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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Doesn't Impress (Yet)[/link]
by Greg Miller

We've played some of Insomniac's four-player platformer, and we're not sold on it... yet. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Mar 17, 2011
The jokes have been toned down since Up Your Arsenal, but I'm not sure why. That game was the equivalent to a Shrek movie: Something kids could enjoy, while the more mature audience could understand the innuendos. Although I believe they still have the audience, they've certainly dropped the clever comedy for slap stick. I'll still buy this though albeit a bit optimistic and bias since I'm a huge Ratchet and Clank fan.


Jan 31, 2009
Damn this is disappointing. I hope they can resolve the various issues by the time it comes out or just cancel it (unlikely).

Thanks for the article Greg!


Sep 22, 2006
Just give me online multiplayer like Up Your Arsenal. Actually i would be happy if they just remade UYA's multiplayer in HD.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 26, 2008
Don't forget that it's another Insomniac studio that makes this Ratchet. I wouldn't be surprised if this game gets a score similar to Playstation Move Heroes. By looking at the trailers, you can really see this is childish and aimed at a younger audience. It just seems boring as hell really.


Original poster
why is Greg doing this? He has only seen 20 mins of the game and is already downing it and the same for Infamous 2 with a little small bug in the game, which is unfinished, just like this this game.


Prime Member
Jan 21, 2011
I'm sure Insomniac will pull it together. There's a long way to go before it releases.

I think the most telling thing Dezern said is that "we" enjoy playing. It doesn't sound like the company has done much outside playtesting yet...


Aug 28, 2009
This guy is making me hate IGN really fast. Just tell us about the game. We don't give a damn what you think. Its not what we think. We want to know you experienced. No body gives a fuk about shine in his eye.


Jan 15, 2011
There seems to be a lack of effort for this game and it doesn't seem like a true installment in the series. Insomniac is probably focusing on Resistance 3 and giving this game to a second tier team. Game developers really need to bring their A game since there are so many great games this year competing for your wallet. I've already spent way too much money on games and Portal 2 and LA Noire is right around the corner.


Prime Member
Oct 9, 2008
When I first saw All4One I thought it looked like Ratchet & Clank with Super Mario Bros. Wii style coop gameplay. The more I see of it the less it looks like a R&C game. I like SMB Wii and I have played all of the R&C games so yes I am a big fan. However, I like both of those games series for different reasons. I'll just have to trust that Insomniac knows what it is doing. Even if we don't get an archetypical R&C experience I have faith that we’ll still get a good game. It is Insomniac after all.
Nov 14, 2003
Man... some hatred up in here.

Greg, from me to you, thanks for doing this. You know how to take a fan's reaction and turn it into actually helping a game edge closer to perfection. If only we could all be awesome, loud-mouthed game testers.

Just kidding. Mostly. Ha.
Nov 21, 2008
I have to agree with Greg here, and while all I have to go from is vids so far there just isn't that "this is a great game" feel from it. I love the R&C series, I bought my PS3 for Tools of Destruction(and MGS4) and A Crack in Time is the second game I got a platinum in.

But so far it seems that they have removed almost everything that makes a R&C game what it is, the inclusion of R&C characters is the only thing I see that's familiar. Co-op is a nice idea but it should be optional not mandatory, I mean I have not seen many games where AI partners work well, especially in a team based platformer like this one and unless you have 3 other people you want to play through the game with, you will spend a lot of time yelling at strangers online.

Also from the different co-op challenges offered it seems more like a mini-game collection than a full title. Even the name screams "kiddie game" unlike the double entendre of previous titles. I'm glad Resistance 3 is coming out this year so that I can get an Insomniac title to play, but this game is looking so disappointing and its hard to believe its from my favorite developers.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Why bash a game that hasn't come out yet.. and so hard?? No wonder it's a PS3 game, IgN would never do this for anything M$ is paying them for.


Nov 28, 2010
I think when the fans asked for multiplayer they were thinking about Up You Arsenal. That idea was great, just do it again Insomniac


IGN Comment Mod
Oct 22, 2008
I'm going to be honest. This game looks like **** and the Ratchet and Clank series has gotten stale. I'm not afraid to admit this why can't anyone else?


Jul 29, 2008
Uh Oh, this is going to be one of those games that has people split. I say this because over on Gameinformers site, their preview is absolutely glowing. They absolutely loved what they saw, and the complaints in this review are all positives in that one.

I think the real problem here is Greg just isn't a platforming fan or a Ratchet fan, even though he says he is I think he is using the "fan" term a bit loosely. I never hear him talk about it at all. I know people who don't like platforming and hated the last two Ratchet games, which is just absurd because they are some of the best games this generation. I greatly respect Greg's opinion, but with this one I think we are going to have two wildly different experiences.

Insomniac doesn't make bad games. It just doesn't happen, so I have all the faith in the world that they are going to deliver one hell of a game here. A game which doesn't involve walking down linear hallways in first person waiting for some dumb soldier to pop his head up so you can shoot it.
Dec 27, 2008
It seems like a crap game, but it's so hard to take anything IGN says seriously anymore. Dear IGN, your allegiance to MS is painfully obvious.

P.S. I own an xbox 360.
Jan 19, 2010

Sony is the publisher, not the developer. Insomniac is the one behind the game in every aspect.

I can't help but wonder if Greg's lack of interest is somewhat due to the fact that the game is still an early build. I wouldn't expect a game this far from release to perform to perfection. Maybe their recent community days were to help get some feedback to improve on their projects, just a hunch.

I'll admit that I'm a little cautionary towards this particular Ratchet title. I feel like this could end up being a lot like Deadlocked, which I wouldn't really be too happy about personally.
Nov 3, 2009
Greg of little faith. This is Insomniac we're talking about, just give them some time. The concept may not be as good as others but its still gonna be great.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I'm a bit...I'm very disappointed at Insomniac. This really isn't the way to do a sequel for Ratchet and Clank :( ,also why make them more cartoony when they already looked perfect? Looks more like Little Big Planet with 3rd person camera ,rather than an awesome Rathcet and Clank game.

I'm sure the reason they are doing this while working on Resistance 3 ,is so that they can start working on their new multiplatform games right away.
Dec 12, 2010
I have been a hardcore fan of Ratchet and Clank since day 1 but this doesn't seem right. They said this is the way to do co-op with Ratchet and Clank but this isn't how a Ratchet and Clank game plays out. We want solid platforming, endless weapons and most of all explosions t every turn. Deadlocked had co-op which was very similar to the single player, why can't this game be like that? In Up your Arsenal characters like Skid McMarx would join you on some missions, why can't the co-op be like that? My guess is that this will be much like Deadlocked where its a new idea, which i respect Insomniac for trying, but falls flat of a true R&C game, therefore the following game, (Which back then was Tools of Destruction) will be an amazing installment to the series. If im right, i'll wait another year or 2 for a true R&C game


Nov 11, 2008
I feel like I'm losing just for commenting about this, but this game isn't even close to being finished or released yet and there is a semi review already or a quick update about this game? I'm sure this one wil still be solid people. 1 persons opinion doesnt make or break this cmon guys use your own minds. This is Sony week so let's see if we get some type of "Early Update" on Uncharted 3! Not getting any expectations until atleast August or September.
Mar 20, 2011
I love Ratchet & Clank And always looked forward to all the Ratchet & Clank games from the ps2 to the ps3. I have no interest in or playing this. It really looks disappointing. Why did they have to change it i like it the way the game play was it was fun, this just doesn't look fun :( .


Jan 4, 2010
Even if it turned out to be rubbish at least they are mixing up the formula and having a bit of inovation thrown in, unlike some other game series, eg call of duty, fifa which dont take any risks.
Aug 20, 2008
Insomniac take note!!! You need to get the series back to it's roots, the first three PS2 games had it right. Build on those again, the series is going downhill fast!!!
May 24, 2010
I've played all the ratchet and clank games so as a big fan boy good or not I'll probably get this game, I just hope they focus on the weapons as much as they are on the co op.
Jan 24, 2011
I can't wait for this game. I get very excited when I hear about any co op game. And this will deliver a co op experience that you don't get very often in a game. I think this will make the xbox fans jealous. I hope IGN gives this a review that it deserves!


No Longer a Noob
Feb 1, 2001
This is partially in response to the kid who said the series has been going downhill:

What do you mean going down hill? The first 2 PS3 games were action platformers with plenty of quirky weapons, good story/dialogue, and extras to keep us playing; they were just like the first 3 PS2 games. how have they been going downhill at all?

Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank were busts, but the PS3 games were just as good and thoroughly enjoyable as the original 3.

Though this All-4-One does have me a bit skeptical. it seems like a good idea, but I do hope they don't lose the charm of the original; the good story, funny lines, and weapons (+upgrades) that make the games so memorable. I thought that Ratchet: Deadlocked was there co-op game since you could do that either 1 player or two the whole way through. It was certainly different; not as good as the originals, but still a lot of fun to play. Hopefully they can keep it up when there's 4 people now instead of Deadlocked's 2.


Nov 27, 2010
Ratchet and clank has always been a wonderful single player experience and this looks like a goofy party game, they are making a totally different game and putting ratchet and clank on the title


Jul 29, 2010
to be honest i would rather have another normal ratchet and clank i love the 2 ps3 games. But unfortunatly most of the ratchet and clank fans must of bought a 360 because the 2 ps3 games didn't sell that well =( the latest game only sold about 1.2 million copy's. i think it was poor marketing by sony. another game i thought was great and didnt sell well was mod nation racers. why sony why do you keep strongly marketing the games that you know will already sell great when the games that need more attention because they are a completely new get marketed poorly.


Jan 29, 2011
I'm just commenting 'cause I'm waiting for my roommate to get back with my car. I don't have a PS3 and probably won't buy this game when I get one.

Aug 20, 2008
Don't get me wrong, the PS3 games were pretty good but nowhere close to Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal. For one those games had many more levels and the whole game just seemed bigger. The weapons were better. They had the side games like the hoverboard racing. It just seems like Insomiac is trying so hard to change a formula that is already great, I have never understood why video game companies do this. Why don't this stick with what makes a series great? Take a not from Nintendo withe Zelda and Mario games. Those are complex, they are just simple and fun to play.
Jul 2, 2009
I'll probably get this game just because I love Ratchet and Clank. I wish the older PS3 R&C games had trophies...I would probably play them again.
Apr 13, 2011
I still have all the ps2 ratchet and clank games, and I am not going to buy this for ps3.The series should end after "A Crack in Time".But if you have to do co-op do something like "Deadlocked".
May 24, 2008
Well I think it is kind of good that the third installment on the PS3 has Co-op play. So the story is not quite up to stuff compared to the first 2 games on the PS3. But hopefully that will improve when this game is released.


Jul 21, 2009
i've played every single console-based Ratchet and Clank game (i even imported the Quest for Booty from Japan because the disk version wasn't available in the States) and i'm 100% in love with the series, but this...doesn't excite me at all. i will not be buying this game. i'm not really interested in a New Super Mario Bros version of Ratchet and Clank -- i played them because they were amazing single player experiences.


Aug 13, 2009
I got an xbox but i've always loved the Ratchet and Clank series. If i had enough money i would definitely get a PS3 and both Ratchet and Clank games! Btw have they ever considered making ratchet and clank for other systems? just asking...
Jan 3, 2009
Big fan of the series, going back to the original! I now have 2 little kids, and am sure that we're going to have a great time playing this title... they're easy to please in terms of games they like to play! Hopefully, it'll be a fun title for adults, as well.