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Dec 30, 2007
I'm tired of animated DC movies I want the real thing. The problem with the superman returns was that the writer wrote the thing mostly as a drama; there was hardly any action in the movie what so ever. They need to get die hard DC comic fans to write this movie. They need to make this a AAA film. Triple A worked for gaming, so why not work for movies, craft it to the demand of the audience. Don't go cheap on the movie either, we want somthing that will make anyone crap their pants, double or even triple check that they have the movie just right or we could be in for a world of disappointment.

I'm all in for a Green Lantern movie, but they better not screw us over when it comes out. Plus they need to make more of the DC comic characters into movies, animated, or live-action tv shows. DC comics has been on the sidelines for to long. Marvel is taking over everything, and they are helped by Disney. So what does DC comics have, Cartoon Nework. I find that's not good enough, and for NBC to have control over Wonder Woman. they better not screw with this or there will be hell to pay.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2009

How can you be "tired of animated DC movies I want the real thing"?

Your claim that only live-action movies are "the real thing" is ludicrously wrong. Live-action doesn't equal "real". I consider your lack of respect for animation to be small-minded and offensive. The DC animated movies are usually much more authentic to the comic books than any of the live-action movies have been. If you don't like the DCU animated movies, then I doubt you're much of a DC Comics fan.

Most of the animated movies have been better than the live-action movies -- the exceptions being Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, naturally. All-Star Superman is infinitely better than Superman Returns; personally, I like All-Star more than Superman 1 & 2. In fact, I don't recall a DCU direct-to-DVD movie released in the past 3 years that I haven't enjoyed.

Regarding who should write your proposed "Triple A" live-action DC Comics movie -- it definitely should NOT be "die hard DC comic fans". FANS? That could mean anyone who has ever read a DC comic book. No, the best of DC Comics writers should write the movie's screenplay, not merely a "fan".

You may prefer live-action movies, but I can't disagree with you more vehemently about the DC animated movies being as good or better than the live-action movies.
Sep 29, 2010
I'd rather have a 'Worlds Finest Team' movies first, that goes into Superman's and Batmans's limits, how they are different, and how they compliment each other.


Nov 7, 2008
While you're waiting for that, here's a Justice League parody new to YouTube:
Aug 31, 2009
Just keep the same Batman. Batman can still be realisitc alongside the League, to him most of the members would just seem like aliens which isn't an unrealisitc concept. Then they could slowly bring Batman out of the realm of grounded realism. They should use the same Superman from the new movie and even Ryan Reynolds to connect the films like Marvel has. Also if it were the 90's Putty from Seinfeld has the look for Captain Marvel lol.
Dec 29, 2010
im down for a justice league movie. go for it.but they definatley arent as prepared for it as marvel. marvel has done a great job getting ready for their big devut. justice league i feel needs to prove that itll be sick and not just a blow up.

as for freaking batman....oh god nothing pisses me off more than them wanting to reboot it AGAIN. nolan did outstanding, ive honestly watched begins like over 80 times. they dont need it and i dont want it. superman i can understand a reboot because they havent redeemed themselves yet. i liked returns but i understand why others did. DC should lay off batman for abit let nolan have his prime. i dont want to TDKR and then watch someone fuck it up. give it some time and work on others like flash and green arrow or whatever. im liking the green lanturn idea it makes me feel they arent relying on bats and superman as much to just compete. i love batman again he was my childhood hero and basically all im saying is i dont want to see this bat trilogy be replaced for a long time. give bats time and work on other stand alones for DC. marvel is working DC with the diverse amount of heroes.
May 19, 2010
If only Zack Snyder and Chris Nolan would team up to do Nolan's batman farwell to make this movie's story, characters, and special effects what it should be. Between Nolan's source material and story ability, and Zack Snyder's visuals and pretty much using the comics like a story board this would be EPIC!!!! Although I highly doubt that would happen, but if it did I would I would (body explodes from excitement)


Jun 7, 2010
Do the JLA movie and use the Batman from that movie in the next Batman series. That way you don't have to do a reeboot before the JLA movie and people already know of this Batman so it's little less of a re-boot. Also use Cavill as the same Superman from the new Superman film to the JLA movie so that the current Superman series and the FUTURE Batman series are connected and not the new Superman series and the CURRENT Batman series as Superman would not work in the current universe of Batman. It's really simple once you take a while and think about it and I think I'm spot on with this opinion.


Jun 7, 2010
Do the JLA movie and use the Batman from that movie in the next Batman series. That way you don't have to do a reeboot before the JLA movie and people already know of this Batman so it's little less of a re-boot. Also use Cavill as the same Superman from the new Superman film to the JLA movie so that the current Superman series and the FUTURE Batman series are connected and not the new Superman series and the CURRENT Batman series as Superman would not work in the current universe of Batman. It's really simple once you take a while and think about it and I think I'm spot on with this opinion.
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