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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]"Our Characters Are Bigger Than Marvel's"[/link]
by Richard George

Though he's generally averse to discussing particulars when it comes to DC Entertainment's involvement in movies and television, Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns did give his thoughts on the particular approach the company is taking with regards to its superhero movies. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Jun 10, 2005
It's a bold statement, but I kinda agree with it. The characters in DC seems to be more relate-able at times. Not to say Marvel doesn't have great superheroes though.

FYI, I'd want a World's Greatest movie before a Justice League one.
Jul 29, 2010
if you stack up the top marvel guys and dc guys its not even close..dc has the more legendary comic icons even after all this time. not to mention that those batman and justice league vids they keep putting out are just great.


Jan 25, 2010
Ok, normally I don't care about this stuff 'cause I like all the characters (Spiderman's ma fave though) but seriously? DC Universe doesn't "mash up" its characters? Then what in Batmans belt is the Justice League? At least Marvel doesn't have a whole series based off of this "mash up". At least not yet. Although I really like "mash ups" with characters an incorrect statement like this could not go unaffronted. Mash Ups FTW!


Feb 7, 2010
DC knows that it can make more money by selling the rights to each character separately instead of selling the rights to a lot of their big name heroes in one movie.
Sep 29, 2010
@shafeman Dude Marvel does have it's own "mash up" series just like the Justice League. The Avengers has been a series for as long as the Justice League has so you might wanna rethink that whole, at least Marvel doesn't or DC does stuff.


Oct 18, 2004
I sorta agree with the sentiment about DC characters but it doesn't change the fact they he mostly brought it up as a cop-out to explain away that aside from Batman they aren't able to get any of their other movies off the ground. Its really pretty sad that they can't put any decent movies together about such awesome characters.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 19, 2004
I think it's quite the opposite actually. It's the DC heroes that are detached from society. It's always been marvels bag to be about the everyman.


Aug 7, 2010
What a way to bash Marvel's accomplishments. DC NEVER attempted an Avenger type movie before. Props should be given to Marvel for taking on this big task. It only benefits ALL comic properties. It puts a spot light on comic book movies in general. WB gotta get their heads out of their okolez and find a way to make a superhero crossover film happen.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2005
I would tend to agree with Johns. Superman, Batman, Flash and Wonder Woman are much more integrated in our culture than most Marvel Heroes. Spider-man and Hulk are the only Marvel heroes with similar integration. I'm talking about characters that have worked their way into the vocabulary of the general populace.

Deleted member 162

Original poster
WOW that is one hell of a statement to make. I can't say I agree completely but man this will be the most quoted statement from NYCC


Aug 29, 2008
I like Marvel better but that's just me I mean I like Batman and Superman and Static but to me Marvel seems better.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 19, 2004
It does sound a little childish to be honest, almost nervous at what Marvel is attempting and the scope of their ambition.

In all honesty they help each other, they always have, fanboys aside.
Oct 12, 2008
Yes, the DC characters are definitely bigger than Marvel's. But the DC comics have become a confusing mess, and I can't keep up with them anymore.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2005
As for the team bit, Justice League has always been about DC's best and most popular heroes getting together. Until the more recent New Avengers series, Marvel has not taken that approach. Popular heroes like Spider-man and Wolverine were never part of the team. It was always a combination of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and a bunch of secondary heroes that had no real draw to them.


Aug 24, 2007
@ BigSole808 DC/WB were well into pre production and has a cast ready to start shooting in Australia before marvel had their movie even cast
Aug 14, 2008
It's about time someone from DC went ahead and said this.

While Batman is head and shoulders above the rest in my personal opinion, DC's characters have always been treated more like Greek Gods and Olympic warriors; this is something I crave about a good "superhero" story.

Marvel, as someone else pointed out, is about the "everyman" who suddenly realizes he's born a little different, or is bitten by something... or some other lame-assed, far-fetched, pseudo-scientific explanation for their doled out gimmick.

To me, it's really the difference between going to the Olympics to see some athletes amaze with feats of strength and agility, and going to the circus to watch the bearded woman lift a 300 pound barbell above her head. Sure, they are both entertaining, but at the end of the day you don't really give a rats ass about why they are different. You care about who's making a difference and standing for something **IMPORTANT!**


Jul 30, 2010
"just a character on the street." Really? In what sense? Marvel's characters symbolize overcoming adversity, injustice, hate, racism, and even encourage family values to some extent. What does DC have? A guy who can do everything so theres no challenge, another guy with parent issues, and a mostly naked women from some made up land. Yeah, sorry DC but try harder next time


Jul 3, 2008
Not to be argumentative or anything, but DC comics are confusing? When have Marvel comics ever not been confusing? At least DC tries to keep a coherent universe.
And Im ok with DC holding out on a Justice League movie. If it does ever happen, Batman will definitly need to amp up his abilities/villians to have a chance next to Superman and GL. His current style just wouldnt cut it.


Almost Not a Noob
May 10, 2005
Sounds to me like DC is just making excuses for dragging their heels film-wise. Sorry, guys, but when it comes to movies, Marvel's got you licked.


Apr 9, 2010
Batman and Superman
those two names are the reason why Marvel heroes will never be considered better than DC's, these two guys have been, are and will always be the best comic book heroes ever, Batman being the greatest and superman being the most acknowledged.

Compared to them the best heroes Marvel has to offer (spiderman, Iron man, wolverine) are just some cool Class B likable characters.
Feb 8, 2004
DC > Marvel. The Marvel universe is waaay too gimmicky, like 60's B movies. The DCU has a level of class Marvel can never match. Superhero creation by way of radioactivity or mutation is so fail.
May 28, 2008
@ Mando44646

"A guy who can do everything so theres no challenge, another guy with parent issues, and a mostly naked women from some made up land."

You mean Thor, Spider-Man, and Scarlet Witch?

These descriptions have absolutely nothing to do with what a character stands for. What they meant in the article was that Marvel characters are generally more lowly and/or flawed to be easier to relate to, hence their representing "characters on the street." DC characters, on the other hand, are generally much bigger. Sure, they have their flaws (they don't want 2D characters), but Superman is a whole lot more symbolic and significant of an icon than Spider-man.

Not that DC has been able to pull off a decent movie series outside of Batman. That's my problem with DC; they have good comics, great characters, and some of the best cartoons, but when it comes to the movies, they can't seem to get their act together. Meanwhile, Marvel is raking in the dough with their Avengers, X-Men, and Spider-man franchises.


Feb 18, 2008
Yes, I agree completely they are bigger and better....But DC is a mess a real mess and Marvel has been kicking their asses since 2000. If this were a race they would be laps behind.


Jul 12, 2007

Yes, Marvel characters deal with problems we all have in our lives, but honestly? I read comics to escape all of those problems, not read about someone else dealing with them. It's called "escapism", and that's why DC is a more enjoyable read than Marvel, and unlike you, I've read both Marvel and DC.


Prime Member
Nov 7, 2007
I am glad DC isn't going to make a Justice League movie any time soon. The smart thing to do is wait for the Avengers movie to come out and see how it does. If it works then go ahead with a Justice League movie. I just don't think these mash-ups are going to work, though. Many of these characters can't even get a good solo movie.
Aug 17, 2008
Superman and Batman are heavy hitters, but who else from DC is "bigger than Marvel?" Other than Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Flash, I don't think DC has any heroes that could star in their own movie that would be recognizable by the average person.

I'm not saying there aren't great DC characters, only that DC is heavily reliant on Supes and Bats for their big movies while Marvel has Spiderman, Iron Man, Hulk, X-Men, Punisher, Daredevil, Ghost Rider, and so on. Some of those movies obviously turned out better than others, but I hardly think that having two really popular characters somehow counts as DC having bigger characters than Marvel.


Mar 10, 2010
i am a huge dc fan and i love the level of emotion they put into there characters even in superman the strongest man alive has fear and can be bested by a human in the dc universe
Sep 29, 2010
DC has some big iconic characters, its true, but in many ways they are too big to care about. Batman is physically, mentally, and financially perfect. Superman is unbeatable and can be everywhere nearly at once. Green Lantern's ring can do just about anything he wants it to do. Wonder Woman is nearly a goddess (or is a goodess made flesh, her origin gets very confused). They are all iconic fantasies, but that is all they really represent. Fantasies.

Marvel's characters are often much more grounded, allowing a greater level of identifying with there characters. Spiderman with his family, girl, school (ok that last one has pretty much disappeared) and job worries on top of superhero responability. Thor is/was crippled as a man. Iron Man being an alcoholic. Almost every Marvel character has one or two character flaws that almost everyone can identify with, and leaves they reader wanting more. Fantasies still, but grounded fantasies.

That said, I'm greatfull for the way DC is handling its characters in the movies. Iron Man 2 needed a lot more Iron Man and a lot less Avengers Prequel.


Oct 8, 2010
I love DC, but I can't see a proper Justice League movie. Especially with the way Batman is now portrayed in movies. The Dark Knight teaming up with others seems like a far fetch idea.


Aug 5, 2010
I agree and disagree with what he says. I think Marvel has more iconic heroes but DC has Marvel beat on iconic villains.


Aug 5, 2010
I agree and disagree with what he says. I think Marvel has more iconic heroes but DC has Marvel beat on iconic villains.


May 3, 2009
he kinda dug his own grave. Marvel's characters are better because they're actually relatable. I can't relate to a man who is completely invincible except for a green rock. But I can relate to a young man who has a secretive lifestyle that has to balance power and responsibility, and wins just about as many times as he loses.


Jul 28, 2010
I agree...although Marvel has some great characters, DC has some great characters but also so many icinic and well aged storylines...


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 13, 2008
DC is more "fictiony" than Marvel. Marvel takes place in a world with a city called NEW YORK, while DC is a world of a multitude of other worlds, with gods, and parallel universes. Marvel is always too down to earth for me. I want my superheros to actually be super.

-but DC wins because one of its characters is a rich billionaire who dresses up like a bat at night, fights crime, shoots gods with god-bullets, and whose biggest arch-rival is a Clown. What's Marvel got that's cooler than that?
Aug 10, 2010
marvel is more iconic than dc is period. superman started the comic industry, thats all the things good about him. seriously i think like 4 or 5 people even care about superman anymore. batman is the only other iconic hero they have. green lantern, flash, green arrow, etc. aren't iconic, they are great bu not iconic. now spider-man, wolverine, captain america, iron man, hulk are iconic. not to mention they still have daredevil, punisher, thor, fantastic four, etc. marvel is more iconic. and for villains again the only iconic villains are joker and lex luthor. two-face, sinestro, deathstroke, braniac are great but like the heroes not iconic. marvel has green goblin, doc ock, venom, magneto, dr. doom, red skull, loki, galactus, and kingpin...........again marvel wins. of course if ur a fan of superman u might feel differently but from me, who could care less about him well...ya
Jun 17, 2005
fanboy fight!!!!

what a comment to make, DC has Superman and Batman yep...2 pretty big well known guys and then what?? Not much really.

Sorry, Marvel wins out. Spiderman, Wolverine, Iron Man, The X-Men, The Hulk..

As others have said before, the Marvel lot feel more grounded, more relatable. Don't get me wrong, I like Supes and Bats, but the rest of DC's lot just don't compare.
Jan 12, 2007
I just never understood why people always have to pick sides. I actually like both marvel and dc characters, usually depending on the writer snd story arc at the time.

I wish he just stood with the first cooments on how they just wanted to focus differently. The moment he went that DC is bigger than Marvel characters and they have to be treated with respect, I rolled my eyes.


Sep 21, 2008

I think they are in the same position/situation regarding the celebrity of some of their heroes. They don't have to be recognizable. They just have to deliver, than they become recognizable.

This entire renaissance of video game movies was not only triggered by the evolution of special effects, but also by the success of Blade. And Blade was not as known and as popular as Spidey and Co.

I am also more of a DC guy, because of Batman, Superman, Green Lantern.

And I have to disagree Madmachine13, cleary he hasn't read Batman or Superman lately. I mean the entire R.I.P. Batman story arc, was absolutely amazing, some of the best stories are Batman stories and even the latest movie proves how they do want to make Batman more human with his flaws and issues.

As for now I have to say DC wins. Marvel delivers quantity, yes. But DC clearly delivered quality. If they succeed with the Superman Reboot and the Green Lantern movie, than they are certainly on par if not above Marvel.

I mean, I love to watch the new Hulk or Iron Man movie, but nothing compares to the Dark Knight.


Dec 11, 2009
they're about even if you ask me. though i always liked marvel's approach because it builds up to the event. I don't think the universe batman begins and the dark knight exsits in could be the same universe as any superman or green lantern. so there would have to be some tweaking to make it possible.


Nov 16, 2009
DC doesn't have that many great hero's IMO. I love Batman to death of course, and I like Green Lantern, The Martian Manhunter and Watchmen is a masterpiece. But I'm a Marvel guy to the core, especially since Marvel has Thor and Thor could beat anyone in the DCU. Some people may say Supes could, but superman would try to reason with him at first, Thor wouldn't do that.


Prime Member
Feb 19, 2004
What a pile of croc. Besides Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, DC has failed miserably at making TODAY's mainstream audience aware of their pitiful second tier characters. However, ask practically anyone today about Spiderman, Daredevil, Wolverine, Hulk, Iron Man, Fantastic Four, X-Men and they will recognize them. Justice League huh? Legion of Superwha? teen whotans? Yeah. Thought so
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