
No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
Hey everyone!

First major event:

The medieval laboratory of Sirius Fulmaren has crashed into the Southern Forest region. Anyone in the general area should be able to both hear and see it. As far as exactly where it crashed uh...southwestern-ish.
Apr 6, 2015
Uh okay you guys have made the barrier to entry exceedingly high. I was worried this would happen. I was under the impression that this is starting a totally new story, but it's basically just a continuation of the last one. It's essentially just a chapter break then? This looks to be a Wheel of Time/Game of Thrones fantasy world with lip service to Zelda words here and there. How are total newbies supposed to absorb all this backstory and then feel comfortable contributing to it without wondering if they've violated some earlier story line? I'm still going to play as long as I can but just letting you know this is an intimidating ordeal, and likely why others don't feel like they can jump aboard. Are we recreating the Silmarillion here or just having a fun time? :/

The medieval laboratory of Sirius Fulmaren has crashed into the Southern Forest region. Anyone in the general area should be able to both hear and see it. As far as exactly where it crashed uh...southwestern-ish.

Okay so anyone in this area has to react to this event in some capacity is that right?
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No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
Uh okay you guys have made the barrier to entry exceedingly high. I was worried this would happen. I was under the impression that this is starting a totally new story, but it's basically just a continuation of the last one. It's essentially just a chapter break then? This looks to be a Wheel of Time/Game of Thrones fantasy world with lip service to Zelda words here and there. How are total newbies supposed to absorb all this backstory and then feel comfortable contributing to it without wondering if they've violated some earlier story line? I'm still going to play as long as I can but just letting you know this is an intimidating ordeal, and likely why others don't feel like they can jump aboard. Are we recreating the Silmarillion here or just having a fun time? :/

The medieval laboratory of Sirius Fulmaren has crashed into the Southern Forest region. Anyone in the general area should be able to both hear and see it. As far as exactly where it crashed uh...southwestern-ish.

Okay so anyone in this area has to react to this event in some capacity is that right?

Don't worry about all the plot happening at the start. You won't need to know the backstory of it to be involved in the war. A mistake you want to avoid making is thinking you need to be aware of everything to avoid stepping on toes - just do your best and issues that come up will be resolved as they come up.

Think of it like having only the knowledge your character does - if you were somehow to conflict with something, we would just let you know, and either have you edit it, or adapt the story to fit it. We are really a very adaptable bunch.

Regarding the lab, yeah you just need to observe that it happened, but you aren't obligated to do anything else.

Edit: Most of our own stories are pieced together on the fly, with SOME long term planning, but it's always left open ended so others can join in or modify the story.

Edit 2: It's still the world of Zelda. We only use species and creatures from Zelda. We have added/enhanced some elements to be more conducive to story telling, but we definitely are within the world of Hyrule, as it existed prior to Twilight Princess - thus using the TP Map as our map.
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Apr 6, 2015
A mistake you want to avoid making is thinking you need to be aware of everything to avoid stepping on toes - just do your best and issues that come up will be resolved as they come up.
Ok cool, that helps. I was under the impression I as a user needed to be aware of everything.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
A mistake you want to avoid making is thinking you need to be aware of everything to avoid stepping on toes - just do your best and issues that come up will be resolved as they come up.
Ok cool, that helps. I was under the impression I as a user needed to be aware of everything.

Also don't be afraid to ask questions if you want to be a part of something. And on top of that, users are expected to put all important information into the Summary section of each post, so you should be able to follow along with the same amount of information that your character would have, and remain a solid RP contributor.


Don't Tase Me, Bro!
Jul 14, 2001
Portland, ME
^^^ What he said, Igneous. That's a large part of what the Discussion Thread is about, asking clarifying questions and discussing where and how the story is developing. He's also right that you don't need to be worried about knowing everything. It's perfectly reasonable to interact with other people's characters in game and get filled in on a lot of the finer details as your character does.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 24, 2006
United States
Igneous I need to apologize. There is suppose to be a video prologue that explains all the major events of the RPG for newcomers. When you watch it you should learn all the backstory you need. Originally I intended to post that video at the start of the Role-Play thread to help ease newcomers into the story. Unfortunately however I wasnt able to get it done in time before DrEvilGenius posted the start of the RPG.

As a result there is a LOT of critical information missing. The introduction post was suppose to be a lot more detailed and explainatory then what was actually posted. What you have right now is akin to being dropped into Star Wars without the opening crawl, or being dropped into Lord of the Rings without without the backstory of Sauron and the ring.

I take full responsibility for failing to do this on time. However as I type, I am hard at work finishing the video. It will be posted late, but it will be up within the next few days, if not sooner. I hope it will help not just you, but anyone else confused with the plot so far.
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Jan 2, 2003
Your Dreams
Yeah, Igneous, don't sweat the finer details of the plot, there's a reason I only provided overview information. If it was a complete plot summary of everything that happened you'd be complaining that it's too much information to absorb to start playing.

Just jump in and go. None of us are going to drive you away, we all love having new players! Remember, Rule Number Two is "Don't be a dick." That applies to everyone, no matter how long they've been playing. It even applies to me and tristandark, the two GMs.

We're all happy to answer any questions. Post them here, or PM any other members. And if you don't feel like going through the massive info dump that is the Wiki, it's a perfectly legitimate strategy to just learn things as your character learns them.

Ask some of the other newer players like sye, silverslate, and ShutUpNavi: they didn't have the same backing in ZRPG lore that the more veteran players did, and now they're deep into it.

Heck, even tristandark is a new player who didn't know anything about the ZRPG when Interloper War first started and now he's one of our core lore-makers and plotters and he's a GM!

A lot of this has been made up by us, yes, but it's all based on Zelda and set in the world of Hyrule. Everything in the games is 100% true in this world, we have just expanded upon it.

And we can still get that video edited into the intro post, SUN, don't sweat it. I know a guy.
Apr 6, 2015
No prob dudes, for a moment I was quite overwhelmed by the density of the posts so far and it got me thinking I wasn't nearly as aware of the backstory as I'd thought... but as long as I don't need to always have everything in my head at all times, I don't foresee anything going critically wrong here.
Jan 2, 2003
Your Dreams
Most of us are nerds (and friends) so we read everyone's posts. You don't need to do that (though it is encouraged!). It helps with interactions to know what everyone else is doing, but on the other hand we have the "Character/Location/Time" tags at the beginning of every section so that you only have to pay attention to things happening near your character, and can ignore the rest should you so choose.

And a lot of these posts are dense at the beginning because they are introductory posts, and some of these losers have been waiting a long time for me to finally post the thread, so they've been writing and rewriting these posts for months. Nerds. Things should even out to less forebidding sizes as we go along and there's less introductions and more interactions.

And as has been stated, don't worry about "violating Canon". If we worried about that none of this would exist. We are always taking each other's stories and twisting them to our own ends, that's probably why it looks so thought out and cohesive: because it isn't and we just steal from each other and make shit up all the time. Lol.[face_tongue]

As stated by one of our members, quoted in my signature block, and said ABOUT the ZRPG:

We're Zelda fans -- if we can't explain away a plothole, no one can.

So don't sweat potholes. Well just explain them away. ;)

(See, we are laid back assholes.)
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No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
Most of us are nerds (and friends) so we read everyone's posts. You don't need to do that (though it is encouraged!). It helps with interactions to know what everyone else is doing, but on the other hand we have the "Character/Location/Time" tags at the beginning of every section so that you only have to pay attention to things happening near your character, and can ignore the rest should you so choose.

And a lot of these posts are dense at the beginning because they are introductory posts, and some of these losers have been waiting a long time for me to finally post the thread, so they've been writing and rewriting these posts for months. Nerds. Things should even out to less forebidding sizes as we go along and there's less introductions and more interactions.

And as has been stated, don't worry about "violating Canon". If we worried about that none of this would exist. We are always taking each other's stories and twisting them to our own ends, that's probably why it looks so thought out and cohesive: because it isn't and we just steal from each other and make shit up all the time. Lol.[face_tongue]

As stated by one of our members, quoted in my signature block, and said ABOUT the ZRPG:

We're Zelda fans -- if we can't explain away a plothole, no one can.

So don't sweat potholes. Well just explain them away. ;)

(See, we are laid back assholes.)

Yes, don't sweat potholes. Or plotholes for that matter.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 24, 2006
United States
Well it's been a long time coming, but it's finally here. This is the introduction video for The Interloper War I promised.

I highly recommend everyone watch it to get a better understanding of the plot. It covers basically everything you need to know. The only things left out are side quest storylines that don't affect the main quest. It took a long time to make this, so I hope everyone likes it.
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Jan 2, 2003
Your Dreams
Sorry Robb. Sorry Matt.

Igneos is my new favorite RP member.

That post... omg that post... Dude. So glad we have you. I could go on, but hopefully you get how awesome I found that post.

So awesome. Dude. Stick around please. I need more Blom Blomgrin in my life.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001

Hey PM me next time you are gonna post for something like you did for the lab. I love your post, but it's hard to tell when it takes place. Does it occur before or after the scene outside? You didn't acknowledge any of the other characters so I'm assuming you meant for Henreth to arrive first.

Alternatively, we can just say he snuck in the backside or something and was undetected.

Edit: I'll write up a post that responds to Henreth so for now just wait on that.
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Almost Not a Noob
May 31, 2011
Sorry, not saying.
It's ok, this is on me. I meant or the explosion to happen a second or two after Morton Waypost says “....I should be going then.” at the end of your last post in the rp. And we can say he walked/snuck in from a different entrance.
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Apr 6, 2015
Can I get a brief explanation for how time works in this story? Do we all collectively agree that we're writing on the same day, and then somebody announces we've moved to Day 2?


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 3, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Well, it is like you mentioned, a collective agreement. When soloing time can pass at your leisure. when grouped up, it is part up to the group you are in, and if time is passing too slowly or quickly you can check with one of the gm folks. the Skype chat we run tends to hold discussions on time during various points of the story too.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
Typically we use the passage of time as a way to transition the story forward. So if a battle or event has been going on for a number of posts, we might push the story forward a few hours. Most of us more long term players are comfortable spotting points where time should be edged forward, so in general you should just see a natural progression you can follow along with.
Apr 6, 2015
Ol' Blommy's got a lot to deal with during these troubled times. The price you pay for keepin the best inn in the Inn Industry it seems.

I'm committed to providing amusing illustrations for each post which accounts for the occasional delay here and there.
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 22, 2006
Iggy, are any of our more outlandish characters welcome in the town of Gilba Gilba? I was gonna have one of my dudes stop for a drink somewhere within Day 2 or 3. I don't like stepping on toes so I thought I'd ask.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
Iggy, are any of our more outlandish characters welcome in the town of Gilba Gilba? I was gonna have one of my dudes stop for a drink somewhere within Day 2 or 3. I don't like stepping on toes so I thought I'd ask.


Remember that a player created location becomes public once in use. And since we have now established that Gilba Gilba is in the Southern Woods Region, it's open for player access. Respectful conversations should take place, but no one can motor (without advanced agreement on it between authors), as always, and that applies even in player created environments.

And as a second point, time skipping forward that much (6+ hours) is only okay if your character is alone. Otherwise it requires you to speak with all other players in the same region as you to make sure everyone is ready. This is a game more than a book, so we have to treat it accordingly.
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Apr 6, 2015
Iggy, are any of our more outlandish characters welcome in the town of Gilba Gilba? I was gonna have one of my dudes stop for a drink somewhere within Day 2 or 3. I don't like stepping on toes so I thought I'd ask.

Oh sorry, that's a question for me? [URL='']@Silverslate[/URL] Yeah sure bring em in. I guess I just got chastised for jumping to the evening. I got a PM from someone a few days ago saying everyone was planning to shift to evening so that's why I set it ahead. Sorry if that screws over any other players. How about this, feel free to set more scenes in the early afternoon still and you can ignore what I posted about any troublemakers being kicked out. Maybe that can refer to some other troublemakers or something that doesn't affect other players. I'll hold off on continuing until everyone else is all caught up then. How's that sound?
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No Longer a Noob
Apr 27, 2001
Memphis, TN
I personally like to take a "Yes, and...," improvisational approach to my character's development and advancing the story. This means I'm guilty of posting more frequent motors and time jumps. I think for most of Epoch, Taden and his cohorts were the ones moving the dateline forward. I only do this with the understanding that I would reciprocate motoring from other members on things like my own character's dialogue, gestures or other interactions, dragging them forward in time, or long fight sequences once the fight has started. The extreme case of motoring is posting the death of another character, specifically killing them in a fight; I'm not really worried about anything short of that.

I'm also not that wedded to canonical timelines or plans for my individual character's future, and use a more impressionistic composite of my characters for each RPG. You might say this is the tradeoff that comes with letting people write for Taden in their IC posts. Point being, these are all just styles or norms that we've developed as players over the years, based on our own creative use of the written rules, and everyone will develop their own style over time. We each have a different degree of "permission" we expect and allow in IC posts, tied to the degree of individual or collective worldbuilding we want to do.

EDIT: Also, to clarify, Taden is just outside the inn area at the end of my latest post, contemporaneous with whatever Lynn and Chamdar are doing right outside, and Blom Blomgrin inside. Sidle as he might, he hasn't gotten far in stealth mode.
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Jan 2, 2003
Your Dreams

Firstly, I just want to make this clear. The RPG is not about who is the strongest, or who can beat more opponents into a bloody pulp. It's not going to be totally about fighting. It's about having fun, and interacting. We're all telling a story together. So please post more than simply what your character is doing. Post how he or she (or it) feels, etc. Make friends and enemies with other characters, that's what keeps the game interesting. However, if everyone is trying to be the main character, it's simply not going to work. So please accept that while you'll all get to play important roles in the plot, none of you is going to be the main protagonist or antagonist of the entire story. Cooperation is the name of the game, even if your characters are competing.

But treat the other players nicely. ... Remember: Cooperate!

Killing other characters without either their or my express permission is not allowed. Neither is motoring other characters (i.e., you can't say what another character does or says).

Of course, as I always say, Rule Number One is HAVE FUN! (Rule Number Two is 'Don't be a dick', if you were wondering.)

See rules excerpts above. You can attempt to kick out the other characters in the Inn, but you have to give them a chance to react. Kicking them out off-screen and then suddenly jumping to Evening 1 ('a few hours later') is not allowing a chance for cooperative story-telling. It's telling the story all by yourself, and writing for the other players. I know we usually APPEAR to play fast-and-loose with the "No Motoring" rule, but that's actually because a lot of what we do has already been coordinated Out-of-Character between the players (via text, Skype or PM), so when we write for each other's characters at times it's because both parties are "on board" (and some of us have been playing together for so many years that we know each other's characters and writing styles really really well).

Classifying this as an RPG is kind of a misnomer, in a way. It's more of a cooperative novel, an interactive fiction, wherein we each write only for our select characters. Cooperation is the primary concern. Telling a story (TOGETHER!) comes from this cooperation. When you simply ignore the inclusion of other characters, and kick them out of your scene without a "how-do-you-do", it really sends a clear message of "I don't wan to play with you". That's... not what we're doing here... You can feel free to remove your own character from a scene, but you can't force other characters to leave. (You are more than welcome to talk to the players of those characters to coordinate a way for those characters to leave the scene, but at the end of the day, each character falls under the volition of their respective players ONLY (and the GM, but that's an almost never-used GM power/privilege).

So, if you'd like, we can either retcon the Blomgren post in question to "And then Ol' Blommy attempted to kick out these two troublemakers" or we can even afford you the opportunity to rewrite the scene. Intimate details are wonderful! As noted in my excerpts above, "It's about interacting... post more than simply what your character is doing [but also] how he or she (or it) feels, etc. Make friends and enemies with other characters.." If you're not willing to have your character interact with other characters, then I'm honestly not sure why you're involved in a piece of interactive fiction... So interact with Lynn and Chamdar, don't just blatantly throw them out of your scene! (And, by the by, good luck kicking two "super death warriors" (as I've heard you've referred to them as) out of the bar without instigating violence!)

It's wonderful (and we're rolling with the idea) that Gilba Gilba is a quaint little town that is SO FAR untouched by the war (miraculous as that may be), but part of the putting any location into the gameworld is that it... becomes part of the gameworld. Other players are well within their rights to come and play with it, now. This is an open world. We can't control Blom, sure, but we can control our characters, and if we say they're in Gilba Gila at the Ragged Maiden, then... well, they are. Let the scene unfold! Granted, we're all nice people, so we're not just going to up and destroy Gilba Gilba (not without your permission!). As for NPCs, there's an unwritten rules that "whoever creates an NPC owns the NPC", but the 'grain of salt' to that is that you only get one "safe" NPC per character (for Blom, that would be his brother). Other NPCs become something of "fair use" NPCs, that anyone can technically use or 'control' (although we do almost always give the courtesy of talking with the original creator before doing anything. Again - Cooperation is key.).

As for progression of time, there's nothing wrong with just saying "It's Evening now" in the middle of interaction. The point is that time is moving on as characters are doing things, it's not standing still. There's nothing wrong with that all. Where it gets "let's all agree to move forward" is when you want to do a 'time-skip' associated with the progression. So, for example, say in your "Blom attempts to kick out Lynn and Chamdar" post you just label it as "Evening 1". Fine, as they were all arguing, time moved forward, the sun dipped towards the horizon, and it's now Evening. The scene is continuing unabated and unperturbed by this normal flow of time. But in your current post, you have Blom kicking out Lynn and Chamdar and then are jumping forward a few hours and saying it's Evening 1. This does not afford Lynn or Chamder or their players the opportunity to respond to Blom before he moves ahead of them in the timeline. That's bad form because it stymies interaction between characters, there's no natural flow to the scene then. In an instance like that, it behooves all involved parties to agree "Yes, I am done with the interactions in this scene, let's move to a few hours from now and on to the next important thing that will happen".

So, take-aways from this post?

Cooperation and Interaction are the main focuses of what we're doing here. While you have not technically been uncooperative in a direct sense, I hope you can understand how your post appears (to us) to be a manner of passive-aggressive uncooperative. And your posts were clearly non-interactive, not allowing the other characters/players to react to Blom's actions.

We all good? I love Blom's character, he's very interesting, that's why I sent Lynn into Gilba Gilba to interact with him. To INTERACT with him. Not show up and get kicked out. In another RP I play, that's called scene-killing. You're essentially saying, "No. You can't play this game. You're not allowed to be involved. Get out." Very uncooperative. Instead, you can have your character ignore the other character(s), and then allow those characters in turn REACT to being ignored! Much better than being ignored by the PLAYER.

Okay. I think I've said what I had to say. Again, love Blom, that's why I wanted to play with him. Don't be discouraged. All I ask is to embrace the interactivity of the game. As stated by the brilliant Field Marshall Helmuth von Moltke, "No plan survives first contact". Part and parcel of this RPG is having plans, and then adapting them to what actually happens when the other players try to see out their plans!

And, as always, please please PLEASE feel free to ask ANY QUESTIONS at all, and I will answer them as quickly and clearly as I can. (Actually, probably anyone will answer them lol). Asking questions is the best way to get answers, and clear up any confusions.

This isn't meant to be any manner of punishment, it's just a learning experience (hopefully, I think, for everyone!).

And, final thing - What did you want to do with Blom, Igneous? Did you want to rewrite that post? Did you want to just keep the first part ('Blom moves to kick out Lynn and Chamdar')? Did you want to do something else entirely? Ball is in your court, good sir!
Apr 6, 2015
Hey bud
Easy oversight. My fault. This isn't a showstopper. Looks like IGN limits the time you can edit a post but let's all agree that was a wishful fantasy of Blom's to kick those characters out. Maybe he just gave em a stern warning, guys, keep your voices down, we're all relaxing from a long day, have an ale on the house... Feel free to fill in the gaps however you see fit. Refer to my earlier post here where I suggest the decision to kick them out can be ignored. This'll all sync up naturally enough and we can proceed from there. Sorry to grind the gears. [face_good_luck]
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Jan 2, 2003
Your Dreams
Awesome stuff, Igneous!

No gears ground here (not mine at least!). As I said - communication and cooperation are key, and I very much appreciate YOUR cooperation in all this. (And don't let us be dicks and not cooperate back with you, call us out on things, man, we're a community!)

That said, I can't remember if we've invited you to the ZRPG Skype chat, but I highly recommend it. Great tool for keeping up to date on everyone's plans, and working through any kinks BEFORE they hit the thread, so we can avoid any kerfluffles like this.

We'll go with something along the lines of "Hey you two troublemakers, calm down or get out! Grrrr!" from Blom, I guess is what you're saying? Yeah, Cream and I can totes work with this (if anything, I can picture Blom teaming up with old man Chamdar and both being curmudgeonly "No fighting, you lil' shite" on Lynn lol)


Don't Tase Me, Bro!
Jul 14, 2001
Portland, ME
It's all good, Igneous! Misunderstandings happen, we talk 'em over a bit (often in very animated fashion), figure out the best course, and then we move on as if nothing ever happened. No harm, no foul. And believe me when I say this is neither the first, nor the most egregious case of crossed wires by far. Hell, I've been at this for many, many years now and I still get a talking to on occasion. We all tend do. What DEG threw up there was just as much a shot across our bows as yours. You happened to be the example this time around, but we could all use the reminder on occasion. [face_peace]

What you're working on with Ol' Blommy and Gilba Gilba, it's pretty cool stuff. That's why several of us have popped up there, because we'd like to be a part of it in some fashion. As DEG said, we want to find a way to make it work just as well for you as it does for us.
Apr 6, 2015
I don't mind. I think we're all on the same page now. I'll hang back for a bit.

I'll explain my whole angle I guess. It's not to play the ignorant country yokel so much as just explore the lives of regular citizens who want to live their lives. Because think about it, you just wanna grab a beer with your buddies at the bar and suddenly some stranger from out of state comes in yammering about the government and war and drone strikes. What are you gonna do? Just up and join the guy? No way man, you want that weirdo out of your hair, no matter how righteous he sounds. We all know someone who loves to bring up politics and it's just like WE GET IT pal, but can you let us enjoy our night out please? Might be fun to see how that unfolds in a fantasy setting. For now I intend every new scene in the inn to feature Blom interacting with various town residents and their thoughts on the world and how it affects them, with some small insane hints to Blom's curious past.

Anyway yeah just twist the scene however you like. And Glen is pokin' around outside trying not to get grilled too hard about the treasure chest, which is fair game for anyone who feels like tackling that subject.
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Jan 2, 2003
Your Dreams
I gotcha. But, part of "dealing with the rest of it" is... well... actually dealing with it. lol. Just because YOU don't WANT to be involved in the wider world doesn't mean the wider world doesn't want to be involved with YOU. Part of what you propose is "How do you deal with it?" and... well, no offense, but kicking out Lynn and Chamdar isn't dealing with it, it's completely avoiding the entire thing. Which is okay for the characters to try to do, but not for the writers, if you get what I'm saying.

If anything, having all the outsiders around makes that story BETTER and EASIER to tell, than just, pardon the phrase but it gets the point across, literary masturbation using only your NPCs and Blom.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
I don't mind. I think we're all on the same page now. I'll hang back for a bit.

I'll explain my whole angle I guess. It's not to play the ignorant country yokel so much as just explore the lives of regular citizens who want to live their lives. Because think about it, you just wanna grab a beer with your buddies at the bar and suddenly some stranger from out of state comes in yammering about the government and war and drone strikes. What are you gonna do? Just up and join the guy? No way man, you want that weirdo out of your hair, no matter how righteous he sounds. We all know someone who loves to bring up politics and it's just like WE GET IT pal, but can you let us enjoy our night out please? Might be fun to see how that unfolds in a fantasy setting. For now I intend every new scene in the inn to feature Blom interacting with various town residents and their thoughts on the world and how it affects them, with some small insane hints to Blom's curious past.

Anyway yeah just twist the scene however you like. And Glen is pokin' around outside trying not to get grilled too hard about the treasure chest, which is fair game for anyone who feels like tackling that subject.

Hey is that treasure chest the one from the Wreckage of the Lab?
Apr 6, 2015
It could be, sure... I sent you a PM with more details since that's a plot point I want to explore with ol' Glenny and his relationship to everyone else. If I'm breaking some rule here by withholding specifics from everyone else just call me out on it.