
Jun 30, 2016
Looking to join or start a crew that is interested in anything motorized, mainly aviation flying in formation doing mock military missions, car meets, bike meets racing and new tasks for ceo stuff, basically I love cars and aviation and looking for people who like the same and maybe we can YouTube it psn watsonlee4 hit me up
Jul 1, 2016
Hello IGN members are you looking to join a professional life role playing crew? At LSRPA Los santos role play academy, we offer every department ranging from lspd, state troopers,fire,ems,airsupport,doa,fib,iaa,military,citizens,gangs,coast guards you name it we have it. When you first join your given 400,000 dollars and become a registered citizen within out community, we have a fully paid and api integrated site through enjin you can find us at lsrpa.net upon joining our cops do use a real live database on the site with all your information there is no google docs or nobody being the scene making up charges we are a REAL LIFE role play crew therefore everything applies we have a court, law system, fines bail, jail, bank, credit cards, businesses everything. We only operate on ps4 and you must be realistic and drama free. You can sign up at lsrpa.net you will be contacted asap. Currently we have over 200 active members all over the world and host lobbies daily 3 to 4 times from 2 to 3 hours a time. We are ranked the best life role play crew and most realistic and out of all 10,000 crews on enjin we are currently ranked at 497 proven fact. Feel free to message me on psn at xbodda_bingx.


Jul 2, 2016
my crew name is "LA FAMA FINEST" to join my crew you MUST have good shooting skill
1. Have good skills
2. Good K/D Ratio (depending on rank)
3. No crew killing and follow instructions
4. This crew is like family we need back up at anytime to kill certain players and help each other out
Add me on PS4: maaz4life
Jul 11, 2016
Creating a racing crew called project fast. its for ps4 only. I want to build a crew with the best drivers and create a name in the world of gta5. Email me at maroonshirt8@gmail.com if youre interested. I'm only taking in 5 right now. P.S you don't need to be amazing, just good. The point of this team is to create the best.
Aug 1, 2016
The Legendary Hustler's est. Oct 17 2013 are seeking to recruit loyal members to our crew. We consider ourselves a GTA family and we know the difference between success and failure as a great team. Working together, our members help each other in need, helps build rank and make bank. As a growing empire we strive to promote our strongest members through the crew ranks.


-You must have your Social Club account linked with your psn & it must be visible so i know who you are(this is so you dont accidently get kicked from the crew also helps for when its your turn for a promotion)

-Mics are not required but appreciated

-Members must regularly get on gta especially if you want to be considered for promotion

- Members who are considered for a promotion must not be a part of any other crews. If you are apart of another crew but would like to join you will remain a muscle

-Must be focused & serious when apart of a heist

-No killing crew members (messing around is 1 thing as long as all who are involved are ok with it) if you are having a problem with another member leave the lobby & let the crew leader know.

-If a fellow member is having a problem with people in a lobby & you are on the game join & help

-Crew tattoo is required once you can get it(we will help you get the money for it if needed just ask)

-Crew colors are not required to be worn unless instructed by the leader(if crew leader has said put colors on it must be a red top with the crew emblem on it & no mask but glasses are ok)

-If a crew meeting is called & you are online you are required to join possible demotion or kick if you dont(crew colors are required at meeting)

If you are interested in joining please go to Http://legendaryhustlers.enjin.com/recruitment & take a few minutes to fill out the form.

You can check out our official website at Http://anthonyrzerga.wix.com/legendaryhustlers & click join us

& give us a like on facebook @legendaryhustlersgta
Aug 1, 2016
View attachment 247309 The Legendary Hustler's est. Oct 17 2013 are seeking to recruit loyal members to our crew. We consider ourselves a GTA family and we know the difference between success and failure as a great team. Working together, our members help each other in need, helps build rank and make bank. As a growing empire we strive to promote our strongest members through the crew ranks.


-You must have your Social Club account linked with your psn & it must be visible so i know who you are(this is so you dont accidently get kicked from the crew also helps for when its your turn for a promotion)

-Mics are not required but appreciated

-Members must regularly get on gta especially if you want to be considered for promotion

- Members who are considered for a promotion must not be a part of any other crews. If you are apart of another crew but would like to join you will remain a muscle

-Must be focused & serious when apart of a heist

-No killing crew members (messing around is 1 thing as long as all who are involved are ok with it) if you are having a problem with another member leave the lobby & let the crew leader know.

-If a fellow member is having a problem with people in a lobby & you are on the game join & help

-Crew tattoo is required once you can get it(we will help you get the money for it if needed just ask)

-Crew colors are not required to be worn unless instructed by the leader(if crew leader has said put colors on it must be a red top with the crew emblem on it & no mask but glasses are ok)

-If a crew meeting is called & you are online you are required to join possible demotion or kick if you dont(crew colors are required at meeting)

If you are interested in joining please go to Http://legendaryhustlers.enjin.com/recruitment & take a few minutes to fill out the form.

You can check out our official website at Http://anthonyrzerga.wix.com/legendaryhustlers & click join us

& give us a like on facebook @legendaryhustlersgta

Apparently the 1st link didnt work this 1 should Http://legendaryhustler.enjin.com/recruitment it will take u straight 2 the form 2 fill out


Aug 15, 2016
The M-M Army Recruitment Page

The M-M Army is currently led by The M-M. Established in August 2016 in Singapore, The M-M Army is open to recruit new players, while experienced players are welcome too. Our current objective is to be an established organised crime crew. We focus more on running businesses for The M-M Service, located in Arcadius Business Centre while doing heists every now and then. If you have what it takes to climb up the ladder as a crew, come and join us!

We are currently looking for 3 core members to lead The M-M Army alongside the leader, The M-M. During this period we aim to build the trust between each other and also bring out the leadership quality of the core members.

REWARDS WILL BE GIVEN DULY. Will discuss further on the payout once your application is approved.

- 18 and above
- Playstion 4 Platform with microphone
- App Store / Play Store to download LINE App
- Level 20 and above in GTA V Online (the higher the level, the better the chance of getting recruited.)

You can contact the leader directly through the point of contacts stated below.

The M-M
RSC ID : musxmas
LINE ID: musxmas



Aug 21, 2016

Hello everybody. I am part of a military crew based off Seal Team Six. We are currently looking for new members with a microphone and are 13+ y/o.

If you'd like to learn more please contact myself (GT: Maddox016) or my commander (GT: PigsEye0374).


Aug 25, 2016
Hi I'm the leader of USN seal team three 3 if u want to join message me. Night fury kill and we role play if enough guys on. We have a fleet. And we come from sea air and land. Join us today.


Sep 5, 2016
FKU2 is recruiting active adults on all platforms. We are having an RP competition soon with a $20 cash prize. Will continue to have competitions, contests, and giveaways. Join FKU2 - FearlessKillersUnion

Like and share our facebook page athttps://www.facebook.com/FKU2Official

Our social club page ishttps://socialclub.r...esskillersunion

You can find the link to our Android app in Beta version 1.1 at both links.

Details for the RP competition can be found on our facebook page.

Keep calm and FKU2
Sep 7, 2016
Looking for 6 more players level 50+ with good driving and gun fighting skills. I want you to join my crew "The Fast 8" and also be associates to my CEO company. Obviously this is a spinoff crew from the movie fast and furious, but with so many SOA crews, I figured I'd try something similar, but different. The Idea is to create a crew that only consists of 8 members. Smaller the crew, the easier to manage and actually get crew events put together. it's hard when you have hundreds of members on different systems. If a player decides to leave the crew, we will keep recruiting to stay 8 strong.

Social Club: Ocho-8
PSN: OchoDaSavage
Crew Website: http://ochothesavage.wixsite.com/fastfamily

We will do heists, we will race, and we will do freemode crew events which will mostly consist of destroying opposing company cargo and also collecting cargo for our company warehouses. As the CEO, since I will get paid more for owning the company, I will help you gain more money by only taking a 5% cut when we do heists as a crew.

There will not be a ton of rules like many other crews, it will be a crew of players that like to drive fast, cause mayhem, and make money. I will be open for ideas as the crew gets going.

Please send me a message on Social Club, or PSN if you are interested. (Check out the website)


Sep 16, 2016
The Brother of X are a prolific Crew focused primarily on themed car shows they host at least once a week. Much more than just a gaggle of gearheads, BROX also host other activities including Snapmatic and Rockstar Editor contests to get your creative juices flowing.

"We're incredibly active on GTA, with car shows and themed color meets being held by either me or three other hosts every week, as well as mid-week activities such as MEGA playlists and Crew vs Crew tryouts.

Rules:No Crew killing

Respect every Crew member

Use BROX as your active tag"

BROX are currently recruiting and a group of people that have good fun, are friendly and helpful to all members, most of whom have amazing skills with a gun and are always willing to pass on hints and tips. Check out


to join and work your way up the ranks like everyone you wont regret it. The crew meets are awesome the most recent was amazing fun

check out the video.

- made by one of the crew

Oct 8, 2016
TEXANS on Xbox One
The Hellbent Texans (TXNS) want you!!
Our Crew has been active since day 1 of launch on XB360, and has until recently been kept between a small group without active recruiting.
Heists no longer being a productive enough means of building money, we are looking for active members to run public lobbies with CEO and MC work with large groups so we can help our members to effortlessly and quickly build our empires. Double $ and XP playlists will be prioritized as available for crew members looking to make money. Social/Casual lobbies with member communication will be promoted for crew business and planning.

Add A Duck On Quack on XBL for information and invite.



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Oct 10, 2016
My crew xxStormSquadxx is looking for members on Xbox 360 who are skilled and mature. We like to hangout and do gang type things to keep the game action packed.
Oct 10, 2016
Saints and Devils have a motto, its,"We do right, nobody remembers. We do wrong, nobody
forgets." We are a 1% MC who doesn't care about race or creed or if you're a man or woman, just as long as
you are a Badass! We're new to Blaine County starting fresh on the West coast. So be one of the first members
of the meanest MCs in the world. We are money makers already completed several jobs in a couple days.
Join us here and we do have open enrollment. https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/saints_and_devils_mc



Oct 30, 2016
DKNL International is the International Brench of DKNL (Dutch Kingdom United) Since about a month ago we decided to setup DKNL International for our friends from other country's around the world. Please feel free to join. This is NOT a crew that will go inactive anytime soon! we will be here for months/years and will still be here for GTA 6!

A little dutch text:
(Als je nederlands bent stuur me dan aub een PB met je leeftijd je kan dan onze NL crew joinen)
End of dutch text:

The only most obvious rule we have is: NO KILLS on other "DKNL tags" friendly kills are always allowed as long as both party's are aware of whats happening.
We do however require that crewmembers register at our forums as well: http://www.dknl-group.nl << after u registered you will be able to see the DKNL INT forum as well and join/start a discussion or straight up read the rules about getting promoted ;)

I hope to welcome you all.

PSN: AlexK1504
Crewleader of DKNL International and Commissioner of DKNL United.


Oct 31, 2016
Hey there players!

Are you bored of waiting 45 minutes in heists lobbies for random players? Are you tired of having to deal with random motorclubs inviting you and not coming to anything? Are you in need of something that gives you structure, hierarchy and something to do during your free time that isn't waiting?

Come and join our MC
The Saints of Anarchy MC offers you a prospect phase where you wil find a brotherhood that needs you. However it is your job to prove yourself in the join the brotherhood, don't be afraid to do things that don't pay out at first, but once you make the patch you have friends to play with at all times.

With our two crews, a prospect crew and a main club crew, we are able to create the right patch on the back for prospects and patched members.
Did I get your interest? Or maybe you have some questions?

Talk to me on Discord or send me an ingame mail (socialclub name: Snakiebaby)



Jun 9, 2013
Looking for a heist grinding crew who want to do the mastermind challenge . ..on xbox 1...that are available on evenings..I'm available most days 8pm-12am EST. My GT is SYKOTIK2...I will check for messages daily...hit me up...you know you want to try it t least once...lol
Oct 31, 2016
The Fox Badasses (my crew) is a relatively small crew, with only five members, we are looking for enthusiastic, joy filled players who like to mess around on gta as much as we do, we also do missions, deathmatches, team death match, and many more.

We would love it if lots of players join, even if they are new. If new players join, we can help them level up and get them money. We are an Xbox 360 crew, my gamer tag is ryanskywar66, my two best online friends, who you can talk to if you need any help (or me), are Unknownskills and VINTO ASSASIN, you can find them in my friends list.
So yeah, that's all...hope to see you again!
Oct 31, 2016
The Fox Badasses (my crew) is a relatively small crew, with only five members, we are looking for enthusiastic, joy filled players who like to mess around on gta as much as we do, we also do missions, deathmatches, team death match, and many more.

We would love it if lots of players join, even if they are new. If new players join, we can help them level up and get them money. We are an Xbox 360 crew, my gamer tag is ryanskywar66, my two best online friends, who you can talk to if you need any help (or me), are Unknownskills and VINTO ASSASIN, you can find them in my friends list.
So yeah, that's all...hope to see you again!
Forgot to add two more things...wow...

Email: ryanskywar11@gmail.com
Social club username: ryanskywar11
Nov 6, 2016
The Right Hand of Chaos, a LowLifes MC, is recruiting. If you're looking for a crew on PS4 with structure and laws let me know! We have weekly rallies and meetings, 14 members, and participate in every aspect of the game.
Nov 7, 2016
Looking for a crew to join or for people to join my crew, Basically I'm tired of playing alone have a few friends in my crew but they never play.

About me: 38 years old casual player mostly evenings and weekends. Would prefer mature players.
I own a good bit of Los Santos, Mentionables include, Mega yacht, Rhino tank, boat, plane, chopper, have a business office with warehouse, a biker club.

I feel like I would be an asset to a good crew or a good leader for people to join my crew I am open just want to make some friends and have a good time.
Nov 7, 2016
Looking for a PS4 crew to join or for people to join my crew, Basically I'm tired of playing alone have a few friends in my crew but they never play.

About me: 38 years old casual player mostly evenings and weekends. Would prefer mature players.

I feel like I would be an asset to a good crew or a good leader for people to join my crew I am open just want to make some friends and have a good time.


Mar 2, 2017
So I've got a crew and am looking for new members as well as an mc

Calm and relaxed players level age don't matter to me I'm not on all day every day as I do have other stuff on my plate I'm not goi g to impose a lot of rules just keep it chill

If u wanna join just message jamersod or search for the crooked claw


Mar 2, 2017
So I've got a crew and am looking for new members as well as an mc

Calm and relaxed players level age don't matter to me I'm not on all day every day as I do have other stuff on my plate I'm not goi g to impose a lot of rules just keep it chill

If u wanna join just message jamersod or search for the crooked claw
Oh and I play on xbox one
Mar 5, 2017
Gta online crew looking for skilled players .

We are a patch hunting\paramilitary cew on ps4 who are looking for serious players who can follow directions and display proper attitudes while working towards a common goal. We want to make you money rank and help you enjoy the game entirely.Please send all serious inquires to psn id: jimjamwhambam


Mar 8, 2017
Luck of 8

Luck of 8 is a Private Crew on the PC for the Soldiers and Rebels of Los Santos to come together and dominate free lobbies...or you can come do Car Meets, Death Matches and fun events with us. What ever suits you best. Luck of 8 is a crew for all types of people. From Mature and Serious to Wacky and Immature. We don't and won't limit what you can and cant do, personality wise.

Founded and Lead by OhSoPenguin, Luck of 8 was created on the 7th of March, 2017. Penguins intent was to create a crew built on socialising and making friends with the other residents of Los Santos. But his other intent was to create a Ruthless crew full of talented soldiers that would enter lobbies and dominate randoms...but we'll get back to that later.


Rules & Strike System

Of-course, we have rules. Now like said in the intro, we will not and do not limit your personality but to keep the crew peaceful with its members, we have a set of rules that we are sure the members can deal with and think are reasonable. We have a 3 strike system for all members, including the staff. If you break a rule, you will receive a strike. The 1st strike will be a mere warning and you will be told not to break anymore rules. If you receive a 2nd strike, you will only have one more chance to fix your act or you're gone. 3rd strike, you will lose your rank and be sent on your way to the door.

1. Racism will not be tolerated.
Racists and Racism are a big no no to Luck of 8. If you're caught being racist, you're out instantly. No one likes a racist...apart from other racists.

2. Respect is mandatory
Respect is a massive part to any crew. No respect, no friends. No friends, no fun. No fun etc. If you respect someone, you shall receive it back.

3. Activity is key
If you're going to be joining Luck of 8, you must be active. No one likes a crew full of ghosts. If you're in-active for more than a week, you will be given a warning and if you're in-active for a day after the week, you will be kicked from the crew. BUT NOT TO WORRY! You can re-apply to the crew and you'll most likely be accepted back into the crew. Also, if you're going to be absent or going on holiday or something, just tell a member of staff and you'll be let off for a certain amount of time.

4. Age DOES matter
We at Luck of 8 will not accept any person under the age of 13, the reason for this is because younger people (especially under 13) are most likely to be annoying and other people do not like that. But...if you can prove you are mature, we MAY allow you to join.

These aren't all of the rules of-course, these are just the basics.


Crew Info

Discord Server *NEW*: https://discord.gg/THksFkQ

Founders Profile (for private discussions or questions): https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/ohsopenguin

Crew Page: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/luck_of_8



So thats it for now, if you're interested, please contact me on Social Club ONLY! Thanks for taking interested in the crew!
Mar 10, 2017
Just like the title says, we're going to try for one consolidated thread for all crew-related recruitment activities. If you've got a Crew and you want people to join, state your case here. If you're looking for a Crew, browse through your options here and make a decision, if you'd like!
We're going to try to have this sticky'd first and see if people notice it. Feel free to link any "Crew looking for members" thread OPs to this one.

Mar 19, 2017

Hello everyone my name is Jammer
and I am looking for all you PS4
Video editors and Snapmatic creators out there looking for a place to showcase your Art - Talent - Skill with like minded players.


Come Join the "Style Syndicate" and lets create art on these mean streets of Los Santos.

And also any players that want to be part of videos and photos you're welcome too!!


  • Only PS4 players please - Sorry but that's all I play on.
  • Over 18 and working MIC - We have to be Organised.
  • Linked PSN account to your rockstar account and share your wall and profile with friends and crew so we can share the art we create together.
  • Showing TSS1 as the main Crew tag.
  • No other rules as such - Just basic respect for each other and have fun when you can.

So if you're Interested send a request to join at the following Rockstar social club link:


Also, send me a message on PSN: Jammer_Sonar and we can share what GTA has to offer.

This is not going to be a money crew - as there are plenty of good crews out there (look for STN357 on rockstar social club and TFAC "The Filthy Animal Crew" If that's what you need

See you Soon



Mar 24, 2017
The Crew name is Bubblers Inc. Someone reported our Cumbubblers name and we had it banned... on a game made for adults. Go figure. Fucking idiots.

GTA is full of crews that think they're threatening and take the game way too seriously. We created a name we thought would shock, get some laughs and hopefully make people gag a little. Maybe we do talk about dick a lot... and? ;) Don't tell our girlfriends. Anyway, since the ban we just stuck with the Bubblers name. Boring on it's own but we all know it's true meaning, and what the bubble is made of in the logo design.


Jan 10, 2005
I have no problem with a bunch of guys talking about dicks while playing GTA, whatever floats your boat. It's not my kind of conversation as I'd rather talk about your mom but again I aint judging.


Jan 10, 2005
Oh you're a foreigner lol. Let me rephrase my previous post. I'd rather talk about your mum but I aint judging.

I can't join as I'm a drunk asshat who falls asleep with my headset on and snores loudly into the mic. But maybe we could have a crew vs crew night as you guys sound like fun players that suck like we do. Could make for some fun matches.

You guys play every night? We only play on Saturday nights, 9:00 pm CT US until pass out. But we've been consistent playing at this time since GTA IV came out.


Mar 24, 2017
Definitely! A crew vs crew thing sounds brilliant. Whatever we end up doing we'll fuck it up anyway as half our crew have the attention span of a 2 year old. But we can just spend a few hours arguing over who speaks English properly. Which, for the record, is us English.

We play 1 or 2 nights a week, but almost always on weekends so we can try arrange something. We're only about 6 hours ahead of you I think - The future is fucking wonderful btw. What time do you start playing? Fuck this, I'm sending you a PM...


Jan 10, 2005
Yeah 6 hours ahead has always been problematic when meeting with people. It's usually too early or too late and that's one of the main reason we have the majority of our players from the same time zone. There are a couple of guys that play all the time though.

We mainly just do vs like snipers/rockets vs stunters and bowling.

And if the English speak it properly why can't I understand half of it.

Being English too I am on the side of the dick talking cum bubbler.

Sounds about right...
Apr 19, 2017
LOOKING FOR CREW MEMBERS FOR SOCIAL CLUB..........LINK TO THE CREW-https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/the_deadly_squadz ..........RECRUITMENT OPEN.......MY PROFILE OF SOCIAL CLUB IS ZAINTHEGAMERYT