
Dec 30, 2007
Killzone 3 of coarse, the guns are better, the story is better, the graphics are ammazing and the atmosphere is awesome, halo always looks like the samething.
Aug 25, 2010
personally i think it might be a tie or it will be very close. Killzone 3 will have its upsides and same with Halo reach. Halo does seem like your doing the same thing, but then again so do all shooters. run over here and shoot this or blow this up. not saying its bad. Killzone 3 what i think is cool is that the scenery changes more than halo, but halo does have cool areas to roam around. both games online will probibly be good and will have meny people playing it. so i think it will be close.
Oct 10, 2008
[blockquote]kenzle95 posted:
Killzone 3 of coarse, the guns are better, the story is better, the graphics are ammazing and the atmosphere is awesome, halo always looks like the samething.
I beg to differ about the story. The Halo story and universe is quite amazing really. Not saying I don't like the Killzone story, I just find the Halo story to be more intriging.


Mar 1, 2010
Kill zone 3> Halo 3> kill zone 2> Halo reach
in terms of quality
I was really disappointed in reach
Kill zone 2 was pretty awful, dont lie guys, soldiers dont have to wait half a second to turn after pressing their analog sticks in real life. Its not realistic at all. Im giving up on xbox after the shit that was halo reach. Dont feel like ur missing out on anything with halo reach because the frame rate is so BAD! Its annpying as hell to be shooting aliens when you experience slowdowns to like 12 frames per second and die instantly.
Killzone 3 looks like FPS heaven


My vision is augmented
Sep 21, 2004
Jacob416 said:
Kill zone 3> Halo 3> kill zone 2> Halo reach
in terms of quality
I was really disappointed in reach
Kill zone 2 was pretty awful, dont lie guys, soldiers dont have to wait half a second to turn after pressing their analog sticks in real life. Its not realistic at all. Im giving up on xbox after the shit that was halo reach. Dont feel like ur missing out on anything with halo reach because the frame rate is so BAD! Its annpying as hell to be shooting aliens when you experience slowdowns to like 12 frames per second and die instantly.
Killzone 3 looks like FPS heaven
Funny how you were whining about how Reach didn't get a 10 on the Halo board. Quit the trolling.


The Untouchable Ghost
Oct 21, 2002
i still plan on getting Reach, but i won't be touching the online. plus with Microsoft charging more, for stuff i'm not even going to use, i don't plan on renewing my gold membership. plus after playing KZ2 online, it sorta ruined all other online games for me. i tried to go back to playing Halo 3 online, and i forgot how those players like to jump around and shoot. i had to turn that off quick and move back to KZ2
Oct 10, 2008
[blockquote]Jacob416 posted:
Kill zone 3> Halo 3> kill zone 2> Halo reach
in terms of quality
I was really disappointed in reach
Kill zone 2 was pretty awful, dont lie guys, soldiers dont have to wait half a second to turn after pressing their analog sticks in real life. Its not realistic at all. Im giving up on xbox after the shit that was halo reach. Dont feel like ur missing out on anything with halo reach because the frame rate is so BAD! Its annpying as hell to be shooting aliens when you experience slowdowns to like 12 frames per second and die instantly.
Killzone 3 looks like FPS heaven

Obvious troll is very, very obvious.

I got Reach yesterday, and I must say I am downright impressed with it. Killzone 3 better be something else for Reach/KZ3 comparison. Not saying I don't like the KZ games. I'm just saying Reach was that good.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 19, 2008
Never played Killzone 3 so, no comment. The same should be for the rest of you.


The Untouchable Ghost
Oct 21, 2002
BaRd0117 said:
Never played Killzone 3 so, no comment. The same should be for the rest of you.
that is true, so i was just comparing it to KZ2; and after playing both, i still will pick KZ2 over Halo Reach


Oct 30, 2010
There arent ANY framerate issues with any of the Halo games.
I cant stand the "weighted" character movement in KZ2.

Having said that KZ3 Beta footage looks AMAZING


Sep 21, 2010
The_666_Game said:
[blockquote]kenzle95 posted:
Killzone 3 of coarse, the guns are better, the story is better, the graphics are ammazing and the atmosphere is awesome, halo always looks like the samething.
I beg to differ about the story. The Halo story and universe is quite amazing really. Not saying I don't like the Killzone story, I just find the Halo story to be more intriging.

the story for halo is good except the new one was kinda stupid


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 29, 2007
bullsfan93 said:
The_666_Game said:
[blockquote]kenzle95 posted:
Killzone 3 of coarse, the guns are better, the story is better, the graphics are ammazing and the atmosphere is awesome, halo always looks like the samething.
I beg to differ about the story. The Halo story and universe is quite amazing really. Not saying I don't like the Killzone story, I just find the Halo story to be more intriging.

the story for halo is good except the new one was kinda stupid

Reach had the best story in my opinion! (stories are an opinionated matter of course). Anyway I loved Halo Reach and I don't think there will be a clear winner both games are great for different reasons (though I can't speak for KZ3 because I haven't played it and I don't know how others think they can compare it but oh well).

For those of you saying Halo Reach sucks I almost know you haven't played it. Besides the guy who says the frame rate drops. You must have gotten a bad copy cause besides the first cut scene (don't know what's up with it) the game runs like a dream.

Also Halo Reach's online in unbelievably good (not saying KZ won't compete I am really excited for it).


Dec 15, 2010
well there both good in there own ways i like the assination in reach and i like the close combat that have made in kz3 with the gore and knifeness and some of the weopons in reach are shit like the alien pistol and the kz3 weopons that i have seen on youtube and stuff like it they look pretty inresting and it also depends on the if your a xbox person or playstation person and the forge in reach is awesome in my opinion for me i have to play kz3 until i decide which one is better


Feb 22, 2008
campaign wise i recon reach will be hard to beat i played it in four hour bursts a day till i finished it, a week end pretty much and i loved the ending, killzone 2...well lets just say after 15 minutes i went straight to multiplayer and that didnt last long either

multiplayer wise i think killzone 3 will have me hooked, i was only hooked to reaches multiplayer until something good came out (fallout New Vegas)

so until it comes out my mind thinks killzone3 will rape halo reach
Jul 17, 2010
Im enjoy reach and KZ2 but the only problem I have is my thumbs collide on the ps3 controller. I dont know if anyone has this problem but I dont want to have to buy the Playstation Move to enjoy the game.


Feb 22, 2008
HaloGearBros said:
Im enjoy reach and KZ2 but the only problem I have is my thumbs collide on the ps3 controller. I dont know if anyone has this problem but I dont want to have to buy the Playstation Move to enjoy the game.

hahaha never heard that one before


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
I've played a little of the beta and it was awesome and the graphics were great too, but for now I pick Halo:Reach. KZ3 has the graphics and Reach has everything else. My opinion may change when I've played the actual game, but for now Reach wins.


The Untouchable Ghost
Oct 21, 2002
GrayDragon7 said:
I've played a little of the beta and it was awesome and the graphics were great too, but for now I pick Halo:Reach. KZ3 has the graphics and Reach has everything else. My opinion may change when I've played the actual game, but for now Reach wins.
just like you, i played the KZ3 beta and i own Reach. but unlike you, i'll pick KZ3 over Reach. it's only becuz i'm not into the way the people play Reach, they play like we're fighting on the moon. every time i play Reach, i having people jumping up and down and shooting at you. plus i just don't like the feel of Halo anymore, it feel kinda dated to me. somewhere in me, i hope that Halo is done, and that CoD should be done too [face_praying]


Apr 29, 2006
Obrayz said:
HaloGearBros said:
Im enjoy reach and KZ2 but the only problem I have is my thumbs collide on the ps3 controller. I dont know if anyone has this problem but I dont want to have to buy the Playstation Move to enjoy the game.

hahaha never heard that one before

Same, LOL.


The Untouchable Ghost
Oct 21, 2002
Parxy said:
Obrayz said:
HaloGearBros said:
Im enjoy reach and KZ2 but the only problem I have is my thumbs collide on the ps3 controller. I dont know if anyone has this problem but I dont want to have to buy the Playstation Move to enjoy the game.

hahaha never heard that one before

Same, LOL.
that happens to me, when you move right but look left. that's one of the reasons why i like the 360 controller over the DS3, becuz of the location of the left stick
Dec 3, 2010
HaloGearBros said:
Im enjoy reach and KZ2 but the only problem I have is my thumbs collide on the ps3 controller. I dont know if anyone has this problem but I dont want to have to buy the Playstation Move to enjoy the game.
wtf...have you got monkey thumbs or something


The Untouchable Ghost
Oct 21, 2002
MaDdOctoR79 said:
HaloGearBros said:
Im enjoy reach and KZ2 but the only problem I have is my thumbs collide on the ps3 controller. I dont know if anyone has this problem but I dont want to have to buy the Playstation Move to enjoy the game.
wtf...have you got monkey thumbs or something
he may just have big hands; i'm about 6'3" and i have big hands, so i know what he is dealing with


Feb 22, 2008
chaps23 said:
MaDdOctoR79 said:
HaloGearBros said:
Im enjoy reach and KZ2 but the only problem I have is my thumbs collide on the ps3 controller. I dont know if anyone has this problem but I dont want to have to buy the Playstation Move to enjoy the game.
wtf...have you got monkey thumbs or something
he may just have big hands; i'm about 6'3" and i have big hands, so i know what he is dealing with

im 6'2" and i have wide hands and i dnt see a problem with the controller, i havnt got my grip so "onto" the controller, i do like the feel for the xbox controller though but semi automatic wise i think R1 is alot easier then RT


Jul 1, 2010
killzone 3 is my choice.I havent played Halo reach but I have played halo games.....I feel the movement of the characters to be more normal in killzone,not like the crazy stuff u can get away with in halo....[face_plain]


Apr 9, 2006
I am a PS3 owner. I don't own a 360 anymore because it RROD'd after 3.1 years. Big surprise. I have pre ordered Killzone 3 and look forward to it. I was never a super huge fan of Halo, even when I was playing Reach and enjoying it thoroughly.

However, I don't feel that anybody except an idiotic fanboy can talk about K2 or K3 as being "better" than Halo Reach or Halo 3, or even on the same level. The Killzone franchise aspires to get as good as Halo, but it isn't there yet. Not enough people have played the game for enough hours to indicate it is on the same level.

Maybe it will get better.

Besides the games play totally different. Halo is, well, just Halo. It plays like Halo and nothing else. Killzone 3 beta felt suspiciously similar to playing COD with fancier guns and jet packs. That's just me though. (I don't mean this as an insult. I prefer COD over Halo and fully expect to prefer Killzone over Halo. But that is only because I hate how much ammo you have to dump into fools in Halo. Might sound like a minor issue, but it always ate at me playing Halo.)

The day that the Halo franchise adjusts its mechanics to be more like COD is the day that you can say Killzone is a better game/franchise, lol. Until then, just give Halo its due and play the hell out of Killzone.
Feb 20, 2009
First off, both games are totally different, stop comparing them.

Second off, this is the killzone board....NO FREAKIN DERP DUH people are gonna say killzone 3.

And third off, this is a fanboy thread magnet. I hate you for that. Go away now.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011

I just tried the KZ3 beta and I kinda liked it. So I figured I go on this board to check some opinions, then I see this total garbage thread. This thread made me decide to NOT get Killzone 3, I'll just go back to Battlefield and Reach.

Let it go you god damn losers, this is sad and pathetic. For the record Pro Halo players get paid more than any other pro game players. I think it's stupid but its a fact take what you will from it.


Jun 2, 2010
Already have Halo:Reach, will buy Killzone 3 the day it comes out. Doesn't matter which is better, both are great games. Killzone 3 will help carry the PS3 through 2011, Halo sells a ton of copies on 360. Play the one you like or both. The beta is so much fun right now, lets hope the final product isn't just 720p, can we at least get some upscale to 1080p?
Feb 10, 2011
I say there both good games ive played reach longer than killzone but i dont know how killzones multipayer is the best but the graphics are the best stroy is good has co op cool and the healgast edition is bit beter than the leagendery edition so im going to killzones side for now sucks it dosent have kills of the week. KILLZONE WINNNER!!!!!!![face_applause][face_dancing] sorry reach[face_cry]


Apr 15, 2011
Halo Reach!

Halo is a consistant franchise, whenever I get away from Halo I always come back because of the quality of gameplay and the amazing community. Most people dont even talk about all the added features Halo has to offer. For example the many vastly different gametypes (Zombies, Grifball, Firefight), the contstant realease of user created maps and gametypes, theatre, and forge 2.0, which is the best map editor for any counsel FPS. I like Killzone 3 also but Halo Reach is the only game that continues to deliever high quality gameplay day in and day out.


May 1, 2011
I'd have to concur. Both Reach and KZ3 were evenly matched, with both having their problems and gains, when it Comes to Reach, Weaponry is well balanced, since you can have one weapon, say the shot-gun, and have problems, range and ROF are problems with the shotty, but the pure stopping power makes it a power weapon, see? and when we get on say the topic of armor abilities, Reach pulls ahead with a much larger library, and better uses for them. KZ3, on the other hand, is a well balanced, mainly FPS shooter, with it's share of ups and downs. Weighted character movement can be a problem, and some of the weapons seem too powerful, but the story is well-thought out, and the game-play takes thinking, to sum it up, they are basically even, no matter what anyone says, they are more alike than most games.[face_peace]
Mar 16, 2011
I bought an Xbox 360 after Halo Reach released, and after Killzone 3. After playing Killzone 3, the graphics on Halo Reach aren't comparable. I do agree with you on the frame rate. Itwas just one of those "Yuck!" moments. lol With the hype around Halo, it's really not as great of a game as people think, and Reach's story wasn't that great,even though I loved the characters in Reach, they really didn't do much, or say much that made them that interesting. It was somewhat depressing. Killzone 3's story did leave me wanting more, but was way better than Reach, especially the Helghast part when you walk through their base, all disguised and what not, just spectacular.


May 17, 2011
The winners are the gamers. They get to pick which one they want and if they have some income flowing in, they can easily get both.
Dec 7, 2010
killzone 3 is better.everything is better and........HOLY CRAP THE GRAPHICS HOLY CRAP!!!