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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Justice League Movie: What Say You?[/link]
by Jesse Schedeen

We invite you to answer the question - is now the right time for WB to try again with a Justice League movie? [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Jun 13, 2010
I feel like it needs to be done the marvel way, or the exact opposite. aka, start with the individual character films and then lead to the JLA movie OR start with the Justice League Movie and then spin off all the characters.

Starting with Green Lantern & Superman, then doing JLA and then spinning off to the new Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, etc is a very weird way to approach it.

Either way, the only DC characters i have much interest in are Batman and Green Lantern... we will see


Sep 29, 2009
It has to be done like Marvel but even better because DC's characters with the exception of Batman are so far removed from reality that it would be hard to sell a Justice League movie without introducing the individual characters first. DC needs to try and ground the rest of their characters like Batman because that seems to translate the best to the big screen. But I am all for it, love DC and Marvel for finally leading the nerd revolution.


Jul 3, 2009
I don't mind if they make the whole thing CGI like they did for the DC Universe Online cinematics. I feel like the action could be more intense and we are at the point where we can technologically do this without sacrificing complex characters and plot.


Oct 20, 2010
I'm a DC fan all the way (nothing against the Marvel, just like it better), so this is awesome. Im pretty excited for a comic book Batman too. I love Nolan's movies but I wanna see freeze, and an awesome robin story. And eventually Nightwing.


Original poster
@HermioneRanger (lol)

Marvel's movies have been much better than DC's. So not so much a fact.

Also, this is going to fail. They're riding on an unfinished Superman movie and an unfinished Green Lantern movie. They just don't have the established properties to pull this off by 2013. Marvel made the right call by making it a long-term plan. The only reason franchises like Avengers and JLA work is because the characters are already previously established. You can't jump into a movie will all of these characters and expect to understand and enjoy them all. It'll be a massive culture shock for the viewers and will probably end up being an incoherent mess because you're relying on the movie to set up other franchises at the same time.
Jul 2, 2010
we dont need another reimagining of batman so close to tdkr and especially superman right after the man of steel. from what i understand this would take place in a completely different universe than those films, correct?


Aug 15, 2008
I've been saying that a Justice League Movie needs to happen for quite some time, however....WB needs to stick with continuity & allow the same actors who play in the solo films to reprise the roles in the team up(I.E. The Avenger).


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 7, 2010
Well lets see: The Green Lantern movie looks bad (imo), Superman hasnt even started filming, they dont want to connect the movies, and the last thing Batman needs is a reboot. Yea DC cant miss here.
Mar 24, 2011
Sometimes there is too much of a good thing. More Batman would be awesome, but rebooting his image to fit into the Justice League movie? Sounds like a money-grab to me.


Mar 29, 2011
Thank God. As much as I adore the Chris Nolan Batman movies, I am absolutly sick of Christian Bale's beef headed rendition of a Batman who sounds like he smokes WAY TOO MUCH. He's the world's greatest detective not some winey idiot who has someone else make his equipment and relies on technology to do everything but punch the bad guys. This could turn out well but I'll stick to Kevin Conroy in the animated movies. Keep those coming.


Aug 15, 2008
korndawggg said:
He's the world's greatest detective not some winey idiot who has someone else make his equipment

You do realize that Bruce Wayne owns Wayne Enterprises, right? His company is what makes the equipment/technology, so in a way he makes the equipment.


Jan 23, 2010
@ korndawggg: Christian Bale's Batman is badass and far from "beefheaded." I also think that WB should take their time getting out JL movie. Don't get me wrong, I want one, but it needs to be done right. Hell, I even feel Marvel is rushing it a bit.


Jun 8, 2008
Sadly this won't work for a while def not by 2013.

Batman needs a massive reboot. The Nolan films are a superhero train wreck and cast and image and anything won't work. Apart from Gary as Gordon.

Superman is a reboot that can still be crap and prob will be. Tom was the choice they should of choosen and pushed for. He's right for the part and is well established in the role over the last 10 years.

Green Lantern. I'm concerned for as it looks like a comedy movie and the cgi suit and as I'd hoped.

And that's it. flash , wonder woman , hawk man and hawk girl They still need doing. Fate should get a film too

As for our favourite Martian I'd like him to be introduced in the movie central to plot and get his own film after.

The best way for justice league movie to work is base it on need to make decent movies with good casting and establish actors as the characters.

Marvel couldn't of pushed the avengers without the success of iron man and the perfect casting of RDj before that casting in marvel films was on the whole poor and character design very weak.

Look at x-men case in point some good actors but poor look and bad scripts. Spiderman good look and promising scripts but te MAIN characters were wrong. The support cast was much better aunt may , uncle ben, JJJ. Franco would of been a better spiderman than osbourne.

Of course things weren't great with marvel they took the great cgi hulk of the 2004 movie which had decent texture and looked like it could be there and the look matched the character perfect and replaced it with a flatter cgi image that was dark with chest muscles and just very poor look half the time you can just feel it isn't as loved process and was done fast and cheap.

But the had in norton right guy but lost him. Where as iron man they lost one ear Mahoney and found a better one though he needs to beef up and grow a beard.

Then the casting went top notch again with Thor and good old cap.

If dc wants the success marvels having an going to have they need to forget big name directors and all the false hype on nolans batman and be true to the material. Get a good actor that actually fits the character and not just who's famous and available aka bale. I you can establish that person as the hero Justice League will work however supermanovie as is right now, won't.

I hoped dc would learn after nipple moulds and superman reboot mk1 with the rubbery suit and just poor film tbh.

Also tip to them all, don't redo old films... There are lots of iconic bad guys when if honestly represented will be astounding. Dark Seid on screen.... Those glowing eyes red as the sun and voice like cracking rocks on ice. Or Doomsday 5 timed size of a man the strength of thousands. brainiac full on invasion ... That prob be JL movie.

DC needs to take it's time last thing we need is 5+ films rushed out in 2 years just to get a Justice League movie for 2013.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 14, 2008
"watched the rise of Marvel Studios and wondered when WB and DC Comics would catch up."-

That. Right there. That's the problem with this whole thing. This isn't a race. And Marvel has far more bad movies than good ones, so I don't see why anyone would be trying to follow what they do.

1. Reinventing Batman ONLY A YEAR after Nolan's finale seems counterproductive to me.
Sure I want to see a Batman that can utilize ANY of his famous rogues and not just the 'realistic' ones, but not at the cost of rushing a JLA movie just because the other guys are doing one.

2. I want JLA. They are better than the Avengers. In cast, in villains, in stories. Watching them and their different powers fighting together could be so dynamic. They don't even need intro movies cause most of them are famous enough that audiences will know who they are. But don't rush it.

3. Wonder Woman already has a show coming. Not sure how that and an appearance in a separate movie will tie together. Surley this "corporate reinvention" can't crossover with what the film is going to do. And if the show tanks (or Green Lantern or Sucker Punch's Superman) where does that put WB's big project? Why not wait and see? Don't rush it.

4. Don't rush it.

There's a point I'm trying to get to here, but I can't quite articulate it...


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 22, 2004
I didn't vote on the poll. It didn't have the answer I'd have given. I say, JLA can't work without the big characters in individual movies (good ones) first.

Bats is the only "proven" commodity at this time. I'm still iffy on the Supes reboot. Costner as Pa? I think John Schneider would have been better, coming from the Smallvile series. I'll hold judgement on Wellig until I see him in more than a trenchcoat with an S on it.

GL...I was really psyched for this movie until I saw the trailer. I agree with scasis on this point, at least.

I think Marvel is doing it right with all the biggies getting their movie first, in conjunction with getting the Avengers movie ready. Cap has me riveted already and Thor looks better on the trailer than GL, IMO.


Apr 10, 2010
If Warner Bros. wants to re-invent Batman one year after his last film and doesn't want to tie the films in together, how exactly will this whole thing work? As much as I want Justice League, if they're going to make poor decisions on it and rush it out at 2013 then this shouldn't even be made.


Sep 27, 2007
I'm a huge DC fan, but talk of a JLA film makes me nervous for the properties. I can't picture a group of brightly colored heroes coming to save the day in live-action. I 100% support a CGI JLA film though. They could build the DCU from the ground up and make a world where these guys in primary colors don't look out of place.


Original poster
Marvel only has three movies out, all of which were at least "Okay" (personally, I loved all of them). DC has been making their own movies for years.

Warner Bros. made Superman, Superman II, Superman III, Supergirl, Superman IV, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman & Robin, Batman Forever, Steel, Catwoman, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Watchmen, and Jonah Hex. Now, I might be wrong, but the fan community hates most of those.


Sep 11, 2009
Superman - Henry Cavill

Batman - Christian Bale (without the growling voice)

The Flash - Chris Pine

Wonder Woman - Rachel McAdams

Green Lantern - Bradley Cooper

Martian Manhunter - Doug Jones, with the voice talents of James Earl Jones.

Aquaman - Jude Law


May 19, 2008
The WB as been making some great animated JLA stuff, way better then the animation Marvel cranks out. Marvel as a lot of Hype and Momentum, and their credo to "Do it the Marvel way" has transitioned well into its Cinematic enterprise. the WB, however; gives so much leeway to the guys directing their DC properties, the audience would no doubt feel the disjointedness of any effort to bring the characters together, especially if different actors don the guise of specific characters. I feel like if you have two different guys playing Superman, running parallel in a market, they'll create a situation where it'll be DC vs DC, instead of DC vs Marvel, in terms of people debating the question, "Who pulled it off the best?".
Jul 10, 2009
The "live-action" Justice League movie should not happen. Just because Marvel is doing Avengers doesn't mean anything. DC should focus on doing great 'stand-alone' features for their characters. However, I would love to see an CGI theatrical feature version of the Justice League! (If you've seen the cinematic trailer for the game Batman: Arkham City, can u imagine a full blown feature?) The technology for CGI (Avatar anyone?) is the only way to do justice to a "JUSTICE LEAGUE" movie. They would be able to create stories that would be impossible to film. If you want a cherry on top, you can get the feature actors to do the voices, but that's not necessary. If done right, it could be revolutionary. If done right, it could be something memorable and epic. Something that would make movie fans say…"The Avengers" who?



Mar 29, 2011
I feel that DC needs to take a much different approach than Marvel who have been planning their superhero team up for a number of years now. DC should move as far away from the current timeline as possible.. My two cents is that an adaptation of "Kingdom Come" books would be great. The story is epic, it is set in the future with all the characters much older and the comic itself is one of the most artistic piece of work in comic book history.


Apr 24, 2010
if there is to be a JL movie they need to handle it just like the avenger movie will with marvel introducing every single character.....and then making a mega movie....i don't see it coming off any better than Corney though..


Sep 25, 2007
WB is full of fucking morons. Superman, Batman,. Greenlantern, Flash too big to be in a movie together. Why not do JL with guy gardner, Captain Marvel, green arrow etc.


Dec 9, 2008
I love the new Batman films but yes, its true that they need to reinvent him to fit in the regular DC universe.


Nov 12, 2010
i have to agree with schaub8 "if there is to be a JL movie they need to handle it just like the avenger movie will with marvel introducing every single character.....and then making a mega movie....i don't see it coming off any better than Corney though.."

and I think so far nolans batman is the true version of batman. no need to reinvent him. however I find it hard that they r thinking bout his when the main dc hero superman hasnt successfully been rebooted yet. so until that happens I dont think it will work.


Original poster
Because that would be the same as doing a Defenders movie instead of an Avengers movie (I just don't know what DC's B-team is called). The entire point of the Justice League is that it's the biggest and best heroes of the DCU coming together to fight big epic motherufckers.
Jun 23, 2005
DC's B-team is probably JLI or the Outsiders. Anyway, I could not be anymore excited for a Justice League movie. Obviously Green Lantern, the Superman Reboot and TDKR are going to spin off into this. I seriously doubt this is going to come out in 2013, maybe 2015 would be a better bet. The roster is probably going to be Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern(Hal Jordan), Aquaman, The Flash(Barry Alan) and Martian Manhunter. I don't think they'll need to do what marvel's doing and introduce them seperately because everyone knows who the JLA is. Really can't wait for this movie and really hope it's awesome.
Aug 15, 2010

The reintroduced Batman should probably forgo another solo film (or films), at least for awhile. Focus on developing other spin off films, then set up a new status quo for the Bat after the second or third JLA film.

I'd like to see a similar level of grounding for the next Bat-trilogy, though. Characters like Freeze could be adapted, but the kookier stuff, like the diamond-powered suit and crazy big ice gun could be removed in favour of something a little closer to reality.

You could even bring the Joker back in. The cool thing about that is you can just pin these previous incarnations of the Joker (Nicholson's camp clown, Ledger's anarchistic sociopath) on the idea of Joker's shifting superego, and create a brand new personality for the Clown Prince of Crime. I'd personally like to see the wiry, terrifying version of Morrison's Joker. That guy haunt my nightmares.

Also, take the JLA story 'Tower of Babel' and turn that into a film. The mainstream audience needs proof that Batman can kick anybody's teeth in, including Superman.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2009
A Justice League live-action movie sounds great, but a 2013 release seems too rushed IMO, because only three Justice League members will have there own movies by 2013: Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern.

DC should wait and make movies based on Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Aquaman before they make Justice League.

Marvel has been much smarter and more methodical in planning and releasing their super-hero movies over a period of five years, all culminating in next year's Avengers movie. It's smart because the mainstream audience will have the opportunity to know who the characters are -- regardless if they see the movies in theatre or later on DVD/Blu-ray -- before seeing the ensemble movie. That way the Avengers movie doesn't have to deal with the character's origin stories; instead, the movie can focus on the characters and the main plot.

Justice League will either have to deal with many characters origins, thereby detracting from the main plot, or it'll make the worse mistake of ignoring the characters' origins and not bother to develop their characters at all. That's why it would be better if DC waited, instead of hastily trying to compete against the Avengers movie.

Despite my concerns, I hope that the creative team involved in Justice League somehow make it into a great movie.
Oct 22, 2009
Would love 2c a JLA movie, as well as Summer Glau as Wonder Woman, but I think Zatanna would be a better role, maybe even Black Canary if they die her hair.

But I think we need individual movies for the other founding members first


Mar 2, 2011
jla movie would be COOL! But the only problem is the batman. Ever since Nolan made his own Batman, its been hard to do anything with batman because that batman hasnt even begun saving the world outside of gothem let alone fight people with super powers. And DarkNight Risies is the last of the batman movies. If a JLA movie is to happen then the batman should be in it. It would feel weird and odd seeing him not on the same screen as superman.


Nov 25, 2009
I want a JLA movie... BUT same as goes for marvel... without continuity to a set movie universe it will die a death new actors for old characters = mega bad

upset about all the rebooting marvels doing... they were right on track for a kick ass movie universe but now its blown to pieces from a universe perspective... how they have it from now on should remain. NO MORE RECASTING HULK!!!! RDJ was in the last hulk film, there was nothing wrong with ed norton and FFS theres a new guy AND rdj in the avengers, so theres already a detraction from the plot right there. If you want to bring things together bring the things that youve said you're bringing. eg norton WAS hulk when avengers was announced and tbh i would have MUCH prefered him in the role because it means i can get on with watching the whole movie as opposed to deciding if i like the new hulk. same goes for chris evans as cap. Im not saying the F4 movies were the best or anything but dont start again just make the next one better. PLUS at this time chris evans is still the most recent torch AND cap so theyll have trouble making new avengers or marvel knights or civil war movies later.

I still say though the perfect avengers trilogy would be:

-The Avengers
-The Avengers: Civil War
-The Avengers: Secret Invasion

They also need to do planet hulk and world war hulk

but yeah... JLA is a good thing ONLY if they tie in the existing franchises and dont reinvent the wheel


Oct 3, 2008
It works for Marvel because Marvel movies always have a bit of tongue in cheek and they'll get away with the ridiculousness of it all.

DC however, seem to have a more serious take on the superhero. While the Justice League works in cartoons and comic books, I don't think it will necessarily work on the big screen. Each characters incarnation seems to conflict with one another on how a movie story should be told, particularly when you see the direction Nolan has taken for the Batman movies. I just can't see it happening. And if it does happen, I can't see it working. At all.
Aug 3, 2010
I don't think that the WB have to necessarily give a "new take" on Batman. Set the JLA movie a few years into the future. Let him have at least 10 years under his belt, that way we can see a more intense, anti-superfriend Batman. Make him the battle-hardened veteran. That would be awesome. I really don't care who else plays the other members, so long as the 7 members are as follows.
1) Batman 2) Superman 3)Wonder Woman 4)J'onn J'onzz 5)Flash 6)John Stewart's GL 7) Hawkgirl ****Also if Chris Nolan directs (or at the very least produces it) it will be the movie of the century!!!


Jan 19, 2011
I reckon they shouldn't do this because they will probably make it cheesy and aim it at children who won't appreciate it. Leading to a mediocore box office. However if they get Nolan (or better) on board and it has at least a 12 age rating it has hope.
Seriously though, why reinvent batman. I would love to see Nolan's batman fall into the rest of the DC unvierse. Although i guess there would be issues as Nolan's batman is heavily based on realism (silly gadgets, no powers)

@adelagarza1004 I AGREE SO MUCH THERE

I hate how all the IGN polls don't cover many option and are very biased.
Jul 29, 2010
I hope they get Christian Bale to play Batman and pretty much all of the previous cast to retain their role, however it's all about the plot, character development, acting and the way the story is told nowdays. With the awesome special effects we can produce today that's where all the effort should be placed.

TDK shined because of it's great acting, awesome plot and realistic settings that really helped the audience get immersed.

I hope that we'll get a good movie out of this, the Justice League is very promising and has lots of great stories and just by looking at the JL/JLU TV-Series they've got great potential.


Aug 15, 2008
scasis said:
Batman needs a massive reboot. The Nolan films are a superhero train wreck and cast and image and anything won't work. Apart from Gary as Gordon.

Are you watching the same Nolan films that everyone else is watching? Clearly Chris Nolan's Batman was needed & is a blessing to see Batman taken seriously as opposed to Burton/Schumacher colaborated train wreck that was Batman Forver/Batman & Robin.

scasis said:
Superman is a reboot that can still be crap and prob will be. Tom was the choice they should of choosen and pushed for. He's right for the part and is well established in the role over the last 10 years.

Tom Welling is a horrible choice for SuperMan. Not only that but he has zero experience at SuperMan. He's only played Clark Kent aka "The Blurr", not SuperMan. He's not qualified to be "The Man of Steel" & that's before you get to his horrible acting ability, or I should lack of an acting ability. Other than the fanboys of Smallville, there aren't many that think that Tom Welling would've made a good or even great SuperMan. Horrible choice & I'm glad that Tom Welling wasn't cast, but I also applaud the stuidos for seperating Smallville from the film Universe, because casting Welling would've turned this project from a SuperMan film into Smallville:The Movie.


Jan 3, 2011
First, I´m very excited about the mere possibillity of a JLA live action movie
Second, I don´t think WB needs to take the same aproach Marvel took with the Avengers. With them was really logical to make teh individual movies first, and then introduce the avengers, simply because, despite been very popular among comic readers, the general public probably didn´t knew much about Thor, Iron Man, or even Captain America (needless to say about Wasp or Hawkeye). That its not the case with DC, at least with Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. I`d risk to say the same about Aquaman (even for the constant jokes abput him being lame) ans The Flash. Green Lantern has his movie now.
Given that, I don´t think there is a need to make a movie to introduce WOnder Woman, Flash or Aquaman.
There you have six characters, more than enough to pull a JLA flick. And if they wanna they can throw Martian Manhunter as well, whom, despite my love for him as a character, really can picture him in a solo movie.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I'd love to see a Justice League movie. If done well, they could spin off the individual members in movies. They could use JL to spin off Teen Titans/Young Justice. Interconnected DC movies would be a great Idea. They need to usea great villian, like Darkseid, Braniac or the Hyperclan.


Mar 12, 2009
A great idea, but 2013 is too soon! They need to do the same thing Marvel did and release a couple movies a year based on the individuals in the founding of Justice League. And not just Batman and Superman (cough cough, Martian Manhunter). Plus, does this mean that they are not going to have Wonder Woman, since she is going to be in her own TV series? If they do it carefully, and make sure the new Superman reboot and Green Lantern play into it, I think it will be just fine.
Jun 17, 2009
why not a full pg-13 JLA animated film. The DCAU is damn good, just give them a bigger budget and have Bruce Timm produce the hell out of it. or a Hush animated film... screw live action, go the animated route.


May 12, 2010
"Reinventing Batman" doesn't have to mean ignoring Nolan's films... The next Batfilm after TDKR will undoubtedly continue the franchise, introducing Robin, and trying to stay true to the seriousness that has treated them so well. If they just so happen to use the same actor in those films as they do in the JLA movie, it would be all the better. You don't ned Bale for it to be, in essence, Nolan's Batman, just as Kilmer was essentioally still Burton's Batman. As long as Cavil and Reynolds are in it, it will establish a connected universe, and in 2014, when the next BAtfilm comes out, if its the same BAtman... there you go... its all she wrote. As for the Wonder Woman TV show interfering... don't wory about it. That show will get as far Aquaman did, I garuantee it (i.e. the "awesome" pilot won't get picked up). At any rate... I'd be happy to see it as long as the founding five are present (Hal, BArry, Arthur, J'onn, and Diana... no, Superman and Batman were NOT founding members, contrary to popular belief).


Oct 21, 2007
Continuity adds a huge cool factor to movies IMO. Having a totally different set of actors and a totally different universe for the Justice League films would be incredibly annoying. Marvel is doing it the right way. DC needs to take notice.
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