
Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
No rush to everyone but I do have 2K23 so...you know...if you got them caws on there....


It's not a good day to be a bad guy.
Oct 10, 2004
Entrances and intro were longer than the match and I'm really tired of losing. :(


Sep 18, 2008
Oh man that preview of 2k23 ToWN was sick. Looking forward to seeing more matches in that game.
Disappointed Boone didn't win, but can't be too mad about how he loss. Half in Half Suplex onto Steel Steps (that he introduced into the match) followed by a 450 would be a surprising thing to kick out of.


Feb 26, 2014
Arthur Shotzy is getting real sick of Ryan Cutter's shit. Fun match though. That suplex onto the steel steps was brutal.

@RKO-Cutter I tried when making my entrance, but couldn't get rid of the Imperium tron. Will it let you? I tried to black everything out.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Just to hype up people for the 2K23 transition...



EDIT: Oh yeah, for some reason i. ibb .co is censored on IGN...
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Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
At this point gents I'm just fully committed to moving to 2K23, I've got about 12 members of the roster done so far, 3 new venues (no longer just "Arena and Stadium) and gonna have some fun with this


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Card for Chapter 109: Fresh Coat of Paint

ToWN Championship

Vice (c) vs. Mystery Challenger

ToWN Justice Championship
Some Random Aussie (c) vs. The Dude of Sports

ToWN Outlaw Championship
Boulder Dom (c) vs. Ali Rock

ToWN Tag Team Championships
Elimination Submission
Diamond Lovers (c) vs. Cerberus vs. Midnight Mafia

Ficheur's MITB Briefcase on the line!
Monte Ficheur vs. Matty Boy

Lil' Deew vs. Ryan Cutter

Neos Boone vs. Arthur Shotzy

SyK DeMoN vs. J.P. Megami


Vanguard of Thread Destruction
Sep 28, 2008
Castle Spamalot
Ooooh, new look and new theme music.

Also, that version of Song 2? Nice.

Also, fun fact, I'd never even heard of Black Forest *googles* Oh Radelaide suburb, fair enough.


The Wildcard
Jul 18, 2008
Vice paces back and forth, trying his best to hold in his anger at losing the ToWN Championship.

Vice: This is the second time this shit has happened. The second fucking time I’ve gotten screwed over because the man in charge wanted to surprise me with a challenger rather than tell me so I can prepare. And why did he do it? Because he knows that the Anniversary Show main event is his big chance to prove that he can win the title without any funny business, and if I end up walking into that main event as champion then he has no hope of walking out of it, PERIOD!

Vice faces towards the camera and gets real close.

Vice: Cutter, I have to give you some credit. If it wasn’t for your bullshit last year I wouldn’t have found that fire to regain the ToWN Championship and crush Ali and JP. And now, thanks to your bullshit this year, I will stop at nothing to get back that championship and kick your fucking bald head off your body. If you want to fuck with my dream then I'll make sure the only dreams you have from now on will be brought to you straight from your coma.

Vice pushes the camera away from him, the camera itself moving on a dolly.

Vice: And so that brings me to you, Zander. The man who sold the world. Must feel good knowing you had the chance to win the title when your opponent didn’t know who he was facing, but I can’t entirely blame you for taking Cutter up on it since I would take that opportunity too if presented to me. After all it’s been, what, four years since you were last here, and you held that belt for a cup of coffee? Well you better get in as much bonding time with the belt as you can over the next month, because next chapter I’m going to take it back. That championship is my everything, and I’m not ready to be apart from it again, so even if you came into this innocently, I will still do everything in my power to destroy you to reclaim my title. Even if my bones break I will push through to beat you. Even if I lose my vision the sound of the crowd will show me the way towards you. And I will bleed as much blood as possible to get… that…

Vice stops his train of thought to think before looking back at the camera with an evil smirk.

Vice: Actually, why should I bleed for the gold when I can make YOU bleed for it instead? If you’re man enough to accept this proposal, then at Chapter 110, face me in a match where blood will be transmuted into gold. A match where the very surroundings could cost you everything. A match in which you and I will compete in a ring surrounded by the deadliest, rustiest cage anyone can find, and the first man to cause their opponent to bleed will leave that disease-covered cage as the one true king of ToWN. Accept this, and I will show you how dangerous a prepared Vice truly is.

Vice walks off screen, but then walks back on.

Vice: Oh yes, and Monte... when I win my title back I want you to cash in whenever you like, because one way or another, after you decided to show up during MY title match, I decided I'm going teach you the meaning of "fuck around and find out".

Vice walks off screen again, this time definitively as the camera fades to black.
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Super Star
Feb 13, 2012
Here. On a board. With you.
Prior to the Justice Championship match, a vignette airs.

A black screen in extended silence gives way to the sound of a strong breeze. Light floods the frame as sand begins to fill the screen. As the screen fills completely, the camera pans up, where we see a figure on a black horse.

The black horse and the figure, both evidently emaciated trot slowly along. A vast desert behind them, ahead gives way to a patch of grass. With each step the horse takes, the fresh vibrant grass wilts under its hoof. A trail of decay lags behind the pair as small trees rise in the distance. The Figure hops off of the horse, pulling a fruit from the tree. The fruit withers and breaks apart in his hand. He tosses it to the ground and plucks another. This one too, withers away. Fruit after fruit, he plucks. And while he does not consume a single one, he devours.

He guides the horse to another tree, leading it to the fruit as well. As the horse's snout approaches the fruit, it withers and drops from the branches.

Despite the desolation, the horse and the figure appear revitalized. They continue through the orchard until all that remains behind them is a gnarled compost.

The camera follows them as the sun sets and rises in repeating cycles. Every bit of green deteriorates in their presence. As time passes, the color and strength return to their bodies. Eventually...they hit civilization.

The figure brings the horse to farm on the outskirts of a town. He ties it to a post, as the crops around him wither and die. As the figure walks towards the city, an angry farmer can be seen in the background trying to approach. As he gets closer to the figure, he slows dramatically. His form becomes weak and pale. As the meat falls from his bones, his knees buckle and he collapses to the ground, feet behind the figure. The figure turns to see the farmer and takes a moment to admire the cloth used for his outfit. The figure rips a portion it off and carries it with him as he approaches the town.

The camera pans out as the figure stands looking over the town and the life rustling within.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Well Gentlemen, the next show on the docket is the Anniversary Show, where I get my first shot at the ToWN Championship in about 5-6 in-game years and first real shot since ToWN was on 2K18 (technically I had one v. JP but that was always just an angle for Jack to screw me out of)

In honor of that, I made a little something to hype...well myself up.

I know a third of y'all don't care about ToWN storylines not involving yourself, and another third don't actually pay attention to ToWN at all anymore, but I put a lot of my heart into this one so at least indulge me if you'd be so kind



Feb 26, 2014
It was such a massive betrayal that we've been talking about it behind the scenes at length
I’m seething. I’ll cut that motherfu … I still can’t bring myself to do it. We’ve been through too much. He’s like a brother to me. I demand answers! @AliRock


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Clearly this needs to be settled

ToWN Chapter 111

Lion's Den
Arthur Shotzy vs Ali Rock

( @sH0Tz lions den is a staple of ToWN, steel cage match, only way to win is KO or Submission)


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Seriously y'all, I don't think you get @sH0Tz 's anger

Him and @AliRock had a fucking WAR, including a diving tope from Ali out of the ring to shotzy through a ladder...it could've gone down as one of the biggest death matches of all time

and then....




Feb 26, 2014
I hope it was worth it @AliRock. It took me a while to get here, but I've always watched from afar. We go way back. We used to tag in the indies, before ToWN was even a thing. We were like brothers. We travelled the road together, we won awards together. But since I took a leave of absence, you've changed. We were having a WAR! A five star classic. This match could have gone down in ToWN history. Win, lose or draw! But you took the low road Ali. A low blow to end what was up until then a hell of a match. I can deal with losing to the better man. But THIS ... this I cannot take.

At ToWN Chapter 111 I'm going to right this wrong. I'm gonna beat some respect back into you Ali. I didn't want to have to do this, but you've left me no choice. It's just you and I. 1 on 1, no fucking low blows are going to save you this time. I'm going to squeeze your neck until your body goes limp, I'm going to leave you in a pool of your own blood. I'd like to say I'm going to enjoy. I won't, but it is necessary. I love you Ali, but I'm going to have to take you out and teach you a lesson. You brought this upon yourself.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Match profile

Ryan Cutter was in the match to crown the first ever ToWN Champion, and lost. But something seemed off, almost as if he wasn't giving his all. Over a year later, he defeated Jack Finney to win the championship, but people began muttering, saying something was off about the boss winning the title, and almost as a saving grace, he dropped it soon after to Tiger Mask VI. Looking over the years, it became a pattern that Ryan could win titles but not really hold on to them. Until one day, Ryan told the truth: One insult can drown out a dozen cheers. He had always had it drilled in his head that if he was too successful, he would be looked at as abusing his position, so he made himself a background character. Supporting stars such as Insomnia, J.P. Megami, and Cody Tobster, never daring to reach for the crown himself, but that changed when he nearly shut down the entire promotion out of a hatred of his own shackles. Those shackles are now removed, but is it enough? Vice has been cold, calculating, and above all else, kino. This isn't the wacky guy with wacky hair or the suspiciously in-character luchador. Vice has made himself a true final boss, what will it take for Cutter to finally reclaim what he hasn't even grasped at in over half a decade?

Card for ToWN Chapter 111
The 9th Anniversary Show

ToWN Championship

Vice (c) vs. Ryan Cutter

ToWN Justice Championship
Neos Boone (c) vs. Maestro

ToWN Outlaw Championship
Boulder Dom (c) vs. SyK DeMoN

ToWN Tag Team Championships
Four Team Gauntlet

Midnight Mafia (c) vs. Ceberus vs. The Pride vs. the "fuck Vice" team (Zander & Monte Ficheur)

Lion's Den
Ali Rock vs. Arthur Shotzy

Lil' Deew vs. Punk

Some Random Aussie vs. Blake Gen vs. Cody Tobster


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
In the meantime....

card for Road To the Anniversary Show

Vice & Virtue (Ali Rock & Vice) vs. Arthur Shotzy & Ryan Cutter

Four Way Elimination Match
Eliminations will determine entry order for gauntlet match
J.P. Megami vs. Zander vs. The Don Terry Flowers vs. Matty Boy

Vegas Nights (Neos Boone & Maestro) vs. Boulder Dom & SyK DeMoN

Diamond Lovers (Blake Gen & Punk) & Some Random Aussie vs. Cerberus (Haas Gotski & Cody Tobster) & Lil' Deew