Apr 13, 2003
ok this will be the thread for requesting brother bands cause i know when the games comes out there will be tons of threads with people asking for brother banding. when you request for a brother please let everyone know your version so the can make the decision easier.

ok ill start it off.

ill be getting a leo version im looking for 2 Pegasus brothers 2 leo brothers and 1 dragon brother.
the advantage of having me as your brother is that i will give you buster +1 also i will have good favorite chips for when you select my card, i will be using Genimi Thunder as my favorite giga chip. make me an offer then if i accept then post your friend code, please also post your current level.

in order for you to be my brother Leo versions must have the Dream Aura giga chip (in the secret area) or the Darkness Hole giga chip (buy it in BIG WAVE) as one of their favorites.

for Pegasus versions you must have the Break Count Bomb(buy it in BIG WAVE) or Dark Sword (in the secret area).

and the Dragon brother must have Destroy Missile (buy it in BIG WAVE) as their favorite giga chip.

i also have a Leo and Pegasus version that i wont be playing in Japanese but if anyone want to brother with those versions to get high HP boost and powerful favorite random cards you are more than welcome but you have to be at least level 80, there are only 3 brother slots left on the Leo version and 4 left on the Pegasus version.
well there you go guys and happy brother banding.
Apr 13, 2003
ok im ready to brother up my 214855850063
current level is 20, not much but i will be growing quickly.

if your wondering where your friend code is select brothr then select your picture in the center, then chk friend code.
to put in friend codes go to CONNECT then FRIEND ROSTER.
Aug 8, 2007
Hey, I just got the game today, and I had a bunch of questions, and would also like to form a brother band. I currently only own Pegasus version, and my friend code is: 322230053249

Anyway, my first question was if you could battle others, like the Battle Network series, online, or at all. I'm afraid that my guess is correct and that you can't battle at all. The other question I had was if you could trade chips, online, or at all.

If anyone would like to add me to their Brother Band, feel free to do so, but keep in mind, I've just started the game, and am only level 11, and have just made it to where I'm able to ride the bus. As well as I've beaten Taurus Fire. So I am lacking good chips, but I'll be progressing through the game quickly.


Jul 17, 2007
lol how do u know what u give to ur brothers in bb? my fc for starforce is in sig . and for a sec i thought u had gotten to level 80 in the english version i have been plyin for a few hours and im level 12 only
Apr 13, 2003
read the book? :^O i dont have that.

but anyway want to brother up since your on. whats your version and brother INFO?

im only LV27
LK ablty
Attack +1



Jul 17, 2007
sure i have pegasus version
i think everyone got it since there no elec element so it has no weakness besides chipwise
Aug 8, 2007
I would like to, but like I said, I don't have the requirements you want to be forming a brother band with you, but I'll probably be playing as much as possible, and all night tonight.
Apr 13, 2003
Kitsune_Tsumetai dont worry about the requirements, thats just when you get to the end of the game, im looking for specific people that will want to use those exact giga chips as their favorites all the time. at this stage in the game its pointless to go by those standards cause its too early, not even myself ispowered up yet,
but right now i need 2 pegasus brothers fast, and 1 dragon brother since my limit is 3 until later in the game.

calboogie im on now, use the top friend code in my sig since the japanese version is having problems linking with the english version.
Apr 13, 2003
swan is in amaken in the lab, hes in a dead end after you use the blue teleport thing over by the door to go to the roof.
my battle guage is filling super fast thanks to you guys..
Apr 13, 2003
i already have 2 pegasus but ill add you for now, until a dragon comes along then ill have to delete the weakest person.
brother up, im on air now.

you guys have to remember to go ON AIR to update the info between us, everytime you get a higher level, go ON AIR


Jul 17, 2007
hmm i wonder if there will be megaman guilds/teams

and would anyone elese like to buddy me act fast im bout to go upstairs
Apr 13, 2003
actually you can do it right as you learn the brother system but your limited to 3 brothers. you cant use their starforce until chapter 3.


Feb 18, 2002
I have a Dragon version and I'll go buy the Destroy Missile Giga chip right now. My friend code is 004402511704 and my Lv is currently 16 if your interested in getting a Dragon Brother.


Feb 18, 2002
[face_confused] Ok...I didn't realize the pirce of the Giga chip was 50,000 zenny. I only have about 30,000 on me, could I just update my favorites when I get the chip? I'll definitely have it by tomarrow, if not you can just drop me.
Apr 13, 2003
oh wow, now i have 3 Geo Stellar Faces in my brother band [face_plain].
CAL is the only one updating their info so far, my other 2 pegasus brothers are MIA [face_worried]


Feb 18, 2002
Thanks for the BrotherBand, I got an Attack+1 and HP+160 'cause of you. The second I get the Giga chip, I'm uploading my profile so you can get it.


Jul 17, 2007
i try to uppdate wenever i level and tryna get the giga chip for brotherbands

still need another buddy have a leo and dragon friend so gametype doent matter much but preferably decent level with gigachip as favorite