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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time Review[/link]
by Ryan Clements

My exposure to the Ratchet & Clank series isn't quite as far reaching as some of the hardcore Ratchet fans out there. I dabbled with the PS2 games and played Size Matters quite a bit, but my first real obsession came in the form of Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. After my first playthrough, I entered a period where no game seemed to appeal to me after finally experiencing Ratchet & Clank's fantastic mix of platforming, gunplay and puzzle-solving. So you can imagine that playing Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time was a real treat, as it is superior to its predecessor in almost every way. Once again, the folks at Insomniac have created a fantastic game that combines a number of different gameplay types with a never-ending stream of unlockables and a lovable personality. How could you go wrong? [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Dec 4, 2006
I never thought I'd be interested in a Ratchet since I don't like platformers. But I picked up the first R&C for PS2 and played it last week... man! it was awesome! It's just that there are so many ratchet games to play now... I'm wondering whether to continue on ps2, or just move onto the Future series on ps3.
Oct 20, 2009
a minus because of "same old formula"? ITS A FREAKIN SEQUEL WHAT THE HELL DID HE EXPECT, A COFFEE MACHINE?


Feb 4, 2008
nice. i can't wait for this to come out. i haven't played a Ratchet game since Up Your Arsenal on the PS2.


Prime Member
Dec 29, 2001
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction was my first exposure to the series and is easily one of my favorite games on the PS3. I can't wait for this one.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 8, 2006
A minus because of the "same old formula"... Hmm didn't Uncharted do that, and score a 9.5 (up from lower score from Uncharted 1?)

Anyways, great series, and I'll be picking this up at launch.


Oct 31, 2004
Well, it's another R&C game to add to the library. My brother's quite the hardcore R&C fan, so I can expect to see this hit home when it's out in Europe.

It's good to see Insomniac delivering awesome game after awesome game. So, Resistance 3 next? 2011? Sounds good to me!


Nov 12, 2008
There are 2 Uncharted games and like 10 Ratchet and Clanks. I have grown tired of the series to be honest. Tools of Destruction was enough for me.

To reply about GTA4 below, GTA4 for me sucked because it was exactly the same as past GTA games with improved graphics. I played about 20% through and got rid of it.

Games need to offer something new in sequels or what's the point, just go play the last one. i think its a fair criticism.



Mar 10, 2008
Weren't the 'awkward' space combat moments highly praised in the 'tools' review (9.4 I believe...)? Maybe I'm simply confused, but if everything in this game came across as superior to the rushed Tools of Destruction, why the lower score? This is the lowest IGN score for a CORE Ratchet game since the original, which is actually a heavy statement to Insomniac...... I can understand that the formula is extremely similar to past games, but so was GTA4 (as a vague analogy). This didn't stop IGN from posting a perfect 10. I guess the media does influence reviews. Way to go IGNSpot!


Prime Member
Jan 15, 2008
we all knew this was going to be great game but it's nice to see it confirmed...Just a couple comments...First, I agree with most of you who think it's ridiculous for Clements to say they're using the "same old formula." It wouldn't satisfy the Ratchet and Clank fans if they used a different formula now would it??? Second, saying the graphics aren't as good as the photo-realistic Uncharted 2 is pretty much a "BONK on the forehead, DUH!" thing. The game is based in a fictional "cartoony" world, it wouldn't fit to make everything look completely realistic, then the game wouldn't have the sci-fi future feel and I'm pretty sure it's hard to make a Lombax look real since they don't exist. Not that he scored it worse because of this, but just the fact that he said it is ridiculous.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 14, 2001
@NikhilNair You will be missing out on some VERY GOOD games if you skip the 2nd and 3rd ones on the PS2. I also got in to Ratchet & Clank recently (last year) and went through the PS2 ones and they are so much fun, especially UP YOUR ARSENAL (The best in the series IMO).


Oct 30, 2006
The reason it go a lower score than the last one while being better is because since then, IGN has bumped up their standards. I believe this occured when metal gear and GTA both got 10's from IGN within a one month period. Then before the 2008 fall lineup ign said "okay, if two games got a 10 in one month, that means this industry has advanced and we need to advance with it, so now we're going to make our scored even harder" since then you may have noticed that the written reviews always sound better than the scores they give, such as this review right here. Well, it seems that every review since then seems .5 lower than what it would have been before this change. In other words, this review would have translated to a 9.5 before they raise their standards.


Mar 10, 2008
agreed giese. I know many people who simply glance at a score and will say "oh.........not as good as the previous title" before reading. If a site is going to post a review so early, it will undoubtedly influence the influx of media scores to follow. It's a shame. For the record, where's my review for the 'Persona' remake? Hmm.......I guess this one didn't get enough media attention either.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
"8.5 Graphics
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time is a very pretty game with a nice art style. It might not be as mind-blowing as its photo-realistic peers like Uncharted 2, but it sure is easy on the eyes. "

In the video he said "super polsihed, visuals are great all around everything from the environments, cutscenes, and animation is amazing"

hmmm, in my opinion it doesnt deserve an 8.5 in the graphics dept. It deserved a 9 at the minimum. of course it isnt gonna look mindblowing like uncharted 2.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 15, 2004
"we all knew this was going to be great game but it's nice to see it confirmed...Just a couple comments...First, I agree with most of you who think it's ridiculous for Clements to say they're using the "same old formula." It wouldn't satisfy the Ratchet and Clank fans if they used a different formula now would it??? Second, saying the graphics aren't as good as the photo-realistic Uncharted 2 is pretty much a "BONK on the forehead, DUH!" thing. The game is based in a fictional "cartoony" world, it wouldn't fit to make everything look completely realistic, then the game wouldn't have the sci-fi future feel and I'm pretty sure it's hard to make a Lombax look real since they don't exist. Not that he scored it worse because of this, but just the fact that he said it is ridiculous. [-] Minimize Comment"

Also, those Sphere Planet Missions should not remind him of Mario Galaxy, as such exploration was introduced in R&C 2 I believe which was way before Mario Galaxy's time.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2002
IGN always over-rates Ratchet ps3 games.

Seeing as this has only got 9.0 this time, i'm expecting 7.5 on other sites like gamespot.

ps3=epic fail.

It only has 2 good games, both uncharted games.
Killzone 2 is rubbish.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 15, 2004
Yet another AAA exclusive game for the PS3. The Xtrifiddy might as well kill itself. No one likes the xbox anymore.


Dec 3, 2006

If GTA4 was so similar to the previous games, why did so many feel it wasn't "gta anymore" or complained it being "too serious" or something like that? The answer of course is that GTA4 WAS quite a bit different compared to the previous GTAs in both style and tone ; IV redefined GTA.

Now, R&C:ACiT, while extremely polished and well produced game on its own, simply doesn't innovate enough or bring new ideas to the table to justify a higher score than it's predecessor, even if it were indeed a better game. Perhaps ACiT deserved a higher score, but, nonetheless, Insomniac should probably start looking for new ways to expand the gameplay formula of the traditional R&C games. Should the series take an even more sandbox(y) approach or what, tough to say.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 30, 2001
I'm sure this game deserves the 9 it was awarded, despite what others may say. Insomniac knows how to craft a great game, and the Ratchet and Clank series - with a couple exceptions - is comprised of great games. Can't wait to play this one.

Also, fanboys are adorable. Look at them, they're so cute when they're angry! Awww....


May 30, 2008
"IGN always over-rates Ratchet ps3 games.

Seeing as this has only got 9.0 this time, i'm expecting 7.5 on other sites like gamespot. "

You mean someone's opinion is different than someone else's? Horrendous!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
9.0 wtf are ign dumb, this deserves a rating as good or better than uncharted 2, especially if it is anything like Tools of Destruction... I am ashamed of ign


May 4, 2009
I know it deserves a 9 (and maybe a bit more but still its a fucking good series, preordered the LE and I live in the UK so I get that insane edition) but an 8.5 for graphics!!!!! I've always thought R&C have always had some of the best graphics around? I guess the art style is a little different but that didn't let inFamous down did it? Should have got a 9.2 and shouldn't have got an 8.5 for graphics (atleast an 9.3).


Mar 10, 2008
As a neutral gamer who appreciates objectivity, it's curious to see how the xbox fanboys show their true intelligence in posts such as hammer's, and then go to complain about Sony fanboys. Grow up. Sony has done fantastic this last year and has more interesting exclusives on the horizon than microsoft has had in years. I suppose God of War, Valkyria Chronicles, Resistance 2, Demon's Souls, and Metal Gear (to mention a few) are rubbish too? unbelievable


Sep 15, 2009
WTF @ 8.5 on graphics??? The visuals are one of the best on any console. So how come borderlands got 9.0 when it looks shit compared to UC2 too right? This should be easily 9.0+ in gfx considering just the 60fps! What are you smoking?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
OMG lol at these fools crying about a 9.0 rating an a 8.5 in graphics. Man this is a goshdang CARTOON game be happy it even broke 9.0. ANd let's be honest no game on the PS3 even deserves a 8.5 in graphics unless it can do 1080p, which are very very very few games. That's the one thing that pisses me off about the PS3 LACK of 1080p support is just flat out embarrasing.


Nov 5, 2003
"Man this is a goshdang CARTOON game be happy it even broke 9.0."

This is a completely asinine mindset.


Mar 10, 2008
well-stated juhozzz. Ratchet just wouldn't be good for a sandbox(y) experiment though. Imagine:

-ratchet steals Qwark's laser, runs home, has a quickie with some alien, beats up a civillian, flies out of 'town', and then meet's up in mid-space with Peter Molyneux to sell the lazer (while being chased the entire time by intergalactic enforcer bots).-

That sounds a bit too much like Jak 2 (which isn't bad).

Or maybe we can have dark Ratchet wielding the blades of chaos ^^


Jan 14, 2006
what does 1080p have to do with graphics exactly? Nothing thats what. Makes me laugh when fanboys like you make retarded comments like that to get the slightest dig at a system which is churning out great game after great game. Denial is pathetic.

graphics dont have to be "photo-realistic" to be great. Thats a stupid comment to make.


Jan 14, 2006
what does 1080p have to do with graphics exactly? Nothing thats what. Makes me laugh when fanboys like you make retarded comments like that to get the slightest dig at a system which is churning out great game after great game. Denial is pathetic.

graphics dont have to be "photo-realistic" to be great. Thats a stupid comment to make.


Prime Member
Mar 12, 2008
I really hate going to these boards and seeing 12 year olds complain about a really high score for a really good game. Why do you people care if a game gets a 9 or a 9.5 they both mean its an amazing game just play it and have your own opinion. It is this reviewers opinion that it gets a 9.0 deal with it. IGN is not biased you PS3 fanboys are. You complain about games you have never played not being reviewed higher by people who have played them and actually have an opinion about their experiences.
Aug 27, 2008

Um, can I point out an obvious(maybe not to you) flaw in your post. You say "xbox 360 is still the best" yet your name refers to a Wii/Gamecube/N64 title and how it rules. Try again TROLL.


Oct 19, 2009
Another AAA PS3 game this year, I think I need to win the lottery to pay for all these games.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2009
Knew it wouldn't fail! And i'm really delighted about the 12 hour length, I could have sworn Tools of Destruction was a lot shorter than that? Maybe I was having so much fun the time just flew by!

It's not out until 7th November here in UK right? Thats enough time to finish and get plat in Uncharted 2 I'm sure :)

Jul 12, 2008
I've always loved this series..great review..i'm happy the little lombax is still up and kicking. I have this reserved...and yeah, it may be a cartoonish game...but it is definitely a sweet one as well.
Oct 30, 2007
ha ha Sony fanboys are the worst.checkout these gems.

"9.0 wtf are ign dumb, this deserves a rating as good or better than uncharted 2, especially if it is anything like Tools of Destruction... I am ashamed of ign"

"this is going to be the final nail in the coffin for the 360"

"Yet another AAA exclusive game for the PS3. The Xtrifiddy might as well kill itself. No one likes the xbox anymore."

"Stupid Clements. This game deserves higher."


May 24, 2006
""this is going to be the final nail in the coffin for the 360""

Haha, I love that guy. He posts that exact same thing in like every ps3 or 360 related post. How someone has so much time on their hands I don't know.