certain rooms and elements (suit keys return!). I just hope that we get some expansion on Chief Irons. With the change in scenario and updated graphics, they can make him truly creepy.

I'm glad we haven't seen anything of Birkin yet. I think I'm going blackout on this until release.

As for gripes:
- I don't like the button prompts for items. Just let me see that the item stands out enough that I know I can pick it up, and give me a couple bonuses of hidden items.
- I don't like the objectives. That ruins gameplay for me, and I hope I can turn it off completely. I want to rely on my own wits to remember what I need to do and where I need to go. If you hold my hand, especially in a game like the classic Resident Evils, then I'm not truly playing the game. I'm just along for the ride.
- very minor gripe, but I saw a hallway blocked off with some stuff tied up with barbed wire. I'd much prefer just a regular chain holding it up. Barbed wire seems like it's going for a "ooh barbed wire is in Silent Hill and The Evil Within so its scary" vibe. I know they don't have a monopoly on barbed wire, but that's just how I'm seeing it. I could see barbed wire outside the RPD being used as a barricade, but inside the police station as something tied up just looks goofy to me.

We still have six months before the game releases, so there's still a decent amount of stuff that can change, specifically in terms of character models and the necessary amount of suspension of disbelief necessary.

Color me cautiously optimistic.

If it's anything like RE7 you can turn off the button prompts for items. So I wouldn't worry about stuff like that, RE7 was pretty customizable.

Also we got to see Birkin's eye.



Nothing will ever top REmake.
I like what I see so far....I think I'm gonna pre-order this one! [face_mischief]

Never did this for any RE game. The only way I'll change my mind is if Capcom ends up changing the game as they did with RE4. (Remember what the original RE4 was like?)

Hope it's as good as I anticipate it to be. [face_praying]

Please Capcom, don't rush this game to market until it plays properly! Hate it when companies release shit that's full of bugs/glitches. [face_angry]


Treads the Jeweled Thrones of Earth Under His Feet
Nov 10, 2000
New York City
It's coming out January 15, so it's safe to say that the game we're seeing is the game we're getting.

And yes, this is probably going to be the first game I've ever pre-ordered in recent memory.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2005
All Capcom had to do was give it the REmake treatment. :(
Had the game been made 16 years ago it probably would have been a direct remake treatment. It's being made in 2018 though......so modernization was bound to happen.

I'm just happy they're trying to retain the feel of the original game. From what we've seen so far it's only RE4 on surface level with it's camera but the gameplay itself doesn't seem to share much of RE4's qualities.
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Don't F*** with the Original!
Nov 1, 2002
All Capcom had to do was give it the REmake treatment. :(

C'mon OSG, you're equating Capcom with common sense. That wasn't gonna happen. They could've done it remake style,added a few new areas(like 1.5's that I've been saying for years) kept AC for Claire and the game would've been phenomenal. But Capcom will never use common sense and give fans everything they want. That would give them a blockbuster, top selling game. They fumbled a lot of stuff they shouldn't have. Graphicwise,we knew it would be top notch. had no doubt the game would look awesome. It's everything else to worry about.

And looks like the OTS aiming is going to be great for limbs and heads alike!
I heard the enemies are modeled to have skin/muscles/organs/skeleton so yeah that's why you're getting the detail you see when shooting them.


Here's the library which thankfully shows not all areas will get the dark treatment

That's good. I mean,early on, ok,I get it,it's night out,power is out,some areas are going to be dark.Just as long as you can turn them on eventually. Too much darkness not only makes a game annoying but it prohibits you from appreciating the monsters. I love the character models,I like to see what I'm shooting at. I wanna see the detail. I used to take the 'long cut' purposely in RE1,just to see the upclose view of the Hunter.I know not everyone is like that. I'm just a big fan of the work people put into games I don't want RE2 to be Doom3. I think Remake was great and showed you can make a great, tense game without doing that total darkness gag.

Ha,as a matter of fact,the only time RE has had total darkness,was the room in RE Survivor.


Sep 11, 2000
REmake 2 now has a page on the Steam Store

The Deluxe Edition contains the main game and the Extra DLC Pack which includes the following items:
-Leon Costume: "Arklay Sheriff"
-Leon Costume: "Noir"
-Claire Costume: "Military"
-Claire Costume: "Noir"
-Claire Costume: "Elza Walker"
-Deluxe Weapon: "Samurai Edge - Albert Model"
-"Original Ver." Soundtrack Swap
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A guy.
May 23, 2003
All Capcom had to do was give it the REmake treatment. :(
Nah. That would have been a bit lazy and very dated. Glad where it's going. Just play RE2 again the way it is if that's what you want. It's already out too. :)

Leon Costume: "Arklay Sheriff"
I feel like Capcom is going to go homoerotic with this for some reason. See RE5 Chris costumes. [face_tongue]
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Aug 20, 2000
All Capcom had to do was give it the REmake treatment. :(
Nah. That would have been a bit lazy and very dated. Glad where it's going. Just play RE2 again the way it is if that's what you want. It's already out too. :)

Leon Costume: "Arklay Sheriff"
I feel like Capcom is going to go homoerotic with this for some reason. See RE5 Chris costumes. [face_tongue]

Its probably gonna look like the deputy who got munched on in the reveal trailer; maybe they will throw in a hat and give him a Rick Grimes vibe.


A guy.
May 23, 2003
Its probably gonna look like the deputy who got munched on in the reveal trailer; maybe they will throw in a hat and give him a Rick Grimes vibe.
Well, you know and I know that you totally want it to be Chris-erotic Chad. Not fooled. [face_talk_hand] [face_skull]

The only way I'll change my mind is if Capcom ends up changing the game as they did with RE4. (Remember what the original RE4 was like?)
No. Nobody here does. It wasn't a huge thing at all. Please...would love to hear about it. Also, you bought RE4 and loved it. The pandering here is real. [face_applause]
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Aug 20, 2000
It's not the remake I wanted. I'm seriously tired of over-the-shoulder camera views.
How can you be tired of over-the-shoulder camera views? It's just a way of seeing the world in video games. That's like being tired of side scrolling or isometric or first or third person.

In his defense, most OtS games play the same. They tend to be rather vapid shooters like RE4-6, Dead Space 1-3, the Gears of War series ect ect. So from that perspective I can understand someone being unenthusiastic. However gameplay-wise from what we've seen it seems much closer to RE2 than the OtS RE games.

Being realistic, RE2 remake having static camera angles was never going to happen because unfortunately too many people out there suck balls at games and are too impatient to learn how to play the game. With a little luck, maybe static camera angles will be an unlockable bonus or included with some free DLC at some point. So far I am on board with the game, and if future footage shows that later parts of the game devolve into a shooter like RE4-6 then I can just cancel my preorder and enjoy the original RE2.


A guy.
May 23, 2003
I think Dead Space and RE4 had a real reason for the OTS. You were never allowed to aim very much in the original RE games so RE4 capitalized on this with being able to shoot limbs, weak points, certain environmental obstacles, key items etc. really changing the way a player would approach stuff in the game. Dead Space went further making it a necessity to hit limbs etc. So there was a purpose for the OTS camera initially. But yeah [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/chris119.25773/']@chris119[/URL] I agree that most games with OTS are just about the aesthetic and trend.

I've said t before -- I don't think a camera makes or breaks a game. It just needs to function well and compliment the gameplay.


mr. manager
Aug 24, 2001
I've said it before -- I don't think a camera makes or breaks a game. It just needs to function well and compliment the gameplay.
Agree with this completely-- there are good and bad games no matter the camera view. I thought Dead Space and RE4 made brilliant use of OTS, as did The Evil Within (and i'm sure there are others i'm just not thinking of right now). I don't really play a ton of video games, i just try to pick and choose whatever it is i think i'll really like, so i don't tend to get tired of any certain style of game. I remember when every game that came out was a FPS and people were complaining about those, but i didn't really see it because i only played a few new games a year and i was fine with the Quake, Turok, Half-life and Metroid Prime games.

As for RE2, i think OTS is going to work brilliantly for this game as well, and i think i might even prefer it to the first person view of RE7. There's just something about being able to see the character you're playing as that helps connect you to the story and the world, especially with a Resident Evil game, where the characters are such an important part of the greater mythology. Even though i liked it, i found RE7 somewhat lacking because of that.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2005
OTS will work well with it as already seen in all the footage. I still fully expect a fixed camera unlockable but we will see if I'm right.


It's glorious.

Also congrats to capcom for having Best of Show with RE2 Remake. First time they've ever gotten a critics award and the last time a third party japanese dev got the award was 20 years ago. Some critics are being quite salty about it but I say it's deserved, the game looks fantastic.

Anyways as a bonus I took this pic with my new 4k monitor from RE2's demo.

Just in case people are staying away from the demo to avoid spoilers I wlil spoiler tag it.

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mr. manager
Aug 24, 2001
OTS will work well with it as already seen in all the footage. I still fully expect a fixed camera unlockable but we will see if I'm right.
Fully agree. It would be crazy for them not to include an OTS mode.

Also congrats to capcom for having Best of Show with RE2 Remake. First time they've ever gotten a critics award and the last time a third party japanese dev got the award was 20 years ago. Some critics are being quite salty about it but I say it's deserved, the game looks fantastic.
Fully agree again. It was my favorite game of the show, and even though we've been expecting this for 2 years now, i was still blown away by by how faithful Capcom is being to the original, while still giving the game a modern sensibility. And the game looks just as gorgeous as any other game at e3.

Anyways as a bonus I took this pic with my new 4k monitor from RE2's demo.

Just in case people are staying away from the demo to avoid spoilers I wlil spoiler tag it.

These 4K images are stunning-- well done. Any chance of getting the two from outside the RPD, and maybe one of the city?
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No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2005
OTS will work well with it as already seen in all the footage. I still fully expect a fixed camera unlockable but we will see if I'm right.
Fully agree. It would be crazy for them not to include an OTS mode.

Also congrats to capcom for having Best of Show with RE2 Remake. First time they've ever gotten a critics award and the last time a third party japanese dev got the award was 20 years ago. Some critics are being quite salty about it but I say it's deserved, the game looks fantastic.
Fully agree again. It was my favorite game of the show, and even though we've been expecting this for 2 years now, i was still blown away by by how faithful Capcom is being to the original, while still giving the game a modern sensibility. And the game looks just as gorgeous as any other game at e3.

Anyways as a bonus I took this pic with my new 4k monitor from RE2's demo.

Just in case people are staying away from the demo to avoid spoilers I wlil spoiler tag it.

These 4K images are stunning-- well done. Any chance of getting the two from outside the RPD, and maybe one of the city?
Ask and you shall receive. If you have any other requests for shots let me know.

This is the best I can do till I get the demo myself to take actual captures from my playthrough and not from youtube. Lol




Bonus library shot ( not a good quality resolution but a cool pic)

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Moderately Disturbed
Aug 7, 2001
As for RE2, i think OTS is going to work brilliantly for this game as well, and i think i might even prefer it to the first person view of RE7. There's just something about being able to see the character you're playing as that helps connect you to the story and the world, especially with a Resident Evil game, where the characters are such an important part of the greater mythology. Even though i liked it, i found RE7 somewhat lacking because of that.
Agreed. Third person will always be superior to first person.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2005
As for RE2, i think OTS is going to work brilliantly for this game as well, and i think i might even prefer it to the first person view of RE7. There's just something about being able to see the character you're playing as that helps connect you to the story and the world, especially with a Resident Evil game, where the characters are such an important part of the greater mythology. Even though i liked it, i found RE7 somewhat lacking because of that.
Agreed. Third person will always be superior to first person.
Third Person definitely connects you better the only time that's not the case is first person VR. That connects you the most, but only VR users had that benefit so it wasn't a wide scale feeling.


Cyber Illuminati Alumni
May 1, 2008
Zombies die with one shot to the head, so there has to be some type of obstacle to make it harder to do that.

RE zombies have bullet proof bones. So goes the rumor mill.

The game is really dark, so that's a plus. The flashlight is actually necessary.

That's actually a negative. I hate when games do that shit. The graphics look great, even if the chars don't really look like they're supposed to.
Despite how it looks,too many negatives to get that excited about Expectations really low.

I always thought the original RE games were too bright to be honest. I welcome more darkness, but when it comes time to fight Birkin I welcome the light.
I just hope that we get some expansion on Chief Irons.

I'm glad someone else thinks so. We got a little more of Chief Irons in The Umbrella Chronicles, but I wasn't satisfied.

I'm letting my guard down completely with REmake 2, but at the same time keeping my expectations low. I'm also shutting myself off till release.

In the meantime I'll be salivating over the new Call of Cthulhu game till release in December. It's been too long...


No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2005
Third person will always be superior to first person.
Well for you and your motion sickness maybe! [face_tongue]
I can't imagine games like Half Life, Bioshock, The Witness, Amnesia, etc. in 3rd person though. I do prefer third person, I just think some games are meant to be first person. And RE2 is not one of them. :D

What if......

Famitsu's tease " Wait for more detailed information" in between a pic of a fixed camera angle and a first person camera......is hinting at a collection of camera choices to come.



Cyber Illuminati Alumni
May 1, 2008
If it's a toss up between multiple cameras or co-op I suppose I would go with multiple cameras because it would just be cool to alternate on the fly and then post on here to all your friends about how cool it is to alternate between camera angles.

I guess co-op is what RE5/6 is for, anyways.

If we ever do see co-op again it will probably be for Out Break File 3. ;)


No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2005
I personally would much prefer fixed angles and OTS than a co-op mode. I like my survival horrors solo. I'd be down for a modern Outbreak game tho
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Moderately Disturbed
Aug 7, 2001
Well for you and your motion sickness maybe! [face_tongue]
I can't imagine games like Half Life, Bioshock, The Witness, Amnesia, etc. in 3rd person though. I do prefer third person, I just think some games are meant to be first person. And RE2 is not one of them. :D
I didn't really mean that it never made sense for a game to be first person, just that as a general rule, third is better. I think it helps connect to the world more when you can see the character you're controlling, and I definitely think it makes the creators more likely to work in an actual character. That doesn't mean every single game needs a well written character as the protagonist. I mean, isn't The Witness a puzzle game? And Amnesia's a short horror game basically built around running away or hiding from enemies (which I wish there were less of, but whatever).

For instance, though, I don't have an issue with so-called walking simulators being first person. They're a lot more slowly paced and tend to be short so the motion sickness isn't really a problem. [face_tongue]

We need more third person horror games, though.
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No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2005
What connects you with the world more is first person VR. Nothing like peering my head around the corner of a hallway in the baker house and seeing jack baker come after me.