Aug 20, 2004
Iseennothing you just might hit the mark a good title which leads me to theorize onething

Does anybody remember Gargantou (Please let me slip saying this word once) bad*** tentacle headed
genma who went toe to toe with Sam and fought Soki in the Oni mansion realm.

According to some websites or Blade Warriors, Gargantou was once an oni himself but betrayed the clan.

What Im saying that if Gargant was one of the evil oni, they might as well make a prequel to the original. it's a dumbtheory I thought up.[face_plain]
Aug 13, 2007
Thanks ULTx4. unfortunaly I think people gave up on the upcoming onimusha 5. Only if there is a way to let the Copcom know about my idea to see what they think of it. Another brief idea thanks to ULTx4 i think that Gargant goes back when the first onimusha (i'm not sure if its somenoske) and tries to kill him. Remember in the first onimusha when these great spirits came and talked to somenoske about being an onimusha or something? Well, i think that the great spirits go to the future and tell Jubie, soki and other onimushas that Gargant is trying to break the line of the onimushas so all the onimushas go in time all over the place and try to stop Gargant........ Well, thats another brief idea.

(Well, i think that the great spirits go to the future and tell Jubie, soki and other onimushas that Gargant is trying to break the line of the onimushas so all the onimushas go in time all over the place and try to stop Gargant.......)
-I kinda gave up on the detail parts :)


Sep 13, 2007
To answer some guy's question about the guy who gave Samonoke the amor in Demon Siege, that's his uncle bro....Akechi I think I spelled it wrong but its something like that. To get a true understanding of Onimusha you have to play Samuri Warriors (you know the game where your fighting a million people) thats the prequel to Onimusha basically when everybody was alive as just plain humans with special ablities. You can also play with Samoniska's cousin in that game. It sheds some light on the actual story


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
BigTim99 said:
To answer some guy's question about the guy who gave Samonoke the amor in Demon Siege, that's his uncle bro....Akechi I think I spelled it wrong but its something like that. To get a true understanding of Onimusha you have to play Samuri Warriors (you know the game where your fighting a million people) thats the prequel to Onimusha basically when everybody was alive as just plain humans with special ablities. You can also play with Samoniska's cousin in that game. It sheds some light on the actual story

Heh, Samurai Warriors has nothing to do with Onimusha. Both games are based upon historical Japanese characters.

Capcom has altered history when creating Onimusha; Mitsuhide Akechi, the man who gave Samanosuke his armour at the start of of Oni3, is portrayed as Sam's uncle in Onimusha. In history, Mitsuhide Akechi was Samanosuke's Father-in-Law, and perhaps cousin aswell (hence Samurai warriors). He served under his father-in-law, Mitsuhide akechi and led the attack at the battle of Honnoji.

He is probably most renowned in history for traversing Lake Biwa on horseback, after fleeing a battle in which his Father-in-law was slain.

Samanosuke (Hidemitsu Akechi)



Mitsuhide Akechi

Samurai Warriors:

Onimusha- Heh, I'm sure you've seen him.

Oda Nobunaga

Samurai Warriors-




Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I wonder if altering the character of Samanosuke to be a nephew rather than son was so the copyright could go to Fu Long. I don't think you can copyright an actual historical figure. [face_thinking] I mean, it's clear they wanted the name from history.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
LisaB1138 said:
I wonder if altering the character of Samanosuke to be a nephew rather than son was so the copyright could go to Fu Long. I don't think you can copyright an actual historical figure. [face_thinking] I mean, it's clear they wanted the name from history.

Well, Samanosuke was not Hidemitsu Akechi's historical name, so I know Fu Long patented Samanosuke and his likeness; so his relation to Mitsuhide may well have been altered to fit that patent, without stirring up trouble.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Yes, Sama No Suke is a title, but it's one Mitsuhide's son had. Sam introduces himself as Hidemitsu Samanosuke Akechi in Oni 3, right?

As a Takeshi fan, I think it was really smart of Fu Long to insist that they own the character. Considering Capcom's record of ruining series, goodness only knows what they would have done with Sam had they had total control! (Although some would say having him wind up with pubescent Ako was bad! :^O)
May 15, 2007
i'm hoping after capcom finish work on there other titles they can start on onimusha 5, this game has to be done, as i don't think there has been a perfect samurai fantasy game has been made, this game has to been done even if it takes 3 years, waiting is worth it if the finish product has the best story line best characters returning or new and best game play... it a bit much to ask but its what the fans deserve and PS3 owns.

Jan 10, 2007
hey its been a while guys. i used to post here non-stop.

the oni series is just awesome and unique, full of potential that capcom isnt exploring.

as someone mentioned before, im also a fan of garuganto. what a badass genma/ oni. i wanted to make a live action remake of the fight between garuganto and sam from the trailer using the same music. you wouldnt explicitly know its them since theyd look much younger.. its more a prequel fight with the same choreography and different costume.

im big into action and tricking. im actually sitting here typing this from my room because i dislocated my metatarsals and tore some ligaments in my foot doing the crazy spinny move garuganto does in the trailer. we martial arts tricksters call it a hyper cheat 720 twist (hyper means land on the opposite leg than usual, cheat 720 twist means a double butterfly twist taking off like a 540 / tornado kick.) as a pretty decent trickster, ive only known of 3 people that have done this move, none getting it correctly on film. (i thought the stunt actors learnt this move, but if you look in the making of on youtube, its wires)

so i want to do big things with this, known, yet still rare game series.

anyway, if that was remake of the oni 3 trailer was successful i wanted to make a monthly short film (5-10 min long) as part of an onimusha series. there are so many devil may cryers out there and other games with live action tributes I was almost happy onimusha hasnt caught on, less competition and more rarity. one skit idea would be for the "corrupt onimusha" based on garuganto (about garuganto, his design is so awesome i wonder if capcom actually designed him....maybe it was the company that did the trailer?)

anyway there is SOME news about onimusha 5. my little cousin who doesnt even know what onimusha is went to the capcom panel at comic con and there was an open discussion. someone mentioned onimusha and the reps of capcom usa talked about a new onimusha game and hinted that they wanted samanosuke to be the lead in the next game. they mentioned that the onimusha movie might come out with its own game. it didnt come from japan itself so i dunno how valid it is.

there is also news from a french capcom site that the new onimusha game will be on ps3, starring jubei yagyu. which conflicts with the above but is still new news.

you can find discussion about this on the oni 4 board at gamefaqs

my username there is playitretro but dont tell anyone about those live action oni things i want to film, im saving them as a suprise and waiting for myself to heal.


Oct 4, 2007
if onimusha 5 is gona be releasd with the movie its gona star sam caus the movie is about him and itl go oldschool back to his begining and expect the best cutsceans best game play and new content such as hiddn co op. but itl proberbly be the onimusha 3 agin but playn the sam in the past in sted


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I have to say this because I'm the ultimate Genma fangurl:

Since the movie story will probably follow the first game, they should release a PS3 and 360 port of Genma featuring (drum roll please) analog control.

That way all the Sony dudes can understand why Genma is so superior and noobs can get Onimusha goodness w/o pesky (and now annoying) D-pad control.

There I said it. :D


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
It's not a question of disliking Jubei, I just find Sam so much more interesting.

Samanosuke had no choice in the matter--the Oni clan just gave him the power without asking or telling him the consequences of accepting the power. Jubei is half-demon, so he was born with the power.

Also, Sam's mission is more self-less (saving Yuki) vs. Jubei's mission of revenge.

I just think there's more story with Sam. And hotness. :D Yeah, I went there.


Apr 11, 2008
I have to agree with you. Soki wasn't that great of a character. I personally belive that Jubei Yagyu was a better fighter/character in the game due to her agility and incredible combos. Soki seemed to tame in my opinion. Tenkai and Ohastu were straight out boring. Roberto was great also, but i feel like he was lacking a bit on his talent. I hate the fact that Samanouske eventually became Tenkai after sealing Nobunaga's power int the gauntlet; how irrelevant is that? Out of 5 characters in the game, only 2 of them were great. What up with everyone predicting what the following Onimusha game is going to be like? Are they making this up? Or did they read about it somewhere? Hmmmm...


Apr 11, 2008
I'm not gonna lie, Jubei Yagyu from ONI2 was a great character. I thought it was unique how he was able to absorb souls from his hands since he had no need of an Oni gauntlet. Of course he had this ability due to him being half demon. I'd be nice to see Jubei from ONI2 and Samanosouke team up in the 5th installment. I'd be nice to see Nobunaga being released from the Oni gauntlet.
Jun 14, 2008
well onimusha 5 is goignto feuter jubei yagyu the real one from the second game and with the help of samanosuke or both of them combine ore going to defeat the new reborn nobunaga because capcom said the onimusha dawn of dreams did not have a rigth story and samanosuke with jubei's help are going to try and seal the oni gauntlet that has nobunaga inside ok not the way you are saying it ok.


Nov 25, 2008
Dose anyone know when the 5th onimusha is comeing out in the u.s. ?
i've been waiting for some time to findout and can't get an answer.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
onilextex said:
Dose anyone know when the 5th onimusha is comeing out in the u.s. ?
i've been waiting for some time to findout and can't get an answer.
Onimusha 5 is not currently in development and Capcom does not appear to have any intention of beginning development on a fifth title. Onimusha has been concluded insofar as they are concerned. This is merely our rumination upon what we would like to see if it came to be.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I think the only way we'll get a new game is as a movie tie-in. Since the movie seems perpetually on hold . . . *shrugs*


Jan 27, 2009
onimusha [DOD] was a silly game.on onimusha 5 i would like the return of nobunaga oda and i would like samanosuke to be like onimusha 3.also jubei yagyu [male] must return to help as much as he can because he is to old.jubei yagyu [female]will bring back soki but main character must be samanusoke akechi.nobunaga will bring back gargant and gogandantess and the evil demon guildenstern.in the end samanosuke jubei and soki will become one powerfull onimusha.nobunaga with the power of the demons he will have endless demonic power and he will transform to a powerfull demon and a big battle will start.i have played oni1 oni2 oni blade warriors oni3 and oni [DOD].onimusha is the best capcom game


Say My Name
Jan 25, 2009
Personally, I loved Dawn of Dreams - the gameplay mechanics, the
characters, the storyline, everything. I hope Capcom continues along
the same lines in the [hypothetical] next installment.

Also, Samanouske is too old to be the leading man now, as is evident by his taking a backseat to Soki in DOD


Jan 27, 2009
no samanosuke is the best.he mast be the main charapter.also jubey might be old but with the power of the oni he will help samasosuke as he can.I [personal] dont give a shit about soki because DOD was a stupit game.it might had great graphics but it was not like [oni1,oni2,oni3].
May 18, 2009
actually DOD was spin of 2 the onimusha saga! admitted even by the producers! the reaon samanoskue wasnt in it, was because of the same reason he wasnt in the 2nd one (samurai's destiny) because there are also other members of the oni clan for example jubei who belonged to the yagyu clan!

so samanoskue aint old and weary! he's still da best there is! and if you hadnt noticed, he made an appearance in DOD as tenkai!

so yh i also fink that samanoskue should reveal his true self, as he has the ultimate power!!!


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Soki was a POS. Capcom thinks they always need something or someone new to open the door for as many money... err... I mean gamers as possible. They are a greedy bunch of asses...

Sam and Jubei were, are and would be just fine as the next main character.

That said, Onimusha doesn't make as many millions as it should in Capcom's eyes, so we probably won't see another game. And if we do, it will probably be a completely different type of game, like "RE1-CVX > RE4+RE5" and not the stuff we love so much. It will be as mainstream as possible. Capcom doesn't know the word "loyalty"... [face_plain]


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
If we get another game it will probably be a movie tie-in for the movie that supposedly finished shooting earlier this year. I find that weird---a game based off a movie based off a game. [face_silly]


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
Weird indeed. But I was also worried that Capcom would make a movie-game instead of a true sequel to the already existing series. No matter what happens, one thing's for sure in my opinion: Capcom sucks so much sometimes...[face_frustrated]
May 15, 2007
i think ppl should stop hoping for a new game, E3 has passed and still no word of oni 5,

capcom are just plain idiots they have one of there most succesful franchises and when they get a chances to improve the game, all its features on current-gen consoles they go dark and say nothing, if they don't want to make anymore onimusha games, then they could easily sell the name rights and make a quick buck of that.

plain idiocy's
Oct 31, 2008
GhostofSparta22 said:
Personally, I loved Dawn of Dreams - the gameplay mechanics, the
characters, the storyline, everything. I hope Capcom continues along
the same lines in the [hypothetical] next installment.

Also, Samanouske is too old to be the leading man now, as is evident by his taking a backseat to Soki in DOD

Id have to agree. DOD was great and Id like a sequel. But this time around have a full-on 2 player co-op mode and be able to rotate the damn camera. Full-on RPG stats instead of just HP, MP, OP. Make armor like the weapons and make them all more vast and varied. Make the Dark Realm 2 player. More stages, longer game. DOD was truly epic for an action game. I put a good 61 hours into it for a 'Normal' playthrough.

We should be able to convert all our progress over to a higher difficulty. And in fact 2 player could also be 'tag in/tag out' style Ala X-men Legends. How about being able to pick your 2 characters for a mission instead of just Soki & whoever. More costumes. More unlockables. More replay value. How about some good Street Fighter Costumes like from SFIII and the Alpha series. Maybe have 2-3 more allies than DOD had. How about costumes from other Capcom games like DMC or MM or RE.

Make leveling up harder (need more exp. to level up). I didnt like the fact that I needed to be between lvl 80-90 just to beat it on Normal when theres 3 more levels of difficulty after that. More indepth combat. Maybe add some elements from DMC or Dynasty Warriors like specific special moves during Oni mode or cross-over combos (square, triangle, square, square) so I guess a light attack & heavy attack whatever. As long as its more indepth than what it is right now.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
And if we wanted anime inspired drivel with ridiculous combat, the collecting of thousands of weapons we have absolutely no use for and the illusion of depth through numbers: then we could easily browse any anime collection or pick up a JRPG.

Onimusha offered a simple and realistic approach to its world, characters and mechanics, and with the more outlandish elements - it cemented them within a historical or mythological context. Dawn Of Dreams abolished all of that and did not replace it with anything worthwhile.

It is also interesting to note that in a world where hack and slash games are occupied by overly ostentatious anime-esque combat such as can be seen within God Of War, Devil May Cry, Heavenly Sword, Dynasty Warriors, Genji, Ninja Gaiden, Kingdom Hearts and Prince Of Persia - the main Onimusha games were, quite frankly, a breath of fresh air.
Oct 31, 2008
Well I dont see any other action game stepping up so Onimusha had to. I liked the original trilogy too but whats the point of having only 3-4 weapons that only go to lvl 10. [face_plain] How about some replay value? A game like Devil May Cry has a few RPG elements. Just to clear things up I hate RPGs. They are boring. In fact I pretty much just play SFIII 3rd Strike online w/ 2DF Free Play. So when it comes to indepth fighting mechanics, that takes the cake for me. However, Onimusha, DMC and all the others out there, unlike Street Fighter, are just mindless button mashing with no real incentive to develop one's so-called 'skill' in a game like Onimusha. If you compare GoW to DMC then GoW pales in comparison when it comes to combat and difficulty where GoW is just that same ol' button mashing w/ annoying artificial difficulty.

Whats so bad about an indepth combat system w/ some RPG elements? I know they aint and cant make it like a real fighting game so thats why there has to be some incentive for 'leveling up'. You see in fighting games, YOU the person levels up your skill, reaction time, execution, mind games, etc... In RPGs you lvl up through the means of boring turn based battles. In action games they nerf the gameplay/fighting mechanics & give us some incentive (i.e. You can lvl up this sword to lvl 10 and become god!) cause there is no real skill involved in it in the 1st place. Now in DoD your char. lvls up too. Well its about time. No one has ever made a true ACTION RPG. Cause its either heavy or light in one or the other aspect. Id like to see a real action RPG and since Onimusha already made strides, not steps, to do so...they need to take one more leap in order to fully realize what no game company has ever done in the history of video games.

I agree we dont need a million weapons. But then it would seem like a DMC clone where there are only 3-5 char. specific ones. Its nothing more than Capcom's attempt to evolve the Onimusha series. I love DoD & the Original Trilogy. But DoD is more epic in scope and did a lot of things that no other action game tried to do. You can't deny it and if Capcom makes another one they will continue in the direction DoD has left.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Why does Onimusha need to become an RPG at all? It was an Action Adventure title and so it should remain. You can only level your weapons (and Orbs in Warlords) as far as Level 3, not 10 as you mistakenly think. Skill was an integral part of becoming a brilliant player at Onimusha but it was by no means mandatory, which allowed room for newcomers; which is something skilled players(such as Snake) will readily attest to with the beautiful but tricky chain-issen. S-Ranks are reasons for replaying and self-improvement, you need no game to pat you upon the back for playing well if it is something that comes naturally to you.

Onimusha was never a Devil May Cry clone considering that Warlords preceded Devil May Cry and has used the same system(including Three fabled weapons + Katana/Bow/Matchlock etc) while refining it up until Dawn Of Dreams. And comparing Fighting games to Action Adventure titles is beyond ridiculous. For one, you have a gameplay mechanic that relies upon fighting and naught else with no Beginning or Conclusion - thus, it has to have a deep mechanic as that is ALL it has. Onimusha has put you in control of a human being and a Samurai/Ronin, not some ridiculous demon son or self-proclaimed God - so why should the game reflect anything other than that? Both Jubei and Samanosuke were seasoned warriors before beginning their adventures, so why need they "level up"? Enemies become progressively harder as you move on and it is up to the player to adapt to them.

Dawn Of Dreams was a travesty so I fail to see these leaps and bounds of which you speak. The story was beyond nonsensical, the characters were horrendous and equal to something you would expect from a Saturday morning anime and the gameplay which you praise so highly - consisted of nothing but tediously boring combat and number crunching. All of which flies in the face of the masterpiece that was Onimusha 3.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
DOD simply wasn't Onimusha.

I think leveling up to 100 for any reason is ridiculous. Come on, a scale that size is pointless! There's little to no difference between fifty and fifty-five. What's the point of that?

Give me meaningful levels, not just numbers meant to fool me into thinking I'm accomplishing something.

Sometimes the best things about a game aren't things that involve button presses. Onimusha was unique in how it created a game based on history and legend, environments that drew you in, and characters you could admire. Add a combat system that relied on strategy and timing and not flash, and you've got a game that feels real.
Oct 31, 2008
I guess its been awhile. Only to lvl 3 huh? Well, Oni 1-3 were great action games but there was always something missing. 2 player was one. An 'in-depth' DMC-esque combat system that DoD has was two. Lvling up was 3. Remember this is an action game Aka
" lets mash square and 'strategically' time square or block to do chains and fool ourselves into thinking we have something that is called skill " , its not a fighting game where things like skill, technique, execution, timing, reaction speed, mind games, clutch and other nuances exist that not only happen in a matter of seconds but is against another human being. Not some dumb AI. Take the 'deflect into chain' aspect of Onimusha. You hold the button down to block or right when you're gonna get hit. In fighting games something similar happens only not so juvenile. See with fighting games you hold back or down-back to block/crouch block, not hit/hold a button *sigh*. It plays a crucial role, like say you dash in on your opponent (hit forward twice real quick) then they attack you gotta instantly react to it and try to hold back or you are using a charge char. and gotta charge your special moves. In a game like Garou - Mark Of The Wolves there exists something called Just Defend, its also in CVS2. You tap away just as you're supposed to get hit and if timed right you negate that attack. And its completely safe just like Onimusha cause if you mess it up you'll just block it. Thats what we refer to as weaksauce mode.

In Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike theres something similar but that actually takes skill, timing and risk. Its called parry. And it only exists in the SFIII series and no other fighting games have it & never will cause its only for hardcore gamers. Theres also red parry. Parry happens when you tap forward or down depending whether the attack is high or low/overhead. Now like I said, this technique is only for hardcore gamers because if you screw up the timing you eat a huge combo or take dmg somehow depending on whats going on. Red parry is even harder but sounds easier. When you block say, a 3-hit special/Ex move or 7-hit Super Art, youd block the 1st hit then quickly parry the remaining hits. The US has yet to tap into this yet Japan simply just blows us away.

Anyway, So parry isnt 100% safe and requires strict timing but its there for a reason. If you're gonna spam fireballs all day or turtle like a bitch waiting for me to jump in so you can SRK/Flash Kick/whatever to me, its not gonna happen. You outdated and cheap SFII tactics wont work here. I can negate your feeble attempt at trying to beat me. You see 3rd Strike or fighting games in general is like chess. Except Im smarter than you and can skip your turn and punish your scrub mistakes to make you never want to play again or at least play me again cause I consistenly and repeatedly hand you your ass, lol, with a low tier char. btw which means I gotta work twice as hard to win anyways. Proving that you don't know $hit about out-thinking someone else in the most indepth fighting game ever...SFIII - 3rd Strike. Mashing buttons and SRking on wakeup all day like a moron wont work against good players. They can read you like a psychic read's your mind and once they get in your head its all over. Its a culmination of Parry/Red Parry, UOH, SA selection, EX moves, Tech Throws, Target Combos & in general of course cross-ups, overheads, high/low mixup, wakeup game, clutch (when its down to the wire), corner pressure, zoning, countering, tick throw setups, dashing (forward & back), super jumping, hit confirming, charge partioning, charge buffering, empty jumps, resets, combos (obviously), individual matchups, tier ranking, etc... etc... etc... Theres 19 chars. to choose from so 'main'-ing 1 char. exclusively or even having a 2nd is mandatory if you wanna lvl up your game and take it seriously. You can see the top players at EVO (US) or SBO (Japan) every year. Theres 1000s of vids on youtube for 3rd Strike alone too if you ever wanted to step up and play a real man's game btw. In fact TheShend has nothing but 3S vids on his profile to look at or DL, almost 3000.

So... This is what brings me back to my original point. There is no skill involved in an action game outside of mashing buttons, if you wanna call that a skill. Which is why their needs to be a reason to lvl up something. Hence the weapons or your char. besides just gaining new moves or oni mode transformation. But yes I do agree with the guy above me. Give us real lvls to feel like we actually accomplished something after mashing the square button, lol. Either that or give us real fighting mechanics. That way you, the person, lvls up and has literally accomplished something.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Heh, perhaps you ought to read what was said and respond to it or at least get a room while you masturbate over Street Fighter and fighting games. As to your climaxing over self-gratification through "skill" - there really is no arguing with that sort of irrefutable reasoning.[face_talk_hand]

Skill is subsumed within all of Capcom's games; just because it is open to the standard gamer does not mean that there is nothing for the Onimusha veterans should they wish to pursue it. As I am certain you know from first hand experience: Issen and Devilish mode are both cakewalks; not to mention getting an S Rank in Onimusha: Warlords was ridiculously easy. Oni Spirits minigame? Child's play.

I struggle to grasp your reasoning of "leveling up equates to skill." You are not perhaps a World Of Warcraft player, are you?[face_tongue] Not taking a single hit in Onimusha or performing a chain-issen upon a room full of 20 foes is what I would consider skill, not in-game number crunching. Nevertheless, I trust that you are aware that Onimusha: Dawn Of Dreams requires no more skill than the previous games? If anything, it requires less. Issen may now be performed with a simply weapon charge and the timing window for chaining is huge. Simply because the game has hundreds of weapons and the ability for characters to level up and obtain new attacks does not make it a "difficult" game. It simply makes it a needless grind fest with no reward. I must admit that I find your comment about Onimusha being in dire need of "two player" just as surprising. It is amazing that singe-player, story driven, action games have survived this long without it.

Heh, it is a shame that your "skill" within games does not translate into debate or discussion.;)


Aug 10, 2009
Onimusha is based on the historical events of Japan during the [link=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azuchi%E2%80%93Momoyama_period]Azuchi Momoyoma period[/link]. Oda Nobunaga was forced to commit suicide in 1582 when Akechi Mitsuhide's troops surrounded his castle. Then Toyotomi Hideyoshi (the little monkey man in Onimusha 1 & 2) eliminated Akechi Mitsuhide and took the military and political ruling of Japan.

Now, let's look at the name of Akechi Mitsuhide :

- He has the same clan name as Samanosuke and they both kill Nobunaga (in the game or in reality).
- Mitsuhide came from the Mino province (where is Gifu castle)and was nicknamed Jubei, just like Yagyu Jubei of Onimusha 2.

It gives explanations for Samanosuke and Jubei and now let's find were Soki comes from.
The game says he is the adoptive son of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but what does History say ? Hideyasu (Soki's real name) was born in the Tokugawa clan, the second son of Tokugawa Ieyasu, who will become shogun in 1603. Hideyasu was rejected by his father Ieyasu and given to Toyotomi Hideyoshi to be adopted.

Tenkai was really a Buddhist monk of the same period and some biographs think he actually was Akechi Mitsuhide. It can explain why the heroes of Dawn of Dreams make a halt at the Akechi mausoleum.

I needed to explain that in order to emit some hypothesis on an possible Onimusha 5 :
- I don't think Onimusha 5 can happen after that period because it was a relatively peaceful era under the Tokugawa dynasty. It means Soki would not be back.
- The game could focus on Akechi Mitsuhide and his coup at the Azuchi castle battle (He used Oda's army against him).
- The fact that Nobunaga's remnants were actually never found can help his making a comeback in Onimusha 5.

As for the "jump" ability on the X button, I hope it would not happen, I don't want Onimusha to become a Devil may Cry ersatz, even if I like that series.

Aug 22, 2009
Actually some of the info above is true, 5 will feature a NEW Nobunaga, story will start and supposedly Revolve around Tenaki, who i hope they will make him call himself samanosuke again, i was a little saddened by what they made him, i never hated or liked soki i was impartial about his character alot of people say he was a whiny ass, which was true for most of teh game, but by the end, he wasnt as bad, but but do to the end of DoD we may be seeing Soki return, either as a hero, or corrupted by the Genma due to his entry into the omen star, which was a small rumored plot twist

but this all could be wrong too, i havent heard any official announcement, of there even being an onimusha 5,
Sep 25, 2009
hi all,

maybe the new story line will introduce us a whole new character, and in the middle of the story lines he will receive guidiance from all previous oni heros.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 3, 2005
masquerade_red said:
Heh, perhaps you ought to read what was said and respond to it or at least get a room while you masturbate over Street Fighter and fighting games. As to your climaxing over self-gratification through "skill" - there really is no arguing with that sort of irrefutable reasoning.[face_talk_hand]

Skill is subsumed within all of Capcom's games; just because it is open to the standard gamer does not mean that there is nothing for the Onimusha veterans should they wish to pursue it. As I am certain you know from first hand experience: Issen and Devilish mode are both cakewalks; not to mention getting an S Rank in Onimusha: Warlords was ridiculously easy. Oni Spirits minigame? Child's play.

I struggle to grasp your reasoning of "leveling up equates to skill." You are not perhaps a World Of Warcraft player, are you?[face_tongue] Not taking a single hit in Onimusha or performing a chain-issen upon a room full of 20 foes is what I would consider skill, not in-game number crunching. Nevertheless, I trust that you are aware that Onimusha: Dawn Of Dreams requires no more skill than the previous games? If anything, it requires less. Issen may now be performed with a simply weapon charge and the timing window for chaining is huge. Simply because the game has hundreds of weapons and the ability for characters to level up and obtain new attacks does not make it a "difficult" game. It simply makes it a needless grind fest with no reward. I must admit that I find your comment about Onimusha being in dire need of "two player" just as surprising. It is amazing that singe-player, story driven, action games have survived this long without it.

Heh, it is a shame that your "skill" within games does not translate into debate or discussion.;)

I agree with this. I enjoyed Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, but the game itself paled in comparison to Onimusha 2 and 3 (especially). In those two installments, more skill was involved, the story was more in depth, and the player had to adjust to the growing level of difficulty within the game. In DOD, once you reached a certain level, the game was a cakewalk and didn't require as much skill as the other two installments. It was as if the Issen mode was dumbed-down for those that were unfamiliar with the game. I'm guessing the whole RPG element within the game somewhat watered it down along with the story's premise (which seemed very linear), not to mention that it was almost like a bunch of nothing, crammed into a hot mess. There was too much going on in the story, and the voice acting was below sub-par, so I had to play the game with Japanese voices and English subtitles to enjoy it better.



Aug 10, 2009
Personnaly, I would consider the history of Japan in its unfolding. History tells us that after Toyotomi Hideyoshi (the Evil guy in Onimusha 4) came Tokugawa Ieyasu as shogun. Ieyasu's name is closed to Hideyasu (Onimusha 4's hero) and it is because he was Hideyasu's father. Though he is Toyotomi Hideyoshi's son in the game, he was indeed the second son of Tokugawa Ieyasu. In feudal Japan, it was a custom to "give" one's child as a hostage to other daimyos (land rulers) to seal alliances. Toyotomi did raise Hideyasu as his son, but he was not meant to be the successor of the Toyotomi clan, since he was not his real son, unlike Hideyori (who appears as a baby in the scene before the first fight between Hideyoshi and Hideyasu, at Daigo Temple in chapter 7).
That's for the background.
In this case, it could be normal that Tokugawa Ieyasu, who defeated Toyotomi Hideyoshi and seized control of Japan, could be the next "vilain" of a possible Onimusha 5, with Hideyasu as the hero, fighting his real father's ambitions...

Possible isn't it ?


Aug 16, 2010
If this is true, then Hideyasu would have to still be alive.
This game follow's history but not all of it, the game suggestively just killed off
Hideyasu right? So that means either someone from DoD will be the new character with their own ambitions in the game, OR that A completely new character with small ties to
the previous ones will appear, like Onimusha 2.


May 3, 2010
but why would they bring back nobunaga oda he died at honoji temple in onimusha 3, thats the time, place and how he died in real life, except minus all the demon and oni powers of coures, so nobunaga coming back would make no sense since the basic storyline of onimusha is based on real history and events.