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Aug 16, 2004
You fully exercised your right to do illegal drugs and vote. I salute you.

Mustard Plug & BTMI! may have in fact been my best show ever. I was up on stage singing most of BTMI!'s set with Jeff.


Dec 2, 2002
goddamnit, i had to turn my dumbass friend in to his mom cause he was planning to run away from his halfway house with 1000 bucks. he wouldve been dead within the week, but i feel like a dick.


Dec 2, 2002
goddamn it again. the halfway house just ignored the fact that his mom told them what he was going to do, he ran, and OD'd. now he's back in jail.
I'm so unbelievably angry at him and at the halfway house. I can't believe they just let him run. ****.
Aug 16, 2004
So I was reading The Metal Bible on the Metal board, and when describing hardcore punk, they had this to say:

Hardcore, in essence, is the fusion of punk and metal. Starting in the late 70s and early 80s with bands like [link=]Black Flag[/link] and [link=]D.O.A.[/link], hardcore can be descriped as punk speed, lyrics, and simplicity combined with metal's diversity, downtuned guitars, and proficiency. The sound has diversified, spawning bands like [link=]hatebreed[/link], [link=]earth crisis[/link], and [link=].hopesfall.[/link].


Dec 2, 2002
JeffHardyFollower said:
So I was reading The Metal Bible on the Metal board, and when describing hardcore punk, they had this to say:

Hardcore, in essence, is the fusion of punk and metal. Starting in the late 70s and early 80s with bands like [link=]Black Flag[/link] and [link=]D.O.A.[/link], hardcore can be descriped as punk speed, lyrics, and simplicity combined with metal's diversity, downtuned guitars, and proficiency. The sound has diversified, spawning bands like [link=]hatebreed[/link], [link=]earth crisis[/link], and [link=].hopesfall.[/link].



Prime Member
Feb 19, 2006
JeffHardyFollower said:
So I was reading The Metal Bible on the Metal board, and when describing hardcore punk, they had this to say:

Hardcore, in essence, is the fusion of punk and metal. Starting in the late 70s and early 80s with bands like [link=]Black Flag[/link] and [link=]D.O.A.[/link], hardcore can be descriped as punk speed, lyrics, and simplicity combined with metal's diversity, downtuned guitars, and proficiency. The sound has diversified, spawning bands like [link=]hatebreed[/link], [link=]earth crisis[/link], and [link=].hopesfall.[/link].

The Metal Bible is a ****ing joke to us over at the metal board. Nothing in it is to be taken seriously.
Aug 16, 2004
corndogs said:
JeffHardyFollower said:
So I was reading The Metal Bible on the Metal board, and when describing hardcore punk, they had this to say:

Hardcore, in essence, is the fusion of punk and metal. Starting in the late 70s and early 80s with bands like [link=]Black Flag[/link] and [link=]D.O.A.[/link], hardcore can be descriped as punk speed, lyrics, and simplicity combined with metal's diversity, downtuned guitars, and proficiency. The sound has diversified, spawning bands like [link=]hatebreed[/link], [link=]earth crisis[/link], and [link=].hopesfall.[/link].

The Metal Bible is a ****ing joke to us over at the metal board. Nothing in it is to be taken seriously.

Ha ok. I was WTFing the entire time I was reading it.

I just got an email saying my Insider has been canceled :(

Also, **** IGN for their new board code which doesn't allow for IGNBQ functionality.


Oct 24, 2004
A better... punk board/forum? Nah. Punks are too hardcore for the internets.

And Rollins likes Mac products... :(


Dec 2, 2002
I got a stick and poke tattoo last night and it turned out a lot better than expected
Aug 16, 2004
I'm guessing peace and anarchy?

If so, I'm digging it.

Anyone here into The Flaming Tsunamis? You'd think metalcore and ska wouldn't mix well, but I like how they do it. Though there are times when the vocalist's scream/yell sounds really sloppy and weird.


Oct 24, 2004
I just finished watching [link=]Nick and Norah[/link] and have to say it's just plain horrible. It seems like directors these days are a bunch of wannabe-indie, Mac-using, artsy-snobs that are pretty terrible at making movies. It reminded me too much of Juno, which I also hated.

I mean, come on! Where are the good indie films?


Prime Member
Jul 16, 2003
Las Vegas
I'm graduating this Saturday dudes.  6 years of college and all I got was this stupid History degree.  I'm starting my master's for Latin American History in the Spring.  PAF!


Oct 24, 2004
6 years? You're coming out with a Ph.D, or did you just slack-off for two years?

I'm (hopefully) going to Berkeley next summer, after I finish community college.
Aug 16, 2004
Yeah, it definitely hasn't been the best. In grade 9 a good friend of mine committed suicide, followed by my friend's brother's girlfriend, and that started a big rumor of a suicide cult.
And before that a girl lied about getting raped in one of the bathrooms. Both those stories made it to the news in the States.

Last year was good, but this year has been pretty bland so far.

I can't wait to be out of this town for a while though. Typical teenage angst ftw.


Oct 24, 2004
Aah, college is semi-good so far. Granted, I'm in a community college at the moment, and I moved from a different country so I'm "alone" at the moment, but it's a big step over high school.

And it's fun how I'm not able to drink now. Stupid age restrictions.


Dec 2, 2002
yoscar said:
Aah, college is semi-good so far. Granted, I'm in a community college at the moment, and I moved from a different country so I'm "alone" at the moment, but it's a big step over high school.

And it's fun how I'm not able to drink now. Stupid age restrictions.

What country from/to? Canada to US? US to Canada? Afghanistan to Uzbekistan?

I somehow managed to drink less the semester I actually lived on campus. All the parties were lame as hell, so I basically stopped going to them. I absolutely refuse to go to parties where bringing 2 girls counts as your 5 dollar cup price. Noone really seems to understand that the idea of girls as currency is absurdly sexist, even if it does get the girls in for free.

Second semester this year I was basically home as much as possible, since I only live 20 minutes from my campus. I'd get rides from my friend who goes there/mom who teaches there/take the bus/bike the other days.
I really dropped the ball this semester though. Kinda stopped going to class at the end of march.
I need to either get my **** together or stop going. I guess I have one more semester to figure it out, cause if I don't get my grades up from a 1.7 I lose my free tuition :(

Gotta get em above a 2.5.. Doing the math, thats only possible if I take 5 classes as opposed to 4 and get 4.0s in all of em... Damn..


Oct 24, 2004
I thought you were much older than that. 40+, to be precise. I remember reading (incorrectly, it seems) that you went to a Rudimentary Peni show, or something similar, and I immediately assumed you were much older.

Faromir said:
What country from/to? Canada to US? US to Canada? Afghanistan to Uzbekistan?
Mexico to US.

I rarely drink, but since everyone says Guinness and Heineken are the two best beers around, and seeing how it's almost impossible to get ahold of one in Mexico, I wanted to try them out.


Dec 2, 2002
yoscar said:
I thought you were much older than that. 40+, to be precise. I remember reading (incorrectly, it seems) that you went to a Rudimentary Peni show, or something similar, and I immediately assumed you were much older.

Faromir said:
What country from/to? Canada to US? US to Canada? Afghanistan to Uzbekistan?
Mexico to US.

I rarely drink, but since everyone says Guinness and Heineken are the two best beers around, and seeing how it's almost impossible to get ahold of one in Mexico, I wanted to try them out.

Nah I'm just an obsessive RP fan and found a video of a show. I wish I'd seen them.

Heineken isn't that great, in my opinion. Guinness is good, though


Oct 24, 2004
I've only tried Tecate, Tecate Light and Budlight. :(

I'm starving right now and have no food at home, and I also don't feel like going to the supermarket for food. There's a Taco Bell across my school, but I'm not sure... There's an In n Out like 15 minutes from here, but I also don't feel like driving.


Oct 24, 2004
Holy mother of Jesus, wife of Joseph, I've been listening to Anti-Cimex's Raped Ass and self-titled's albums non-stop the last three days. Amazing stuff. cough cough [link=]raped ass[/link] cough cough


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2004
high school sucked........the security guards kept busting my friends and stealing their drugz

now the cops do it =/



Dec 2, 2002
Ranger_Chick said:
high school sucked........the security guards kept busting my friends and stealing their drugz

now the cops do it =/

bringing drugs to school is kind of just a bad idea.
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