
Jan 19, 2010
I don't think this game is a good idea. I love the R&C games because of the formula Insomniac has stuck to and perfected. I wrote my complaints out on my MyIGN page a couple weeks ago too; nice to see someone share my concerns.
Jan 20, 2011
Asking the hard questions Greg, kudos. The game seems to be missing the point, and it seems to me at least, that it's common sense that it wont do well.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 4, 2004
I applaud Greg Miller for trying to save the game before it's too late.. But I already think it's too late.
What fans were REALLY looking for was multiplayer ONLINE like Up Your Arsenal had.. both co-op (as a team) AND competitive. 5 games later in the franchise since then (4 of them on the PS3) and we're STILL denied the online multiplayer that we saw such promise in with Up Your Arsenal on the PS2 so many years ago.
Not only am I going to skip this game, I don't even see it as a future rental. ...It's clear that Resistance 3 is their baby and it's going to be AWESOME. The next Rachet game will not be missed.
May 27, 2010
Play at least more than 20 minutes... You can't spell Ignorant without IGN.
Posted by: ProteusAiross on April 15, 2011 02:30 PDT

Quit complaining already freakin morron. Greg said it himself: ''Like I said, I've hardly had enough time with Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One to come up with any kind of definitive opinion.'' He knows he didn't play enough to really judge the game, that's just its impression from the 20 minutes he played. Read more carefully next time before bitching, or just read period.
Apr 15, 2011
Can't say I'm looking forward to this.
I've been a big fan of Ratchet and Clank, played and owned them all on PS2, but the lack of focus worries me. I'd love to be able to play with three friends, but not in such a crowded way. But it's still Ratchet and Clank, so it can't be all bad.

Also, anyone else wonder what happened to Quark's butt chin? They smoothed it to just a round chin when they hit PS3. Bothers me more than it should.


Mar 20, 2011
yes finally somebody who agrees with me. thank you phreaky13. jak and daxter have been my personal favorite videogame series ever! i despreatly want another one for the ps3. or at least remake them. i would love to be in sandover villiage in hd!!!!!!


Mar 16, 2010
probably nobody cares about what i have to say, and i do say a lot, so i'm sorry, but i have spent a long time thinking about and discussing this with several friends. GONNA SAY IT ANYWAYS.

i was a huge fan of the original R&C games on the PS2 (yes, the Jak games were also my favs), but the PS3 excursions have seemed increasingly child-oriented. the PS2 games were rated T. they were funny, not too serious but definitely had enough darkness and violence (that sounds bad) to keep me interested as a 20 year old. when i was given a PS3 it came with Tools of Destruction. i was overjoyed, Ratchet in HD!!! the game was good, but i did notice that it seemed toned down (E10+ ftw...), and had lost a lot of character dev. (QWARK) as well as completely negating characters (anyone remember Sasha? how about Al?). those silly green Rangers (who rock btw) as well, ALL GONE! but hey, ToD was fun, it looked pretty and the story was quite good despite the fact that i seem to be the only one bothered when a company drastically changes a story without any explanation whatsoever. the lack of a multiplayer, both on and offline was regretful. i never bought the online expansion thingy for the PS2, but i always had wanted to, and i play games online a lot on my PS3, in fact online multiplayer is a definite bonus when i buy most games.

i went out and bought the sequel, A Crack In Time. i had high expectations because of the cliffhanger that was the ending of ToD, and all the unfinished story elements. i will say this without hesitation: the visuals in ACIT are phenomenal, nothing else is. Dr. Nefarious went from being a dangerous and sadistic mad genius to a bumbling and stupidly predictable incompetent. the game seemed much more oriented for children than even ToD which was sadder yet. and what happened to the characters introduced in ToD? at least that game felt like a slightly milder R&C2!!! and no more sex jokes, no more real combat against a real villain. i haven't even bothered buying the DL only middle chapter.

so i probably won't buy the new 4-player co-op. but maybe. i love co-op, and i love Ratchet and Clank, believe you me. HOWEVER, there has already been a co-op R&C game. some of you may remember Ratchet: Deadlocked. it eliminated platforming entirely instead making combat the key component of the game. the weapons were made more boring and more devastating, with much more focus on destruction and customization. the story was not up to par of the likes of R&C3, by FAR the best in the series on either system, but it had it's funny moments and characters (Dallas and Juanita still make me giggle), and the fact that you could play split-screen co-op with a friend made it an instant hit at my house.

finally, i guess the point i'm trying to make is in regards to the entire series (PS3), not just this new installment. i've seen this coming, and it makes me sad, another game more like Deadlocked would be preferable for co-op play.

thanks for reading!
Mar 8, 2009
You do realise here in the PAL territories the PS2 games were rated 3+, the lowest rating you can get?
From what I understand they were only rated Teen in America because the E10+ rating didn't exist yet.

Also, Dr Nefarious has always been incompetent, that's kinda his thing.
If you honestly think Nefarious was "dangerous" in his first game you're just viewing the originals through rose-tinted glasses. I can understand if, like me, you were a child when you first played the games that you thought he was dangerous, but now?

The originals were better, sure, but that's just in denial.
Apr 21, 2011
R+C Crack in Time was not only my first ratchet game, but my first Ps3 game. I played it obsessively for days, maxed everything, all gold bolts, every skill point, and must have completed it at least four times by now. Call me a fangirl, but it just might be my all time favorite game. That said, by the time I finished ToD (which I loved almost as much), I was a devout fan. Buuut....when I saw the trailer for this game....major disappointment. Not only does it look bland, childish, and boring, radically changing the Ratchet formula like this is guaranteed to change the fun factor as well, there's no getting around that. Still, it is in its early stages, and though the effort seems lacking, its clear that the new Insomniac is at least enthusiastic about what they're doing. Personally, I would have preferred a re-release of the ps2 games a la God of War (Insomniac, are you listening?)
Just trying to appeal to new fans, you lose many of your old ones.