
No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
So the game got a good critical response, it's selling kinda well 640,000 copies as of writing, so theres surely going to be a sequel.

Anyone got any idea's for what they'd like in a sequel? as for myself.

1. It needs more optional fun stuff, the Karaoke was great but that was kinda it. Add to that, take ideas from GTA and Yakuza that had lots of fun stuff, Strip Clubs, Dancing, Bowling, Baseball, Table Tennis, Arcades, Dating who knows but variety never hurts.

2. The setting, it could be set in another part of China like Shanghai or maybe another country altogether like Korea or Japan but don't let it be set in US theres enough games set there. Also make the city bigger.

3. Option to learn different Martial Arts, in San Andreas and True Crime 2 you could learn different martial arts styles, in the sequels to both games they got rid of that so bring it back.

4. There wasn't much Cop like things you could do in SD, True Crime 1 & 2 were different because you weren't a criminal for a change, in SD you're a undercover cop which basically means you're playing the game as a criminal again really. So SD2 I'd like him to be a cop first and a criminal second.

5. Finally just improve on the little things, in GTA4 you pressed a button to call a cab that'd stop for you, you'd set a waypoint and it'd go there, great. In SD you have to press a button that half the time made me hijack him instead and when it didn't I could only go to preselected places and not anywhere.

The combat was like Batman but it didn't flow aswell as in those games. It was good that there was fighting in the game as opposed to just shooting all the time but there was too much fighting at times which could get a bit repetitive.

The Camera side missions were boring because they were all the same so do something different with that.

SD had Cock fights in order to make money, give SD2 a Casino with half a dozen games to make money, same thing but bigger, more variety and more fun and involvment.

6. The songs on the radio, I think I knew of one song and a couple of artists, it was mainly full of nobodies and poor music, maybe with a sequel they may get license to some of the more well known songs.
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電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Hitman with an open world would be interesting. Breaking the law immediately disables the Silent Assassin rating.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 24, 2004
I think Russia or Eastern Europe would be a cool setting. I don't know of any games set there and its definitely plausible.

One thing I found annoying was how you couldn't keep a weapon. I would like to be able to carry a concealed handgun and melee weapon at all times. It would be cool if you could customize them too and your customizations would show up in split screens. Maybe you could also have a customized gun you carry in the trunk of you car too.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
I think Russia or Eastern Europe would be a cool setting. I don't know of any games set there and its definitely plausible.

One thing I found annoying was how you couldn't keep a weapon. I would like to be able to carry a concealed handgun and melee weapon at all times. It would be cool if you could customize them too and your customizations would show up in split screens. Maybe you could also have a customized gun you carry in the trunk of you car too.
It would've made some missions too easy or unbalanced them.

When you start certain missions (the story ones), your weapons are removed.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
The game could do with being much harder, SD was a pretty easy game. I actually like the idea of having a customised gun in your own car, but make it a cop upgrade that you won't get till much later on. The game could do with random street crimes like the other games and you may need a gun for some of them.
Nov 10, 2011
Perth, Australia
I reckon they should set it in a European city like London, Paris or Rome. It'll be like Assassin's Creed, but in modern times. Also, having a gun rack at your apartment instead of searching for police cars to get shotguns from would have been a better idea.

If they still set it in Asia, I reckon the option to learn different martial arts styles would be cool. I wouldn't mind teaching my character one of karate, jeet kune do, jujitsu, tae kwon do, muay thai, etc.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 11, 2005
I thought this game was amazing but for the next game,they really need to take it to another level especially since it looks like GTA 5 is gonna be insane. This is what I would like to see in SD2

1. gun/weapons shops with the ability to buy attachments and customise them any way we want.

2. Cars-more cars and to be able to customise them as well and any car we hijack, we could store in our garage( If u can do that, I dont know how to in SD1

3.Customising the characters-Maybe not their facial features but definately more clothes and accessories.

4.Tons more side missions

5.Add helicopters and if the game is large enough add planes as well

6.Add some kind of multiplayer. These days alot of ppl enjoying playing MP or coop and with the fighting in this game and the ability to use the environment as a weapon like shoving their face in a fan would make MP alot of fun

7.More mini games like playing pool,shooting range,
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Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I REALLY enjoyed Sleeping Dogs. One of my Fave's of the year. If they end up doing a sequel, I'm down for sure. Depends if it would be a direct sequel or just another game in the franchise....

I really liked playing in Hong Kong and Wei's character, but he pretty obviously can't cont. to be undercover in Hong Kong. If SD2 had Wei in it I would def be good w/ it, but it would def have to take place somewhere else. A big part of the greatness of the game was Wei'd struggles between the Cop/Triad sides. I don't know if you can pull that off EVERY game??

If the sequel was a whole new protagonist in a new location then I'm down w/ that too. I would def like to see a few things improved and upgraded, but I fell like what some people wanna see added to the game is basically gonna make the game a complete GTA clone and that's one of the things that was great about SD. It managed to feel different than GTA.

It needs to be able to make improvements and advance the franchise w/ out turning into GTA or SR 2.0. I don't think they will.

If they do in fact make a sequel, I really look forward to it. This was a very good game.
Nov 4, 2012
I cannot express how much I enjoyed, and love this game. Is it now on my list of top games. It's also refreshing to see a game that has so much "Asian" culture. I love the martial arts fighting in the game, I've been waiting for a game like this to come along, ever since Jade Empire. The voice acting and the story were really well done, I can say that I honestly enjoyed it a lot throughout the entire game.

Now about suggestions for future Sleeping Dog games (I will section it off in Pro's/Con's)

-Spectacular Story
-Amazing Voice Acting
-Engaging Combat
-Loved 3 different upgrade options
-Liked how the game kept a sense of realism when it came to certain aspects
-Felt like a martial arts master when I could take out 15 guys all by my self (counters FTW)
-Loved the ending

-When you change a car's color, for it to stay that color instead of having to choose everytime you get a new one (minor inconvenience)
-Better options to hail cabs (I hijacked them 50% of the time)
-Drug busts got a little repetitive after a while
-Triad/Cop experience was unbalanced in my opinion. I found it very easy to max cop level, but I had to replay triad levels to get it to level 10.
-Broke realism whenever you had to action-hijack a car, or *SPOILER* *SPOILER* had to jump on the boat at the end *SPOILER* *SPOILER*
-Car valet option was very useful


-More upgradeable combat options (such as different martial arts styles; I do want customizable weapons, BUT on the other hand, I really love how they made you use martial arts more, rather than just shooting ridiculous weapons everywhere (rockets, uzi's, snipers, etc).
-I know this sounds kind of RPGish, but maybe options to align more to a side, depending on your actions? Different dialogue options, different alliances to form and/or break.
-Everyone describes this game like GTA, but I honestly love how much it ISN'T like GTA, it has its own style.
-Better/More romance options. Each one seemed to just suddenly....stop after you slept with the girl.
-Make it easier to upgrade apartments (Didn't even know I had the option till near the end of the game) Maybe a store to buy furniture?

Other than that, I loved the game, wish there was "additional missions" to play after you beat the game, *SPOILERS* SPOILERS* such as choosing to stay in triads and/or talk to Mrs. Jiang *SPOILERS* *SPOILERS*, or stay a cop. GOOD JOB UNITED FRONT/SQUARE ENIX. I loved the game!!!


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
Just an update on the sales, it's sold 1.2 million copies now. It could probably do with selling 3 million at least lifetime.


Nov 27, 2012
It'll be cool if the game would be set it some other cities, perhaps in America? But I would still want Wei Shen to be the main character because he's just beast!


Jan 6, 2013
I think at the begining you should have an option to select to be a cop or to be a gangster. You should have more car options and all contacts in your phone. It should make it interesting. I like the city and the country
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Aug 13, 2008
Great game and number 2 could carry on straight from where number 1 left off, with wei being put undercover again but this time he will also be helping out the sun on yee. The game should start with him being moved to a new area and should focus on him doing police stuff to start with but then also have you play the part of Jane Teng. Till Jane Teng get's captured by 18 k leading to wei going back to save her. Then you can decide their fate will wei take down the gangs as a cop will he go rougue and join the sun on yee or 18 k or even start his own crew. There should be multiple branching story lines also would be cool if relationships had branching storylines aswell. There should be sveveral possible romantic intrest and they should all have there benfefits or impacts on the storyline. Ie jane and Wei could get married and dependent on what route you take it would impact your relationship with her but also could give u benfits like she could send the cops after people for u if u go rogue. There should be rewards for being faithull and consuqunces for cheating maybe if Jane caught u cheating she could have a love rival arrested or maybe she could get shot on your wedding day by a love rival. They should keep it true to number 1 like the fact that it's mainly fist fight's and not to much gunfighting it makes it feel individual and unique rather tan a carbon copy of gta. so overall just make it so the player can decide where the story line heads rather than it leading u like no 1 did
Mar 4, 2013
Well I'm split because if a sequel was made, I'm not sure if I'd want it to be a complete change ( Protagonist, Location wise, not gameplay ) or just carry it on with gameplay improvements and updated graphics and such.

Although I do like the sound of a European setting for an Open-World game.
Mar 6, 2013
I loved the shit out of sleeping dogs at first i thought it was just gonna be another gta wanna be but nope it blew my mind

heres what i loved about the game play

1. the fist fighting was awesome i loved how the game concentrated more on this than random gun fights

2. loved the upgrade system but it needs more balance. i hate how every time i play through this game even though i use all the triad bonus clothes i can't seem to get maximum triad points. (i'm not replaying story missions if i wanna do that i start a new game) but however with drug busts and cases i get maximum cop points which irked me cause im always shy one fucking triad level and when i kill BSL (figure out what that stands for i put that for no spoiling reasons) and after the main story i can't get more triad points

3. car customization needs to be improved like have a color pallet and let us color various parts of the car. doors, the hood the roof etc. and also add on underglow lights and other assories. and helicopters wouldn't hurt

4. there needs to be more bonus clothing the cop, triad, thug and bargain hunting sets were all useful but the one thing i can't figure out is WHAT THE FUCK DOES THE LADY KILLER BONUS DO!!! IF IT DOSEN'T DO SHIT DON'T MAKE US THINK IT DOES BY SLAPPING A BONUS THING ON THERE! i apologize but that majorly pissed me off bottom line it needs to be fixed. i suggest having what food and drink bonuses gave u have them in clothing form like faster face gain, damage reduction etc

5. i wish there was more "job" varites i mean the debt collecting and stealing cars was fine but there needs to more like finding assassination gigs where wei has to kill a guy a certain way etc or smuggling missions where wei has to deliver guns and or drugs to other people etc

6. races need to stay cause they were fun and challenging, the karaoke thing needs more songs i kept playing "i fought the law" cause its the only one i can sit through with out desiring to kill myself (and i usually sing i fought the law along with wei too)

7. and there should be plot choices where you can chose to be a cop or chose to be a triad during certain events

heres what i'm expecting plot wise new installments

1. a prequel to the first game. sure we get the back story via reports but i want to experience what wei experienced i want to know what really happened

2. i think a sequel with wei might be possible i mean the only two things i can think of is wei goes back to the states and works with king however i'm won't be entirely thrilled with this cause seriously the modern day american cities are getting over used. the second is a love intrest of wei's (a new one perferably cause the only one i somewhat liked was amanda) gets kidnapped by 18k and wei asks jiang for help

3. it be completly better if there was a new protagionist and a new location. locations i would like to see be done is Japan (tokyo is a good option) , Bangkok Thailand, and Shanghai Note: i think the european cities are more of AC terroritory and sleeping dogs is pretty much an asian themed game and putting asia in europe might be wierd
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Mar 24, 2013
i loved this game perhaps my favourite ever game but it wasn't perfect:

1. In SD u could buy clothes and cars. To make this a more personal styled game( which i think it should be) u could also have furniture shops, housing estate agencies and gun shops or black market gun deals( depending on the setting. If housing personalisation is added there could be more things to do in the house.

2. In casino games like majong maximum stakes should be higher. it was only 5000 in SD. Also there should be other ways 2 gain money. Maybe a MMA style match where u can fight and bet on other fights.

3.SD 2 should other ways 2 make money from there gangs like assassination, robberies and drug deals.

4.SD2 should focus on other gangs aswell so TERRITORIES come into SD2. There could be gang wars and fights to control territories and take them over.

5.Its only small but adding things like calling cabs or catching busses could come into the game. Another annoying thing is when ur gun disappears after certain situations
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Apr 27, 2013
I would like to see the game have a fight club that resembles another great game I love,Def Jam Fight for NY.The character customization and 5 styles of which you pick 3 to combine for different moves.Punches,Kicks,Submissions,Throws,Infighting.When your done you can take your character through the main story as well.The lady killer outfit that you get should have outrageous effects on ladies.An awesome outfit that nothing can kill you as you do lots of damage to everything and everyone.


Jul 27, 2014
I think sleeping dogs in India would be amazing. The character would be a retired actor who was captured and given a task to pay the triad he was captured by. The triad are threatning to tell the world about the drugs or something illegal that he did. Now he must earn or make the money and do other tasks the triad is asking him to do. He will also have deal with the police who alomst know about his crime. You have to use the tricks you used from acting to fight and elimanate his enemies. India is very populated so you would have to make your way around crowds by causing a scene or pushing through the crowd. Fun side things like Cricket, taxi jobs, wrestling, dog fights and street racing could be easy ways to make money. PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN. I had it in my head for a long time and it would be so cool if it actualy happened. If the makers of sleeping dogs dont make this can someone else do it? Thanks.-Amaad
Apr 19, 2016
I think sleeping dogs in India would be amazing. The character would be a retired actor who was captured and given a task to pay the triad he was captured by. The triad are threatning to tell the world about the drugs or something illegal that he did. Now he must earn or make the money and do other tasks the triad is asking him to do. He will also have deal with the police who alomst know about his crime. You have to use the tricks you used from acting to fight and elimanate his enemies. India is very populated so you would have to make your way around crowds by causing a scene or pushing through the crowd. Fun side things like Cricket, taxi jobs, wrestling, dog fights and street racing could be easy ways to make money. PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN. I had it in my head for a long time and it would be so cool if it actualy happened. If the makers of sleeping dogs dont make this can someone else do it? Thanks.-Amaad
Apr 19, 2016
I reckon keep the Hong Kong setting. It would be great if they took the idea of multiple playable characters that Rockstar dos with GTA5, only instead of having three characters who work with one another, have two characters on opposite sides that you can change between as and when you wish with their own sets of missions. Maybe Wei Shen or a new character joins an elite task force within HKPD tasked with investigating and ultimately attempting to bring down the Triads. Introduce a new character on the other side, a member of the Triads who starts as a low level enforcer and works his way to the top. You could add in extra mini games like gyms and dojos to Taylor each character's attributes and skill set (combat moves etc.) like how in GTA5 you could get the characters to go to the same locations on the map and they'd talk to each other before parting ways, you could have these two characters meet and they'd at first be unaware of each other but as the game progresses, they have several run ins with one another and if you get them to meet randomly their verbal exchanges become more forboding. At the end of the game, for a final boss fight, you're made to select one of the two characters to play as and are then forced to fight the other, the difficulty of the boss fight and what moves they use depending on how much time you spent upgrading the character and what abilities you selected for them, effectively creating your own final boss battle. This also gives you an opertunity for multiple endings depending what character you picked. Introduce character choices as well at certain points throughout the game and you could have multiple endings for each character. I that would be a pretty cool idea to implement.