Aug 17, 2005
Since the old one seems long gone (I see a Canadian_Guy on hfboards posting in the gaming forum, is that the creator of the former CT?), I thought I would create a new one.

I'll get the ball rolling with two conversation topics.

1) The Last of Us - How fucking great is this game, eh?

2) Baby King Bob - So he's really dead, eh?


Aug 31, 2001
I have no idea if the Canadian_Guy on HF is the same one that used to be a reg here. HF has a lot of Canadian Guys.

I am looking forward to playing TLOU one day. Then again, I still look forward to playing games I've had on my shelf for years. I borrowed Uncharted 3 over a year ago and still haven't even put it in my system. BioShock (1!) must be at least 3 years deep in the backloggery. As a mod, I've already been spoiled on a major plot twist in TLOU. Another mod 'cleverly' moved a thread with a plot twist in the title that was posted on the vesti - to a forum that only mods can see, so I saw it in the most-recent-post preview for that forum. Grand.

Genuinely no idea about BKB. He did get kinda pissed off at me the last day he posted here, which makes me hope that he just decided he had enough with this community and moved on. As I mentioned, we know what he's presented to be his full name - if he did die, either that wasn't his name, or there was no obituary published in any form that websearches would pick up.
Aug 17, 2005
I am unsure on whether I had TLOU spoiled for me. I saw a thread title on the vesti which was quickly deleted, but to be honest, the "spoiler" seemed almost too obvious to be true. But even if it was true, it doesn't matter. "Its about the journey, not the destination", right?

I hated Uncharted. Too much shooting, too much flashiness, and I never liked the character or setting. The 'clever white male pillaging treasures from exotic locales' has never been a setting that I ever cared for (i.e. I think Indiana Jones is just corny tripe). TLOU still has the 'clever white male' part, but the senseless running n' gunning is gone, which pleases me.

I am still only a few hours into Bioshock: Infinite and it really just isn't doing it for me. Its a fine game, but it hasn't gripped me like TLOU, or even the original Bioshock.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2004
Then again, I still look forward to playing games I've had on my shelf for years. I borrowed Uncharted 3 over a year ago and still haven't even put it in my system. BioShock (1!) must be at least 3 years deep in the backloggery.

Tmg, go play Bioshock 1. We'll all wait here. Fantastic game. What's your backlog look like besides that? 3 years of backlog sounds painful.

[URL='']@ilikemusicmore[/URL] - What did you think of Bioshock 1 and 2? I'm looking to forward to picking up Infinite (eventually) but to hear that its not grabbing you, has me worried. As great as it looked, I haven't seen put it at GOTY level.

Truth be told, I'm in pain trying not to buy a 3DS for the new Animal Crossing. It's one of my guilty pleasures games. Collecting tons of things, decorating your own space/house/person. Those games man. Its why TF2 went from FPS to collecting hats for me.

Currently, [URL='']@dquigley[/URL] and I are playing co-op civilization 5. I've learned some interesting things about Dquigley. Absolutely ruthless and never lets a grudge go. Oh you went to war with us in 2000BC? I'm going to nuke your city 3 times in 1955AD. Though I will take responsibility for stealing that worker and Prague being angry at us. Currently, the Mayans and Russians hold one side of the continent with Spain and Atilla holding the other side of the continent. Everyone is building atomic bombs and **** is about to hit the fan soon. dquigley, we need to figure this **** out!

Anyone else play Civilization?
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Aug 17, 2005
[URL='']@ilikemusicmore[/URL] - What did you think of Bioshock 1 and 2? I'm looking to forward to picking up Infinite (eventually) but to hear that its not grabbing you, has me worried. As great as it looked, I haven't seen put it at GOTY level.

Truth be told, I'm in pain trying not to buy a 3DS for the new Animal Crossing. It's one of my guilty pleasures games. Collecting tons of things, decorating your own space/house/person. Those games man. Its why TF2 went from FPS to collecting hats for me.

Bioshock 1 is a classic. I have never played, nor have I ever had any desire to play, Bioshock 2. Bioshock 1 was great. So great that I didn't want it to affected by a sequel. Infinite seems like it's own unique thing, so I was all about it. Its still a great game. I have been hooked at times, but to be honest, I was drawn away from Infinite when it launched by other games, and I just havent had the chance to go back to it. It is a terrific game. I am just easily distracted (I still think TLOU is runaway favourite for GOTY though)

Buy a 3DS. I bought a blue 3DSXL last summer as a complete impulse buy, and I am so glad that I did. I freaking love it. Between Luigi's Mansion, DKCR3D, Animal Crossing, Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart, etc...(all downloaded onto my SD card), it has gotten far more play time than any other console of mine over the last six months. Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing in particular; such great and unique games that you just won't get to experience on anything else.
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No Longer a Noob
Sep 20, 2009
Los Angeles
Go play Bioshock. Now.

Also The Last of Us...extremely rare for me to push through a game as quickly as I did with that one. I was captivated the entire way through and just couldn't get myself to put the controller down.
Aug 17, 2005
Go play Bioshock. Now.

Also The Last of Us...extremely rare for me to push through a game as quickly as I did with that one. I was captivated the entire way through and just couldn't get myself to put the controller down.

I am about two or three hours from finishing it tonight. I am hoping to get done before the hockey starts.

I felt the exact same way. It has been so damn long since I played a game that just wouldn't let me stop playing. I can hardly remember the last time I felt this way while playing a game. I probably need to go back to something like Ocarina of Time or Metal Gear Solid, when I was still just a kid. It is utterly enthralling. People need to play it ASAP before spoilers become too ubiquitous to avoid.
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No Longer a Noob
Sep 20, 2009
Los Angeles
There have only been 6 games in this generation that have left me unable to put the controller down - TLOU, Bioshock Infinite, Bioshock, Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption, and Catherine. The gamer in me pretty well died off along with the Dreamcast, but I'm being brought back with these story-heavy games.


Aug 31, 2001
Married with a 5-year-old Asperger's kid, I simply don't get much time for gaming at all these days. When Freddie's awake he usually commands my attention - and in the rare events he's patient enough to sit and watch me play a game it'll usually be a game of his choosing and it's probably best that it not be anything overly violent anyway (Rock Band Blitz or Lumines Supernova - again!). In the evenings after he's asleep, watching TV or movies with my wife is more likely to happen than gaming (particularly during hockey season and postseason... and Dexter / Boardwalk Empire / Walking Dead / Game of Thrones seasons).

The two main 'classics' of my backlog are Half-Life and BioShock. More recent items on the docket include GTAIV, LA Noire, and the aforementioned Uncharted 3. Not to mention the games I've wanted to play but haven't even bought because of the backlog (LittleBigPlanet 2, Infamous 2, God of War 3+Ascension).

I've still gotten a few games in in the past few years - Skyrim, Portal 2, Rockband 3, Terraria, Just Cause 2, and Driver San Fran account for the bulk of my gaming the past two years.
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Aug 17, 2005
There have only been 6 games in this generation that have left me unable to put the controller down - TLOU, Bioshock Infinite, Bioshock, Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption, and Catherine. The gamer in me pretty well died off along with the Dreamcast, but I'm being brought back with these story-heavy games.

Bioshock did grip me, so maybe going back to N64/PS1 is a bit of an exaggeration. Red Dead I played all the way through as well. Fallout 3 is another one that I couldn't get enough of. I absolutely loved everything about Fallout 3 (I think I have a thing for post-apocalyptic hellscapes).

Skyrim would have had me, but it was just so fucked up on PS3 that I had to give up.
Aug 17, 2005
Married with a 5-year-old Asperger's kid, I simply don't get much time for gaming at all these days. When Freddie's awake he usually commands my attention - and in the rare events he's patient enough to sit and watch me play a game it'll usually be a game of his choosing and it's probably best that it not be anything overly violent anyway (Rock Band Blitz or Lumines Supernova - again!). In the evenings after he's asleep, watching TV or movies with my wife is more likely to happen than gaming (particularly during hockey season and postseason).

The two main 'classics' of my backlog are Half-Life and BioShock. More recent items on the docket include GTAIV, LA Noire, and the aforementioned Uncharted 3. Not to mention the games I've wanted to play but haven't even bought because of the backlog (LittleBigPlanet 2, Infamous 2, God of War 3+Ascension).

I've still gotten a few games in in the past few years - Skyrim, Portal 2, Rockband 3, Terraria, Just Cause 2, and Driver San Fran account for the bulk of my gaming the past two years.

Ya, I don't know how anyone with kids has time to play games.

I would give GTA4 a pass. It was a big let down. I am hoping GTA5 is a return to a more San Andreas type game design. Driving around in GTA4, trying to arrange 'dates' with all your needy friends is ridiculously annoying.

You should get a 3DS. I always end up playing it because I feel like settling in for a big console experience is just such a hassle, whereas with the 3DS, I can just throw on the baseball, and play a game at my own pace. Animal Crossing and Lugi's Mansion are great for 'bite sized' experiences that still feel like full fledged, 'big time' games.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2004
Buy a 3DS. I bought a blue 3DSXL last summer as a complete impulse buy, and I am so glad that I did. I freaking love it. Between Luigi's Mansion, DKCR3D, Animal Crossing, Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart, etc...(all downloaded onto my SD card), it has gotten far more play time than any other console of mine over the last six months. Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing in particular; such great and unique games that you just won't get to experience on anything else.

I know. And SSB 3DS looks incredible. But I don't have time/money for handhelds. That incredible of a system?

There have only been 6 games in this generation that have left me unable to put the controller down - TLOU, Bioshock Infinite, Bioshock, Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption, and Catherine. The gamer in me pretty well died off along with the Dreamcast, but I'm being brought back with these story-heavy games.

Have you played LA Noire? Story heavy game with tons of influence from Rockstar. Incredible game. Red Dead was my favourite game over the last console generation but LA Noire was up there too.

@tmg.exe that's a hefty but quality backlog. I'm sure you'll find enjoyment in any of those games. Currently, I'm watching the Wire. Haven't finished it yet but its fantastic.


Aug 31, 2001
My iOS devices (iPad 2 and iPhone 5) keep me going on low-commitment short-attention-span gaming. Every handheld console I've ever bought wound up accumulating dust after any given Pokemon phase passes.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2004
Ya, I don't know how anyone with kids has time to play games.

I would give GTA4 a pass. It was a big let down. I am hoping GTA5 is a return to a more San Andreas type game design. Driving around in GTA4, trying to arrange 'dates' with all your needy friends is ridiculously annoying.

You should get a 3DS. I always end up playing it because I feel like settling in for a big console experience is just such a hassle, whereas with the 3DS, I can just throw on the baseball, and play a game at my own pace. Animal Crossing and Lugi's Mansion are great for 'bite sized' experiences that still feel like full fledged, 'big time' games.

GTAIV was fantastic tmg. ILMM is so wrong it hurts [face_tongue] Okay, its not for everyone but GTAIV, Red Dead Redemption, and LA Noire have such fantastic worlds (particularly RDR) that any other open world game looks terrible in comparison.

Yeah, the only thing Im scared of with Animal Crossing is that I can't have a longer session with it because its so bite sized. Can you play it for an hour and still feel like there is stuff to do?


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2004
My iOS devices (iPad 2 and iPhone 5) keep me going on low-commitment short-attention-span gaming. Every handheld console I've ever bought wound up accumulating dust after any given Pokemon phase passes.

I know that phase all to well. New Pokemon game comes out? Must resist. Admittedly, I bought the DS Gold version to try and respark my interest a few years ago but my Ds Lite has been rarely touched in the last 4-5 years. Still had some great games like Ouendan, and Mario Kart.

But like you said, iOS gaming has kinda been big for me. There aren't fantastic games but there are some good games that hit that "5 minutes and done" sweet spot like Peggle, Angry Birds, etc.


Aug 31, 2001
Oh, I did RDR. Thoroughly. That was back when Freddie used to take *naps*. :) I've gotten a few hours into GTAIV and it is likely to be the next game I go back to... I was a little burned out on open-world-vehicular when I had just done Just Cause 2 and Driver San Fran and so when something shiny distracted me (I believe the Skyrim expansions finally coming to PS3) I wasn't especially quick to go back to it.
Aug 17, 2005
Buy a 3DS. I bought a blue 3DSXL last summer as a complete impulse buy, and I am so glad that I did. I freaking love it. Between Luigi's Mansion, DKCR3D, Animal Crossing, Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart, etc...(all downloaded onto my SD card), it has gotten far more play time than any other console of mine over the last six months. Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing in particular; such great and unique games that you just won't get to experience on anything else.

I know. And SSB 3DS looks incredible. But I don't have time/money for handhelds. That incredible of a system?

I love it! It really has become my primary system. The 3DS has hit it's stride this past year.

Though it was an impulse buy, there was a good reason for me to buy a portable console. I travel from my place to my parent's pretty regularly, and I didn't want to haul my PS3 around, so I wanted something I could bring there with no hassle.

I can't wait to add Smash Bros, Mario Golf, and the new Mario & Luigi to my system!

My iOS devices (iPad 2 and iPhone 5) keep me going on low-commitment short-attention-span gaming. Every handheld console I've ever bought wound up accumulating dust after any given Pokemon phase passes.

I went iPad crazy for a few months (Kingdom Rush is great), but quickly got bored.

Funny enough, I have still never played Pokemon for more than about ten minutes. I just don't like it.
Aug 17, 2005
GTAIV was fantastic tmg. ILMM is so wrong it hurts [face_tongue] Okay, its not for everyone but GTAIV, Red Dead Redemption, and LA Noire have such fantastic worlds (particularly RDR) that any other open world game looks terrible in comparison.

Yeah, the only thing Im scared of with Animal Crossing is that I can't have a longer session with it because its so bite sized. Can you play it for an hour and still feel like there is stuff to do?

Well, its basically the same game it has always been. I would say that no, you can't really play for an hour and find new stuff to do. I mean, you can fish for an hour, or catch bugs or whatever, but no, it doesn't lend itself to binge gaming.

I am totally on board with RDR though. I loved that game (and seem to be one of the few people to happily play through the Mexico missions.
Aug 17, 2005
My iOS devices (iPad 2 and iPhone 5) keep me going on low-commitment short-attention-span gaming. Every handheld console I've ever bought wound up accumulating dust after any given Pokemon phase passes.

I know that phase all to well. New Pokemon game comes out? Must resist. Admittedly, I bought the DS Gold version to try and respark my interest a few years ago but my Ds Lite has been rarely touched in the last 4-5 years. Still had some great games like Ouendan, and Mario Kart.

But like you said, iOS gaming has kinda been big for me. There aren't fantastic games but there are some good games that hit that "5 minutes and done" sweet spot like Peggle, Angry Birds, etc.

Peggle is amazing.

I actively campaign against Angry Birds though. Such a terrible game!
Jun 13, 2003
I am completely done with console games except sports and whatever I get free from PS+. So I won't be playing Last of Us until its inevitably free a year or so from now.

If EA puts sports games on PC again I won't even buy a next gen console.
Aug 17, 2005
Considering how co-depdendant EA and the console manufacturers are, I wouldn't think their PC return is too likely.

That Last of Us is amazing though. You're missing out comrade.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2004
Oh, I did RDR. Thoroughly. That was back when Freddie used to take *naps*. :) I've gotten a few hours into GTAIV and it is likely to be the next game I go back to... I was a little burned out on open-world-vehicular when I had just done Just Cause 2 and Driver San Fran and so when something shiny distracted me (I believe the Skyrim expansions finally coming to PS3) I wasn't especially quick to go back to it.

RDR is simply fantastic. IMO, the best game of the generation. It's one of the reasons I didn't like JC2. It just felt like an empty world in comparison to RDR. It was the first game to really make the world feel alive especially the secluded areas.

@ILMM Oh man, forgot about Mario Golf too! When does that hit? And why the Angry Birds hate?

I am completely done with console games except sports and whatever I get free from PS+. So I won't be playing Last of Us until its inevitably free a year or so from now.

If EA puts sports games on PC again I won't even buy a next gen console.

I'm pretty sure EA puts out a Fifa game? on PC but not other sports games. It might be possible since the next-gen consoles are like PCs anyways and that they easiness to port > worry of piracy. Do you play any of the Sims like Football manager or the new Franchise Hockey manager?
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Jun 13, 2003
I'm not counting on it either.

I might cave, but its so hard going from buying Steam games for 15-20 bucks max and then consoles try and sell games for $60 even a year after release. I'll probably end up just borrowing a friends copy.

Edit- Yeah FIFA is on PC. I'm not sure if its been updated the last couple years to be as good as console versions though. And I have Football Manager which is amazing.
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Nov 24, 2005
all i use my PS3 for is netflix and watching movies from my hard drive.

i dont even play NHL anymore unless i have a buddy over. the seasons just take too long to sim and i really dont want to sit and play 82 games.

can anyone give me a quick review on what TLOU even is?


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2004
all i use my PS3 for is netflix and watching movies from my hard drive.

i dont even play NHL anymore unless i have a buddy over. the seasons just take too long to sim and i really dont want to sit and play 82 games.

can anyone give me a quick review on what TLOU even is?

The Last of Us is a PS3 exclusive developed by Naughty Dog (Unchartered). It's been getting spectacular reviews (think perfect scores).

From wikipedia: The player takes control of Joel (voiced and motion captured by Troy Baker), who is trekking across a post-apocalyptic United States in 2033, in order to escort the young Ellie (voiced and motion captured by Ashley Johnson) to a friendly resistance group, the Fireflies. The player defends the characters against zombie-like creatures infected with the cordyceps fungus, as well as hostile humans such as bandits and cannibals, employing the use of firearms and stealth aided by capabilities such as a visual representation of sound in order to listen for locations of enemies. The player can also craft weapons or medical items by combining items scavenged in the world.

[URL='']@Kevin_Nash_nWo[/URL] what do you play? Planning on anything for the steam sale?

I've heard that people love Football Manager - I'm currently playing Franchise Hockey Manager beta (made by the guys who make the awesome Outside of the Park baseball sim.). It's fun but needs a bit more work.
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Jun 13, 2003
Battlefield 3 mostly.

I'll see what happens during Summer Sale, there's nothing I'm waiting to drop in price or anything right now but I'll get some stuff


No Longer a Noob
May 16, 2001
I keep falling behind on console games now that Steam sales have arrived. Though I'm behind on my Steam Catalog as well(I play too much Civ but I'm currently progressing through my catalog alphabetically, Batman: Arkham Asylum is next).

I haven't picked up Last of US yet but I hope to play it some time this year.


Oct 28, 2000
I have BKB on my gmail account and when he was first added he was always online green/yellow. I haven't seen him online in quite awhile, but I don't make a habit of it to check since the last couple days. I used his gmail email to search for him on some social media sites but no luck.
Jan 9, 2002
What did BKB get angry at you for, TMG?

I have two kids and stopped playing videogames years ago. For some reason the art style of Bioshock Infinite made me get it. I finished it in a few days - I've never been hooked on a game like that since... a long time ago. And it was all worth it. I can't recommend it enough.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 29, 2010
I have two kids and stopped playing videogames years ago.

Same here, I have a boy who's about to turn 3 and a 3-month old daughter. I play games 30-45 minutes at a time, usually slow paced RPGs, because my wife mandated that I can only play video games while I'm working out, so it's in the garage hooked up to the TV right in front of our elliptical. It's like that episode the The League, except with video games and not porn. Pretty sure that's where she got the idea, though.

I don't buy many new games anymore, the last one was FFXIII-2, and I'm struggling through it - about 10 hours in. I liked the battle system in FFXIII well enough, thought I'd give this a shot but it's somehow less interesting than FFXIII was overall. And it's one of the only discs my son hasn't somehow managed to destroy. Thank god for downloaded games, that's about the only way I'll get a new one now.
Aug 17, 2005
I have two kids and stopped playing videogames years ago.

Same here, I have a boy who's about to turn 3 and a 3-month old daughter. I play games 30-45 minutes at a time, usually slow paced RPGs, because my wife mandated that I can only play video games while I'm working out, so it's in the garage hooked up to the TV right in front of our elliptical. It's like that episode the The League, except with video games and not porn. Pretty sure that's where she got the idea, though.

I don't buy many new games anymore, the last one was FFXIII-2, and I'm struggling through it - about 10 hours in. I liked the battle system in FFXIII well enough, thought I'd give this a shot but it's somehow less interesting than FFXIII was overall. And it's one of the only discs my son hasn't somehow managed to destroy. Thank god for downloaded games, that's about the only way I'll get a new one now.

Anyone know the Rooster Teeth guys?

Burnie, pretty much the head guy there, lost a ton of weight by setting up his treadmill in front of his TV and just walking while he played RPG's. I wish I had the space for a treadmill.


Aug 31, 2001
Of all the games I expected GTAV to use as a jumping-off point, "The Lost Vikings" was not the one I imagined.

That said, I loved the flash-between-people aspect of Driver San Francisco, and I imagine that's the more modern inspiration.
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Oct 28, 2000
I think I'm getting too old for these new generation of games, I watched it and while I do think that from a design it looks amazing. I can't really imagine playing it. I think I'm a bit too simple...seems like a bunch of micromanagement involved there.
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Nov 24, 2005
I think I'm getting too old for these new generation of games, I watched it and while I do think that from a design it looks amazing. I can't really imagine playing it. I think I'm a bit too simple...seems like a bunch of micromanagement involved there.

eff that. i dont even care about the missions.

i just wanna jump in a plane or a car and explore.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 6, 2005
I was just wondering if there was a CT in the Hockey yeah I guess there is one. Except it's a Hocket CT [face_tongue]

TLoU looks amazing. Really wish I had a lot more time to play games this summer, but I'm either working, being lazy, working out, drawing/painting, or going out with friends. I started a file on Super Metroid like 2 weeks ago and I still haven't finished it. It would be nice if I could play TLoU and Bioshock Infinite before the summer ends...


No Longer a Noob
Jan 14, 2004
ahhh haha. that never gets old. funniest thing is the 'artist' totally stands by the results of her reclamation project.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 6, 2005
what do you draw/paint

I like drawing portraits, and a few random things. I've done a few self portraits, a few musicians, and just random girls that I kinda draw out in my head. I only have done like four paintings. Two of them are still life and the other two are portraits. My most varied artworks are my prints.

My real passion though is creating logos. I love sketching logo ideas and putting them into my computer. That's what being a graphic designer is like, I guess.
People just don't get it man.

In 50 years it will be a work of art in its own right.

Sadly, yeah people will probably praise that piece of shit painting.
Aug 17, 2005
I dont think its necessarily a bad thing. It will just be a fascinating, artistic abnormality. A unique part of history.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 6, 2005
I dont think its necessarily a bad thing. It will just be a fascinating, artistic abnormality. A unique part of history.

Well, I think it'll be remembered more as a meme, than a work of art. There are artists like Jackson Pollack and Jeff Koons, who I think are both very overrated, but at least they have some type of creativity. This Jesus painting was done by some old lady that really had no clue what she was doing, and was commissioned to paint it because no one else would. So in my world, I would rather have this painting left forgotten...but in today's world, it'll be remembered.

Also, if you guys care at all, I could show my stuff later today. As for now, I gotta go back to work.
Aug 17, 2005
The package will be around $130/month for the standard channels and HD stuff with unlimited data.
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