
No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
I do like MGS2 alot, infact at one point I thought I preferred it to MGS3 but once I had the HD collection and played them back to back then there's really no doubt that MGS3 is the far better game in nearly every single way.

It has a better story, characters, graphics, gameplay, environments, cutscenes, boss fights, it's longer, more variety to utilize stealth etc


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 23, 2010
The reason MGS3 didn't sell aswell as the others is because in US it came out around the same time as GTA San Andreas and Halo 2 and lost out on competition and being overshadowed.

When MGS3 came out in March 2005 in Europe it happened again because it was only a week after Gran Turismo 4 came out. Same with Japan MGS3 and GT4 came out 2 days apart.

Yep. MGS3 was up against some stiff competition when it was released in November 2004. Remember what else came out in that month?

GTA San Andreas (OK it was released on Oct. 29, but close enough)
Halo 2 (fanboy expectations were THROUGH THE ROOF for this game)
Half-Life 2 (see above)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (see above)


Original poster
The reason MGS3 didn't sell aswell as the others is because in US it came out around the same time as GTA San Andreas and Halo 2 and lost out on competition and being overshadowed.

When MGS3 came out in March 2005 in Europe it happened again because it was only a week after Gran Turismo 4 came out. Same with Japan MGS3 and GT4 came out 2 days apart.

Yep. MGS3 was up against some stiff competition when it was released in November 2004. Remember what else came out in that month?

GTA San Andreas (OK it was released on Oct. 29, but close enough)
Halo 2 (fanboy expectations were THROUGH THE ROOF for this game)
Half-Life 2 (see above)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (see above)
MGS3 was really under the radar for a long time. Everyone was bubbling over Halo or GTA at the time, while I and a handful of other people at the time grabbed it from the shelves 1st week of launch.


Oppai Senpai
Apr 13, 2010
Mother Base

Sales figures:

Metal Gear Solid (1998) - 6 million copies
Metal Gear Solid 2 (2001) - 7 million copies
Metal Gear Solid 3 (2004) 3.6 million copies
Metal Gear Solid 4 (2008) - 5.5 million copies.

It says that 1 out of every 5 PS3 owners has MGS4 and that it boosted PS3 sales in the UK by 700%.

Why did the best one sell the least? Did MGS2 really piss that many fans off?


Original poster

Sales figures:

Metal Gear Solid (1998) - 6 million copies
Metal Gear Solid 2 (2001) - 7 million copies
Metal Gear Solid 3 (2004) 3.6 million copies
Metal Gear Solid 4 (2008) - 5.5 million copies.

It says that 1 out of every 5 PS3 owners has MGS4 and that it boosted PS3 sales in the UK by 700%.

Why did the best one sell the least? Did MGS2 really piss that many fans off?
The updated numbers are later in the thread.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 7, 2012
Montreal, Canada

Sales figures:

Metal Gear Solid (1998) - 6 million copies
Metal Gear Solid 2 (2001) - 7 million copies
Metal Gear Solid 3 (2004) 3.6 million copies
Metal Gear Solid 4 (2008) - 5.5 million copies.

It says that 1 out of every 5 PS3 owners has MGS4 and that it boosted PS3 sales in the UK by 700%.

Why did the best one sell the least? Did MGS2 really piss that many fans off?
The updated numbers are later in the thread.
they are still low.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
According to Vgchartz Peace Walker has sold 1.92 million copies on PSP. Peace Walker HD which came out on consoles only in Japan has sold 0.16 million copies.

The MGS HD collection which includes Peace Walker also, has sold 1.34 million copies.

In total that adds to 3.42 million copies (in a way).
Jun 2, 2011
According to Vgchartz Peace Walker has sold 1.92 million copies on PSP. Peace Walker HD which came out on consoles only in Japan has sold 0.16 million copies.

The MGS HD collection which includes Peace Walker also, has sold 1.34 million copies.

In total that adds to 3.42 million copies (in a way).

I got the HD collection to play Peacewalker, so yeah.
Last edited:


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 7, 2012
Montreal, Canada
According to Vgchartz Peace Walker has sold 1.92 million copies on PSP. Peace Walker HD which came out on consoles only in Japan has sold 0.16 million copies.

The MGS HD collection which includes Peace Walker also, has sold 1.34 million copies.

In total that adds to 3.42 million copies (in a way).

I got the HD collection to play Peacewalker, so yeah.
many of us used "Transfarring"(seriously what's with the name?) to resume our Peace Walker game on PS3. I bet many of those who bought MGS HD, bought it for PW.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
Cutscenes make the story in this franchise, not only do I not have a problem with them. But I think there a major part to the feel and success of the franchise.


Sep 5, 2013
I know a lot of people complain about the cutscenes in the game, but I mean that's what defines MGS in a way and I didn't really have a problem with it.
Me neither. It's just that people are bothered to think. Kinda sad really that most people have the attention span of gnats.

It astonishes me that people really can't accept that different people enjoy different things - they simply must find a way to make their opinion out to be proof of their superiority. There are plenty of other reasons a person would not like a one hour cut scene in a video game that doesn't mean they are "bothered to think". Yes, I know this post is from 2013, but it's so obnoxious I just can't help myself.


A Colloquial Formality
Aug 22, 2004
I know a lot of people complain about the cutscenes in the game, but I mean that's what defines MGS in a way and I didn't really have a problem with it.
Me neither. It's just that people are bothered to think. Kinda sad really that most people have the attention span of gnats.

It astonishes me that people really can't accept that different people enjoy different things - they simply must find a way to make their opinion out to be proof of their superiority. There are plenty of other reasons a person would not like a one hour cut scene in a video game that doesn't mean they are "bothered to think". Yes, I know this post is from 2013, but it's so obnoxious I just can't help myself.
The fact that you acknowledged that you necro-bumped a three year old thread makes you bumping the thread a lot worse.


Almost Not a Noob
May 31, 2009
Me neither. It's just that people are bothered to think. Kinda sad really that most people have the attention span of gnats.

It astonishes me that people really can't accept that different people enjoy different things - they simply must find a way to make their opinion out to be proof of their superiority. There are plenty of other reasons a person would not like a one hour cut scene in a video game that doesn't mean they are "bothered to think". Yes, I know this post is from 2013, but it's so obnoxious I just can't help myself.
The fact that you acknowledged that you necro-bumped a three year old thread makes you bumping the thread a lot worse.
Dude, the board is so dead at this point that a little bit of necromancy might be needed. Old discussion is still discussion. [face_tongue]