
Aug 19, 2013
IGN had a hugely active PSO community back when it launched for the Dreamcast. Time for all of us to get back together and own an entire ship and block like we used to, lol.

Get in here PSO vets.[/\

dont hold your breath pso2 is going to be released for the asian audience in 2014. the western audience were ignored by sega.So i doubt the western audience wont see it until sometome mid 2014 or later.And there are many more f2p games out there.I love the ps series played every single one.But if they dont want to bring it to America
sorry sega NO BIG LOSS.many f2p games that can easily replace them.
Aug 29, 2013
ok im new to the PSO world and i have into a login issue.... keep getting error 602. Tried to reset my pass or even create a new account but it is down for maintenance. Anyone know anything about this?
Feb 24, 2013
ok im new to the PSO world and i have into a login issue.... keep getting error 602. Tried to reset my pass or even create a new account but it is down for maintenance. Anyone know anything about this?

PSO-Worl community fan site or PSO2 the game?

Could be just connection because I'm fine.
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Jun 28, 2009
602 is wrong id

Make sure you're using the id you signed up with. I could be wrong here, but I want to say that any ID with capitals in it will not work. Again, could be wrong.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 29, 2012
Wait, duh I just finished reading this when I read this comment, I should have known better >_<

SEGA ID Emergency Maintenance Affected Services

  • Game Logins (This will not affect those already logged in.)
  • New Account Registrations
  • SEGA ID Management Page
  • Submission Forms
  • One-time Password Registrations
There's some log in problems for new users. Sorry man, you'll just have to wait until the emergency maintenance is over
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Jun 28, 2009

After the update that was distributed on September 4th, 2013, some players reported seeing files wiped from their hard drives in folders that were completely unrelated to PSO2. Upon discovering this issue, they immediately cancelled distributing the update and are now trying to fix the program that caused this issue. They are extremely sorry for what has happened and can’t apologize enough to everyone who found their files wiped from their hard drives.
So far, Sega has confirmed the following:
The Cause:
  • PSO2′s Updater Program
The Symptoms
  • The deletion of files unrelated to PSO2.
Those at risk
  • Players who downloaded the update between 11:00 ~ 14:40 JST.
  • To resolve these issues so that the update can be carried out normally.
  • To monitor the situation of those affected by this issue and to announce a course of action.
They plan to release a follow-up report on this issue on September 5th @ 18:00 JST
If you were affected by this bug, AIDA has set up a support thread on how you can recover your lost files.

Hope none of you were affected
Feb 24, 2013

After the update that was distributed on September 4th, 2013, some players reported seeing files wiped from their hard drives in folders that were completely unrelated to PSO2. Upon discovering this issue, they immediately cancelled distributing the update and are now trying to fix the program that caused this issue. They are extremely sorry for what has happened and can’t apologize enough to everyone who found their files wiped from their hard drives.
So far, Sega has confirmed the following:
The Cause:
  • PSO2′s Updater Program
The Symptoms

  • The deletion of files unrelated to PSO2.
Those at risk

  • Players who downloaded the update between 11:00 ~ 14:40 JST.

  • To resolve these issues so that the update can be carried out normally.
  • To monitor the situation of those affected by this issue and to announce a course of action.
They plan to release a follow-up report on this issue on September 5th @ 18:00 JST

If you were affected by this bug, AIDA has set up a support thread on how you can recover your lost files.

Hope none of you were affected

Nope, wasn't one of those non-waiters that didn't won't to wait and patch right away during maintenance. Glad I waited for maintenance to be over.


Jun 28, 2009
My hopes for the stateside release weaken with each passing week

I'll have invested so much time in my current characters, starting over really isn't all that appealing, especially if we're not going to see as much content updates as the JP release =P
Sep 16, 2013
Hello, I'm new. I downloaded the game recently due to tiring of waiting, and I'm wondering if there's anybody available to play with. On a partially related note, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't release PSO2 here, but do release Nova. It would be like a consolation prize.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 29, 2012
Hello, I'm new. I downloaded the game recently due to tiring of waiting, and I'm wondering if there's anybody available to play with. On a partially related note, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't release PSO2 here, but do release Nova. It would be like a consolation prize.
My ID's in my sig if you want to send a friend request

But I might be too high a level to play with you (40+). But if you ever need some help with a mission or something, I'll be happy to play with you.
Feb 24, 2013
Hello, I'm new. I downloaded the game recently due to tiring of waiting, and I'm wondering if there's anybody available to play with. On a partially related note, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't release PSO2 here, but do release Nova. It would be like a consolation prize.

Sega ID: strikerhunter
Characters: Kelly and Archer (I be primarily on Kelly though)

I'd be happy to help when I have free time while I'm on.

P.S.: Both Characters are high levels (Kelly 60/56 Gu/Hu) and Archer 43/51 Fi/Br
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Jun 21, 2011
I loved PSO on my Gamecube and expect to love PSO2 on my PC.

I already tried to set up a Sega ID account but nogo - can't do the Japanese Captcha, sorry! Tried 4 times; very disappointed.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 29, 2012
If you want, you cold take a screen shot of the captcha and we could tell you what to type

I actually had a hard time myself. A lot of the symbols look the same to me =P
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Feb 16, 2013
Sorry for Necro-reviving this thread...just wish to express my utter disappointment we never got this game released in the west,after all!!


Dec 3, 2010
Still.... the fact that freaking Southeast Asia got it before anyone in the West did is crazy.

Not really. Games like PSO are extremely popular in the southeast asia area, where as it would just be a niche game here in the United States.
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Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Still.... the fact that freaking Southeast Asia got it before anyone in the West did is crazy.

Not really. Games like PSO are extremely popular in the southeast asia area, where as it would just be a niche game here in the United States.
Niche game, my eye. Phantasy Star and PSO (and its successors) have released 10 games at the very least in the U.S. (Phantasy Star 1-4, PSO 1-3 and BB, Phantasy Star Universe, Phantasy Star 0). PSO2 was very highly anticipated in the States.

No, it's not a crazy mainstream title like Call of Duty. But it's had enough time in the States to get well-known and well-acclaimed.


Dec 3, 2010
Still.... the fact that freaking Southeast Asia got it before anyone in the West did is crazy.

Not really. Games like PSO are extremely popular in the southeast asia area, where as it would just be a niche game here in the United States.
Niche game, my eye. Phantasy Star and PSO (and its successors) have released 10 games at the very least in the U.S. (Phantasy Star 1-4, PSO 1-3 and BB, Phantasy Star Universe, Phantasy Star 0). PSO2 was very highly anticipated in the States.

No, it's not a crazy mainstream title like Call of Duty. But it's had enough time in the States to get well-known and well-acclaimed.

Wasn't really well known or well acclaimed outside of its fanbase. To date the entire Phantasy Star series has only sold 4.67 million copies -


Jun 28, 2009
It also might be because of Sega's online infrastructure in the West

I don't know what that means, something about server space or something. I just know that it might be stopping them from brining it over.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 12, 2000
Pretty bummed they still haven't released it here, but the english patches for the japanese version have gotten really good, and it's very playable now. Having lots of fun on the jp servers. Just need to find some more peeps to play with.