
Almost Not a Noob
Nov 11, 2023
I really think it is ridiculous (very retard actually) americans who say that they are strong because they made some money. You look to these fools and they are pale, skinny or very fat, without muscles. Actually the only difference between these "strong guys" and women is body hair.

Son, if you cannot endure poverty, you are weak. Actually in a real natural selection you would be the first to be eliminated.


Original poster
If you are not capable of being homeless and living like Diogenes, while enduring the constant lack of food, the cold nights, and no bathing (remaining dirty), it means that you are weak


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 11, 2023
If you are not capable of being homeless and living like Diogenes, while enduring the constant lack of food, the cold nights, and no bathing (remaining dirty), it means that you are weak

Another delusional that really think you magically become the alpha male just because you get some money.

Have you already paid your wife's iPhone, she need a new toy to talk to her lover, that is not you?


God Angel
Nov 21, 2018
Jerusalem - Israel
I really think it is ridiculous (very retard actually) americans who say that they are strong because they made some money. You look to these fools and they are pale, skinny or very fat, without muscles. Actually the only difference between these "strong guys" and women is body hair.

Son, if you cannot endure poverty, you are weak. Actually in a real natural selection you would be the first to be eliminated.
God showed us, this is a freaking liar! This does not exist!
Apr 2, 2024
Define poverty. Living on a trash mountain? Or do I get a trailer with running water?
Exactly! That's a really debatable topic - the outcome depends a lot on how we define words like 'poverty', 'strength', and 'weakness'.
There's a lot of nuance there, and reasonable people can disagree. It really depends on the specific context and what criteria we're using to make that assessment.
It's not a simple black and white issue - there are a lot of shades of gray. But it's an interesting discussion to have and explore the different perspectives.
It's a pity that there are so few comments here ((


Jes' fine
Jun 4, 2012
My parents used to rent our house out in the summer, while we lived in a camp. There was a hand pump, and an outhouse with wasps and spiders. We literally bathed in a wash tub, once a week maybe. We'd get poison ivy, bee stings, tick bites, cuts on our bare feet...

But it wasn't poverty. The air was warm, we could go swimming in the ocean almost every day. We had a large vegetable garden, and we ate fish and shellfish my father harvested. Life was good for a kid. Way better than winter and school.
Apr 2, 2024
My parents used to rent our house out in the summer, while we lived in a camp. There was a hand pump, and an outhouse with wasps and spiders. We literally bathed in a wash tub, once a week maybe. We'd get poison ivy, bee stings, tick bites, cuts on our bare feet...

But it wasn't poverty. The air was warm, we could go swimming in the ocean almost every day. We had a large vegetable garden, and we ate fish and shellfish my father harvested. Life was good for a kid. Way better than winter and school.
It seems to me that "poverty" is when you can't afford to fulfill your desires, and this doesn't necessarily mean you can't buy something. When you're not mentally ready to fulfill your desires, I think that's also a form of poverty, just a non-material, spiritual one. If various bugs in your bathroom don't bother you, that's your business, and it's probably not right to draw conclusions about your poverty or wealth based on that. In other words, poverty isn't just about not having enough money - it's also a state of mind where you feel unfulfilled and unable to satisfy your desires, whether they're material or spiritual. And just because someone is comfortable with certain inconveniences, that doesn't automatically mean they're poor. It's a complex issue that goes beyond just financial means.


Apr 19, 2024
I want more threads with similar topics to discuss! Very interesting to reason for myself and read other people’s opinions