May 6, 2008
Back to Nature no contest. No other HM game even comes close to it, although I never played HM64.

My second favourite is probably Mfomt, then Tree of Tranquility. Magical Melody was great but once you've played it through the first time and done everything, it's a bit annoying to play through again. And the AWL series kinda bored me lol.
Jun 23, 2010
hmmm... idk y, but for sum reason RF:F is my favorite... idk y... i think its the depth and the reality, and the bathing suits/swimming... plus i luv when u talk 2 ppl little anime pix of them pop up... i luv anime. but i luv all the other games 2.... hm64 is deffinetly fun, and now im wishing i had my gameboy and fomt game with me.... but its with my mom.


Jul 23, 2010
I'm the kind of person who beats most games the day I get them, but you can play months of Magical Melody with minimum monotony (besides winter).
Aug 1, 2010
My favorite Harvest games are; HM Back to Nature, HM GBA Friends of mineral Town, HM DS Cute, HM Magical Melody, HM Tree of Tranquility and I've recently started playing Rune Factory Frontier.



Sep 6, 2010
i really haven't played 64 version

sooo hands down friends of mineral town
it was actually my first and i was hooked


Sep 7, 2010
I love so many but my favorite was friends of mineral town. i loved having the little sprites do my work :@)
Nov 27, 2010
Well i personally love all the Harvest Moon games...
So first i will tell you my Harvest Moon story.
I was at my neighbors and i played with her Friends Of Mineral Town, and then i rented Back To Nature.
I was SOOO hooked on that game!
So when my neighbor bought me Save The Homeland, i was THRILLED!
but it did not work on my game console so i went back and got a Save The Homeland that did.
I was obsessed with that game and finished almost all the endings.
Then i got A Wonderful Life and married Nami, and loved it.
Then i got Another Wonderful Life and got married to Marlin and was OBSESSED with it.
Then i got Magical Melody and LOVED it and got married to Blue.
I got more games here and there but my next fav was Tree Of Tranquility where i married Luke.
But now i am on Animal Parade and i am trying for Wizard.
I love them all but my favourites will always be, Back To Nature, A Wonderful Life, Another Wonderful Life and possibly Save the Homeland.
Jun 9, 2010
Hmmm.. i would have to say sunshine islands, more friends of mineral town, grand bizaar, back to nature, hm 64 and a wonderful life. ^_~
Feb 28, 2011
I'd have to say either "Innocent Life Special Edition: A Futuristic Harvest Moon" or "Harvest Moon: A wonderful life special edition"

Both of those games are PS2 but the non-special edition versions are pretty good as well.

If you don't have a PS2, I'd have to say "Friends of Mineral Town"

My fourfth might be "Harvest Moon DS"

Then, in a close fifth, HM 64


No Longer a Noob
Jan 27, 2004
Dude, nothing beats Harvest Moon 64.... they're cranking out new games left and right now; I wish they would slow down and invest a lot of time into one game.
Nov 21, 2011
Harvest moon animal parade

but the 1 thing i like more than harvest moon (well i also like harry potter and twilight and doctor who and many other things better (way better!!)) is ZELDA!! :D woot woot! The Legend of Zelda FTW!!!
Nov 21, 2011
btw HoboMuxie I love your icon

and people, I need to revise what i said... i made it sound like i'm addicted to harvest moon.. and im not... in fact at this point in time i find it slightly boring...>:)
but thats cuz i've been fighting people in zelda all day
Nov 24, 2011
A Wonderful Life. It was the first game I played in the series and the one I love the most due to the mini games, variety of characters with different personalities, and the realism with aging.
Nov 21, 2011
OMG I just remembered what my other account is called lol harvestmoon365!!! xDxD Wow the last time i was on that ign was monthes ago. You harvest mooner's sure are boring lol your even worse than the Zelda Board xD I'm the only person who's always online lol (no offence its just i'm glad i don't have any urgent questions)

Yeah but i'm a zelda freak, not a harvest mooner anymore, so yeah i'm not switching back to that account. Btw harvestmoon365 lol your icon is adorable xD
Oct 21, 2011
Woot first reply of 2012!

I am suprised to see nobody said save the homeland on here. I mean yeah Back to nature and Friends in Mineral Town were great but there was something I loved so much about save the homeland. And since Hero Of Leaf valley was an updated version of that one with better graphics and that you could actually marry a girl in that one, I'd have to say Hero of leaf valley for the PSP is my favorite.


May 30, 2012
Friends of Mineral Town is my favorite. I didn't like HM64, I thought it was boring, simple, an eyesore, and you had no cooking system. Back to Nature was a massive improvement, and Friends of Mineral Town was a massive improvement over Back to Nature.

My mother loves A Wonderful Life but (spoiler alert) you only get ten years in the game. Save the Homeland was too focused on story, but Hero of Leaf Valley improves on Save the Homeland greatly, even letting you free-play like a normal Harvest Moon.

Never played the SNES one but I'm going to assume it's much simpler than the later games and it'll probably feel watered-down to me compared to later releases.

A Tale of Two Towns is also very good, it's for either the DS or 3DS and it does a lot of things right, it feels like we finally got an improvement over FoMT, it doesn't have the game-breaking BS that other recent games like Sunshine Isles had, and it takes some cues from the recent DS games and makes them work in a proper Harvest Moon. I highly recommend it, it's my second-favorite in the series.

The Rune Factory games for the DS are good, they add RPG elements and an interesting Monster Rancher feel, but the Wii game had one thing about it that ruined the entire game - those freaking spirits. You had to maintain them every week, it was a major pain and it distracted from other parts of the game too much.
May 31, 2012
My favorite Harvest Moon game would have to be Harvest Moon: A Tale of Two Towns. You may ask why is that your favorite game?, well the thing is I love the request board and I love having two towns to pick from. I believe the characters should have been more in depth, buts still a great game to play. Oh and I also love the cooking.


Mar 30, 2005
Friends of Mineral Town, without question. SOOOOOO much time put into it. Recently got a PSP, are any of those great?


Jul 30, 2012
What? No love for the Harvest Moon GBC's? Sure GBC was just a downgraded portable version of Harvest Moon for SNES, but it was the first Harvest Moon I ever played and it rox just because of nostalgia! I should never have sold it! GBC 2 was even better and GBC 3 is still one of my favorite games. In fact, I must play it. Now where'd I put that Gameboy Color?


Jul 19, 2011
What? No love for the Harvest Moon GBC's? Sure GBC was just a downgraded portable version of Harvest Moon for SNES, but it was the first Harvest Moon I ever played and it rox just because of nostalgia! I should never have sold it! GBC 2 was even better and GBC 3 is still one of my favorite games. In fact, I must play it. Now where'd I put that Gameboy Color?
The GBC versions are one of my favorites, too. The GBC was my first console and is still my most favorite [face_love]


Sep 15, 2012
Harvest Moon SNES !!!!!

Yes, I know the graphics are old school... big whoop! Most you kids playing Harvest Moon now don't even know what started it all an definitely missing a big piece of the Harvest Moon history. I grew up playing the game when it first came out. The intro song still brings back memories. Everyone here should try out it out if you haven't already just for the sake of saying you've played an enjoyed the true original.

Harvest Moon 64 was definitely awesome btw just saying. Just not a fan of the controls or the isometric few. That part of it sucked. Everything else it had to offer was on spot and the Harvest Moon's after that kinda just turned into whatever they could think up an it lost my interest other than Friends of Mineral Town an Back to Nature. Those were also pretty nice.


Shake it, baby
Nov 13, 2011
Harvest Moon SNES !!!!!

Yes, I know the graphics are old school... big whoop! Most you kids playing Harvest Moon now don't even know what started it all an definitely missing a big piece of the Harvest Moon history. I grew up playing the game when it first came out. The intro song still brings back memories. Everyone here should try out it out if you haven't already just for the sake of saying you've played an enjoyed the true original.

Harvest Moon 64 was definitely awesome btw just saying. Just not a fan of the controls or the isometric few. That part of it sucked. Everything else it had to offer was on spot and the Harvest Moon's after that kinda just turned into whatever they could think up an it lost my interest other than Friends of Mineral Town an Back to Nature. Those were also pretty nice.

The graphics on the SNES one are beautiful, in my opinion. Watching the sunrise on New Years in the mountains? Awesome. I just wish that game gave you the option to keep playing after the main "story" part is over.
Mar 19, 2012
Tardis, Hyrule
I'd have to say my favorite is either HM64 or FoMT. Hard to decide. I need to get HM64 to play it again.

I've played HM64, FoMT, MM, ToT, and ToTT.

Currently waiting for my copy of ANB, it should be here Friday!! So excited.


Aug 21, 2010
What is the best Harvest moon game in your opinion?
I jus' wanna know so.
Mine is well... ALL of THEM!

Ive played all of em that have been released stateside and surprisingly after having spent quite a bit of time with it over the past couple weeks since it's release, I'm really leaning towards "A New Beginning" as my fav and the best game in the series. Although I have to admit, I'm still a little partial towards "Back to Nature" on the ps1.


Nov 25, 2012
Either Friends of Mineral Town or HM DS. In my opinion it's the most fun out of all of the games and I'm pretty sure it always will be (mind you I never got a chance to play HM64...). There's actual character development, and I find them all loveable in their own way. The characters in all of the most recent games are pretty shallow. I mean, there's nothing interesting about them. Karen and Ann in FoMT were so fricking cool, I don't think we'll ever get to see characters like that again in the HM franchise. Aside from characters though, the HM games have become way too easy. Eh, I guess that's just most games nowadays.


Dec 26, 2012
My favorite would have to be AWL, it's what introduced me to the series and I fell in love with it. I also liked back to nature, did not care for the ones on the wii to much and I never got a chance to try the earlier portables like FoMT.


Jan 11, 2013
My favorite Harvest Moon games are More Friends of Mineral Town, HM64, and Harvest Moon 3D A New Beginning (can't stop playing it right now! so addicted, best harvest moon I have ever played hands down.


Jan 18, 2013
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Nature does it for me I wish i could find a physical copy but at least the PSN has it for classic downloads!!!! I looked for 4yrs to find a physical copy but i never did and i didnt want to use Ebay. thank jebus they relased it on the PSN


Jan 18, 2013
Back To Nature is the best in my opinion. It was the first HM game I ever actually owned, and although I've never been able to complete a full 3 years, I've always gone back and started a new game over and over. It's based on HM64 (which was the first HM game I ever played, my cousin owned it) but it had so many improvements. I still have my copy of it and the Prima strategy guide.
if u ever wanna sell it and its for the PS1 u mssg me PSN account: Milish69 if u live in ontario ill drive and get it im a White Candadian too hahahah


Jan 22, 2013
For my money I'd have to say Back To Nature was the best combo of being engaging and visually appealing. And I don't like games that baby you along. God forbid you have to figure something out! BTN gave you a clear objective with a variety of ways to accomplish it, and just let you do what you want to do. I like that freedom.