
Prime Member
Jun 22, 2007
Lol graphics....ps2, ps3 all the graphics and games u play once and don't want to play again. Lots of games u just play cause u didn't do the smart thing and wait for the 19.99 so i stick with the wii where the games are fun. ITs been a long time since it was just fun to play games not stressful like most sony titles


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
So you would rather play a game that has less graphics, pyhsics, framerates, sound, etc etc?

Well enjoy your crappy looking, chopping moving experience on the wii.
Feb 16, 2006
Me and a lot of other people are really sick of your dull, annoying comments on this page. Please stop talking trash about the Wii. Go to a 360/PS3 fansite and talk trash about it if you feel.

Anyways, 360 is a system that you need to replace every 4 months, and PS3's are Wii-copiers (motion sensors and a rumored Mii-like server? Sounds a little like Wii to me), and you cant even play PS1/PS2 games right on it, from what I heard.

So, please, if you wanna talk trash about a system, don't act like a 2-year-old, okay? Grow up, and find something better to do than bash the Wii.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I think this game is going to be fun. Although I do have a question, do any of you know about Invader Zim? This game seems like it should have just been an Invader Zim title, anyone hear me on this? I mean even the voice actor is the same guy that plays the voice of Zim lol. I don't know, just a thought, wondered if anyone else picked up on this. Game's going to be fun though.


May 15, 2007
graphics defiantly matter concerning games but with the wii its different cause wii games are always more fun cause your basically doing everything yourself and not with a controller and concerning graphics look at classic games from ps1,n64,sega megadrive and the nes you still play them not for the graphics but because of there game play and wii is the best console for game play but with wii being a next-gen console wii defiantly deserves a next-gen title along with PS3 and Xbox 360 im sure it will be a fun game though and the graphics will probably improve from what were seeing now :/


Dec 9, 2005
As stated in the article, the shots are from the Wii version of the game, but bear in mind that the game was only just announced, so these images are likely from a very early alpha or test level. Graphical polishing comes later.

that said, I do notice that third party developers rarely use the Wii's visual capabilities. There were games of the last generation that proved that graphics can be better than what we are seeing, and the Wii is twice as powerful as GameCube was. Nintendo's 'gameplay over graphics' philosophy makes perfect sense, but there is no reason for developers not to use the Wii's graphical engine to its full potential (as Nintendo's own games are doing).
Feb 3, 2005
That is most probably a very early 'alpha' version as people seem to call it and is most probably testing out the models and animations etc rather than showing off the graphics and art because at the moment it reminds me of an n64 game. I just bought destroy all humans 2 and i'm loving it and so are my wii owning friends so they may buy this game well.. thats what i'm hoping so I can anal probe some freaking monkeys wii mote style.
Aug 6, 2007
Well yeah the graphics may suck, but hey, as long as theres PK and weapons... I think its gonna be an ok game depends on WHICH weapons will be brought back and which will be new. But the whole story just seems stupid...
Aug 18, 2007
hey the graphics suck because the game is still in development. It looked the same as this when they were creating the first DAH! but when it was released the graphics were great. The story may sound stupid but youll never know until it is released, stop judging the book by its cover. it will probably start with a fast food war but quickly become the usual destroy all humans story against the military with the added Big Willy Mech.


Original poster
PS2 ports ftw... /sarca... ah f*ck this sh*t

And to the person above me, we are NOT judging a book by its cover. We are judging this game based on the fact that all the Wii gets from third party devs is half-assed PS2 ports. Third party devs will NEVER take the Wii seriously, which is exactly why you never see the bigger third party titles being made on the Wii.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Funny, you'd think by now people would know that the first screenshots to be released are usually the crappiest. It's still in its development stage so give the devs time to read your rants, laugh and say to each other "do these readers realize the game isn't finished yet?" and then when the updated screenshots are posted and there's talk of the game being nearly finished then rant about the quality of the pictures.

I of course will be getting this, gotta love being a somewhat sarcastic 3ft alien and blowing up people and buildings.


Feb 16, 2009
DAH PotF should be realesed on WII!
I have sent an email to THQ complaining and waiting for a reply!