
Apr 27, 2006
okay, okay ideas anyone? i personally think that jubei is going to be the new onimusha or she's going to be some kind of companion to the new one. and the other "kichi" we saw could easily just be another member of the mino clan, seeing as how they're mass produced. what do you think will happppen?
May 11, 2006
hey guys

onimusha 5 will feature the return of Nobunaga Oda and Tenkai will revile who he really is(samanosuke hero of the first 3 onimusha games)
Jubei will serech for Soki who is not dead for he is needed agasint the reborn Nobunaga Oda the story will pick up where the last one left off when Soki entered into the gema star he mistakingly helped give the final power to revive Nobunaga soki now unconious was trown back to the planet and is inside an ice cap jubei finds robrto tells him whast going on and he agres to help bring him back for samanosuke is in greta need he is not as strong as what he once was.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Oni_of_Darkness said:
hey guys

onimusha 5 will feature the return of Nobunaga Oda and Tenkai will revile who he really is(samanosuke hero of the first 3 onimusha games)
Jubei will serech for Soki who is not dead for he is needed agasint the reborn Nobunaga Oda the story will pick up where the last one left off when Soki entered into the gema star he mistakingly helped give the final power to revive Nobunaga soki now unconious was trown back to the planet and is inside an ice cap jubei finds robrto tells him whast going on and he agres to help bring him back for samanosuke is in greta need he is not as strong as what he once was.

I hope not, soki should be dead and remain that way. The annoying little ass he was. Tenkai really throws garbage all over the hero that was samanosuke. I hope they leave all the characters and distance DOD as a sort of spin off from the main series.


Aug 20, 2004
I heard rumours on the Capcom Japan. com press page that Onimusha 5 will have all that you said, but what I read totally surprised me. First of all they are two Nobunaga Oda in the story, according to Kenji Inafune's announcement on the page anyway, and one of them is the good guy quite awkward. I also read the a new gameplay mechanic was added which is pretty much reminescent of Resident Evil 4. Jump Action is added to the X button, Absorbing souls returns back the the circle button, and attack button will be the same except it is also used as the examine objects/pick up items/ Open chests and doors. Sorry but that is all that I read on his announce page which was on April 30th 2006.

I keep checking on that site for more info if possible.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Thanks for the info ult x, sounds bad though [face_beatup]. If they get kaneshiro's likeness again it may soften the blow. Well the res evil mechanic was essentially present for the 1st 3 oni's so I'm not certain what you mean. You may just be referring to the action button present in res evil 4, ie jump out windows ect.


Aug 20, 2004
When I mean button presses I mean event actions. Jumping is on the X button is not an event action just a normal new mechanic. Trust me I reread and reread the whole article and it still says that same thing.
Jul 31, 2004
either this stuff is true, or it's a lie, which I hope is true. oda was cool...

but then people also said jauq and roberto were the same...
Aug 27, 2006
hey I was hoping that Samanosuke would go back to the way he used to be!
Tenkai did not look like him one bit!
Samanosuke should be the main character for the 5th installment in onimusha!
and people hate on Dawn or Dreams....
I think DOD was awesome!

and someone said something about a jump button?!?!
that would be amazing!!!!
and it brings the possabilities of air combos!!!!!
imagine samanosuke leaping in the air and coming down with his weapon attacking an enemy on the ground splittingthe enemy in half!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
MystWarrior105 said:
oh and I hope AKO comes back!
although Arin was cool too!
but how did ako turn into Arin?
thats what I dont get

complete the oni training in 3 to unlock the hidden ending and you shall see how ako became arin, either that or watch it on youtube. A jump button in my opinion sounds awful, we don't want oni becoming a cheap samurai warrriors.
Sep 12, 2006
yo i heard...... you said its comming out when? How do you know this?
samamnosuke os old man really revile? or revive?

I'm just curous
Sep 12, 2006
Tenkai is better then the old form man really but its just that
is white hair is so ugly lol it makes him look so old
oh yeah and beside all you samanosuke fans his name is kenji
he got famous in japan i think lol.
i some of his movies............ well anyway i like tenkais spear
the way he swings it and all that..
they should make samanosuke die and then get revive to come back
and defeat nobunaga oda

Sep 12, 2006
I don't think there is any news about when Oni 5 will be released. If I'm not mistaken, I believe it was rumored to be playable at TGS a while ago but that has since been disproven.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Im_listening said:
Tenkai is better then the old form man really but its just that
is white hair is so ugly lol it makes him look so old
oh yeah and beside all you samanosuke fans his name is kenji
he got famous in japan i think lol.
i some of his movies............ well anyway i like tenkais spear
the way he swings it and all that..
they should make samanosuke die and then get revive to come back
and defeat nobunaga oda

The reason for his white hair is due to the fact sam is in his 60's. Due to the power of the oni bestowed upon him, his ageing is greatly slowed. Nankobo tenkai is great and all, yet samanosuke is a greater character in my opinion. You are familiar with his previous exploit and he is in no way heavily religous.

Who is this kenji[face_confused]. If you mean the actor sam is normally modelled on then his name is takeshi kaneshiro.[face_peace]
Sep 12, 2006
oh lol im srry this little misunderstanding samanusoke what ever his name is in real life did a movie i saw it, his name in the movie is called kenji so i just call him that.... im his biggest fan lol.

so could you explain to me to whole story of onimusha 5. like what happen in the beggining and the middle then the End man lol oh yeah and when is this game comming out? january? july? please answer back if you will.... one more queston sence you know all this are you related to the actors of this game?? example like are you the deracter or music designer. ........ thats all
Sep 12, 2006
[face_cool] This is a lame queston to ask but did the game first released in japen or released over here at armerica first?????
Sep 12, 2006
Tenkai is better then the old form man really but its just that
is white hair is so ugly lol it makes him look so old
oh yeah and beside all you samanosuke fans his name is kenji
he got famous in japan i think lol.
i some of his movies............ well anyway i like tenkais spear
the way he swings it and all that..
they should make samanosuke die and then get revive to come back
and defeat nobunaga oda

The reason for his white hair is due to the fact sam is in his 60's. Due to the power of the oni bestowed upon him, his ageing is greatly slowed. Nankobo tenkai is great and all, yet samanosuke is a greater character in my opinion. You are familiar with his previous exploit and he is in no way heavily religous.

Who is this kenji[face_confused]. If you mean the actor sam is normally modelled on then his name is takeshi kaneshiro.[face_peace]

dude man ....... i said the white hair makes him look ugly though i did not ask for why his hair has to be white lo. what happen to that guy jaque, that guy from france in the future that guy should come back with his cool oni whips. though i didnt like playing him. Who is samanosuke's master? when he went to visit the akechi tomb. is it that guy you see in the beginning of part 3 demon seige with the army and stuff??? the one who gave samanosuke his red armour


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Heh, were there moderators on this board, they would no doubt be bearing heavily down upon you for having 4 posts in a row.

The frenchman in onimusha 3 was called jaques, and was based upon the actor jean reno of leon, ronin fame. He was granted the power of the ogres by the Oni due to the fact he had switched places with the present day sam. However his gauntlet's power restored life to his son and as a result the power of the oni left him. So it can be presumed he continued his life in the present day. As for tenkai praying at the akechi tomb; it is where his decendants were laid to rest. Mitsuhide akechi led the attack on honoji temple at the start of oni 3, he was no doubt among those in the tomb. In actual history mitsuhide akehic was rumoured to have lived a long life and became a priest called tenkai[face_raised_brow].

No official information on onimusha 5 has been released yet, nor what console when it is to be released. So asking for it's plot and ending is a bit rash, just be patient.
Sep 12, 2006
how did the oni warroirs in part five obsorb the souls? did they use a goblet? or did they ude there hand like jubai in part2 ?


Sep 28, 2006
I hope they bring back jubie yagyu(hero from onimusha 2)for onimusha 5 that would be cool. i would like to see hes story


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I hope they bring back jubie yagyu(hero from onimusha 2)for onimusha 5 that would be cool. i would like to see hes story

I dont know if they would who knows but you got to figure he is old now he is a grandpa after all now you got to figure the Jubie in Onimusha 4 Dawn of Dreams is his grand daughter but who knows mabe there is still some fight left in him to return after all Samanosuke returned in 4 but he changed his name to Tenki to hide himself and he had fight left in him so mabe Jubie Yagyu from Onimusha 2 does as well we will have to wait and see who they will use in number 5 I would like to see all the characters from 1-4 return but I know that wont happen cause some were killed off as the story progressed and some would be to old to return or who knows


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
In my opinion I think it would be great if Roberto came back as he was great and a fighting machine. I hope the have it as 5 characters at least although if they had 10 and triple the game play I would be happy(not going to happen). I played from 1-4 and would say they did a fantastic job on DoD and if they kept Roberto I would be happy or at least someone that uses gloves instead of sowrd and gun.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Sorry not sure how to edit my last post as this site is set up much different then game spy, although this one has many more boards and better that way.

Well to ad to my last post. I would also say Jubie Yagyu Akane from 4 will retur with Soki just because the way DoD ended since it was about Jubie and her quest to find Soki. I think they wil find each other in this game or even in 6 as I'm sure with this series capcom will make high numbers with this game like final fantasy(although I think FF sucks).

I absolutly hated tenkais spear and every chance I got I was playing every one but him, mainly roberto as I got to level 100 in the dark relm with him pretty early in the game when he was introduced and got kick ass gloves. I mainly hope it will be roberto that will return and have a lot of new characters.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 2, 2005
Possible Figures:

Ieyasu Tokugawa

Hideyori (Not sure if he was birthed by Yodo herself or Ophelia, but they might make something of that)

Date Masamune

Sanada Yukimura

Stuff that might happen:

More Genma named after Shakespearean figures cause havok.
Powerful warlord accepts power of Genma.
Some guy/(possibly) girl with Oni powers is aided by some other people
Return of old Characters.

That's all I got for now...


Apr 27, 2006
It'll probably be out within the next year, I saw a clip of it on a Wii preview.

I just hope they scrap DoD's upgrade system and make characters with more originality. And make the plot better...
Oct 11, 2005
Not gonna lie, I would love to see Yukimura Sanada in an Onimusha game lol


Onimusha is based loosely on real japanese history!

Oda died at Honouji(sp?) Temple...

If they brought him back, they would bring dishonor to the great history of Japan [face_confused]

But, hell, look at the anime Samurai Deeper Kyo...they brought Oda back to life @_@

I guess I just hold Onimusha to a higher make history seem more magical without having to butcher it.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 2, 2005
I like guns, so it would be nice for them to make a return. Perhaps instead of large rifles, one of the character instead has Sidearms that can be wielded somewhat simpler than old-school Muskets.

Also I kind of liked Roberto as a fighter (kind of like a simplified God Hand). Plus his Theme song was awesome (it matched the atmosphere when he fought Rosencrantz). This time add some kicking to his repretoire and possibly this time he might switch to a Priestly Robe rather than the mini-cape that he wore. That is if he ever feels like returning to Japan and has not taken a vow of Pacifism for priestly duties or whatever crap.
Dec 5, 2006
They won't bring back Jubei Yagyu, because the actor who was used for the facial template is dead. It would be too much of a legal mess to use the original actors likeness.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Crimson_And_Azure said:
They won't bring back Jubei Yagyu, because the actor who was used for the facial template is dead. It would be too much of a legal mess to use the original actors likeness.

That is not necessarily true: Yusaku Matsuda died in 1989, well before even oni1. Thus why there was a joyous cheer when many saw that his likeness was unveiled for the next oni game. If you go back and watch the secret trailer in oni1 you'll see that capcom were playing with the idea of using the more traditional portrayal of jubei yagyu, before they obtained the rights to use matsuda's likeness:

Aug 28, 2006
sp I think,the soki,up to the big star,(i forget the name),and that star is were gods come from,like fortembras,at the end of the game he enter in dark god form,so I think,he will be the enime,becouse,power change people,the power of a god will change him,like fortembras,and jubei will be the next onimusha like the father in onimusha 2,so nobonaga,I think he dont exist anymore,and soki is too more powerfull than the others onimushas,so becose of that I think nobonaga die.

sry about my english
Jan 10, 2007
I think we're far from seeing it, but its definitely waiting to come into existence. Onimusha 5 was rumored to be at TGS and look how that turned out. Also does anyone have the translation of the japanese capcom's news on this? Its def hard to believe. Dont tease me.

Also I hope they make Tenkai have a much more central role. It hurt seeing him so side-character-esque in DoD. Its like they threw him out.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
onibuttbullet said:
I think we're far from seeing it, but its definitely waiting to come into existence. Onimusha 5 was rumored to be at TGS and look how that turned out. Also does anyone have the translation of the japanese capcom's news on this? Its def hard to believe. Dont tease me.

Also I hope they make Tenkai have a much more central role. It hurt seeing him so side-character-esque in DoD. Its like they threw him out.

Heh, indeed it did. Many just disregard DOD as a cheesey spin off with no real purpose in the oni timeline.
Jan 10, 2007
Glad someone else agrees. It wouldnt have been so bad if they didn't build up Samo so heavily in the first games. They made a character many people liked, got used to even loved as one of their favorite characters, and then they kinda side-off'd him in this one just to have him back without going back on their word.

In DoD its as if they gave us "too much" information and explained / showed us alil too much. There's not so much mystery in that. I also am one of the ones that wish DoD wasn't canon. Or at least not "that" canon. It somewhat killed any dreams I had of seeing Sam come back they way we all knew him in a true Onimusha sequel.
Mar 3, 2007
After playing the game and reading the novels I believe that Akane has to come back along with Tenkai for sure. Roberto has a chance of appearing in the 5th game but it would be pretty low.

Anyways, this game didn't developed it's characters too well. But at the end it was focusing on Akane in her quest to find Munenori (who will most likely be the next boss in the 5th). People kept saying she's still looking for Soki which i find utterly ridiculous cause all of the characters know that he passed on.

Proof that Akane and Tenkai will be in Onimusha 5 is:
1) How Akane said she never did return to the Yagyu village (incomplete mission).
2) She is still searching for someone (Munenori).
3) Saying that it was her turn to protect the cherry blossoms [two meanings: the land of japan and it's people].
4) Tenkai still had another journey [the quest to seal the oni gauntlet containing the genma lord].
Mar 8, 2007
i think yubei will be the main character. althogh samanoske still needs to remove his oni band that is on his hand. who knows anything can happen!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
majidkhan89 said:
i think yubei will be the main character. althogh samanoske still needs to remove his oni band that is on his hand. who knows anything can happen!

Well, not really. Considering he gave the gauntlet to soki and soki used the power therein to transfrom into the Onimusha in order to defeat fortinbras' lizard form.


Mar 25, 2007
is it just me, or did the 2D pre-rendered backgrounds of Onimusha 1 and 2 look a lot better than the 3D backgrounds of 3 and DOD?


Apr 14, 2007
I hope that onimusha 5 will make new heroes and villans instead of recycling their old ones (Just like Devil May Cry4). They already used nobunaga and Fortinbras twice already and the same for goes Samanosuke (sorry he's cool but I think he's got to go already!).

And I hope that they wont use Soki as the main hero again bec. he sucks!! I also wish that they make the gameplay a little bit like the old one where the camera is stable, and the issens (the one hit kill) be the same as the old one bec it was far too cooler than the last!

If they ever decided to put nobunaga back as the same boss, I think they should put the time-line of the game on our time where there are tv's, cars and etc. Then it would be pretty much exciting to put back Samanosuke or the old Jubei back as a reincarnation to fight again nobunaga. After all they both defeated nobunaga in the past! (Like the anime otogizoshi) and ofcourse they should still be fighting with their samurai swords!

And lastly Quality counts not quantity!!! Just bec there are many soooooooooooo weapons and items in the last game, it doesent mean that it's good. I'd preffer the fewer weapons in the last 3 games Bec first you wouldnt F****** spend so many time upgrading them and 2nd you can enjoy the true power and the individual advantages of each weapon!!
Aug 5, 2006
honestly i have to say byfar of all characters in all the games Sam is the best his attacks are besic yet complex and do what they'r supposed to the addition of a jump button would be one of THE STUPIDEST IDEAS POSSIBLE what would be the point?arial attacks are great but they are jus not samonoske's style nor anyone elses except maybe jubei yagyu from DOD shes a good character because of her agility and ability of distraction,as for my predictions for O5 i think that yes Nobunaga Oda will come back and it will be up to Samanoske (not as tenkei)to defeat him and i think Jubei from DOD will join him as a sidekick as well as AKO now as for Soki the so called "black oni" he is dead and needs to stay dead he was bland and shiftless and not multi fascited at all as for being more powerful than Sam he's not the people who say Sam is to old i guarentee that when he comes back something is going to restore his power ten fold if not a hundred.Soki is just a cheap ripoff of the original and nothing more so he needs to kick rocks he's an all BS reject he's not worth the time it takes to animate for the rest of the characters roberto is ok at best,wat ever that chicks name is the one with the gun she was boring,i hated tenkai(not samonoske).onimusha 5 is going to be awesome no matter what i think as long as they bring samonoske back correctly.
Sep 12, 2006
Srry to say this but there wont be any next onimusha..

look you know how by the ending of every onimusha games there is always a preview of the next DOD didnt have a preview it just shows
akane walking off... No more Onimusha will be created abd besides Alot of people was wondering why samanosuke look so diffrent in DOD
thats because The actor Takeshi Kaneshirno didnt act for it no more.
They Modify the faces to look exact as the actor but without the actors face the charater changes.
Aug 13, 2007

I think in my own opinion that would be cool is that in Onimusha 5 there is going to be a clash of the Onis and yes samenoske, jubei, and soki would meet together in certain time and they fight together. I think that Nubanaga shouldnt be in the 5th one because odviously hes been in all 4. So i was thinking that there is going to be a new evil ruler such as an onimusha ruler(with the gauntlet exc.) and the 3 onis would try to stop this one genma oni. So what im saying is that there is a new onimusha but an evil one and the 3 try to kill him.

What you guys think?


Aug 20, 2004
Well it's me again you guy's well sorry for the delay but after research of long hours on the net and taking care of my academic life, I couldn't find anymore info. about Onimusha 5. Dissapointing as it sounds they just isn't anymore news other than what I searched previously.:(

Well only time will tell now, since all hear now is about DMC 4, but eventually Kenji Inafune will talk about the new title anytime soon.