
Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
So I'm like rly good friends with this girls sister, anyway, party at my house last night, lulz. There's a buddy of mine sleeping on my bathroom floor right now, man i get side tracked easily. Anyway, mah gurl slept in my bed last night. We kissed a bunch, ya rly. I got my first sober kiss with her this morning, good stuff. Anyway, back to the sister thing, her sister told me that she "guesses we're together" I feel like I'm in highschool, it's awesome. Anyway, so apparently I'll have a girlfriend sometime soon, hopefully, she's purdy.

This message is gonna suck to start the new page off, now I have to look at it all the time.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
So yeah I was wrong, turns out she's still waiting for mormon guy, but i told her I'm not gonna be her rebound, so she needs to decide now, and she didnt make a definite decision yet, so i guess I'm still in it. But yeah, she texts me that to tell me she's not gonna be with me, after she stays at my house all sunday and sunday night, and we do more of that kissing stuff, why do girls do this to me?

Anyway, u evr play wow?


Jan 3, 2002
My friend told me tonight, "I would honestly HATE to be you right now. At the same time, I'd love to be you. You must be going absolutely crazy."

Such a mighty pickle I am in...

Nonetheless, I am about to embark on a journey that other men I know could only dream about, and likely have dreamt about.

Seriously... holy fuck.


Jan 3, 2002
the thing i was talking about was supposed to start today, and it did, but it ****ing blew up horrible and now there's a horrible rift in my group of friends.

like i said, a mighty pickle. but i didn't even think it could turn out this bad; it really went to ****. i feel so horrible, there's so much disgusting **** going on all of a sudden. why did it turn out so bad? it's ****ing bogus.

now what? i feel hatred. coming from me and coming at me. and there's nothing i can do but sit in it.

i can't believe how much this sucks


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
you should like, explain.

So... this girl, through texting and such, basically told me she'd be with me, she just needed time, so we werent gonna hang out for awhile, but we could still talk. So she texts me saturday night, and we stay up until 5am texting each other, INORITE? Good thing I've got unlimited, well anyway, sunday she invites me over to her friends to go swimming, and I go, and then we hang out at her sisters tonight, and I'm like, fook. We're going to the movies with other friends(And just as friends) tuesday, and bowling saturday. She's a very confusing person. So like, we were at the point where we were practically in a relationship, but now it's back to like awkward friends, and I want to make that transition back before this next weekend, because she's making it hard not to, I just hope I don't get shot down again.


Jan 3, 2002
So that thing I was talking about finally happened. We didn't end up going on a wild coke binge as planned, but we still drove to California, took ecstasy, saw an incredible musical performance, and stayed in a lovely little crappy hotel room.

What are you supposed to do when you find a girl who is a gorgeous model, smart as a whip, has a great sense of humor, and is absolutely all over the weird electronic music that you listen to? Basically she's beyond perfect. But then this girl also happens to be your friend's sister, and she already dated one of your other friends.

And she's kind of been seeing this other guy before when we went to California. But if she's willing to go to California, take ecstasy, and sleep in the same bed as me... I must be pretty cool, right? I mean, if that guy was really worth his salt, she surely wouldn't go do something so intimate with someone else. Right? I guess I'm sort of confused, but I'm pretty sure you don't do that kind of stuff if you're serious with someone else. I know I wouldn't be able to do something with another girl if I was seeing someone I really liked and cared about.

Anyway, I think, though I'm not sure, that you're supposed to find a way to go for it and make it work. But I've never had to do such a thing before and I'm scared. **** me though, it has to happen. This girl is driving me CRAZY.

edit: Oh and I think I overreacted in my last post. It did get really bad, but the after effects weren't as devastating as I thought they would be. One of my friends is banned from going to another one of my friend's homes, and there's some extremely bitter feelings between some people, and I think another one of my friends might have rather serious issue with me... But yeah.

I can't really go into detail because I'd have to take hours to really explain it.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 31, 2004
What do you do? Goddamn it, just tell her how you feel about her and ask what she thinks of you. Give her the straight shti. Say it's just crazy how you two click so well and you're surprised there's a girl like her out there.



Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
Listen to FoCer, he's super wise. As for my opinion, tldr. LOL JAY KAY. But it was confusing. I have a girlfriend now, lol.


Jan 3, 2002
Yeah, I have to tell her, in spite of the fact that it's a bit... morally challenging, if she's with someone else. I don't like stealing. But you only live once, and right now my life is boring and sucky, so I think I'd be huge fool not to go for it.

The trick right now is that she's incredibly busy. I'm going to have a hard time getting her alone (probably should have gone through with this on our trip, but it was the trip that kind of made me realize that I HAVE to do something).

But hey, if quicksilver can get the girl, surely I can!


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 31, 2004
You're not stealing anything by telling someone how you feel. Even if she likes you, this may not end in a relationship. You have to take the first step. Also, if she was really looking to spend time in someone else's bed while still in a relationship, what if she has commitment issues? Trust issues? Maybe she can't stay satisfied with one person. Maybe she just doesn't like her relationship with that one guy and hasn't gotten out of it. You have to look at these things. Hell, it may even give you more courage to confront her knowing she has problems. Sort of de-mystifying this "perfect girl" notion. Nobodah's perfect.

also, quack makes out with hot teenagers every weekend.

By the way, your life doesn't sound boring or sucky at all. It sounds eventful and challenging. Seriously, read your goddamn story. What do I have to face every day, waking up and going to my single summer class? And I have to drive 80 miles just to sit around with my friends. Gorf.


Jan 3, 2002
Good points. I've definitely thought about, like, WHY she would find it so easy to do what we did if she's supposedly with someone else. Could be a number of things, yeah. It has struck me like she's afraid to really commit to this guy. I've heard that he said he's in love with her, but at the beginning she was quoted to say "I'm not sure if I even like him." My guess is that she's been with him because it's easy, or something like that. But she's afraid to make it really serious because she knows she can't return such strong feelings.

Also, I meant perfect as in perfect for me, not generally perfect. I know she's got some rather serious issues, actually. Regardless, I do try to keep from building her up too much as "the one," "the girl of my dreams," "the answer to all my problems," etc. I've seen what happens to people when you convince yourself of that stuff before you're in a stable, well-established relationship. I'm not alone in thinking she's great for me, though; everyone already expected that we were going to end up dating after her last relationship ended, because I guess it's just that obvious. My friend says that her and I are "destined to be together and nothing can stop it." Two of my other friends thought we actually WERE dating at one point, until they found out about this other guy. They just assumed because we went to a few concerts together, and also because of the way we act around eachother. Even her ex told me, when he was wasted one night, to go for her before someone else does "because she really wants you, man." etc. etc.

And my life IS boring and sucky, I swear. That one day in California was far and away the best and most exciting day I've had in a long long time. This sounds like an eventful situation, but it's actually been going on for months, since last October or November, so it's kinda stretched out over a long period of time. There are far more uneventful days, and the "eventful" ones are usually some combination of confusing, frustrating, and unsatisfying. I generally do nothing. I've been unemployed this whole semester in spite of the countless miserable hours I've put into trying to find a part-time job, so not only am I bored as ****, I'm also broke as ****. I did poorly in school this semester, also.

Not to say that my life is the most boring and sucky around; you may well have me beat. But it's still pretty boring and sucky, trust me.



Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
Thats a lot of reading, but FoC speaks the truth about my hot tennagers, I've shown him pictures. Anyway, chicks with boyfriends are bad news, seriously, especially if her relationship with him is always super rocky, but they manage to stay together. Btw, I don't know if that pertains to your situation at all, seeing as I didn't really read it at all. And i find your comment about me offensive, but just kidding, like I really agree, I have no idea how I got the girl I'm with now.

Yeah I read more, I'm dumb. Anyway, she sounds hot.


Jan 3, 2002
I should say I really have no idea if she has a boyfriend. I don't think she does, based on what I know and what I've observed. I know she had something with him, and even then I don't know if it was a legitimate relationship, and these days I'm even less sure, because of our trip, and because she told her brother, her parents, and ultimately our friends found out that her and I were going to California and doing coke (her parents didn't know about the coke part of course). So it's like, if the dude IS her boyfriend, she was aware that he was going to inevitably find out that she was going to California to do coke and spend the night with another guy. Ultimately, this confuses me, and I really wanted to ask her what was up but I never felt like approaching that subject.

My plan as of now is to take it slow, and not pull a sudden dump of feelings kind of thing. What I want to say is something like, "why the fuck don't we hang out more often?" Because that question really does perplex me. Why wouldn't you hang out with someone you get along with really well have share significant common interests with? We pretty much never hang out unless it's for a special event of some kind. I think casually posing the question of "why don't we hang out more?" would be an effective way to close the gap without making a serious, potentially girlfriend-stealing move.

haha, sorry to spew out so much text over this and make this my livejournal. but hey, someone asked what was up... and I'm enjoying the expert feedback.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
Eh, if you do a slow approach watch out, the friend zone is a very really thing, and you want to make sure you're not put in it. You want to make sure she doesn't look at you as this friend she has a lot in common with that she hangs out with sometimes, so when you go for this, Why don't we hang out more? thing, don't be a little bitch, basically. I don't know, I'm not good with women, but make it clear your not just in this for the friendship, but don't be creepy. My current girlfriend(Who I'm refraining from talking about because it's ur turn LOL!), I made it very clear to her my intentions, and I was still able to continue hanging out with her without just throwing out there that I really liked her and wanted to be with her. So you don't have to back off and just be a friend is what I'm saying I guess. Just be careful.

oh, and really big downside to your whole story: yeah, you had this amazing trip to California, where you think you guys could've really connected and blah blah, she must like you right? You didn't make a move though, that puts something in her head about you already. You should've atleast tried to spoon, because there is already something in her head telling her you're just a friend.


Jan 3, 2002
Well, the reason why I didn't want to make any moves in Cali has to do with the cocaine thing. Her ex called her after finding out what we were gonna do, said a bunch of terrible things to her, then called her a cokewhore on facebook, etc.. She then took up a "fuck that shit" mentality in regards to that drug, to prove a point and such. He also accused her of carelessly ****ing over the other dude by doing this stuff with me.

Basically, after that, we knew nothing was going to happen. Or, at least, I wasn't going to push for anything because I didn't want to be responsible for her feeling really guilty later on if she actually IS serious with this guy, or whatever. Know what I mean? It was destined to be a squeaky clean experience, aside from taking ecstasy and sleeping in the same bed (which can be excused on the basis of practicality, as one bed is cheaper than two).

That's what kinda sucks... If her ex didn't blow up on her that day, we would have gone to California without worry and do a drug that is commonly associated with sexuality. But then it became a huge deal, not just a fun little experiment, and we had to be more reasonable about it (ecstasy instead of coke, and no touching. lol). It just wouldn't made any sense, with all our history, to finally break out and bang like hell after she gets called out for being a whore and fucking someone over by going on this trip.

Also, I am definitely staying aware of that friend zone possibility. Thing is, we've known each other for a long time, and liked each other for a long time, and I've never done anything like this before. What I'm saying is, me telling her we should hang out more often will likely be a big deal. Like I said, people thought we were dating before. So I think we'd both be aware that it wouldn't be an entirely casual, insignificant thing.

In other words, such a gesture would be kind of like making a move. It might not be a blatant "I want you," but I think it should say "I want more of you." And honestly, I'm gonna tell her something to that effect anyway. So don't worry, I won't pussyfoot. I am definitely afraid that she's content with keeping me as her "cool friend I do drugs with and see concerts with sometimes," though. But it's mostly an irrational fear. I've been told by a number of people that she's into me, she always SEEMS into me

edit: I should say there are more reasons why I have to be cautious and careful with this. I don't want to get too into it because it will just make all of this harder to explain, but yeah. If it weren't for a number of complications, the answer would be simple, and I would have no problem making a move. In fact, I would have gone for her a long time ago. But, this and that.


Jan 3, 2002
okay, enough hypothetical blah blah jibber jabber. less talk more do.

i'll let you guys know how bad this goes!



Almost Not a Noob
Jul 31, 2004
Well that's a lot to catch up on, but it honestly sounds like you're in a good position. I like to say the most important thing is to try, but I know it's easier said than done.



Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
Can we go back to me now? Because I seriously have the worst blue balls in the world right now, jesus christ. She's like a prettier Raven Riley, god I feel lucky.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
Well you still have her number, losser. Have you ever had blue balls? Ridiculous, I could hardly walk and I had to drive her home.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
So call her, say you're looking for something to do and want to take her on a date, she doesn't even go to class anymore, why fear rejection? It's really not that bad, I had to deal with it like 4 times in the past month, and I didn't even see it coming, which makes it worse than thinking it will happen. Take her to dinner, and then go mini golfing or something, maybe bowling, if she's into that. or just go to the movies like a bitch.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 31, 2004
Haven't talked to her since like April, but maybe.

I'm sort of juggling my options right now.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
How's that dad's girl treatin you? Hit her up too, why not? go nuts. I think my girlfriend hates me, but I'm trying to play it cool because I think it's all in my head. We've hung out four of the last five nights, and last night I had her topless in my bed and I'm freaking out thinking she never wants to be around me. Like, it's so confusing, I think I'm crazy.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 31, 2004
That's retarded. Did you tell her you have a gut feeling you should be?



Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
Yeah, it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. I figure there's just a reason she's not telling me. Well i told her we weren't gonna be friends because I can't, so yeah, this blows.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
Yeah I'll be alright. It's just the loneliness that gets me now, seems like none of my friends are around anymore either. But I'm not gonna dwell on not being with someone who doesnt want to be with me. So why put it on the backburner?

If she seems hesitant to be in any sort of relationship thats a good idea, but did you try anything?


Jan 3, 2002
nope, not really. her thing with the other guy is more serious than i thought. i'm still not sure, but it's too serious for me to want to get in between. but i know it won't work out, and so does everyone else, so it's a matter of time before she's free. only problem is that their the types who might ignore the issues and let things drag on. and no one can really call them out on it. someone tried, and it didn't work.

oh wellz

i'm relieved to not have to worry about the pursuit.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
Eh, it really sucks, I've been in situations where a girl was in a relationship that no one thought was right, and we both liked each other, but I was impatient and it ended badly, so maybe you can wait it out better than I did.

Anyway.... I feel like I'm getting over this chick, but I just feel so god damn alone. How do I fix that? I've got like 4 friends total now, and 1 is leaving the city tomorrow, 2 have work, and the other already has family plans. I've got no plans on a friday night, I'm gonna die.