
No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
"Alright boys, last play of practice, in the red zone. Make it count!"

Coach Horan was right; this wasn't just the last play of practice, it was the last play of the summer before fall practice began, and then we only had a week before our first game. I still don't know how, but coach got us in the Kirk Herbstreit Kickoff Classic against the Centerville High School Elks. So we've been preparing for them for half of summer practice, but I still feel like it's not enough.

I was spacing out from the heat, so our halfback Chester Young shoved me.

"Uh, Kap, you in there?"
"Huh? Sorry man, I was miles away."
"Come on, what's the play?"
"Uhh... Ace Trips, Y Curl 28 on two, on two."

We broke from the huddle at the same time as the defense did. We set up in the Ace formation with three recievers spread out, while the defense came out in a 3-4 "Eagle" formation. The were showing blitz, so I switched the protecion scheme.


I recieved the ball from our center and dropped back to pass. The protection held well, considering the defense practically went with all linebacker blitz. I saw the corner play off our slot reciever, junior Erik Janus, so before he even began to curl back, I fired the ball.

Unfortunately, I threw it a little higher than I wanted to, so Janus had to jump for it. He used all of his 6' 4" frame and 32" wingspan to haul in the catch. Even more unfortunate, the corner had recovered and flipped him end over end and he landed in the end zone with a loud thud.

To my amazement, he bounced right back up. To my dismay, he angrily removed his helmet and used it as a club against the corner. This sparked a brawl amongst the rest of the team; offense against defense. With all the animosity between the two units, I'm suprised it lasted this long before something violent happened. I tried to stay out of it, pulling players off each one another, but I get hit a few times with random punches until the entire coaching staff got the rumble broken up.

Coach Horan was more pissed off than I'd ever seen him, and I've been on varsity since I was a sophomore.

"ALL RIGHT GUYS, WHAT THE F**K?!? Today was our last practice for at least two weeks, and once school start we only have one more week until we play a nationally ranked team. Whatever sh*t you guys have with each other, get it sorted out now!"

He turned his head away from us in disgust.

"Put this sh*t away, then hit the f**kin' showers!"

The coaching staff walked off the field, leaving us to clean the field of equipment, tackling dummies, sleds and water coolers. I gotta say, it did not look fun. I think later this week I'll have the team get together to talk about this.

Nearly an hour later, we were finally done putting everything away. Right now, I just want to get home and unwind. Then I remembered who lives there...

This is my journey from my senior year of high school, through my years in college, annd what happens after. This is not done by someone else, interpreting my actions. They don't know what I'm thinking about during anything I do, nor do they know the reasoning behind my actions and the my thoughts of others around me and their actions.

No, this is my life according to me. So just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Oh right, almost forgot. My name's Nick Kapatos. I'm about 6' 5", roughly 213 lbs., have medium length blonde hair, and eyes as blue as the ocean. And according to Rivals.com, I'm a border-line 4-star quarterback prospect for the West Islip High School Lions.

[OCC]Yes, this is my third time trying this, and hopefully I can go far with it. Some notes: I will be playing eight minute quarters on Heisman difficulty, and I have altered the AI settings slightly. Hope you guys enjoy and keep reading so I know whether to continue or not. I have also, nor am I currently, attending the university my character will, so forgive any inaccuracies with my description of the university.[/occ]


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
Absolutely exhausted and hungry, I arrived home later than I expected. I opened the door to my adorable, bark-happy cocker spaniel Nash. She was about six and still looked like a puppy. While I pet her and rubbed her belly, I noticed a note on the table. It was from Mom:

“Nick, out with Kristen. Please let Nash out. There is chicken and mac & cheese in the microwave. Save some for Dad. Love, Mom”

I groaned. I just wanting to eat and take a shower. I looked at my dog as she looked back.

“You don’t have to go out, right?”

All Nash did was tilt her head slightly in confusion, then walked over to the door and scratched it, meaning she had to go out. I rolled my eyes and let her out.

As I waited for her to come back in from doing her business, I heated up about half of the food and read the paper. I checked some of the baseball scores, since there was nothing else to read and the comics were mysteriously gone.

“Fuckin Mets, always blowing leads…”

I heard a ding as my food was done, so I took the food out, nearly burning my hands in the process. But before I took the food into my room, I remembered to let Nash inside. I gave her a treat to distract her before rushing into my room to eat and watch TV. I distracted her because she likes to grub food from me.

I crashed on my bed and turned on the TV. I flipped through the channels; nothing good was on. So, I kept searching until I hit the HBO and movie channels. Luckily, I saw How to Train Your Dragon was on HBO2w.

“Thank God for DirecTV.”

I was halfway through devouring my dinner when I heard Nash barking like crazy. ‘Dad must be home’ I thought to myself. So, shoveling whatever food was left into my mouth, I opened the back door and followed Nash outside.

As Dad got out of his car, Nash jumped up and licked him like crazy. Alexander was bald on the top, with greying black hair around the sides of his head. He was roughly 5’10” on a good day, weighed around 175 lbs. We had a very close relationship because we are both very involved in sports. I was a future college athlete, and he was a college lacrosse coach and assistant AD.

“Hey Daddio,” I said with food in my mouth.

“Come on, Nick, chew and swallow your food first, you meathead.”

“My bad.”

I chewed for a little bit more and finally swallowed the food, nearly choking in the process.

“Better now?”

“Much better. So how was practice?”

“Meh, it was alright. Didn’t end on the best note.”

“Oh yeah? Grab us a couple beers and talk about it.”

“You're serious? You know I’m only 17.”

“Come on, like that’s stopped you from drinking before.”

I went into the garage to get a couple Yuenglings. It was pretty cool having a drink with the old man. And with this being my Senior year and him being busy with his jobs, we might not have many opportunities to talk like this.

I came out from the garage and he was sitting on the deck, with Nash sprawled across his lap. I handed him his beer and we talked about the end of practice brawl.

“So what’s coach gonna do about it?”

“That’s the thing. He really didn’t do anything about it. He just yelled at us and told us to get our shit together. It’s bullshit that he doesn’t do anything.”

“I don’t think he should be doing something. He can only do so much, maybe it’s you he wants to fix this.”

“But what if I can’t fix this? I mean, I know we aren’t supposed to make it to the championship, but on paper we have a shot to make a run in the playoffs this year.”

“True leaders are able to fix any problem. If you can’t fix it, then you aren’t a true leader. And there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Yeah… I guess.”

I let my dad’s words sink in. If I can’t be the leader of this team, then I don’t know what I would do. I looked at the deck for a few seconds and took a sip of beer.

“So this is what beer tastes like?”

I got a chuckle out of Dad when I got a call from Stacy Kraus, my girlfriend for a few months now. She was a little needy, relied on me a lot to get her to and from places when her mom wouldn’t drive her, and she was a teeny tiny bit manipulative. But she was one of the hottest girls in school, so in my mind it was a fair trade off.

“Hey baby, what’s up?”

“Hey you, how about you come over for a quick swim and we can talk about stuff?”

“Yeah, I don’t know. I’ve only been home for like ten minutes, and I’m hanging out with my dad right now.”

“Oh, I see. Hanging out and talking with your father is more important than doing stuff you’re your girlfriend?”

“Well… yeah. Stacy, family always comes first for me. You should know that.”

“No I get, I get it… so I guess this means you won’t be getting any sex tonight, or ever.”

“Stacy, not this again. You always say that, and then when I do whatever you ask, you change your mind. I’m not doing this again.


“Uh-uh, nope!”


“Your powers have no control over me, Siren.”


“Just wasting your time on this one.”


“GOD DAMNIT FINE! Jus… just give me time to change and I’ll get there as soon as I can.”

“Make it quick.”

She hung up the phone. I hate when she does this, but what can I say? I’m a horny teenage boy who knows someone who is willing to have sex with them. Who wouldn’t take advantage of that?

Anyway, I chugged whatever was left of my bottle and threw on some board shorts and grabbed a condom from the box in my closet. Doesn’t hurt to be prepared for when the time finally came.

“Hey dad, is it OK if I hang out with Stacy tonight?”

“Sure thing, Nick. Just… don’t do anything stupid.”

“Dad, come on. This is me we’re talking about!”

“I know, that’s why I’m reminding you.”

“Hmm… good point.”

And with dad’s blessing, I went to my truck and headed for possible sex.
I’m just curious to what
means for these kinds of things. I haven’t done one in years, so I’m slightly out of the loop.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
July 14, 2010

I turned the keys to start the car… nothing. My truck, a 2001 Ford Explorer, was starting to become a shitbox. There was a dent in the passenger-side door, the trunk was littered with empty fast food bags and dirty socks, the rear bumper was a little loose, and it would almost never start in the winter. But it was my baby, so only I could call my truck a shitbox.

When the truck didn’t start a second time, I lovingly rubbed the top of the dashboard.

“Come on Penelope, don’t die on me now.”

Third time was the charm, as Penelope finally started successfully. I kissed the wheel and headed to Stacy's place.

It was roughly a thirty minute drive, not counting traffic, so I had time to think to myself. About what I want from the season – obviously a championship, what I’m going to do about the team – I don’t even know, and where I want to go to college – again, no idea.

I’ve been getting recruited by East coast FCS schools, and even a few Division II schools. Not a single FBS team was showing interest in me, and it frustrated me. I wanted to get out of not just West Islip, but Long Island. I wanted to experience what this great country has to offer, and I can’t do that stuck in Suffolk County. I understood that I would still be able to accomplish my dream of playing in the NFL if I went to an FCS school, but the odds would be substantially lower than if I came from an FBS school.

As I hit a long stop light, my mind drifted to what to do about the team. I’ve seen this happen a few years ago to North Babylon. They were supposed to win the Long Island Championship, but what started as a loathing between the quarterback and linebacker slowly and painfully devolved into a feud between offense and defense that kept them from even making the playoffs. I do not want that to happen to this team. We have too many talented and dedicated players to let that happen.

I heard a loud honk as I snapped back to see the red light turned green. As I drove, the guy who honked sped past me, shouting at me.



It took me ten more minutes than I would have liked to get to Stacy’s house. It was two stories with a hot tub in the back yard. It was a rich person’s house.

Her dad was a stock broker who made a lot of money in the stock game – he liked me. Her mom, on the other hand, did not. I don’t know why, it could be that she just doesn’t like athletes, but that’s my guess.

I knocked on the door and it just happened to be her mother, Noreen. She put on this fake smile that irritated me on the inside. From her body language, I could tell she was not pleased to see me.

“Hey Mrs. Kraus. Do you know where Stacy is?”

“Yeah, she should be in the pool in the backyard.”

“Thank you, is it OK if I come through the house?”

“It would be faster if you went through the side gate.”

That was code for ‘No, I don’t want you in my house.’ I smiled and headed towards the gate, mumbling ‘fucking bitch’ low enough so that she did not hear. I opened the gate and ran into Stacy’s father, Paul. He was a little shorter than me and looked very fit. He shook my hand with a firm grip.

“Hey Nick, how you doing buddy?”

“Doing fine, sir.”

“How does the team look this year? Ready to win the championship this year?”

“We’ll see, sir.”

“Ah, I love modesty in an athlete.”

“Stacy’s in the back, right?”

“Oh yeah. Have a good time, superstar.”

He gave me a hard slap on the back as I headed for the pool. Lying down on a reclining chair was Stacy. She was wearing this sexy two piece burnt orange bikini. She had short blonde hair, exotic green eyes, not too tanned skin, and had one of the nicest smiles I’ve ever seen. She also had a rocking’ body. Damn, did I know how to pick ‘em!

“Hey sweetie!”

She came closer to give me a hug. But she made a disgusted face and quickly pulled away.

“Jesus, you smell like shit!”

“Well excuse me, it’s not like you gave me a lot of time to get over here. I barely had time to eat and say hi to my dad, let alone shower. That’s why I brought a bar of soap!”

I held up a bar of soap and made a goofy smile, hoping to get at least a smile out of her… nothing. She looked at me like I was a stranger. The smile on my face slowly went away.

“Guess that was funnier in my head.”

“Yeah, it was.”

I threw the bar of soap, along with my shirt and prescription sunglasses, on the nearby table and, decided to do a belly flop off the diving board. I finished my perfect flop with a loud splash. My stomach stung pretty bad, but when I came up I saw Stacy laughing hysterically. I forgot that she loves physical humor over witty or smart humor.

“Oh you liked that? Well maybe you’ll like this!”

I used my long reach to grab her and fireman tossed her into the pool. If she was upset by what I did, she didn’t say it, but she did splash me. This was not wise on her part, as it started a splash war that I easily won.

After fooling around in the pool, we moved over to the outdoor hot tub. We each eased ourselves into the water. As we settled in, she started gossiping about her friends, who hated me while I hated them, and her parents, who she hated. All I had to do was feign interest and nod occasionally to make it look like I was listening.

Then she started talking shit about random people at school.

“So I was in the mall with Hannah and Olivia the other day, and you know that science geek Terry Bloome?”

“What about him?”

“Well, he and his friends saw us and waved to us. We laughed and laughed.”

“Why? Did they do something funny?”

“No, just the fact that they waved at us was funny.”

“That’s horrible. What did they do to deserve that?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean what the fuck did he do to get laughed at, other than wave hello? It’s fucking childish.”

I was really starting to get angry.

“I don’t see what the big deal is.”

“Of course you don’t, because you don’t know what it’s like to get picked on day in and day out for doing absolutely nothing! Before I started playing football, I was made fun by people like for everything I said and did. And you know what?”

Now she was getting angry.


“It makes you feel like shit. You know how I’m friends with Jordan Tach, a so called ‘nerd’?”

“What about him?”

“You know what he says to me? He tells me all of his friends make fun of you and your friends. They pity you because of your shallowness and your ‘holier than thou’ attitude.”

I got out of the hot tub and gathered my clothes.

“Now I’m not saying I agree with him, but I’m not disagreeing with him either.”

“Get the hell off my property.”

“I’m way ahead of you, sister.”

I slipped on my sandals, grabbed my shades and headed for the gate. I turned back to speak to her, but Stacy looked like she wanted to bash my skull in.

“Look, I’ll call you as soon as I can tomorrow. It should leave enough time for everything to cool off between us. Alright?”

There was an uneasy silence coming from Stacy. Then I noticed her right eye twitching, which usually preceded her throwing a shit fit. I wanted to get out of here before things got worse, so I waved goodbye and left as quickly as possible.

What a shitty end to a shitty day: I arrive at my girlfriend’s house hoping for sex. Now I leave hoping we’re still together the next day.



No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
Apologies for the delay. I've been having writers block with this one for some reason. Will have this up by tomorrow morning at the earliest, tomorrow late afternoon at the latest.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
[Don't worry followers, there will be more football-oriented updates in the near future. I just wanted to introduce some characters.]

July 15, 2010, 9:00 A.M.


The buzzing of my alarm roused me from my pleasant dream. I groaned and made some incomprehensible noises.




Finally having enough of the alarm, I slammed the off button with an open handed downward slap.

I sat up in my bed, wiped the crust out of my eyes, and remembered that I was going to go for a run today. I groaned again and got out of bed to have breakfast.

I was making my second lap around my development. It was an incredibly hot morning in West Islip, a lot hotter than I expected it to be. The sweat felt like it was flowing off my head like a faucet and my legs were burning. I’ve been running for twenty five minutes, and according to my pedometer I’ve ran a mile and a half. It probably wouldn’t have been so bad if I wasn’t wearing a 15 lb. weighted vest to increase my stamina, speed and upper body strength.

I made it past the Rancher’s place when I started thinking about what happened last night. Things got pretty heated with Stacy and I don’t know what to say to her today. On one hand I want to forget what she said and act like the previous night never happened. On the other hand, she said some things about people that didn’t deserve it, and it really pissed me off.

As I rounded the corner, I saw my house in the distance, so I upped my speed slightly. As the distance between my house and me grew smaller, a thought popped in my head. What if Stacy didn’t want to keep up the relationship? I mean, we’ve only been a couple since May, so it’s not like it would be the longest relationship ever. But I’d like to try to keep this going as long as I can.

I was now about two houses away from mine so I kicked my pace up to a sprint. It was more difficult with the vest on, but I had to increase my speed and stamina if I wanted a chance to impress scouts this year. My ankles were burning, my chest was aching, and my head was spinning, but dammit I was going to make it!

Almost there…. Almost there… and I made it! I ran up the driveway and into the garage. I felt like falling flat on my face, but I fought the urge to not break my face on concrete.

Dad was getting yard tools from the garage when he saw me doubled over.

“Nicky boy! You alright?”

“Can’t… breathe. Need… water!”

Dad reached into the fridge and handed me two bottles of water. They were not as cold as I had hoped, but I thought they were the greatest thing ever at this point. I downed the first bottle relatively quickly, and poured half of the second on my head.

“So how was the run?”

I grunted, physically unable to form words. I was heading inside when I was stopped by dad.

“Uh-uh. You know the rules…”

*sigh* “No vest in the house if it’s sweaty.”

“That’s right. We’re not savages, leave it outside and I’ll make sure to hose it down later.”

I took off the vest and let it fall to the ground, making a loud clank. I continued through the kitchen, where I grabbed a shiny red apple and took a big bite of it. I made it to my room, where I picked up my cell phone and called Jordan. It rang for a few seconds, and then Jordan picked up. I was surprised he was up at this time; he’s more of a ‘wake up at noon’ kind of guy.


“Jordan, what’s up my blerdy friend?”

“Dude, you gotta stop doing that. It’s getting old.”

“I’ll stop doing it when it doesn’t annoy you anymore.”

“What do you want pretty boy?”

“Wanna come over for a swim? It’s a scorcher out today.”

“How hot? It’s actually freezing in my room.”

“I swear I could taste the heat when I was running!”

“How do you taste heat?”

“Does it really matter? The point is, it’s fucking hot out, and you’re coming for a swim.”

There was silence on the other end.

“I’ll be there. Give me fifteen.”

“Take as long as you want, just get your black ass over here.”

I hung up the phone and before I went to the shower, took another look at our schedule. Obviously, we weren’t going to win our first game, and our last game could go either way, but I see every other game as a win. We could go 7-2 and get the two seed in the playoffs.

I was lying down on a swing chair on the deck. I then saw Jordan come up the stairs. Compared to me, he was short and lanky. We gave each other a fist-pound and he sat down on a chair adjacent.

“Nick Kapatos, what is up my honkey hombre?”

“I know you think that annoys me, but I actually like it. So ha!”

“Whatever, what did you want to talk about?”

“I don’t know, I’m having problems with Stacy.”

“I kinda don’t want to hear it.”

“Well you’re shit outta luck, buddy.”

I proceeded to tell Jordan what went down at Stacy’s last night. I could tell what I was saying about what she said was making him uncomfortable, as he shifted his weight during certain points of my story.

“Dude, I think you should just break up with her. She’s a cold bitch, a moron, manipulative, her friends hate you and over half the school’s female population would kill each other to be with you.”

“Well, here’s my rebuttal: She’s stupid hot, she’s forgiving, and she can be sweet. Plus she makes me feel smart.”

“You know later on in life that last point’s going to turn into a negative, no matter how hot the girl is.”

“Trust me Jordan, I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. But for now I’m OK with her being an idiot.”

“Then it’s your call. Just don’t be surprised when this happens again”

Jordan proceeded to take his shirt off and do a cannon ball into the pool.

*Ring* *Ring * *Ring*

I was trying to call Stacy to briefly talk about last night, but she wasn’t picking up.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Maybe she didn’t want to talk. Maybe she wasn’t there. Or maybe this was her way of telling me it’s over.


I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard her voice.

“Hey Stacy, it’s me. I-“

“Look , you don’t have to say anything. I wanted to apologize for what I was saying yesterday.”

This took me by surprise.

“Uh… you are?”

“Yeah, I can see those people are your friends, so I won’t make fun of them.”

“Sounds good.”

*mumble* “At least not in front of you.”

“What was that?”

“Nothing sweetie. See you tomorrow. Love.”

She hung up the phone. A smile came across my face as I realized the relationship was saved.

2010 West Islip Lions Schedule
9/4 @ Centerville Elks (@ Buckeye Stadium- Columbus, OH)
*9/11 @ North Babylon Bulldogs (North Babylon, NY)
*9/16 vs. Copiague Eagles (West Islip, NY)
*9/25 vs. West Babylon Eagles (West Islip, NY)
*10/2 vs. Centereach Cougars (West Islip, NY)
*10/8 @ Smithtown West Bulls (Smithtown, NY)
*10/16 @ Half Hollow Hills West Colts (Dix Hills, NY)
*10/23 vs. Half Hollow Hills East Thunderbirds (West Islip, NY)
*10/30 @ East Islip Redmen (East Islip, NY)

*- League game


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
[Sorry for the delay in this update. Its been though multiple revisions and is finally where I'd like to to be. Also, I'm not going for accuracy when it comes to the names f high school and college players, because I used the auto-namer.]

One month later (8/23/10)

I know it’s strange saying this, but it was good to be back in school. Not so much because of the school work or the teachers, although a few of them were cool. No, it was seeing my non-football and non-athlete friends again, along with having a structured day. During the summer, aside from working out, running and studying the playbook, I didn’t know else how to occupy my free time. I wasn’t up for finding a job, and I could only hang out with dad so much.

I arrived a little after 7:54 and I made my way inside, where I was greeted by two security guards. They were standing watch by the main entrance making sure no dumbasses brought in stuff like fireworks. As I made my way to my locker, it felt like everyone and their mother who was in the halls at that time wanted to say hi. From students to teachers, everyone was going out of their way to greet me, and it was kind of strange. I didn’t expect the quarterback of 4-5 team who missed the playoffs last year was going to be Mr. Popular the next. And it’s not like I didn’t want to be liked; there’s no way in hell I would rather be a nobody. I guess this was something I would have to get used to.

I made it to my locker and started putting my bags away when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was, and was pleasantly surprised to see Stacy standing there, with a big smile across her face.

She was wearing a cute green top with caprice pants and had her hair done all nice. Compared to her, I looked like a bum in my “West Islip football ‘10” t-shirt and jeans and sandals.

“Whoa, you look amazing!”

“Aww, thanks baby. And you look… Umm...”

“Relaxed? Comfortable?”

“Those are a couple words I might use.”

I chuckled and turned back to my locker to get out my notebook and pen and before I knew it Stacy turned me around and rammed her tongue down my throat. It was very unexpected; she never did things like this in public. Is this a perk of being in a relationship I didn’t know about?

I could tell other students were staring, but I really didn’t care. I had the tongue of the hottest girl in school in my mouth, and it was awesome.

We were quickly interrupted by one of the hall monitors, who were roaming the halls making sure students were headed to their homerooms.

“Alright love birds, get to homeroom. You’ve got about five minutes to get there.”

Stacy replied with a quick “so what?” before she turned back to me.

“Fine, be late and get an unexcused absence. No skin off my nose.”

‘That’s pretty shitty hall monitoring’ I thought to myself. And I was content to skip, but then I thought better of it.

“Sorry babe, gotta go.”

“You’re serious?”

“Hey, I don’t want to start the year off missing homeroom. And unlike you I actually like my homeroom teacher!”

“Ugh, fine, go! Just remember to call me after practice.”


I snuck in a quick kiss, the hall monitor gave me a menacing glare, and I rushed to homeroom. My locker was on the first floor of the A-wing, while my homeroom was on the second floor of the C-wing (all the way on the other side of school), and I only had about three minutes left. Unbeknownst to the monitor, my homeroom teacher didn’t care if I was late as long as I showed up .

Even though I came in five minutes after eight, my homeroom teacher Mrs. Bersbeck was cool about it. I saw that there were still some kids missing, a few of them guys on the football team. I should mention that we share a homeroom with Mrs. Kalpano, my health teacher. She was also the boys’ volleyball coach. I looked around and there was Jordan, chatting up a couple of junior girls who were clearly not interested. They were way out of his league, but I give him credit for trying.

“I give that an A for effort, and an F for results.”

“Kappy, my man!”

We gave each other a hi-five handshake, and I took the seat next to him. We started talking about what classes we share (we have second period AP American History and fifth period free together) when a girl I had never seen before . She had cherry red hair, big hazel eyes, looked to be his age, and appeared to be very nervous. She noticed Jordan and smiled and waved to him. I looked at Jordan with a confused stare. How does he know this new girl?

She proceeded to bring a note over to Mrs. Kalpano, who read it, nodded her head and introduced her to the class.

“Guys, this is Lorie Anne Crothbart. She’s new here, so I want you to make her right at home.”

She found a seat near the back and soon everyone swarmed around her, asking questions about who she was and where she was from. I’d have gone over there, but for the strangest reason I was too nervous. Besides, she was probably overwhelmed by everyone asking her questions, so I was going to wait until after homeroom to talk to her.

The bell rang to signal the beginning of the actual school day. I made sure I caught Lorie before she got swallowed up by the mob of students going to their first period classes.

There, I had my opportunity when she got caught behind the log jam at the door. My palms were sweaty and my mouth was getting dry. This was starting to get strange.

“Uh, hi. My name is Nick.”

“Lorie Anne, pleased to meet you.”

Even though I extended my hand for a shake, she instead came in for a hug. This caught me off guard; I mean, I liked a hug as much as the next guy, but not from someone I just met.

“Sorry, I like to hug.”

“Oh don’t worry, no problems here. Do you need any help getting around?”

“No thanks, I took a tour of the school yesterday so I should be fine. Maybe I’ll see you around.”

“Looks like I will definitely see you in…” as I took a quick look at her schedule, “Gym and Public Speaking today and Art tomorrow.”

She gave me a wink goodbye, smiled a beautiful smile, and left me standing there speechless.


We had just finished watching film on Centerville and now it was time for the team to do some running. Rather than our usual sideline-to-sideline sprints, we were doing stadium steps today. Even before we made it halfway to the bleachers, I could hear the groans of several out-of-shape or underclassmen players. I didn’t like it either, but I kept my objections to myself because I remembered why we were doing this.

Coach Horan was sitting in one of the first-row seats, waiting for us with a faint grin on his face. I could tell he was going to enjoy this.

“Before we start, I just want to make one thing clear. I never, ever want to see anything like what I saw the last practice of the summer. It was some of the most shameful, embarrassing, and infuriating things I have ever seen in all my years of coaching. If I EVER see anything like that again, I will cut every single person on this team and forfeit the season, I kid you not!”

We knew coach was serious about this, but was he really willing to put his career on the line to prove a point? I didn’t want to find that out, and I’m pretty sure no one else on the team did.

“So here’s what you’re gonna do. You’re going to do an hour’s worth of sprints, starting from goal-line to the ten, and increasing in ten yard increments, then finally from goal-line to goal-line. If you have to throw up, do it away from the team.”

We spread out along the goal-line. I could tell immediately who wasn’t going to make it to the opposite goal-line. Hopefully all the hours running in the summer would pay off.

Coach put the whistle to his mouth and blew.



No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
Bump. I could really use some honest feedback. I need to know what I'm doing right and what I could improve on.

Also, expect an update by tomorrow the earliest, Thursday the latest.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
Wednesday (8/25)

An hour into practice, and I could tell some of the guys haven’t quite fully recovered from Monday’s sprints. And as luck would have it, most of them were on the offensive line, save for the junior Center Carmine DurMont. So while the first team linemen were on the sidelines getting treated for cramps, I was left having second teamers as my protection. Needless to say, I wasn’t having the best practice.

Coach Horan rushed into the offensive huddle, after another blown block that would’ve lead to me getting planted if this were a real game.

“Alright guys, what the hell is going on out there?” Coach Horan asked.

“I know coach,” I replied. “These guys just can’t get the job done.”

“Don’t place all the blame on them, Kap,” Horan told me.

“What are you talking about?” I questioned. “I barely have enough time to go through my progressions!”

“Then learn to adapt,” coach angrily told me. “You’ve got to be more mobile out there; you won’t always have enough time in the pocket. Got it?”

I was pissed from how little blame he was placing on the linemen, but he had a point. Mobility was my weakness last year, and it cost us a couple games. That’s why I worked on my footwork in the off-season, I just hope it paid off.

“Alright, Kappy I want Diamond X Deep on two,” coach ordered.

We broke from the huddle and approached the line in the Ace formation with three receivers. The play called for a play-action deep streak to our burner, Reggie Lockhart. If he wasn’t open, Janus was my second option on a quick slant, and our big man Marshall Rayne was the third option.

I saw the weak-side linebacker creeping up, and called for the fullback to block left.


I took the snap, faked the handoff and rolled right. I continued rolling right until I saw Wahu beat his defender. I let a bomb fly and hoped he caught it. I felt like I put too much air underneath it and the ball would sail over his head, but Reggie caught the ball in stride and took it all the way to the house. I let out a very loud whoop and fist pump as Reggie made his way back to the huddle.

“Way to throw Kap, way to throw!” shouted Horan.

The first team had been on the field for several plays after the second team offense turned the ball over. We ran nothing but run plays to Young, and while he was getting the yards and the much needed reps, it was boring and annoying.

“Come on coach.,” I pleaded. “We’ve ran five straight run plays. Let’s spice it up a little!”

“No chance, Kap,” he replied. “We’re going with a run-first game plan this year. So just run the damn play.”

I gave coach a fake smile and called the play.

“Alright, Razor Option on one. Razor Option on go.”

We walked to the line in the I-Formation. I faked an audible call to throw off the safeties, and they dropped back into coverage as I had hoped.


I took the ball and ran to the right side, with fullback Rashid Al-Hassan Abdullah leading the way. The right end Morgan Roe didn’t crash to me. If he did, I would’ve pitched the ball as soon as I could. So I faked the pitch and Roe bought it, and I cut up-field.

See, coach Horan’s practices aren’t like others. In other coach’s practices, the QB is off-limits. But in our practices, I was fair game. It taught us quarterbacks to slide early, throw the ball away if necessary. and avoid contact at all costs. I know for a fact that a few of the defensive players wanted to knock my face off.

I’m mentioning this because the strong safety Noah Burns was heading my way and had a look in his eye that he wanted to rip my head clean off. I made it a good ten yards before he got close enough that a lunge would’ve connected in a big way. So I slid and he slowed down.

Coach called for a water-break and gave me a congratulatory slap on the helmet for a good play.

I was just coming out of the locker room as a few of the other seniors were. I couldn’t ask to play with a better group of players. There was Young, our halfback who had everything you could look for in a top FBS prospect except height and catching ability. He was more serious than loose, and he had a short fuse. He was another one of our captains. He was being heavily recruited by Stony Brook University.

Morgan Roe was the starting right end, a position he’s held down for three years, and a second-year captain. He was one of the smartest guys on the team. He reminded me of a slightly slower Justin Tuck with his abilities to get around lineman and attack the quarterback. He was applying to most of the Ivy Leagues and some other academically prestigious schools.

And finally, there was Marshall Rayne. I liked to think of him as similar to Plaxico Burress, only a little faster and without the attitude problems. The guy was money in the red zone, and he was fun to be around. A real class-act. Like me, he wasn’t being recruited by many schools.

We were joking around and shoving each other as we were heading to our vehicles. The guys were talking about their plans for the weekend.

“So the Zoko brothers are having a party at their lake house this weekend,” said Rayne. “Their older brother Marcus is getting them a few kegs and they’re inviting nearly the entire school.”

“Sounds pretty good,” Roe remarked. “Do they know what time everyone’ll be coming over?”

“Uh, I think around nine,” Rayne replied.

“Perfect timing,” Young said, with a hint of excitement in his voice. “Kap, your goin’ right?”

“Come on guys, you should know how I do things by now,” I answered. “I only party to celebrate victories.”

“Bullshit,” Rayne playfully responded. “That is Grade-A bullshit, Kap.”

“I’m trying to limit my drinking during the season,” I explained. “If this were in the spring, no doubt I’d be there with you guys. But for now, I’m probably not gonna show. Doesn’t mean I’m definitely not gonna go, but chances are slim.”

“Whatever man,” Roe commented. “Is Stacy gonna be there?”

“Nah,” I replied. “She’s gonna be in the city with her dragon-friends for the weekend, where they’ll be telling her how much of a loser I am and to dump me for someone who treats her like shit.”

I got a good laugh from the guys as they waved and headed for their cars. I made it to Penelope and was about to start the car when I saw Lorie Anne waiting on the bench in the circle where the buses drop kids off and pick them up. I thought this was a good time to get to know her and go out of my way to do something nice. So I drove over to where she was sitting and rolled down the passenger window.

“Need a ride?”

“Aw, that’s sweet,” she said with a hint of Southern. “But I’m gonna see if I can get a ride from my dad.”

“Come on,” I pleaded. “I insist. It’s the least I could do for the new girl.”

She stood there for a second, looking at her phone, then back at me, deciding what to do.

“Alright,” she said hesitantly. “I guess it’s OK.”

“That a girl! Just throw your stuff in the back.”

I opened the trunk from the driver seat. Big mistake; I forgot to clean out the back. There were empty bags of fast food, dirty clothes and cleats, and random notebooks. I wasn’t sure if she was re-thinking the ride home.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I’ve been meaning to clean back there.”

“Oh no problem, I’ll just put my stuff up here.”

She put her bags on the floor in the front and hopped in the front seat.

“So where am I going?”

“Do you know where Warwick Lane is?”

“Yeah, my friend Jordan lives around there. Shouldn’t be a problem.”

We drove away from the school and headed for her house. It was an awkward silence at the stop light, so I turned on the radio.

“You’re listening to 103.9, WRCN. Long Island’s only classic rock station. 103.9…The Bone!”

The piano intro from Paul McCartney’s Maybe I’m Amazed began playing.

“Oh, I love this song!”

When Paul began singing, so did she. I swear, she had the most beautiful voice I have ever heard; it was almost angelic. She sang the words perfectly and her timing was flawless. No pun intended, but I was amazed.

“Whoa,” I remarked. “You have an amazing singing voice.”

“Aw, you’re just being nice.”

“No I’m dead serious,” I replied. “That is, bar none, the best singing voice I’ve ever heard in person.”

She giggled and I laughed, and I felt the mood was lightened. As the light turned green and we headed closer to her house, she began opening up to me. She was from Raleigh, her dad worked at some law firm, and her mom is a cop. She also had a younger brother, Logan, in middle school.

“Must’ve been tough changing schools when you’re going into your junior year,” I told her.

“The move was pretty rough on everyone, especially Logan,” she said. “He’s like, crazy shy, so he has trouble making friends. But I’ve been alright. Jordan was one of the first people to stop by the house the day we moved in. I had no idea you two were friends.”

“I didn’t know you two were friends,” I exclaimed. “ Man, Jordan never tells me anything anymore. It’s like he was trying to keep you for himself, the hoarding bastard!”

She laughed as we pulled into her drive-way. She collected her things and exited the vehicle.

“Hey, there’s a party this Saturday down by the lake,” I mentioned. “ I was wondering if you might be interested in going.”

“No thanks,” she kindly replied. “I’m not really into going to parties.”

“Oh,” I said, dejectedly. “Well, if you change your mind, let me know.”

“You’ll be the first to know,” she said.

She waved goodbye, and after I waved back, I backed out of her drive-way, heading home.

[The next update will be the first game of the season, against Centerville]


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005

[Image=http://www.mghelmets.com/high%20school%20helmets/west-islip-ny.gif] vs. [image=http://www.mghelmets.com/high%20school%20helmets/centerville-elks-oh.gif]

I was reclining in one of the lockers, with a towel over my head, trying to get a quick nap in. I probably got only a few hours of sleep in the hotel last night because the guy I was rooming with, Kicker/Punter Tyson Mandau couldn’t stop snoring. So I used my time going over the game-plan one more time.

Centerville had a very strong defense, and an offense to match. They were loaded with Division 1 prospects, and had a great coach. The majority of the crowd was likely to be on their side. We stood very little chance. But we were motivated to be underdogs. This was our coming out party to the football world.

Coach entered the locker room and called us together.

“I’m not sure if you guys read the paper today, but there was an interesting editorial in the Sports section about today’s game.”

He proceeded to take the paper from underneath his arm and read the editorial. I had read it this morning, it wasn’t too positive about us.

’For the first time, an Ohio team will be playing a team from the state of New York. Unfortunately, we are treated to an opponent from Long Island, not exactly the hotbed of high school football.’

‘Today, Buckeye Stadium will play host to, among other games in the 6th Annual Kirk Herbstreit National Kickoff Classic, #17 Centerville (OH) High School against West Islip (NY) High School. I, for one, am dumbfounded as to how or why the people at the Kickoff Classic picked this team. Other than the prospect of bringing New York football into the spotlight, there is absolutely no reason for this team to be here.’

It went on like that for another couple paragraphs. All this guy did was note our performance last season as “evidence” that we shouldn’t be here. How there are “dozens of more worthy” teams that should be included in this event instead of us. It was like he had a beef with us personally.

’In short, I see Centerville going up by two touchdowns early in the game, and never looking back. The Elks will send these Lions home in what will turn out to be the most one-sided, least interesting games in the history of the Kirk Herbstreit National Kickoff Classic.’

When coach was finished with the article, he took a nearby trash bin and grabbed his match book from his pocket.

This is what I think of this guys’ opinion.”

He took the match, ignited it, lit the page with the article in it on fire and dropped the page in the trash bin.

“Let this be a lesson: do not pay any attention to the non-believers. The will try to get in your head and fill it with doubts about yourself and your teammates.”

Not a lot of people expected us to do much this year. At best, we were predicted to make it to the semi-finals; at worst, we wouldn’t even make the playoffs. We had a lot to prove this season. Not just to the ‘experts’ or the writers, but to ourselves.

“I know a lot of you are nervous right now. First time since last November that you guys have gone full speed, but it’s been the same for them. Right, now you guys have the chance to do something great, something not a lot of young players have the chance to do: upset a nationally ranked opponent on national television. And you know what? I think you guys can do it, but you have to think you can do it.”

We started clapping, the guys started retrieving their helmets, and gathered in the center of the locker room with our hands in.

“Gentlemen… leave everything on the field, trust the player next to you, and above all else: believe in yourself. Let’s go be great! Lions on 3… one, two, three!’

We all shouted “Lions” and walked out of the locker room.

I waited on the sidelines while our defense tried to set the tempo. Unfortunately, they were unable to stop the opposing offense. The drove all the way down the field, using balanced play calling, until the running back Jeremy Whitaker plowed it in for six, with top center prospect Matt Snyder leading the push. Whitaker was only a junior, while Snyder was going to Penn State.

After a poor kick return, we got the ball at the 15.

“Alright, Trips Power Ram on two. Trips Power Ram on two.”

We broke from the huddle and approached the line of scrimmage. Across from me were the defenders, menacing in their all-black uniforms. They were shouting and directing their trash talk at me.

“You ain’t goin anywhere, bitch!”

“Can’t wait to get in that backfield New York!”

I wasn’t moved. There was nothing they were saying that hasn’t already been said by other opposing players.


I took the snap and handed it off to Young, who ran right into a wall of defenders for no gain.

I got the call from coach, another run to the right, and took the snap and handed off. Young got some yards, about four. With six yards to go, coach finally called a pass.

“OK, Norm Action Post X-210 on one, on one.”

We came to the line in the I-Formation. The safeties showed blitz, so I switched up the protection scheme.


I took the snap and faked the handoff, and while curling saw Young get blasted by their free safety. I set my feet and checked my progressions. I have Abdullah as my safety option on a slant, but I saw Rayne wide open and fired a dart to him. It just went over the middle linebackers reach and into the hands of Rayne who was tackled immediately for a twelve yard gain and a first down.

I heard coach yell from the sideline “helluva throw Kap!”, making substitutions and giving me the signal for a halfback screen.

“Triad Winger Screen on two, on two.”

We came to the line, dead set on evening up the score. The trash talk from the Centerville guys didn’t stop, but I ignored it.


I took the snap and quickly dropped back. The pressure was intense and I just got rid of the ball before an Elk linebacker plowed into me. I swear, it felt like I got hit by a Mac truck.

Young made the catch and ran upfield. He made it five yards until he was hit low to the side by one defender and high by another. He dropped to the ground and made a blood-curdling scream. I waved the medical personnel over and they rushed to Young, who was in extreme pain.

Young’s back-up, Skinner Allen, jogged onto the field and snapped his chin-strap. He was only a sophomore, and had no Varsity experience. I’m honestly surprised why Horan didn’t just put Abdullah in at halfback.

“What’s that play?”

“Horan called for… um…”

“Dammit kid,” shouted the guard Darren Craft. “Did you forget the fuckin play?”

“Ahhh… shit.”

The team groaned. I looked at my wristband playbook to see what we could run.

“OK, uhhh… Deuces Attack 229 on one, on one.”

We jogged back to the LOS, the defense was in a 3-3-5.


I dropped back to pass and saw Janus wide open on a quick slant and fired to him. Unfortunately, it bounced off his fingers and into the hands of the free safety. I reacted quickly enough to go in the right direction, but the middle linebacker blindsided me, which allowed the safety to run ten more yards than he should have. I was still on the ground when the linebacker leaned over me.

“Get used to it down there, you fucking pussy!”

I walked off the field and angrily unbuckled my chin strap. Coach was waiting to give me an earful.

“What the fuck was that? That wasn’t the play I called.”

“Newbie forgot the play, so I made the call.”

“Yeah? Well your call just lost us the damn ball!”

“What did you want me to do? If I called a timeout we’d lose whatever momentum we have right now!”

He looked like he was about to lose his mind, then he calmed himself down and walked away.

We made our way back onto the field after the defense let up another touchdown. It was midway through the second quarter and we were on the ropes. But despite being deep in our end of the field, coach was still calling run plays.

“Spread Pitch Sabre on one, on one.”

Before I moved to the line, I double checked with Allen to make sure if he was alright. He said he was, but I didn’t like the way he said it.


I took the snap and pitched the ball to Allen, who took it two yards before he got flipped end over end and lost the ball. I went to dive on the ball, but it squirted away from my grasp and into the hands of a defensive end, who dove into the end zone for a touchdown. Jesus, 21-0 and there was still one minute left in the half.

“OK, Split Screen Seven-Niner on two, on two.”

We hurried to the line, and the linebackers showed blitz.


I pump faked to Allen on the screen and saw Lockhart beat his defender on a go route. Before the linebacker plowed through me, I chucked it in his direction. I couldn’t see if he made the catch, but from the sound of the pro-Centerville crowd that Reggie made the catch. I got up quick enough to see him sprint down the field, with no one anywhere near close to catching him. With one throw, I gave us a slim chance at a comeback entering half-time.

We walked into the locker room and immediately a couple guys were throwing their helmets into things. Me? I headed straight for the trainer’s room to check on Chester. If we wanted to get back in this game, we needed our main offensive threat.

“Coach, how’s he looking?”

Horan shook his head and closed the door.

“Not good, Kap. They’re saying he dislocated his kneecap. He’s done for the year.”

I sighed deeply, shocked by the news. A distressed look came on my face as I knew we might be in trouble.

“Coach, we gotta go to the air.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Come on! You and I both know Allen can’t get the job done. It’s the only way we can get back in this game.”

Coach stood, facing the wall for a few seconds, This was a tough decision for him to make.

“Coach, if you give me the ball, I swear to God I will get us back in this game! All I need is a chance and I guarantee I can give us a shot to win it!”

He looked back in the trainer’s room, looking at Chester lying on the table sobbing. He sighed deeply.

“I’ll talk it over with the coaches.”

I smiled and headed back to the main part of the locker room.

A whole lot of nothing happened in the third quarter. I ran for a short touchdown, Mandau kicked two field goals from inside the 30, and Centerville had another long drive that ended with a touchdown. With the fourth quarter now starting, we had an 8-point deficit to make up in about eight minutes… piece of cake.

“Trips Dynamo 12-7-4 on two, on two!”

It looked like the entire defense was going to blitz, so I audibled out of the play-action and to a receiver screen.


I swear, the entire defense must’ve been blitzing. I got off the screen pass and Lockhart turned up-field. He made it fifteen yards before getting taken down by the corner. We hurried back to the line, and I got the signal from Horan.


I took the snap from the shotgun and ran a bootleg to the right, and slung it to Rayne, who ran for seven yards before stepping out of bounds

2:47 remaining

“BLUE 22, BLUE 22! HUT… HUT, HUT!”

From the midfield line, I took the snap and dropped back to pass. The line was stopping the defensive line long enough for me to see Rayne get the inside edge over his defender and I threw it to his back shoulder. Rayne turned around and caught the ball. He stepped out at the Centerville thirty-five.

2:34 remaining.

“RED 40, RED 40! HUT, HUT!”

I faked the pitch left and rolled right. I could feel the pressure on me and I saw Janus on the flag-route and fired. He bobbled the ball but caught it before being leveled by the safety. A gain of eight on the throw.

2:27 remaining.


I took a three step drop and threw to a slanting Rayne, who caught it mid-stride. He plowed through the free safety and gained another twenty yards before being dragged down by the strong safety and cornerback. First and goal at the eight yard line.

2:15 remaining.

“RED 80, RED 80 HUT… HUT, HUT!”

I handed the ball off to Abdullah up the middle, who plowed his way to the one yard line. I thought he made it in, so I was jumping up and down like I kid. But when I saw the ref signal second down, I was furious. DurMont kept my mouth shut before I said something stupid.

“That was a fucking touchdown!”

“Kappy, I know,” Abdullah calmly told me. “Don’t worry about it; we’ll get it on this play.”

“Alright, Tight Quick Slant on one, on one!”

1:49 remaining in the game. Ball on the one yard line, down by eight. This is the time heroes shine.

“GREEN 90, GREEN 90… HUT!”

I rolled right, and Abdullah made a key, devastating block on the blitzing right linebacker. I saw the tight end A.J. Pendholt beat the man coverage so I lobbed it to the corner and he caught the ball and drag a foot. This time to zebra made the correct call and signaled a touchdown. I ran to the sideline and begged coach to go for two, but he played it safe and went for the one-point. I guess this meant we were going for the onside kick.

I couldn’t even watch the onside kick; it was too nerve-racking. So, instead I turned my view towards the crowd.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Erin Andrews reporting from our sideline. On an impulse, I waved at the camera and smiled. I wanted to make a gesture to Andrews' ass, but that would've made trouble for myself that I didn't need.

I then heard Mandau kick the ball and the sounds of pads colliding. There was a huge scrum that must’ve lasted for five minutes, even with the officials blowing their whistles and pulling players off the pile. Unfortunately, the officials pointed in the direction of Centerville… it was over. Our comeback bid was done.

I sad on the bench, despondent, when coach Horan came over and sat beside me.

“You know, Kap? I’m really proud of what you did today.”


“I really, really am. Hey, it just wasn’t meant to be.”

“I guess.”

Coach patted me on the back, and went back to doing his job.

The Centerville QB knelt the clock away and soon enough it was over. I didn’t want to shake their hands, but I had to. I congratulated their coach, the players and was off the field and in the tunnel before I could be stopped for an interview. I just wanted to be home.

18-31, 279 yards., 2 TD, 1 INT, sacked 4 times
10 att., 52 yd., 1 TD

(Don't worry, I'll try to cut down on the game posts in the future. Please post and tell me how I'm doing).


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
This felt like the longest flight home ever. It was really late and I was physically drained, but I couldn’t sleep. I never liked sleeping on planes, trains or automobiles unless I had to. I just kept replaying every incompletion, every sack, and every missed opportunity. It was enough to keep anyone awake, not to mention that we had to regroup and travel next Saturday and play North Babylon.

I just finished watching an awful movie when one of Horan’s assistants told me coach wanted to speak with me. I honestly just wanted to be alone, but when the head coach wants to speak with you, you don’t have a choice.

I headed up to the front of the plane and sat right next to coach. He was on the phone with his kids when he saw me sit down. He then hung up and faced me.

“Hey Kappy, a few of the coaches are worried about you. You feelin’ alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just upset at how the game went.”

Coach put his arm around me.

“Look, son, you have nothing to be upset about. You did the best you could against a high-quality opponent. If anything, I should be the one to blame for the loss. I’m the one who called the plays that didn’t work.”

“I feel that it’s the responsibility of the players to make the plays you call work, and for most of the first half I failed that.”

“Hey, forget about today’s game. It’s over, done, and we’re almost home. Take the day off, sleep in, relax, and get ready for work on Monday. We’ve got our Division opener, and if we want to make the playoffs we’ve gotta start off with a bang.”

“Got it, sir.”

I left the seat to return to my original one when coach stopped me.

“Hey… don’t be surprised if you get a couple calls from college scouts sometime soon.”


“I mean, I’ll do what I can to get you more out there, but I think today’s performance helped expose you to the college football world.”

I hadn’t thought about anything good coming out of a loss. And if getting offers from real college football schools was the result, I’d be ecstatic.

I made my way back to my seat, popped my earplugs into my ears, turned on my iPod, and tried to get some sleep.

I was just about to pass out when my phone began buzzing and startled me. I checked to see who it was –it was Alex, my older brother. He was a sophomore at Towson University, majoring in Biology. Before he left for school, we were really tight. Even for brothers, we were close. I could talk to him about anything.

“Hello?” I wearily asked.

“Hey meathead,” Al responded. “Caught your game on the tube with the guys. You guys looked like shit for a good half of the game.”

“You know you always were great at making me feel better,” I sarcastically replied. “So is that why you called: To make me feel worse?”

“I called because I wanted to cheer you up,” he happily retorted. “Bro compared to the team you just played, the rest of the games should be cake-walks.”

“You know we can’t overlook teams in this Division,” I replied back. “We did that down the stretch last year and we ended up missing the playoffs entirely.”

“I’m not telling you guys to overlook,” Al responded. “I’m just saying the remainder of your schedule is comparatively easier.”

“That’s true,” I replied, looking out the window. “Hey, we’re gonna be landing soon, so I gotta go.”

“Alright, take care little bro,” I responded.

“Later hater,” I replied, hanging up the phone.


It was just after Senior English, I had a few minutes to get to the locker room and change for gym class.

“Ugh,” Stacy started. “The book we’re reading is sooooo boring!”

“It’s ‘Catcher in the Rye’,” I replied. “It is a literary classic, and you show it some respect!”

“I agree with Stacy,” Olivia, one of Stacy’s friends, chimed in. “It’s a book about a crazy kid who runs away from his prep school and goes to New York City; how the fuck does that make if a classic?”

I tried to comprehend the stupidity of Olivia’s comment; it made my head hurt.

“Alright, I gotta go,” I said, rubbing my temples. “Stacy, I’ll meet you before practice.”

I gave her a kiss on the forehead, and hurried off to the locker room.

As I was walking down the hallway towards the gymnasium, I bumped into Lorie Anne. I almost forgot we had the same Gym class.

“Hey you,” she said, giving me a hug. “Saw your game on Saturday. I thought you guys played well.”

“Thanks a lot,” I responded, happy to see her. “At least you thought we played well.”

“I don’t know much about football,” she responded. “But even I know that losing by one to a ranked team is pretty special.”

“That’s really nice of you to say that,” I said.

“That’s what friends are for, jock,” she jokingly replied. “See you on the field.”

“Likewise,” I said.

She turned and walked into the girls’ locker room and I continued through the gymnasium and towards the boy’s locker room when I heard a familiar voice.

“Hey Krapatos!”

I stopped, dead in my tracks, and sighed.

“Gill, nice to see you too.”

Gill Brennan: West Islip High’s resident school bully, All-State wrestler, and all-around asshole. The guy has had a beef with me ever since I beat him as eight grade president. And me going out with Stacy, his ex, only fueled his hatred towards me even more.

“So I saw you guys embarrass yourselves on national television on Saturday,” he said.

“Yeah, well, at least people watch us play,” I responded. “Last I checked, people don’t give that big a shit about high school wrestling.”

“Ooh, that cut deep,” he sarcastically replied. “So how’s my sloppy seconds?”

“Oh you mean Stacy, the person who dumped you and ended up with me?” I asked, insulting him. “She’s great. She especially loves the parts where I don’t treat her worse than a prisoner at Gitmo.”

“Oh ha-ha, very funny,” he replied, getting closer in my face. “Just remember loser, one slip up and I’ll be all over her like ugly on your face.”

“Yeah, well I'd grab a book,” I replied, getting closer to him. “Because it’s gonna be a long wait for your sorry ass!”

Our faces were centimeters away, and we were close to blows when Marshall broke us up.

“You know next time you won’t have your bitch receiver-friend to save you,” he said, backing into the locker room.

I wanted to go over and beat his face in, but Marshall held me back.

“You know I could’ve taken him, right?” I angrily asked Marshall.

“Yeah, I know,” he reassured me. “But this wasn’t the time to do it.”

I calmed myself down, and headed into the locker room with Marshall.

“Alright, alright,” coach shouted. “Sit down and shut up! Time to watch film.”

Coach waited for all of us to be seated before he turned on the monitor and the film from last week’s North Babylon-Chaminade game. North Babylon got absolutely smoked by the CHSAA team, 45-3. They were one of the worst overall teams in the Division, but we still had to watch film and game-plan for them.

Every play we saw of them on defense, we saw a whole bunch of mistakes: players lining up in the wrong spots, not recognizing audibles, poor tackling, poor coverage… you name it. Watching them on offense wasn’t any less painful to watch.

“Coach, what the hell happened to these guys?” I asked, watching a Bulldog linebacker get blown up by a Flyers offensive lineman. “Weren’t they picked to win the Division last year?”

“A whole lot happened to these guys,” he replied, not lifting his gaze from the projector screen. “They graduated almost half their squad, including a bunch of First Team All-Long Island players, and their coach resigned after the season.”

“Also doesn’t help that they’re playing one of the best Catholic schools in the state,” shouted out DurMont, followed by another poor throw by the Bulldogs QB, Martez Qualles.

“Be that as it may,” replied Horan, pausing the film and turning to face us. “That doesn’t mean we’re unbeatable this Saturday. Anything can happen once you step on that field, and I want us to be more than prepared.”

Coach turned off the game film, having seen enough.

“Come ready for practice tomorrow,” he announced, leaving the room.



No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
Love being the only one who consistently posts in here.

Bump, hoping that people are actually reading this.


Bowling Green, MO
Apr 15, 2007
This is good. Keep it up. You probably have people that are keeping up with this, but haven't posted yet.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
(Thursday, 9/9/10)

Figures, of all the days for school to drag on, it had to be my birthday. Of course I wasn’t going to get crazy tonight, it’s Thursday. Saturday night, win or loss, I was getting fucked up.

As Public speaking class was winding down, and the teacher was going on and on about what not to do when doing a speech, my mind was miles away, thinking about Saturday’s game and the after-party that night. I’m glad I wasn’t called on by the teacher to answer a question because odds are I wasn’t going to know what she was talking about.

Today was the deadline for our first graded speech topics. We are supposed to talk for two minutes about what we were most passionate about. Obviously, it was going to be about football.

The bell finally rang, and anyone who hadn’t already told Mrs. Burns their topic was up at her desk telling her what they were speaking about.

“Football, Mr. Kapatos?” Mrs. Burns asked. “Should I be surprised?”

“I don’t know,” I replied. “Are you?”

I playfully winked at her, and walked out the door. I was heading for Chemistry, on the other side of the school, when Lorie Anne ran in-front of me.

“Hey buddy,” I said, walking towards the stairs. “I have to get to Chem in C-Wing, what's up?”

“I need help with my speech,” she said. “Is there any way you can help me out?”

“Yeah, no problem,” I told her. “Come over after practice and we’ll work on it for as long as we have to.”

“Sounds great,” she said walking away. “Happy birthday, by the way.”

I was heading down the stairs when I felt my phone vibrate. I checked to see who it was; it was a Pennsylvania area code. Against better judgment, I answered the call.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Is this Nick… Kapatos?” the man on the other end asked, mispronouncing my last name.

“Yes, this is he,” I said, passing by a few friends. “Who is calling?”

“This is George Irving, scout for the Penn State Nittany Lions,” he revealed. “I was wondering if this was a good time to speak to you.”

My heart skipped a beat when he said he was from Penn State. I couldn’t believe someone from a big-time FBS school was talking to me.

“Sorry, but I have class from now until 2:40,” I replied, trying to keep myself composed. “In fact, I’m not even supposed to be on the phone during school hours, so would it be OK if you called back after 5:00?”

“Oh that won’t be necessary,” he said. “I just wanted to let you know that I will be at your game this Saturday, and that after the game I would like to have a word with you.”

“That would be great,” I excitedly replied, now standing in the middle of the hallway. “I can’t wait to see you after the game.”

“Me too,” he said. “Take care, son.”

He hung up. I stood there, dumbfounded that a scout from a school like Penn State would be at one of my games. I was so overjoyed that I jumped in the air and shouted ‘yeah’ as loud as I could.

When I opened my eyes, my arms we’re held in the air and everyone was staring at me. Slightly embarrassed, I lowered my arms and went on my way to Chemistry.

We were sitting on the bench, watching the first-team defense go against the second-team offense. I was sitting next to Chester –who was in crutches, along with Marshall, A.J. and Carmine.

“So you got a call from Penn State?” asked A.J. “As in The Penn State Nittany Lions?”

“You bet your ass I did,” I cockishly replied.

“And this guy’s going to be at our game Saturday?” Marshall questioned. “And he wants to talk to you after the game?”

“That’s right,’ I said, very proud of myself.

“Bullshit, kid,” Chester chimed in. “There is no way someone from that school called you. Someone’s obviously messing with you.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked. “Then how do you explain the Pennsylvania area code?”

“How do you know the area code is from Pennsylvania?” asked Chester.

“Because my aunt lives close to Penn State, and I’ve called her a few times this summer,” I explained. “So before you begin to doubt anything good that happens to me, know the facts.”

Coach blew his whistle nice and loud.

“First-team offense, second-team defense, get in there,” Horan shouted.

We put our helmets on, and jogged onto the field.

I was reclined in an inner-tube in my pool, my shades on and a beer in my hand. At this very moment, I didn’t have a care in the world. School, football, my social life, my girlfriend, my future… none of these things bothered me, as I took a sip from my beer bottle.

I heard the back door open, disturbing my peaceful moment. I lifted my shades to see who it was: it was my sister poking her head outside.

“Nick,” she shouted. “Someone’s here to see you.”

It must’ve been Lorie Anne here to work on her speech.

“Let her in,” I shouted back. “And tell her I’m on the deck.”

As she went inside, I tried to maneuver my way off the tube. Unfortunately, I flipped over and into the pool. I managed to keep the bottle upright and out of the water. I came out of the water and flipped my hair out of my face.

“Hey Kristen,” I shouted. “Saved the beer!”

“Bravo Mr. Superstar,” said Lorie Anne, standing over me on the deck. “And please don’t drag me in.”

“Wasn’t even thinking about it,” I replied, chugging down what was left of the beer. “Can you hand me that towel over on the chair?”

As she walked over to the chair, I hoped out of the pool and wiped the water out of my face. A towel was then thrown at me, which I caught and wrapped around my waist.

“So let’s head inside,” I said, motioning towards the door.

“So what do you need help in, exactly?” I asked, sitting on my bed. “It looks to me like you have this speech already done.”

“I know I have it written, and I have it memorized down to the letter,” she said. “But as soon as I start trying to give it, the words come out in a mess.”

She buried her head in her hands and crashed onto the bed.

“You said you wanted to be a singer one day, right?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she replied, head still in her hands. “It’s my dream.”

“Well this is something you’re going to have to learn how to do,” I said. “It’s not like you can sing with a bag over your head.”

She didn’t lift her head from her hands, so I tapped her on the shoulder. She picked her head up.

“Public speaking is all about confidence,” I said. “If you know what you’re talking about, and you’re really passionate about it, talking to people about it should be a breeze.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” she said, a little angry. “You’re a natural at it.”

“I’m a natural at it because I have to be,” I said, reassuringly. “As captain of the team, I have to make speeches in front of the team and coaches all the time. And as an aspiring singer, you’ll have to do the same too.”

She nodded her head in agreement, and it made me smile.

“You have your speech memorized, so that’s half the battle,” I told her. “You just have to practice it. Do the speech in front of your family, friends, or even just a mirror. its baby steps, but I think you can get it, OK?”

She smiled and nodded her head.

“So how far along are you on your speech?” she asked.

“Oh I haven’t even started mine yet,” I revealed. “I have the whole weekend to work on it. And if anything, I can just make it up as I go.”

She slapped me on the arm and got off the bed.

“It’s getting late, I should be going,” she said.

“Need a ride?” I asked. “I don’t mind driving a friend home on my birthday.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary,” she said, gathering her bags. “I borrowed my dad’s car.”

“Alright, see ya later,” I said, getting up for our usual hug.

She was about to exit my room when she stopped in the doorway.

“Oh, before I forgot,” she said digging through one of her bags, before pulling out a gift. It was wrapped in pink wrapping paper with a white bow. “Happy birthday.”

“Aw geez,” I said, surprised. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

She insisted, so I took the gift. I ripped through the paper, and was very pleased with the gift. It was a pair of grey Nike Superbad gloves.

“I didn’t know what hand size you were,” she started, with a smile on her face. “So I guessed and got you a Large. If they’re too big, you can return them.”

I got them out of their package and tried them on. They fit perfectly.

“Oh Lorie, these fit like a dream,” I exclaimed. “Can’t wait to use them when the weather goes shitty!”

I walked her to the door, when I remembered my party Saturday.

“Hey, I was wondering if you were doing anything this Saturday.” I began. “I know you’re not really into parties, but a friend of mine, Morgan Roe, is having one for me at his lake house after the North Babylon game. It would really mean a lot to me if you went.”

“I’ll think about it,” she said, before waving goodbye and leaving the house.

I swear, she drove me nuts with her indecisiveness.



No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005

[image=http://www.mghelmets.com/high%20school%20helmets/west-islip-ny.gif] vs. [image=http://www.mghelmets.com/high%20school%20helmets/north-babylon-ny.gif]

The wind wasn’t blowing very much today; if anything, it was a nice breeze to cool us down on this beautiful morning. I mean it; there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.

I was shaken out of my daze by the referee’s whistle signaling the kickoff. Lockhart gave us great field position, at the thirty.

“Kap,” coach shouted. “Go with Red 22.”

I put on my helmet, nodded my head and jogged into the huddle with the rest of the offense.

“Alright, boys,” I started. “Let’s get this game over with quickly because there’s a party tonight that I know we don’t want to miss!”

The other guys in the huddle cheered, agreeing that they wanted to party.

“OK, Spread Sliver Streaks on one, on one.”

Lining up across from the Bulldogs, they did not look anywhere near as intimidating as the Centerville players. Now those guys, in their all-black uniforms, looked frightening! But these guys… not so much.

“DOWN, SET! RED 80… RED 80 HUT!”

I dropped back to pass, and read my progressions. The offensive line was protecting very well, considering North Babylon had an above-average defensive line. I caught Lockhart doing a stutter step, stunning his defender before blowing right by him. I launched a bomb his way.

Lockhart caught it and sprinted the rest of the way into the endzone. A seventy-yard touchdown pass on the first play of the game, I wouldn’t have it any better way.

I jogged off the field and ripped my helmet off.

“THAT’S HOW YOU START A GAME,” I shouted to the whole team, loud enough so that those in the first row of the bleachers could hear me. “THAT’S HOW YOU START A FUCKING GAME!”

The rest of the team shouted in agreement, jumping up and down, whooping and hollering. When Lockhart reached the sideline, I gave him a congratulatory chest-bump.

We got the ball back after a sack-fumble by Roe, and a recovery by the weak-side linebacker Marques Barone for ten yards.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get the ball moving enough and even worse, Mandau missed the field goal. So after all the hard work our defense did, we squandered away a perfect chance to put the game away early.

We were getting an earful from our offensive coordinator, Joseph Warwick.


Coach Warwick now focused his attention on me.


While Warwick shifted his focus to the rest of the offense, I watched our defense absolutely manhandle Qualles and the Bulldog offense. I swear, it was like watching the 1985 Bears defense play against the 2008 Lions offense. I think aside from East Islip, we have the best team in the Division.

After another great defensive series, North Babylon was forced to punt and Lockhart gave us great field position. With two minutes in the quarter, we had roughly sixty yards to reach the endzone.

“Bunch Power Toss on two, on two.”

At the line, I noticed the linebackers were favoring the strong side, the side we were running to.


I tossed the ball to Allen, who danced his way to a five yard game. Second down and five to go, and one-fifty seven left in the quarter.

“Quads Tango Curls on one, on one.”

“DOWN, SET! RED 88, RED 88 HUT!”

I faked the pitch, and dropped back to pass. All my receivers were covered, so I tucked the ball and ran for the first down. I broke the safety’s ankle with a juke and slid before I could get killed. A gain of twelve and a new set of downs on the play.

“Spread Slot Option on one, on one.”


I sent Janus in motion to the right.


I faked the hand off to Abdullah, then faked the pitch to Allen, and ran the option play to Janus. I waited until the very last moment to pitch the ball to Janus. I took a pounding, but I sucked the defense in enough that Janus had a lot of room to run. He easily gained the first down, plus another fifteen for the facemask he got for his troubles. We now had the ball at the North Babylon twenty three.

We stalled on offense in the redzone, only gaining five yards. Fortunately, Tyson hit the field goal this time, giving us a 10-0 lead.

At the start of the second quarter, our defense picked up where it left off in the first quarter by continuing its dominance of the opposition. They sacked Qualles, dropped the running back behind the line for a three-yard loss, and broke up a pass from the quarterback. Following the punt, we were positioned on the thirty.

“Twins Tiger Weak on two, on two.”

I could tell the morale of North Babylon was broken; their body language gave that away. Their shoulders were slumped, their heads were low, and they moved sluggishly.

We, on the other hand, had all the momentum. We had a little kick in our step, our heads were held high, and we actually wanted to be on the field.


I dropped back to pass and instead handed off to Allen, who cut his way for a four yard gain. Second down and six.

“Tight Sharp Slant on one, on one.”


I made a three-step drop back and fired to Rayne, who spun out of a tackle and gained about twelve yards before being gang-tackled at the 46 for a first down.


We ran a counter to Abdullah, subbing in for Allen, and he gained three-hard earned yards. Abdullah ran off the field in favor of the speedy Allen.


The offense switched from a Strong-I formation into a Weak-I formation in response to the audible.

“RED 7, RED 7! HUT, HUT… HUT!”

I faked a QB draw to the right, and tossed to Allen on the left, who took the ball and outran his pursuers. He had blazing speed, and used all of it to run all the way to the redzone before the safety made a shoe-string tackle inside the ten yard-line.

We were in a goal-line formation, with Rayne on the left side of the formation matched up against a much smaller corner… perfect.


I took a three step drop, aimed for the left back pylon, and lofted the ball. With Rayne’s superior size, he quickly turned around and made a jumping catch in the back of the endzone for six.

With that touchdown reception, he became the school’s all-time leader in touchdowns with twenty-five, after having been a starter since his sophomore year. I gave him a congratulatory hug and we ran off to the sideline.

“Great drive guys,” said Horan, giving us all smacks on the helmet. “With any luck, you’ll be done by the third quarter!”

We were sitting on the bench, gulping down cups of Gatorade as we watched the defense do its thing. With a little over a minute and-a-half remaining in the half, we knew we would have at least one more chance to score.

I was commenting to Lockhart on we should start throwing deep, since the secondary has been creeping closer, when our strong safety Noah Burns picked off an errant pass by Qualles and almost brought it back to the house, but he was brought down by the half-back at the five.

Everyone on the sideline was jumping up and down as the defense came off the field, giving Burns slaps on the back and head.

I was heading onto the field when Burns stopped me.

“Make this count,” he told me. “Put one in there!”

“I’ll do it,” I said, putting on my helmet. “I promise!”

Third down and three, after two runs by Abdullah, and under a minute left before halftime. We were in the Ace formation, with Rayne on the left and Lockhart on the right.


I faked the run to the right, and ran back to the left. I saw Rayne coming across the middle and fired on the run. I hit him right between the numbers for my second touchdown of the game. I ran over to Rayne and jumped in his arms and pumped my fists in joy.

The start of the third quarter didn’t turn out so good. On the opening kickoff, North Babylon returned it all the way for a touchdown. Definitely not the way to start the half, but it definitely wasn’t the start of a comeback or anything; our defense was dominating, and our offense was rolling.

It took our offense midway through the third to finally get moving again, and we were at the North Babylon twenty. The defense has been dropping back, anticipating the pass.

“OK, Spread Surprise on two, on two!”

“BLACK 20, BLACK 20…. HUT…. HUT!”

I took the low snap, faked a drop back, and sprinted through the gaping hole in the line of scrimmage. Since all the corners were stuck in man coverage, I weaved my way through on-coming tacklers and after getting clear of the safeties, I waltzed in for a touchdown. I spiked the ball so hard my momentum carried me to the ground. DurMont picked me up and carried me off the field.

As soon as Mandau booted that extra point, I was told by Horan that the first-team offense was done for the day. I placed my helmet under the bench and walked over to my back-up, Beck Russo. He was a sophomore, and had no varsity experience, but he was supposed to be the future of the team. He was warming up when I walked over to him.

“Hey kid,” I said calmly. “You feeling alright?”

“Not really, man,” Beck replied. “I- I feel like I’m gonna mess up out there or something.”

“Russo, I’m gonna let you in on a little secret,” I told him, putting my arm on his shoulder. “You’re bound to mess up, it’s inevitable.”

He looked at me in shock at my honest response.

“Just try and stave off the inevitable for as long as you can,” I said, pushing him to the front of the sidelines. “If you can do that, you’ve had a good day.”

As he nodded, the defense had just caused their third turnover, another sack-fumble recovery, and coach sent the second-team offense on the field.

It was late in the fourth quarter, and there was an injury time-out for a North Babylon player. I was sitting next to Morgan, who had a towel over his head.

“Hey Roe,” I started. “What time is that party starting tonight?”

“Nine O’clock,” Morgan replied. “Why, you think you’re gonna be late?”

“I might be,” I replied. “Stacy said she’s got a surprise for me later, and you know what that means!”

I nudged Morgan a few times, and he chuckled.

“What makes you think you’re getting any tonight?” he asked. “I thought you said she was a tease.”

“She is,” I candidly replied. “But she’s been hinting at a really special gift, and that can only mean sex.”

“Am I hearing this correct?” Marshall interrupted. “Is my boy gonna get some tonight?”

“It’s not a definite,” I replied. “But the odds are good that I am, in fact, going to get laid tonight.”

“My man!” Marshall exclaimed, giving me a high five.

The final whistle sounded, and we came out to congratulate other team and our second stringers on a fine job cleaning up.

At first my mind was on the party, but then I remembered that I had to speak with Mr. Irving about my potential future at Penn State.

19-23, 214 yards, 3 TD, 0 int, sacked 0 times
7 att., 38 yards, 1 TD



No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
We were in the visitor’s locker room, taking off our pads and changing into our street clothes. Most of the juniors and other underclassmen were celebrating over our first win of the year, but myself and the rest of the seniors were just going about our business: getting our pads together, cooling down, and just shooting the shit with each other.

“So what time are you guys going to be at Morgan’s?” I asked, taking off my shoulder pads.

“Around nine,” A.J. answered, pulling off his jersey. “Nine-thirty, probably.”

“Same for me,” Reggie said.

“Me too,” said Barone.

“I might get there at ten,” Marshall chimed in. “Depends on how long my lady takes.”

“You’re still going out with Marissa?” I asked, after taking a whiff of my nasty undershirt. “Didn’t she dump you for some college guy?”

“Yeah, but the guy she went out with treated her like shit,” he said. “Like physically abusing her. So she came running back to me and is super cool now.”

“Good for you,” said Reggie. “Kap, you haven’t said much.”

“That’s because I’ve got a meeting with the scout from Penn State today,” I said, spraying some Axe to counteract the stench from my shirt. “And I don’t want any of you guys doing anything to mess it up.”

“Mess it up?” Reggie asked, pulling something out of his bag. “How could we mess it up?”

“I don’t know,” I said, slinging my bag over my shoulder and standing to face Reggie. “And I’m definitely not giving you dunderheads any ideas.”

“Would this count as messing it up?” Marshall said, signaling Reggie, who was now holding his phone, facing me.

I was very confused, but when I finally found out what they were doing it was too late. I felt the shock of freezing water crawl down my back and soak me to the bone.

I turned around to see who the culprit was, and it was Rashid and some junior. Everyone was laughing their asses off. I looked back at my senior friends, I swear it looked like they were going to piss themselves.

“Son of a… BITCH,” I exclaimed, shoulders clenched. “That was fucking cold!”

The team then broke into song, singing ‘Happy birthday’ in between their laughter.

I got back on the bus from having spoken with the recruiter. He said some things I liked, and some things I wasn’t sure of.

I made my way to the back where the seniors were sitting. They were texting, checking their Facebook pages, and other stuff on their phones.

“What’s up, shitheads,” I sarcastically asked, giving high-five hand-slaps and sitting in an empty seat.

“How’d it go with the recruiter?” asked Tyson, pulling out his earplugs.

“Uh, went pretty well, I think,” I said, in an upbeat tone. “He said this is probably going to be Paterno’s last year at Penn State, and that they haven’t found a successor yet.”

“That’s it?” Marshall asked, trying to get more out of me.

“Well,” I restarted. “He also said that as of now, I wouldn’t be the starter next year if I signed with them. Something I’m fine with right now.”

“Why’s that?” Reggie asked, taking his attention away from his phone. “I thought you would love to be the starter from day one.”

“Yeah, you’d think that were true, but it’s actually the opposite,” I said candidly. “I’d much rather have to fight for the starting job than have it handed to me without any competition.”

Coach Horan, along with the other coaches, hopped on the bus and told driver he could leave.

“Alright, sit down and shut the hell up,” Horan said over everyone else. “We’ve got a long trip back, and I want you guys relaxed.”

The engine rumbled to life and we left the high school parking lot.

I had finally gotten home from the long bus-ride back to school, then the drive from school to home. All in all, it has been a long afternoon and all I wanted to do was shower, eat and nap before the big party tonight at Roe’s place.

After taking a nice shower and eating last night’s leftover skirt steak, next on my to-do list was to take a long nap. I opened the door and Stacy was lying down all sexy on my bed.

She was wearing this little nothing of a t-shirt and super sexy black yoga pants. And she had this look in her eyes that screamed ‘I’m going to fuck you.’

“Surprised to see me?” she asked, seductively.

“Actually, I am,” I said. “How did you get in the house?”

“Your sister let me in,” she said, getting off the bed and coming in for a kiss. “Congrats on winning your game.”

We started to kiss. I tasted something in her mouth I couldn’t quite put my finger on. It tasted sweet… watermelon, maybe?

Whatever, I thought this would be a good time to try to steal second base. I slowly moved my hand up to her chest, but she slapped it away. Denied!

“Uh-uh,” she said, wagging her finger. “Not yet. I have a surprise for you. Just wait here, and I’ll be right back.”

She left the room, and I immediately began stripping down to my boxers. This was it, I was going to finally lose my virginity!

I jumped on my bed and lied out in what I thought was a sexy position; waiting for Stacy to come back, thinking of what I was going to say when she came back.

When she came back in the room, I was disappointed that she was still wearing clothes. She looked very surprised to see me in my boxers.

“So should we start kissing?” I asked, seductively. “Or do you just want to get right into it?”

“Um, what are you doing?” she asked, giving me a weird look.

“I’m… I’m ready for my present,” I said, worried that I wasn’t getting what I thought I was.

She removed her hands from behind her back, and handed me a grey Syracuse sweatshirt. I then knew that I wasn’t going to get any sex today.

“What’s this for?” I asked, putting my shorts back on.

“You know how my dad was a Syracuse alum,” she said, handing me the sweatshirt. “Well, he’s also the friend of a friend of one of their recruiters. So, expect a call from him.”

That worried me a little. If the fact that my girlfriend’s father was an acquaintance of the Syracuse recruiter was made aware to, say, the NCAA, I would be up shit’s creek without a paddle or a boat.

“Wow.” I said, faking excitement. “That’s… great.”

She smiled, not knowing how disappointed I was, and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m gonna go and get ready for tonight,” she said in a whisper, followed by another kiss. “I’ll see you later tonight.”

“Can’t wait,” I said.

And she left, leaving me with my pants half on and looking like a jackass.

Marshall, Tyson, and I were all sitting on the deck, drinking cold beers and talking. I had just finished telling the guys of what happened earlier this afternoon.

“So… you didn’t get anything?’ asked Marshall, nursing a beer bottle. “At all?”

“Not entirely true,’ I said, taking a sip of my beer. “I did get a Syracuse football sweatshirt, and she said I’d be getting recruited by Syracuse thanks to her dad.”

“That sucks, bro,” said Tyson, swishing around his bottle. “If she implies that you’ll get sex on your birthday and all you get is a stupid sweatshirt, you gotta dump her.”

“First of all, you’re single, so you don’t get it,” I explained. “Second, it’ll happen eventually. If I’m patient and try not to rush it, it’ll be awesome. And finally, you’re a kicker, so your opinion doesn’t mean shit.”

Everyone at the table laughed at Tyson when Morgan came out of the house with some cigars in his hand.

“Aw shit, here come the stogies,” I shouted with excitement.

“I got one for each of us,” Morgan said, handing us each a cigar. “Enjoy ‘em boys, they’re from my dad’s stash.”

Morgan’s dad and mom were almost never home. They each had to travel for their work and were home maybe twice a week, at best. I was amazed Morgan was doing as well as he was in school without his parents pushing him.

Stuck the end you puff from in my mouth and let Morgan light the tip. I took a few puffs and blew out smoke.

“Living the dream, boys,” I said, proudly, raising my bottle in the air. “Living the dream!”

We clinked our bottles together and finished off whatever was left of them. I was just about to take another big puff from the cigar when two hands covered my eyes.

“Guess who,” said the voice.

I had a pretty good buzz, having drank four beers already, so I couldn’t tell who it was in my current state.

“I give up,” I admitted. “Who is it?”

The hands left my eyes and it was Stacy, with a big smile across her face.

“Hey babe,” I said, going in for a hug. “We were just talking about you.”

“Oh yeah,” she said, obviously smelling the alcohol on me. “About what?”

Damn, that was stupid. I couldn’t tell her that we were talking about the shittiness of the gift she got me.

“Uhh… nothing much,” I said, thinking of a good lie. “Just… how great of a girlfriend you are.”

I say, well done on my part. It looked like she bought it.

“Aw, that’s sweet,” she said, before making a weird face. “Have you been drinking?”

“I’m not drunk,” I reasoned. “So I’ve got that going for me.”

There was an awkward silence that followed that lasted a few seconds.

“Hey, why don’t you sit down and chat with the guys,” I said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. “While I go get us some more drinks.”

I headed down the steps, and made my way to the coolers by the lake. I maneuvered my way through the throngs of people at the party, all trying to speak to me or do something.

I was about to reach the coolers when I was pulled aside by Sandi Teague. She was an All-State soccer player, a member of the Honor Roll every year since she was a freshman, and an all-around nice person.

“Hey Nick, come do a keg stand,” she said, pulling me over to the area where the keg was.

“Nah, I really shouldn’t,” I replied, trying to free myself from her grip.

“Oh come on,” she insisted. “You’re only seventeen once. Live a little!”

It was pretty hard to argue that logic. I was making my mind while everyone around the keg was shouting at me to do it.

“Alright I’ll do it,” I shouted, which was followed by the entire group of party-goers erupting in cheers.

What's the worst that could happen from a keg stand?



No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
The chirping of the birds outside would sound peaceful to a normal person, and the sunlight creeping through the shades might be serene to anyone else. But not to me; the birds sounded like they were right next to me, and it felt like the sun decided to focus all of its attention on me.

My head was thumping, my mouth tasted like I licked the bottom of a dumpster, and my joints ached. I rolled over and noticed that I was in a bed… I definitely don’t remember getting into a bed. In fact, I don’t remember much of last night after the keg stand.

Rubbing my temples, I heard a crashing noise downstairs. After checking to make sure I had pants on, I headed down the steps. I noticed articles of clothing hanging from the railing, pictures no longer hanging on the wall, and empty bottles littering the steps. What did I do last night?

I made it downstairs and into the kitchen, where I heard the noise coming from. I saw Morgan making scrambled eggs, Marshall sitting on the couch watching TV in the living room, and Jordan sitting at the table texting or something.

Jordan looked over my way and saw I was up.

“Hey guys,” he said, eyes back to his phone. “He’s up.”

The guys turned their heads as I sat down at the table as quickly as I could. Morgan put a plate of scrambled eggs, along with a glass of orange juice, in front of me. I took one look at the food and let me head slump into my arms. I let out a series of groans.

“You alright kid,” Marshall shouted from the couch. “Sounds like you’re dyeing over there.”

“I’ve never been this hungover before,” I said in a very low volume. “I remember nothing after the keg stand; what else did I do last night?”

“Oh boy, where to start?” Morgan said. “After the stand, you did shots of Jäger with the lacrosse team, then you did a couple games of flip cup, and then you managed to get almost everyone at the party to jump in the lake. You almost went in, but we stopped you before you got your pants off.”

“What happened to Stacy?” I asked, before taking a gulp of OJ.

“She left after you spilled your drinks on her dress,” said Jordan. “She was yelled at you, but you didn’t seem to care.”

I put my head in my hands, and deeply sighed. This might be the end for us.

“You know what I was really amazed at?” asked Marshall, who sat down in an empty seat at the table. “I’m really amazed that you didn’t throw up at all last night, even after drinking all that alcohol.”

I shrugged, unable to explain, and began eating the eggs. I needed to get some food in me if I wanted to recover from the destruction I caused to my body.

“Before you guys tell me anything else,” I said. “I just want to say that I’m sorry for anything I did or said to you guys last night. Oh, and if you guys find any pictures from last night, of any of us doing anything stupid, can you make sure they get deleted?”

The guys nodded their heads as if to say ‘no problem’. I smiled, feeling good, and went back to eating.

“Lorie Anne was there last night,” said Jordan, bringing me back down to Earth.

“What did I do?” I asked, assuming the worst.

“Well, you flirted with her,” he said, making me sick in the stomach. “You also popped your shirt off, which was pretty weird.”

“OK, I get it: I fucked up last night,” I said, having heard enough. “I’ll fix everything in due time. Just… Just let me finish the damn food already.”

I stopped by Stacy’s house first to apologize for dumping drinks on her and beg that she won’t break up with me. I’ve been calling her for five minutes and all I’ve been getting was her voicemail. I saw a car in the drive-way, so I hoped it belonged to one of her parents.

Before getting out of the jeep, I took one last look at myself in the rear-view mirror. I looked like shit; my hair was all messed up, my shirt was buttoned all wrong, and my eyes were a little bloodshot.

I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. What was I going to say? ‘Sorry I got so fucked up I spilt a couple drinks on your dress and didn’t bother to apologize or give a shit, please don’t break up with me?’ There really wasn’t much to say. I just hope she isn’t too mad about it.

I was waiting for what felt like an eternity when the door opened. However, instead of Stacy, or her parents, standing in front of me was her older sister, Megan.

She was tall, had bronze skin, long brunette hair, blue eyes, and an amazingly beautiful body. If Stacy was an eight or a nine, Megan was like a twelve or something; the definition of a smokeshow. She was also a senior at Hofstra University, and we were OK friends.

“Megan, hi,” I said, unexpected that she would open the door. “Is Stacy home?”

“Sorry, she’s with mom at the dentist,” she answered, leaning against the door-frame. “And dad is in the city until later tonight for business.”

“Oh, OK,” I said, a little disappointed. “I’ll just call her later.” I started to turn back to the jeep.

“You know,” she started, grabbing my arm. “You could come inside and wait for them.”

As much as I wanted to wait inside and speak with Stacy in person, I had other things to take care of today.

“I wish I could,” I told her. “But I have a lot of other stuff to do today. I think I’ll just call her.”

“Please Nick, it’s OK to wait inside,” she said, twirling a few strands of her hair. “I insist.”

I don’t think she was going to let me go anywhere, so I might as well wait for a few minutes before heading out. I agreed, and headed inside.

I pulled into Lorie Anne’s driveway and made sure I looked my best. I saw her father watering plants in front of the porch. I have never met him, so I don’t know what he is like.

He had brown hair with shades of grey, he looked a little frail, and when he was me he waved, despite having not met me. I guess that meant he was a generally nice person.

I exited my vehicle, took a deep breath, and walked up to Mr. Crothbart. Despite what kind of situation I was currently in with a good friend, and having never met her father before, I was feeling pretty good right now.

“Excuse me, sir,” I began. “Is Lorie Anne inside?”

“Well that depends on who’s asking,” he said, not looking up from the plants.

“I’m Nick Kapatos, sir,” I said.

“Oh, so your this Nick Kapatos person I’ve been hearing so much about,” he said, turning his attention away from the plants and turning to face me. “She’s in her room, if you want to speak with her. Just wipe your feet on the mat before you get inside.”

“Thank you, sir,” I said, before heading inside.

There were still boxes unpacked in the living room, although they had some family photos hanging on the wall. One in particular that caught my eye was of Lorie Anne riding a horse when she was probably only a little kid. She had brunette hair back then, but she had the same smile she has today.

“I was seven when they took that,” she said, leaning in the wall outside her room.

“It’s a nice photo,” I said, still looking at the framed picture.

“What are you here for?” she asked, anger in her voice.

“I want to apologize about last night,” I said, turning away from the photo to face her. “I acted like an ass and I promise you it will never happen again.”

“It doesn’t take a whole lot to piss me off,” she continued. “But what you did really upset me.”

“Look,” I began. “I was drunk, and-“

“And that doesn’t mean anything,” she interrupted, walking away into her bedroom. “I don’t care if you were blackout drunk or stone-cold sober, you shouldn’t have done what you did!”

“I understand that,” I said, with emphasis, while following her into the bedroom. “Believe me, I get that. And I promise you, on my grandparents’ grave, that I will never ever act like that again.”

She sat on her bed, her face was a mix of worry and anger.

“I don’t know how I can trust you,” she said. “Like, how do I know you’ll never get that drunk again.”

“I don’t know,” I said, unsure of how to answer the question. “I’ll have Jordan or somebody keep track of me at a party or something.”

I was being sarcastic, but I think Lorie Anne thought I was being serious. Damn, that was a stupid thing to suggest.

“That’s exactly what you’ll do,” she said, standing up and getting in my face.

It looked a little weird to see her try to get in my face. She was like an ant compared to me, so I couldn’t help but smirk. This got her even more upset.

“What’s so darn funny?” she asked, getting on her tip-toes to come anywhere close to eye-level.

“Nothing, nothing,” I said, holding back the laughter. “It’s just that you look really silly trying to get at my eye-level.”

“I don’t think this is funny,” she said, completely serious.

“OK, OK, I’m sorry,” I said, trying to stop laughing. “So are we cool?”

“We’ll see,” she said, turning to face the window. “You can show yourself out.”

Shrugging my shoulders, I exited Lorie Anne’s room. Something tells me it’s going to take a while to mend this friendship.



No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
Monday (9/13)

To say today was going to be awkward would be the understatement of the month. Practically the majority of the student body, including almost the entire senior class, saw me act like an ass at the party Saturday. And while I’m confident that Morgan and Marshall got the pictures off the web successfully, interesting photos like those always find a way onto a website with a lot of traffic and then it’s too late.

I took a deep breath, bracing for the oncoming barrage of weird looks and whispers about me, and entered through the main door.

To my surprise, I didn’t get that much attention from the general population. Aside from a few waves and some head nods, I was like a ghost in the school. As strange as it felt, I was OK with being unnoticed, if only for a few moments.

Morgan and Marshall walked up to me as I was putting textbooks in my locker. I gave them a ‘hello’ head nod.

“So did you guys….” I started. “You know… get rid of the evidence?”

“Yeah,” Morgan replied. “Picture, video, audio clip. You name it; we made sure it was deleted.”

“We told the guys not to mention anything during the rest of the season,” Marshall said. “Trust us; the coaches won’t know a thing.”

Satisfied, I made a modest fist-pump and collected my books for classes. I bid adieu to my teammates and made the long trek to C-Wing.

In the hallways between B-Wing and A-Wing, I saw Gill and his wrestling goons picking on some kid. He was pretty short and scrawny, thus making him an easy target for jackasses like Gill.

I could’ve done nothing. I could’ve just walked by, pretending as if nothing happened, and went on my merry way. I could’ve let someone else take care of it.... But that wouldn’t be right.

I made my way over to where Gill was making the kid miserable. On the way, I overheard some of what he was saying.

“What do you think you’re doing, freshman?” Gill angrily asked. “I asked, where do you think you’re going?”

He started shaking down the kid, having one of his buddies take his back-pack and Gill held him up against the lockers.

“Hey retard!” I shouted at Gill. Both of Gil’s friends, including Gill, turned their heads.

“Oh good, you all looked,” I said, very pleased. “Put the kid down and walk away.”

“Or what, huh?” he angrily asked. “Or what? You gonna tell on me?”

“No,” I answered. “All my friends and I will gladly beat the ever loving shit out of you and your minions.”

After I said this, it seemed like all of my friends, athlete or not, who heard what I said stopped walking and gave the three the look of death. I guess seeing that many people made them re-think what they were doing.

“You’re lucky you’ve got your stupid friends to back you up,” Gill said, slowly backing away. “They won’t always be there to defend you.”

Saying this, he and his friends left the hallway and my friends went back on their way to their classes. I walked up to the freshman.

“You alright kid?” I asked, handing him his backpack back.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he sheepishly replied.

“Don’t let those meatheads push you around,” I said. “You gotta learn to stand up for yourself, kid.”

“I get you, man,” he said, calming down a little bit.

“Now go get to class before the bell,” I told him, messing up his hair.

He nodded and hurried off to his homeroom. I gave subtle head nods of ‘thanks’ to those who helped drive off the bullies.

After pausing to sneeze, I headed back in the direction of my homeroom.

We were sitting around in the empty classroom, waiting for coach to start up the Copiague-Comsewouge game film. Copiague had an excellent secondary, but that didn’t make up for the rest of their defense; or the rest of their team for that matter. They were 0-2, and had lost their captain and First-Team All-County senior corner Martin Royce for the season with a ruptured ACL. He would’ve most likely covered Marshall, but they were now going to have their other corner, Prince Lovell, or a second-teamer cover him.

It was tragic that a senior’s season be cut short by injury, but for me it was a good thing because he caused nothing but headaches last year when they beat us, 20-10.

While checking a text message, Marshall sat next to me. He had the biggest, goofiest looking smile on his face.

“What’s with the face?” I asked. “It’s a little creepy.”

“I just got a call from a DI recruiter,” he said, giddy with excitement. “Take a guess who.”

“Jesus, I don’t know,” I said. “Joe Blow U?”

“Ha, very funny smart ass,” he said, giving me a playful shove. “It was Houston!’

“Houston, really?” I said, surprised. “Dude, that’s pretty great. Isn’t that really far away, though?”

“Yo, I gotta get outta Long Island,” he explained. “You know it, and I know it. We both gotta get out of Long Island. And if I gotta go all the way out to Houston to do it, so help me I’ll jump on the first flight out to Texas right now!”

“Alright, alright, I get what you’re sayin,” I said, trying to calm him down. “Just don’t be disappointed if you don’t get offered that scholarship.”

Before he said anything, coach entered the door and killed the lights. He had one of his assistants start up the monitor and the film.

“Now before I begin this film,” he started. “Is there anything you guys want to tell me?”

What was he talking about? Oh shit, he didn’t know about the party Saturday night, did he? No, there’s way he could’ve known; Morgan and Marshall said they got all the evidence taken down.

“Alright,” Coach said, after no one said anything. “Let’s watch some film.”

The Comsewouge-Copiague game tape had just ended, and everyone was getting up to leave for the day.

“Sit back down guys,” coach said with authority. “I’ve got one more thing to show you.”

We all sat back down, unsure of what we were going to be shown.

“Can anyone explain this?” Horan asked, clicking on the remote.

On the screen were several photos of myself, along with other members of the team, at the party on Saturday. We all had drinks in our hands, and looked pretty drunk. How the fuck did he get a hold of this?

“I honestly didn’t think I could be more disappointed than I was after what happened during the summer,” he said, obviously angry. “But you guys proved me wrong, so congratulations.”

He didn’t say anything for another two minutes. He just stood there, the vein in his forehead throbbing so much it looked like it was going to pop. Finally, after just standing there, he threw the remote against the wall with all his strength. The remote flew across the room, which made some of us duck for cover, and then we heard the remote shatter against the wall and explode into a million pieces.

“I don’t know what the hell you guys are doing,” he said, sounding exhausted from the stress. “I don’t know if you guys are on this team because you really enjoy the game and wanted something to look back on and be proud of, or you just wanted to be cool and say you were on the football team. You guys tell me.”

He brought his hand through his thinning hair, and took a deep sigh. He then headed for the door.

“You guys can show up for practice if you want tomorrow,” he said, on his way out. “I don’t fucking care anymore.”

Not long after Horan left, his assistants and the coordinators left as well, leaving us alone to reflect on what just happened.

“If you’re on this team for the wrong reasons, don’t bother showing up tomorrow,” I said, loudly and forcefully. “Just hand your shit in. Everyone else, be on the field ten minutes early tomorrow, and every day for the rest of the season!”



No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
The Next Day

“Again,” coach Horan shouted to us, before blowing the whistle.

We exploded off the goal-line and sprinted towards the opposite goal-line. Naturally the receivers (Lockhart in particular), defensive backs, and running backs were out in front, followed by the quarterbacks, tight ends and linebackers, with the lineman bringing up the rear.

We have been doing a little more than thirty of these for our punishment, and I think most of the guys were on their last legs. A few of the not-so in-shape guys threw up earlier, but that didn’t stop Horan from continuing the sprints. I was running on fumes myself, but I couldn’t let the rest of the team know their leader couldn’t make it through the sprints.

I reached the fifty and it felt like molten lava was flowing through the veins in my legs, my head was pounding, and it felt like I could barely breathe. Thankfully we weren’t in full pads, but doing full field sprints was still a pain in the ass.

I touched the opposite goal-line and turned back, full speed. I almost fell over, but I righted myself and kept forward. I saw a defensive tackle fall over, and against my better judgment I left him on the ground. While I felt really bad about it, I didn’t want to be one of the last skill position players to cross the goal-line. If I knew Horan as well as I thought I did, he definitely wouldn’t like that.

Almost at the goal-line, my legs felt like they would give out on me. I almost wanted to quit and lay down right at the ten, but I pressed on and sprinted through the goal-line and collapsed.

I was lying on my back, trying to inhale as much oxygen into my lungs as I could. Tiny dots were dancing around my vision, and for a moment I was at peace.

It was only a few seconds before Horan disrupted my serenity.

“Ten seconds,” he shouted.

Everyone slowly made their way to the line. Right before Horan blew the whistle, one of the few sophomores on the team, Graham Moore threw up. It was nasty enough to make everyone back away in disgust. A few players gagged, others looked away to try and not follow him in throwing up.

“On the line,” coach said, as if he didn’t even acknowledge Moore throwing up. “I said on the LINE!”

“Coach, come on,” I pleaded, “The kid just threw up. Give him a second.”

“Get on the goddamn line, son,” he said directly to the sophomore. “Get on that line or you’re off this team!”

The sophomore, wiping the chunks of his lunch from his mouth, started back to the line. Before he could, though, I stopped him.

“Kap, get out of the way,” Heron angrily ordered.

“No,” I said.

“What did you just say to me?” he asked, taking off his shades.

“You want me to say I was a jackass? Fine, I was a jackass,” I shouted, pissed off and tired from the sprints. “You want to punish someone for what happened last weekend? Punish me! I deserve it, not these guys. I’m done.”

I started walking off the field when coach stopped me.

“You really think I should punish you instead of the team?” he asked.

“Yeah, I do,” I said, turning back to see everyone. “Even if that means being thrown off the team, it’s not right that they be punished for a stupid decision I made.”

Coach walked over to me, with a scowl on his face. He looked me right in the eyes and that scowl turned into a small grin.

“Alright boys, we’re done here,” he said without facing the team. “Hit the showers, and get ready for practice tomorrow. We’ve got our first home game Friday, and I don’t want you guys to blow it.”

Everyone looked at each other, and walked off the field. Some of the players were staring at us, whle others had their hands above their heads just trying to catch their breath.

"What was the point of this, coach?" I asked, confused. "Why stop now?"

"Because true leaders take responsibility, especially when it means sacrificing themselves for the good of the team," he said, very calmly and cooly. "I was waiting for someone to be accountable for what happened on Saturday."

I stood there, understanding that coach wanted someone to step up and be the leader this team definitely needs.

"Now get the hell out of here before I make you finish these sprints," Horan said.

I made it off the field as fast as I could before my legs gave out.

[It's short, I know, but the game update will be coming by Friday]


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 20, 2007
just read everything, it is really good. keep it up, i'll follow.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
Coleman32 said:
It was a good update. A little short, but good.
I know its short, but I changed it from how it originally was. Originally, I had that as a lead in for the football game against Copiague, but I didnt know how to successfully pull that off. So instead, I'm just going to do the football game as a seperate post.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005

Normally, I never liked being in the trainer’s room during the season. More times than not, I always came out of there with bad news. Freshman year, I sprained my elbow first practice of the year. Sophomore year, I ruptured one of the tendons in the finger of my throwing hand and was on the bench for nearly the entire season. Thankfully, I didn’t spend much time in here last year, even though I had a disappointing season.

However, only now had I realized how great it was being in this room. Our head trainer, Carly Waiseman, had to have been one of the best at what she does. She really cared about the athletes’ well-being and did everything she could to make sure they returned to the field at one-hundred percent health.

I was getting my ankle taped, as it was a little sore from the week’s practice. I could barely sit still on the trainer’s table as Carly was taping me up. I was about to play under the lights on a Friday night; it was something every high school athlete dreams of.

I heard a faint rumble of thunder as coach Warwick came in to check on everyone in the room. He stopped by where I was sitting.

“How’s the ankle feeling son?” he asked, gripping my hand so tight it felt like it was going to break in two.

“I don’t know, feels alright I guess,” I answered with a shrug, shaking my hand to ease the pain. “As long as the big boys up front don’t make me have to run a lot tonight, I think I’ll be fine.”

As another low crash of thunder made its way through the trainer’s room, Warwick let out a chuckle.

“When you’re all finished in here, head on over to the locker room,” the Offensive Coordinator said, halfway out the door. “Horan has something to say to you guys.”

I gave him a head nod and he was out the door. As my mind began drifting to how I hoped tonight’s game would go, Carly snapped me back into reality.

“Alright, Nick, that should be fine for tonight,” she said, in a satisfied tone. “If you feel any discomfort after the game, just place your foot in a tub of ice water for five to ten minutes. It will speed up the recovery and decrease the soreness of the area. And if the pain doesn’t go away within a week or so, I’d recommend purchasing an ankle brace.”

“You’re the best Carly,” I said, rotating the sore foot, then gingerly the foot in my cleat. “I don’t know what we athletes at this school would do without you.”

“Hey, I’m just doing my job,” the female trainer humbly replied. “Just be careful out there and watch out for low tackles.”

“I’ll try,” I said, getting off the table and leaving the room. It felt weird walking with all that tape and bandage on my foot, but I had to ignore it if I wanted to have a great game.

There was another, incredibly loud, crack of thunder that startled me a little before I headed into the locker room.

“Good news guys,” coach said, after having spoken to the person in charge of monitoring the weather. “Looks like the worst has past us. We’ll still be playing in ‘a torrential downpour,’ but there shouldn’t be as much thunder and lightning.”

I didn’t really care much about the weather; honestly, I preferred to play in the rain. It made things more exciting… or maybe I just liked rolling around in the mud. Unfortunately for that prospect, we had a turf field.

“Now look guys,” coach announced. “I know we’ve had our share of difficulties this season, I won’t deny that. And I know I’ve been really tough on everybody for minor slip ups, but that’s only because I feel like you guys are wasting a golden opportunity with the position you’re in.”

He stopped talking to look around at his players. Many of his players, myself included, were seniors, so this was our last chance to accomplish something special.

“I honestly believe we can do something special this year, but it doesn’t mean diddly squat what I believe,” he said, picking up where he left off. “You guys have to believe that. You guys should be the ones who make the lofty goals, not me.”

Coach was right. Although I didn’t want to admit it, I didn’t think we had a real shot to win the Division. I would be more than happy just to make the playoffs, as I have never played in a playoff game (the only time Varsity went to playoffs was when I didn’t start as a sophomore, and we got bounced by Bellport). What if I played in college, would this be how I act towards bowl games? Conference championships?

No, I couldn’t act like this; I couldn’t settle for mediocrity. As of tonight, I was making a silent promise to myself that I would settle for nothing less than the Long Island Championship. If they let Long Island teams play upstate New York teams, my goal would be State Champions.

“So it’s up to you guys,” coach said. “Do you guys want to shoot for the top, or would you rather be an above-average team? You decide.”

Coach left the room, leaving us alone to prepare for the game.

It was third and three, ball on Copiague’s twenty-seven, and about four minutes left in the second quarter. The rain was pouring pretty hard right now, and the field was close to flooding.

We were in the Shotgun formation, with three receivers to the right and Marshall alone on the left.


Carmine’s snap was too high and went clear over my head. I hustled to pick up the loose ball, and before I could recover and look for an open receiver, there were about three Eagle defenders swarming towards me.

Panicking, I scrambled to the left to get out of the pocket and throw the ball away. However, it wasn’t until it was too late for me to see the weak-side linebacker quickly taking a good angle and coming after me. I didn’t react quick enough and was punished with a bone-rattling tackle from him for a seven yard sack. And in this weather, with us going into the wind, there was no way we could kick a field goal. Therefore, we were left with no option other than to punt.

As I came off the field, with Tyson and the special teams running on, Horan didn’t even say anything. He just gave me a look that let me know there was nothing I could do.

Sitting on the wet bench, I took off my helmet, tried to pull any little rubber beads off of me, and let the rain cool me down. We were losing 6-2, after Copiague scored on a thirty-seven yard option play to the half-back – but missed the extra point – and Roe sacked the quarterback in the end zone for a safety. All of this in the first quarter.

I sat and watched as our defense strolled onto the field as Copiague started at their twenty after the touchback by Mandau.

Copiague didn’t have the best offense, not even close; that honor belonged to Newfield, mainly because they are almost all freshmen and sophomores.

The Eagles offense converted a few first downs before their offense stalled in our territory. They brought out the field goal unit, which surprised me because I hadn’t seen any film on the range of their kicker, it had to be difficult for any kicker to make a thirty-nine yarder in this kind of weather. But they were kicking into the wind, so anything was possible.

I got off the bench and walked to the front of the sideline, expecting the kicker to come up short on the long field goal. The snap looked good, the hold looked pretty textbook, and the sound of the kicker’s foot hitting the ball sounded like a cannon shot. I think even without the wind, he would’ve cleared the cross-bar by about ten yards. Regardless, the field goal attempt was good, and I was shocked.

“Holy shit,” I exclaimed. “Coach, who is that kid?”

“I don’t know,” Horan said, as surprised as I was at the kicker’s leg strength.

He checked the Copiague roster on his clipboard.

“His name is Delgado Ramirez,” coach said, reading the name off the roster. “And he’s a freshman!”

“Get out of here, coach,” I said, in disbelief. “A freshman? There’s no way a freshman could kick that hard and that accurate in this weather.”

“Well, he is and he just did,” coach said, watching the kickoff go into the end zone for a touchback. “Now shut up and get on the field.”

It was first and ten, ball on our forty-five yard line with about a minute left in the half. The rain was intensifying again, as I approached the line in the I-Formation, with Lockhart and Rayne on my left side. Rayne was positioned on the inside of the two receivers in the formation.

“BLUE 22, BLUE 22….”

I saw the safety creeping in, so I audibled.


I hiked the ball and faked the hand-off to Allen, who ran to the left, while I bootlegged to the right. I was about to cut up-field when I saw Pendholt wide open on a short post to the right. I zipped the ball to the athletic tight end, who then proceeded to catch and rumble for twelve yards before being tackled by a group of Eagle defenders.

I checked over to the sideline to see what Horan wanted. He made the hand signal for the no-huddle offense. I shouted at everyone to get to the line of scrimmage, and called the play Warwick was relaying to me.


I took the snap, and dropped back three steps before firing to Rayne, who made a quick slant and fell forward for a five yard gain. We hurried back to the line, as forty-two seconds remained on the game clock.


As I said this, the formation shifted from a two-wide receiver I-formation package to a standard Strong-I Formation package. I sent Pendholt in motion to the right, to line up as a wide receiver and to check what the defense was doing… they were in man.

“BLUE 19, BLUE 19 HUT!”

I dropped back to pass, making the secondary drop into coverage, only for me to hand the ball off to Allen in a draw-play. Seeing as how we ran back-to-back pass plays, I don’t think the defense expected a run play, because Allen ran right up the middle and almost went to the house had Lovell not made a shoe-string tackle at the three yard-line of Copiague.

Horan quickly called a time-out, our last of the half, and we jogged over to the sidelines. Along the way, I gave Allen a ‘good job’ smack on the helmet, as well as to the O-Line for making the blocks that gave the sophomore the running room.


I took a three step drop and lofted the ball towards Pendholt, who ran a quick slant to the back right pylon. I put too much arch on the ball, though, as it sailed just out of A.J.’s reach. Another incomplete pass, and it was quickly third down with twenty seconds left. As we headed back to the huddle, I cursed very loudly for missing an easy throw.

“Chill out, Kap,” A.J. said, trying to reassure me. “It wasn’t your fault.”

“I should’ve made that pass,” I said, still steamed. “I can make that in my god damn sleep!”

Still angry at myself, I looked over at coach as he signaled the play. As he was signaling, I saw Danny Tremaine, the sophomore back-up guard, run onto the field. Looks like we were calling a run play.

“Alright, Bruiser Dive on two.”

We lined up in our Goal-Line formation, with Abdullah as the half-back and Tremaine as the fullback.


I handed the ball off to Abdullah, who followed Tremaine through the hole into the end zone for a much-needed touchdown. I pumped my fists as hard as I could, and I gave Rashid a good head-butt as a way to say ‘job well done on scoring the touchdown.’

It was late in the fourth quarter, the rain was finally starting to let up, and the score was still 9-9. Our defense continued to do its job of not giving Copiague anything to work with, while the Eagle defense was more than holding its own against our offense.

There was three minutes left in the quarter, and if we didn’t score on this drive we were most likely headed for overtime. The ball was on our thirty, and we had all of our timeouts left. In the huddle, I got the play from Allen, who thankfully remembered it this time.

“Alright, Slot Zero Attack on one.”

We broke from the huddle and jogged to the line. We were cold, wet, and tired, and so was the opposition. I definitely didn’t want this game to go into overtime; I didn’t know how much my teammates had left in the tank.

I stood under center, watching out for any potential blitzers and checking the coverage. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, I set up in my stance.


I dropped back to pass, pump faked to the left and launched a bomb down the right side of the field. I watched as the ball spiraled, Lockhart tried to keep up with the ball as it sailed out of bounds. Had that stayed inbounds and Lockhart caught it, he had a clear path straight to the house. I silently cursed to myself and got the next play from Horan: an option to the right out of the Ace Trips formation.

“DOWN, SET! RED 80, RED 80 HUT!”

I took the snap and immediately started running right; I pitched the ball to Allen, who almost dropped the ball. Luckily, he regained control and scampered for a five yard gain.



I took the snap from Carmine, and a five-step drop. I was waiting for Janus to cross the middle on an In route. As he made his move inside, I fired. The ball bounced off his hands, Janus got leveled by the linebacker, and the ball hung in the air for what felt like an eternity.

I wanted to try and catch it, but I wouldn’t be able to get through the line in time to either stop a defender from intercepting the ball or catch the ball. Thankfully, though, the ball fell innocently to the turf just before the free safety Carson Asver could get his hands underneath the ball. That was too close for comfort.

“Dude, you gotta catch that,” I said to Erik in the huddle. “That should’ve been an easy reception.”

“Relax, Kap,” he said, reassuringly. “I’ll get the next one. Trust me.”

I looked at him for a few seconds, noticing that smug smile on his face. Sometimes I wondered if he really cared about football.

But I had to move forward, forget about the previous play, and focus on what had to be done: breaking this tie.


I dropped back five steps and began reading my progressions. Marshall was double covered on a post route, Lockhart was blanketed on a curl route, and A.J. wouldn’t get enough yards. Janus, however, was open on his quick slant and I fired it to him. The pass was a little high, and all Erik had to do was jump and he would’ve made the catch.

Unfortunately, Janus didn’t jump –all he did was stretch a hand up – and the ball was picked off by Asver. I just stood there, watching the safety get tackled by Carmine. I couldn’t believe that I, in all likelihood, just ruined our chances at winning this game.

I felt a tear run down my cheek as I walked off the field. I kept my head low until I was off the field, and I quickly wiped the tear away. I got a consoling pat on the helmet from Horan, and walked over to the bench. I couldn’t even watch our defense play, as I had a horrible feeling all the momentum shifted to Copiague.

I looked over at Janus, who didn’t look like he was feeling as bad as I was, drinking a cup of Gatorade and laughing about something. It made me so mad that I was seeing red. I went over to where he was to confront him.

“Hey Janus,” I said, angrily. “What the hell was that?”

“What do you mean ‘what the hell was that’,” he asked, either playing stupid or really not knowing what I was talking about.

“What the fuck do you think I mean,” I asked, even angrier. “If you jumped on that pass and actually made the effort to make the catch, that pass wouldn’t have been picked off and we’d still be on the god damn field!”

“Whoa, whoa… chill the fuck out, kid,” Janus said, trying to calm me down. “You and I both know I would’ve gotten killed on that play, regardless of whether or not I caught that ball.”

I was shocked at how nonchalant the junior receiver acted. It was almost as if he didn't care about the team.

“That’s the most selfish thing I’ve ever heard anyone say to my face,” I said to him, getting in his face. “If you cared one iota about this team, you would’ve sacrificed everything to make that catch.”

“Get out of my face, Kap,” he said, sounding very calm.

“No, dude, I’m not,” I said, trying my best to keep my emotions under control. “You’re dogging it out there! And if you think I’m the only one noticing it, you’re a fucking dumbass!”

Out of nowhere, Janus shoved me, and I was about to shove him back when Warwick got in between us.

“Now is not the time for this shit,” he said, holding me back. “Get this sorted out after the game!”

I stared at Erik for a few seconds, and he stared back at me before turning to walk away.

I sat back on the bench, not even wanting to see how our defense would do. I just wanted to be left alone, so I shifted over to the far end of the bench, away from all the coaches and players. I took off my helmet, placed a towel over my face, and zoned out.

More or less than a minute passed by, and then the sideline erupted. I took the towel off my face to see what was going on. Everyone was shouting ‘ball,’ as I moved to the front of the sideline. There was a massive pile-up in one area, the refs were trying to make their way through the pile.

“What happened?” I asked one of our volunteer managers.

“Burns forced a fumble,” the freshman said. “The running back was in the clear for a touchdown, then Burns came out of nowhere and popped the ball out.”

I was on edge as the refs got closer and closer to finding out who had the ball. What made it worse was that the fumble happened on the opposite side of the field, away from our coaches. So who knows what kind of influence the Copiague coaches are having on the referees.

The referee came out from the pile and signaled West Islip ball! Holy shit, we actually recovered the fumble! Our sidelines exploded as the junior corner Gerald Irwins came out from under the pile with the ball held up high in the air.

Putting my helmet on, and having gotten the play from Horan, I ran onto the field with the rest of the offense and gave Noah a bear hug for making the turnover.

“Alright boys, there’s a buck-fifty left in this game, and I don’t feel like going into overtime with these guys,” I told everyone in the huddle. “So let’s put these guys away now. We’re going Shot Spread Deuces Out on two.”

I set up a few yards behind the center, with Allen to my right, and four wide receivers on the field.


I received a good snap from DurMont and dropped back to pass, and began going through my progressions as the offensive line blocked. Rayne was doubled, Lockhart was covered on an out-route, Janus was bracketed on a curl-route, and fourth receiver Grant Stephenowski was blanketed on a short post. Seeing no one open, I decided to run for the first down.

I weaved through traffic, avoiding tacklers and I almost had a first down when I felt someone grab my bandaged foot and wrench it around, bringing me down. I grabbed the foot immediately and cried out in pain. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced this kind of pain before. I didn't hear a pop or anything, nor did I feel any tendons rip, but that didn't mean my foot didn't hurt. I lied on the turf, holding onto the ankle while I saw the trainers come off the sideline towards me. I would most likely have to come out of the game for a few plays, but there was no way I was going to leave the game in the hands of some inexperienced sophomore.

I waved the trainers off the field, stood up and walked towards the huddle. Every step I took, pain shot up, but I had to bear through it. The trainers kept coming, though, so I had to shout at them to get off the field and that I was fine. Thankfully, Horan didn't call a timeout and he called off the trainers, also signaling the next play and sending in subs.

We were still in the shotgun formation, but this time Abdullah and Pendholt were on the field, and Janus and Stephenowski were off. With a minute and ten seconds left, and the ball still in our half of the field, we had to move quickly to at least get into Mandau’s range.


I received the ball from Carmine, faked the handoff to Rashid, and dropped back. The entire offensive line shifted to the left as Allen ran out for a screen. With the defensive line crashing down, I flung the ball to Allen, who turned up-field behind his blockers. As the lineman pancaked defensemen, Allen ran behind them until he was tackled after a nine yard gain.

Coach burned his first time out, with one minute and five seconds left in the game, and the ball on the forty-nine.

We were still in the Shotgun, with Pendholt in as the tight end and Janus in the slot, along with Lockhart, all of them on the right, with only Rayne on the left.


I took the snap, pump faked to Rayne, and threw to Pendholt, who made a quick curl. He was immediately tackled for a five yard gain, prompting Horan to call another timeout. Now, with only a minute left, we had to go at least thirty-something yards to get within field goal range.


I took the snap and handed the ball off to Allen, who scampered through the line. He made it past the first down marker, and quickly went do so to not waste any more time after gaining an additional five yards. We all hurried to the line, while I received the play from Warwick.


I received the snap and quickly fired to Lockhart, who was running a bubble screen. He caught the ball and quickly ran for twelve yards before being tripped up.

As the clock stopped, with thirty seconds left, we hustled to the line as I received the call from Warwick.


I received the snap and the play clock began ticking down. As I looked for an open target, time kept melting away. A defensive lineman was starting to break through the line, so I scrambled left. As I got out of the pocket, I saw Rayne break away from his man on a flag route and I fired on the run. The ball hung in the air like a float, and just as Rayne came down with it, he was knocked out of bounds, gaining twenty yards and stopping the clock at fifteen seconds.

Coach called our final timeout. As the team jogged over to the sideline, I smacked Rayne in the helmet to congratulate him on the catch.

“Alright, what do you want to do Kap?” Horan asked me.

Why would the head coach ask his quarterback what the team should do? I was in no position to demand that I get the ball. But he asked for my opinion, and I felt that I should have the ball in my hands so that I can make the decision on who gets it.

“Kap, you in there?” he asked, wondering if I was lost in my thoughts. “I asked what do you wanted to do.”

“I want the ball,” I answered, with authority. “I want to end this now.”

“I thought you’d say that,” he said, with a smile on his face. “I want that ball in the end zone with someone on this offense holding onto it. I don’t care how you get in, just get in that end zone! Hands in!”

Everyone brought their hands in the middle.

“LION’S WHAT?” Coach asked, shouting over the music being played to pump up the crowd.

“LION’S PRIDE!” shouted the entire team, before running back onto the field.

As we were running back on the field, Bill Conti’s ‘Going the Distance’ began playing over the PA system. I don’t know about everyone else, but it certainly got me pumped up. We were going to line up in the goal line formation, with Rayne in at tight end, and Tremaine in as the fullback.

“OK, Bruiser Fade Strong on two, on two,” I said, upping my volume so I could be heard over the crowd.


I faked the handoff to Allen, who dove over the pile, and I bootlegged to the right. I was looking around for someone to throw to; both tight ends were covered, and Rayne was doubled. Knowing the clock was counting down, I was about to run for the touchdown myself when I saw Rayne cut back to the left and was calling for the ball. I threw the ball with all my might and…

[I want to know what everyone thinks about me putting up the helmets of the teams playing]


Bowling Green, MO
Apr 15, 2007
Nice update. Wonder what happens with this pass. I like the helmets of the teams playing.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
Following the game, there will be an interview from the local news station. I would like all my followers to post questions that they would like to see in the story. You can post as many as you want, and I will pick what I think are the best questions.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
Bump. If no one submits any questions by the end of the weekend, then I'll just do my own questions.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 6, 2011
What were your thoughts before and after the game?

This is good Kap. Keep it up. Maybe update a little more often.

Will you go check out my RTG? [face_batting]


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
… Rayne dove for the ball and made the catch! Game over, yahtzee! I lost all control of my limbs as I ran around like a kid who got exactly what he wanted on Christmas morning. I pumped my fists in extreme joy and jumped up and down. And if it were allowed, I would’ve ripped my helmet off and done a little dance.

I ran over and, to my surprise, Marshall jumped in my arms! Normally I’m the one jumping in people’s arms after a score, so it was a little weird having a role reversal. I picked him up as high as I could, while he was holding the ball up high for all to see.

As we were coming off the field, I don’t think I’ve ever heard our home crowd this loud. This crowd, who had sat in the pouring rain all night, was louder than any home crowd we had last year.

I wanted to take advantage of the momentum and put Copiague out of the game for good. If they somehow managed to score a touchdown in the eight seconds that was remaining in the game and kick the PAT, then we were headed into OT. Or worse, if they scored and succeeded on their two-point conversion, the game would be over and we would lose.

“Kap, what do you want to do?” Horan asked me, shouting over the loudness o the crowd.

Now was the time to convince coach to go for two.

“I think we should go for two,” I shouted back. “Let’s put them out of the game.”

“Couldn’t agree more,” he said, with a grin on his face. “I want you to run A-Slot Sweep! Reggie will be in the slot, you just have to motion him before you hike the ball.”

We lined up in the Ace-Slot formation, with Janus and Rayne on the outside and Lockhart in the slot. The defense was in the three-three-five Nickel defense. I wondered if they had any idea of what we were running.

I set up under center, nodding to all of the receivers.


I signaled for Reggie to come in motion, and the corner did not follow him. They must be in zone, and were expecting a pass.


I faked the handoff to Allen, and handed it off to Lockhart, who went to top speed as soon as he came in contact with the ball. The line was blocking well, and Lockhart had an open path into the end zone when Erik’s man shed the block. He had a straight shot at Lockhart, and was about to deliver a knockout blow when the speedster faked to the right and exploded to the left. The move practically broke the corner’s ankles, and Reggie waltzed into the end zone for the two points.

Since we didn't have a school marching band, we had people working with the athletic department (or volunteers) work the announcing and PA systems. They would usually play songs after touchdowns or turnovers to keep the crowd pumped up.

As we jogged off the field, excited as hell about the all-but-guaranteed victory, Miley Cyrus’ ‘Party in the USA’ began blasting over the PA. It was a very strange song; definitely one you wouldn’t associate with sports, but whatever. I was in a joyous mood, so I started doing a little dance on the sideline. I was quickly joined by Marshall and Morgan, but soon enough the dance was broken up by Warwick.

“Cut that shit out guys,” he said, with a ‘what-the-fuck-are-you-guys-doing’ look on his face. “You look like a bunch of fucking jackasses.”

I personally didn't care what I looked like; as long as I was a winner I could do almost whatever I wanted. But for now, it was best to listen to the coach.

With only eight seconds left, there was no way Copiague could go down the field and score. Still, just to be safe, Mandau squibbed the kick, which a Copiague blocker fell on at the twenty-two, thus making sure no time ran off the clock.

As I took my seat on the bench, the pain in my foot came back. I guess the adrenaline flooding through my body on that drive must’ve made me forget about the pain. I waved over Carly to look at my foot, taking my cleat off before they could get over to me.

“It looks pretty swollen,” she said, checking every possible part of my foot. “Put it in ice water as soon as you can, and continue doing so until the swelling and pain go down.”

“Yeah, sure,” I said, not really paying attention to what the trainer was saying.

I gingerly got up, and walked over to where the large group of players were standing.

We all were a little nervous. Just one missed tackle, one missed coverage, one missed deflection and they could go all the way for a touchdown. I couldn’t hear what the D-Coordinator was saying to the defense; all I could hear was ‘Guerilla Radio’ blasting through the PA.

The defense was in the 3-2-6 Dime package, while Copiague had every wide receiver they had on the field in an empty backfield Shotgun formation. I could only assume the defense was going to play a deep zone to prevent a hail mary completion.

The center hiked the ball to the quarterback and he dropped back to pass. The secondary dropped back into zone, as I predicted, while to receivers ran either go routes or post routes. Meanwhile, both linebackers were blitzing the A-gaps, but because Roe was being doubled by the guard and tackle, that left Barone with a completely open path to the quarterback. As precious seconds were ticking away, the quarterback tried to scramble away from the undersized linebacker. Unfortunate for him, Barone chased him down and sacked him for a five-yard loss, essentially ending the game.

After shaking hands with the opponent, we all stood by the stands –with our helmets held high – and thanked the fans for coming out to a rainy first home win.

I was sitting by my locker, removing my pads and wiping off my eye-black. I don’t know why I had the eye-black on; there was no point for it in a night game other than to look like a badass. I was still trying to warm myself up when coach Horan walked up to me.

“Kappy, put a shirt on,” he said, very quickly. “There’s someone from News 12 who wants to interview you.”

“Me, really?” I asked, shocked I was going to be interviewed. “What are they going to ask?”

“Oh you know, the basics,” Horan said, reassuringly. “How did tonight, what you’re focused on next. Shit like that.”

I waited outside the locker room for the interviewer to come. I was a little nervous; I had never done a television interview before. I mean, I’ve done magazine and newspaper interviews, so I can only assume they are the same as television interviews.

As I was wiping my tired eyes, just wanting to crash in my comfortable bed, the interviewer and cameraman came down the hallway. They looked like they were in a hurry, so they didn't introduce themselves right away; they got to setting up the microphone and camera as quick as they could.

“Hello, my name is Gavin White,” the interviewer said, giving me a very weak handshake. “I’ll just be asking you a couple questions about tonight’s game.”

“Sounds fair, sir,” I said, moving a few strands of hair out of my face.

The camera light was very bright, damn near blinding. As I tried to not look like I was blinded, the Mr. White began the interview.

“I’m standing here with Nick Kapatos, quarterback of the West Islip Lions. Nick, how would you describe tonight’s victory?”

“Um, it was a sloppy, hard fought win. I think we underestimated their ability to stop the run, and just underestimated them in general. And if it wasn’t for a few lucky breaks, we might not have beaten them tonight.”

“What were your thoughts going into tonight’s game?”

“Well, I thought we needed this win if we were to keep up with Centereach, Riverhead and East Islip in the Division. And at the time, I didn't think much of Copiague, but as you can see that almost got us beat tonight.

“What happened to your foot on that play late in the fourth quarter?”

“It got twisted around pretty good. It’s probably going to be sore for a few days, and I’ll have to be a little more careful with it during next week’s practices, but it shouldn’t be that big a problem.”

“Why did you wave the trainers off instead of going off to the sideline, or perhaps calling a timeout?”

“Because I felt like I had to finish what I started, regardless of any injuries I might suffer. Our running game wasn’t doing very well, and I don’t think Russo was ready for that kind of situation. Besides, at that point, the adrenaline was in overload, so after a few plays I could barely feel any pain.”

“What happened on that fourth quarter interception? It looked like you and your receiver were not on the same page.”

“Well, we were and we weren’t. He ran the right route, and got in a position to make a catch, but we both did things we shouldn’t have done. I overthrew him, and he didn't make the jump. I can’t speak for him on why he didn't jump, though, so you’d have to ask him on that. It was just an all-around bad play; the only good thing about that was when Carmine DurMont made the tackle.”

“After the interception, did you speak with him about the play?”

“That’s something between me and him, and I’d prefer to keep it that way. I did speak with him about the play, but that’s all I’m going to say about the matter.”

“After the interception, your defense made a spectacular play to force, and recover, the turnover. Did you expect your defense to make that play?”

“Oh, without a doubt. I believe we have one of the best defenses in the Division, if not Suffolk County. And if the first game of the season against Centerville wasn’t an indication of that, then tonight’s game was definitely. They love attacking the ball and making turnovers.”

“What’s next for the West Islip Lions?”

“We’ve got our homecoming game against West Babylon next Saturday. It’s going to be special because, for us seniors, it’ll be our last homecoming game and we haven’t lost to West Babylon as a class, so we want would love to go undefeated against them.”

“Are you looking forward more to the Homecoming game or the Centereach game? Remember, Centereach is undefeated and is coming off a thirty-nine point win over Smithtown West.”

“I’m looking more forward to West Babylon because right now, they are next on the schedule and if we look past any teams, we could get beat. As important as the Centereach game is, it’s on the backburner for now.”

“On to another subject: recruiting. You’ve been getting recruited by top Division one schools such as Penn State, Syracuse, and Rutgers, but many analysts have been wondering if you are being overhyped. Do you think you are worth the attention of the big schools?”

This was a tough question to answer. I definitely didn't want to come off as a cocky asshole, but I also didn't want to sell myself short.

“Well, I think I am because while I may not have the same skill-set as a five-star recruit, I have the drive and desire to improve, among other intangibles, that someone at the top might now have.”

“Well good luck the rest of the season, Mr. Kapatos. For News 12 sports, I’m Gavin White.”

When the cameraman signaled they were clear, the reporter shook my hand, collected the gear and left. And with nothing else left to do, I returned to the locker room to finish getting dressed and get out of the school.


I pulled up to coach Horan’s house. It was late, and the temperature wasn’t too cool for a late-September night. I gulped down some water, and was thinking over what I wanted to say to coach one last time.

I took a deep breath, exited my truck, walked up to the front door and rang the buzzer. I waited for what felt like forever until coach’s wife, Gina, answered the door. She was roughly the same age as coach, had short brown hair with some grey strands. She was wearing a night gown.

“Hi Mrs. Horan,” I said. “Is it OK if I talk to coach?”

“Of course,” she said, waving me in. “He’s in his office.”

I thanked her and headed inside. I’ve been in his home before, so I knew where his office was. I made it to the end of the hallway before coming to a door with fading white-paint: coach Horan’s office. I knocked on the door, and was told to come in.

Inside, there was a lot of football memorabilia. Framed jerseys, news clippings, photos with former players and coaches hung on the wall. Trophies from previous coaching jobs rested on the shelf behind the desk. And sitting in a Laz-E-Boy, watching game film playing on a flat screen TV, was coach Horan.

“Coach?” I asked, poking my head in. “Is it cool if we talk about something?”

“Sure Kap, come on in,” he said, pausing the film. “This couldn’t wait till tomorrow?”

“I’m positive.” I said, affirmatively. “I’ve had a day and a half to think about this, and I feel like it couldn’t wait ‘till tomorrow.”

“Well alright,” he said. “Come on in and take a seat.”

I entered the room, shook coach’s hand, and took a seat on an adjacent chair.

“Is this the West Babylon-Half Hollow Hills West film?” I asked, pointing at the game on the screen.

“Sure is,” he replied, taking off his glasses and putting down his pen. “What did you want to talk about?”

“I wanted to talk about Erik Janus,” I said, with a serious tone. “I want him off the team. He doesn’t give a shit about you, me, or anyone else on the team. I know for a fact that he didn't want to go up for that ball on the interception, and he’s a bad influence on the younger players.”

“Are you sure you want him off the team,” he asked, reclining back in his chair. “He’s a great athlete, and he’s one of the best slot receivers we’ve had in years.”

“As true as that is, it doesn’t excuse him for all the other shit he’s done, or hasn’t done,” I said, pleading my case. “He’s a cancer on this team, and it’ll only get worse as the season goes on.”

“Well, you’ve obviously thought this through, and I can’t argue with what I’ve seen this season,” he said, running his hands through his thinning hair. “I’ll cut him, but you have to tell him he’s done.”

“What? Why me,” I asked, completely stunned at Horan’s request. “Isn’t it the job of the coach to tell a player he’s been cut?”

“Normally, you’d be right; it is my responsibility to tell a player he’s been cut,” he said. “But you’re the one who wants him cut, so it’s your job to tell him.”

I reclined back into the chair, and thought about if I had it in me to cut a player. Even though I didn't like the kid, I don’t think I could stand it to see him react to being cut. Still, it was best for the team, and if it was best for the team then I had to do it.

“I’ll do it before we start film,” I told him, getting up from my seat and heading for the door.

Coach walked me out the door, telling me to go easy on the foot, and to have a safe drive home.

11-17, 138 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT, sacked 3 times
8 attempts, 27 yards.



Bowling Green, MO
Apr 15, 2007
Another good update! I don't think Janus is going to react to this very good. Especially coming from another player.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
Update will be done and posted by the weekend. Been really busy this week with classes and work, so I havent had that much time to make a lot of progress on the update.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005

It was ninth period, and since I had that period free, I went to the gym to shoot some hoops and blow off some steam. I wasn’t the best basketball player in the world –ever other shot either missed completely or clanged off the rim –but I was pretty decent.

I was about to take a three-point shot, when Marshall entered the gymnasium. He looked like he just won the lottery or something. There was this giddy-up in his step, and he just looked really happy.

“What’re you so happy about,” I asked, taking the shot and hearing the ball clang off the rim.

“I got a few scholarship offers from schools,” he said, making the rebound.

“Oh really,” I asked, intrigued. “What schools?”

“UCLA, New Mexico, Houston, and San Jose State,” he said, almost shouting from the excitement. “And the best news… they’re all thousands of miles from West Islip, New-fucking-York!”

“Good for you, man,” I said, receiving the pass from Marshall. “Just don’t let the fact that second and third-tier teams want you on their squad go to your head.”

I went to take another shot and missed, but Rayne followed up on the rebound and dunked the ball. It made me feel jealous that he could do something I couldn’t. But then again, he was a starter on the basketball team, so he had the edge in basketball ability.

“What do you think coach is going to do about Erik,” Marshall asked, still hanging from the rim.

“I’m going to let you in on a little secret, OK,” I said to Marshall, as he let go of the rim and landed back on the court. “Coach is cutting him.”

“What,” he astonishingly asked, eyes wide from shock. “There’s no way he can do that, especially three games into the season!”

The bell rang, signaling the end of classes, and that we had a few minutes before the team was supposed to watch film on West Babylon.

“Yeah, here’s the thing,” I started, walking towards the gymnasium exit. “I’m the one who told coach to cut him… and I’m the one who has to tell him.”

“Dude, that’s fucked up,” he said, trailing behind me. “Why would you want him gone? I mean, I know you two never got along, but he’s still a part of the team.”

“You saw how little he’s cared over the season,” I pointed out to Marshall. “You and I both know he doesn’t care about you, me, or the team. He never went full-speed during practice, and he took plays off in games; he thinks he’s hot shit when in reality he’s just wasting great talent. We can’t have him as a leader next season; it’s a bad influence on the younger players.”

“We won’t even be here next year,” the receiver said, trying to convince me to change my mind. “Who gives a shit if he’s a captain next year?”

“I do,” I said, stopping so that I can get eye-to-eye with Marshall. “I want the next line of West Islip seniors to be just as good, if not better, than what came before it. When people see a football player playing on ESPN Saturday afternoons, I want them to say ‘that kid came from West Islip’. Is that so much to ask for?”

Marshall stood there, silent. He was silent because either he was thinking over what I had said, or he didn't know how to react. It was awkward standing there, waiting for him to say something, so I started walking to the classroom where film was going to be. After a few seconds, Marshall caught up.

“I get what you’re saying, man. Believe me, I do,” he said. “But what makes you think cutting him will make next year’s team any better? It’s not like he won’t try out for the team ever again.”

“Maybe it’ll teach him a lesson about humility or something, I don’t know,” I said, impatiently. “He’d be stupid not to take anything away from what I’m about to do.”

“Don’t be surprised if he goes off on you,” he warned me. “You know how he has anger issues.”

“Bro, I’ll cross that bridge when I get there,” I said, reassuring him that things would not go too awry. “Just let me handle Janus while you worry about how badly you’re going to burn the West Babylon corners.”

“Alright, whatever man,” he said, chuckling from my remarks. “Just be careful.”

I gave him a playful punch in the shoulder, followed by Marshall shoving me in good humor, and finally we gave each other a hi-five hand shake and he entered the room.

I checked the time on my phone as I was waiting outside the classroom full of varsity football players, waiting for Erik to show up so that I can get this over with. It would’ve been great had he showed up earlier, so that I didn't have to cut him with the entire team listening. I was about to head back in the room when I saw Janus round the corner, taking a few sips from his water bottle. He was a little more than five minutes late to the film session; not exactly the best way to convince me not to cut you. He walked up to me as if he didn't have a care in the world.

“Hey Janus,” I said, stopping him from entering the room. “We need to talk, it’s important.”

“Whatever, kid,” he said shrugging his shoulders. We moved as far away from the room as possible. “Whatchu need?”

I took a whiff of his breath and I swear I could taste the alcohol. Was this guy serious? Was he fucking serious? He gets drunk before a film session; this shows no regard for the team, in my mind. This right here just sealed the deal. I didn't want to bring it up, though, unless I had to.

“I spoke with coach,” I said, looking Erik directly in the eyes. “And he said it was OK for me to do this.”

“Do what,” he asked, with his voice slurred.

“Dude… you’re cut,” I told him, about as serious as I could sound, while at the same time trying to sound compassionate. “Get your gear, playbook, and uniform and hand it in to the coaches as soon as you can.”

“Are you fucking serious,” he angrily questioned, his face only a mere two inches from mine. “This better be some sick joke!”

“I wish I was joking,” I told him, with an honest tone. “But you’re done. Maybe if you didn't take plays off, or act like an asshole, this wouldn’t have happened.”

He stood there, trying to comprehend what had just happened. I was about to apologize to him, tell him there were no hard feelings, but before I could get any words out I felt a fist crash into my face. There was enough force behind the blow to knock me on my ass and cause blood to start gushing from my nose. I got nosebleeds all the time, though, so it didn't freak me out too much. I still put my hand up to my nose and pinched it so to at least try to stop the blood from flowing out of my nose.

“OK, I guess I deserved that,” I said, trying to find my bearings as I get up off the tiled floor.

“What the fuck, man,” he furiously asked, loud enough so that the guys in the classroom could hear. I knew they could hear because a few of the players were poking their heads out to see what was going on. “You can’t fucking do this! Y’all need me on this team! I’m all the offense you assholes have!”

“No, as a matter of fact, you’re not,” I replied, spitting blood into the nearby garbage can. “We’ve got enough talent on this team to make up for letting you go.”

“Oh, OK,” he said, sarcastically, with some anger behind the words, slicing through me like a hot knife through butter. “Let’s talk about this ‘talent’. Marshall Rayne, pussy! Reggie Lockhart, pussy! A.J. Pendholt, pussy! Everyone on this damn team is a little bitch-ass pussy! And they’re led by the King of the pussies –you!”

“That right there is why no one will miss you on the team,” I said, poking my finger in his chest. “You have one of the worst attitudes I’ve ever seen in a football player. You think you’re top dog when you don’t even have anything to back it up! Along with your piss-poor work ethic, you haven’t shown me once the entire time you’ve been on Varsity why you deserved to be on the team.”

Erik was about to say something but I interrupted him. I couldn’t hold anything back, it was like I was on auto-pilot or something.

“No, YOU listen,” I shouted, cutting off whatever Janus had to say. “You had one good season as a freshman, I’ll give you that. But everything you’ve done after that has been a joke. You have some real talent, but you’re too much of a diva-prick to use any of it. It’s like as soon as you made the Varsity squad, your brain went from normal human being to total douchebag.”

Erik looked like he was about to punch me again, but he stopped himself and walked away in a huff. As he walked away, he threw the water bottle into the brick-wall with enough force that the cap broke and liquid flew out of the opening. Definitely not how I wanted this to go, but I did what needed to be done; it was for the good of the team.

I walked back into the classroom and the entire place was silent: no one was on their phones, no one talked. It was dead silent. Even the coaches were quiet, which really freaked me out.

I took my seat as quickly as possible, avoiding making direct eye contact with anyone on the team. It was coach Horan who broke the silence in the room.

“I know for a lot of you guys what just happened out there were a little jarring,” he said, carefully choosing his words, so not to alienate the team. “But I can assure all of you what Kappy did was for the greater good. Now, of course we will need to replace Mr. Janus as quickly as possible. Who wants to step up and be the starting slot receiver?”

It took a while for someone to raise their hand, but Stephenowski was one of the first ones to raise his hand. The next player was Riley Marks, a junior who played mostly on special teams. It would be another minute before the final person raise their hand. It was the hand of sophomore Paul Waterfield. He was brought up to Varsity after Chester injured himself against Centerville, after only playing football for a year, so I was surprised to see him volunteer for this.

“Alright, this week we will your shot at becoming a starter,” coach said to the volunteers. “If you don’t make it, we will still find a way to get you involved on this team. Now, let’s watch some film.”

I sat down on my bed and reclined in my bed, with a glass of water and plate of grilled chicken, mac and cheese, and skirt-steak placed on the table next to the bed. I turned on the television, check the channel listings, and saw SportsNation on ESPN 2. It was almost over, but I was curious to see what it was about, so I punched in the channel for ESPN 2 and up popped this show.

I immediately recognized Colin Cowherd from his radio show. He just irked me; the way he favored the really good teams –such as the Patriots and the Lakers –even if they were doing really bad, how he would go on long rants that would fill up almost his entire show, and the way he acted like he was better than everyone else. If I met him in person, I don’t think I could control the urge to punch him in his smug face.

Sitting next to Colin was this beautiful looking woman in a short, lime-green dress. She had short blonde hair, very prominent cheek bones, blue eyes, and a wonderful smile.

They were doing something called “Three Cheers,” where I guess they celebrated great plays of the weekend. They were just finishing the second one, a pretty sweet diving baseball catch.

“Colin, third cheer, a little New York high school football,” the woman said to Cowherd. “Fourth quarter, tied at nine with under ten seconds left in the game…”

Hey, that looked like… our field? Holy shit, this is our game against Copiague! Holy shit, this is awesome! My touchdown to Marshall is on a sports-show I’ve never heard of, this is badass!

“… The quarterback takes the snap, rolls out right, looks for an open man, and finally fires to his receiver, who makes a diving catch for the go-ahead touchdown!”

“Wow, that was a great effort by the receiver to make the diving catch in traffic,” remarked Colin, who sounded genuinely impressed by the play. “I feel like I’ve seen this team before, Michelle.”

“That’s because you have Colin,” said the blonde woman. “This is West Islip High School; we saw them earlier in the month on ESPN. On the next play, they decide to go for two, and it’s a sweep to the right. A defender breaks through a block, but the runner fakes one way, cuts up-field and into the end zone for the two.”

“I remember that game now,” said Colin, with Lockhart’s sweep play being shown in slow motion. “I remember mentioning on my radio show that I didn't expect that game to be anything special… turns out to be the game of the weekend! Aside from all the college football, it was the most talked about topic on Monday!”

“And last but not least, the sideline victory dance,” she said, with enthusiasm in her voice. “When it’s the go-ahead touchdown and two-point conversion, I approve of celebrating a victory.”

“I don’t really care for it,” admitted Cowherd. “But I know you don’t care about what I have to say about things like this.”

“Oh Colin, it’s not that I don’t care. It’s that I choose not to care,” she said, followed by a hearty laugh. “Seriously, though, I could watch these guys dance all day and it won’t get old.”

“Well that’s all we have today,” Colin said, as the screen switched to him and his co-host sitting at their desk. “Catch SportsNation again at four tomorrow on ESPN 2, and again at Midnight. For Michelle Beadle, special guests Mark Schlereth and Rob Smith, I’m Colin Cowherd.”

As the end-show graphics began playing on the screen, I got a text message from someone whose name didn't appear on the phone; it was just a number.

[blockquote]’Mr. Kapatos, my name is Barry Cole. I am the quarterbacks coach at the University of Connecticut. Coach Randy Edsall would like to speak to you sometime this week about the possibility of you wearing the dark blue and white of a Connecticut Husky.’[/blockquote]

(sorry for the delay. School, work, social life, and Gears of War 3 got in the way.)


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
sorry for the lack of updates. been busy with midterms, exams, and going to bars with my college buddies. next update will be probably Sunday at the earliest, Tuesday at the latest


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
[Sorry this is so late guys. The amount of school-work has been increasing lately, and I havent been able to get to the story until yesterday. When I have the time, I 'll try to work on an update.]


I received the snap and dropped back to pass. After making the drop back, I fired to Stephenowski, who was running a slant route. The ball hit his hands and bounced out before falling to the ground. He smacked his hands in anger, and jogged back to the end of the wide receiver line, while Warwick shouted in his ear.


I ignored Coach Warwick’s shouting at the senior and focused on my task during this drill, which was to throw the ball to the receivers, while they made the catch and took a jarring hit by our linebackers. It was to simulate going over the middle, a key necessity for the hopeful-slot receivers.

Up next was Riley Marks, the former tight end-turned receiver. He was a big guy, so he had the size of a receiver, but he didn't have the best speed in the world, and his hands came and went. I give him credit for going out for the position, but in my opinion he should’ve stayed as a tight end.

I hiked the ball, and dropped back to pass. As soon as I saw Marks cut on the slant, I fired the ball right at the numbers on his practice jersey. He caught the ball cleanly, but as he saw Barone coming towards him, he slid down to avoid the hit. If Warwick was upset at Stephenowski for dropping the ball, he was going to flip a shit for Marks avoiding the hit.


Riley jogged off the field with his head slumped. He knew he made a bad decision, and hopefully he was able to make up for it the next time he went. Up next was the sophomore Paul Waterfield. He was pretty small for a receiver: roughly 5’ 6”, 155 lbs. But from what I heard from the JV coach, the kid had a vice grip for hands, and he had an incredible work ethic. If he knew the playbook and could take a hit, then Paul was essentially a lock to be the slot-man in my opinion.

I hiked the ball and took three steps before I saw Paul break on the slant. It was a little sloppy, but then again he’s only been playing for about a year. I fired the ball and he made a nice catch. He secured the ball and took a violent hit from the middle linebacker and dropped to the ground. I don’t think I’ve seen a hit that vicious come in practice before. But like a champ, Waterfield got up, shook his head to regain his senses, and tossed me the ball before heading back to the line.

And the best part was that he acted like he did nothing at all: no showboating, no directing attention to himself. It was a total about-face from having someone like Janus on the team, and it was a very welcome change to the team. I could tell the guys, especially coach Warwick were impressed with the way he acted.

“Way to go, son. Keep up that kind of play and you’ll be starting!”


The bell rang and math class was finally over. We had gotten our exams back, and Morgan and Jordan were the first people I went to to compare grades. They were two of the smartest in the class, so I expected their grades to be better than mine.

“So, what’d you bitches get,” I asked, knowing they both got higher grades than me, but I was still curious.

“Ninety-five,” said Morgan, holding up his test and pointing to the red-colored ‘95’ in the top-right corner of the paper.

“Ninety-eight, no big deal,” Jordan said in a ho-hum manner, followed by a fist-pound with Morgan. “What did you get, superstar?”

I mumbled my result, not wanting everyone in the class to know what I got.

“I’m sorry, Kap, didn't quite catch that,” Morgan said, bringing his hand to his ear to be able to hear better. “What did you get on the test?”

I mumbled a little louder; loud enough that the two could hear my grade, but not clear enough to understand it.

“One more time,” Jordan said, playing along with Roe and inching in closer to hear what my grade was.

“A SEVENTY-TWO,” I shouted, loud enough that Morgan, Jordan, and everyone in the class could hear. “I GOT A SEVENTY-TWO, ALRIGHT! HAPPY?”

The two brainiacs winced at hearing my exam grade.

“That test kicked my ass,” I said, looking at the exam again, shaking my head at all the red X’s. “I studied for a week and still barely got a C.”

“Did you really study for a week,” asked Jordan. “Or did you study for an hour and say you studied for a week?”

“Studied for half a week,” I said sheepishly. This caused the guys to laugh. “Dude, for me, that’s a god damn miracle!”

“Sure thing, book-worm,” Jordan said, shoving me playfully. “Whatever you say to help sleep at night. I still can’t believe you guys can’t go to the Homecoming Dance.”

Unlike last year, and the years before, where the varsity football team was allowed to attend the Homecoming Dance, coach Horan now forbid anyone on the team, regardless of place on the depth chart, from attending it. Given last year’s Homecoming near debacle against perennial doormat Half Hollow Hills East, I wasn’t surprised.

“Yeah, it sucks, but it’s probably for the best,” I said, heading with the guys over to my locker. “I mean, when over a quarter of the starting line-up gets shitfaced the night before the homecoming game, and you almost lose to a team that you should destroy ten times out of ten, it’s probably for the best.”

“It’s a shame,” Morgan said. “I was really looking forward to finally getting to wear a toga this year. What are we doing tomorrow night anyway?”

“I think coach said something about dinner and a movie,” I answered, unsure. “Don’t quote me on that, though. I could’ve heard it wrong.”

“Well, whatever you guys do, I can guarantee you I’m gonna have a blast,” Tach said, bragging about how he could go to the dance. “I’m bringing Lorie Anne, so she won’t be asked out be any douchebags looking to bang the new girl.”

“That sounds great and all, but what are you going to do about your mom,” I asked. “She has to be the strictest parent I know. How do you know she is going to let you go out, get drunk, and go to a dance?”

“She thinks I’m hanging out with you guys tonight,” he said, calmly and confidently. “She has no idea it’s Homecoming week anyway, and she’s under the notion that the football team doesn’t party during the season. So I’ll just tell her that I’m heading over to Morgan’s house to watch film or whatever, and I’m in the clear.”

“That’s a great plan and all,” Morgan said, as the group stopped as I got a drink from the water-fountain. “But there’s one minute detail you overlooked: if she calls my house, and my parents tell them what’s going on, you’re fucked.”

“I’m one step ahead of you, my friend,” Jordan said to Morgan. “See, my mother hates speaking with the other parents in this school. It’s some irrational hatred of them for letting their kids get drunk or whatever, I don’t care. The only parents she speaks to are the ones who she knows don’t drink, i.e. not many. She won’t bother call your parents. It’s bulletproof!”

“Whatever you say, playboy,” I said, as the warning bell blared, signaling one minute till the next period starts. “I’ll talk to you later Morgan. Me and Jordan gotta go to class.”

We gave each other a fist-pound and Jordan and I headed for AP American History.


Everyone was huddled up, standing around me as I directed the play to them. In the huddle with the first team was Waterfield. All the slot competitors were getting reps with the first team, so they had to be on the ball and know the plays.

“Alright,” I said, relaying the play Warwick gave me to run. “ Let’s go Ace Tri-Red Bingo Hooks on two, on two.”

We were about to break from the huddle when Paul spoke up.

“Hold on a second,” he said, unnecessarily raising his hand. “What’s Bingo Hooks?”

There was no way he shouldn’t know the playbook by now. Even if he was only on the kick-off team, he has had the playbook since the summer and should know the plays. It was very unprofessional of anyone to not know their playbook, and for someone looking to get a spot on the starting line-up, it’s definitely a red flag.

“How do you not know the play,” I asked, insulted that he even brought it up. “You’ve had that thing for months and you don’t know the playbook?”

“I’ve been reading it every night this week,” he reasoned. “Until now I haven’t had a need to know all the plays.”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” I said, still angry that Paul didn't know the play. “You fucked up, kid. This is a big-time fuck up!”

I walked out of the huddle, towards Warwick. Warwick was speaking to Horan and eventually headed towards me.

“What the fuck’s going on, Kap,” he asked, shrugging his shoulders and his face turning a bright red. “Why are you not running the play?”

“Waterfield doesn’t know the play,” I said, hands on my head and taking a drink from a water bottle. “I need someone in hear who actually knows what the hell they’re doing. Put in Step or someone.”

Coach obliged, and pulled Waterfield out of the huddle. As they were both walking off the field, Warwick shouted things to Paul that I chose not to listen to, and sent Stephenowski into the huddle with the play.

“Coach wants Ace Tri-Red Curl Go on one,” said the senior, who sounded like he was calling the play himself. “Let’s do this!”

We broke from the huddle and lined up in the Ace formation with all three wide receivers to the right of me. I set up under center, and sent Lockhart in motion to the left. The cornerback followed suit, and they were in man, which was perfect for Stephenowski’s route.


I took the snap, pump faked to Reggie, who was set up for a screen pass, and fired to Grant, who did a short flag route. I put enough air on the ball so that it floated over the defender’s head and into his hands. He kept both feet in-bounds and was knocked out of bounds by the defensive back.

After a few plays with Grant in the slot, he came off and it was now time for the junior Riley to come in. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t even give him a chance to be the slot-man. He had a big body, pretty good hands, and he had decent speed for a kid his size, but the dude was the third tight end for a reason: he had a poor work ethic. It wasn’t as bad as Erik’s, but it wasn’t going to get him any playing time in the near future unless he got his shit together.

“Warwick wants Ace-Slot Invert Go Cuts on two,” Riley said.

I hiked the ball and dropped back to pass. I scanned my targets and, after seeing both Rayne and Lockhart covered, went to look for Riley, who was having trouble getting off his block. With none of my receivers open, I dumped it off to Allen, who scampered for a few yards before being taken down.

As Warwick let into Marks, I saw Horan making little notes on his clipboard. This would obviously go down as a negative against Riley.

After a few plays of Riley doing nothing exceptional, coach pulled him out in favor of Paul, who I hoped to God knew at least half of the plays we would run during this portion of practice.

As Paul came back into the huddle, everyone gave him nasty looks for not knowing the plays we were running, but he shot us back a look that said ‘trust me, guys. I’d good.’

“Coach wants Ace-Slot Twin Post Corner on two.”

We broke from the huddle, and the receivers went to their places: Marshall to the far left, Reggie to the far right, Paul to the right, A.J. to my left, and Skinner in the backfield. I hiked the ball and dropped back to pass. There was a blitz, but Skinner picked up the blitzing linebacker and allowed me some extra time to find Paul completing his double move on the nickleback. I put probably a little too much touch on the ball, as Waterfield had to jump to go for the ball and just as his feet made contact with the ground, Burns absolutely buried him into the ground.

As I stood there, thinking I just got a guy killed at practice, I was amazed to see Waterfield get up, find his bearings, smack Noah on the helmet for a good hit and jog back to the huddle. If that didn't seal the win for Paul, I don’t know what will.



No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
This weekend, I PROMISE I will get the next update in. The semester work load is really starting to heat up now, but I swear I will make the time to get working on this.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
Two things:

1) Super sorry or not having the post in on time. I didnt intend on having so much school work this past weekend, and I couldnt get to working on the post in time.

2) Who do you guys think will be the new slot receiver?


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
Finally, the update is here!


Walking into school today, I felt like I could probably blend in with all the students wearing blue and gold. If I were just a 6’ 5” student who didn't happen to be an athlete, maybe I’d actually have a shot. But that didn't matter a lot to me. Today was finally Friday, the final day of Homecoming week. The big Pep Rally at the end of the day, followed by the Homecoming Dance for everyone not on the football team.

I was at my locker, getting the necessary books out when Lorie Anne jumped on my back.

“Hey look everyone,” she shouted to everyone in the hallway. “I’m Nick’s backpack!”

While not everyone in the hallway laughed, a few people did, so it made her feel good. After acting like dead weight for a while she jumped off and gave me her daily hug.

“You excited for the Pep Rally today,” I asked her, picking up my History textbook.

“Um, I guess,” she said. “What goes on at the Pep Rally?”

“It’s pretty much your standard Pep Rally,” I replied. “You know; team introductions, audience interactions, announcing the Homecoming King and Queen, prize giveaways. Stuff like that.”

“What kind of prizes do they give away,” she asked, following me as we headed for homeroom.

“It’s different every year,” I said. “Last year it was a card for free gas that year, the year before it was a little coupon book. You know, little things.”

“Sounds pretty cool,” she said, trying to keep up with my fast-paced walking.

“Yeah, it’s alright,” I said, downplaying the Pep Rally prizes.

There was a long period where we didn't say anything, we just kept walking to home-room. As she waved to a friend, and someone over the loud-speaker reminded everyone to vote for Homecoming King and Queen, I took the opportunity to take a good look at her.

Even in non-sexy outfits, like the sweatpants and long sleeved shirt she was wearing right now, she looked pretty good. I know I had a girlfriend, and hot one at that. But if I didn't, I would’ve most likely asked her out by now.

“So are you excited about the dance tonight,” she asked, breaking the silence. “I hear seniors get to wear togas.”

“What,” I instinctively said, having been brought out of my thoughts. “Oh, no. The football team isn’t allowed to go. A bunch of starters last year got shitfaced the night before the game and we almost lost.”

“Wow, that’s pretty harsh,” she said. “Are you upset about it?”

“I’m not, but a few of the guys are,” I answered. “I mean, I understand why they’re upset, but it’s for the best. We definitely don’t want to lose to a team we haven’t lost to since the eighth grade; that would be downright embarrassing.”

“I heard you had one of the players on the team cut,” she said, changing the subject, while at the same time probing into me a little.

“Oh yeah,” I answered back. “He was a real cancer to the team, and he punched me in the face after I cut him. It was pretty rough, but it was for the best.”

“I was wondering what the bruise on your face was from,” she said, pointing to the black-and-blue bruise around my nose. “I would’ve asked, but we either never had the time to talk or you were with your football friends.”

“You know you’re more than welcome to hang out with us,” I suggested to Lorie Anne. “Jordan is actually a good friend with the football guys, and I’m pretty sure we have room for one more.”

“Nah, that’s OK,” she said, shooing the suggestion down. “I don’t know much about football or whatever you guys talk about, so I’d feel like a third wheel.”

“Believe me, you wouldn’t be a third wheel,” I reassured her. “We hang out with a bunch of people who don’t always know what we’re talking about.”

As we rounded the corner, Stacy was at her locker with her friends. As soon as she saw me talking with Lorie Anne, she raced over, latched onto me, and gave me a long kiss on the cheek.

This was a stark contrast to how she normally acted in public. Normally, she would wait for me to show affection before returning it to me. Right now, however, she was acting like she hadn’t seen me in years. Was this because she saw me hanging out with another girl? I never pegged Stacy as being the jealous-type, but then again I guess she never saw any of the girls at this school as being ‘competition.’

As Stacy continued to try and suck the skin off my cheek, I glanced over at Lorie Anne. She was looking around, trying her hardest not to stare.

“Oh Lorie Anne,” I said, trying to ignore the hot female latched onto my face. “Have you met Stacy and her friends?”

As I pointed to her friends, they gave the new girl a couple of nasty stares, while Stacy barely acknowledged her.

“I’ll meet you in homeroom,” said the red-headed girl, probably feeling the awkwardness of the situation she was in.

She left, waving goodbye, and disappeared into the mob of students hurrying to homeroom. It was then that Stacy finally stopped kissing me, turned around to check if she was still gone, and went back to her locker, leaving me flabbergasted. Seriously, what the hell just happened?

“Um, Stacy,” I asked, still unsure what just transpired. “What was that all about?”

“What do you mean,” she asked, adjusting her hair and reapplying her lip gloss.

“I mean, what was up with you trying to vacuum the side of my face off,” I asked, rubbing my cheek.

“Can’t I show a little love for my number one man,” she asked, looking at me in the mirror.

“I’m not saying you can’t kiss me in public,” I said, defending myself. “I’m just asking why you had to kiss me for so long, right in front of a real good friend of mine.”

“Did I,” she asked, playing dumb. “I can honestly say I didn’t notice she was there.”

I didn't have the time, or the energy, to deal with her routine right now. I had more important things to worry about, like taking the big AP History exam today.

“Babe, I gotta go to Homeroom,” I said, getting out of the awkward conversation as quick as I could. “I’ll talk to you before the Pep Rally?”

I kissed her, and she waved bye, then went back to speaking with her friends.

It was ninth period, and I was in the gym watching all the Pep Rally signs being taped to the walls and stuff. I needed time to relax after a busy day of classes, exams, and all this bullshit with Stacy. I had no idea she would act like that in front of Lorie Anne; it really took me aback how crazy-affectionate she acted. I felt like I should bring it up with Stacy, but she would most likely dance around the issue and I would get nowhere. Or worse, it would start a fight and neither of us wanted that.

As I headed for coach Horan’s office in the locker room, I pulled out my phone and began a text message for Lorie Anne, apologizing for Stacy’s actions when Waterfield bumped into me. He must’ve been late to gym class or something, that’s the only reasonable explanation I could think of for him being in such a rush.

“Waterfield, slow down, home-slice,” I said, helping the underclassman to his feet. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”

“I’ve got PE with Shipenow,” he said, adjusting the gym bag slung from his shoulder.

Mary Shipenow was notorious for being a strict, no-nonsense, ball-buster of a gym teacher. She would count points off for the littlest of things, like being a minute late for roll-call or not properly stretching. I had her for the Fall semester of my sophomore year, and we never got along.

“Sucks bro,” I told him. “Does she still dock points for not wearing clean gym clothes?”

“Yeah, it blows,” said Paul. “But other than that, she’s not as bad as everyone says.”

“Oh, give her time,” I said, assuring him. “When November rolls around, I guarantee you’ll get sick of her.”

Paul rolled his eyes and hustled to the locker room.

“How come you don’t run like that on the practice field, Paul,” I jokingly shouted to Paul.

“You’re always too busy kissing the coaches asses to see me run, pretty boy,” Waterfield responded smartly, which made me chuckle.

I followed Paul into the locker room, and headed for Coach Horan’s office. Horan had an office in the locker room because he was also one of the gym teachers. Mostly everyone I knew who had him during their stays at West Islip enjoyed having him as their teacher.

After knocking on the door, I was allowed inside. Since coach shared the office with another teacher, he didn't have as many personal items in the office as there was in his home office.

“Kappy, what’s up, son,” he asked, reclining in his chair.

“Not much coach,” I said, crashing down on the couch in his office. “Got nothing to do, figured I’d hang out here and talk a little.”

We passed the time by talking about anything other than football: how the day went, how our weeks have been going, how classes were going, and what our plans were once the season ended. As hard as we tried, we couldn’t stay off the topic of football forever.

“So have you picked who is going to be the slot receiver,” I finally asked.

“I’m not answering that one right now,” he said, steering away from the issue. “You’ll know, along with everyone else, before the walk-through.”

“Come on, Coach, let’s cut the bullshit,” I said. “You and I both know who it’s going to be. Why don’t you just tell me who it is so I can know who I’ll be throwing to tomorrow.”

“Alright, so who do you think should be the slot-man,” he asked me. “I mean, since you already know who you want, this should be no problem.”

Shit, Horan called my bluff. I didn't really have a concrete idea of who I wanted for the position either. They all had something I wanted in a receiver. Riley had size, Grant had knowledge, and Paul had the hands.

“Well, um… OK,” I said, tried to stall. “First of all, Riley is out. He doesn’t have the work ethic required to be a starter. It’ll turn into Janus all over again, and we don’t want that.”

Coach nodded his head, as if he was agreeing that Riley wasn’t starter material.

“But honestly,” I started again, finally admitting defeat. “I can’t decide between Waterfield and Stephenowski. Paul has amazing hands and can take a hit, but Grant has the size and knowledge.”

“Not so easy as you thought, huh,” said Horan, patting me on the shoulder in a sort of ‘I told you so’ sort of way.

Horan had a class to teach, so he let me stay in his office. I thought long and hard about whom I wanted lined up in the slot, but I honestly wanted both of them to play. I never realized how difficult it was to pick the right player for the position.

The Pep Rally finally over. I didn't win the Homecoming King; class President Lawrence Percival won it, but I didn't care. I didn't really put so much emphasis on these kinds of awards. Football awards, however, I did care about. If I continued to put up great performances and won some awards, that could only help my chances of getting recruited by a top-flight football school where I could contribute immediately.

All the football players piled into the locker room after the Rally, to suit up for our pad-less walkthrough. We did this every Friday, as it was both pointless to have a padded practice the day before a game, and to go through what plays we were going to run for our first possession of the game.

As we were gathering our helmets, coach called us to come to the gymnasium for an important announcement. I’m pretty sure everyone had a faint idea of what the announcement was for, so we all eagerly went to the gymnasium and stood waiting for Horan to make his decision on the slot receiver.

As we exited the locker room, however, Horan called Marks, Stephenowski and Waterfield into his office. This practically confirmed what we were all thinking: coach was making the decision today.

I was a while before the four exited the room. Riley was visibly upset, but Paul and Grant were completely stoic in their expressions. From their body language and facial expressions, I hadn’t the foggiest idea of who Horan had chosen.

“Alright, you probably know why you are all here,” coach started, looking at the young men before him. “And that is to announce the new slot receiver. Unfortunately, we can have only one player. And that player is Grant Stephenowski.”

A few players in the back cheered and applauded. Morgan shouted at them to shut up, which they immediately did. Coach went back to making his announcement.

“As I told the three young men who volunteered for the position, there were many attributes that set them apart from one another,” coach said. “But, I valued experience and knowledge of the playbook over any other attributes. Now, this does not mean the other two will not get playing time. I will rotate them into games, but right now Grant will get the majority of the snaps at the slot.”

I was more than pleased with Grant being named to the position; he had decent enough hands, along with great size and understanding o the playbook. I had a good feeling that after Grant’s first game starting, we wouldn’t even remember Erik was ever on the team.