
Sep 25, 2015
I just recently got a "craving" to play this game again, so here's my stats if anyone wants to brother up with me:

*Lv. 100 Pegasus
*1400 HP
*Fav. Cards (official): TidalEdge, StrikeEdge, BreakSabre, BraveSwrd3, BrsrkSwrd3, DarkSword
*Fav. Cards (currently/temporary as I'm in the process of building a 12-Card Best Combo): TidalEdge, StrikeEdge, BreakSabre, BraveSwrd3, BrsrkSwrd3, TyphnDance
*B.Combo (current but will be replaced later): Raiha: FlickrKck3 -> BrakSabre -> BraveSwrd3 -> TyphnDance -> BrsrkSwrd3 -> StrikeEdge
*Link Ability: HP+150, Gauge+1
*Unlocked all achievements (Geo's pendant is on my main menu screen)
*Preferred weapon: K. Knuckle
*Friend Code: 004556263178

4/6 of my slots are filled with Sonia, Luna, Bud, and Zack, and I won't erase them. That being said, I'd really prefer one Leo brother and one Dragon brother since I'm already a Pegasus, but I'll probably still brother up with you if you're a Pegasus if no one else replies. Also, I don't really care about your level or whatever, but please include your stats too.

Hoping people still play this game. Reply soon please.


Sep 25, 2015
I just finished my Best Combo, so here's my updated stats:

*Lv. 100 Pegasus
*1400 HP
*Fav. Cards: TidalEdge, StrikeEdge, BreakSabre, BraveSwrd3, BrsrkSwrd3, DarkSword
*B.Combo: FullMoon: BrsrkSwrd2 -> BrsrkSwrd3 -> BrsrkSwrd2 -> BrsrkSwrd3 -> BrsrkSwrd2 -> BrsrkSwrd3 -> BrsrkSwrd3 ->BrsrkSwrd3 ->BrsrkSwrd3 -> BrsrkSwrd3 -> BrsrkSwrd3 -> BrsrkSwrd3 (A 12-Card, 36-HIT combo that deals 2790 damage. Yes, this is real, not even joking)
*Link Ability: HP+150, Gauge+1
*Unlocked all achievements (Geo's pendant is on my main menu screen)
*Preferred weapon: K. Knuckle
*Friend Code: 004556263178

4/6 of my slots are filled with Sonia, Luna, Bud, and Zack, and I won't erase them. That being said, I'd really prefer one Leo brother and one Dragon brother since I'm already a Pegasus, but I'll probably still brother up with you if you're a Pegasus if no one else replies. Also, I don't really care about your level or whatever, but please include your stats too.

Hoping people still play this game. Reply soon please.