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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Pre-E3 2007: Destroy All Humans for Wii[/link]
by Matt Casamassina

Publisher THQ on Monday revealed to IGN that it plans to brings the popular Destroy All Humans! franchise to Nintendo's successful new console. The game, officially dubbed Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed, is being developed from the ground up for Wii by Locomotive Games, and is set for release early next year. Ports of Big Willy Unleashed will be made available to PlayStation 2 and PSP. Meanwhile, an entirely separate DAH project, Path of Furon, is being created by Sandblast Games for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and will also be available in 2008's first half. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Almost Not a Noob
May 10, 2002
PS2 Port...

What part of "its being developed from the ground up for Wii by Locomotive Games" didn't you understand? Do people even bother to read the articles anymore, or do they just look at the pictures?


Feb 19, 2007
I think everyone did read the text but the accompanying screenshots look horrendous. I loved the first 2 and they looked a lot better than this one so far. Lets hope they make some changes!!!


Feb 27, 2005
"Gamers will Crypto in a "funked out" version of the 19070s."
Man I hope the 19070s are similar to the 1970s.
Sep 23, 2006
I just got disapointed again, everytime I hear of a new game for the wii, I hope that this time we get a game from a third party dev other than capcom that has graphics atleast equal to the ps2, and every time I get let down.
May 17, 2006
Yeah, Let's get upset, because graphics are the most important thing about a game. [face_rolling_eyes]

It's probably still in development, so this is not what the game will look like.


Sep 29, 2005
come on, let's keep in mind that this is a preliminary build. Detail comes after architecture... Ugh. Some of you Wii fans piss me off. This is not a PS3 or 360... when will you stop worrying that the graphics look last-gen. Of course they do. The Wii is built on last-gen architecture and lacks the shaders even the original xbox had. The graphics of this build are competant for where it is in its production cycle.

Other than that rant, it looks fun so far. Here's hoping that the 3rd person perspective is part of the magic equation that helps the wiimote feel good in a shooter.


Jun 16, 2005
I don't expect it to look as good as the 360 version, but the Wii CAN do better than this.

Lets hope its an early build.
Aug 12, 2003
@ xbl-gt-Richnj: "I just got disapointed again, everytime I hear of a new game for the wii, I hope that this time we get a game from a third party dev other than capcom that has graphics atleast equal to the ps2, and every time I get let down."

Actually if I am not mistaken the Gamecube was graphically more capable than was the PS2 (ATI GPU vs Emotion Engine respectively) Since the Wii in all respects besides the Wii-mote is not that much more powerful than the Cube, I would hope you would want the graphics to as good as if not better than the Cube's graphics. I believe if Im not wrong the Wii uses a similar GPU this time around so I do believe w will see games that look as good as if not and most likely better than RE4, which imo is THE best looking Cube game ever released. The good thing about the Wii is that, like I said, its not too different than the Cube, so as far as the engines in different games go, I would expect to see some pretty decent looking games since by now developers should be pretty familiar with the hardware. The main thing they need to focus on is keeping the gameplay fresh and the controls intuitive thats the hard part. Besides this game is not meant to look graphically awesome, its all about the art style of the game. Enough of my ranting, enjoy E3 !


Apr 16, 2006
Dude, the Wii has many 3rd party games that look better than anything on PS2. An example would be The Godfather Blackhand Edition. As for this game, I don't mind the game looking simple if everything is shaded to give it a stylistic look rather than a realistic one.


Jul 17, 2006
The Wii is graphically capable of much more than this. From the screenshots, it looks atrocious. I already don't want to play it.
Why 3rd parties? Why can't you make nice looking Wii games? WHY!?
Jun 1, 2007
they may be going for a stylistic approach... but they could do it better, just look at mario galaxy.. stylistic, yet it looks very very good
Jun 18, 2007
Regardless of its lack of shaders as oppposed to Xbox, Wii is still more powerful when all other hardware aspects that the Wii actually has are taken into account. The GameCube is more powerful than PS2, and the Wii is approximately 1.7-1.8 times as powerful as GameCube, almost twice as much. The fact that this screen isn't even up to PS2 quality is quite odd, despite it being an early build.


Aug 26, 2000
Hmm, looks like some is dosing off on the graphics. I appreciate THQ giving us an exclusive, but how does this version end up looking worse then last years version on the XBOX and the PS2?

Man, I am starting to miss my Gamecube graphics.



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Remembers Nintendo's moto "KEEP COST DOWN"

That means crappy graphics, physics, textures, sounds, games, batterie life, and my personal favorite, 512mb internal flash.

BUT you got a wii-mote LOL!!!!!!


Feb 19, 2007
Cha7, keep in mind the game isnt done yet. The graphics could get better as many games for previous consoles have had bad graphics in the early stages. We all know the wii can handle something a bit better than this. I doubt THQ doesnt know that.
Sep 23, 2006
jsever6-"Remembers Nintendo's moto "KEEP COST DOWN"

That means crappy graphics, physics, textures, sounds, games, batterie life, and my personal favorite, 512mb internal flash.

BUT you got a wii-mote LOL!!!!!!"

your an idiot, the wii can handle alot more than this, there were launch games that proved that.

you are also the biggest and the least intelligent 360 fanboy there is (which isn't the easiest thing to pull off but you did it).

you dont like the wii, we get it now stop acting like a 12 year old and grow up and get over it.


Jul 8, 2003
ztakn, I doubt the graphics will get better at all. I would actually be willing to bet. The wii can handle more, that is true... but most developers won't push the wii enough to do that.

Deleted member 1982518

Original poster
i got a Wii thinking that it was the next gen console for me, but now i'm starting to wonder. it is great i will tell you that and i love the Wii, but cmon. these graphics suck. it's like they don't even try to make some decent graphics. when will these companies start using the Wii to it's full power. i am really wondering what Nintendo is trying to do. they are going for the gameplay over graphics motto but it is going too far. i could play my Gmecube and Wii right beside the other and there wouldn't be a difference in the picture quality. i am starting to think about getting a Xbox 360 now because the Wii is just not being maxed out. i would still play it of course, but i need a system that has good to great graphics. games are good too.
Feb 16, 2006
I love DAH! 2 for the PS2. Now, I can buy it for the Wii. And all you Wii haters, please stray away from these comment pages. It's making me sick.

Anyways, yes the graphics do suck, but did they rock for DAH or DAH 2? No, they were sucky too, actually. The character models were terrible. The gameplay is what mattered, though, and DAH always had great gameplay.

I cannot wait for this game, and is definitely on my must-have list.
Feb 25, 2002
Oh joy. Oh Bliss.

another half assed PS2 port.

You know It wouldn't kill developers to actually make games that LOOK good too.


Sep 1, 2003
Those screenshots are clearly from the PSP version of the game. Remember, this game is a Wii game first, then ported to PSP & PS2. This is NOT a "PS2 Port." Because the Wii has better graphics than the PSP & the PS2, it only makes sense that the Wii version will look much nicer than the PSP & PS2 ports. Let's hold off on the "aw, this game ain't no good" talk until we see some movies of the Wii version.

Meanwhile, the graphics on that next-gen DAH: Path of the Furon game looks pretty sweet!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
"another half assed PS2 port"

The article clearly states that it's being built from the ground up on the Wii.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I love it when a non-Nintendo fan goes on every wii game page and talks trash on it, why don't you get a life and go to an xbox or sony site and talk trash on it?


May 17, 2001
Isn't the Wii graphically capable of more than the Gamecube? Why does this game look like a DS game?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
You know why it doesn't look better then a gamecube game? Cause they have to use 1/4 of the system ram to make the controllers work.. the system has 88mb of system ram


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011

Nintendo got bashed at e3


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Ok we all get it by now, you don't like Nintendo, but posting your anti-Nintendo info on a Nintendo fan site seems kinda dim witted don't you think? It's kind of obvious that Nintendo fans don't care about your negative opinion, so why do you insist on pushing this stuff? WHy don't you do it on IGN's Xbox sections? You'll probably make more friends there.
Jun 23, 2007
I really think people should stop bitching about graphics. Would I be happier if the Wii had better graphics? Of course. Do I care if it does or doesn't? Not really. I guess what I'm saying, as long as the game is fun, it doesn't matter. nicholas_killborn is right.