
No Longer a Noob
Jun 18, 2005
Yup, just saw it last night. Incredibly entertaining and hilarious. Also saw Hungry Games. It was ok.


I like Macs.
Sep 18, 2007
Thought Hunger Games was solid. Jennifer Lawrence is perfect.

Death by Unicorn would be a great band name.

I finally watched the Tribe doc the other night and it was real good.


Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
I usually use this time of the year to catch up on older directors filmographies. I've gone through Satyajit Ray's films and Pier Paolo Pasolini's in the last month or so. Both would probably be in my top 10 or 15 of all time, I think.

I really didn't like that Tribe doc.. It focused way too much on drama.

Cabin In the Woods was fun but meh idk. Hated the Hunger Games. Alps(guy who directed Dogtooth's latest film) was fantastic, so was This Is Not a Film, and Footnote was pretty good. This year is looking to be great with new films from Reygadas, Cronenberg, Haneke, Assayas, Cristian Mungiu, Noe, PTA, Wong Kar Wai, Coens, Korine, Cuaron, Wes Anderson. Oh lawwwwddd
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I like Macs.
Sep 18, 2007
I watch more TV than I watch movies, man.

Am I a bad person for really liking The Darjeeling Limited? I have Animal Kingdom recorded on my DVR, I really need to watch that.


Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
I watch more TV than I watch movies, man.

Am I a bad person for really liking The Darjeeling Limited? I have Animal Kingdom recorded on my DVR, I really need to watch that.
I like Darjeeling Limited too. I think it's pretty minor Wes Anderson but his aesthetic always works for me, even if at this point in his career he is bordering on self parody. Slow motion walking to the Kinks woooooo.

e: after Animal Kingdom watch Snowtown.
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Last Year's Model
Sep 15, 2002
Haven't been watching movies as much lately but I'm pretty addicted to Workaholics.


Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
Ehh it's cool, I don't love it but it's fine for now. I split it 4 ways between some buddies so it wasn't a massive hit. I'll be looking to upgrade around Christmas time next year and I'll do some better research.


Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
Cannes lineup

In Competition:
“Amour” (dir. Michael Haneke)
“The Angel’s Share” (dir. Ken Loach)
“Baad EL Mawkeaa (Apres La Bataille”) (dir. Yousry Nasrallah)
“Beyond The Hills” (dir. Cristian Mungiu)
“Cosmopolis” (dir. David Cronenberg)
“Holy Motors” (dir. Leos Carax)
“The Hunt” (dir. Thomas Vinterberg)
“In Another Country” (dir. Hong Sang-Soo)
“Im Nebels (Dans La Brume)” (dir. Sergei Loznitsa)
“Killing Them Softly” (dir. Andrew Dominik)
“Lawless” (dir. John Hillcoat)
“Like Someone In Love” (dir. Abbas Kiarostami)
“Moonrise Kingdom” (dir. Wes Anderson)
“Mud” (dir. Jeff Nichols)
“On The Road” (dir. Walter Salles)
“Paradies: Liebe” (dir. Ulrich Seidl)
“The Paperboy” (dir. Lee Daniels)
“Post Tenebras Lux” (dir. Carlos Reygadas)
“Reality” (dir. Matteo Garrone)
“Rust & Bone” (dir. Jacques Audiard)
“Taste Of Money” (dir. Im Sang-Soo)
“Vous N’Avez Encoure Rien Vu” (dir. Alain Resnais)

Yay Reygadas, Mungiu, Kiarostami, Cronenberg, Haneke.


I like Macs.
Sep 18, 2007
I shot this on my iPhone 4 for a school project. We had to make a commercial as part of our ad campaign, so I tried to make mine viraly-y because an independently owned coffee shop wouldn't have the budget for an on-air commercial. I hate the second half of it.

Someone hire me to do AE shit. I'LL MAKE YOUR CREDITS!

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Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
That was pretty neat dude.

This Is Not a Film (new documentary by/about Jafar Panahi) is up on ptp. It's a pretty beautiful little film.


I like Macs.
Sep 18, 2007
I think the animators at my shitty small art school were offered a film class, but they didn't offer one to my major. Wish I could have taken one.


What am I supposed to do with a porno?
Dec 31, 2007
Ditto on Avengers, although I feel like people are really going overboard with the praises. Avengers was good, but it wasn't OMG BEST SUPERHERO MOVIE EVER.

I predict for this summer's blockbusters: Prometheus > TDKR > Avengers.



I like Macs.
Sep 18, 2007
Avengers getting too much praise doesn't bug me. Hulk was obviously the stand-out of the movie and he was worth the ticket price alone. It's too fresh in my mind to compare to other super hero movies, but I'm pretty confident I prefer Dark Knight and maybe even Spider-Man 1 & 2. It's probably better than those two aforementioned Spider-Man movies, but I just like them a whole lot.

Speaking of Spider-Man, I'm pretty stoked for Amazing Spider-Man. I like the character a lot, I like Marc Webb, and the cast is great.

I haven't seen any of the Alien movies (sorry) so I need to watch them before I can care about Prometheus.

I have so much blind faith in Nolan, especially with that character; the days leading up to Dark Knight Rises are gonna be difficult to get through. I really can't see myself caring about any movie more than Dark Knight Rises this year, let alone this summer. COME AT ME!


Dec 23, 2002
i think captain america is incredibly gay, i always have. dude get something besides a shield. avengers was good but i had shitty little kids in the theater and the screen was too small i thought.

i'lve never liked any spider man except the cartoon. nolan 4 lyfe tho.


What am I supposed to do with a porno?
Dec 31, 2007
I haven't seen any of the Alien movies (sorry) so I need to watch them before I can care about Prometheus.

You don't need to watch Alien to see Prometheus. Prometheus is a standalone movie that shares the same universe as the Alien franchise.

Having said that, I've only seen Alien (and that was recently!). I think Prometheus answers one of the many mysteries in Alien.


I like Macs.
Sep 18, 2007
There's a new Spider-Man cartoon on Disney XD and I like it. It's real goofy.

I'll watch the four main Alien movies regardless. I should have watched them by now regardless. I can spend an entire day watching a season of a tv show but I'm real lazy about watching movies for some reason.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 13, 2005
Just watch Alien and Aliens. Those are both pretty great. The third was Fincher's first major film and it's kinda interesting but in the end a failure. You can't go from many aliens back down to one, it just doesn't really work. Only bother with 4 or AvsP if you really need more.


Last Year's Model
Sep 15, 2002
Avengers was fun, and some the most fun/exhilirating action sequence out of a comic book film, but I don't think it's a masterpiece or anything. I do expect a little bit of higher-brain activity out of any movie I see, even if the one of the characters is dressed is dressed in stars and stripes.

Also, are the Hulk's balls a darker shade of green than the rest of his body?

Amazing Spider-Man is... I dunno. I was looking forward to the movie when i heard it was going to have an 80 million budget 'cause I figured they would go down the more intimate, character-driven route, but the lastest action-packed trailer makes me think it'll just be more of the same for a comic book film. We'll see.

You don't need to watch Alien to see Prometheus. Prometheus is a standalone movie that shares the same universe as the Alien franchise.

I heard read in the latest Entertainment Weekly [I get it for free, for some reason] that the last 18 minutes of the film will contain some major connections to at least the firm Alien film. I'm sure it's a stand alone film, but why miss the chance of getting the full enjoyment out of it?


Dec 23, 2002
here's another post where i draw nothing off of the current discussion

last 2 marvel movies i've seen iron man 2 and avengers are all like generic ok fight scenes then one badass one to end it. why not do 80/120 minutes of badass fightt scene? pony up on the cgi payroll is what i say and have wolverine climbing the backs of sentinels for the first 20 minutes and clawing out hearts the last 45.


I like Macs.
Sep 18, 2007
Because then the fight scenes don't mean anything. If they're all massive they stop feeling massive.

Avengers wasn't overly stimulating, but it wasn't a brain-fart. It got the tone perfectly, didn't hold the audience's hand too much, and gave every character their moment. I mean, we're all basically saying it was good but that it wasn't some masterclass in filmmaking, when we should take a moment to appreciate how it wasn't the massive failure it very easily could have been. And sure, every movie can be a massive failure, but this had a huge cast of huge characters and it was really the first superhero movie to bring out a cast that big, and it managed to be pretty damn good. That all said, the first act was kind of boring.
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Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
Because then the fight scenes don't mean anything. If they're all massive they stop feeling massive.

Avengers wasn't overly stimulating, but it wasn't a brain-fart. It got the tone perfectly, didn't hold the audience's hand too much, and gave every character their moment. I mean, we're all basically saying it was good but that it wasn't some masterclass in filmmaking, when we should take a moment to appreciate how it wasn't the massive failure it very easily could have been. And sure, every movie can be a massive failure, but this had a huge cast of huge characters and it was really the first superhero movie to bring out a cast that big, and it managed to be pretty damn good. That all said, the first act was kind of boring.
I guess I see some of your points but I just thought the entire thing was boring. I don't really know how to get invested in these action scenes when there is clearly no risk of danger, obviously nothing is ever going to happen to any of these characters. And the moment at the end with the news shit was so heavy handed. I think I just take issue with how much Whedon's voice comes through in these characters, it felt like there was a joke per minute quota or something. At least he didn't overdo it with the dutch angles like Branagh did with Thor, that ruined that movie for me.

Best comic book set piece tho? Subway scene in SM2 for me.

e: Hawkeye was sorta wasted too.
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I lived on hazel st
Jun 11, 2001
And sure, every movie can be a massive failure, but this had a huge cast of huge characters and it was really the first superhero movie to bring out a cast that big, and it managed to be pretty damn good.

What about the X-Men movies? That cast actually seems more impressive.


Last Year's Model
Sep 15, 2002
And sure, every movie can be a massive failure, but this had a huge cast of huge characters and it was really the first superhero movie to bring out a cast that big, and it managed to be pretty damn good.

What about the X-Men movies? That cast actually seems more impressive.

The X-Men movies did a terrible job of giving everyone an appropriate amount of screen time, which is one thing that Avengers excelled at.
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I like Macs.
Sep 18, 2007

Also, the X-Men movies came and went as ensemble pictures, whereas Avengers took characters that made appearances here and there while planting seeds and shit and then put them all together.
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