
Bad post, please ignore
Jun 19, 2012

Welcome to the Alicorn appreciation thread and general shitpost depository of The Crosswalk!

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1) Before posting, ask yourself if the post creates meaningful conversation, or is otherwise witty or entertaining. If it does not fit these criteria, this is probably the right thread for it!

2) Please don't be a dick to others. Unless they really deserve it . We mostly deserve it.

3) Please respect the moderators. They are the only ones who can keep this forum sane. One day they might even decide to do so.

4) The TOS applies here. Because, like, it's on the forums.

5) Respect the elitist status quo that has infested this thread and it's members. Conformity to the accepted form of shitposting is requested. These terrible norms will likely change without notice throughout the duration of this CT.

6) Don't be a doolan.

7) Don't ask about doolan.

8) Mpreg is the accepted way to kill off the last pages of a thread.

9) Nobody likes teamwork here. This is an American bastion of individual merit, where communist ideals are cast away as European garbage.


Regular members


Headstar24: Tom Hanks' shitposting alt


BladeSymphony: Weeb


Jerghingha: Perpetually triggered pansexual millennial


Wamahato: Weeb


Breifs_Cat11: Sentient Korean adbot we can't remove


Mortified Penguin: Boob weeb


KSquall1: Yaoi weeb


Karkashan: CSGO gambling kingpin and YouTube celebrity


Neil_rev: Weeb


Rename_Card: Presumed dead moderator


Cheski: Alcoholic moderator


SaMoKo: Insane alcoholic


I will be running a game of Codenames throughout this thread, and randomly assigning some volunteers as Spymasters. Post up if interested! It's a simple game that really doesn't take much time or effort. Anyone who doesn't volunteer as a Spymaster will be assigned to one of two teams at my whim. Rules and word grid will be posted shortly!


Bad post, please ignore
Jun 19, 2012
Codenames is a team-based game with limited communication between a team's Spymasters and the rest of the team.

A 5x5 grid of words (25), will be laid out in front of all players, and the team's Spymasters will be told secret information about those words, which they will need to convey, with limited communication methods, to their teammates.

I will randomly generate an assignment of four different types to the 25 words in that round: 8/9 Blue, 8/9 Red, 7 neutral, 1 Assassin. I will then assign randomly at the start of the game a color to each team and a starting team. I will PM the spymasters of each team the assignment of each word, so that both captains know this secret information but the other team members do not. All the other players know are the 25 words in the grid.

Each team's turn is broken up into two steps: giving a clue, and pointing at words.

1. Giving a clue. On a team's turn, the Spymaster must say one word and one number. For instance, they might say, "astronomy 3." That means that there are three words out in the grid that are related to the word astronomy. They can say ONLY those two things: one word and one number. They must bold this to make it clear that is their official clue. The only restriction of the word portion of the clue is that it cannot be one of the words in the 5x5 grid, nor any sub-word or super-word of those words (eg, if "hardwood" is a word in the grid, "wood" is not a valid clue).

2. Selecting words. Now the rest of team must select up words to guess at, one at a time. The number of words selected must be the number given by the Spymaster +1 bonus guess. They can stop selecting words at any time after they guess at least once. Players must bold this pointing action to make it official (eg, "Jupiter"). Once they select a word, the moderator or one of the captains reveals the color of that word. If the word is the color of the team, the team may continue guessing words (up to the number given in the clue). If the color of the word is either White, or the other team's color, the turn immediately ends and the other team takes a turn. If the color is Black, then the round immediately ends and the other team wins the round.

The first team to point at all 9 (or 8) of their words wins the round. The team that goes first will always have an extra word.


Loyal Grimleal
May 17, 2013
I'm not sure how I'm a gambling kingpin of a game I don't own, but okay. Sure.

Let's go with that.



Gamerloid Affiliated
Mar 24, 2011
So, I was making myself some chocolate milk.

I usually put the chocolate and sugar in the cup before the milk, so as the milk was warming up I decided to grab some ice cream my brother bought, it costs $6, which is a lot for an ice cream here.

As I didn't want to grab a new spoon I just bring the ice cream to my cup to use the spoon there, but accidentally as I grab the spoon I end up spilling some of the chocolate on the ice cream.

I cleaned up what I could quickly with a napkin and had to eat some of the ice cream to clean up the evidence.

Now nobody will know of my crime.


Ask me about Nintendo Switch
Oct 23, 2002
So, I was making myself some chocolate milk.

I usually put the chocolate and sugar in the cup before the milk, so as the milk was warming up I decided to grab some ice cream my brother bought, it costs $6, which is a lot for an ice cream here.

As I didn't want to grab a new spoon I just bring the ice cream to my cup to use the spoon there, but accidentally as I grab the spoon I end up spilling some of the chocolate on the ice cream.

I cleaned up what I could quickly with a napkin and had to eat some of the ice cream to clean up the evidence.

Now nobody will know of my crime.

That sounds way too complicated for Chocolate Milk


Gamerloid Affiliated
Mar 24, 2011
I just reached Berserk chapter 307 and I have to stop.

Read a story that took like 5 years to be told in one day.

Only 40 chapters left too.