Nov 10, 2008
Oh gosh. (Lol)
I like all of them too. I would have to say though, I really like Tree of Tranquility and Magical Melody.
But, actually, scratch the last sentence. My all time favorite was Another Wonderful Life. I have NO idea why; a lot of people got bored with that one and didn't really like it. I finished it, and I never got bored with it. I was actually sad when it ended. :)

And I've always liked Friends of Mineral Town because it's the one that got me hooked on the game.

Save the Homeland is fun too, but ts probably my least favorite because I don't really like the story-line.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Not a single Harvest Moon can touch Harvest Moon 64. It did everything they do now, 10x better, plus a million other things HM games don't even do at all anymore. Remember cutscenes, actual festivals, depth, and character development? NO? THATS BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN PLAYING EVERY OTHER HARVEST MOON AFTER HARVEST MOON 64.


Mar 26, 2006
i'm so glad people agree. i mean it kind of makes me sad when people are all oh i can't decide between rune factory and magical melody. its like well those aren't you close to the essence of the series. its more or less a fad i suppose. MM may die, but hm64 will live forever...

seriously i'm not sure if there is anyone who can say they hate that game. its classic man :]


unnoficial ice climbers enthusiast
Aug 22, 2006
ugbroncos said:
i'm so glad people agree. i mean it kind of makes me sad when people are all oh i can't decide between rune factory and magical melody. its like well those aren't you close to the essence of the series. its more or less a fad i suppose. MM may die, but hm64 will live forever...

seriously i'm not sure if there is anyone who can say they hate that game. its classic man :]

Hi Ug.

I haven't played HM64, but out of what I've played, probably ToT. But I don't know.


Unassuming Local Guy
Mar 7, 2001
Friends of Mineral Town.

It had all the things I liked about HM64 but without the isometric view.
Apr 9, 2006
I'm voting for Friends of Mineral Town as well.

Those I never played HM64, I know that FoMT's character depth was far superior to any of the games that came after it. They also did farming and mining better than any of the successors (However ToT came pretty close to a good mining/farm system).
Nov 27, 2008
I would have to say my favi would be either DS Cute or A Wonderful Life. =\ I really like A Wonderful life for the graphics, but DS Cute is much more fun.


Nov 28, 2008
I have to agree with the HM64 fans here about the quality of that one, but I can't help but go back to Havest Moon: Back to Nature. That one draws me in like a moth to the flame no matter how many times I beat it...


Mar 26, 2006
yeah fomt is pretty tight.i recently started that one over again and couldnt put it down. i decided i want all the houses. it might be another ten actual years before i get there but as long as i do it before i kick the bucket i'll be happy. actually i'm probably goign to forget about it in two years but thats just my own problem. I foudn the mining to be easy in fomt though. after a while its like you can just feel where the steps are.
Oct 12, 2008
Haha. I do like FoMT. It is pretty good.... I like ToT bahaha.

I like your signature. "With my last dying breath I would apologize for bleeding on your shirt! hahahhahhaha. That makes me laugh everytime I see it.

This is a kinda popular thread. Yayyyy!


Jul 17, 2007
My vote goes to FoMT. I've never played hm64 but I'd like to find a copy. FoMT was just ridiculously addictive though.


Mar 26, 2006
i havent bought ToT yet because well. im in 11th grade i dont have time to play like i used to. so is it pretty good i mean i thought the characters all looked really stupid but is it like legit. ya know at least mediocre.

oh and by the way i would say i like your signature too but im more of a jacob girl myself.... :]
Jan 19, 2009
I've never played HM64 so my favorites are a wonderful life, ToT, and I kinda like another wonderful life but i don't like that you have to grow your own feeder.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 18, 2001
Was 64 the one with the greenhouse? I liked it well enough. I have to say I am pretty impressed with this latest Rune Factory for Wii though. It really did away with some irritating stuff, such as allowing you to water the same spot twice and only allowing stacks of 9 in inventory, and added this Runey system that is very fun but an ass pain at times.


Apr 14, 2004
Seems like HM64 is the all time favorite. I haven't played it, so I don't know what I'm missing. It's tough to choose just one favorite, but if just strictly one, then my vote goes to MM since I've played it over 4x! I love FoMT for girls, ToT and RFF as well.


Aug 31, 2008
i just ordered a copy of hm64 and a system to play it on since everyone here recommends it. got them off ebay. also found a copy of back to nature and ordered that too. can't wait.


May 29, 2009
hm64! i dont have it its at my grandparents house from their kids i only get to go there a few times a year and thats all i do! im so addicted to it im buying magical melody to try on gamecube! 3 days1
Aug 4, 2008
Honestly, I think Animal March is going to be my favorite. But as of now I'll have to go with A Wonderful Life. It was my first HM game and I truly thought it was spectacular. The scenery was absolutely amazing! I loved the music. Plus the cut scenes were really cool.


The Herby Dragon
Dec 19, 2005
I don't know, it's difficult to say.

Probably Friends of Mineral Town, I have good memories of playing the game non-stop during an eight-hour car journey once.
Aug 8, 2008
honestly, i think it would be a tie between harvest moon: sunshine islands, and harvest moon: welcome to the wind bazaar. i just started my farming career as a hm fan about a year ago, but in that short time ive played and reivewed almost everything; hm64 actually bothered me because of the graphics, probably because i played save the homeland and another wonderful life first...
the game that got me hooked was my first, hm ds cute; so to me fomt and mfomt was a big repeat farming style mining and all even know i know that fomt and mfomt came first. harvest moon island of happiness was good and i was quick to fall in love with the characters and storyline. but when hm sunshine islands came out eliminating all the annoying qualities in its game play and plot, as well as adding some new characters and a chalenge via sunstones=islands then i just knew that that was my new passion. however, hm welcome to the wind bazaar with its range of new characters, scenery and plotline was refreshing enough to win me over.

thus hm sunshine islands and hm welcome to the wind bazaar finish in a tie[face_applause]
Jan 7, 2004
I liked Friends of Mineral Town out of all the ones I played (never had a chance to play hm64 though).

If you lump the Rune Factory games in with Harvest Moon then I'd have to say Rune Factory 2 is my favorite.
May 9, 2002
Harvest Moon Snes

It has so many little touches that the latest versions don't have

- Cloudy days
- Less tedius animal system
- More open mountain
- Little birides occasionally when you exit your house
- Best soundtrack (quieter, more peaceful)
- Best looking fences.
- Inventor Ann!
Aug 1, 2007
Back To Nature is the best in my opinion. It was the first HM game I ever actually owned, and although I've never been able to complete a full 3 years, I've always gone back and started a new game over and over. It's based on HM64 (which was the first HM game I ever played, my cousin owned it) but it had so many improvements. I still have my copy of it and the Prima strategy guide.


IGN PSO's Fastest Typist (with good grammar)
Oct 14, 2001
I've played most of them. The one I remember the most was Harvest Moon 64 (and I hope that it is released on the Virtual Console soon). It was my first Harvest Moon, and it was also the one I have played the most. I've put a good bit of time into Magical Melody, the first Rune Factory (I own RF2 and RFF, but haven't started either one yet), Harvest Moon DS, More Friends of Mineral Town and the original on the Virtual Console. I still think 64 gets the nod.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Most people would say Harvest Moon 64, but I've sadly never played that game. My personal favorite was Magical Melody, it was just soooo addicting.


Jul 1, 2007
Most of the Harvest Moon games, save for AWL and AnWL, are just the 64 version with some minor alterations and updated graphics. If you like Magical Melody the N64 version will blow your mind. Lol.


Jan 18, 2004
Rune Factory 1-2.

I think FoMT might be my pure HM fav?? Its probably the one I have played the most since I own it hehe. One of them for the ps2 might have been good but I didnt get into it.

The N64 one.. it got ported to the ps2 also right?? I hated that one. It just seemed very screwed up. Crops made NO money unless you leveled up the seeds or dirt or whatever and I never took the time to figure out how. The mining and fishing and stuff pissed me off. I didn't like the extremely limited field or screwing with the animals.

I want a 3d Harvest Moon game with a fully rotating, zoomable camera.

After playing Rune Factory 1-2 though there is seriously NO GOING BACK. Not unless HM games SERIOUSLY upgrade other area's of the game like interacting with people, the flow of time, having stuff to spend your money on(being able to customize anything and everything).

Why would I want to do just farming when I can do Farming, Fighting, Crafting, Fishing, and Mining??


Sep 27, 2009
For me I would have to say Friends of Mineral Town, Harvest moon SNES and Harvest moon 3 on the GBC as my 1st, 2nd and 3rd favourite respectively. Maybe it was because they were some of the harvest moon games that were economically balanced and couldn't be exploited to getting rich right on the first year of the game. Although in FoMT it was possible to get 200,000g in 4 days...


Sep 30, 2009
I am a really big Harvest Moon fan and am currently waiting for Animal Parade to come out for the Wii. The pushed back the release date again which makes me sad since I actually have the Swine Flu (it's not that bad) and want to play it since it was supposed to come out yesterday. ):
My favorite though... I'm not sure. The first one I ever played was Another Wonderful Life. Actually, it was A Wonderful Life, Blockbuster got the cases mixed up. But I never really played that one. The only thing I didn't like was the lack of Batchalors that were decent. Otherwise, it was entertaining. After reading almost all of the previous posts, I kinda want to go play it.
But I've also played Magical Melody and it was fun for a while. After I had a child, though, it became dull. I recently got Tree of Tranquility this summer when I finally found it as the last one in stock (ever) at a GameStop in my town. It's a lot of fun and so far I haven't run out of things to do which is nice. :)
Now I have the 1997 Harvest Moon as a game that I bought from the Wii Store. I'm not exactly sure which one it is, though. I'm not even sure how to play it successfully. XD
I feel bad calling my self a Harvest Moon addict since I haven't really played the old games. I have a PS2 for Back to Nature, but I can't seem to find it anywhere near me for a nice price. And otherwise, I only have a Gamecube/Wii. I wish I had a DS so I could play More Friends of Mineral Town.
But, I think I'd have to say as my first Harvest Moon, I loved Another Wonderful Life (before I found the cheat codes). I don't know why but for some reason I deleted my longest running file of it so I'm actually going to go start a new one right now. I love that the Wii plays Gamecube games too. :)

And could someone please tell me which game the 1997 version was? And (if I am correct) what year the Harvest Moon 64 was released? Thank you! :)
May 5, 2005
I loved Save the Homeland. It had such a great feel! That was the one that got me addicted to the game, though I've always wished they would make one that felt the same as StH but with a better storyline. Wonderful Life and Final Frontier were pretty stinking awesome, too. And I did play HM64, and I have to say, I never liked it much.


Mar 26, 2006
You know youve lost contact with the harvest moon world when people say games youve neverheard of are their favorite wow...

FoMT all the way babyy. Im currently in pursuit of the snes version. i played alike shabby computerized version and i think i can get into that legitly.
Apr 4, 2009
I like the games where you just have to try and beat the rival, find love, and raise good crops and animals. The games where you have to have "40 harvest sprites found before you can marry!!!" (harvest moon cute)ya i don't play that game as much anymore... i got to like 28 harvest sprites and was all pumped up about getting married and then i found out you need like 43 when i was thinking 33 [face_plain] that sucked... anyway i like the older ones where you do this and this and you can get married :) that is what makes in my book the best games! [face_peace]


Jan 3, 2010
I'm surprised not a single person mentioned Innocent Life: A futuristic harvest moon. It's for the psp, rather than the nintendo console, which makes the graphics a WHOLE lot better, and just about everything else. Although it lacked romance and in-depth socialization, the gameplay was spectacular. And so was the environment. In my opinion, Innocent Life's gameplay was THE best out of all the harvest moons. It was just addicting. What with the adding of technology to your farming and all... not to mention a sort of quest for the story, it just had me hooked. It brought back the whole you have to WORK to get to other areas.

While not everyone might think it's so great, it's still a must-have for every Harvest Moon fan.