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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Platinum Unveils New Multiplatform Online Combat Game[/link]
by Anoop Gantayat

The folks behind Bayonetta and Vanquish, two games that you really ought to have played by now, are doing something a bit different for their next title. Famitsu has a first look this week at Max Anarchy, the next game from Platinum Games, Max [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Jan 22, 2011
Platinum can make fun games but they are awful at story,character development, level design. I've played Vanquish to the end and the characters and story are some of the worst I've seen. It's like it was written by a five year old. That is why their games sell like crap, their characters and level design are really average. Which ultimately makes their games forgetable. I can't remember a lot of Vanquish's levels or plot because they were so dull. And the enemy design is like it was taken from a bad Saturday morning kids robot cartoon. And Bayonnetta had AWFUL characters and level design. The Witch is just plain nasty and the levels could have been taken from any other cheap third person action game. Poor all round.


Aug 4, 2010
Multiplayer could be the best way to go for Platinum. With Vanquish multiplayer would of been the icing on the cake.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 22, 2010
Fall?Oh man,as if we didn't have enough blockbuster titles coming out at that time of the year.Why not maybe early next year,that way they have more time to improve the game.


Prime Member
Oct 5, 2009
World wide release this fall, never going to happen.
Sound's like an interesting prospect, extremely japanese, but I don't mind that. I'd like to see how a story plot will plan out, in a all out fighting MMO, MMO's currently can't tell stories at all, so this will be a big step (hopefully).


Because I said so
Apr 17, 2007

Hmmm, I have a wonderful image of a classic Hong Kong Kung Fu action-adventure where you travel around feudal times getting into fights with whacky shaolin monks, bandits and royal guards..... I doubt it'll happen though.
Dec 18, 2010
"where you you may end up getting pounded from behind suddenly"

SEGA need to re-word that particular part of the press release.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 9, 2003
After the horrible technical job they did bringing Bayonetta to the PS3, I'm very wary of this developer. Sony had to jump in to release the patch to improve the game. That was a big FAIL on Sega and Platinum Game's part. I didn't get Vanquish since I heard it was super short but I did feel a bit relieved to know that the PS3 version ran fine.


Nov 3, 2009
"where you you may end up getting pounded from behind suddenly"


Wow, I burst out laughing so loud haha.
Sep 29, 2009
They didn't bring Bayoneta to the the PS3, an outside developer (forget name) was in charge of making the port over to the ps3 and failed on it apparently. So it isn't all on Platinum Games.

That and I could care less because I have a 360. I want a ps3, don't get me wrong, but I've never seen anything to convince me yet to fork over 100$ for another console thats going to gather dust. The Wii is a child's play thing, I never touch the thing. Might as well be a doorstop. A "great" game on the Wii seems to come out once every.... year? 6, 9 months? Sometimes more. The most acclaimed games of the system seem to consistently be those that came out within its first year of existence, most everything else is shovelware.

Ps3 may have some decent exclusives that interest me but without backwords compatability I can't even play the one I am most interested in (Metal Gear, I refuse to play a narrative driven franchise out of order). On that note is a reason why Mass Effect 2 doesn't belong on the ps3 but that is another rant for another time.

Uncharted and Infamous seem worth playing, but not worth purchasing a system over for only a few games.
Mar 21, 2008
From a western gamer: PLATINUM* is the best developer in the world. Period. They bring everything to an entirely new level & then way beyond. They make games based on art & style. VANQUISH & BAYONETTA are 2 of the best games ever created. I was hoping for an 'OKAMI spiritual successor' next, but anything P* gifts the world with is gold. I only like single-player, story-driven games, but I am interested in new & unique multiplayer experiences. (I do like co-op though.) Is this Kamiya-san directed? Anyways, I can't wait. In-engine footage/screens please. I love P* & SEGA (so glad they stayed together!)...
Aug 10, 2009
About time someone with skill and class acted on making an online multiplayer melee game. Platinum has the pedigree to get it done.

Group combat can be a tricky thing, but if they elaborate on Arkham Asylum's system, while still keeping their own strong sense of gameplay, I think they'll have a winner on their hands.

And yea, Vanquish and Bayonetta were awesome.


Sep 16, 2010
The first thing I saw on the homepage was Bayonetta's picture and I was like, "Yes, sequel!" I'm disappointed now, but this game might be cool too.. Sounds different.
Aug 24, 2008
This kind of sounds like smash bros to me, but I get the feeling there is more to it than that. The fact that they have the madworld guy in it makes me hopeful that Sam Gideon will b in. I always thought he would have been cool in an action game and I think in an interview one of the developers agreed so it seems possible. If Sam is in this game I will definitely get it
Jan 26, 2011
Does no one here remember Power Stone? (Or any Dreamcast games, for that matter? Everyone acts like so many new games are innovative, when their ideas were enacted a decade ago) This sounds like that sort of free-for-all action without hopefully being limited to a square fighting stage, and let loose in areas and streets like Final Fight. Sounds sweet to me.


Dec 27, 2010
i'd like to see a vanquish 2. Not some new fighting game online. Or they could fix bayonetta on ps3 then maybe i will buy it.


Sep 3, 2009
@ Domhnall_47: I believe you are correct. Power Stone was my first thought as well, or some sort of WoW/SF 4 hybrid. Perhaps a game where you could level up in the story campaign, and then enter the "multiplayer" section to compete.
Dec 7, 2008
Multiplatform?? Really?
I don´t know...PS3 and 360 is not what i call multiplatform.
PS3/360 is like the regular.. When i hear multiplatform i go and check what else it´s on.
Other platforms available: PC,Mac,Wii,PSP,DSi,iPhone,iPad,3DS.


May 22, 2009
I know it will never happen, but someone needs to make a game where PS3 and Xbox players can play against each other. Think of the trash talking fun that would be!
Dec 23, 2008
Sounds interesting. Anyone remember Urban Reign and Power Stone? Two really fun Brawlers that this game maybe influenced by.


Dec 15, 2009
"Inaba likened the game to a group fight, where you you may end up getting pounded from behind suddenly."

Yup, sounds like a crazy Japanese game.

Please just make Vanquish 2.


Jul 21, 2010
I'm sorry, but this sounds whack.

The only brawler platform that works is Smash Bros. End of story


Almost Not a Noob
May 26, 2009
melee style brawl fighting, all Im hearing is smash bros. well if they dont want to make sequels they dont have to but bayonetta's a great character with an enjoyable, easily understood story. im telling you these stupid bayo insults stem from homosexuality. dont worry youll get your boyfriend dante back. the level design in bayonetta was gorgeous, and scenery and paths and stuff was well incorporated into fights. it really doesn't sound like that guy played the game but in terms of character design and level design it's extremely good. still waiting for $20 vanquish (the ps3 version is better, if you have a minute to hop on over to digital foundry). this brawl fighter sounds like could be neat or kind of bad so I'll wait until I know more about it.


Prime Member
Apr 2, 2007
"While this may sound like a purely multiplayer experience, Inaba told Famitsu that the game's story mode is its base mode of play. The game will have a solid story in place, he said."

WTF? Why? It's a game about a bunch of people jumping into a pit and beating each other. Do you REALLY need a deep plot to be your primary motivator? Not EVERY game needs to have a plot. If it doesn't feature into the gameplay, it's really not necessary. I'm sorry, but it's hard to have pity for the ailing Japanese game industry when you hear a developer pitching a massively multiplayer brawling game that focuses on a single-player story mode.
Jan 8, 2011
This is cool. I was just telling my buddy that Platinum should have made a sick multiplayer experience on Bayonetta. I have no idea why nobody's made a multiplayer action game yet (that I know of, at least). The whole time I played Bayonetta, I thought, this was made to be played with a friend!
Mar 26, 2010
I hate war games but love multiplayer. I never knew why there weren't any 3rd person multiplayer Brawlers. Then I read it: something that doesn't actually exist yet: Massively Multiplayer Melee Fighting Action.

Y E S !


No Longer a Noob
Mar 10, 2003
Did you go into hibernation last year? It is when majority of the best Wii games came out but it seems that you missed them all. Personally I thought that the 360 line up was very lacking last year and if I wasn't a multi-console owner then I'd have had months with nothing worth playing. I'd guess my last years console useage broke down to about 60% Wii, 30% 360, 10% PS3 (although to be fair we only got the PS3 at the end of the year).

I really liked Madworld, Bayonetta and Vanquish; so I'm certainly interested in anything that Platinum is doing. Their games don't sell in huge numbers though, so that makes me wonder if they will be able to produce an MMO type game and have a large enough community for it to really be successful. Large scale fighting does sound like a great idea and I'm sure that they'll make a great looking game with some hetic gameplay.

I'd still like to see a Madworld 2 or Bayonetta 2 though and I hope that they revisit those games at some point in the future.